I've heard that the reed can move around even within a given year. But, i don't have enough of them to tell whether that's the case or not. Not much movement at all in that missing reed. Thanks for sharing my friend.
I could line up a bunch from a single year and double check if they are all the same. But the Reed could be a moving target. Or a stationary target. But it *is* moving each year … slowly!
@@hitomikagewaki31 APMEX has the type 2 version from 2021 ++ and maybe Amazon has a store with both albums. I don’t pick up proof eagles but I know others do. Dansco has bullion albums AND ones with a slot for bullion and proof for each year.
I have noticed that when the switch to the type 2 Silver Eagle was made, a lot of detail that once existed on the obverse side is now "washed-out". Also, when compared to the security features of other sovereign coins, the missing reed seems not only a bit lame, but it detracts from the looks of the coin. I now only buy the type 1 coin whenever I find them.
My Type I ASE Dansco album says 1986 - blank. I do have the 2nd album as well. Ordering a 2025 for the album this weekend.Fortunately I was able to get the Type I filled a few years ago, when ASE's were much cheaper. The local coin shows have a vendor that has every year for sale so that's kind of nice.
My new favorite is BOLD they’re pretty competitive pricing and their shipping is really fast. APMEX is so expensive I don’t know how people buy from them.
Despite what you stated, for the life of me, I’ve been unable to find the “W” mintmark on a single 2025-dated 🦅American Silver Eagle🦅 bullion coin - probably because there isn’t one ! 😲 🤣😂🤣
I started my first ASE album back in the 90s and completed it with the end of the type one back in 2021. I have all of the type 2, excluding this year, at least for now. I'm going to need to pick up the type 2 album. Cheers ☕️ Heist.
What about the 2024 star privy American Silver Eagle? It looks like you don't have a space for it. That's one more problem you need to add to your list.
I wasn’t sure if the new album had an ‘example’ coin slot. But it just has room for years and a blank page for 2030 +. I guess the star could go on the blank page and steal a 203x spot !
Good luck on the Eagle search! Thanks for the video.
@@GrantsDaddy thanks! 🍀
Clickbait, there's no generic ASE 2025 problem. The problem is with how the youtuber wants to stack.
Thanks for clicking and watching.
Very interesting! I did not know there were reed variations! Thank you my friend.
The reeds are on the move!
Great video brother thanks for the info have a great weekend 👍
Thanks for watching Nate!
I've heard that the reed can move around even within a given year. But, i don't have enough of them to tell whether that's the case or not. Not much movement at all in that missing reed. Thanks for sharing my friend.
I could line up a bunch from a single year and double check if they are all the same. But the Reed could be a moving target. Or a stationary target.
But it *is* moving each year … slowly!
Do you not collect the proofs? Also where can one get the dansco albums at?
@@hitomikagewaki31 APMEX has the type 2 version from 2021 ++ and maybe Amazon has a store with both albums.
I don’t pick up proof eagles but I know others do. Dansco has bullion albums AND ones with a slot for bullion and proof for each year.
I have a complete set of proofs including low mintage and reverse proofs.
I have noticed that when the switch to the type 2 Silver Eagle was made, a lot of detail that once existed on the obverse side is now "washed-out". Also, when compared to the security features of other sovereign coins, the missing reed seems not only a bit lame, but it detracts from the looks of the coin. I now only buy the type 1 coin whenever I find them.
The type one coins have a sharp design!
2023 tube in the background and a type 1 reverse in the foreground?
The 2025 is unboxed later in the video.
My Type I ASE Dansco album says 1986 - blank. I do have the 2nd album as well. Ordering a 2025 for the album this weekend.Fortunately I was able to get the Type I filled a few years ago, when ASE's were much cheaper. The local coin shows have a vendor that has every year for sale so that's kind of nice.
@@TalkingBullion congrats on having a complete first album. The new albums are our ongoing projects! 🙌
Nice that seems like a challenge not a problem. I love my 1987-2025 Silver Maple run ;) Happy Stackin eh!
Indeed! Happy stacking 🇨🇦🇺🇸
Apmex is garbage. Overpriced and bad customer service.
Plenty of vendors to choose from!
My new favorite is BOLD they’re pretty competitive pricing and their shipping is really fast. APMEX is so expensive I don’t know how people buy from them.
Despite what you stated, for the life of me, I’ve been unable to find the “W” mintmark on a single 2025-dated 🦅American Silver Eagle🦅 bullion coin - probably because there isn’t one ! 😲 🤣😂🤣
I might have accidentally said mint mark instead of Mintage year. I was trying to point out the *2025*
You’re very welcome!
I started my first ASE album back in the 90s and completed it with the end of the type one back in 2021.
I have all of the type 2, excluding this year, at least for now.
I'm going to need to pick up the type 2 album.
Cheers ☕️ Heist.
That’s great in the original eagle album. The new album will be a nice ongoing project! Do it! 👊
Thats going to be a fun quest!
I am game for a challenge!
Ooo where that stack at?
That W on the obverse of the new 2025 isnt a mint mark look closer its a W,A for the designer of the walking liberty Adolph Weinman
You are correct! ✅
Silverheist when are you going to upgrade your camera to a higher resolution than 360p lol. Just busting your stones man. Good video. 👍🏻
Maybe a new year resolution for “resolution!”
I haven't paid the high premiums for any new eagles since they messed up the design. Looks like a Sunshine Mint generic coin now on the back.
I like the old design, but the new one did grow on me.
So the Reed slowly 🐌 moves
The Reed is moving! ⚠️
What about the 2024 star privy American Silver Eagle? It looks like you don't have a space for it. That's one more problem you need to add to your list.
I wasn’t sure if the new album had an ‘example’ coin slot. But it just has room for years and a blank page for 2030 +. I guess the star could go on the blank page and steal a 203x spot !
I don't know- not concerned with accumulating ASE's- just saying
January numbers are all screwed up from the pre-sales.
You're ASE stacks is growing fast 👍
I got your mail. THANK YOU 🙂
January is a double or triple month! Lots of folks want the new year coin!
I love ASEs
Excellent ! An album for new year type 2 Eagles would be a nice project!
Click bait. Blocking channel.
Have a nice day.