Here's the notice issued by SEBI: In brief: The SEBI warning is against dealing in unlisted securities on unauthorised electronic platforms. The regulator emphasised that investors should refrain from engaging in transactions on these platforms and avoid sharing any sensitive personal details. The note further warned that investors who transact on unauthorised platforms risk losing investor protection benefits, grievance redressal mechanisms, and online dispute resolution mechanisms administered by exchanges or depositories As some of you are existing investors in unlisted shares (me included, I'm an OYO shareholder) and some of you are prospective investors -- to clear our doubts, I've requested the team an Incred Money to help us with all queries posted in the comments section over the next 2 days Hope this helps.
Hello Sir, First of all, I sincerely thank you for all the videos that you are putting and thereby, the knowledge that you are sharing with us. I'm following you since your ETMoney days and all your videos are excellent and of top notch quality 😊. There are hardly a handful of RUclips channels that I have subscribed to and on top of it, follow very religiously. Your channel and Perfume Guru are two such ones 😅. Just wanted to thank you 😊
Thank you so much .. I'm glad you like my work and have been able to put it to good use. Appreciate your support over the years and I hope to continue offering similar or better quality of videos over time. 🙌
Hello Sir, I like your video with the best content. Nowadays all the stock trading is on top. Can you please create a practical way to value a stock (Value Investing)
Shankar you made a video once on holding co. Please review this stock hercules hoist and give your input as it has stake in some good bajaj stocks within the group, could it be the next maharastra scooter
Sir i aspire your's communication skills it feels very smooth like international level Sir can you tell what leads to this level on communication skills
Thank you so much! I use a teleprompter so that there aren't any mistakes during delivery. However the entire script has to be written first and I use a part-straightin and part-conversational style of writing. This is something I've picked from reading a lot of "letters to shareholders" by bigger investors like Warren Buffett & Nick Sleep. Ofcourse, the best way to improve is to write & record more -- as my current profession requires that, things have become easier and more natural for me over time.
Not currently Vinod ji. Right now I'm very focussed on my newsletter and starting my community. Courses will be a part of the community access and also will be offered separately -- but this might take another 5-6 months. Sorry about that!
Sir, i think retail inventors may not be able make much from unlisted, coz they are unlisted and highly difficult to analyse stocks. instead of this you should give us more insight on the listed companies...
Every authorized/registered website would proudly display it's credentials on the home page. This would be some series of numbers/text. Pls copy-paste that and type "SEBI " on Google. If you find it in a SEBI website -- then that's some proof of registration
I had bought swiggy shares using indmoney demat through precize but they are still not reflecting in my portfolio, will it appear 6 months after listing? Anyone has any idea about it?
Hello sir, i wanted to know what happens if I buy shares of a unlisted company at X price and after company issues new share for example earlier it was 2 cr shares now it's 4 cr. In this case what will happen to the share price?
Holding period is calculated from buying date or listed date incase our unlisted Company got listed ? Like I bought Waaree 1 year ago and after 6 months of holding listed entity If I choose to sell then it will be STCG OR LTCG? Total Holding 1 year + 6 months listed = 1.5 years
Sir Important doubt, please answer. If SEBI after 5 years increases Midcap basket to 250 stocks then Nifty Midcap momentum 50 index base pool will automatically shift to 250 midcap basket based momentum 50 index or else ?
I have Waaree Energy pre-ipo, even after trade holding doesn't show in Kite, although you can see on console Holding with P&L but not on Kite Mostly you are able to see after the lock-in expires on Kite
I was hoping that tax angle would be answered and it was. Thanks. Seems like taxation on unlisted shares are calculated just like a normal security would - as per the holding period.
Here's the notice issued by SEBI:
In brief: The SEBI warning is against dealing in unlisted securities on unauthorised electronic platforms. The regulator emphasised that investors should refrain from engaging in transactions on these platforms and avoid sharing any sensitive personal details. The note further warned that investors who transact on unauthorised platforms risk losing investor protection benefits, grievance redressal mechanisms, and online dispute resolution mechanisms administered by exchanges or depositories
As some of you are existing investors in unlisted shares (me included, I'm an OYO shareholder) and some of you are prospective investors -- to clear our doubts, I've requested the team an Incred Money to help us with all queries posted in the comments section over the next 2 days
Hope this helps.
Hello Sir,
First of all, I sincerely thank you for all the videos that you are putting and thereby, the knowledge that you are sharing with us. I'm following you since your ETMoney days and all your videos are excellent and of top notch quality 😊.
There are hardly a handful of RUclips channels that I have subscribed to and on top of it, follow very religiously. Your channel and Perfume Guru are two such ones 😅.
Just wanted to thank you 😊
Thank you so much .. I'm glad you like my work and have been able to put it to good use. Appreciate your support over the years and I hope to continue offering similar or better quality of videos over time. 🙌
Thanks Shankar. Another very useful presentation..❤
Glad you liked it. Thank you 🙌
Thanks, it is good and useful information. It answered all doubts as I am holding some unlisted stocks
Glad it was helpful! 🙌
Hello Sir, I like your video with the best content.
Nowadays all the stock trading is on top.
Can you please create a practical way to value a stock (Value Investing)
Thanks for the appreciation and suggestion!
Shankar you made a video once on holding co.
Please review this stock hercules hoist and give your input as it has stake in some good bajaj stocks within the group, could it be the next maharastra scooter
OK, I'll have a look. Thanks for the suggestion
@@shankarnath good luck
Can we average the shares if it goes down ? and can it be done from different platforms?
Sir i aspire your's communication skills it feels very smooth like international level
Sir can you tell what leads to this level on communication skills
Thank you so much!
I use a teleprompter so that there aren't any mistakes during delivery. However the entire script has to be written first and I use a part-straightin and part-conversational style of writing. This is something I've picked from reading a lot of "letters to shareholders" by bigger investors like Warren Buffett & Nick Sleep.
Ofcourse, the best way to improve is to write & record more -- as my current profession requires that, things have become easier and more natural for me over time.
Sir please let us know if you are conducting any training course for beginners❤
Not currently Vinod ji. Right now I'm very focussed on my newsletter and starting my community. Courses will be a part of the community access and also will be offered separately -- but this might take another 5-6 months. Sorry about that!
Sir, i think retail inventors may not be able make much from unlisted, coz they are unlisted and highly difficult to analyse stocks. instead of this you should give us more insight on the listed companies...
Thank you for your thoughtful feedback
Hello sir,
Your videos are always insightful with detailed analysis and review. Can u please review bse enhanced value index and mf operating in it.
Hello. Thank you for your kind appreciation 🙌 and suggestion
How do we find out whether a platform is authorized or not?
Can we check the list of authorized platforms in sebi website?
Every authorized/registered website would proudly display it's credentials on the home page. This would be some series of numbers/text. Pls copy-paste that and type "SEBI " on Google. If you find it in a SEBI website -- then that's some proof of registration
I had bought swiggy shares using indmoney demat through precize but they are still not reflecting in my portfolio, will it appear 6 months after listing? Anyone has any idea about it?
I've covered this question in the video, pls have a look
I had spoken to IndMoney customer care and they clarified that the shares can be seen after completion of 6 months
Hello sir, i wanted to know what happens if I buy shares of a unlisted company at X price and after company issues new share for example earlier it was 2 cr shares now it's 4 cr. In this case what will happen to the share price?
The share price will drop. This is what I meant by "dilution" in the risks discussed in the video.
Okay, thank you sir
Holding period is calculated from buying date or listed date incase our unlisted Company got listed ?
Like I bought Waaree 1 year ago and after 6 months of holding listed entity If I choose to sell then it will be STCG OR LTCG? Total Holding 1 year + 6 months listed = 1.5 years
Yes, holding period is date of selling minus date of purchase
Sir Important doubt, please answer. If SEBI after 5 years increases Midcap basket to 250 stocks then Nifty Midcap momentum 50 index base pool will automatically shift to 250 midcap basket based momentum 50 index or else ?
Sorry, I don't know. Perhaps Niftyindices can answer this question better as they are the ones who create the index methodology ..
when did you shoot this video ?
2 months back. I think this was the 16th of October -- before Swiggy IPOed
Sir,What is your view on Sagility India pvt limited
Sorry, haven't analysed this company
Could you also please make videos on Momentum index, Small cases,?
Thank you for these suggestions
I have Waaree Energy pre-ipo, even after trade holding doesn't show in Kite, although you can see on console Holding with P&L but not on Kite
Mostly you are able to see after the lock-in expires on Kite
I was hoping that tax angle would be answered and it was. Thanks. Seems like taxation on unlisted shares are calculated just like a normal security would - as per the holding period.
Yes but minimum holding period for considering it as long term is 3 years, where as in listed it’s one year