Hi Alan, do you mean a BNO/SAR passport holders can apply long stay in Australia for up to 5 years? Is there an age limit when applying? Please kind advise. Many thanks.
The latest info says, "By applying for 485 visa, graduates in Australia who holds a Hk passport or BNO can stay in AU for up to 5 years. If they stay for 4 years in main cities, they one can apply for 189 hong kong stram.. Or stay in regional areas for 3 years, they can apply 191 HK stream HK stream has an age limit of 50 years old.
It is a lot more complicated than that, the Sunset Clause is there for Administrative purposes, it is not a hard and fast cut off date, The HKG stream can finish before that date, or it may extend beyond that date with another amendment. You have to understand The HKG stream is an administrative amendment not a Legislative change, which means they don't need to go back to Parliament to change, which mean it can be change just with a stroke of a pen at any time.
The bottom line is, if you wish to take advantage of the HKG Stream, I would not wait at all, the political climate and Australian immigration policies changes faster than the weather, it is quite possible they could end the HKG stream at any time, maybe even tomorrow.
If you check Home Affairs website they do mentioned that the course have to be at least 2 academic years. I think Tobbie had also mentioned that in brief in this video.
Thank you Tobbie, Alan!! 希望Jimmy早日康復!
多謝兩位用心做嘅影片,Alan 啲問題都好實際😁 自己睇資料都花咗啲時間,而家再聽兩位講就更清楚
多謝 Tobbie 同埋 Alan 嘅安排. 希望 Jimmy 快啲好番。
多謝 Alan, Jimmy and Tobbie
感謝alan, jimmy & tobby
你好,我之前獲得簽證485,在2020年7月頭到期,也就是僅僅在公佈Hong Kong stream之前我的485已過期,但485不能申請第二次,也未能申請482,請問是否不能走189 Hong Kong stream路線?
想請問可否申請student visa, 落地後先再申請其他家庭成員的dependent visa?
請問可否提供 Toby 啲聯絡資訊,thanks
Hi Alan, do you mean a BNO/SAR passport holders can apply long stay in Australia for up to 5 years? Is there an age limit when applying? Please kind advise. Many thanks.
The latest info says, "By applying for 485 visa, graduates in Australia who holds a Hk passport or BNO can stay in AU for up to 5 years. If they stay for 4 years in main cities, they one can apply for 189 hong kong stram.. Or stay in regional areas for 3 years, they can apply 191 HK stream HK stream has an age limit of 50 years old.
jimmy,你好,我兒子在澳洲悉尼大學讀完獸醫畢業現在在悉尼某間動物。 醫院做咗兩年實習醫生想請問佢是否?
可以申請485攞pr嗎?,仲有個問題,佢係有香港特區護照,同埋有加拿大護照,邊個會較為方便啲申請? br?謝謝
20:40 20:41
D Agent 好中意叫人唔好倒讀,其實係因為想你地個個都讀高學歷就可以收多D 佣,所以留學Agent講既野唔好盡信,畢竟佢地都係SALES講野唔洗負責任,最好問番移民律師意見
倒讀唔係唔得,最大的挑戰是倒讀而過到GTE (新政策 叫GS)的要求,反而不是賺錢多少的問題。
申請485 (Hong Kong Stream) 是否拿到學生簽證後就可以遞交485申請而無需畢業後才申請?
請問500學生簽證高中畢業後要點樣轉Visa需時多久? 若500明年初到期大概咩時候要開始搞?
可否請教讀緊IT Technology, 今年尾畢業後會申請HK Stream,想請問可否買樓自住?
foreigners 身份,可以。
@@澳洲生活 但稅率是否8% + 3%。謝謝你
Btw, 希望Jimmy早日康復👏🏼
如有興趣向Tobbie 查詢升學顧問服務,請電郵給我alan.hk@outlook.com
Hi Alan, do you mean a BNO/SAR passport holders can apply long stay in Australia for up to 5 years? Please kind advise. Many thanks.
其中一種條件是到澳洲升學而取得485 9,住港4年或3年後申請189。或191 Hong Kong Stream 。
1. If the sunset for the HK stream is 2032, then the latest to study a master is 2025, right?
It is a lot more complicated than that, the Sunset Clause is there for Administrative purposes, it is not a hard and fast cut off date, The HKG stream can finish before that date, or it may extend beyond that date with another amendment. You have to understand The HKG stream is an administrative amendment not a Legislative change, which means they don't need to go back to Parliament to change, which mean it can be change just with a stroke of a pen at any time.
The bottom line is, if you wish to take advantage of the HKG Stream, I would not wait at all, the political climate and Australian immigration policies changes faster than the weather, it is quite possible they could end the HKG stream at any time, maybe even tomorrow.
Hi Alan,你好,還可以問問嗎?我仔的情況是在墨爾本的Melb U讀書,要2027年畢業,我問題係:申請咗畢業簽證後,佢可唔可以繼續讀master?當然假設Melb U收咗佢讀Master. 佢可唔以唔再重複學生簽證,直接喺學校讀書?但有一個畢業清簽證。
可以用485畢業簽證繼續讀書,申請嘅時候可以揀only work或者work and study,揀work and study就可以用485喺澳洲繼續讀書儲年數申請PR,而且搵part time、intern仲有full time會比較容易
我二十年前在澳洲讀完學士,現在讀一年master 是否可以合併一起計算去申請485?
If you check Home Affairs website they do mentioned that the course have to be at least 2 academic years. I think Tobbie had also mentioned that in brief in this video.
是可以的 这个我问过移民律师了 但你两个课程必须相关 比如bachelor 是会计 master不能读nursing 如果你读nursing必须两年至少 如果相关就可以combine一起算 中间间隔没有时间限制
Hi jimmy 想問吓怎樣可以聯絡Toby 有關visa 跟進⋯⋯🙏🏻
你好,請你send email比我,我將聯絡Toby的方法send比你
你好Alan ,想請問下,宜家係米好難批到學生簽?特別唔係報讀level 1噶大學?
因為新政策目的係杜絕野雞學店濫收學生,引致有些學生讀完又讀,成為‘’長期‘’臨時居民(permanent temporary residence)。
我想問下有冇Tobbie個聯絡方法, 可唔可以pm我, Thx
Email 我 Alan.hk@outlook.com