The HKPF actually has two standard forms for finger print preparation. When I was applying the CNCC, HKPF requested for the fingerprint form as supporting document. The trickiest thing is HKPF does not put these standard forms on the web. I experience was emailing HKPF for getting that standard forms for fingerprint preparation. One for male and one for female. You have to read all instructions as stipulated on the fingerprint form clearly. Taking that to the designated police station for doing the fingerprint. More importantly, the standard form contains a few boxes for the police constable to put his/her full name and police number.. this is the best way to prepare the fingerprint report to facilitate the CNCC application process last year here in NSW
The HKPF actually has two standard forms for finger print preparation. When I was applying the CNCC, HKPF requested for the fingerprint form as supporting document. The trickiest thing is HKPF does not put these standard forms on the web. I experience was emailing HKPF for getting that standard forms for fingerprint preparation. One for male and one for female. You have to read all instructions as stipulated on the fingerprint form clearly. Taking that to the designated police station for doing the fingerprint. More importantly, the standard form contains a few boxes for the police constable to put his/her full name and police number.. this is the best way to prepare the fingerprint report to facilitate the CNCC application process last year here in NSW
除咗網上申請之外,申請者仍然可以沿用傳統方法去申請:包括:1. 郵寄;或者2. 安排在港親友代你親自前往警務處處理申請(要注意❗️的是,協助處理的親友必須在網上預約時間方可前往)
The HKPF actually has two standard forms for finger print preparation. When I was applying the CNCC, HKPF requested for the fingerprint form as supporting document. The trickiest thing is HKPF does not put these standard forms on the web. I experience was emailing HKPF for getting that standard forms for fingerprint preparation. One for male and one for female. You have to read all instructions as stipulated on the fingerprint form clearly. Taking that to the designated police station for doing the fingerprint. More importantly, the standard form contains a few boxes for the police constable to put his/her full name and police number.. this is the best way to prepare the fingerprint report to facilitate the CNCC application process last year here in NSW
請問如果搵agent 搞同自己搞PR申請, 良民證呢part係咪一樣。 謝謝🙏🏻
Hi Alan and Jimmy,
放心啦,如果有咩文件要遞交,移民局一定會send email,你而家乜嘢消息都未有,即係代表佢哋仲未睇到你個申請所以慢慢等啦
申請PR的時候, HK已做了一次良民證,由PR申請做citizen, 請問是否需要申請良民證?
1 and ❤
1 👍
我上年係澳洲Home affairs出俾我封CNCC信英文名都串錯(大家都要留意一下),再聯絡Home affairs 改返啱都攪咗一星期。 之後係NSW警署打手指模(免費)個警署senior officer話會幫我交郵局寄返香港,但同佢哋解釋后佢地都肯俾我自己攞返曬所有文件由我自已安排courier寄返香港。希望大家順順利利😊
@@bessapak7249分別在於自已寄郵局可以即時向郵局攞返張正本courier 收據,之后跟手scan埋張收據post上Home affairs system 向embassy 証明你已經processing 緊CNCC! (**p.s我係自已D.I.Y上Home affairs 申請partner visa 自posted張receipt 起計三個月內就granted 咗partner visa😉)。
@@Tigger-W i see
The HKPF actually has two standard forms for finger print preparation. When I was applying the CNCC, HKPF requested for the fingerprint form as supporting document. The trickiest thing is HKPF does not put these standard forms on the web. I experience was emailing HKPF for getting that standard forms for fingerprint preparation. One for male and one for female. You have to read all instructions as stipulated on the fingerprint form clearly. Taking that to the designated police station for doing the fingerprint. More importantly, the standard form contains a few boxes for the police constable to put his/her full name and police number.. this is the best way to prepare the fingerprint report to facilitate the CNCC application process last year here in NSW