As fantastic as Misha is in this - "The Lady" as she is called here is Elaine Kudo and she is brilliant as well. Don't forget - She's the one getting thrown to the ground, flipped upside down, tossed in the air, doing splits and making it all look easy in a little black dress and heels without a hair out of place!!!!
I believe it's important to know Mikhail Baryshnikov was a great choreographer of the american ballet theatre & restructured the company to a high standard of classical ballet and contemporary ballet. He was way ahead of his time. He also choreographed and danced this performance. 0:28
Divine! She is so fabulous and wasn’t overshadowed by his performance. His talent is always the Main Character on any stage. I can’t keep my eyes off of him. ❤
Yes! But I'm so sad that he has aged out! He is by far the best-looking man I've EVER seen! His face and body are glorious, and he is one of the greatest ballet dancers ever born! What's not to like?!
This is "Sinatra" signature style spirit in motion. Combining the music of the original crooner with the world's best dancer is just sheer genius.♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
@@МашаИванова-и9к8е конечно же не просто . Это же повесть в танце. И это повесть про абъюзивные отношения. И дело не только в том , что он её швырят, она созависимо бежит к нему .... Так и не физически швырять и гнуть можно - вербально, поступками .... В общем - дело др...нь.))
@@Romashka-xv3cl это не по- настоящему, он танцор, не губит её, они танцуют, в кино тоже не убивают и Дон Корлеоне- это переодетый Марлон Брандо, а Ретт Батлер не влюблен в артистку Вивьен Ли. Ау! Отделяйте наверное художественное изыскание от реальности, вообще уже со своей инклюзивностью отлетели от границ своих накручиваний и визуального восприятия НЕреальности
@@МашаИванова-и9к8е Ау! Я ничего не говорила про конкретных персонажей. Я обозначила название происходящего на сцене. А многие до сих пор думают, что это любовь такая. Это созависимость - и крайне разрушительная
this is amazing, their movements are so expressive!! i love the story and the characters they convey through this choreography - some parts are very provocative. their facial expressions are wonderful too.
Baryshnikov is HOT in this. I have this DVD and it's one of my favorite dances that he does. By the time he's walking away, throws his gum away, catches his coat, put's it on and makes it look like "oh yes, I have to catch her", is just sexy! The man, song, and `the dance just turns me on. To work with just one of many greats like Twyla Tharp, is the reason he defected from Russia all those years ago. The arts are what freedom is all about. You can't have freedom without the arts and the artists who create.
Baryshnikov is in a class that only he inhabits as is Twyla Tharp the choreographer who mixes the sublime moves of ballet with the profane of modern dance and produces a visual feast every time. I saw this more than once with her dancers--all the songs are incredible but this is breathtaking.
This the "Sinatra Suite" (3 different songs by Mr. Sinatra)- choreographed by Twyla Tharp. You simply have to see the entire piece to get the full impact of both the dance and the music. It is unbelieveable.
I went to the box office for a ticket to see Baryshnikov in Tampa Florida in the early 90's. I needed just one ticket. The guy at the box office said..."do you want to see him dance or do you want to see him sweat?" I said "sweat" Scored a seat front row center. One of the most perfect works of art I have ever seen.
He came here to Memphis for a show. My parents took me..... it was the 70's. On the way out of the auditorium my dad took one of the signs directing everyone to Baryshnikov......I still have it. ❤
And BRAVO ELAINE KUDO! It 'takes two to Tango', and with this routine she has to take all the battering, still keep up with him - and most important of all - he couldn't throw her around like this without her tremendous physical and technical input. I know! At Theater Carre, Amsterdam 1964/5 season I was lumbered for one routine with a partner who had all t he verve and energy of a sack of potatoes and even the brilliant choreographer, George Carden tried it with her a couple of times and then quietly said to me, "Do the best you can, Llew!" So, as she only has one mention here - and that's not the originator - BRAVO, ELAINE KUDO!!!
I agree! Elaine Kudo was great, here! I don't like the choroegraphy since it looks like he is abusing her. But Ms. Kudo is the main attraction, here. Barishnikov is just partnering her.
To me he has the air n look of being bored wi it. I’m sure that’s part of the choreography of the piece. They were well matched for this. Some people would consider this to be foreplay and not abuse.
Além de ir muito além padrão imposto pelas companhias de balé da época,ele era perfeccionista,fantástico,maravilhoso também no cinema,num único filme.Eterno mesmo.De Salvador/ Bahia/ Brasil.
If we saw Mikhail Baryshnikov dressed in a suit and chewing gum, we wouldn’t expect to be watching from the seats of a theater. But as he moves across the stage with his arms swaying in a confident swagger, he captures our attention as a different sort of character. As in many classical ballets, he and his partner, former American Ballet Theatre soloist Elaine Kudo, are telling a story. Except now, Baryshnikov is a foil to Princes Siegfried or Charmant-he almost cares less about his partner. But don’t be fooled! Despite his apathetic body language, he’s still the best partner around, never letting Kudo fall.
Here, Baryshnikov is dancing Twyla Tharp’s Nine Sinatra Songs, which originally premiered in 1982. While it seems like ballet’s opposite, Tharp’s technique requires a strong core and articulation of the feet. This grounds the body to be able to move expansively through space and command changes of direction. From what we can see, Baryshnikov is a true artist who can can mold to any choreographer’s work.
Why can't everyone get that this is a particular CHARACTER that is being acted out by the dancer relaying the ideas as seen thru the eyes of Twyla Tharp , the choreographer, as she interprets the song! If you have problems w/ this particular song - look at the rest of her Sinatra Suites that she choreographed where there is more romance and sweetness. It's art ... folks. A choreographer's take of a song interpreted by dancers.
And because he's acting cool and tough and sexy/dangerous all at the same time, bringing the girl character back over and over again because she can't take her eyes off him any more than we can.
Zowie! Fantastic show of control and artistry. The choreography and mood reminds me strongly of Argentinian tango. Not really crazy about this one tho. On to the next...
Amazing! you can feel the male's domination and powerlessness of the female dancer. i'm really not a specialist or anything but I could feel everything. :) so powerful!
I'm sorry, I know there are a lot of people who won't understand, but this dance was choreographed in a completely different era. Back in 1983, people were intellectually mature enough to understand the difference between something that's abusive and something intended to represent a tumultuous relationship through the two dancers' physicality. If you are uncomfortable watching it, then on some level the dancers have succeeded because they've let you in on that relationship. The dance can be both angry and passionate at the same time. I, too, agree, Elaine Kudo was amazing in this. Not everything produced on stage has to be the dance equivalent of a Hallmark movie. IMHO, we're currently taking the pendulum too far in affording people continual safe spaces. It's not like the danger in this is on a level with The Burning Bed with Farrah Fawcett, a contemporaneous movie from 1984 about horrendous domestic abuse.
As fantastic as Misha is in this - "The Lady" as she is called here is Elaine Kudo and she is brilliant as well. Don't forget - She's the one getting thrown to the ground, flipped upside down, tossed in the air, doing splits and making it all look easy in a little black dress and heels without a hair out of place!!!!
I believe it's important to know Mikhail Baryshnikov was a great choreographer of the american ballet theatre & restructured the company to a high standard of classical ballet and contemporary ballet. He was way ahead of his time. He also choreographed and danced this performance. 0:28
It takes 2. They had a momentum and understanding of each other's body language
I think she was better than he was
Kudos! ❤😊
@@57113 At the beginning, it is stated "choreographed by Twyla Tharpe."
Как небрежно!
Как отточено!
Как элегантно!
Как завораживающе!
На такое способен ТОЛЬКО ОН !
Divine! She is so fabulous and wasn’t overshadowed by his performance. His talent is always the Main Character on any stage. I can’t keep my eyes off of him. ❤
Incredible! Ms. Kudo, too, was remarkable, especially because she was doing all this in heels. Bravo Mr. B. and Ms. K. A joy to watch.
I'm worn out just looking at that dancer. Getting thrown around like that and so beautifully! My arm aches for her. She was fantastic!
Those arm sockets!
There will never be another Baryshnikov. No one out there even close.
Born to dance
Yes! But I'm so sad that he has aged out! He
is by far the best-looking man I've EVER seen!
His face and body are glorious, and he is one
of the greatest ballet dancers ever born! What's
not to like?!
Ever heard of Nureyev?
@@TheReginagiovanna, nah, he is too clinical.
You never tire of watching him. The nuances. The Power. The Ease.
That last leap into his arms is fantastic. He just casually catches her.
Great timing!!
She is awesome!
Fabulous !! He crossed over between ballet and other dance genres flawlessly. 💕
Fantastic. Thrilling dancing.
A dancer friend of mine commented: "The hardest part would be getting past OMG, OMG, I'm dancing with BARYSHNIKOV!!!"
Omg thats funny. I get it!! OMG OMG OMG
Vancoin agreed
Vancoin Baryshnikov drop dead gorgeous. I've seen one other guy in my lifetime who is just as handsome ... And he resembles. B!
#Me too!!! Lol
That, and...she's taller. Difficult in a trad pas de deux.
This is "Sinatra" signature style spirit in motion. Combining the music of the original crooner with the world's best dancer is just sheer genius.♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
That catch at the end really fascinates me, what precision!
An Di Yes WOW!
It really is amazing!! ❤
Indeed,it was blind. Literally a leap of faith.
The gum chewing is an amazing detail... Damn
I thought so too. Perfect insouciance.
I had Elaine as my teacher at the ABT summer program in 1999. She was such a sweetheart.
Такой Джеймс Бонд тут Михаил😍 Фантастически красиво, великолепны оба, лучшее было сделано уже давно!
Иллюстрация абъюзивных отношений.
Фу )))
@@Romashka-xv3cl танец, просто танец, пластика, роли
@@МашаИванова-и9к8е конечно же не просто . Это же повесть в танце. И это повесть про абъюзивные отношения. И дело не только в том , что он её швырят, она созависимо бежит к нему .... Так и не физически швырять и гнуть можно - вербально, поступками .... В общем - дело др...нь.))
@@Romashka-xv3cl это не по- настоящему, он танцор, не губит её, они танцуют, в кино тоже не убивают и Дон Корлеоне- это переодетый Марлон Брандо, а Ретт Батлер не влюблен в артистку Вивьен Ли. Ау! Отделяйте наверное художественное изыскание от реальности, вообще уже со своей инклюзивностью отлетели от границ своих накручиваний и визуального восприятия НЕреальности
@@МашаИванова-и9к8е Ау! Я ничего не говорила про конкретных персонажей. Я обозначила название происходящего на сцене. А многие до сих пор думают, что это любовь такая.
Это созависимость - и крайне разрушительная
Потрясающе. На это можно смотреть вечно.
Bravo 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏. Wonderful dance! Amazing dancers 👍👍👍
Absolutely adore this, as well as the other "Sinatra Suite" dances. Passionate, tongue in cheek, seemingly effortless..A pleasure to watch.
Wow - they nailed this! Sinatra the bruiser with outstanding female ‘throw around’ - she was awesome
this is amazing, their movements are so expressive!! i love the story and the characters they convey through this choreography - some parts are very provocative. their facial expressions are wonderful too.
I not only like the way he dances, but I like the way he chews gum. Hot damn, Mikhail!!
Love his gum chewing too! Misha took in everything in the American slang lexicon!!
I was thinking that too. He's chewing gum in a dance routine. Like that beyond expert to be allowed and able to do that.
Seinfeld: You are sooo right.The man is a 10.
@@rootedtogrowwnyHe's showing what a badass he is.
Великий Барышников!!!! Браво!!!!
Is he still alive
Pat Keeler Born 1948, Riga,Latvia. Now choreographs per Google
Muito lindo , Love ❤️
@@patkeeler6645 2024 yes he is 76
Ain't no doubt about it! The girl can dance!!!!
Baryshnikov is HOT in this. I have this DVD and it's one of my favorite dances that he does. By the time he's walking away, throws his gum away, catches his coat, put's it on and makes it look like "oh yes, I have to catch her", is just sexy! The man, song, and `the dance just turns me on. To work with just one of many greats like Twyla Tharp, is the reason he defected from Russia all those years ago. The arts are what freedom is all about. You can't have freedom without the arts and the artists who create.
share the dvd T_T_
It was mentioned NO WHERE and she deserves credit for incredible partnering. ;)
+Rossi Lamont Walter Thank you! I was going to ask who she was!
+Rossi Lamont Walter THANKS! I wondered. She does an AWESOME job. Her humor really sets the piece off.
+Rossi Lamont Walter Was about to comment the exact same thing.
+Rossi Lamont Walter And she is amazing
woww his hair, his clothes and sinatra. soo gorgeous!
Absolutely OMG fing awesome.. Each of them...this is dance...interpret the music!
Wow. Just, wow...
Thank you for turning me on to this. It has opened so many avenues in the world of dance that I can't wait to explore...
Amazing choreography and incredible dancing!
Baryshnikov is in a class that only he inhabits as is Twyla Tharp the choreographer who mixes the sublime moves of ballet with the profane of modern dance and produces a visual feast every time. I saw this more than once with her dancers--all the songs are incredible but this is breathtaking.
This the "Sinatra Suite" (3 different songs by Mr. Sinatra)- choreographed by Twyla Tharp. You simply have to see the entire piece to get the full impact of both the dance and the music. It is unbelieveable.видео.html
I went to the box office for a ticket to see Baryshnikov in Tampa Florida in the early 90's. I needed just one ticket. The guy at the box office said..."do you want to see him dance or do you want to see him sweat?" I said "sweat" Scored a seat front row center. One of the most perfect works of art I have ever seen.
How lucky! I still hope to see him perform in a stage play.
wow that female dancer was incredbile.- what body control!!!!
Better than him
@@malascompaniasdanza phenomenal partner work. Both dancers 😊
Is it a joke?
He came here to Memphis for a show. My parents took me..... it was the 70's. On the way out of the auditorium my dad took one of the signs directing everyone to Baryshnikov......I still have it. ❤
What spectacular choreography!
Невозможно оторваться!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! Q buena coreo! Me encantaron las caras de Baryshnikov. Un genio.
Both are extraordinary! Bravo!
And BRAVO ELAINE KUDO! It 'takes two to Tango', and with this routine she has to take all the battering, still keep up with him - and most important of all - he couldn't throw her around like this without her tremendous physical and technical input. I know! At Theater Carre, Amsterdam 1964/5 season I was lumbered for one routine with a partner who had all t he verve and energy of a sack of potatoes and even the brilliant choreographer, George Carden tried it with her a couple of times and then quietly said to me, "Do the best you can, Llew!" So, as she only has one mention here - and that's not the originator - BRAVO, ELAINE KUDO!!!
I agree! Elaine Kudo was great, here! I don't like the choroegraphy since it looks like he is abusing her. But Ms. Kudo is the main attraction, here. Barishnikov is just partnering her.
To me he has the air n look of being bored wi it. I’m sure that’s part of the choreography of the piece. They were well matched for this. Some people would consider this to be foreplay and not abuse.
Красавец. Обожаю. ❤❤❤
Amazing couple!
So entertaining.
a no-look jump and catch at 2:13 ... breathtaking!
They make it look so easy! Amazing!!
Além de ir muito além padrão imposto pelas companhias de balé da época,ele era perfeccionista,fantástico,maravilhoso também no cinema,num único filme.Eterno mesmo.De Salvador/ Bahia/ Brasil.
Such a brilliant and such a rode dance!
Rossi Lamont Walter I agree, she was a beautiful dancer. I saw her through out her Ballet Theatre years she was exquisite.
Wow, amazing. .Their moments are so liquid.
Oh RELAX !!! he was brilliant (as always), and of course this was his idea too, otherwise he wouldnt even be dancing there ....
barysznikow to wspaniały tancerz klasyczny dla niego takie amerykańce tańce to pryszcz kultura rosji jest wielka
Bravo Mikhail Baryshnikov !!
Russian Ballet Legend Mikhail Baryshnokov
Hi! Nadia Lynggaard
All together knows Baryshokov..
I love Nurayev and Baryshnkov...
From Turkey ballet, name is Hülya Aksular another like..
I just love to see Mikhail Baryshnikov dance ! it is so beautiful, I wish I once could look into his eyes , oh my god ........... its heavenly
If we saw Mikhail Baryshnikov dressed in a suit and chewing gum, we wouldn’t expect to be watching from the seats of a theater. But as he moves across the stage with his arms swaying in a confident swagger, he captures our attention as a different sort of character. As in many classical ballets, he and his partner, former American Ballet Theatre soloist Elaine Kudo, are telling a story. Except now, Baryshnikov is a foil to Princes Siegfried or Charmant-he almost cares less about his partner. But don’t be fooled! Despite his apathetic body language, he’s still the best partner around, never letting Kudo fall.
Here, Baryshnikov is dancing Twyla Tharp’s Nine Sinatra Songs, which originally premiered in 1982. While it seems like ballet’s opposite, Tharp’s technique requires a strong core and articulation of the feet. This grounds the body to be able to move expansively through space and command changes of direction. From what we can see, Baryshnikov is a true artist who can can mold to any choreographer’s work.
That boy. could. dance. oh my word.
He could, and still can! 😊
He s the best man dancer of the World 😂😂😂
Brilliant ! The two of them
They are wonderful!!! 🌺
Genial Baryshnikov, una excelente coreografía musical¡¡
The lady made moves, no taught in dance classes, look extremely elegant.
Why can't everyone get that this is a particular CHARACTER that is being acted out by the dancer relaying the ideas as seen thru the eyes of Twyla Tharp , the choreographer, as she interprets the song! If you have problems w/ this particular song - look at the rest of her Sinatra Suites that she choreographed where there is more romance and sweetness. It's art ... folks. A choreographer's take of a song interpreted by dancers.
@MrWinter99 cuz he's Baryshnikov!!! The most handsome perfect and talented ballet dancer ever!
I think it’s Brilliant! I think I saw it in NY, love Barishnikov!!!!. I think the choreography was Twyla Tharpe, not sure.
it's genius, so breathtaking
And because he's acting cool and tough and sexy/dangerous all at the same time, bringing the girl character back over and over again because she can't take her eyes off him any more than we can.
Great job Michelle. Love u.
Fabulous! 🌹😊🍸
you are the best ....of the best 4 ....Ever......
Zowie! Fantastic show of control and artistry. The choreography and mood reminds me strongly of Argentinian tango.
Not really crazy about this one tho. On to the next...
amazing video!! amazing Misha!!!
Это непередаваемо великолепно
He will forever be the sexiest dancer alive!
.Esto es lo que mas me ha gustado de Baryshnikov.
Amazing! you can feel the male's domination and powerlessness of the female dancer. i'm really not a specialist or anything but I could feel everything. :) so powerful!
Perfectly tense and relaxed when needed
OMG--this is hilarious. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard at a dance number in my life. Especially at 1:34! Ms. Kudo certainly is a sport. XD
LMAO That is so awesome!
He treats her like a sack of potatoes when she is just fabulous.
I'm sorry, I know there are a lot of people who won't understand, but this dance was choreographed in a completely different era. Back in 1983, people were intellectually mature enough to understand the difference between something that's abusive and something intended to represent a tumultuous relationship through the two dancers' physicality. If you are uncomfortable watching it, then on some level the dancers have succeeded because they've let you in on that relationship. The dance can be both angry and passionate at the same time. I, too, agree, Elaine Kudo was amazing in this. Not everything produced on stage has to be the dance equivalent of a Hallmark movie. IMHO, we're currently taking the pendulum too far in affording people continual safe spaces. It's not like the danger in this is on a level with The Burning Bed with Farrah Fawcett, a contemporaneous movie from 1984 about horrendous domestic abuse.
You are wrong. This is art.
I saw this live in Buenos Airesm at Teatro Colón. There were 4 performances. I saw all 4 and could have done it for 4 more. ❤️
What a great video. It stopped too soon. I wanted to see the rest of that dance they started at the end.
Karen Bourke this is the entire set.видео.html
Baryshnikov best dance partner ever.
Awesome 👏
Wow, choreography is great! Mikhail is so strong! But strength so well controlled. Poor lady being yanked around, she's great too
Amazing, as always.
One question though, how can a man putting on his coat be so sexy? How!?!
+DumbleDoraTheExplorer Your not kidding!!!
+DumbleDoraTheExplorer OH YES. NO IDEA. But he does it so well. And couldnt think of a better song to accompany him :)
AnswerTheQuestion tell it honey
My favorite song of ,
My favorite singer
i am definitely in love with this man. Oh Micha!
mikhail baroshnikov the best dancer ive seen
AMAZING, forever 🍃🌹🍃💜🌠💙💫💞🕊💫💥🕊🌠💕🕊🌷🍃
It's all about ATTITUDE!!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤
non si smetterebbe mai di guardare e ascoltare.....
Барышников космически красив и гениально талантливый
Sheer delight!!!
i love that he is chewing gum so perfect. :)
beautiful dancing
Linda coreografia! Adorei!
A dança é uma das mais lindas manifestações da arte!
❤ ℳѦḠÅ ℒ€€:-))