Actually from a legal standpoint… It will. Radars have to be calibrated BY LAW (depending on the state). If the radar wasn’t calibrated and was used to record your speed, that makes the evidence of your recorded speed inadmissible in court no matter what your speed was. Granted, they could probably still get you for reckless driving if they got you on video… But the speeding citation has to be dismissed again by law.
@@andrewbell7996 Cops have multiple ways to determine your speed and believe it "I could see that he was going WAY too fast, easily double the speedlimit." Is enough for a judge. Not to mention that's not a speeding ticket, that's a misdemeanor in most states.
@@Holykraut like I said, it all depends on the state. Most states do not allow an officers word alone when it comes to speeding. How do I know this? Because I’ve used this method in court to get out of a speeding ticket. I got copies of the calibration reports and proved in traffic court the radar was not up to date in calibration and the judge dismissed my citation. The cop that pulled me over tried explaining to the judge that he “observed” me going way above the speed limit, but because the radar was not calibrated and they didn’t catch me on video, the judge ruled in my favor.
I'd ask if they bring proof of the calibration, ask him what the serial number of was of the device, where was it that he pulled me over, how much traffic was there on the road that day? Was I driving any faster than the flow of traffic?
"Objection, your honor. The ticket was issued in March, which is clearly more than 2 weeks ago. The DOT requires the radar guns be calibrated regularly because they acknowledge the possibility that they lose accuracy over time. Since you needed to calibrate the gun so soon after the incident, could it be true that the gun's accuracy was in question at the time?"
Mike makes a good point about the Calibration. My wife got clocked doing 45 in a 35. She challenged the ticket on the grounds that; 1) her transmission was halfway shot to the point that she COULDN'T drive 45. (a claim backed up by the repair company that ultimate tested and fixed it!) and, 2) that the calibration report, requested by her PERSONALLY, showed that it hadn't ben calibrated in over FOUR months! The judge SCREAMED at the traffic cop, gave an earful to the Prosecutor, and dismissed the ticket outright.
Former cop here. You forgot a really good way to beat a speeding ticket: Ask for a jury trial. No cop wants to spend hours in court on a jury trial for a speeding ticket. Jury dockets are often way overburdened as well. There’s a good chance the cop will drop the ticket to get out of the jury trial, or the court will offer you a huge break if you plead out.
Here in California you can only request a jury trial on misdemeanors and felonies. Not on violations and infractions. But, exhibition of speed is a misdemeanor crime here.
I wonder. If i get ticketed on tuesday, does that mean the cop works tuesdays. Is he allowes at court if he has to be on shift. Is it better to shoot.for an off day
I was pulled over by an old cop in a speed trap map dot town and when I called the county they had no record of it. He forgot to do the paperwork. And I live out of state anyway so....
They actually disappear , it happened to me when I went to go get my license again after it had expired , I owed 2 tickets but only paid one , I saved $500 😊
If you don't pay it, then you have to go to Court. Which usually means that you need to take time off work. Most people just pay the fine, and mail it in. Which means that you are pleading Guilty - which can affect your car insurance rates. But, if you do have good reasons to fight the ticket, it is usually worth your time.
An officer clocked me going a bit higher than the speed limit and gave me a ticket as well as the option for safety classes. I paid the fine instead of going to the classes and some time later, I found out my license was suspended because I 'didn't pay the fine'. I had no letter telling me it was suspended, it just was. Sometime after I got my license reinstated, the offi cer who pulled me over was suspended for drunk driving.. it was awesome.
I once went to court for a speeding ticket and a seat belt violation, I got out of the speeding ticket but they still left me with the seat belt violation, couldn't get out of it. I paid for the seat belt. I got pulled over a few months later because my license was suspended due to not paying the full amount, somebody didn't do their job right and made a clerical error. Luckily, the officer let me go, but my girlfriend had to drive. I've dated alot of women without licenses, so I was lucky that one had her license, otherwise I would have been taken to the station and had the car impounded. I also received no notification that my license was suspended. Our justice system is horrible.
@@ephgm the speeding was definitely my doing.. accidental as it may have been, I should've paid more attention, as such, I felt I couldn't fight it. The officer gave me the option of paying the fine and taking the points, or going to the safety courses an not get points on my license. I had previously chosen to take the courses, but I couldn't find the time and kept forgetting to do it. So I paid the fee and went on my way. I didn't realize they suspended my license until TWO YEARS LATER when I was trying to get something that required a legitimate id with my current address.. went to change my address on my license and that's how I found out. Had to GO BACK to the courthouse to pay a second fee as if I never paid the first one. I was lucky to not get pulled over with a suspended license as some states take you to jail for it and tow your car.
@@KillerSkullX if I remember correctly, it was suspension without pay for about 2 weeks? Edit: I'm embarrassed I spelled the word suspension wrong. XD I fixed it.
Does anyone not keep their receipt for paying their fines? It sounds as though there's a lot of drama kings out there. Just a side note... if you do get pulled over for breaking the law (yes I'm sure some of you "didn't know" the speed limit) just comply with the officers request and be cordial. Even though you're mad at the officer because you were speeding, chances are you may get a reduced charge or just a warning.
@@ericolens3 My friend is a cop in a major city, and he said they won't chase faster than 70 mph. (It might have been higher, but it was definitely under 100 mph.) Most cars these days have a top speed faster than that, so depending on the police department's policy, you may get away in the moment more easily than you think. You'll have to stop eventually though Edit: Just to be clear, I am not recommending this course of action!
@@JobiWan144 Also ontop of that its usually safer to just let you go instead of starting a massive chase that could endanger multiple lives over a speeding ticket
Fun fact: officers are not allowed to calibrate their own radar guns. They have to have them calibrated by a certified technician. Learned this from junior police academy (I'm just 14 lol)
I love the irony of a cop being fully dressed in bed with his sunglasses, fully prepared to go whenever, but forgetting he had a court date on thursday
One problem with the system is that if you fail to appear, you will be found guilty, charged with failure to appear, have your license suspended, and have a bench warrant put out for your arrest. If the cop fails to appear, he will be granted a continuance. At least that's what happened to me. I had to keep coming back, and the cop kept being granted a continuance. The judge, prosecutor, and cop are all on the same team.
It's been a few years but I hired a lawyer for $75 about 2 hours before court IN the courthouse. Talked to him for 30 minutes, he took some notes, represented me in the courtroom and had that ticket dismessed in 5 minutes. About 4 times cheaper than paying the ticket.
I've done that twice didn't even have to go to court just gave the lawyer my ticket and few weeks later got a letter it was pled down to a non moving violation. No points on license.
@@Nayr747 it's not the cost of the ticket it's having the ticket on your record and I'm not talking about a real lawyer but a traffic lawyer that only does traffic tickets they used to be pretty reasonable.
How in tf does that ever work? Unless you're going downhill, you don't even need your brakes to stay under the speed limit. If your brakes are so bad that you can't stay under the limit, then good luck stopping at that bottom of that hill. The only way this ever works is if the court and prosecutor cbf with the case.
In the 90s my dad was pulled over by a Los Angeles County sheriff. Dad was respectful but the cop was in a rage. Next day Dad spoke to the Watch Commander at the station. "I'm not contesting the ticket, but there's no excuse for that officer's attitude; it's no wonder I hear of people calling them 'pigs'". The watch commander apologized for his officer's behavior, and on the traffic court date the cop wasn't there & Dad's ticket was dismissed. Turns out the watch commander told his cop to let it go. 😊
@@JohnKJV3-16literally what’s the purpose of creating such a specific story. Like it’s not even crazy exciting it’s just kind of cool. Why do you have such a weird pessimistic attitude…
@grassdungeon8433 It's fact. Don't argue with the police, and you'll still have to pay the ticket. That's not pessimistic. That's fact. Better yet, don't break the law in the first place.
Except in Washington State where the cops are no longer required to show up. Reason, I was told because the cop had already testified by what was written on the ticket.😕 So much for being able to face your accuser.
In Florida, the statutes state that you must have your hearing within 6 months. IF the court reschedules (or the cop) and it goes past 6 months, it automatically gets discharged. However, IF YOU, at any point, request a new date...the 6 month time limit stops applying and you can't get it thrown out due to a lack of a speedy trial even if it takes years. Yeah, I had a ticket that was resolved (in my favor) 1 week from being thrown out because of multiple rescheduling dates from the court/states' request/requirements.
I love the story of the physicist who got a speeding ticket and then went into court with a full scientific paper about how it was impossible the cop actually saw him speeding.
Also remember that federal guidelines for the speedometer is 4%. That means that in some states like Texas, where the speed limit can be 85 mph, you have almost 4 mph grace.
@@josephhughes1319 who told you that? There's 2 sets of tuning forks with recorded values. pop the radar on at start of shift and strike the forks. If the values are consistent the radar equipment is fine. You might need a third party if the gun's out of calibration completely but day to day use you check it and go.
Radars are certified calibrated from the factory and typically do not need to be recalibrated often. What has to be checked EVERYDAY is a verification of the calibration by using tuning forks. These tuning forks are certified by the department of weights and measures yearly.
In Oregon they also have a No Contest option which was explained to me as the middle ground. Not admitting guilt, but also not worth the time to fight it and just pay the fine
You can fight it, unless it’s a speed or red light camera ticket. Legally you could fight it, but I’m fairly sure the process to is pretty much made to make you give up out of frustration. Also if you were speeding or ran a red, there’s direct proof, though I’ve heard plenty of people get falsely ticketed going one or two over when their speedometer was legitimately at or under the limit, or people stopping on the line, even slightly, before legally turning right on red.
My lawyer literally hit me up through FB messenger to tell me to be at court the next day or else a warrant would be out for me... over expired plates lol.
Yeah, seriously. I can understand wasting the cop's time if he pulls you over for going over five MPH, but some people who speed really don't deserve their license.
@@jacksmith-vs4ct In most places, you can't be charged for speeding if the cop doesn't record your speed on some kind of moving or stationary radar. They also need reasonable cause to conduct a traffic stop. So they can't just pull you over because they want to.
When I was pulled over for running stop sign ON MY BIKE, I had to pay it in order to enter a not guilty plea. Went to traffic court without ever using a car, acquitted, got most of the monry back minus some fees. At least the judge's reaction when I asked "Does the record reflect I was on a bike?" was hilarious.
Well, be glad that happened in the US; in Germany, you'd still be on the hook for running the stop signs, since they are valid for all vehicles on the road.
Well, then cops should follow the law too. They shouldn't speed, disturb the peace (loud sirens, flashing lights), no tint, and don't use electronics while driving.
In some towns instead of giving you a speeding ticket like they should they give you a parking ticket if you plead guiltyacting like they’re doing you a favor (my father said they do this because it gives them money and a speeding ticket gives money to the state or something). But they give this condition, if you challenge them in court and plead not guilty they will make it a speeding ticket. What do you think about this?
At least 95% of the time, their main defense is "I couldn't have been going 90 because I keep my cruise control at 85". Sir, the limit is 70, and the fine is the same for both.😅
Depends on where you live. Not sure if it's my entire state or just my county, but where I live, speeding ticket prices are proportional to how much over the limit you were going. So going 85 in a 50mph zone is less of a charge than going 100 in a 55 or 60
My speeding ticket got sent to Tesla because the car was driving at the time. Tesla gave me a hard time getting the evidence from the car though, I wonder why.
When I was in law enforcement, they would only set the date on the deputy's assigned day of the month and only with the judge the deputy was assigned to. If you couldn't come this month, you would be rescheduled to my next court date the following month. Our radars were certified yearly, but tested before and after each shift it was used on.
Exactly right. Calibration annually, confirm calibration before each shift, recommended after each traffic stop. Where I worked, Radar and Lidar can only collaborate officers observation.
So I have a question then if the timeslots are that limited, is there a limit to recheduling the court date? Could I just infinitely reschedule and years go by? If the answer is yes/no for the first and second question respectively, what is stopping me from scheduling legitimate and important corroberative appointments (ex. doctors) for each new court date?
@aephos-overwatch so you can request a change to the next month. Nothing requires the judge to grant a new court date. It is a judicial order, requiring you to be present, unless you satisfied the citation prior to your court date. You can't tell a judge no. Well, I guess you can, but they immediately issue warrants where I live. If they call your name and you're not there it's a warrant issued on the spot. If you walk in a little late and you were already called, you would have to explain why you weren't there. In my area, they would allow for one, maybe two, reschedule request. After that, it's the date and you show up or go to jail.
Out of all the speeding tickets I received in my life. There was one time I forgot about one and it went into warrant status. I got pulled over for speeding again and got taken into jail for five hours and had to promise a judge that I would pay it.
A lot of people mistake the speeding for something being along the lines of driving like a bat out of hell, When it's in reality oh I'm doing 5 mph over or 10 over going just a little bit faster than traffic.
Fun fact… I was pulled over a few years back and the cop stated he “clocked” me going 83 in 65. I had my cruise control set to exactly 65 and I even had a dash cam that records and displays my speed. I told the officer that and he didn’t care. He issued me a speeding citation anyway. I went to court to fight it and presented the evidence I had and the citation was dismissed. So the overall concept of “dOn’T SpeEd 🥴” is load of horse 💩! There’s A LOT of corrupt cops out there that love to power trip and I know it’s hard for bootlickers 🥾👅 like you to understand.
Dont pay the ticket if you plan to do step two or go to court, simply ignoring the ticket and not paying it or going to court will land you in jail. Option 3 only works in the most backwater of places, even small cities stay on calibrations and daily tests with log books to document it all.
@@Noneya409 pigs can do whatever but if you use the system as intended and stand up for your rights it's "sleazy". Americans are so miserably servile
Biggest thing I learned from this is that its not like real life. 1. situation 1. I didnt pay it and the judge threatened to arrest me for failure to pay it as a court cost. 3. you gotta have a good lawyer that knows radar guns and how they work because the cop knew how to get around the questions and just stated that he calibrated the thing the day before.
Yes, court date change works... but to add to that ask the clerk to schedule as far out as possible, then reschedule it and again ask for the furthest date possible. If possible reschedule again.
I've heard several speeding ticket stories over the years. I've gotten out of one or two tickets just by being polite, and pulling over before the cop puts on his lights. The advice given here is very good. Thanks.
No. The actual full calibration is only required to be done avery 3 years. People confuse "calibration" with the confirmation test done at the beginning and end of shift with the tuning forks.
@@DonSaly Thats stupid. Then you only can defend your ticket if you can pay the court cost to do so. In the country where I live you can go to court and if you loose you just pay the fine, and no extra cost. Having to pay to defend yourself is stupid as it just means that you rather accept guilt even if you're not guilty because otherwise you will have to pay anyway.
*I just uploaded a new long form video! Check it out by clicking the link above this video's title, and let me know what you think* 😀
8 seconds?
Can I walk in your neighborhood if you are a kid ( 11 )and have old are you have to be to walk along🙏🙏 please answer 🙏
I'll do 1 pushup for every like
I loved it😍
Is this a joke?
My lawyer watching me talk a speeding ticket to the death penalty:
@@02AyaanBaba-1thank you Uncle Roger.
Then the judge calls you a bad person like in office space.
@@02AyaanBaba-1 just be certain to use plenty of msg.
Mike is the type of guy to take the phrase, "Learning is fun" and turn it into reality.
Hey good for him, actually applying what he learned in school
@@xToTaLBoReDoMxyessir, having fun while learning is the best way to learn
Obviously. He is intelligent and hardworking, all intelligent people enjoy learning.
It's just Saul Goodman irl
What does calibrate the radar gun
Note: The calibration method is unlikely to work in court if you are going 113 in a 35
Actually from a legal standpoint… It will. Radars have to be calibrated BY LAW (depending on the state). If the radar wasn’t calibrated and was used to record your speed, that makes the evidence of your recorded speed inadmissible in court no matter what your speed was. Granted, they could probably still get you for reckless driving if they got you on video… But the speeding citation has to be dismissed again by law.
@@andrewbell7996 Cops have multiple ways to determine your speed and believe it "I could see that he was going WAY too fast, easily double the speedlimit." Is enough for a judge. Not to mention that's not a speeding ticket, that's a misdemeanor in most states.
@@Holykraut like I said, it all depends on the state. Most states do not allow an officers word alone when it comes to speeding. How do I know this? Because I’ve used this method in court to get out of a speeding ticket. I got copies of the calibration reports and proved in traffic court the radar was not up to date in calibration and the judge dismissed my citation. The cop that pulled me over tried explaining to the judge that he “observed” me going way above the speed limit, but because the radar was not calibrated and they didn’t catch me on video, the judge ruled in my favor.
If you’re doing 113 in a 35 (which is a common residential speed limit) you don’t deserve to beat that ticket.
@@PaperComa yeah, hard to argue that one lol
"You were doing 135 in a 15"
"your honor i plead the free bird solo"
what about a 95 in a 35 recorded and uploaded to RUclips
your honor, my name is MKBHD and am a huge rich kid so I shouldn't have to face responsibility
Very well. Case dismissed. Bailiff, arrest the sheriff and get this man to the airport. He's going to Tahiti.
@@XxH3ADcaseXx yyyyyyyyipeeeeeee
Boo this guy stinks
"You were doing 100 in a 30"
"But was the radar gun calibrated tho?"
“oh, damn it I knew something was off”
Sir, was that 100 in miles or kilometers?
Yeah I dont think this advice was for that type of person haha. They would definitely deserve the ticket :/
@@SDZ675100 kph is still way above 30 mph
@@SDZ675 it was in feet per hour sir
That judge roasted the hell out of him at the end 💀
You’re literally everywhere
I’m filing a restraining order (not really)
"When was the last time you calibrated that radar gun?"
"2 weeks ago"
"Well damn, No more questions, your honour"
At least you tried
Gonna need a wright to win that case
I'd ask if they bring proof of the calibration, ask him what the serial number of was of the device, where was it that he pulled me over, how much traffic was there on the road that day? Was I driving any faster than the flow of traffic?
"Objection, your honor. The ticket was issued in March, which is clearly more than 2 weeks ago. The DOT requires the radar guns be calibrated regularly because they acknowledge the possibility that they lose accuracy over time. Since you needed to calibrate the gun so soon after the incident, could it be true that the gun's accuracy was in question at the time?"
@@Bulldogg6404Objection your honour, this idiot was going 100 in a school zone.
Mike makes a good point about the Calibration. My wife got clocked doing 45 in a 35. She challenged the ticket on the grounds that;
1) her transmission was halfway shot to the point that she COULDN'T drive 45. (a claim backed up by the repair company that ultimate tested and fixed it!) and,
2) that the calibration report, requested by her PERSONALLY, showed that it hadn't ben calibrated in over FOUR months!
The judge SCREAMED at the traffic cop, gave an earful to the Prosecutor, and dismissed the ticket outright.
Former cop here. You forgot a really good way to beat a speeding ticket: Ask for a jury trial. No cop wants to spend hours in court on a jury trial for a speeding ticket. Jury dockets are often way overburdened as well. There’s a good chance the cop will drop the ticket to get out of the jury trial, or the court will offer you a huge break if you plead out.
How does the law work in the US on that aspect? Can you request a jury trial for anything?
Here in California you can only request a jury trial on misdemeanors and felonies. Not on violations and infractions. But, exhibition of speed is a misdemeanor crime here.
@@SKyrim190 in my state (SC) you can ask for a jury trial on any traffic infraction… even a seat belt ticket.
who the fuck has time to go to court these days? i just pay the damn thing. its like 100$
I don't know what state your in, jury trials for a civil traffic infraction is not a thing.
Did this many years ago. Told the judge I could only come in on Saturday. Judge waited 5 minutes for the cop, then dismissed the ticket.
I wonder. If i get ticketed on tuesday, does that mean the cop works tuesdays. Is he allowes at court if he has to be on shift. Is it better to shoot.for an off day
Sounds like a lie
@@GerardoHernandezF87M2 Nope. I thought the judge would make us wait longer, but apparently he had better things to do too.
@@lizzieboredom3775 sure
@@Maladringe666When I was a cop o had to go whether on or off duty. Got paid extra of it was an off day.
“Just don’t pay it” aight bet my lawyer
yeah and I love how the "opponents" react the way he would like them to react ...
I was pulled over by an old cop in a speed trap map dot town and when I called the county they had no record of it. He forgot to do the paperwork. And I live out of state anyway so....
But if you don't get the ticket dismissed, you must pay it, or they can fuck up your credit score
They actually disappear , it happened to me when I went to go get my license again after it had expired , I owed 2 tickets but only paid one , I saved $500 😊
If you don't pay it, then you have to go to Court. Which usually means that you need to take time off work. Most people just pay the fine, and mail it in. Which means that you are pleading Guilty - which can affect your car insurance rates.
But, if you do have good reasons to fight the ticket, it is usually worth your time.
don't speed to not get ticket ❌
take ticket to court ✅
An officer clocked me going a bit higher than the speed limit and gave me a ticket as well as the option for safety classes. I paid the fine instead of going to the classes and some time later, I found out my license was suspended because I 'didn't pay the fine'. I had no letter telling me it was suspended, it just was.
Sometime after I got my license reinstated, the offi cer who pulled me over was suspended for drunk driving.. it was awesome.
I once went to court for a speeding ticket and a seat belt violation, I got out of the speeding ticket but they still left me with the seat belt violation, couldn't get out of it. I paid for the seat belt.
I got pulled over a few months later because my license was suspended due to not paying the full amount, somebody didn't do their job right and made a clerical error. Luckily, the officer let me go, but my girlfriend had to drive. I've dated alot of women without licenses, so I was lucky that one had her license, otherwise I would have been taken to the station and had the car impounded.
I also received no notification that my license was suspended.
Our justice system is horrible.
@@ephgm the speeding was definitely my doing.. accidental as it may have been, I should've paid more attention, as such, I felt I couldn't fight it.
The officer gave me the option of paying the fine and taking the points, or going to the safety courses an not get points on my license. I had previously chosen to take the courses, but I couldn't find the time and kept forgetting to do it. So I paid the fee and went on my way.
I didn't realize they suspended my license until TWO YEARS LATER when I was trying to get something that required a legitimate id with my current address.. went to change my address on my license and that's how I found out.
Had to GO BACK to the courthouse to pay a second fee as if I never paid the first one.
I was lucky to not get pulled over with a suspended license as some states take you to jail for it and tow your car.
Crazy only suspension smh
@@KillerSkullX if I remember correctly, it was suspension without pay for about 2 weeks?
Edit: I'm embarrassed I spelled the word suspension wrong. XD I fixed it.
Does anyone not keep their receipt for paying their fines? It sounds as though there's a lot of drama kings out there.
Just a side note... if you do get pulled over for breaking the law (yes I'm sure some of you "didn't know" the speed limit) just comply with the officers request and be cordial. Even though you're mad at the officer because you were speeding, chances are you may get a reduced charge or just a warning.
At number 4. Just keep driving full speed! They won’t catch you
lol, yeah they will unless you're CRAZY FAST. LIKE 125 mph or higher.
@@ericolens3 My friend is a cop in a major city, and he said they won't chase faster than 70 mph. (It might have been higher, but it was definitely under 100 mph.) Most cars these days have a top speed faster than that, so depending on the police department's policy, you may get away in the moment more easily than you think. You'll have to stop eventually though
Edit: Just to be clear, I am not recommending this course of action!
@@JobiWan144 Also ontop of that its usually safer to just let you go instead of starting a massive chase that could endanger multiple lives over a speeding ticket
@@ericolens3 that’s why fast cars are better
In my country the ticket drop on you with a video or just your plate number
Fun fact: officers are not allowed to calibrate their own radar guns. They have to have them calibrated by a certified technician.
Learned this from junior police academy (I'm just 14 lol)
I love the irony of a cop being fully dressed in bed with his sunglasses, fully prepared to go whenever, but forgetting he had a court date on thursday
One problem with the system is that if you fail to appear, you will be found guilty, charged with failure to appear, have your license suspended, and have a bench warrant put out for your arrest. If the cop fails to appear, he will be granted a continuance. At least that's what happened to me. I had to keep coming back, and the cop kept being granted a continuance. The judge, prosecutor, and cop are all on the same team.
thats rare usually the judge doesn't want to waste his time doing it again so will just let you off
Lmfao obviously because you're the guilty party and the cop is doing his job right
It's a biiiiiggggg club. And you ain't in it.
@@jacksmith-vs4ctdo go off of what you know and not what you assume. Just don't make up uneducated wishes.
One of my tickets disappeared but this was after 2 years
It's been a few years but I hired a lawyer for $75 about 2 hours before court IN the courthouse. Talked to him for 30 minutes, he took some notes, represented me in the courtroom and had that ticket dismessed in 5 minutes. About 4 times cheaper than paying the ticket.
I've done that twice didn't even have to go to court just gave the lawyer my ticket and few weeks later got a letter it was pled down to a non moving violation. No points on license.
@@Justin-fl1nvtbf, if you have a clean record you can get it reduced yourself. Dismissal is a whole other thing
@@Grant849 yeah just go to traffic school in most states.
That's not normal. Most lawyers will cost way more than a ticket.
@@Nayr747 it's not the cost of the ticket it's having the ticket on your record and I'm not talking about a real lawyer but a traffic lawyer that only does traffic tickets they used to be pretty reasonable.
Instructions unclear I am not in prison and diddy is touching me
Mike is the much better version of 5 minute crafts just with laws
Everyone i know hires a lawyer and just does "improper equipment" as a first offense 😂 most Americans speed. It happens. Brakes weaken over time.
How in tf does that ever work? Unless you're going downhill, you don't even need your brakes to stay under the speed limit.
If your brakes are so bad that you can't stay under the limit, then good luck stopping at that bottom of that hill.
The only way this ever works is if the court and prosecutor cbf with the case.
In the 90s my dad was pulled over by a Los Angeles County sheriff. Dad was respectful but the cop was in a rage. Next day Dad spoke to the Watch Commander at the station. "I'm not contesting the ticket, but there's no excuse for that officer's attitude; it's no wonder I hear of people calling them 'pigs'".
The watch commander apologized for his officer's behavior, and on the traffic court date the cop wasn't there & Dad's ticket was dismissed. Turns out the watch commander told his cop to let it go. 😊
your dad was 👍🏼 nice.
W dad, but Chief commander is also W for being chill
I'll take things that never happened, for a thousand, Alex. 😂
@@JohnKJV3-16literally what’s the purpose of creating such a specific story. Like it’s not even crazy exciting it’s just kind of cool. Why do you have such a weird pessimistic attitude…
@grassdungeon8433 It's fact. Don't argue with the police, and you'll still have to pay the ticket. That's not pessimistic. That's fact. Better yet, don't break the law in the first place.
That tip of rescheduling your court date is genius
Except in Washington State where the cops are no longer required to show up. Reason, I was told because the cop had already testified by what was written on the ticket.😕 So much for being able to face your accuser.
I like that 2 of the 3 just work on the assumption that the cops are too lazy to do their job.
In Florida, the statutes state that you must have your hearing within 6 months. IF the court reschedules (or the cop) and it goes past 6 months, it automatically gets discharged. However, IF YOU, at any point, request a new date...the 6 month time limit stops applying and you can't get it thrown out due to a lack of a speedy trial even if it takes years.
Yeah, I had a ticket that was resolved (in my favor) 1 week from being thrown out because of multiple rescheduling dates from the court/states' request/requirements.
The alarm got me ptsd 😢
Next video: Top 3 ways to evade taxes 💀
Just don't pay bro😂 claim exempt on your W2
I mean, if your ok with dying in a firefight with the government you dont have to pay them
Yeah that would be great
"Sir you ran over 3 children"
"Okay but what about that radar gun tho"
I love the story of the physicist who got a speeding ticket and then went into court with a full scientific paper about how it was impossible the cop actually saw him speeding.
...and lost the case.
and won the case with the power of science. Learning in school is beneficial in case something like this happens to you.
@@kaboomwinn4026 learning in school provides other benefits as well.
But probably the judge sided with the cop anyway.
@@johnlacey3857 It's so easy to google, he won and didn't have to pay the $400 ticket
Geez man, get your shit together is wild💀💀💀
Also remember that federal guidelines for the speedometer is 4%. That means that in some states like Texas, where the speed limit can be 85 mph, you have almost 4 mph grace.
Evade taxes:❎️
Evade speeding ticket:✅️
Edit:STOP blowing up my notifications😭😭
Edit:OK please stop liking💀💀💀
Takes or Taxes?
No it's takxes
Mmm takxes
Takxes needs to be in the dictionary. Idk why people don't know it 🙄
Irs:evade what now
I once pleaded not guilty to a no DL no insurance, expired tags.
And asked for a trial .
Three days later i got 'all charges dropped' from court.
You must be the usual suspects 😅
What’s a trail?
@sk8punk318 sorry mate. Autocorrect. Im not gonna correct myself. You know what i meant to say
@@jetstreamdefalpha5411 You said you wouldn't, then you did.
@@johnnybeasley3675 i lied, my friend
Hats off to your efforts to make a single short like body language transitions everything is perfectly precise
Radar guns are often calibrated per shift before use, so be careful with that one
a 3rd party company has to calibrate it and it has to be certified
@@josephhughes1319 who told you that? There's 2 sets of tuning forks with recorded values. pop the radar on at start of shift and strike the forks. If the values are consistent the radar equipment is fine. You might need a third party if the gun's out of calibration completely but day to day use you check it and go.
Radars are certified calibrated from the factory and typically do not need to be recalibrated often. What has to be checked EVERYDAY is a verification of the calibration by using tuning forks. These tuning forks are certified by the department of weights and measures yearly.
In Oregon they also have a No Contest option which was explained to me as the middle ground. Not admitting guilt, but also not worth the time to fight it and just pay the fine
Police: Pay the ticket.
Mike: No you. *Proceeds to do everything to avoid to pay it.*
paying a ticket is admission of guilt which means that's just a difficulty tweak you will have to live with for the rest of your life.
@@aeghohloechu5022you do know it’s either pay the ticket or fight it in court bruh
You can fight it, unless it’s a speed or red light camera ticket. Legally you could fight it, but I’m fairly sure the process to is pretty much made to make you give up out of frustration. Also if you were speeding or ran a red, there’s direct proof, though I’ve heard plenty of people get falsely ticketed going one or two over when their speedometer was legitimately at or under the limit, or people stopping on the line, even slightly, before legally turning right on red.
Never pay a mailed ticket.
Dang bro is NOT gonna have to pay the speeding ticket
The cop is so dedicated to his job he never takes off his uniform even in bed lmao
My lawyer literally hit me up through FB messenger to tell me to be at court the next day or else a warrant would be out for me... over expired plates lol.
yeah there would be
dont fuck with the Marshals
Good lawyer tho.
The IRL Saul Goodman 😂
can i actually schedule a court date for 7am lmao
Ain’t nobody waking up 7 in the morning to go to court😂
@@MasterJ30Tbh I would do it out of spite
I'm waking at 5 AM if have to save a 1$
Would it work to say I have to much to do during the day and the only time its going to work is 3 am or 10pm
Your prob going have to go in specfics on that
Instructions unclear, he came to court and had calibrated his radar gun.
The cop slepping with his full uniform really did it for me😂😂
"Geez man get ur s#$t together" 😂😂
"Geez man get your sh💩t together"
Was 💀💀💀💀💀💀
The #1 way of beating a speeding ticket is....
even if you don't you could still be pulled over for it if the cop wants to so these tips might still come in handy
Yeah, seriously. I can understand wasting the cop's time if he pulls you over for going over five MPH, but some people who speed really don't deserve their license.
@@jacksmith-vs4ct In most places, you can't be charged for speeding if the cop doesn't record your speed on some kind of moving or stationary radar. They also need reasonable cause to conduct a traffic stop. So they can't just pull you over because they want to.
@@jacksmith-vs4ct Not really though. It's a very very easy case to win if you weren't speeding.
Unless you have an out of state license, then cops will hunt for you.
When I was pulled over for running stop sign ON MY BIKE, I had to pay it in order to enter a not guilty plea. Went to traffic court without ever using a car, acquitted, got most of the monry back minus some fees. At least the judge's reaction when I asked "Does the record reflect I was on a bike?" was hilarious.
With my favorite part is that that stuff gets put onto your driving record, when it wasn't to do with anything driving.
Well, be glad that happened in the US; in Germany, you'd still be on the hook for running the stop signs, since they are valid for all vehicles on the road.
Here, too. Problem in this case was I STOPPED!!!
Bikes still have to follow all traffic laws. Idk where you got the idea that bikes have some kind of special privileges.
I contested the ticket because I STOPPED!
I've noticed you've said in your videos that signing tickets isn't and is an admission of guilt. What is it?
You forgot number 4: just don't speed.
I'm not doing that.
Well, then cops should follow the law too.
They shouldn't speed, disturb the peace (loud sirens, flashing lights), no tint, and don't use electronics while driving.
@ellisdee5304 you're absolutely right. Corruption is everywhere, unfortunately.
I got ticketed for "10 under, over the speed limit" like i was doing 50 in a 45. they can suck my whole ass.
@@malikguzman9132 i feel like that is literally the mildest example of corruption you can get.
This comment got alot of likes. For no absolute reason
What did this reply originally say? Who knows?
"You merely wear the uniform I was born in."
*I can deduce from the replies what your comment was, nice try Mr. Gen-Z*
@@HANKSANDY69420 Then what was it?
@@bleu2537 That the _really_ active-duty cop sleeps in his uniform
In some towns instead of giving you a speeding ticket like they should they give you a parking ticket if you plead guiltyacting like they’re doing you a favor (my father said they do this because it gives them money and a speeding ticket gives money to the state or something). But they give this condition, if you challenge them in court and plead not guilty they will make it a speeding ticket. What do you think about this?
Cop: you have to pay👮♂️
Mike: No you don’t 🗿
"nuh uh!"
@@hypothetic_ hey
I've never found traffic court to be boring, it's always an interesting experience.
At least 95% of the time, their main defense is "I couldn't have been going 90 because I keep my cruise control at 85".
Sir, the limit is 70, and the fine is the same for both.😅
Depends on where you live. Not sure if it's my entire state or just my county, but where I live, speeding ticket prices are proportional to how much over the limit you were going. So going 85 in a 50mph zone is less of a charge than going 100 in a 55 or 60
@@jakehaskins5363 That is a fair and excellent point.
I suppose I should say, 90/70 is the same fine as 85/70.
My speeding ticket got sent to Tesla because the car was driving at the time. Tesla gave me a hard time getting the evidence from the car though, I wonder why.
*HE CAN SWEAR?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!*
1. Hire a lawyer to get it reduced
I think Mike is becoming less unhinged
Sanity appears insane in an unhinged world.
Mike is doing God's work.
That's what he wants you to think! 😂
I'll use this advice next time I'm going 80 in a 45, thanks!
Yeah, let's all evade speeding tickets instead of doing the speed limit.
“Oh no it’s you?!” The cop already knew what was bouta happen bro 💀🙏🏻😭
I changed the date on my first speeding ticket and the deputy didn’t show up! Learned my lesson
When I was in law enforcement, they would only set the date on the deputy's assigned day of the month and only with the judge the deputy was assigned to. If you couldn't come this month, you would be rescheduled to my next court date the following month.
Our radars were certified yearly, but tested before and after each shift it was used on.
They're just going to say it was calibrated in the timeframe and produce a document to back it up.
Exactly right. Calibration annually, confirm calibration before each shift, recommended after each traffic stop. Where I worked, Radar and Lidar can only collaborate officers observation.
So I have a question then if the timeslots are that limited, is there a limit to recheduling the court date? Could I just infinitely reschedule and years go by?
If the answer is yes/no for the first and second question respectively, what is stopping me from scheduling legitimate and important corroberative appointments (ex. doctors) for each new court date?
@@CplDon63 I though a 3rd party certifier had to do calibrations, how were they done before each shift? and after a stop
@aephos-overwatch so you can request a change to the next month. Nothing requires the judge to grant a new court date. It is a judicial order, requiring you to be present, unless you satisfied the citation prior to your court date. You can't tell a judge no. Well, I guess you can, but they immediately issue warrants where I live. If they call your name and you're not there it's a warrant issued on the spot. If you walk in a little late and you were already called, you would have to explain why you weren't there.
In my area, they would allow for one, maybe two, reschedule request. After that, it's the date and you show up or go to jail.
"Mam you were caught breaking the 80mph limit in your fiat panda"
"Nice try officer"
Thursday at "7:00 a.m."... hell the judge can't be found before 9:00 😅🤣😂
"dont pay the ticket" 2 minutes later "sir ur being detained"😂 keep up the work mike I love the shorts
Paying is a admission of guilt is a pretty slimy tactic.
Don't pay if you're planning to fight and are somewhat certain you can win.
"Number 4, whip out an A-10 warty :)"
why so you can team kill your friends? those things are shit at hitting a target XD
Out of all the speeding tickets I received in my life. There was one time I forgot about one and it went into warrant status. I got pulled over for speeding again and got taken into jail for five hours and had to promise a judge that I would pay it.
imagine getting a speeding ticket without even moving
Top way to evade a speeding ticket: Dont speed
That’s no fun
@@Alex-qy8urArrive alive. That's all imma say to you my boy
@@Alex-qy8ur don't worry your get a ticket for Impeding traffic instead
A lot of people mistake the speeding for something being along the lines of driving like a bat out of hell, When it's in reality oh I'm doing 5 mph over or 10 over going just a little bit faster than traffic.
Fun fact… I was pulled over a few years back and the cop stated he “clocked” me going 83 in 65. I had my cruise control set to exactly 65 and I even had a dash cam that records and displays my speed. I told the officer that and he didn’t care. He issued me a speeding citation anyway. I went to court to fight it and presented the evidence I had and the citation was dismissed. So the overall concept of “dOn’T SpeEd 🥴” is load of horse 💩! There’s A LOT of corrupt cops out there that love to power trip and I know it’s hard for bootlickers 🥾👅 like you to understand.
Brudda really just said "me personally, i wouldnt take that level of disrespect"
Lesson Learned: Always plan court on Thursday 7am.
Dont pay the ticket if you plan to do step two or go to court, simply ignoring the ticket and not paying it or going to court will land you in jail. Option 3 only works in the most backwater of places, even small cities stay on calibrations and daily tests with log books to document it all.
My guy is becoming sleazier than Saul Goodman 💀
@@Noneya409 pigs can do whatever but if you use the system as intended and stand up for your rights it's "sleazy". Americans are so miserably servile
Biggest thing I learned from this is that its not like real life. 1. situation 1. I didnt pay it and the judge threatened to arrest me for failure to pay it as a court cost. 3. you gotta have a good lawyer that knows radar guns and how they work because the cop knew how to get around the questions and just stated that he calibrated the thing the day before.
Right😂 they believe the officer always
The Saul Goodman of the hood be like
Fourth way: don't speed 😎
Going the speed limit is for losers
Fifth way: Always speed.
they can't catch you then.
Well 🤷🏻♂️ I'm just saying
@@LoasterComing from the guy with a Roblox pfp. You're about 6.
You can get away with this in California.
Talking from experience.
How can you get away with this in California? Kinda curious.
“Jeez man get your sh@# together” 😂😂😂, ain’t no way that a judge said that to a cop 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Lmao
Yes, court date change works... but to add to that ask the clerk to schedule as far out as possible, then reschedule it and again ask for the furthest date possible. If possible reschedule again.
Ok so just
Never go to court
my way is better, its called dont speed
i love the skits man. this dude woke up in his full police uni💀
“Yeah of course I calibrated it if I didn’t calibrate it I’d lose my job and I don’t wanna lose my job!”
I've heard several speeding ticket stories over the years. I've gotten out of one or two tickets just by being polite, and pulling over before the cop puts on his lights. The advice given here is very good. Thanks.
Just pay the damn ticket. You know you were speeding like Speedy Gonzalez.
The best way? Simple; Grow up and obey the laws like we all are required to do, whether you like the rules or not!
You know it’s real when the judge says get your shit together to the cop 😂
The “yeah of course I did” got me🤣
No. The actual full calibration is only required to be done avery 3 years. People confuse "calibration" with the confirmation test done at the beginning and end of shift with the tuning forks.
That's not what the manufacturers write in the manuals shipped with them.
As someone who works in a courthouse, you can request a date change but they will just schedule you for the officers next day, you dont get to choose.
“So when was the last time you calibrated your gun”
Cop: “Oh, I did it last week”
“Your honor, I will pay the fine”
That's fine, but you also have to add now the court fee.
@@DonSaly Thats stupid. Then you only can defend your ticket if you can pay the court cost to do so.
In the country where I live you can go to court and if you loose you just pay the fine, and no extra cost.
Having to pay to defend yourself is stupid as it just means that you rather accept guilt even if you're not guilty because otherwise you will have to pay anyway.
I like that you changed your outfit
I’d rather just pay the ticket than have to do all of this.
Same lol
Well if it’s couple hundreds. It’s prob worth it
In some cases sure, but if it has points to the ticket, that can make your insurance go up, thus can be more worth it to fight it
I'm not paying no ticket
Most people just go ahead and pay the ticket.
Wayment- what if the cops calibrated the gun? You just lose the case? 😂
Dont pay it...sounds nice
Best way to beat a speeding ticket is not to speed.
Or take it to a traffic ticket lawyer, here in Texas they will dismiss it for you
That judge chill as fuck 😂
Easiest way….
….don’t speed.
my father once tried purposefully to get a speeding ticket on a bike
Did he succeed
@@AgentZ-1844 unfortunately no...