Thank you for the brilliant video! I tried the file and i have two questions, First, the Clipping parts works very well, but some parts don't show in Rhino, just like at 0:29 or 0:38~0:40 in the video the buliding is not 100% displayed. How can we fix this? And the second question is, can we get the clipping parts data as curves output on grasshopper ?
Thank you for your comment. 1. Please try turning ON the preview for the Mesh component where the model is set. 2. You cannot get overlapping part data. The fragment shader only controls the rendering of pixels on the screen that the model occupies, which means it visually clips the model but does not actually modify the geometry. The overlapping parts still exist in the original object, they are just not rendered. If you need to obtain the actual clipped parts, you would need to use a different approach, such as using the Solid Difference or Solid Intersection component in Grasshopper to physically cut the geometry and extract the overlapping regions.
Thank you for the brilliant video!
I tried the file and i have two questions,
First, the Clipping parts works very well, but some parts don't show in Rhino, just like at 0:29 or 0:38~0:40 in the video the buliding is not 100% displayed. How can we fix this?
And the second question is, can we get the clipping parts data as curves output on grasshopper ?
Thank you for your comment.
1. Please try turning ON the preview for the Mesh component where the model is set.
2. You cannot get overlapping part data. The fragment shader only controls the rendering of pixels on the screen that the model occupies, which means it visually clips the model but does not actually modify the geometry. The overlapping parts still exist in the original object, they are just not rendered.
If you need to obtain the actual clipped parts, you would need to use a different approach, such as using the Solid Difference or Solid Intersection component in Grasshopper to physically cut the geometry and extract the overlapping regions.