Assuming that's the reason for the delay I have good news, because the case is schedule to resume tomorrow morning. Guessing that wasn't released before they filmed this.
@@MomoHitsujiOwO No that's the only when they do live, they play it on TV a few hours before they post it online. Google "Fox News Dominion case" The 1st result should be from AP explaining they're not telling us why it was delayed, but it's back on tomorrow morning and I saw a report hours before that. I was laughing so hard I barely could tell my wife.
They won't. The damage has already been done to Dominion, Conservative states already abandoned them because of the Big Lie. They have nothing to lose by holding Fox's feet to the fire, and everything to gain. If they wind up being the company that brought down Fox News, that'll secure their company for the next 25-50 years until those of us who remember Fox are dead and gone.
We were more than happy to host a guy like Joe who's clearly genuine and sincere in what he says. And for those thinking this visit was nothing more than a nostalgic junket for Joe, consider that Ireland is the 9th (I've heard 6th being reported in 2023) largest source of foreign direct investment to the United States with over 900 U.S.-owned firms having their European headquarters in Ireland.
They didn't oust a president. Twice. With overwhelming evidence of sedition and a plethora of other crimes he committed in full view of the media. He even did it proudly many times. So yeah, Clarence might be impeached. But he won't be convicted. Sorry if I sound like a dick.
Some newbie in Crypto lack the knowledge of trading that's why they incure losses while trading, Mr Sam helped me in trading and taught me how I can be able to analyze them which makes it easier for me to master.
He’s referring to the symbolic light for the diaspora that Mary Robinson (Ex Irish President) has in her window in her home in Ballina and referred to in her earlier speech before Joe Biden’s that evening. Context is everything people. Do your research.
How is the google profiting from one-liner sock puppets making comments? Plus more offensive ads! Maybe depoliticizing America's legal system would help? So: "A nonpartisan Justice may compel two recusals by junior partisan Justices." How about that idea?
I'm in complete awe at how I went from living an average life to making over 63k per month. It's amazing. The financial markets are full with opportunities, but I've learned a lot over the past few years to doubt that. The key is knowing where to focus. Well appreciated, Mr SAM DEYMON
Yeah, we all know what lick means. Even ignoring the definition involving tongues, the phrasing is still odd and funny - "let's go lick the world" sounds more like he wants the US and Ireland to (to keep up with Colbert's joke) be a WWE tag team, or some kind of world conquerors.
Yeah, but so was Trump. Twice. And they acquitted him twice. Plus you need the House to impeach before you can hold a trial, and Kevin McCarthy sure ain’t holding that vote
@@Tuturial464 Well, technically we could create a new amendment to the Constitution outline a new way to remove him, and use that, but the odds of that happening are, uh, slim. Which is too bad considering we've kind of needed it for the past, oh, 80 years or so.
Y'know, considering how proud she is of arming a 2 year old, I'm starting to think they have something with the 'mental health issue' thing... I mean, she thinks the constant threat of gun violence is equivalent to 'good parenting'... there's an unmedicated issue there for sure.
@@marthareis5873 She went on to talk about how wonderful it was for her dad to abandon her in the woods on a hunting trip when she was 9 or 10 years old. He did follow her to make sure she got back to camp safe, but "made bear noises the whole way."
@@RictusHolloweye 🔫 “i ain’t eating no broccoli, mama.” 🔫 “the hell you ain’t!” 🔫🔫 “alright, both of yous settle down now. Baby, you’ll eat your broccoli or no Bluey tomorra. Now honey, what were you saying about your car making a funny noise? You want me to take it out back and put it down?”
Not really. In America, the rich and powerful get away with everything. See Trump's handling of classified documents vs. 21 year old nobody. The surprising part would be if Thomas actually faces consequences.😊
That's how the world (US anyway) works-the rich or powerful take care of each other-you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours, and together we'll get WHATEVER we want. F the rest of these peasants!!😡😡
It is so nice to have a President who does things that are funny and just laugh at, as opposed to a President that does things that are funny and we get scared.
When Trump made gaffes he doubled down on them and pretended he actually meant what he said. Incredibly insecure. Biden is comfortable enough in himself to just laugh it off
As an American I can confirm that Americans... are stupid. The smart among us claim "we don't fucking know how this shit keeps happening" but we all secretly know the truth: the majority of us are dumb as a brick. It takes an apocalypse level crisis to get the average American to look up from swilling sugar drinks and eating whatever processed crap passes for food here. It's very tiring. Democracy is not something that survives apathy really well.
For some reason? “Mary, I see the light” is referring to a poem written by an Irish poet Ballina. Keeping a light on in the night for weary traveling migrants. It’s tradition. Loving and caring for people no matter who they are or where they come from. They shall be treated with respect and dignity.
given there is already clear evidence for Dominion , a settlement would : 1. prevent assignment of damages for pain and suffering , and most importantly for democracy, bury all the facts of the truth, that it was known, and which actors said what - important: for example, for proof for those enthralled, and for deterring others from this blatant repetition of lies hypnotizing people into believing / inciting violence.
@@cathywolfe7993 Dominion is a Canadian company. I doubt their goal is to save America from the Fox News DEVIL. They'll settle for tons of Rupert's CASH!
I think I have an idea for a new gun law that might be acceptable to more people, and not be opposed by the NRA, or the politicians they pay for: Only old white guys get to buy or carry guns. Yes, it's racist (like most of those old white guys), and ageist, but I think it could work. School shootings would be reduced considerably.
@@nonna_sof5889 Let me rephrase my statement. I want Congress to tell the American people about the 1942 USDA film, *Hemp for Victory.* Humans didn't listen to Jesus, so you're certainly not going to listen to me, but there's a government video called *Hemp for Victory* on a government website that shows everyone how to grow weed to defeat fascism, and Congress banned the film from the public to wage the "war on drugs." So, if anyone wants Congress to have ethics, it starts by acknowledging the documented historical fact that the legalization of "Marihuana" saved America and the "free world" during World War II and ending the "war on drugs" that has lasted for longer than most of us have been alive. *Hemp for Victory* has been available to the general public since 1990. Congress has had over 30 years to do the right thing.
I thought the gross-out factor had been reached with “popcorn and champagne” but then the Rupert sketch came up… seriously tho, I needed the laugh, many thanks Mr Colbert!!
Well put. You can't 'reason' someone OUT of a position they didn't 'reason' themselves INTO. The party of "facts don't care about your feelings" sure likes gettin' up in their Xtian feelings a lot.
It's really glad to have an President who isn't a national embarassment for the first time in 4 years. Doing what... say, a President is say supposed to do.
Are you serious? He´s using all his mental fortitude to string together a sentence.. and he is failing. I still prefer him to Trump, but it´s embarrassing thats the two choices your country provides you with.
@@torgnysafro we are fully aware. But I don’t care Biden > trump. Besdies biden somehow managed to do more than Obama in 2-3 years than Big man in 8. I still don’t like Biden so tells you how bad they both are
"Marihuana" stopped the Axis during World War II. Watch the 1942 US Department of Agriculture video, *Hemp for Victory.* The rest of the world is going to need to know this to stop the Republicans before all of this is over.
@@truth2774 I've regularly heard it as to beat, though not so much the whole world, and not often in a nice or good way, usually more like "you keep that up you gonna get a lickin' " or "lick the floor with [a person]" to indicate you wish to cause grevious bodily harm.
I love Stephen's monologues but his portrayal of Biden's Ireland visit has been unfair. Listen, I know it's comedy but... I'm Irish and I watched much of his visit which was shown on tv here. He gave some fantastic speeches, said all the right things and his message was positive. And unlike how his predecessor's methods would be...there was no bluster, lies or self-felattio-ing (?).
@@MrYoumitube Does anyone remember when Trump claimed he was in favor of background checks and red flag laws... but then vetoed legislation that could have introduced them?
@@TooSlowTube Could have been yesterday, could be tomorrow, doesn't matter. Whatever he decides to say on a given day, the MAGAts will just roll with it.
I really hope the Fox v Dominion trial happens. The American mentality thinks that if you settled that means "I'm innocent." They forgot that when you settled it means, "I'm guilty, but here's some money to make this whole thing go away."
@@lenawagenfuehr53 yea the danger there is if they managed to settle behind closed doors without an ounce of information revealed to the public, the very next day FOX can go live claiming dominion threatetned them with "unjustified and completely false" political armageddon for "telling the truth" and dominion needed that money to pay off china and hugo chavezs's ghosts for helping dominion steal the elecetion
actually, most of the settlement agreements I've seen come out and say "not admitting to any guilt" but here's some money to go away... IMHO, that's NOT good enough!
but the "GOOD" kind! (sarcasm) buys mom's house ... and let's her stay rent-free, plus makes upgrades to it. (normally, if you wanted to save a "historical landmark", you'd want to leave it in "original condition", right?
If Harlan Crow likes you THAT much... you gotta be a real monster behind closed doors. Just sayin'. Really, simply being on the take would be a better reflection of Thomas' character.
Just what I was thinking. Thomas must be worse than I imagined. Crow is holding him in such regard asking with his fetish for the world's most violent leaders.
Thomas should not be allowed to 'amend' his crime! If he does, then every criminal in the Nation should be allowed to 'amend' their crime as well! How utterly absurd!
I know exactly what he's saying. He's talking about the spirit of national accomplishment that has given the world so much. He might be the only one who remembers what we're really supposed to be about.
Just so we're clear, I'm only 42 and I grew up hearing it, though it's still not as a good thing per se, since it means to violently beat. Though it was mostly getting replaced with whuppin'.
Growing up as a kid, I've always told that guns are not toys. The fact of the matter is that the GQP is making kids have guns and tells you that they don't think they're toys. This is absolutely disgusting. As a future parent, i will never ever ever ever let my kid near a gun ever end of the story.
I will never get tired of writing this: I feel that if we have a 2 & 1/2 term limit (or 10 year maximum) for the President & a majority of Governors have term limits, we should have term limits for all members of the House (I say 10, 2 year terms), Senate (3, 6 year terms), & Judiciary (at most 20 years). I feel this is the only way to prevent complicity in our government by constantly changing it, & with these term limits, Justice Thomas would have been removed & replaced over a decade ago!
Laws are meant to stand the test of time, not changed every 10-15 years to suit whatever delusional whim that a braindead consumer public fancies at any given moment. That is the idea, anyway. Humans don't have a very good track record of living up to their own hype and propaganda. A society of selfish ignorant people will only have selfish ignorant people to elect to public office. Real systemic reform is shown in the 14-minute 1942 US Dept of Agriculture video, *Hemp for Victory.* It will create a ripple effect throughout the global economy that will change _EVERYTHING,_ and that's why the film was banned from history books and nearly erased from existence after World War II.
@The United Nation - Official Their pay is not the source of "money in politics" in any way. That, my friend, is the donations. Campaign finances. Book deals. It's the invisible millions. Do you think these people have the money for massive ranches and yachts on that salary? Hell no. The lavish lives the political live is not backed up by their honestly sad salaries. Let's attack it another way. More pay for them, more term limits for everyone, and absolutely no donations. I'd rather have a set government fund for this. You get X dollars once you manage to qualify for the race (there's already stuff in there for that) and that's it. All of it. Use the internet. It should not take HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS to get elected. What the hell? The "money" is the damn campaigns and lobbyists throwing dollars to make laws happen in the almost legal way that seems to be accepted in america. YAY MONEY IN POLITICS!!!! (heavy sarcasm with the caps and such if you cant tell)
Supreme court was never meant to be run by people with high pay for a lifetime anyways. It was envisioned people would be humble enough to be a justice for 5 years max. Since back then it was low pay and more of a prestigious position.
Donald Chump came up to me, tears in his eyes. He said, "Sir! Nobody told me the teflon wears out! Bing Bong Bing Bong Bing!" And then he just cried on the floor.
Believe it or not, a V.A. counselor wasn’t allowed to buy a homeless Vet a cup of coffee!!! But, hey, maybe he should have bought him a car port and a $500K yacht vacation.
He looks and sounds happy! It would be nice to have his own country show a modicum of appreciation for trying to build bridges and being the new change that we all want and need Thank you 🙏 😂
Making public the trial of FOX vs Dominion is a public service. This is about enforcing once and for all the notion that you can't just lie to serve your interest with impunity. Unless of course, this is what America continue wants to be as a society, in which case, thoughts and prayers to you
Such thoughts and prayers don't and won't get anything done due to those thoughts and prayers amounting to the asking of God to interfere with the free will He gave to each and every human being, and possibly every other relatively intelligent form of life on earth. With free will comes great responsibility. When humankind breaks something it is also humankind's responsibility to repair or replace it.
"Lick", as in "lick the world", means to defeat comprehensively, overcome, etc.. (As per Oxford Languages.). Biden's saying that he believes that together the US and Ireland can overcome any opposition.
@@lenawagenfuehr53By acting like a leader of a nation which promised to help protect a smaller nation if they gave up the nukes, and is following up on the nation's promise...
According to Oxford Dictionaries, malarkey is "meaningless talk; nonsense," it came into use in the 1920s and its specific origin is unknown. There is an Irish name - Mullarkey. But a connection from the name to the word hasn't been established.
Heres a fun little aside: in Australia we flick DOWN for ON and UP for OFF. . . . to turn power OFF we flick the switch UP so if you were sitting with an Aussie and they looked confused for a moment, that's what it was. 😂
The full video of the evening in Ballina is out there on RUclips. Joe gave a very good speech, people had been standing in the rain for up to six hours being entertained by some fantastic Irish and American-Irish performers, e.g. Eileen Ivers, etc. Don't know if it got reported over there but here in Ireland, it was a very poignant moment when Joe met the priest that gave Beau Biden the last rights. Completely serendipitous. Joe broke down in tears.
PLEASE Dominion, do not settle. This is a historic case. Media accountability hangs in the balance.
Assuming that's the reason for the delay I have good news, because the case is schedule to resume tomorrow morning.
Guessing that wasn't released before they filmed this.
@@MadDragon76I don’t think so because they record the episodes a few hours before it’s posted online.
@@MomoHitsujiOwO No that's the only when they do live, they play it on TV a few hours before they post it online.
Google "Fox News Dominion case" The 1st result should be from AP explaining they're not telling us why it was delayed, but it's back on tomorrow morning and I saw a report hours before that. I was laughing so hard I barely could tell my wife.
Puh lease...the media sold its soul ages ago
They won't. The damage has already been done to Dominion, Conservative states already abandoned them because of the Big Lie. They have nothing to lose by holding Fox's feet to the fire, and everything to gain. If they wind up being the company that brought down Fox News, that'll secure their company for the next 25-50 years until those of us who remember Fox are dead and gone.
Did not settle, check.
Ireland showed a lot of class
They did, didn't they. I love Ireland for loving Uncle Joe.
So did Joe. We were delighted to have him
Unfortunately Ireland are blind just like like most people.
We were more than happy to host a guy like Joe who's clearly genuine and sincere in what he says. And for those thinking this visit was nothing more than a nostalgic junket for Joe, consider that Ireland is the 9th (I've heard 6th being reported in 2023) largest source of foreign direct investment to the United States with over 900 U.S.-owned firms having their European headquarters in Ireland.
They heard that Joe signed a bill called the IRA
If Clarence isn't ousted with these revelations, this society is even more broken than anyone imagined.
As if it needed any more help when we've got sloppy Joe at the helm.
They didn't oust a president. Twice. With overwhelming evidence of sedition and a plethora of other crimes he committed in full view of the media. He even did it proudly many times.
So yeah, Clarence might be impeached. But he won't be convicted. Sorry if I sound like a dick.
Yes , I can confidently say Mr Sam Deymon is one of the few licensed brokers.
Some newbie in Crypto lack the knowledge of trading that's why they incure losses while trading, Mr Sam helped me in trading and taught me how I can be able to analyze them which makes it easier for me to master.
@@isabellamarie6213 My 4000 dollar earned with the help Mr Sam Deymon an hour job feels like I'm making sum an hour these days with him.
They aren't "gifts". They are bribes. Say it with me. BRIBES.
About 30 years too late for justice to come for Justice Clarence Thomas, but better late than never I guess
Yes, please Dominion, don't settle. I would love to see Fox guilty 🎉
They didn't, case *is back on tomorrow morning. I don't think Fox offered them enough to settle.
@@MadDragon76 let's cross 🤞 our fingers
@@MadDragon76 👍 and ✌️
I want Fox "News" bankrupt and dissolved, gone and never to return to the airwaves.
I'd love to see them bankrupt and buried
"Mary, I see the light." Is a welcoming home phrase in Ireland.
"Don't go into the light!" is an American phrase. ☠️
@@glenncordova4027 No, it's an English phrase - as in English the language.
Oh. Good to know! Thanks!
No it isn't - from the Republic of Ireland
He’s referring to the symbolic light for the diaspora that Mary Robinson (Ex Irish President) has in her window in her home in Ballina and referred to in her earlier speech before Joe Biden’s that evening. Context is everything people. Do your research.
C-Span knew exactly what they were doing with that last cutaway shot
I almost didn't think they'd cut to the audience, but apparently someone in the control room has a sense of humor lol.
That cameraman is a hero...
How is the google profiting from one-liner sock puppets making comments? Plus more offensive ads!
Maybe depoliticizing America's legal system would help?
So: "A nonpartisan Justice may compel two recusals by junior partisan Justices."
How about that idea?
I'm in complete awe at how I went from living an average life to making over 63k per month. It's amazing. The financial markets are full with opportunities, but I've learned a lot over the past few years to doubt that. The key is knowing where to focus. Well appreciated, Mr SAM DEYMON
It's by simply investing in the stöcks and Cryptó market with the help of my advisor Sam Deymon.
Sure hope Clarence is held accountable for his Quid Pro Crow!
Good 👍 ONE.... cuz he's obviously an Uncle Tom
You clever little devil! 😂👍
Nooo 😂 Lick the world 😂 he’s the best grandpa for us
It's really good to have a President that is loved and respected around the world!
Moreso there than here, unfortunately.
Totally ! 👍
Your kidding, right
Biden is not really "liked". He's just not as universally hated as Trump is.
To "lick" something means to accomplish it. He's saying let's go accomplish some good work.
Yes true
It actually means to "beat in a fair fight." Usually used by little kids in the 1930s.
Stephen is always looking for something with Biden. U sure Biden will show up on his show?
Yeah, we all know what lick means. Even ignoring the definition involving tongues, the phrasing is still odd and funny - "let's go lick the world" sounds more like he wants the US and Ireland to (to keep up with Colbert's joke) be a WWE tag team, or some kind of world conquerors.
Licking means a beating.
Was there for the live taping of the show. Amazing experience. Stephen is even better live!
You and your writers are brilliant!!! You make my day every time I watch. Thank you!!!
Clarence Thomas is an Open and shut case for Impeachment
Becuase me soy boy heard it in leftist media outlets that don't know a thing about the supreme court!!!!!😅😅😅😅
Yeah, but so was Trump. Twice. And they acquitted him twice.
Plus you need the House to impeach before you can hold a trial, and Kevin McCarthy sure ain’t holding that vote
So were Trump's two impeachments. At this point, I don't see how impeachment of anybody is possible, given that you need 2/3 of the senate.
There’s no reason why Clarence Thomas should continue to be on the Supreme Court. He should be impeached immediately.
Good luck getting the gop to agree. Any other way?
@@Tuturial464 The DOJ could go after him.
For those of us who are old enough to remember, there's no reason why he should have been appointed to the Supreme Court in the first place.
@@amherst88 Just think, and we get to go through the whole thing again in 20 years with Kavanaugh.
@@Tuturial464 Well, technically we could create a new amendment to the Constitution outline a new way to remove him, and use that, but the odds of that happening are, uh, slim. Which is too bad considering we've kind of needed it for the past, oh, 80 years or so.
Y'know, considering how proud she is of arming a 2 year old, I'm starting to think they have something with the 'mental health issue' thing... I mean, she thinks the constant threat of gun violence is equivalent to 'good parenting'... there's an unmedicated issue there for sure.
She made that pathological comment with such nonchalance, it was creepy as hell.
Perhaps the 2 yo will shoot!
@@marthareis5873 She went on to talk about how wonderful it was for her dad to abandon her in the woods on a hunting trip when she was 9 or 10 years old. He did follow her to make sure she got back to camp safe, but "made bear noises the whole way."
At this point I'm pretty sure 'wanting to run for any public office' is a mental health red flag.
@@musicinggp ....her!
I looove those little dances amid the applause😂😂😂
I *love* the Brunch Cam!!!! 😍🥂🍳🧇
A toddler with a firearm? I did my best hostage negotiator impression when my toddlers had a sharpie! I can't imagine it with a gun.
Those kids won't be eating any damn vegetables!
It is total insanity.
Sasha Baron Cohen did a joke about toddlers with guns. The GOP is beyond parody.
@@RictusHolloweye 🔫 “i ain’t eating no broccoli, mama.”
🔫 “the hell you ain’t!”
🔫🔫 “alright, both of yous settle down now. Baby, you’ll eat your broccoli or no Bluey tomorra. Now honey, what were you saying about your car making a funny noise? You want me to take it out back and put it down?”
How does a 2-year-old with a gun have any parents left?
Best part of Monday… new Colbert!
That C-Span tech knew what they were doing and they're a legend for it!
Biden entering to the Dropkick Murphys was epic.
My grandma would say, "Show me who you go with and I'll tell you who you are." So Mr. Crow, you truly found your soulmate.
Hard to believe Clarence Thomas did this for over 20 years and got away with it!!
Not really. In America, the rich and powerful get away with everything. See Trump's handling of classified documents vs. 21 year old nobody.
The surprising part would be if Thomas actually faces consequences.😊
Hard to believe?
SO SO SO believable Thomas n wife have been crooked for years! Anita Hill was right about him.
That's how the world (US anyway) works-the rich or powerful take care of each other-you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours, and together we'll get WHATEVER we want. F the rest of these peasants!!😡😡
Not hard to believe at all unfortunately....
It is so nice to have a President who does things that are funny and just laugh at, as opposed to a President that does things that are funny and we get scared.
@D Dd Well Trump's diaper will muffle the fart noises.
@DDd-gm8uz good news then, Donald isn’t in the White House anymore so the US doesn’t have a 900 year old invalid in charge anymors
@D Dd fuck you, that’s the world leader I’d vote for.
At least he doesn’t claim everyone cries when he walks into the room.
When Trump made gaffes he doubled down on them and pretended he actually meant what he said. Incredibly insecure. Biden is comfortable enough in himself to just laugh it off
Im from Ireland. i went to see biden. i loved it .. don't think i wouldn't have gone to trump
How is Fox News even allowed to exist?
Stockholm, Sweden 🇸🇪
Naive and gullible Republicans looking for a dictator😮
Because power and corruption. And good people doing nothing until the last minute.
As an American I can confirm that Americans... are stupid. The smart among us claim "we don't fucking know how this shit keeps happening" but we all secretly know the truth: the majority of us are dumb as a brick. It takes an apocalypse level crisis to get the average American to look up from swilling sugar drinks and eating whatever processed crap passes for food here. It's very tiring. Democracy is not something that survives apathy really well.
It's entertainment, like slowing down to see a car wreck.
"Are you not entertained!?" - some guy from a movie
As an American with a Swedish last name no idea. Idiots
@10:24; camera person is Spicy!!! And I ADORE IT! The Chef’s kiss of Chef kisses!🌹👏🏾🌹👏🏾🌹👏🏾🌹👏🏾🌹👏🏾🌹👏🏾
For some reason?
“Mary, I see the light” is referring to a poem written by an Irish poet Ballina. Keeping a light on in the night for weary traveling migrants. It’s tradition. Loving and caring for people no matter who they are or where they come from. They shall be treated with respect and dignity.
Dominion, gurrrrrl. DO. NOT. SETTLE! 😆
given there is already clear evidence for Dominion , a settlement would : 1. prevent assignment of damages for pain and suffering , and most importantly for democracy, bury all the facts of the truth, that it was known, and which actors said what - important: for example, for proof for those enthralled, and for deterring others from this blatant repetition of lies hypnotizing people into believing / inciting violence.
They might settle for a LOT of money and a very public apology in print and on Fox News for a couple of months.
@@cathywolfe7993 Dominion is a Canadian company. I doubt their goal is to save America from the Fox News DEVIL. They'll settle for tons of Rupert's CASH!
I'm sorry all of you won't believe me till tomorrow, however the case is back on for tomorrow morning. Google it and look for recent.
The whitest old guy doing a black twenty something female 🤣
I mean, “C-SPAN really has improved their comedic timing” is a sentence I never expected to say 🤭😂👏
That cutaway was like a joke from The Simpsons.
Wait, so that was the actual live feed from the NRA convention? Lol, I thought it was Colbert show's edit lol
@@joseville it 100% was the live feed😂 I saw it on MSNBC before I saw it here
I think it’s a disservice to the American people to refuse televising this trial. Unacceptable.
Relax. There are plenty more trials coming up. There is a whole series. Believe me. Believe me.
You don't bring a circus to a clown. That's where they thrive.
NOTHING about the justice system is fair in this country or any other.
@@glenncordova4027 Did a big tough trial come up to you with tears in its eyes and say "Sir..."?
Delaware has cooked her corporates: they made privacy for delinquents a law
I have lost the last remaining ounce of respect I had for The Supreme Court.
Except I do respect three of the female judges.
The only Supreme Court I respect is the basketball court nothing but net god bless the NBA amen
Dominion: DO NOT SETTLE!!!!!
That cutaway after "A lot of diversity in the NRA" to a swath of lily white folks is just chef's kiss perfection. Give whoever edit that a raise!
It's the 2nd time I've seen it (it was on John Oliver on Sunday) and it was just as funny as the 1st. Bang up editing job.
That was actual footage from C-SPAN so it probably wasn't hard to just cut to the crowd and let the BS play out
CSpan, I believe
Yeah but to be fair there were some white guys with hair, and some without 🙃
I think I have an idea for a new gun law that might be acceptable to more people, and not be opposed by the NRA, or the politicians they pay for: Only old white guys get to buy or carry guns.
Yes, it's racist (like most of those old white guys), and ageist, but I think it could work. School shootings would be reduced considerably.
@5:02, “Gordon Ramsay dredged from a lake…” Hahahaha!
When you have unethical justices with no shame, you can’t expect them to police themselves. Congress must step in to set some standards.
🎉 EXACTLY 💯✌️🖖👍
Congress isn't all that honest either. Or that they have ethics. A few do, but not too many.
You want _Congress_ to enforce _ethics_ standards?
Well, I want my own personal flying submarine. Let's see which one happens first.
@@nonna_sof5889 Let me rephrase my statement.
I want Congress to tell the American people about the 1942 USDA film, *Hemp for Victory.*
Humans didn't listen to Jesus, so you're certainly not going to listen to me, but there's a government video called *Hemp for Victory* on a government website that shows everyone how to grow weed to defeat fascism, and Congress banned the film from the public to wage the "war on drugs."
So, if anyone wants Congress to have ethics, it starts by acknowledging the documented historical fact that the legalization of "Marihuana" saved America and the "free world" during World War II and ending the "war on drugs" that has lasted for longer than most of us have been alive.
*Hemp for Victory* has been available to the general public since 1990. Congress has had over 30 years to do the right thing.
I thought the gross-out factor had been reached with “popcorn and champagne” but then the Rupert sketch came up… seriously tho, I needed the laugh, many thanks Mr Colbert!!
Ah. My favorite part of the morning. Coffee and Colbert.
If you could reason with Trump supporters there wouldn't be any Trump supporters.
Can't reason with an unreasonable peron
Well put. You can't 'reason' someone OUT of a position they didn't 'reason' themselves INTO. The party of "facts don't care about your feelings" sure likes gettin' up in their Xtian feelings a lot.
So True!
@D Dd sheep.
one should reason. talk with people
It's really glad to have an President who isn't a national embarassment for the first time in 4 years. Doing what... say, a President is say supposed to do.
He’s embarrassing, but in an adorable way. 😂
Are you serious? He´s using all his mental fortitude to string together a sentence.. and he is failing. I still prefer him to Trump, but it´s embarrassing thats the two choices your country provides you with.
He’s dumb and weird but he’s not irrational or crazy so… score!!
@@torgnysafro we are fully aware. But I don’t care Biden > trump. Besdies biden somehow managed to do more than Obama in 2-3 years than Big man in 8. I still don’t like Biden so tells you how bad they both are
I'm a Canadian and please don't lick my country, your tongue will freeze to it and besides it's basically an edible by now
"Marihuana" stopped the Axis during World War II.
Watch the 1942 US Department of Agriculture video, *Hemp for Victory.*
The rest of the world is going to need to know this to stop the Republicans before all of this is over.
Best comment so far. Thanks. : )
It means "beat the world" it's either archaic or regional to our area of pa but my father used it that way and I've heard it all my life.
@@truth2774 I've regularly heard it as to beat, though not so much the whole world, and not often in a nice or good way, usually more like "you keep that up you gonna get a lickin' " or "lick the floor with [a person]" to indicate you wish to cause grevious bodily harm.
@@truth2774If this is true, it’s new to me!
Biden's intro song for the curious is Shipping Up To Boston by The Dropkick Murphys
I love Stephen's monologues but his portrayal of Biden's Ireland visit has been unfair. Listen, I know it's comedy but...
I'm Irish and I watched much of his visit which was shown on tv here. He gave some fantastic speeches, said all the right things and his message was positive. And unlike how his predecessor's methods would be...there was no bluster, lies or self-felattio-ing (?).
Everything he said was positive
In my opinion. Giving a 2 year old a shot gun makes NO sense and is irresponsible❗️You can’t make the stupidity up❗️
Hitler Homes and Goebbels gave me the best laugh all day! Thanks Stephen and writers.
If the NRA thinks guns are not dangerous, how come they don't allow people to bring their guns into the convention floor?
It's crazy people with guns that are the problem ... and the NRA is full of them.
I want to protect Trump, so can I bring along my gun and walk with him??
@@MrYoumitube Does anyone remember when Trump claimed he was in favor of background checks and red flag laws... but then vetoed legislation that could have introduced them?
@@TooSlowTube Could have been yesterday, could be tomorrow, doesn't matter. Whatever he decides to say on a given day, the MAGAts will just roll with it.
Dominion definitely shouldn't settle!
They gave him a rockstar entrance. Oh I’d love to see him clog dance.
I really hope the Fox v Dominion trial happens. The American mentality thinks that if you settled that means "I'm innocent." They forgot that when you settled it means, "I'm guilty, but here's some money to make this whole thing go away."
Tomorrow morning.
No one ever thinks "settle" = innocent.
Pretty sure the defendent settling is for the most part taken as an admission of guilt or acknowledgment of wrongdoing.
@@lenawagenfuehr53 yea the danger there is if they managed to settle behind closed doors without an ounce of information revealed to the public, the very next day FOX can go live claiming dominion threatetned them with "unjustified and completely false" political armageddon for "telling the truth" and dominion needed that money to pay off china and hugo chavezs's ghosts for helping dominion steal the elecetion
actually, most of the settlement agreements I've seen come out and say "not admitting to any guilt" but here's some money to go away... IMHO, that's NOT good enough!
That entrance was lit. ❤❤❤❤
That's the Irish for you. We know how to make an entrance
That CSPAN camera person deserves an Emmy!
As always, I have utmost admiration for the team and entertainment that is provided eloquently from Colbert! Makes my day so much better!
Ahmad Jamal Poincana at the end. Nice!
Crow is such a friend he likes to call Thomas "Uncle Tom."
oh god
And his name is crow... Like Jim crow. YiKES 😬😬 😬
but the "GOOD" kind! (sarcasm)
buys mom's house ... and let's her stay rent-free, plus makes upgrades to it. (normally, if you wanted to save a "historical landmark", you'd want to leave it in "original condition", right?
There's no reason to be concerned about Clarence Thomas being corrupt, George Santos vouched for him!
If Harlan Crow likes you THAT much... you gotta be a real monster behind closed doors. Just sayin'. Really, simply being on the take would be a better reflection of Thomas' character.
Damn 🙀
Just what I was thinking. Thomas must be worse than I imagined. Crow is holding him in such regard asking with his fetish for the world's most violent leaders.
Crow: I collect memorabilia from Hitler, Stalin and Clearance Thomas.
You’d be amazed how far some people will go to use people.
*would reflect better on.
(I know what you meant, but your phrasing makes it seem like Thomas’ character is better than it seems.)
You never cease to make me laugh… hilarious brunch 🥂
The NRA would be terrified of an actually diverse crowd
Thomas should not be allowed to 'amend' his crime! If he does, then every criminal in the Nation should be allowed to 'amend' their crime as well! How utterly absurd!
10:25 cameraman was slick and said "oh, really?!" 😅❤
I love our Irish President! ❤
I know exactly what he's saying. He's talking about the spirit of national accomplishment that has given the world so much. He might be the only one who remembers what we're really supposed to be about.
The last part of the skit literally wrote itself. As he said, he can’t top that.
My son is reading Tom Sawyer. Just saying, "Lick" is slang from 18 freaking 40. Love my pres!
Just so we're clear, I'm only 42 and I grew up hearing it, though it's still not as a good thing per se, since it means to violently beat. Though it was mostly getting replaced with whuppin'.
So...go and be extremely violent to the world. Yup, I trust any leader who says that kind of thing. And Putin is worse how...?
Lovin the brunch cam! Make that a regular pls.
PLEASE, Dominion. DO NOT SETTLE! America NEEDS the redemption this trial offers.
It resumes in the morning.😊
*When is Child Protective Services finally going to be called on these people?*
Are you kidding me?? He walked out to “Shippin’ Up to Boston”?? That is GREAT!!!
Growing up as a kid, I've always told that guns are not toys. The fact of the matter is that the GQP is making kids have guns and tells you that they don't think they're toys. This is absolutely disgusting. As a future parent, i will never ever ever ever let my kid near a gun ever end of the story.
Congratulations on the pregnancy!
I will never get tired of writing this: I feel that if we have a 2 & 1/2 term limit (or 10 year maximum) for the President & a majority of Governors have term limits, we should have term limits for all members of the House (I say 10, 2 year terms), Senate (3, 6 year terms), & Judiciary (at most 20 years). I feel this is the only way to prevent complicity in our government by constantly changing it, & with these term limits, Justice Thomas would have been removed & replaced over a decade ago!
I will never get tired of writing this: COME TO MY SHOW BRO 😂😂
Laws are meant to stand the test of time, not changed every 10-15 years to suit whatever delusional whim that a braindead consumer public fancies at any given moment. That is the idea, anyway. Humans don't have a very good track record of living up to their own hype and propaganda.
A society of selfish ignorant people will only have selfish ignorant people to elect to public office.
Real systemic reform is shown in the 14-minute 1942 US Dept of Agriculture video, *Hemp for Victory.* It will create a ripple effect throughout the global economy that will change _EVERYTHING,_ and that's why the film was banned from history books and nearly erased from existence after World War II.
@The United Nation - Official Their pay is not the source of "money in politics" in any way. That, my friend, is the donations. Campaign finances. Book deals. It's the invisible millions. Do you think these people have the money for massive ranches and yachts on that salary? Hell no. The lavish lives the political live is not backed up by their honestly sad salaries. Let's attack it another way. More pay for them, more term limits for everyone, and absolutely no donations. I'd rather have a set government fund for this. You get X dollars once you manage to qualify for the race (there's already stuff in there for that) and that's it. All of it. Use the internet. It should not take HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS to get elected. What the hell? The "money" is the damn campaigns and lobbyists throwing dollars to make laws happen in the almost legal way that seems to be accepted in america.
YAY MONEY IN POLITICS!!!! (heavy sarcasm with the caps and such if you cant tell)
Why not change what their pensions are based on? Make it based on what they accomplish for the country instead of themselves.
That'd be a lot easier.
Supreme court was never meant to be run by people with high pay for a lifetime anyways. It was envisioned people would be humble enough to be a justice for 5 years max. Since back then it was low pay and more of a prestigious position.
Donald Chump came up to me, tears in his eyes. He said, "Sir! Nobody told me the teflon wears out! Bing Bong Bing Bong Bing!"
And then he just cried on the floor.
Believe it or not, a V.A. counselor wasn’t allowed to buy a homeless Vet a cup of coffee!!!
But, hey, maybe he should have bought him a car port and a $500K yacht vacation.
Impeach Clarence Thomas!
That audience at the NRA killed me l😅
_so much diversity!!!_
I see what you did there ... 😂
That's why I invested in bullet resistant clothing.
@@nonna_sof5889 - At their age their hands probably shake so much you're safe just standing still.
I haven't seen that much diversity since the first Continental Congress!
You know, that crowd was very diverse... Some of them weren't even wearing hats.
Make grown adults have a sense of shame again
That camera view at the NRA showing diversity when Cristy spoke was laughable!!! 😂😂😂
He looks and sounds happy! It would be nice to have his own country show a modicum of appreciation for trying to build bridges and being the new change that we all want and need
Thank you 🙏 😂
Making public the trial of FOX vs Dominion is a public service. This is about enforcing once and for all the notion that you can't just lie to serve your interest with impunity. Unless of course, this is what America continue wants to be as a society, in which case, thoughts and prayers to you
Such thoughts and prayers don't and won't get anything done due to those thoughts and prayers amounting to the asking of God to interfere with the free will He gave to each and every human being, and possibly every other relatively intelligent form of life on earth.
With free will comes great responsibility. When humankind breaks something it is also humankind's responsibility to repair or replace it.
@@henryhudson1297 Congratulations, you've said nothing of value.
@@Attackbow1566 lol! It obviously flew right over your head, shorty.
@@henryhudson1297 Alright.
@@Attackbow1566 lol! One word that could address anything or nothing has no value. "Alright" what?
Great show! Loved all of it! 👍🏻❤️
Hopefully the people who supposedly enforce and guide laws will actually be held subject to those laws. Not holding my breath though.
And Harlan Crow gets to show off his cute black baby supreme court judge. He must feel so proud.
I loved that brunch cam!!😂
Whoever is that cameraman from C-SPAN, that person deserves a massive raise! 🤣
"Lick", as in "lick the world", means to defeat comprehensively, overcome, etc.. (As per Oxford Languages.). Biden's saying that he believes that together the US and Ireland can overcome any opposition.
By acting like a playground bully and fighting them...
@@lenawagenfuehr53By acting like a leader of a nation which promised to help protect a smaller nation if they gave up the nukes, and is following up on the nation's promise...
Clarence Thomas needs a vacation in a jail cell or at the very least impeachment.
No, he needs to go to Russia. I heard winter there is fun with their winter camps
At the very least, retirement
Tracing a scrotum is one of the most difficult feats in the world.
According to Oxford Dictionaries, malarkey is "meaningless talk; nonsense," it came into use in the 1920s and its specific origin is unknown. There is an Irish name - Mullarkey. But a connection from the name to the word hasn't been established.
Like the connection between Houlihan and hooligan?
The Brunch cam alone deserves an award
Heres a fun little aside: in Australia we flick DOWN for ON and UP for OFF. . . . to turn power OFF we flick the switch UP so if you were sitting with an Aussie and they looked confused for a moment, that's what it was. 😂
We welcomed President Biden with respect and love. I'm beyond disappointed you mocked this long awaited visit.
The monologue was hilarious! Loved the energy Stephen was throwing out
Thank you for your generic input
I don't know a lot about President Biden's policies, but I really like him when he is having fun. Greeting from Vienna, Austria.
I really hope Dominion does not settle. Fox needs to answer for their blatant lies and just continue to be outright exposed in a public forum.
So now that Dominion has been bought and paid for, ...
Hell yes. Dropkick Murphys for a presidential entrance? Most Irish-American thing ever. #shippinguptoboston
Yeah, it's Dropkick Murphys, not drop lick Murphys
The Cameraman is always the GOAT.
Cameraman: “Oh yea keep talking that talk”
Cameraman: pans over to the truth
"Lots of diversity in the NRA"
(Camera switches to shot of 50 shades of white)😂
is that like "Everything is on SALE" ... then you find out that it most assuredly is NOT?
wow she got her grandbaby a gun she should know a kid will shoot you for a cookie
Looks like a Trump rally. F-ing Nazis.
@@tammygarrett8427 the Child Protective Services should be knocking at her door! That's an admission of negligence!
@@tammygarrett8427 I think (hope) that she bought the gun and is keeping it to officially give to the child later on
In case anybody is interested, the song that Biden came out to is Dropkick Murphys: I'm shipping up to Boston.
I recognized it immediately woo hoo
Yeah, Dropkick Murphys...not drop lick Murphys
The full video of the evening in Ballina is out there on RUclips. Joe gave a very good speech, people had been standing in the rain for up to six hours being entertained by some fantastic Irish and American-Irish performers, e.g. Eileen Ivers, etc. Don't know if it got reported over there but here in Ireland, it was a very poignant moment when Joe met the priest that gave Beau Biden the last rights. Completely serendipitous. Joe broke down in tears.