Props to you for not only talking about the problem BUT also giving solutions, awesome content, thank you! I just started a warden, though I mained a templar for years, so I might be tempted to go back to it. I understand your builds might look a little different, but I'll still be tuning in, looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
Great video mate. For the last few pacthes my Magdk was my least enjoyable pvp char, but the last days i've been running curse eater backbar and oh boy, it's insanely good! Love it!
A lot of people don’t have much going for them in life these days. They take their fleeting moments of enjoyment by berating others on the internet. Don’t take it personally. It’s not you, it’s 100% them. When it happens to me, I just chuckle and take a bit of pity on them
Occasionally I do mess with people for intentional trolling. But not with any real malice. Or If I do troll I can back up a 1v1 without proc sets. And if I do bag, it's usually in retaliation
Star and Pig are really good players. I love to see their comments. As far as Wasonski goes, don't let him bother you. He'll usually sit at the base if there's a chance of dying and talk shit.
Hey you're preaching to the choir man. I get bagged all the time. At least I don't get as many hate whispers as i used to get. But I have been resisting the proc meta this whole time. playing only stat-based builds. So I'm handicapping myself out there. Play your off-meta builds and let the sweaty try-hards get in their feelings. I'm going through it with you.
I'm not much of a pvper but I was kicking around the idea of a necromancer with Serpent's Disdain paired with Heartland Conqueror for the status effect update
Wow. I cannot believe you read my mind like this! 🤣🤣 Although I wondered if Draugrkins Grip would perform better than Heartlands while being paired with Serpents Disdain.
I can tell you on PC, almost no one's using Master DW. Why? Because everyone's on a unkillable mag sorc, or ganking on a nightblade using Tarnished Nightmare. If x box follows PC, this isn't a issue, it's sorcs and Tarnished Nightmare console players need to watch out for. Force pulse spam gankers and sorc shields and broken glass everywhere. Don't get me wrong, Master DW still strong, but it's almost disappeared on PC. Way of fire is still strong, but I haven't had rending slashes on my death recap since the patch. Or Maarsolok. Meta on PC is almost completely ranged, making both Maarsolok and Master DW redundant. Xbox may be different. But more likely you guys are about to see more range sorcerers than you ever have in the history of ESO. Not even touching my own sorc this patch, because about 80% of players are on sorc or nightblade in Tarnished Nightmare. No, that's not a exaggeration.
Wow.. very interesting. Something I’ve heard more than once now. Thank you for this feedback. So DW /Stinging/Way of Fire still strong.. but there is a much larger shadow being cast by ranged sorcs. I can’t wait to see it lmao 🤣
Cant say enough good things about this video. I also 100% relate. Infact watching this gave me some peace of mind and some tough introspection. I am constantly trying off meta builds and tweaking things on every class. I get told im trash on almost a daily basis. Waskonisky... being one of MANY! Thing is... i have made the meta builds and high survival and i find it quite boring... i have made the cheese to go in on a rough day and take people out... but, i always come back to... who wants to run a build that everyone else is running? Where is the reward in that? Cato asked me why dont you build tanky like everyone else? Because i like the challenge and i like the damage especially in a highly tanky and op healer (lookin at you red❤) heavy meta. My play style is high risk high reward. That means ill die more and have shit matches. BUT... it forces me to perfect positioning, los, etc. All things that make the true top players. As i figure out what im playing and going to focus on this patch I have realized I still have many excellent matches where I do very well while handicapping myself. I also like the challenge of 2 bar builds which can put me at a disadvantage with the many 1bar setups out there. I'll be the first to admit my frustrations with the toxicity in pvp and how it effects me. Then I remind myself... wait a minute.. im almost 40 and this is a game. Lol! Thanks for the very thoughtful video. Preciate you bud.
I enjoyed reading this and seeing much of myself in it. Thanks for sharing in such a well explained way. Especially the part where you describe “handicapping” yourself in the name of originality. And the rewarding feeling you get when you perform extremely well against the Meta with it. By the way, I’m not sure if you knew the gamertag behind the Area of Effect channel. Maybe you already do, but it’s xDaRk EnErGy on Xbox NA. I see you in PvP all the time. Also- check out my recent video where you are actually in it, and out of just feeling “kind” and showing some “friendship” I actually disengaged with you in the clip and just went on picking other targets. That just goes to show you that I already “liked” you a little bit. In a friendly way of course lol. Anyways- thanks for dropping by my friend! See you around! 💯🌟
Ha! Awesome I knew you were on Xbox from the post but didn't know you were someone I see all the time! Also...Got so distracted by the video you posted trying to analyze how you play dk I had to rewind to find myself. I have always struggled on that class even though I main it in pve. Thanks for sharing. See u in bgs!
Thanks December! I do what I can. I’ve said on a couple of other replies that lately it seems like there’s been a surge of it.. like there must be something in Tamriels water. 🤣
@@AreaofEffect just out of curiosity, have you considered the Esoteric Environment Greaves mythic? Seems like the mitigation could be really useful against this meta
I still get the occasional kill in PC NA BGs with masters dual wield, if they dun goof (or get ganged up on). But you’re right, magsorc shields are annoyingly tough to break through. 😭
This was a great video. Sorry for the toxic players, though. Regarding the changes, if there is anyone who can crack the code while still making awesome to play characters, it is you. I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
Man I always try to be Súper respectful in bgs. If you ever see me bagging anyone, it’s either bc they did it 1st or they’re a good friend of mine. I sent you an Xbox message with an idea for an “out of the box” build”. I was going to try it myself but transmutes looking a little low right now 😂. As always great clip and they probably did it because they know you’re a content creator.
Same. Rarely T-bag. You gotta REALLY earn it. 🤣🤣 And as far as your comment about being a content creator, I’ve wondered that as well, as my reach has been hitting another growth spurt lately. If so, I need to watch, to an extent, how I conduct myself.
@@AreaofEffect I have never run a 1 bar build, don’t have the mythic. I have a 2h stamcro, a hybrid DoTcro and a Magcro bomber. On the 2h stamcro I run Vat-Maul fb, Balorg, Wretched body and rallying cry/essence thief bb. Heals are Rally, Resolving Vigor and Resistant flesh. On Hybrid DoTcro I run Masters DW fb, Maarselok, Vat-frost bb, Dragons body, 1 Druid, 1 trainee and Ddealers/Sscoil. Heals are Vigor and resistant flesh. And Bombcro is VD shock fb, DC resto bb, Balorg and Markyn/Sscoil. Only heal I have on that is Resistant Flesh. Edit: sorry for the long reply, I have 4 necros with multiple builds each, but these are the main ones.
Yes it’s definitely going to be a great fit to resist what might become abundant out there with status effects and DOTS and such. Such a powerful and effective cleanse. But, based on what I’ve heard over on PC, which is already live with the update and changes, Sorcs are performing very very well. Ranged sorcs specifically. Especially with the new heal from the Sorc Ward skill. Any class should be able to perform well however.. as long as you consider wearing one of the purify sets, and have enough Healing Over Time going on in layers. Thanks for the comment!
Hey area doesn’t cleansing revival in the blue tree proc if you heal yourself under 25% health and remove all negative effects occurs once every 24 sec? Could be useful on toons like dk
I’ll put it to you this way, I play on Xbox na and have been playing since vet 14, players who haven’t been able to EVER kill me and used to get slumped on the daily can now kill you with FREE damage sets it’s absolutely absurd how bad some of these players are and can now compete because sets do their damage instead of hitting abilities and playing strategically.
Even on my magsorc I can't sustain efficient purge. Only thing I can manage to do is stack magicka and let my big shield eat away at all the dots and slot sustain by suffering
Solution for non Templar builds run the cleanse Champion point called Cleansing Revival. It's broken and cleanses everything all the time 100%. That and you can also run Curse Eater set. There is also the Purge skill from the Support skill line.
Yes Curse Eater! I ended up throwing that in the video as well as I had almost forgotten it. But I think Curse Eater will be very useful next patch. And I’ll “chapter out” my video actually to make it easier to find these details where I mentioned these things you said! Thanks Ryu!! 🙏🏼
@@AreaofEffectI just reached that part. Cool to be in a clip lol. I was trying out a different build with that DK. It's all damage (except for Gaze of Sithis). The problem that I always have with that character is that it's a Redguard (supposedly good with sustain) but I can't sustain for crap. The passives just suck man. I keep telling ZOS that Redguards needs some buffs. Instead of being able to stack more damage or defense, I'm forced to add on more sustain.
@@StarOfElyon do you use jewels of misrule? Also tri-pots? Also maybe think about Torc of Tonal Constancy mythic. Theres alot of sustain in just that 1 piece. Leaves some room still for damage. Also- I don’t know how often you do it, but practice working some heavy attacks into your combat occasionally. Also try not to sprint too much. One more suggestion for mag- try the Asylum Sword and Board with Defensive Posture.
@@AreaofEffect yeah but I'm wearing Shattered Fate and Titan Born. Where's my defense coming from? xD Gotta stick with Sithis for now. Believe me, I know about Torc from before hybridization when most of my characters were already hybrids. Hybridization actually just ruined the fun of hybrids to me. They used to be a challenge to make.
@@StarOfElyonI'd recommend crafting heavy Shattered you'll get up to 26.5k if you run 2 reinforced the rest impen. 26.5k resistances will give you precisely 40% damage mitigation.
Morning. I am one of your biggest fans, I really don't like running META set-up. Here is my latest "out of the box build". Give it a look 1) Oblivions Foe (on the body) 2) Draugerkin (Front) 3) Vat Ice staff (back) 4) Markyn 5) Valkyn (1 piece) I run this on a Templar and have about 29k resist 6k SD. It's a DOT build, +- 29k dps. 1) Degenerate 2) Reflective light 3)Destructive reach 4) Eli sus 5) Consuming trap Add other skills as needed
I like it! I messed around with something similar on a Necro. One cool thing I will tell you about Draugrkin to really pay attention to, and look out for, is pairing it with sets that give something BACK for damage done. Like Malubeth the Scourger which damages but then gives back health. Or Overwhelming Surge that damages and gives back magicka. Or even skills like “Burning Embers” on a DK. But anyways, these types of sets/skills have their damage scaled down a bit to balance the fact that they are giving something back rather than simply just doing damage. And when you add Draugrkin into the picture, you double dip into the benefit. You not only drastically raise the tooltips of the damage output, but also drastically raise the benefit of health or resource return! Thanks for sharing c-man!! I appreciate your continued support! 🙏🏼❤️
@@AreaofEffect This sounds very interesting, I wanted to pair it with a monster helm, but had no pace so I went for Markyn rather. Let me test with the helm you mentioned. Thank you very much for the advice.
Wow, thank you for posting this! Honestly, may make a templar healer, jk. Ive noticed a big change in the BG mood in the last 2 weeks. Its been sweaty af in solo ques...which i love! With the CK event bringing out more people, and with OG players comin back for the patch...ques have been poppin like nuts. There have been more baggers out there, and people who can 2 shot others...especially pvers coming for the event that dont stand a chance...and some toxics have this godmode complex and they have to bag and put others down to feel good....its gross. It makes the other good and normally friendly players frustrated and maybe less friendly, then individuals see that and think its them...and the grumpiness and spirts of rage happen that arent normal. Negativety spreads....we just have to try not to let it get to us. At least the GOONS try to keep it light, it helps. Im looking forward to seeing what you come up with Dark. I think this is a very important video to watch! ❤
Yeah Red you are certainly correct! Seems to spread like wildfire sometimes! But positivity will always triumph! Especially here on my channel, and I know in Stuhns Goons as well. As it continues to grow, it will become a much more tedious task to ween out some of the poisonous branches, but as the GuildMaster, that won’t be easy for you. Growth vs Quality/Integrity. Some tough calls will have to be made. And probably continuously. But thanks again for the guild, and your constant support! 🙏🏼💯
Great video. As far as pvp, if I get some loser messaging me about not being any good, I just rest in the fact that it has to be horrible realizing that the only time you can be courageous is in a video game. You know that person has to have a terrible life.
Correct! Thank you Burbon! I recently updated my “chapter points” for much easier navigation of topic points where I mention things, including the Stinging Slashes changes you mentioned! Thanks again for adding this comment however, in the chance that I would have missed that point! Because sometimes I forget things lol. 🙏🏼❤️
This I see is a recipe for disaster in pvp. This means purging is going to need to ve done and anyone running plaguebreak is now going to be even stronger.
Damn Im gonna have to play around with that some more. On my proc arc I've tested Hrothgar, way of fire, and dragon appetite, and found it underwhelming (way of fire). Gonna have to take a second look. Side note: gessner is a monster and his warden feels like the most dangerous out there. Even his MA ice FB is nasty strong.
Hey you got it! I See you out there all the time! If I interpreted your characters name correctly it was “Ult Gen Build”.. How’s that coming? I’ve done several of these types of builds myself and they can be extremely fun and very effective! I’m willing to talk some theory craft with you if you’d like! In the meantime, check out my “The Atronach Squad” build (things changed slightly). I’ll post below. ESO - The Atronach Squad Build - Summon MULTIPLE Atronachs - Area of Effectвидео.html
Matter of the fact. The name was inspired from one of build vids, I've been seeing you for years, great content great builds, you definitely are creative ASF...
Compliments for all your videos 👌🏻 Always the right content at the right time. Interesting, structured and exciting. The sequence and graphics are always perfect and appealing ❤🔝 A question regarding status effects: which armor traits do you think is the best against status effects? Reinforced? Impen? (Some of them crit) or maybe nirn? Or a mix of them? Tank you 🙏🏼
Thank you for your compliments and continued support! And as far as ideal traits, I would say it would depend on the rest of the builds statistics. And even a mix, like you had said, might be good. Try to land at around 2000 Crit Resist and if possible, 30k resistances.
It will Proc on your back bar once you swap to it and cast a magicka ability. Then you have to wait 15 seconds for the cooldown anyways, no matter what bar it was on. Then, 15 seconds later, it’s ready and waiting for you to swap the the Wyrd Tree bar and cast a magicka ability again. So yes, you can run this on only 1 bar and get a perfect uptime from this set!
That would be so sad if "out of the box" builds became unfeasible. I love trying different things and there are so many neat looking/sounding gear sets that I already see as being something that won't work for my tank. Still, you can still do some neat combos, etc. I have only just come back and seen how builds are changing in preparation of the upcoming changes and it's already frustrating because pieces seem to be coming from all over the place and I can only play so much. Additionally, some is PVE pieces and some are PVP and, admittedly, I know little about PVP. In fact, I am still relearning the game being a returning playing. I am hoping to find a video of yours that offers insight on how to get the Tel Var stones in a timely manner because so MANY are required to buy some of the pieces I am looking at for my gear set. - As for those making nasty comments to you while playing... this is what gives PVP such a bad name in games and makes people like me hesitate to join as a new pvper. I have other things to do to have fun and do not want to be subjected to such verbal and textual abuse. I am already pretty stressed tipping my toes into it as it is! I am sorry it happened to you :/
Hey Krissy thanks for sharing all of that! Yes PvP can sometimes be a bit intimidating. Not only because you have to really play at a much more competitive level, but also because the people in there, if you allow them to, can ruin your day! Anyways, Thanks for your support of the channel! I will post below this comment a link to a video I put together regarding Tel Var. It’s got some useful info in it! ESO - NEVER Lose Tel Var Again!! Area of Effectвидео.html
Been thinking about this as well, don’t have a Templar but a couple of necros. Been collecting Maras and was thinking of wyrd tress as well. Hopefully this new system will open up something as well. I just got my arcanist to a happy place too
@@AreaofEffect I enjoy the look and feel of the class, the beam getting nerfed kinda makes it difficult direct nerf to what my build does and it’s only good at rolling a lot to avoid/break combos. I think I’m gonna try vamp on it to see if it gives me just a touch more resolve in fights
Great video. Unfortunately, people tie their ego and most of their life’s intrinsic values to the game; PvP specifically. This means they feel bad about themselves in real life when they die, get outplayed, or something happens that’ll “hurt their PvP reputation.” They’ll clutch onto anything that’ll make them more successful in the game, IE meta. The tbagging is projection and them blowing off steam. ESO unfortunately inhabits a lot people with very little going on in their real life…
Could the Master Dual Wield situation be a case of damage ticks simply pushing other damage off your death recap? I know seeing a lot of instances of one type of damage from one person seems like a lot but ESO doesn't always accurately list the things that actually lead to your health bar reaching 0%.
I cannot criticize that thinking of yours because that seems to be within the realm of possibility when it comes to ESO’s accuracy. However, in this case, the listings are correct. The proc conditions are met for this to function this way. And I’ve tested this myself just to see the true effectiveness of that combo. Thanks for the good comment! 🙏🏼💯
@@AreaofEffect Fair points! I remember during times such as "dot meta" it was a contentious matter trying to determine what's actually killing you other than the half-dozen dots on the average build back then. So many dot instances would fill up the recap that executes wouldn't show up. I highly respect the testing you've done to come to your conclusions!
Wyrd tree isn't really "outta the box" its pretty meta in BGs especially on MagDK. With the extra sustain Wyrd tree provides you can easily afford to drop your sustain mundus and slot warrior. Stage 3 Dark elf Wyrd tree MagDK BG meta coming! Cu out there!
@@AreaofEffect I got lot of idea that would make game better! Zos gonna need to pay for those!! They should take animation canceling out. I feel like that’s an exploit and it causes like a little bit of lag
Question........ would Leeching Plate & Resilient Yokeda help with the DoT since they basically reflect damage and heal at the same time? Just thinking
Not as much as you might think. How do I know? Because I’ve worked with those 2 sets in the past, with much excitement I might add, and was only disappointed with their reliability on both the healing AND the damage parameters of them in PvP. PvE? Different story. But in PvP, they aren’t nearly as reliable. Leeching places a stationary AOE on the ground that most players won’t just stand in willingly, so no damage and therefore no healing. And Resilient Yokeda, not horrible, but you have to block to get it to trigger. Which means you have to block OFTEN to really get the most out of this set. And if you are blocking and blocking and blocking… you aren’t doing as many other actions like attacking or just casting a heal, and also you chew through stamina unless you build for that, including with block cost reduction glyphs etc.. Idk its a very fun idea, and one that I really like the sound of, but I don’t feel like it’s as reliable as one might hope, to be a solution to some of these problems. Thanks for the comment Brian! 🙏🏼❤️
I’ve tried Radiant bastion many times before, but the damage was always too incremental to really do much. Even tried some “out of the box” thinking and tried to pair it with Draugrkins Grip to drastically increase the damage, but it doesn’t work properly as a proc can’t proc another proc. I wish they would give that set a buff!
Master duel wield is being nerf to my knowledge and if you can achieve 8k weapon damage it will hit the same (not hard to reach ik) master dw vat ice staff has been meta on damn near every class for many many patches now on PlayStation I’m excited for sorc changes and new sets to come for one shot ganking , imo pvp needs a hp cap of 35k regardless but that’s a different story. Keep up the videos respect all content creators
Couple things, Stinging slashes is getting nerfed next patch so that cheese meta dot builds can't run full heavy. Also, to help compensate for the buff to the status effects, health recovery will no longer be affected by battle spirit. You don't need to run a cleanse, or purge to expensive if you base class kit doesn't have access to it. Build for health recovery.
Hey xo7966! Thanks for the feedback! I was trying to find and read for myself in the patch notes, anything I could find about any Battle Spirit changes and Health Recovery changes and didn’t see it anywhere. I combed through 9.3.0 all the way to the final. Would you mind pointing me to where you came across this? I definitely am interested. Also yes I’m glad the stinging slashes “nerf” is coming.. but I feel like it will not be as significant as one might hope lol. But I don’t know we shall see! Again thank you for your feedback, I appreciate it! ❤️
@AreaofEffect My apologies, I miss-spoke. Battle spirit will still apply a debuff to health recovery.They are removing the health recovery penalties from minor & major defile debuffs; Major and Minor Defile: Updated these debuffs to decrease healing received and damage shield strength by 6/12%, rather than decreasing healing received and Health Recovery by 6/18%. Developer Comment: Spoiler Similar to Vitality, we’re adjusting this debuff to ensure there is a negative version to the buffs that damage shields are getting. Additionally, we’re removing the Health Recovery penalty from the debuffs, as Battle Spirit already applies a hefty reduction to the stat. We’re cautiously brining the values on Defile down to match Vitality, since the effect will be more generally useful, but we’ll keep an eye on how this interacts as a whole with Battle
@@xo7966 Oh yes. The new shield strength buff and debuffs. This I did know. I’ve actually got a nice build planned around some of this. But thank you for looping back on this and following up! I appreciate you! ❤️
First off- Mara’s Balls might be what I refer to this set from now on. 🤣🤣 Secondly- not “stronger” per se, but maybe more relevant next patch due to the need to cleanse increasing. However I feel like possibly Curse Eater and Wyrd Tree COULD be better… depending on the situation.
Oh yeah... I don't mind these recaps, mine look exactly the same, but I hate, hate, HATE... The fact that there's a horrific lack of originality in pvp right now... It's absolutely absurd that three and four people are all running the same thing... I can tell almost always, just by seeing a skill and identifying the class of the person who's coming, exactly what's coming... Everybody's running the same gear and the same skills, exactly the same way... Then trash talk you because you "aren't good enough"... Like Cato told me today... I've never, and will never, bag someone because it's just low-rent... Next patch I'll probably just stay dead the whole time because I just refuse to be a fucking clone... See you around, dude... I feel your
Catothe1.. yeah sounds about right haha. But yeah, you nailed it. That’s what frustrates me as well. Almost everyone is running the same overpowered combo. And presently, it seems very consequential to NOT be doing the same.. but where’s the fun in that!??
Eso endgame mmr is full of mostly toxic clowns 🤡 they run the most broken sets and hate losing. I’m sorry you’re dealing with all that! You do great content
Players may be running these sets. But this is ultimately all ZoS's fault for allowing them to perform this way and putting them and other factors to create this scenario. I cant completely blame players for using tools ZoS put in
And unfortunately, there is ***NO***counterplay to the meta unlike in the past where you COULD compete with off meta setups. That's simply no longer the case, these procs are vastly overperforming and everyone knows it
Yes it could very much. But I feel like Templar is already in a great place with the purifications as the class skill it has cleanses 5 negative effects. AND it gives your allies a synergy opportunity. But, nonetheless, it could really help to double down on staying cleansed. If you are interested in still wearing a purify set on top of being an actual Templar, check out maybe Curse Eater as a 5 piece option in place of Wyrd Tree. Curse eater will cleanse your allies as well as yourself. And so does the templars cleanse skill. So not only are YOU doubling up on the cleansing, but also you are doubling up on your teammates as well! Just thought!
Definitely could be a good set to throw on if you’ve not got a monster set already locked in. But remember it won’t cleanse effects that are actually on YOU, but rather only on the ground.
Yeah I just hope Mara’s will be enough with that 30 second cooldown. It definitely could be enough if there aren’t a million people running dot & rending. But if there’s an abundance of people out there running setups that way.. then you may need Mara’s AND something else. Use efficient purge skill with it every once in a while.
In defense of us sorcs out here. Bro, come on. We havent had anything since the early days of eso. We get dragged through the mud in every update and still dont have a decent heal or cleanse. Just let us have one set and one update to have fun. Nightblades , dk and templar have absolutley no room to talk crap about us sorcs. We have been through the worst pvp meta in a long time and its finally our time. Leave us alone man lets us have fun too 😢...
I hear you! I wish we had a big burst heal that wasn’t from a pet, or didn’t take a care time (dark deal) that can easily get interrupted or leave you open and vulnerable to damage while casting it. However I am hearing that people on PC are absolutely LOVING the new heal from the Sorc shield heal that they changed in Update 41!
Lol dont worry about the haters and you stealing kills. I main mag sorc and getting kills comes with it.😅 Star is a guildie of mine he is great 👍 good lookin Star 🌟
Haha thanks for the reply! And yes the haters are abundant the past couple weeks it seems. I never get too worried about it because %90 of the time I’m building something new and testing it fresh, and STILL end up killing them haha.. but this time I decided to go ahead and throw some of THAT content in the “heads up” video and show that I get hate too. 🤣🤣
Dk with Serpeants and heartland. Masters is nice but I like vateshran with elemental susceptibility so I can apply 3 status effects all at once. have serpeants front bar duel wield both charged w/L waist and jewelry. disease for defile and poison enchant on other weapon to stack with dk poison skills. Vateshran would be back bar. Heartland 5 body heavy or medium. Mythic would be malacath as crit is non existent and one monster w/pen or w/s damage. Mainly a full status build. Force of nature for more pen. Only curious if u cast an ability on back bar, will serpaints add status time from back bar skills after swap.
@@AreaofEffect Ahah. NB though so I rely on stealth to full cheese. If damage is high or there are gankers in a bg i slap on brands of the imperium so I can run like a coward… 😜
Yeah I feel they are going to be abundant next patch. But there will still be ways of playing the other classes! We will just have to see what happens.
Shouldn’t this fall into the procs don’t proc procs ideal that damage over time you get from rending slashes shouldn’t be able to proc way of fire according to their ideology. Probably the best way to fix that busted combo
Rending slashes itself is a skill. Not a proc, the dot is part of the skill not a proc set itself. Procs from sets, generally do not proc other proc conditions. There are exceptions and bugged sets out there though on platforms that people will secretly use and keep hush about. Like Hist Sap for example
@AreaofEffect nah you're correct more and more people are looking for the easy way out. Tbh it's sad how some people have to run cheese just to be competitive lmfao. I kill people all day everyday and most of my builds do not have a proc set on them. But it's definitely getting harder since everybody has 1000 dots they can put on you LOL
Trust me...any and every exploit that can be done in pvp WILL be done. As soon as these meta builds come out...its just cookie cutter copies of those builds and it really does suck the fun and life out of the game. And there will be some that say...well get good...stop crying. There are really good players that arnt runnimg cheese builds that are getting obliterated by pvpers that arnt as good by any means...but are able to do it runnimg these meta cheese builds. That just forces more and more players to run the SAME meta builds or just get murdered to proc sets over n over. So the choice is either build the same damn build or get smoked. Content creaters...good luck with that one. Even if you have some really good ideas and theory wont matter. It will not be viable in a cheese pvp era. dont have to get good at pvp just need to be a copy cat. Some of these proc sets are just too OP and do need to be nerfed. I wish they had a no proc server. And yes...the toxic internet tuff guys arnt going anywhere. Its easy to talk shit when you dont have to back it up and can hide behind a keyboard. Oh...and good luck running a cleanse on a 1 bar build. Goodbye oakensoul. Do you drop resolving vigor and lose the HoT and mitigation and just run a burst heal...or keep it and a cleanse and cant burst heal when your taking a lot of damage? If you run all 3...thats just 2 slots to go offensive and will that be enough offense? Ya...i think the era of 1 bar build oakensoul days are officially dead for the casual player.
A lot of very good points made in that summary. Especially the “copy cat” domino effect and how that impacts content creators originality! That’s where my main focus is as well. But.. I really feel like I want to put some of my ideas to the test. Especially, since I at least know what I am up against, and know what I need to focus on mitigating. As far as the Oakensoul 1 bar builds that aren’t on Templars & Necros… I didn’t think about that yet. Either waste on of your 5 skill slots on a 6000 cost purge that only removes 3, OR…. Run one of those 5 piece sets. Or run with a Templar by your side and synergize with their cleanse skill when they drop it.
I’m sorry to hear that. But I understand the feeling! If you ever get interested, I am in a PvP guild that is known by many to be the most Non-Toxic guild out there. And their focus is primarily PvP! It’s called Stuhn’s Goons. If you decide you’d like a great and friendly PvP experience, let me know and I can get you in. It’s on Xbox NA. ❤️
Props to you for not only talking about the problem BUT also giving solutions, awesome content, thank you! I just started a warden, though I mained a templar for years, so I might be tempted to go back to it.
I understand your builds might look a little different, but I'll still be tuning in, looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
Thank you Brian! I try! But also thanks for tolerating the few minutes of the rant! 🤣
Another great video. The timing is great also so we can all start preparing. The funny thing is I started a status effect build for the update. LOL.
Thank you! And yes… I have as well! 🤣
Great video and input; love the music you’ve composed to add to the atmosphere.
Instant sub +
I second that! I just love all of his musical compositions as well. A storyteller in every sphere...💯👍
Thank you very much for the compliments! I genuinely appreciate it! I’m glad to have you here! 🙏🏼💯
First video I’ve seen from you and it easily earned a like + subscribe! Love the attitude and your concept of creative builds!
Thank you Blitz! I am glad to have you here! 🙏🏼⭐️
Thank you Area of Effect for standing up against the agonising and brutal Damage over Time.
Great video mate. For the last few pacthes my Magdk was my least enjoyable pvp char, but the last days i've been running curse eater backbar and oh boy, it's insanely good! Love it!
That’s awesome! Glad to hear that! 💯
A lot of people don’t have much going for them in life these days. They take their fleeting moments of enjoyment by berating others on the internet. Don’t take it personally. It’s not you, it’s 100% them. When it happens to me, I just chuckle and take a bit of pity on them
How very well said!
Occasionally I do mess with people for intentional trolling. But not with any real malice. Or If I do troll I can back up a 1v1 without proc sets. And if I do bag, it's usually in retaliation
It delights me to see how absolutely miserable most people are now days. The self destruction of society is delicious.
Star and Pig are really good players. I love to see their comments. As far as Wasonski goes, don't let him bother you. He'll usually sit at the base if there's a chance of dying and talk shit.
Sounds like an incredible experience. 🤣🤣
Hey you're preaching to the choir man. I get bagged all the time. At least I don't get as many hate whispers as i used to get. But I have been resisting the proc meta this whole time. playing only stat-based builds. So I'm handicapping myself out there. Play your off-meta builds and let the sweaty try-hards get in their feelings. I'm going through it with you.
Well said Star ⭐️. And yeah we will get through it one way or another!
I'm not much of a pvper but I was kicking around the idea of a necromancer with Serpent's Disdain paired with Heartland Conqueror for the status effect update
Wow. I cannot believe you read my mind like this! 🤣🤣
Although I wondered if Draugrkins Grip would perform better than Heartlands while being paired with Serpents Disdain.
I can tell you on PC, almost no one's using Master DW. Why? Because everyone's on a unkillable mag sorc, or ganking on a nightblade using Tarnished Nightmare.
If x box follows PC, this isn't a issue, it's sorcs and Tarnished Nightmare console players need to watch out for.
Force pulse spam gankers and sorc shields and broken glass everywhere.
Don't get me wrong, Master DW still strong, but it's almost disappeared on PC.
Way of fire is still strong, but I haven't had rending slashes on my death recap since the patch. Or Maarsolok.
Meta on PC is almost completely ranged, making both Maarsolok and Master DW redundant.
Xbox may be different. But more likely you guys are about to see more range sorcerers than you ever have in the history of ESO. Not even touching my own sorc this patch, because about 80% of players are on sorc or nightblade in Tarnished Nightmare.
No, that's not a exaggeration.
Wow.. very interesting. Something I’ve heard more than once now.
Thank you for this feedback. So DW /Stinging/Way of Fire still strong.. but there is a much larger shadow being cast by ranged sorcs. I can’t wait to see it lmao 🤣
My sorc is almost unchanged, and it feels like it hit a massive growth spurt. 😂😂
Cant say enough good things about this video. I also 100% relate. Infact watching this gave me some peace of mind and some tough introspection. I am constantly trying off meta builds and tweaking things on every class. I get told im trash on almost a daily basis. Waskonisky... being one of MANY! Thing is... i have made the meta builds and high survival and i find it quite boring... i have made the cheese to go in on a rough day and take people out... but, i always come back to... who wants to run a build that everyone else is running? Where is the reward in that? Cato asked me why dont you build tanky like everyone else? Because i like the challenge and i like the damage especially in a highly tanky and op healer (lookin at you red❤) heavy meta. My play style is high risk high reward. That means ill die more and have shit matches. BUT... it forces me to perfect positioning, los, etc. All things that make the true top players. As i figure out what im playing and going to focus on this patch I have realized I still have many excellent matches where I do very well while handicapping myself. I also like the challenge of 2 bar builds which can put me at a disadvantage with the many 1bar setups out there. I'll be the first to admit my frustrations with the toxicity in pvp and how it effects me. Then I remind myself... wait a minute.. im almost 40 and this is a game. Lol! Thanks for the very thoughtful video. Preciate you bud.
I enjoyed reading this and seeing much of myself in it. Thanks for sharing in such a well explained way. Especially the part where you describe “handicapping” yourself in the name of originality. And the rewarding feeling you get when you perform extremely well against the Meta with it.
By the way, I’m not sure if you knew the gamertag behind the Area of Effect channel. Maybe you already do, but it’s xDaRk EnErGy on Xbox NA. I see you in PvP all the time.
Also- check out my recent video where you are actually in it, and out of just feeling “kind” and showing some “friendship” I actually disengaged with you in the clip and just went on picking other targets.
That just goes to show you that I already “liked” you a little bit. In a friendly way of course lol.
Anyways- thanks for dropping by my friend! See you around! 💯🌟
Here’s the video I was talking about.
ESO - Playing on “The Eternal” Build - Area of Effectвидео.html
Ha! Awesome I knew you were on Xbox from the post but didn't know you were someone I see all the time! Also...Got so distracted by the video you posted trying to analyze how you play dk I had to rewind to find myself. I have always struggled on that class even though I main it in pve. Thanks for sharing. See u in bgs!
We're all in the same boat man, and I get how frustrating it is, but I'm glad you turned to solutions rather than just let it fester
Thanks December! I do what I can. I’ve said on a couple of other replies that lately it seems like there’s been a surge of it.. like there must be something in Tamriels water. 🤣
@@AreaofEffect just out of curiosity, have you considered the Esoteric Environment Greaves mythic? Seems like the mitigation could be really useful against this meta
As someone playing on pc, everyone is a magsorc and the heal+shield is so strong you don’t even notice dots on you
Said as much myself. Haven't even seen anyone using Master DW or Maarsolok.
It's 80% ranged mag sorcs and nightblade using Tarnished Nightmare
I still get the occasional kill in PC NA BGs with masters dual wield, if they dun goof (or get ganged up on). But you’re right, magsorc shields are annoyingly tough to break through. 😭
Wow Marco- that’s crazy! And good to know, thanks! 🙏🏼
Bastion cp and run shieldbreaker@@user-jk5um1om8l
CP doesn't apply to battlegrounds
Appreciate the advice and heads up. I’m returning after a long hiatus and feel like I know nothing again 😂
Well at least you know the ZOS routine so that counts for something! 🤣🤣
This was a great video. Sorry for the toxic players, though. Regarding the changes, if there is anyone who can crack the code while still making awesome to play characters, it is you. I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
Wow thank you for that comment Salius! I genuinely appreciate it, and I hope so lol.
Man I always try to be Súper respectful in bgs. If you ever see me bagging anyone, it’s either bc they did it 1st or they’re a good friend of mine. I sent you an Xbox message with an idea for an “out of the box” build”. I was going to try it myself but transmutes looking a little low right now 😂. As always great clip and they probably did it because they know you’re a content creator.
I agree with the last part. To them there would be nothing greater then being caught in ur video with their twerk on display. Smh...😂
Same. Rarely T-bag. You gotta REALLY earn it. 🤣🤣
And as far as your comment about being a content creator, I’ve wondered that as well, as my reach has been hitting another growth spurt lately. If so, I need to watch, to an extent, how I conduct myself.
I used to use Mara’s balm with hex proof, which basically healed you instead of costing health, but lost too much damage
Yeah that was a great combo. Especially before the changes to Maras Balm.
I wish I had the barspace for hexproof.
@@splder5430 Running a one bar build I presume? What are your sets btw? And what heals do you have slotted on your bar, if you don’t mind?
@@AreaofEffect I have never run a 1 bar build, don’t have the mythic. I have a 2h stamcro, a hybrid DoTcro and a Magcro bomber.
On the 2h stamcro I run Vat-Maul fb, Balorg, Wretched body and rallying cry/essence thief bb. Heals are Rally, Resolving Vigor and Resistant flesh.
On Hybrid DoTcro I run Masters DW fb, Maarselok, Vat-frost bb, Dragons body, 1 Druid, 1 trainee and Ddealers/Sscoil. Heals are Vigor and resistant flesh.
And Bombcro is VD shock fb, DC resto bb, Balorg and Markyn/Sscoil. Only heal I have on that is Resistant Flesh.
Edit: sorry for the long reply, I have 4 necros with multiple builds each, but these are the main ones.
Great video . I’m stuck on what class to play for this patch coming up . Maybe Templar is the class . Lol . Thanks for the info
Yes it’s definitely going to be a great fit to resist what might become abundant out there with status effects and DOTS and such. Such a powerful and effective cleanse.
But, based on what I’ve heard over on PC, which is already live with the update and changes, Sorcs are performing very very well. Ranged sorcs specifically. Especially with the new heal from the Sorc Ward skill.
Any class should be able to perform well however.. as long as you consider wearing one of the purify sets, and have enough Healing Over Time going on in layers.
Thanks for the comment!
Hey area doesn’t cleansing revival in the blue tree proc if you heal yourself under 25% health and remove all negative effects occurs once every 24 sec? Could be useful on toons like dk
Correct! I forgot to mention that on the video! Thank you! 🙏🏼
I’ll put it to you this way, I play on Xbox na and have been playing since vet 14, players who haven’t been able to EVER kill me and used to get slumped on the daily can now kill you with FREE damage sets it’s absolutely absurd how bad some of these players are and can now compete because sets do their damage instead of hitting abilities and playing strategically.
Very well said. Appreciate the feedback! 🙏🏼💯
Even on my magsorc I can't sustain efficient purge. Only thing I can manage to do is stack magicka and let my big shield eat away at all the dots and slot sustain by suffering
Yup! You nailed it. And next patch that shield will perform even better with the heal built into it!
Solution for non Templar builds run the cleanse Champion point called Cleansing Revival. It's broken and cleanses everything all the time 100%. That and you can also run Curse Eater set. There is also the Purge skill from the Support skill line.
Yes Curse Eater! I ended up throwing that in the video as well as I had almost forgotten it. But I think Curse Eater will be very useful next patch. And I’ll “chapter out” my video actually to make it easier to find these details where I mentioned these things you said!
Thanks Ryu!! 🙏🏼
There's also Stendarr's Embrace
@@AreaofEffect no problem! Thank you I love your channel AoE!
@@ContagiousChameleon that's a very good set!
@@Ryu_Kage. Thanks Ryu! I love that you’re here! 🙏🏼💯
So basically it's Scalebreaker all over again. ZOS loves their proc sets.
Yes it is haha. Did you see yourself in the video Elyon? Appreciate you friend! 🙏🏼
@@AreaofEffectI just reached that part. Cool to be in a clip lol. I was trying out a different build with that DK. It's all damage (except for Gaze of Sithis). The problem that I always have with that character is that it's a Redguard (supposedly good with sustain) but I can't sustain for crap. The passives just suck man. I keep telling ZOS that Redguards needs some buffs. Instead of being able to stack more damage or defense, I'm forced to add on more sustain.
@@StarOfElyon do you use jewels of misrule? Also tri-pots? Also maybe think about Torc of Tonal Constancy mythic. Theres alot of sustain in just that 1 piece. Leaves some room still for damage.
Also- I don’t know how often you do it, but practice working some heavy attacks into your combat occasionally. Also try not to sprint too much.
One more suggestion for mag- try the Asylum Sword and Board with Defensive Posture.
@@AreaofEffect yeah but I'm wearing Shattered Fate and Titan Born. Where's my defense coming from? xD Gotta stick with Sithis for now. Believe me, I know about Torc from before hybridization when most of my characters were already hybrids. Hybridization actually just ruined the fun of hybrids to me. They used to be a challenge to make.
@@StarOfElyonI'd recommend crafting heavy Shattered you'll get up to 26.5k if you run 2 reinforced the rest impen. 26.5k resistances will give you precisely 40% damage mitigation.
Theory crafting. Not easy to do. Thank for the video.
Thank you for your support! 🙏🏼
Morning. I am one of your biggest fans, I really don't like running META set-up.
Here is my latest "out of the box build". Give it a look
1) Oblivions Foe (on the body)
2) Draugerkin (Front)
3) Vat Ice staff (back)
4) Markyn
5) Valkyn (1 piece)
I run this on a Templar and have about 29k resist 6k SD.
It's a DOT build, +- 29k dps.
1) Degenerate
2) Reflective light
3)Destructive reach
4) Eli sus
5) Consuming trap
Add other skills as needed
I like it! I messed around with something similar on a Necro. One cool thing I will tell you about Draugrkin to really pay attention to, and look out for, is pairing it with sets that give something BACK for damage done. Like Malubeth the Scourger which damages but then gives back health. Or Overwhelming Surge that damages and gives back magicka. Or even skills like “Burning Embers” on a DK. But anyways, these types of sets/skills have their damage scaled down a bit to balance the fact that they are giving something back rather than simply just doing damage. And when you add Draugrkin into the picture, you double dip into the benefit. You not only drastically raise the tooltips of the damage output, but also drastically raise the benefit of health or resource return!
Thanks for sharing c-man!! I appreciate your continued support! 🙏🏼❤️
@@AreaofEffect This sounds very interesting, I wanted to pair it with a monster helm, but had no pace so I went for Markyn rather. Let me test with the helm you mentioned. Thank you very much for the advice.
He’s a bad ass player and I’ve hit a 248k way of fire on a 41k health build and that’s before the patch on pc
On PC, I’ve noticed less proc sets after the update tbh. Barely see masters DW after the nerf
This is not the first time I’ve heard this. I’m hearing it’s broken ranged mag sorcs.
Wow, thank you for posting this! Honestly, may make a templar healer, jk. Ive noticed a big change in the BG mood in the last 2 weeks. Its been sweaty af in solo ques...which i love! With the CK event bringing out more people, and with OG players comin back for the patch...ques have been poppin like nuts. There have been more baggers out there, and people who can 2 shot others...especially pvers coming for the event that dont stand a chance...and some toxics have this godmode complex and they have to bag and put others down to feel good....its gross. It makes the other good and normally friendly players frustrated and maybe less friendly, then individuals see that and think its them...and the grumpiness and spirts of rage happen that arent normal. Negativety spreads....we just have to try not to let it get to us. At least the GOONS try to keep it light, it helps. Im looking forward to seeing what you come up with Dark. I think this is a very important video to watch! ❤
Yeah Red you are certainly correct! Seems to spread like wildfire sometimes! But positivity will always triumph! Especially here on my channel, and I know in Stuhns Goons as well. As it continues to grow, it will become a much more tedious task to ween out some of the poisonous branches, but as the GuildMaster, that won’t be easy for you. Growth vs Quality/Integrity. Some tough calls will have to be made. And probably continuously.
But thanks again for the guild, and your constant support! 🙏🏼💯
Great video. As far as pvp, if I get some loser messaging me about not being any good, I just rest in the fact that it has to be horrible realizing that the only time you can be courageous is in a video game. You know that person has to have a terrible life.
This was deep and very well said. Also a bit sad when you really think about it.
Try the CP that clears all harmful effects off of you
No CP in battlegrounds
Correct for both! Yes the CP would definitely help in Cyrodiil though. Thanks to you both!
They changed the masters duel wield to a scaling damage instead of flat damage
Correct! Thank you Burbon! I recently updated my “chapter points” for much easier navigation of topic points where I mention things, including the Stinging Slashes changes you mentioned!
Thanks again for adding this comment however, in the chance that I would have missed that point! Because sometimes I forget things lol. 🙏🏼❤️
This I see is a recipe for disaster in pvp. This means purging is going to need to ve done and anyone running plaguebreak is now going to be even stronger.
True. But I also hear that ranged mag sorcs are going to be a big problem, as they are currently going crazy over on the PC servers.
@@AreaofEffectYou called?
Damn Im gonna have to play around with that some more. On my proc arc I've tested Hrothgar, way of fire, and dragon appetite, and found it underwhelming (way of fire). Gonna have to take a second look.
Side note: gessner is a monster and his warden feels like the most dangerous out there. Even his MA ice FB is nasty strong.
Gessner is a fantastic player. And I’ve got much respect for him. You will hardly ever, IF EVER, see him bagging as well.
I appreciate the ❤ my friend.. (it's THAT THE ONE).. Also good video on the upcoming meta....
Hey you got it! I See you out there all the time! If I interpreted your characters name correctly it was “Ult Gen Build”.. How’s that coming?
I’ve done several of these types of builds myself and they can be extremely fun and very effective! I’m willing to talk some theory craft with you if you’d like!
In the meantime, check out my “The Atronach Squad” build (things changed slightly). I’ll post below.
ESO - The Atronach Squad Build - Summon MULTIPLE Atronachs - Area of Effectвидео.html
Matter of the fact. The name was inspired from one of build vids, I've been seeing you for years, great content great builds, you definitely are creative ASF...
@@yokie1886 Wow! That’s awesome to hear! I’m happy to have you around! I’ll be seeing you out there!
LOL that first death recap!
That’s been my whole week! 🤣🤣
Compliments for all your videos 👌🏻 Always the right content at the right time. Interesting, structured and exciting. The sequence and graphics are always perfect and appealing ❤🔝
A question regarding status effects: which armor traits do you think is the best against status effects? Reinforced? Impen? (Some of them crit) or maybe nirn? Or a mix of them?
Tank you 🙏🏼
Thank you for your compliments and continued support! And as far as ideal traits, I would say it would depend on the rest of the builds statistics. And even a mix, like you had said, might be good. Try to land at around 2000 Crit Resist and if possible, 30k resistances.
@@AreaofEffect thank you for your Quick answer 🙏🏼 all the best an success furthermore 🍀
Very nice learned a lot
Thanks Amped! Also- nice to have and see my guild mates here! ❤️
@@AreaofEffect small world
If wyrd tree is on your back bar. Does the proc still carry over to your front bar?
It will Proc on your back bar once you swap to it and cast a magicka ability. Then you have to wait 15 seconds for the cooldown anyways, no matter what bar it was on. Then, 15 seconds later, it’s ready and waiting for you to swap the the Wyrd Tree bar and cast a magicka ability again.
So yes, you can run this on only 1 bar and get a perfect uptime from this set!
That would be so sad if "out of the box" builds became unfeasible. I love trying different things and there are so many neat looking/sounding gear sets that I already see as being something that won't work for my tank. Still, you can still do some neat combos, etc. I have only just come back and seen how builds are changing in preparation of the upcoming changes and it's already frustrating because pieces seem to be coming from all over the place and I can only play so much. Additionally, some is PVE pieces and some are PVP and, admittedly, I know little about PVP. In fact, I am still relearning the game being a returning playing. I am hoping to find a video of yours that offers insight on how to get the Tel Var stones in a timely manner because so MANY are required to buy some of the pieces I am looking at for my gear set. - As for those making nasty comments to you while playing... this is what gives PVP such a bad name in games and makes people like me hesitate to join as a new pvper. I have other things to do to have fun and do not want to be subjected to such verbal and textual abuse. I am already pretty stressed tipping my toes into it as it is! I am sorry it happened to you :/
Hey Krissy thanks for sharing all of that! Yes PvP can sometimes be a bit intimidating. Not only because you have to really play at a much more competitive level, but also because the people in there, if you allow them to, can ruin your day!
Anyways, Thanks for your support of the channel! I will post below this comment a link to a video I put together regarding Tel Var. It’s got some useful info in it!
ESO - NEVER Lose Tel Var Again!! Area of Effectвидео.html
Been thinking about this as well, don’t have a Templar but a couple of necros.
Been collecting Maras and was thinking of wyrd tress as well.
Hopefully this new system will open up something as well.
I just got my arcanist to a happy place too
I actually noticed that you’ve been on an arcanist a bit lately. Pretty good survivability on yours too from what I’ve seen! Nice set up!
@@AreaofEffect I enjoy the look and feel of the class, the beam getting nerfed kinda makes it difficult direct nerf to what my build does and it’s only good at rolling a lot to avoid/break combos. I think I’m gonna try vamp on it to see if it gives me just a touch more resolve in fights
@@AreaofEffect also take a look at stendars. Purge every 30secs.
Great video. Unfortunately, people tie their ego and most of their life’s intrinsic values to the game; PvP specifically. This means they feel bad about themselves in real life when they die, get outplayed, or something happens that’ll “hurt their PvP reputation.” They’ll clutch onto anything that’ll make them more successful in the game, IE meta. The tbagging is projection and them blowing off steam. ESO unfortunately inhabits a lot people with very little going on in their real life…
Well said, and probably the most accurate analysis out there. Sad but true.
Could the Master Dual Wield situation be a case of damage ticks simply pushing other damage off your death recap? I know seeing a lot of instances of one type of damage from one person seems like a lot but ESO doesn't always accurately list the things that actually lead to your health bar reaching 0%.
I cannot criticize that thinking of yours because that seems to be within the realm of possibility when it comes to ESO’s accuracy. However, in this case, the listings are correct. The proc conditions are met for this to function this way. And I’ve tested this myself just to see the true effectiveness of that combo.
Thanks for the good comment! 🙏🏼💯
@@AreaofEffect Fair points! I remember during times such as "dot meta" it was a contentious matter trying to determine what's actually killing you other than the half-dozen dots on the average build back then. So many dot instances would fill up the recap that executes wouldn't show up. I highly respect the testing you've done to come to your conclusions!
Wyrd tree isn't really "outta the box" its pretty meta in BGs especially on MagDK. With the extra sustain Wyrd tree provides you can easily afford to drop your sustain mundus and slot warrior. Stage 3 Dark elf Wyrd tree MagDK BG meta coming! Cu out there!
Good stuff Racer! Thanks for putting that feedback here. Especially for DKs which I LOVE most. 🙏🏼💯
About to be all over that DK build!
can't wait to use Plaguebreak if everybody runs around cleansing like a headless chicken
Good point! I wonder what kind of uprising of that set we will see.
If they do this, then they need to make a cleanse potion I’m
Now that would actually be very cool, and something I’d like to see!
@@AreaofEffect I got lot of idea that would make game better! Zos gonna need to pay for those!! They should take animation canceling out. I feel like that’s an exploit and it causes like a little bit of lag
@@Wildboys23678 You know what.. it probably does cause some of the lag issues… lol
ZOS!! Get this man his bag! 💰 💰
@@AreaofEffect for the cleanse potion should be like cleanse all. And immune to status effect for like 15 to 20 seconds.
Question........ would Leeching Plate & Resilient Yokeda help with the DoT since they basically reflect damage and heal at the same time? Just thinking
Not as much as you might think. How do I know? Because I’ve worked with those 2 sets in the past, with much excitement I might add, and was only disappointed with their reliability on both the healing AND the damage parameters of them in PvP.
PvE? Different story. But in PvP, they aren’t nearly as reliable. Leeching places a stationary AOE on the ground that most players won’t just stand in willingly, so no damage and therefore no healing. And Resilient Yokeda, not horrible, but you have to block to get it to trigger. Which means you have to block OFTEN to really get the most out of this set.
And if you are blocking and blocking and blocking… you aren’t doing as many other actions like attacking or just casting a heal, and also you chew through stamina unless you build for that, including with block cost reduction glyphs etc..
Idk its a very fun idea, and one that I really like the sound of, but I don’t feel like it’s as reliable as one might hope, to be a solution to some of these problems.
Thanks for the comment Brian! 🙏🏼❤️
I wonder if Reflect damage like Radiant Bastion would be good. It also heals and pair with Wyrd set to cleanse.
I’ve tried Radiant bastion many times before, but the damage was always too incremental to really do much. Even tried some “out of the box” thinking and tried to pair it with Draugrkins Grip to drastically increase the damage, but it doesn’t work properly as a proc can’t proc another proc.
I wish they would give that set a buff!
Does way of Fire work work with a destro Staff? Say you use the destro dot skill... Will it still keep proc-ing way of Fire or just the first hit?
@@zombiejesus7445 Yes it will.
@@AreaofEffect interesting.... Way of fire, plus Runecarves for mega ranged dots.
Might actually do dps instead of healing
Master duel wield is being nerf to my knowledge and if you can achieve 8k weapon damage it will hit the same (not hard to reach ik) master dw vat ice staff has been meta on damn near every class for many many patches now on PlayStation I’m excited for sorc changes and new sets to come for one shot ganking , imo pvp needs a hp cap of 35k regardless but that’s a different story. Keep up the videos respect all content creators
Well said! And thank you Raph! 🙏🏼
ESO best kept secret had a good run boys.
Couple things,
Stinging slashes is getting nerfed next patch so that cheese meta dot builds can't run full heavy.
Also, to help compensate for the buff to the status effects, health recovery will no longer be affected by battle spirit. You don't need to run a cleanse, or purge to expensive if you base class kit doesn't have access to it. Build for health recovery.
Hey xo7966! Thanks for the feedback! I was trying to find and read for myself in the patch notes, anything I could find about any Battle Spirit changes and Health Recovery changes and didn’t see it anywhere. I combed through 9.3.0 all the way to the final. Would you mind pointing me to where you came across this? I definitely am interested.
Also yes I’m glad the stinging slashes “nerf” is coming.. but I feel like it will not be as significant as one might hope lol. But I don’t know we shall see!
Again thank you for your feedback, I appreciate it! ❤️
@AreaofEffect My apologies, I miss-spoke. Battle spirit will still apply a debuff to health recovery.They are removing the health recovery penalties from minor & major defile debuffs;
Major and Minor Defile: Updated these debuffs to decrease healing received and damage shield strength by 6/12%, rather than decreasing healing received and Health Recovery by 6/18%.
Developer Comment:
Similar to Vitality, we’re adjusting this debuff to ensure there is a negative version to the buffs that damage shields are getting. Additionally, we’re removing the Health Recovery penalty from the debuffs, as Battle Spirit already applies a hefty reduction to the stat. We’re cautiously brining the values on Defile down to match Vitality, since the effect will be more generally useful, but we’ll keep an eye on how this interacts as a whole with Battle
@@xo7966 Oh yes. The new shield strength buff and debuffs. This I did know. I’ve actually got a nice build planned around some of this. But thank you for looping back on this and following up! I appreciate you! ❤️
I basically only die either by running our of staff or merciless resolve from the damn NB's
Merciless Resolve hits…
There cp in blue tree removes all negative effects
Correct! Thanks for reminding me and putting this here! Good news for Cyrodiil! Not BGs unfortunately, but still. Thanks! 🙏🏼
@@AreaofEffect no problem mate
Great video man i feel your pain. I cant play against those guys especially gessnar ruins my experience
Gessner is one of the most difficult people to face, that’s for sure! He runs meta builds, sure, but he’s still a beast behind them.
I've been checking out your videos lately. Really like your content. Hopefully we can party up sometime. Im on xbox NA as well.
Hey thanks for the support, I’m glad to have you here! What’s the GT by the way.
@@AreaofEffect I'll send you mail on ESo
Is maras balls gonna be even stronger this patch?
First off- Mara’s Balls might be what I refer to this set from now on. 🤣🤣
Secondly- not “stronger” per se, but maybe more relevant next patch due to the need to cleanse increasing. However I feel like possibly Curse Eater and Wyrd Tree COULD be better… depending on the situation.
Oh yeah... I don't mind these recaps, mine look exactly the same, but I hate, hate, HATE... The fact that there's a horrific lack of originality in pvp right now... It's absolutely absurd that three and four people are all running the same thing... I can tell almost always, just by seeing a skill and identifying the class of the person who's coming, exactly what's coming... Everybody's running the same gear and the same skills, exactly the same way... Then trash talk you because you "aren't good enough"... Like Cato told me today... I've never, and will never, bag someone because it's just low-rent... Next patch I'll probably just stay dead the whole time because I just refuse to be a fucking clone... See you around, dude... I feel your
Catothe1.. yeah sounds about right haha. But yeah, you nailed it. That’s what frustrates me as well. Almost everyone is running the same overpowered combo. And presently, it seems very consequential to NOT be doing the same.. but where’s the fun in that!??
Eso endgame mmr is full of mostly toxic clowns 🤡 they run the most broken sets and hate losing. I’m sorry you’re dealing with all that! You do great content
Pretty good.
Players may be running these sets. But this is ultimately all ZoS's fault for allowing them to perform this way and putting them and other factors to create this scenario. I cant completely blame players for using tools ZoS put in
And unfortunately, there is ***NO***counterplay to the meta unlike in the past where you COULD compete with off meta setups. That's simply no longer the case, these procs are vastly overperforming and everyone knows it
Very well said.. and kind of sad actually.
BUT… I’m still going to try like Hell!! 🤣🤣
@@AreaofEffect- yeah you are!! 🤣😂🙋♀️
can wyrd tree work with Templar
Yes it could very much. But I feel like Templar is already in a great place with the purifications as the class skill it has cleanses 5 negative effects. AND it gives your allies a synergy opportunity.
But, nonetheless, it could really help to double down on staying cleansed. If you are interested in still wearing a purify set on top of being an actual Templar, check out maybe Curse Eater as a 5 piece option in place of Wyrd Tree. Curse eater will cleanse your allies as well as yourself. And so does the templars cleanse skill. So not only are YOU doubling up on the cleansing, but also you are doubling up on your teammates as well!
Just thought!
Time to bust out the maras set again 😂
Also check out Wyrd Trees Blessing and the Curse Eater set!
Do you think earthgore would be worth using?
Definitely could be a good set to throw on if you’ve not got a monster set already locked in.
But remember it won’t cleanse effects that are actually on YOU, but rather only on the ground.
@AreaofEffect oh wow, I've never read that properly! Thanks lmao
ty :)
I die all the time, cause I'm bad 😅
Hahaha stop it 🤣🤣
well....good thing i still run mara's on one of my toons...sheesh
Yeah I just hope Mara’s will be enough with that 30 second cooldown. It definitely could be enough if there aren’t a million people running dot & rending. But if there’s an abundance of people out there running setups that way.. then you may need Mara’s AND something else. Use efficient purge skill with it every once in a while.
08:08 you had me there - quite toxic game in PvP... Makes me sad
Just have to shine through it! ☀️
Which.. admittedly I had a rough time doing that myself this past week or so lmao..🤣
There are so many hilariously sweaty players on xbox na I love it. I play a healer and love humblimg the thumbless proc egos.
Thumbless Proc Ego - my next gamertag 🤣
funny thing, i die A LOT, and don't see that as being the typical thing that i die from.
In defense of us sorcs out here. Bro, come on. We havent had anything since the early days of eso. We get dragged through the mud in every update and still dont have a decent heal or cleanse. Just let us have one set and one update to have fun. Nightblades , dk and templar have absolutley no room to talk crap about us sorcs. We have been through the worst pvp meta in a long time and its finally our time. Leave us alone man lets us have fun too 😢...
I hear you! I wish we had a big burst heal that wasn’t from a pet, or didn’t take a care time (dark deal) that can easily get interrupted or leave you open and vulnerable to damage while casting it.
However I am hearing that people on PC are absolutely LOVING the new heal from the Sorc shield heal that they changed in Update 41!
That skin tho
Lol dont worry about the haters and you stealing kills. I main mag sorc and getting kills comes with it.😅 Star is a guildie of mine he is great 👍 good lookin Star 🌟
Haha thanks for the reply! And yes the haters are abundant the past couple weeks it seems. I never get too worried about it because %90 of the time I’m building something new and testing it fresh, and STILL end up killing them haha.. but this time I decided to go ahead and throw some of THAT content in the “heads up” video and show that I get hate too. 🤣🤣
Dk with Serpeants and heartland. Masters is nice but I like vateshran with elemental susceptibility so I can apply 3 status effects all at once. have serpeants front bar duel wield both charged w/L waist and jewelry. disease for defile and poison enchant on other weapon to stack with dk poison skills. Vateshran would be back bar. Heartland 5 body heavy or medium. Mythic would be malacath as crit is non existent and one monster w/pen or w/s damage. Mainly a full status build. Force of nature for more pen. Only curious if u cast an ability on back bar, will serpaints add status time from back bar skills after swap.
Sounds very lethal! And definitely something that will need cleaned from often lol 😂
A friend and I tested if serpents would add the time to status effects from ele sus on the bb, and it does.
@@DeathChant17 nice ty. That was my main concern.
just run a tanky set up with pains refuge and trial by fire and put a hot up
It me. I use venomous and fire, though, dropped Maarselok. 😅
Shame! 🤣🤣 But heck, maybe I’m gonna have to as well!
@@AreaofEffect Ahah. NB though so I rely on stealth to full cheese. If damage is high or there are gankers in a bg i slap on brands of the imperium so I can run like a coward… 😜
Templar build incoming...
Yeah I feel they are going to be abundant next patch. But there will still be ways of playing the other classes! We will just have to see what happens.
Shouldn’t this fall into the procs don’t proc procs ideal that damage over time you get from rending slashes shouldn’t be able to proc way of fire according to their ideology. Probably the best way to fix that busted combo
Rending slashes itself is a skill. Not a proc, the dot is part of the skill not a proc set itself.
Procs from sets, generally do not proc other proc conditions. There are exceptions and bugged sets out there though on platforms that people will secretly use and keep hush about. Like Hist Sap for example
Very well said and good answer Nelson! Also good question Tommy! Thank you both for contributing! 💯
I play on Xbox na lol and yea the meta is busted rn. A lot of these kids really rely on sets to kill ppl. And will absolutely Zerg you and bag you lol
It’s gotten worse recently it seems. Or maybe I’m just dying more to cheese lately and that’s why I am seeing it more idk lol.
@AreaofEffect nah you're correct more and more people are looking for the easy way out. Tbh it's sad how some people have to run cheese just to be competitive lmfao. I kill people all day everyday and most of my builds do not have a proc set on them. But it's definitely getting harder since everybody has 1000 dots they can put on you LOL
Trust me...any and every exploit that can be done in pvp WILL be done. As soon as these meta builds come out...its just cookie cutter copies of those builds and it really does suck the fun and life out of the game. And there will be some that say...well get good...stop crying. There are really good players that arnt runnimg cheese builds that are getting obliterated by pvpers that arnt as good by any means...but are able to do it runnimg these meta cheese builds. That just forces more and more players to run the SAME meta builds or just get murdered to proc sets over n over. So the choice is either build the same damn build or get smoked. Content creaters...good luck with that one. Even if you have some really good ideas and theory wont matter. It will not be viable in a cheese pvp era. dont have to get good at pvp just need to be a copy cat. Some of these proc sets are just too OP and do need to be nerfed. I wish they had a no proc server. And yes...the toxic internet tuff guys arnt going anywhere. Its easy to talk shit when you dont have to back it up and can hide behind a keyboard. Oh...and good luck running a cleanse on a 1 bar build. Goodbye oakensoul. Do you drop resolving vigor and lose the HoT and mitigation and just run a burst heal...or keep it and a cleanse and cant burst heal when your taking a lot of damage? If you run all 3...thats just 2 slots to go offensive and will that be enough offense? Ya...i think the era of 1 bar build oakensoul days are officially dead for the casual player.
A lot of very good points made in that summary. Especially the “copy cat” domino effect and how that impacts content creators originality! That’s where my main focus is as well. But.. I really feel like I want to put some of my ideas to the test. Especially, since I at least know what I am up against, and know what I need to focus on mitigating.
As far as the Oakensoul 1 bar builds that aren’t on Templars & Necros… I didn’t think about that yet. Either waste on of your 5 skill slots on a 6000 cost purge that only removes 3, OR…. Run one of those 5 piece sets.
Or run with a Templar by your side and synergize with their cleanse skill when they drop it.
Kids bagging using meta , makes them loook pathetic
Very. Just recently I feel it’s surged. Something in Tamriels water lol
yea the toxic people are why i solo and dont do pvp
I’m sorry to hear that. But I understand the feeling! If you ever get interested, I am in a PvP guild that is known by many to be the most Non-Toxic guild out there. And their focus is primarily PvP! It’s called Stuhn’s Goons. If you decide you’d like a great and friendly PvP experience, let me know and I can get you in. It’s on Xbox NA. ❤️
im on pc na but if you have a pc one i would give it a try