Frequency of God 963 Hz | Attract miracles, blessings and great tranquility in your whole life #5
- Опубликовано: 23 ноя 2024
- Frequency of God 963 Hz | Attract miracles, blessings and great tranquility in your whole life #5
This channel is about healing your mind, soul, body, anxiety disorders, sleep problem, depression, insomnia, focus, migraine, stress, agriculture and many more. If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. Similarly, in this channel we are here to help you with positive energy, frequency healing and vibrates through the help of music. In our music we generally use binural rhythms, isochronic tones, subliminal statements and biokinesis to inspire people when awakening from life, enlightenment and much more. (Lucid Dreaming Music) It also includes sleeping music, relaxation music, meditation music, tibetan music, bowl music, shamanic music, healing music, study music, Reiki music, Zen music, spa music/massage and music and music of yoga
Remember to subscribe if you want to show you love and support us. We believe that Chan finds a lot of value here 🙏💖
All videos and audios are exclusive original of Lucid Dreaming Music
(Any reproduction of this audio and video is strictly prohibited).
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If you see this comment, Your light is very important to this universe. You are not alone in this world. You are important. I hope this comment can make you happy. I wish you lots of health, love and success on your way.
❤thanks 😊
Gracias. Necesitaba tu mensaje. Me llegó al corazón. Dios ilumine tu camino tambien para seguir iluminando a otros.
Are you going to Heaven or Hell when you die? You can not hide your sins from God and you can not outrun God! Jesus loves you and He died and rose again from death for your sins. Stop running and stop trying to hide your sins from GOD!!! We must live for Jesus and pick up our cross every day.
Your soul is the "real you". Once you die, your soul is the part of you that will continue to live in Heaven or Hell, forever. There is no other choice for you, your soul will go to one of these two kingdoms.
Repent and put your trust in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior today and you will be saved. Once you die, it will be too late for you to repent. You must turn away from the sinful behavior of the world and follow Jesus. Have a wonderful day!
ROMANS 10:13 For whosoever will call upon the name of the LORD, shall be saved.
The person who is reading this comment , i wish you great success , health, love and happiness !
and may all good things come to you dear one
Gracias Dios
Sé que mi comentario se pierde fácilmente aquí, pero si estás leyendo esto, no es coincidencia. ¡Asegúrate, gana fuerza! Aunque estés pasando por algo muy difícil en tu vida. ¡Cree que todo saldrá bien! Esto es solo una fase, ¡espera! ¡Sé que no nos conocemos, pero creo en ti! ¡Ten por seguro que Dios siempre está de tu lado!
Gracias por tus palabras de aliento y si estoy pasando por un momento muy dificil que espero pase pronto y se que siempre lo recordare en mi mente y corazón, se que ya no sufre mas en esta tierra y esta al lado de Dios. Le mando un beso al cielo.
Gracias ❤
Bendiciones también para ti 🙏🙏🙏
Gracias...tu tambien eres alguien a a quien Dios envio para darnos aliento y esperanza.. que Dios te bendiga.
Gracias, hecho esta!! Amen
Deseándole a quien lea este comentario: un día maravilloso, una vida llena de alegría, buena suerte, un cuerpo sano y un día lleno de las bendiciones de Dios.
Amém 🙏
Amén bendiciones
Gracias gracias gracias!
Para ti también!!
Gracias gracias gracias
Whoever reads this, I pray you will be brought closer to God. I pray you are granted great wisdom. I pray the fruits of the Spirit are magnified.
Same to you❤
Tôi đang ở xa nhưng rất gần bạn đó thôi - vô hình mà. Cảm ơn bạn nhiều.
Don't know if someone is reading this, but if you are: it doesn't matter where you are right now on this planet, I wish you a wonderful day and a happy, peaceful life where all your dreams come true. You are amazing and beautiful!
I believe in you! 💝
God bless you!!!
Same wishes to you. Thank you!
Thank you so much for your kind loving words. I needed to hear that, and I am grateful for hearing it.
This frequency opened my heart so fast and widely. To create such beauty comes from love, peace and life contentment. Thank you so very much.
Thank you, the same to you
Whoever is reading this, I pray for you: a heart free of sorrow, a mind free of worries, a life filled with joy, money, a body free from illness and a day filled with God's blessings
same for you multiplied 1,000,000 times 🙏видео.htmlsi=tOmiV1JJ2VCvD97T
Thank you. 💜🙏
@user-qw5du7qk6g; Sending YOU all the blessings 100000000 folded!
Same to you. Thank you! Blessings
To everyone reading this Keep going. No matter how stuck you feel, no matter how bad things are right now, no matter how hopeless & depressed you feel, no matter how many days you have spent wishing things were different. I promise you won't feel this way forever. Keep going.
Thank you for sharing such an encouraging and uplifting message! It's a reminder that resilience and hope can make a significant difference. If you have any specific questions or if there's anything else you'd like to share, feel free to let me know. Wishing you strength, positivity, and brighter days ahead! 🌈💙
Gracias, 😢
To anyone reading this, I pray that everything that hurts you or constantly stresses you out gets better. May dark thoughts, overthinking and doubts leave your mind, may clarity replace confusion. May peace and tranquility fill your life 💕💗💓
Thank you❤
Thank you so much
Even though I don't know who you are, I wish all of you reading this comment: Have a day full of energy, a happy, peaceful life, a healthy body, no disease, a The soul is always joyful and relaxed. Finally, may you all always receive all the blessings and protection of God and achieve all your wishes ❤
Thankyou and I also return the blessings
back at you peace love happiness good health and wealth
Thank you, ditto and may God bless you
Amin ❤
Si ves este comentario, quiero agradecerte por vivir conmigo en el mismo planeta. No estás solo en este mundo. Espero que este comentario pueda alegrar un poco a una persona al menos. Eso es todo lo que quiero y deseo buena salud para ti.
Whoever is reading this I wish you forever happiness, health and love nomatter who you are. Never give up! Love yourself❤💋Iвидео.htmlsi=tOmiV1JJ2VCvD97T
Padre Celestial, Madre, Amigo, Bienamado Dios!, Que la pronunciación incesante y silenciosa de tu sagrado Nombre nos transforme a tu semejanza. Inspíranos para que nuestro amor por las cosas materiales se convierta en adoración a Ti. Que a través de nuestros corazones purificados venga a la tierra tu reino de perfección y todos los pueblos sean liberados del sufrimiento. Permite que la libertad interior del alma se manifieste también en el exterior. Que nuestra voluntad se fortalezca en el triunfo sobre los deseos mundanos y se ponga definitivamente en armonía con tu perfecta voluntad. Danos el pan nuestro de cada día: alimento, salud y prosperidad para el cuerpo, eficiencia para la mente y, sobre todo, tu amor y sabiduría para el alma. Es tu ley que "con la medida con que midáis se os medirá"; ayúdanos pues a perdonar a quienes nos ofenden, teniendo siempre presente lo mucho que necesitamos tu inmerecida misericordia. No nos abandones en el abismo de las tentaciones en que hemos caído por el mal uso que hacemos del don de la razón que nos concediste. Y cuando sea tu voluntad ponernos a prueba, ¡oh Espíritu!, permite que nos demos cuenta que Tú eres mucho más fascinante que cualquier tentación del mundo. Ayúdanos a librarnos de las tenebrosas ligaduras del único mal: no conocerte. Porque Tuyo es el reino, y el poder, y la gloria, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. ןמֵאָ autor: PY “Quem não tem dificuldades não cresce.” - Paramahansa Yogananda
Đức Chúa JESUS Nói Khi Các Đến Với Ta Thì Cái Tâm Của Các Phải Hướng Về Con Đường Thiện ! Các Con Phải Mở Lòng Từ Bi Ra Đón Nhận Tất Cả Và yêu Thương Tất Cả Vì Đất Nước Nào Củng Là Con Cháu Của Ta , Cho Nên Ta Không Cho Các Con Làm Điều Ác mà Các Con Phải Đoàn kết Yêu Thương yêu Thương Lẩn Nhau Thì Các Mới Ở Cùng Với Ta Được Còn Các Thù Hận Thì Làm Sao Các ở Cùng Với Ta Được ! Mình muốn Được Hạnh phúc Thì mình phải Có Lòng Từ Bi Thì Các Con Mới Được Hạnh phúc Các Con yêu Thương Tất Cả Mọi Người Các Con Sống Tốt Với Tất Cả Mọi Người Thì Các Mới Về Với Ta Được , Bởi Ngôi Nhà Trên Thiên đình Là Ngôi Nhà Yêu Thương Mà Các Con Mở Lòng Từ Bi Ra Thì Làm Sao Các Con Được Về Thiên đình ! Mình Ăn Ở Hiền Lành Thì Mình Được Tự Do Hạnh phúc Mà Sao Các Con Không Làm Được , Gia Đình Ta Là Chủ Nhà Nước quản Lý Tất Cả Các Con Sợ Gì Mất Của Những Mà Tham Lam Thì Trốn Ở Đâu Được ! Đi Tới Đâu Củng Bất Cho Những người Làm Sai Các Chỉ Cần Cầu quyện Ta Sẻ giải Quyết Các Không Cần giải quyết
@@hocvo118 Pois é, disse: "Eu sou o caminho, a verdade e a vida. Ninguém vem ao PAI, a não ser por mim”.
gracias gracias gracias. Bendiciones!
Con el Favor de Dios me permito vivir y respirar gracias a El cuento con sus Bondades , su amor por mi hace milagros y me da más de lo que esperaba, su amor y su misericordia es infinita y hoy recibimos su Bendición en todas las direcciones me provee abundancia , amor, salud, sabiduría, felicidad, gozo, conocimiento, discernimiento, fe, bondad, disciplina, fortaleza, creatividad, autodominio, unión, prosperidad, éxitos 🙌 la Mano de Dios me sostiene y me lleva a vivir consciente de su maravilloso plan perfecto que tiene para mí, envía a sus amados Ángeles y Arcángeles a que escoltan nuestro camino ❤con su luz me envuelven ,con su amor me reconfortan ,y con su guía llenan mi espíritu hacer Tu más bella voluntad para seguir adelante con el Favor y la Gracia de Dios 🙏 gracias por Amarnos y ser nuestra fuente vital con la iluminación de nuestro Amado Señor Jesús quién lleva y me guía el camino que haz hecho para mi crecimiento espiritual, mi mente ,cuerpo y espíritu la llevas a vivir en la totalidad de Tu Abundancia de paz ,amor en total armonía en sintonia de Tu luz Divina,Provisión y Protección, gracias, gracias, gracias Amén 🙌
Thank you
Thank you for bringing this melody to me, it's wonderful, I wish everyone who reads this comment always happiness, love, and financial development 🙏❤. May we all have joy and happiness in life, and may finances flow like a river for righteous and sacred deeds for good. Let money bring joy to your Soul and help people 🙏🙏🙏❤
Surreal! Primeira vez meditando 🧘 e senti vibrações do universo, minha alma querendo se desprender do meu corpo! Em paz , senti o Amor mais profundo de Deus ! Deus é imenso e seu Amor é muito Maior! E comecei a agradecer e agradecer e agradeci e não parei! Então veio o sentimento de culpa , por muitas vezes ter me afastado dele e de seu Amor incondicional, culpada por muitas vezes agir no impulso, deixar a ansiedade tomar de conta de minha mente! Mas depois desse contato com Deus , vibração da Terra ! Neste momento pedi perdão a Deus e quando fui pedir perdão por todos os pecados eles foram apagados da minha mente! ❤ e então me lembrei da palavra de Deus que diz
se o meu povo, que se chama pelo meu nome, se humilhar e orar, buscar a minha face e se afastar dos seus maus caminhos, dos céus o ouvirei, perdoarei o seu pecado e curarei a sua terra. 2 Crônicas 7:14
Foi Surreal me sinto plena , e em paz! Desejo ao Todos Amor para consigo mesmo e o próximo, harmonia , alegria , união , e saúde vamos orar a Deus pedir a cura , a libertação , paz na Terra 🌍! Amém fiquem com Deus
Glória à Deus! E que assim seja!!
Me amo te amo ❤️
Whoever is reading this, I pray for you: a heart free of sorrow, a mind free of worries, a life filled with joy, money, a body free from illness and a day filled with God's blessings ❤❤❤
And for you as well
Thank you I wish you every blessings to support you in every way.
If you see this comment, I want to thank you for living with me on the same planet. You are not alone in this world. I hope this comment can make at least one person a little bit happy. This is all I want and wish good health to you
Praying for all my brothers and sisters in Christ all around the world for healing, peace, love, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, financial blessings, salvation, deliverance from bondages and bad spirits, success in Jesus’ name. Amen.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Amen! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Everyone is God's special child, even those who do not know as you do or not at all.
the bad spirits are often in human form here on earth, those are the bad spirits I am most worried about, not the ones we cannot see sadly. praying that bad human spirits can somehow see the pain they cause and change
I’ve been listening to frequencies like this at night when I’m resting or even during the day. I run a lot and I’ve been doing it a lot daily for a minute and I haven’t been needing a full day of rest often which is interesting to me because I could hardly go 2-3 days daily running. I’ve been getting more spiritual lately and just listening to these frequencies and getting more spiritual I feel like has been helping me a lot more. I just got done with a 10 day run last week and I’ve been almost hitting another 10 day mark. I know my body is getting more accustomed to it but the frequencies have been helping me feel very rested every morning that I listen to them. It’s been helping me run the next day or night that I decide to do so. I prefer running at night but I occasionally run during the day too. Thank you for these frequencies. I’ve been getting stronger. I’m trying to be my own hero because I don’t look up to anyone except for myself and I plan on keeping it that way. I feel like God is right there with me every step of the way and I feel like he’s right there beside me or behind me trying to keep up with me. I enjoy running and sprinting uphill and so that’s what I do. 🫡
This sound is so wonderful... It is nourishing for the soul and fills my heart. I thank You so very much for this
Que a HUMANIDADE possa viver
no AMOR, com o AMOR e para o AMOR ,
na LUZ, com a LUZ e para a LUZ ,
na PAZ , com a PAZ e para a PAZ..... gratidão
Es lo que esperaba de Dios si lo que esperaba de Dios
Amo A Dios
que esta música esté bendecida por la luz divina para el bien mayor de todos los seres sintientes, gracias🙏
Боже дай миру й щастя в кожну родину на землі.Амінь,амінь,амінь🙏🙏🙏
Deus é fiel.....Brasil.....grato
Благодарю и принимаю с любовью!Всем Мира и добра!
Whoever reading this, I pray that God visits your home with healing, blessings, and miracles. Amen. 🙏
Gracias Gracias Gracias Dios y Universo! Estoy extremadamente agradecida por mi Apartamento, Mi familia, mi salud y mi vida!
Gracias, gracias, gracias. Que a todos nos ilumine Dios y su grandeza, y seamos humanos de verdad. Os mando mis bencidiones y amor a todos los que me leais. Así sea!. AMÉN ❤
Amén ❤
キセキ こそが神の力 受け取りました
Thank God my spirit family and u for this energy 🙏💪🙏💪🙏💪
Peace be upon the Earth good will to all….🕊️💕💙
Thank you so much for this..I need all the curses to be out of my life thank you God for supporting me ❤️🙏
I just prayed for you.
like deixado com muita alegria ! top parabéns
Hello. We may not speak the same language but the sounds of nature are something we can all understand. Hope everyone is always happy and happy ✨♥
Fomos agraciados pelo amor de Deus, criador do mundo 🌎 Quanta sabedoria e luz vêm através da Luz Emanada D'Ele. Amém amém e AMÉM.
Deus com vossa divina presença nos abençoe abundantemente, e nos ilumine com todo bem e amorosidade contínua em nossos corações 💕 Agradecemos tudo que recebemos de ti Amém!!
Thank you
Que bonito y delicado eres Dios🙏✨️💓
Deus continue abençoando cada um de vcs que estão aqui, amém 😊gratidão 🙏
Thank you
Doamne da mi sanatate sa mi pot crestere fiul meu,darul asta minunat pe care mi l ai dat.Si te mai rig in familia mea,copilul eu ,mama,sora si sotul meu sa traim cu multa sanatate,armonie dragoste si bunastare.AMIN❤
I almost innerstand your comment ... your language is very similar to latin it romanian? Much love and blessings from Italy❤❤❤
Agradeço por deixar aqui mais um vídeo de qualidade. Valeu!!
Пусть умиротворение придет в нашу жизнь и она зацветет прекрасными и чудными звуками и красками.
Siendo LUZ para nosotros estamos siendo también luz para nuestro entorno. Gracias por aportar herramientas para ello, gracias, gracias, gracias, linda música
Amen con kính lạy chúa thánh thần đức chúa trời thiên chúa giê sukyto con cám ơn các ngài con xin các ngài ban cho con phép màu chữa lành thân xác con con xin cảm tạ ơn conyeeu chúa amen
Đức Chúa JESUS Nói Khi Các Con Đến Với Ta Thì Các Con Học Lòng Chúa Thương xót ! Thì Các Con phải Ăn Ở Hiền Lành Và yêu Thương Tất Cả Mọi Người Các Con Không Sát Sanh yêu Thương Động Vật , Các Con Làm Được Điều Này Thì Các Con Mới Hết khổ Vì Ta Cho Động Vật Quây Lại Kiếp Người Mà Các Sát Hại Động Vật Là Các Sát Hại Mạn Người ! Vì Đông Vật Là kiếp Người Bây giờ Các ở ắc Thì Các Sẻ Quây Lại Kiếp Động Vật phải chịu Khổ Cực Mà Tự Kiếm Sống , Tự Lo Cho Bản thân Mà Không Có Ai Nui !
Óh Deus, óh Pai Nosso de todos os dias que habitas dentro de nós, manifesta em nossos corações🫀's "de dentro pra fora" de verdade querido Deus 🙏🙌🙏
Благодарю автора за чудесную музыку, все дети укладываются под нее замечательно спать ❤
Modle się i prosze dla wszystkich ludzi dobrej woli kometatorów uświęć ich proźby by były cudownym spełnieniem jak wyroczni bez leku strachu i obawy idzcie drodzy ludzie ścieżką prawdy i samodoskolanienia prosze cię dobry i wyrozumiały o Boże spraw by się wydażyło to w co tak mocno wierzymy czyli w ciebie bo tyś jest ty o którym mówił Bóg Ojciec Bogiem z Bogiem❤❤❤❤❤❤
Arrasou mesmo! Você está cada vez melhor nos seus vídeos.
Dear souls, let us take a moment to bask in the boundless beauty and wonder that surrounds us every day. In the midst of life's chaos, let us remember to pause, breathe, and embrace the pure essence of love and bliss that flows through each moment.
May we cultivate awareness in every action, spreading kindness and compassion wherever we go. Let us be beacons of light, illuminating the path for others to find peace and joy within themselves.
Together, let us create a ripple effect of positivity, inspiring hearts to open and souls to soar. For in this interconnected web of existence, our love has the power to heal, uplift, and transform.
With gratitude and love, may we continue to journey together, radiating the infinite blessings of the universe to all beings, everywhere.
Ôi thật là hạnh phúc tôi đã cảm nhận được điều Bạn mong cầu . Thật là tuyệt vời khi tôi biết mình thật may mắn...
Amém senhor Jesus Cristo ❤
Que paz maravilhosa! Musica Celestial! Gratidão ! UMA DIVINA NOITE!
Je demande une guérison pour ma tante Odette et pour toute la famille et de l abondance financier amen merci beaucoup amen
To all readers, sending love from the USA. Wishing you peace, harmony, health, and abundance. May all your dreams come true.
استقبل بكل حب ويسر وسهولة أمين يارب العالمين ❤
Merci pour ce moment suspendu, hors du mouvement de notre quotidien. Toute ma gratitude pour cette magnifique énergie de bien-être et de lâcher prise.
Powerful transformation video.
blagadariu prinimay noriu padėkoti už suteiktą galimybę per nuostabia meilę kurią suteikia jums man svarbiausia kad pasisektų issiut žinutę jo vyriausybei vadovavo dėkoju už pagalbą man kurią suteikiama noriu ir sektųsi ir toliau labai dėkoju nenoriu prarasti jo amžinai nes myliu jį sielos draugą gyvai prašau padekyt pamatyti.amen amen amen ❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏😔🤗
Ich möchte mal in aller Form vom Herzen Dankeschön sagen, danke für die großartige Arbeit und vorallem die vielen tausend Lebensstunden die es benötigt hat, um überhaupt die Informationen, das Wissen und die Ressourcen zusammenzutragen um am Punkt dieser Veröffentlichung zu stehen. Es ist keinesfalls selbstverständlich, dass diese Videos und das einzigartige und heilsame Klangerlebnis frei von nerviger Werbung ist. Wie oft hört man ein Mantra, einen Klangteppig oder Medicin-Songs und dann tauchen alle fünfzehn Minuten lautstarke penetrante Werbebotschaften auf. Respekt, dass sie sich davon frei machen und uns dieses hier so offen ermöglichen! Ihr Christian Hilt
Deus é Tudo pra mim e sim Adorei esta frequência
Prosim za čudež in blagoslov! 🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤ hvala, hvala, hvala...
Gratidão!!Um dia maravilhoso a todos nós!!Que Deus Jesus e a Espiritualidade nós abençoe!! Ótimo dia para todos!!
Amen Thank you Dios for meracles blessings ❤❤❤❤
Благодарю за прекрасную музыку сфер, успокаивает и чарует.
Gracias, Gracias, Gracias,a mi Dios Padre porque siempre me concedes muchos milagros que le pido Así es hecho está ❤❤❤❤❤
This video is a testament to the power of music as a healing force. It's a reminder of the profound impact sound can have on our well-being. 🌌
Obrigado Senhor meu Deus por Gilmar Barbosa Magalhães ter gabaritado na prova. Amém!!!
❤ Excelentes frecuencia...muchas gracias por compartir 🙏 ❤
For everyone who'll see this, I wish you all luck, love, blessings, and healings. I hope you're getting everything that you deserve and desire and I hope all your worries disappear and get figured out.💝
Eu Sou a porta aberta que nada, nem ninguém pode fechar. GRATIDÃO GRATIDÃO. Todos Somos UM.
Heavenly Father Mother GOD are
Amen jedine ti môžem spraviť zázraky tvojov pomocou amen prenásu rodinu tvojov pomocou amen ďakujem Bohu zasecko čo robíš tvojov pomocov prenasu bože potrebujem ťa každý deň tvojov pomocou potrebujem zázraky tvojov pomocou nech sa nám darí lepšie žiť tvojov pomocou amen nech sa mi spni sen tvojov pomocou amen ďakujem Bohu zasecko zákazdi deň tvojov pomocou prenasu rodinu tvojov pomocou amen
Bom dia! começando com essa maravilha...... gratidão.....
Parabéns pela matéria e mensagem. Levou-me à reflexão. 🙏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
This is pure bliss. Every time i listen to it makes me feel happy and relaxed. ❤
Si iti multumesc Doamne pentru tot ce mi ai dat sii imi vei da in continuare
Beautiful music. Thank you:)
Seus vídeos me inspiram a ser uma pessoa melhor, obrigado por isso.
Peace and many blessing to all.
Que a infinita graça liberte sua mente nesse momento que esta lendo e que toda provações terrena ..♡..e saiba que tudo passa amanhã vc vai entender o pq esta passando por isso a minha bênçãos eu lhes dou 🙌🙌🙌paz e ❤luz
Even when you’re not down.Even when you feel happiness. Listen here and manifest.
"Já assisti diversos vídeos sobre o tema, mas esse se destaca pela sua originalidade e pela forma como o conteúdo é apresentado."
Gracias, Gracias, Gracias!!! Es bellísimo y Divino...❤
Adorei Marjorie, fiquei muito emocionada da mesma forma que fiquei quando estava fazendo o Yantra de Saravasti. Obrigada pela mantra
❤❤gracias gracias gracias mi señor amén
Graças a Deus por me dado a vida, a saúde, a prosperidade, a riqueza!
Eu atraio milagres e bençãos para minha vida !
Gratidão 🙏🏻
I know there are a lot of positive comments so this one probably won't be seen. But if you're reading this, don't give up on your dreams. Don't give up on yourself and never let anyone bring you down! YOU CAN DO IT! YOU ARE WORTHY! YOU ARE WORTHY! Keep trying and keep achieving and everything you have put in will be rewarded. ❤❤
I believe you can do it
Despite of all the comments someone passed by and saw yours... What you write here is so true. Thank you very much. May God bless you.
I see you - and back at you.. May God always bless you with an abundance of love, strength, & courage to fill you divine plan this life time and all to follow until you find your way back home to our Father's House. Be well, much love
Não vejo a hora de assistir ao próximo vídeo, você me deixou ansioso por mais conteúdo de qualidade.
Thank you Jesus
Escuchar esto revitaliza todos mis cuerpos....sentir la energía de esa palabra tan UNIVERSAL DIOS gracias por compartir ese conocimiento vibración sonido y conocimiento❤ GRACIAS GRACIAS GRACIAS
Gratidão 🙏🏻
Aamiiiin terima kasih energi positifnya senantiasa Tuhan memberkati 👍🙏
I just want to put this on repeat and drift away into a realm of utter tranquility. ⛅ Drop a heart if you're drifting away too. ❤
Comecei a dormir com esse som hoje!! É tempo de Quaresma ✨ estejam atentos
Don't know if someone is reading this, but if you are: it doesn't matter where you are right now on this planet, I wish you a wonderful day and a happy, peaceful life where all your dreams come true. You are amazing and beautiful! This is just a phase, hang on! I know we don't know each other, but I believe in you! Rest assured that God is always on your side!
A todos los que escuchan que se sientan paz amor claridad finanzas desbordantes en abundancia te agradezco Jesús muchísimo y te agradezco universo por protección guías misericordia fuerza y felicidad y prosperidad gracias bendiciendo mis finanzas abundantemente para salir de esta deuda desbordante
This is truly an amazing track! The 963 Hz frequency brings such a deep sense of peace and tranquility. Perfect for meditation and attracting positive energy! 🙏💖