Synchronised smoke is getting better. This is the best I've seen. The headlamps are still too bright, though. The real thing had oil lamps and they had hardly any lumens at all
@jackstrains4468 Tornado's meant to be a replica of locomotive built in the 1940's & 1950's and I would expect it to look like that. I imagine that Bachmann are doing other A1 locomotives besides Tornado, but they'll have the same car headlights, I imagine
@@lynnmorton7544 that's a fair point, but it's still a modern loco - take the new build p2 - when that runs, it'll use the new lamps, not the old oil ones, but I get what you mean about other bachmann a1s
Looks incredible, the smoke is so realistic, and the lights look great too
Synchronised smoke is getting better. This is the best I've seen. The headlamps are still too bright, though. The real thing had oil lamps and they had hardly any lumens at all
This is Tornado, a fairly recently built loco that runs on the mainline today. Watch some of the video, they aren't oil lamps, they are very bright
But tornados a 2008 ish build, so the lamps are modern style lamps, not the oil lamps
@jackstrains4468 Tornado's meant to be a replica of locomotive built in the 1940's & 1950's and I would expect it to look like that. I imagine that Bachmann are doing other A1 locomotives besides Tornado, but they'll have the same car headlights, I imagine
@lynnmorton7544 maybe. How ever customers who have paid for lamps, don't much like it when they can barely see them ;)
@@lynnmorton7544 that's a fair point, but it's still a modern loco - take the new build p2 - when that runs, it'll use the new lamps, not the old oil ones, but I get what you mean about other bachmann a1s