i'm very very disappointed by kebebew's seattle show ( August 3). no new material ( may be he is saving it for his dvd). collectively he had only played for about 30 minutest too much break and supid dj. the people who put the show together are so selfish that they want to sell alchohol. Kebebew - you will not stay popular if you are NOT GOOD ENOUGH. at least for my money! you were great in your first cd. teresah?
ምርጥ messeg
this is so true, good message. we need to change as Ethiopians.
freaking hillarious !
what is the opening song called?
ንገራአቸው ለነዚህ ለደደብ መንግስቶች ሰውበአገሩ ሰርቶሆእዳአይበላአ የሚደበድቡት ሰው እዴሄት በአገሩ ሰርቶይብላአ
hak alew
i'm very very disappointed by kebebew's seattle show ( August 3). no new material ( may be he is saving it for his dvd). collectively he had only played for about 30 minutest too much break and supid dj.
the people who put the show together are so selfish that they want to sell alchohol.
Kebebew - you will not stay popular if you are NOT GOOD ENOUGH. at least for my money! you were great in your first cd. teresah?