The Truth About Holidays - Abdullah Hakim Quick

  • Опубликовано: 1 янв 2025

Комментарии • 300

  • @cairomcgriff7038
    @cairomcgriff7038 4 года назад +32

    I’m Christian but I love this information

  • @vanessah5394
    @vanessah5394 7 лет назад +91

    im learning so much watching this man in his talks. shame on our governments for lying to us. shame on us for believing them.

    • @airborneparat85
      @airborneparat85 6 лет назад +2

      Vanessa H shame on them for deceiving us. Gain on us for being them

    • @jdotSuni
      @jdotSuni 3 года назад +7

      It’s only shame on us if we see the truth then still choose to live blindly

    • @AL-yy4xs
      @AL-yy4xs 3 года назад


    • @redwanmarashli6496
      @redwanmarashli6496 2 года назад

      there is always a chance to learn and improve. Still Shame on them !

  • @I_lovecosmo
    @I_lovecosmo 13 лет назад +51

    I had a video cassette of this lecture when I first took shahadah, masha Allah. Very good lecture, al hamdulillah. I love him feesabillah. May Allah bless him and his family with all the best of this life, and the Hereafter. Ameen!

    • @thequranjourney1405
      @thequranjourney1405 8 лет назад

      Aishah Sharon Kelly MASHALLAH

    • @coldtruth6354
      @coldtruth6354 7 лет назад +1


    • @azimashraf7086
      @azimashraf7086 6 лет назад

      Aishah Sharon Kelly Ameen sister

    • @awriterforacause
      @awriterforacause Год назад

      آمين، ثم آمین يا الله ☝
      صلوا على النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم 💗
      يا مقلب القلوب، ثبت قلوبنا على دينك يا أرحم الراحمين ويا أكرم الأكرمين 🤍
      ويا كريم ، اجعل القرآن راحة قلوبنا 💙
      وأخرج النفاق والبغض والكبرياء والغضب من قلوبنا يا عزيز 🤲
      يا رب، نسألك بأسمك الأعظم ان تعتق رقابنا ورقاب آبائنا وأمهاتنا من النار، اللهم انصرنا على الكافرين وارحم والدينا كما ربونا ضغار 🥰
      استغفروا ربكم استغفار من عمق قلبكم 💜
      المسلم لازم يدرس القرآن وتفسيره والأحاديث وشرحها. شفوا الزمن كيف اتغير، افهم واتبع الله ورسوله وهناك الجنه الفردوس الأعلى
      ويا حكيم 🧠 زدنا علما طيبا مباركا فيه
      ويا ودود ارزقنا بزوجة صالحات وذرية صالحه ورزقا حلال طيبا يا الله 💕
      ويا فتاح ، يا عليم ، افتح لنا ابواب الفرج واقضي حاجاتنا واقضي مشاكلنا المالية والنفسية 😇
      يا حي، يا قيوم برحمتك استغيث 👑
      يا جبار ، ساعدنا على قضاء أعداء الدين، المنافقين، اليهود والنصارى وعباد البقر المشركين وعباد النار 👿
      يا رب ، نسألك بأسمائك الحسنى ، من عنده حاجه، اقضيها ومن عنده احد يحب، اجمعهم في الدنيا والآخرة بل حلال وارزقهم باولاد الصالحين واعطيهم علم دينك واجعلهم حفاظ القران والحديث 🤎
      اللهم اغفر للمؤمنين والمؤمنات والمسلمين والمسلمات الاحياء منهم والاموات يا رحيم 🥺
      يا رب ، يا حنان ويا منان 🤗
      اللهم اجرنا من عذاب القبر واجرنا من عذاب النار واللهم أجرنا من فتنة المحيا والممات واللهم أجرنا من فتنة المسيح الدجال 🤲
      أستمر بل استغفارات والصلاة على النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم وقراءة القرآن والصلاة الخمسة مع السنن والنوافل والتهجد والوتر وصلاة الضحى يا احبابي المسلمين، يستركم الله ويحميكم الله من المعاصي والفتن والذنوب جميعآ ويسهل لكم الحلال ويدخلكم الجنة الفردوس الأعلى اجمعين وصل الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه والتابعين أجمعين ✨
      يا وهاب ، اصل اجر هذه الأدعية وكل دعاء ادعي للمسلمينن الى ستي وأمي والمدرس الدين الإسلام لي، السيد انس بن احمد وهاج الصديقي حفظه الله تعالى لأن هم علموني الدين بعد هداية الله تعالى و بإذنه عز وجل حصلت العلم من القريبين الى الله جل وعلا
      سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت أستغفرك وأتوب إليك 🌟

  • @davidsalman8362
    @davidsalman8362 5 лет назад +114

    All the time i hear his voice in the merciful servant channel but didn't know who he was, alhamdulillah i found him

    • @hdakahidef
      @hdakahidef 5 лет назад +7

      David Salman this guy is the man. Go look up his Islamic history undiscovered has many episodes

    • @elcaponelogicovereverythin6106
      @elcaponelogicovereverythin6106 5 лет назад +2

      It was the same with me 😌

    • @fafmf5296
      @fafmf5296 4 года назад

      Same here ahha

    • @001Rumi
      @001Rumi 4 года назад +2

      Luv u Brother... download Muslim. Central aap... including him there are almost all renowned Muslims scholars.❤️

    • @farahhansen8206
      @farahhansen8206 4 года назад

      Same here!😆❤

  • @sabreenadeeba1523
    @sabreenadeeba1523 4 года назад +9

    The more Sheik Abdullah Hakim Quick teach, the more I want to learn. JazakAllah Khairen.

  • @classicgirly4648
    @classicgirly4648 5 лет назад +9

    This made me cry man we are carrying the TRUTH. We are very blessed with islam AlHAMDULILLAH ALLAHU AKBAR

  • @asmahabu9705
    @asmahabu9705 7 лет назад +31

    Brother hakim quick may Allah almighty bless you, i watch you in every single video you made, I love you brother

  • @bekirsenerler6273
    @bekirsenerler6273 5 лет назад +8

    May Allah bless you for having the courage to say what no one else would

  • @1jobarteh
    @1jobarteh 10 лет назад +44

    Alhamdulillah. May Allah open our hearts and minds and guide us to truth and its benefits, ameen.

  • @margauxtepartage
    @margauxtepartage 5 лет назад +8

    So educational, so necessary, so uplifting, so interesting. Alhamdulillah. May Allah reward him and grant him the best in this life and in the next. Amine. Ya Allah may this knowledge reach a maximum of people across the globe.... Amine

  • @julio14335
    @julio14335 11 лет назад +27

    Truth hurts only those who are guilty

  • @shkonlesh2323
    @shkonlesh2323 5 лет назад +9

    Mashallah beautiful. I get so sad when people hear the truth and don't want to believe, they enjoy the holidays and don't care 😢

    • @practicaldeen5333
      @practicaldeen5333 Год назад +1

      Allah swa guides whom he wills...may Allah swa keep us on the straight path..Amin.

  • @chereseplatt686
    @chereseplatt686 8 лет назад +140

    Where can I learn about the teachings of the Quran. I am not a Muslim, but 20-30 % of the world is Muslim, so there must be some wisdom there if that many people are following it. there are also parts of Old Testament scripture in parts of the Quran that have been lost from some parts of the Christian Bible. I am looking for things that uplift and inspire me to get closer to god. I do not want any thing that preaches hatred or bigotry, and I have told this to my Christian friends as well.
    I believe that that which is of god inspires us to do good. When I was in college I knew a few Muslims and they were just normal people. The one's that I was lucky enough to know were pretty good people. I feel that most bigotry and negative stereo typing comes from a lack of education mixed with fear.
    Many People fear the religion of Islam because they are only seeing the negative side of the radical extremists. Every group of people on the earth has these type's of people, not just Muslims and if you study what makes up groups of radical extremists who hate, you will often find that a great deal of abuse has often been committed against them. No doubt, religion can be used as a great tool of manipulation by others who crave power, But it can also heal the nations and bring people to together in a spirit of love.

    • @chereseplatt686
      @chereseplatt686 8 лет назад +9

      Thank you. I was just given one, already I am enjoying it!

    • @akhdi1
      @akhdi1 8 лет назад +2

      Sister Cherese , Where are you from , anywhere . I just wanna help you to get Q'uran free , from Arabic to English , you can log on any Mesjed " Musk " in your state or all in America .and ask them to send you a Q'uran in the best interpretation because , they are many . Maybe you need to pay only shipment . I'm not sure about that . Thank you

    • @akhdi1
      @akhdi1 8 лет назад +1

      You are wrong Man . He didn't merry her . You don't understand of tradition in Arab world , even some Muslims world . In my country , we still have same tradition in some state , specially in country .It call KHOTOBA . When I was 9 years old my father and his cousin , have some talk about KHOTOBA . they made agreement between them . His cousin willing to give his daughter and my father his willing to give me to his cousin's daughter . That , that why we called KhOTOBA , agreement for our marriage two kids in future . I have same experiences , between me and my fathers's cousin daughter , we didn't know about that , it was agreement between them , until we get 18 years old , after , we did know about it . After we becomes a round 18 years old , we made our choices if we agree or not agree about this KHOTOBA .
      The prophet make same with Abu Bukker , but it is very important point here , Aisha never lived under prophet's wings , he provided things she need it , as cloths giving to the parent hands to hands during all years , until she get mature enough to make her choices . because in this tradition , if you made KHOTOBA the first and parent accepted , you must take charge of that KHOTOBA under the parents care . The parents are holding Khatib or KHATIBA for you or for your child as promise for the future , until she or he get enough maturity to make his or her decision , which in the case of Aisha, when she get 18 years old , she like the prophet to merry him . After all years he was in charge only for her need materially . Under her parent supervising Don't be confuse between KHOTOBA and Marriage . that the case .

    • @akhdi1
      @akhdi1 8 лет назад

      Yes Anzu log on line to any Musk and ask them . they will be happy to send it to you . Allah help you to see the truth brother .

    • @j-bilalsaidybah2498
      @j-bilalsaidybah2498 7 лет назад

      cherese platt dearest sister, if you want to learn about Islam and the Qur'an, you should find the closest Masjid (Mosque) and i am 100% sure that they will welcome you with warm heart and provide for you all things you may need for your reading. Also, if you want I can send you a copy of the Qur'an and some lectures... this is my email

  • @gilbertaviles2102
    @gilbertaviles2102 4 года назад +5

    Alhamdullilah I love watching this brother one of my favorite Muslim Scholars!

  • @gilbertaviles2102
    @gilbertaviles2102 4 года назад +6

    One of the most educational pod cast I have ever seen

  • @UmaNur88
    @UmaNur88 12 лет назад +40

    I would love to have a list of the books he read. May Allah reward him for the knowledge he shares.

    • @mamadualiujalo1830
      @mamadualiujalo1830 5 лет назад +3

      Accept our lord Allah akbar swt all times Bless you ok!!!!

    • @mamadualiujalo1830
      @mamadualiujalo1830 5 лет назад +1

      Accept our lord Allah akbar swt all times end prayer everyday ok good coming Allah akbar bless!!!!

    • @mamadualiujalo1830
      @mamadualiujalo1830 5 лет назад +1

      Meryde is Good ok!!!!

    • @kamalamir7896
      @kamalamir7896 3 года назад

      You can find all information you need by reading the translation of the Quran and the traditions of the prophet Mohammed peace be upon him. May Allah swt guide us all to His straight path.Ameen.

    • @awriterforacause
      @awriterforacause Год назад

      آمين، ثم آمین يا الله ☝
      صلوا على النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم 💗
      يا مقلب القلوب، ثبت قلوبنا على دينك يا أرحم الراحمين ويا أكرم الأكرمين 🤍
      ويا كريم ، اجعل القرآن راحة قلوبنا 💙
      وأخرج النفاق والبغض والكبرياء والغضب من قلوبنا يا عزيز 🤲
      يا رب، نسألك بأسمك الأعظم ان تعتق رقابنا ورقاب آبائنا وأمهاتنا من النار، اللهم انصرنا على الكافرين وارحم والدينا كما ربونا ضغار 🥰
      استغفروا ربكم استغفار من عمق قلبكم 💜
      المسلم لازم يدرس القرآن وتفسيره والأحاديث وشرحها. شفوا الزمن كيف اتغير، افهم واتبع الله ورسوله وهناك الجنه الفردوس الأعلى
      ويا حكيم 🧠 زدنا علما طيبا مباركا فيه
      ويا ودود ارزقنا بزوجة صالحات وذرية صالحه ورزقا حلال طيبا يا الله 💕
      ويا فتاح ، يا عليم ، افتح لنا ابواب الفرج واقضي حاجاتنا واقضي مشاكلنا المالية والنفسية 😇
      يا حي، يا قيوم برحمتك استغيث 👑
      يا جبار ، ساعدنا على قضاء أعداء الدين، المنافقين، اليهود والنصارى وعباد البقر المشركين وعباد النار 👿
      يا رب ، نسألك بأسمائك الحسنى ، من عنده حاجه، اقضيها ومن عنده احد يحب، اجمعهم في الدنيا والآخرة بل حلال وارزقهم باولاد الصالحين واعطيهم علم دينك واجعلهم حفاظ القران والحديث 🤎
      اللهم اغفر للمؤمنين والمؤمنات والمسلمين والمسلمات الاحياء منهم والاموات يا رحيم 🥺
      يا رب ، يا حنان ويا منان 🤗
      اللهم اجرنا من عذاب القبر واجرنا من عذاب النار واللهم أجرنا من فتنة المحيا والممات واللهم أجرنا من فتنة المسيح الدجال 🤲
      أستمر بل استغفارات والصلاة على النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم وقراءة القرآن والصلاة الخمسة مع السنن والنوافل والتهجد والوتر وصلاة الضحى يا احبابي المسلمين، يستركم الله ويحميكم الله من المعاصي والفتن والذنوب جميعآ ويسهل لكم الحلال ويدخلكم الجنة الفردوس الأعلى اجمعين وصل الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه والتابعين أجمعين ✨
      يا وهاب ، اصل اجر هذه الأدعية وكل دعاء ادعي للمسلمينن الى ستي وأمي والمدرس الدين الإسلام لي، السيد انس بن احمد وهاج الصديقي حفظه الله تعالى لأن هم علموني الدين بعد هداية الله تعالى و بإذنه عز وجل حصلت العلم من القريبين الى الله جل وعلا
      سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت أستغفرك وأتوب إليك 🌟

  • @jazmin8464
    @jazmin8464 9 лет назад +31

    I love his American accent. Awesome

    • @jazmin8464
      @jazmin8464 9 лет назад +1

      Apparently he's Canadian. OK

    • @nodinitiative
      @nodinitiative 9 лет назад +3

      +Yasmin Adam He actually sounds like Tony Montana (Al Pacino)

    • @reealitey
      @reealitey 8 лет назад +4

      +Rolantis he's originally American. Boston I believe.

    • @haroon420
      @haroon420 5 лет назад +2

      reealitey you can hear the Boston accent in him 😃

    • @zalishaabdool7030
      @zalishaabdool7030 Месяц назад

      HE IS TRULY AMAZING INDEED!! 👏 ❤️ 💖 💕 💗 ♥️ 👏 ❤️ 💖 💕 💗 ♥️

  • @UmaNur88
    @UmaNur88 12 лет назад +23

    Society now days has trained our minds to have short attention spans through televions and means through videos. No one goes to the library anymore, takes out books or looks for answers by searching for proper books to read. Instead we have google, wikipedia to do the job, so we become dumber and offense..I speaking from personal experience and I am not trying to hate on anyone. All I am saying is as humans we need to expand our minds and widen our little bubbles we live in.

    • @LateralRaheem
      @LateralRaheem 6 лет назад +3

      You're right we've become dependent on Wikipedia and Google nobody wants to read from books but the truth is they don't want us to know the truth

    • @abdiabdullahimohd1917
      @abdiabdullahimohd1917 5 лет назад

      Hhh fatuma wa runta abayo

    • @ccsdawg3927
      @ccsdawg3927 3 года назад +1

      They stripped us of being human

  • @shaidali837
    @shaidali837 4 года назад +4

    I just learned something after 36yrs only of i knew this when I was a kid but that time we never had technology in our hands.may God bless him.

  • @RafiqAlly
    @RafiqAlly 13 лет назад +6

    JazakAllah khairan to all that put their time n effort for this video to b available.

  • @patriciareese92
    @patriciareese92 7 лет назад +84

    I want to be more educated on becoming do I get the Quran and start my studying.

    • @Ayden-Zayn
      @Ayden-Zayn 7 лет назад +1

      Google "Free Qur'an" to see the options.

    • @aservantsoftheownerofdeath3952
      @aservantsoftheownerofdeath3952 6 лет назад +7

      patriciareese92 Islam is everywhere, you can took syahadah/practice salah n etc, on the nearby mosque's nearby you're Area's, may Allah bless u, aminn

    • @polyandmoly
      @polyandmoly 6 лет назад +3

      It is better to read also the interpretation of the Koran. It facilitates understanding of the Koran and especially for a non-Muslim. (of Sayyid Qutb)

    • @kaddyleigh2411
      @kaddyleigh2411 6 лет назад +5

      Have you become a Muslim or studied Islam yet? I just show your comment,if not please let me know so I can get you the Qur'an and some books to study God willing.

    • @OhJustHoney
      @OhJustHoney 6 лет назад +3

      Hello! I’d love to hear about your journey studying Islam! Can you give an update, thank you.

  • @FarahBoddenArt
    @FarahBoddenArt 13 лет назад +5

    Wealth of knowledge...everyone should listen to this to understand the real roots of these holidays being celebrated & commercialized.

  • @truthprevails9609
    @truthprevails9609 2 года назад +1

    Jazāk ALLĀHu Khoiran. I used to think that it is boring to know history , until ALLĀH سبحانه وتعالى Blessed me with an opportunity to know this beloved Shaikh of ours.Alhamdulillāh. I enjoy listening to his lectures , and learning so much Alhamdulillāh. May ALLĀH سبحان الله Protect him + his family, & Reward him immensely in both worlds.

  • @MrAnymeansnecessary
    @MrAnymeansnecessary 13 лет назад +4

    i have been hoping to be able to find this again. i first saw it several years ago. there is so much naked information here. it is such a valuable tool.

  • @aacasacharlotte
    @aacasacharlotte 9 лет назад +10

    Yasmin Adam ...the brother is originally from Boston now a Canadian and according to my knowledge he lives in south Africa

  • @I_lovecosmo
    @I_lovecosmo 13 лет назад +6

    @YourBreakfast Masha Allah, lots of Irish reverts! I live in Ireland, although I was born in the U.S. I joined my husband here recently, al hamdulillah.

  • @enrikoenrike1894
    @enrikoenrike1894 5 лет назад +4

    This talk is invaluable and I will treasure and pass it to my friends... TQ Sheikh

  • @Mu5lis
    @Mu5lis 13 лет назад +9

    Its really a great lecture wich needs more concentration. May ALLAH give us guidance

  • @julio14335
    @julio14335 11 лет назад +16

    Nice taughts. May Allah increase us in knowledge :)

    • @desertflower6751
      @desertflower6751 4 года назад


    • @awriterforacause
      @awriterforacause Год назад

      آمين، ثم آمین يا الله ☝
      صلوا على النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم 💗
      يا مقلب القلوب، ثبت قلوبنا على دينك يا أرحم الراحمين ويا أكرم الأكرمين 🤍
      ويا كريم ، اجعل القرآن راحة قلوبنا 💙
      وأخرج النفاق والبغض والكبرياء والغضب من قلوبنا يا عزيز 🤲
      يا رب، نسألك بأسمك الأعظم ان تعتق رقابنا ورقاب آبائنا وأمهاتنا من النار، اللهم انصرنا على الكافرين وارحم والدينا كما ربونا ضغار 🥰
      استغفروا ربكم استغفار من عمق قلبكم 💜
      المسلم لازم يدرس القرآن وتفسيره والأحاديث وشرحها. شفوا الزمن كيف اتغير، افهم واتبع الله ورسوله وهناك الجنه الفردوس الأعلى
      ويا حكيم 🧠 زدنا علما طيبا مباركا فيه
      ويا ودود ارزقنا بزوجة صالحات وذرية صالحه ورزقا حلال طيبا يا الله 💕
      ويا فتاح ، يا عليم ، افتح لنا ابواب الفرج واقضي حاجاتنا واقضي مشاكلنا المالية والنفسية 😇
      يا حي، يا قيوم برحمتك استغيث 👑
      يا جبار ، ساعدنا على قضاء أعداء الدين، المنافقين، اليهود والنصارى وعباد البقر المشركين وعباد النار 👿
      يا رب ، نسألك بأسمائك الحسنى ، من عنده حاجه، اقضيها ومن عنده احد يحب، اجمعهم في الدنيا والآخرة بل حلال وارزقهم باولاد الصالحين واعطيهم علم دينك واجعلهم حفاظ القران والحديث 🤎
      اللهم اغفر للمؤمنين والمؤمنات والمسلمين والمسلمات الاحياء منهم والاموات يا رحيم 🥺
      يا رب ، يا حنان ويا منان 🤗
      اللهم اجرنا من عذاب القبر واجرنا من عذاب النار واللهم أجرنا من فتنة المحيا والممات واللهم أجرنا من فتنة المسيح الدجال 🤲
      أستمر بل استغفارات والصلاة على النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم وقراءة القرآن والصلاة الخمسة مع السنن والنوافل والتهجد والوتر وصلاة الضحى يا احبابي المسلمين، يستركم الله ويحميكم الله من المعاصي والفتن والذنوب جميعآ ويسهل لكم الحلال ويدخلكم الجنة الفردوس الأعلى اجمعين وصل الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه والتابعين أجمعين ✨
      يا وهاب ، اصل اجر هذه الأدعية وكل دعاء ادعي للمسلمينن الى ستي وأمي والمدرس الدين الإسلام لي، السيد انس بن احمد وهاج الصديقي حفظه الله تعالى لأن هم علموني الدين بعد هداية الله تعالى و بإذنه عز وجل حصلت العلم من القريبين الى الله جل وعلا
      سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت أستغفرك وأتوب إليك 🌟

  • @t-vision6004
    @t-vision6004 3 года назад +4

    You did a good job explaining the true nature of holidays and how our culture has nearly been developed as a pagan culture that has from the base of a pyramid to its highest point of the eye to be a pyramid built on pagan customs of idolatry, cannablism, pedophilia, murder, and all things that are sinful disguised as commercial products to make the participants of the holidays willingly participating in rebellion to the divine sovereign majesty of the Lord of Mercy and Compassion; Allah.
    In time things will change. I think Allah allows harmless things to fade or to be, but we must be aware of what we are choosing to take part in. Salaam Alaik.

  • @arifmsislam49
    @arifmsislam49 5 лет назад +5

    You are the best brother. Allah bless you

  • @grandluxurychauffeursuk
    @grandluxurychauffeursuk 5 лет назад +9

    This brother sounds like Al Pacino
    Love his Lectures

  • @MariaGomez-et9ib
    @MariaGomez-et9ib 6 лет назад +2

    Assalam Aleykum brother Abdullah, hace un tiempo perdi su canal y no recordaba el link para localizarlo ,pero hoy gracias a Allah swt me hizo recordar para volver a disfrutar sus Bella's enseñanzas. Allah swt bless you brother. And

  • @rainks5461
    @rainks5461 5 лет назад +4

    Manchallah he is a great scholar.

  • @ReckonRealLight1
    @ReckonRealLight1 2 года назад +1

    Uhibbuka fi Allah ❤️

  • @Mu5lis
    @Mu5lis 13 лет назад +3

    @AishahDaGreat it really makes me happy to see somebody who took the ashahada but born in another so called religions. May ALLAH give you the guidance and the true path to the Jannah.

  • @STLEO1
    @STLEO1 7 лет назад +4

    Islam -universal Knowledge

    • @kamalamir7896
      @kamalamir7896 3 года назад

      Islam is the root of all religions. It (Islam) means submission and surrender your will to Allah swt.

  • @canancan5429
    @canancan5429 5 лет назад +5

    mashaAllah good video, i enjoyed listening

  • @nurn.3969
    @nurn.3969 9 лет назад +31

    he is knowledgeable. we should think

  • @fariidzfarah9616
    @fariidzfarah9616 10 лет назад +7

    The truth of all truth......and nothing but the truth

  • @abdulghanikotia6189
    @abdulghanikotia6189 4 года назад +3

    In the descriptions of Islamic channel videos such as Merciful Servant, Islamic Guidance and others are available, you can find SPEAKER NAME.

  • @annclarissavandynederuiz169
    @annclarissavandynederuiz169 4 года назад +1

    I am christian but i will be watching many of his videos.

  • @UmaNur88
    @UmaNur88 12 лет назад +7

    I want a collection of authentic encyclopedias and historical books, uncorrupted, inshallah. It's important to be educated not only with knowledge of the deen, although it's considered to be the highest for of knowledge in Islam. However, since the religion also encourages to seek other types of knowledge and be best in it, we must all strive to seek knowledge by reading, knowning different opinions and cross referencing with prior knowledge from either religion, school, and whatever means, etc.

  • @Cornerstoner
    @Cornerstoner 7 лет назад +8

    Educational & makes you really think

    • @pollykerr7092
      @pollykerr7092 5 лет назад

      yes...this is why the strong,sane,educated,intelligent and thinkers `LEAVE the sick and cruel hoax of islam, when they LEARN how it shackles and lies to weak minds

  • @IslamOnDemand
    @IslamOnDemand  11 лет назад +10


  • @airborneparat85
    @airborneparat85 6 лет назад +2

    Ma Shaa Allah Sheikh

  • @patrickmbarker
    @patrickmbarker 12 лет назад +6

    I would love to have a discussion with someone of his level of awareness

  • @abdullahalolofy7728
    @abdullahalolofy7728 5 лет назад +2

    جزاكم الله خيرا

  • @w1zzk1dd
    @w1zzk1dd 2 года назад

    so insight, May Allah bless the Shaykh and his Family, Ameen

  • @rdot1479
    @rdot1479 13 лет назад +3

    @YourBreakfast am also an irishman,raised as catholic but not religious also very much agree with this man as he speaks the truth which it appears to me people in the west are completly ignorant to or refuse to accept FACTS not fiction.sorry for rambling just a subject i feel very passionate about!!!!

    • @thequranjourney1405
      @thequranjourney1405 8 лет назад


  • @saadimadina1337
    @saadimadina1337 5 дней назад

    Fascinating lecture.

  • @isarichard
    @isarichard Год назад

    I like this sheikh. I don't pass a video i see which is the speaker ❤.

  • @lawrencebrazier4888
    @lawrencebrazier4888 4 месяца назад +1

    Amazing how this was said 13 years ago

  • @MsOfficialCam
    @MsOfficialCam 13 лет назад +5

    Very informative information... Glad this has been released to the public... Very insightful

  • @MOJOE85
    @MOJOE85 5 лет назад +3

    SupanAllah, this talk was done before 9/11, interestingly enough The Siege came out and a couple years later 9/11 happened almost like a warning of what the true perpetrators had coming down the pipeline

  • @arykruzariw8300
    @arykruzariw8300 8 лет назад +11

    Truth powerful real powerful message wwwooowww so truthful worth watching trust me you will learn so Incredible so please tap on this in Incredible powerful truthful message you will not regret it! Eye Opener well said

  • @STLEO1
    @STLEO1 7 лет назад +5

    Muslim=One Mind, One Thought

  • @markov.2467
    @markov.2467 5 лет назад +3


  • @I_lovecosmo
    @I_lovecosmo 13 лет назад +1

    @Mu5lis Jazaak Allahu khairan wa anta. Ma salaama.

  • @satheeshg1181
    @satheeshg1181 4 года назад +1

    Like to hear the history of islamic holidays

  • @HODHAN0
    @HODHAN0 11 лет назад +6


  • @zalishaabdool7030
    @zalishaabdool7030 13 дней назад


  • @xavlionheart
    @xavlionheart 2 года назад

    28:46 christmas

  • @unseendemise
    @unseendemise 11 лет назад +2

    I'd like information on when this lecture was held.

    • @markov.2467
      @markov.2467 5 лет назад +1

      Probably before 1998 because "the Siege" was out that year

  • @edlrenfantdelarue487
    @edlrenfantdelarue487 3 года назад +1

    What are the shaykhs sources? Would love to read what he read.

    • @kamalamir7896
      @kamalamir7896 3 года назад +1

      All what you need is reading the translation of the Quran and the traditions of the prophet Mohammed Pbuh. May Allah swt guide us all to His straight path.Ameen.

  • @brentbeatty4171
    @brentbeatty4171 3 месяца назад

    Beautiful young woman of Islam I embraced with briefly in Washington DC

  • @brentbeatty4171
    @brentbeatty4171 3 месяца назад

    Egypt is a good friend also

  • @mohamedcole825
    @mohamedcole825 12 лет назад +1

    It was wrong at the time by the roman emperor, no soldiers should get married when while they are at war. The time Essa was born is sumer in Palistine and the shiek was quite right. So my sister if you want to now more am advising you to read the encyclopedia of these holidays.

  • @LivdhyanKaur
    @LivdhyanKaur 12 лет назад +1

    Salam est ce qu'on peut avoir le texte de cette vidéo s'il vous plait quel qu'il soit en anglais

  • @RasKay09
    @RasKay09 5 лет назад

    No Arab nor any race can solely claim Islam as theirs. Islam belongs to God and those who follow His commands are Muslims

  • @janicejohnson1040
    @janicejohnson1040 3 года назад +1

    Mash Allah Amern. Shaquan for Reaching Out to Our hearts' So Wonderful to know and to hear these Eveil and terrible things' to live with on Eafth. Know many years' we did not know any of this. So many eviliness Here. And its' not getting any better. i Slay away from Peoples' they are evil and trouble all the time. i pray that Allahakbar forgive me. And put ease on Me and my Son hearts' We Slay far far Away from liars' and disbelievers' i feel So much better justed offering my Salats' reading my Quran being home With my Wonderful Sons' And Calling On You for help. He are here for Us. All the Time. Some Peoples' tthink that i am Liaring. But i know and Allahakbar does. Have an peaceful and blessed night Familys' as well. Ameen 💚💙💝💯💯💯💯🕊

  • @JocelynBurrell
    @JocelynBurrell 9 часов назад

    Submitted to the call kunfayakun be

  • @STLEO1
    @STLEO1 11 лет назад +1


  • @mohamedcole825
    @mohamedcole825 12 лет назад

    My sister if you seeking the truth read the koran, you can find the english translation.

  • @MrToffiey
    @MrToffiey 11 лет назад +7

    Subhana-llah...I seek protection of Allah for us all

  • @abdiabdullahimohd1917
    @abdiabdullahimohd1917 5 лет назад

    Wat is love man hhh i like the way hr says it. 😅

  • @brendanburgess7949
    @brendanburgess7949 6 лет назад +1

    The one thing I don't quite understand. Even though the origins of these holidays is Pagan what is wrong with enjoying them. Halloween is the most universally enjoyed holiday because it does not come from a major religion and as such people can simply enjoy it.

    • @brendanburgess7949
      @brendanburgess7949 6 лет назад

      @ There's a lot of richness in the art and ritual of some paganistic tradition. I think the reason Islam has a relatively bland artistic tradition compared to Christianity is because they rejected everything from paganist traditions whereas Christianity incorporated quite a lot. If you disagree visit any of the World's major museums.

    • @brendanburgess7949
      @brendanburgess7949 6 лет назад

      @ I haven't read anything in the New Testament that leads me to believe that Jesus Christ the Son of God would disapprove of a Christmas Tree or an Easter Egg hunt or Halloween.

    • @brendanburgess7949
      @brendanburgess7949 6 лет назад

      @ What is the bible then?

    • @brendanburgess7949
      @brendanburgess7949 6 лет назад

      @ I know but that definition includes the gospels.

    • @Goyfestival
      @Goyfestival 3 года назад

      Many of these pagan holidays are evil. A lot of These characters in these holidays are evil and pagan. This video is directed to monotheists apart of the Abrahamic faiths, so they can be aware of these pagan holidays.

  • @shortiespyriadis
    @shortiespyriadis 12 лет назад +1

    Sorry but I dont get how valentines day is paganism.From what the brother described it sounds like Valentines helped people and solders find love & get married,how can this be wrong?I mean ive heard its wrong but not for the reasons this brother pointed out & I believe this brother is slightly mistaken 2 say that when Esa was born it was sumer all over the world.Im referin to the way he answered the ?'s & the stone/kaba may have come from abraham but it was rebuilt 5 times due to disasters

  • @1Peace
    @1Peace 3 года назад

    Come on people. Please do your own research. When you stand before GOD and he requires an accounting from you, do you really want to say to him my Pastor or my Imam told me to? They will not be there for you, so please do take responsibility for your own souls.
    Yes ALL modern Religions have elements of Paganism in them. ALL of them. The big difference is only one of the 3 major Religions has a book where this Paganism is allowed. You will not find Paganism like Christmas in the Torah or Injil. But, in the Quran you will find that it is ok to practice the same Paganism as pre-Islamic Arabs in the practice of the Haj.

  • @dannysbookauthority7280
    @dannysbookauthority7280 8 лет назад +4

    Well actually the some of the earlier church founders captured pagan festivals and made them dedicated to The Lord God Almighty Jesus the Christ, Similar to Chrislam in this day. It's a historical fact, whereby the worship of the created like stars rocks idols of wood and stone was somewhat there as remnant but used in celebrating and worship of the Passover Lamb Jesus. Christmas is a tradition and you know how difficult is to give up tradition. But Jesus was always the reason for the season And now in the last days we are seeing David's Tabernacle being built again. Yup really. Scripturally accurately, bolstered by secular writings and archeological finds from around the world and especially in Israel and the Temple. The Romans built the fort of Antonius to cover up their tracks but that went by the by as did they all. Anyway you can't be my AUTHORITY I will not bow to no man. I know you maybe will be tempted to erase my comments as God's Teachings are powerful to convict, but hey that's the Roman way to do things: erasing and rewriting, taunting and tearing replacing truth with lies and whatnot. Yet His teachings never seem to stay gone out of the public view for long. Look, you are reading this for a reason! Praise be to Him through all things seen and unseen was created The Word of God made flesh Yeshua Ha Mashiach! He loved us all whether we are male or female servant or free gentile or Jew all one new person equally beloved by our Kinsman Redeemer Jesus holding out His Hands to you. For all those who are thirsty for the healing waters of righteousness come drink at His well. No work, no payment, no deeds required' it's all bought and paid for. He's waiting for you.

  • @shortiespyriadis
    @shortiespyriadis 12 лет назад +2

    Please note I am not trying to put this brother down in any shape or form but I am a person who is seeking truth, Ive looked up a couple things this brother has said & Ive noticed a few inconsistencies. I cannot find Michealangelos painting of flying snakes & a man on a sledge & this brother talks about something called lupracaria saying this celebrates a wolf but then said its about man & woman having sex by pulling names out of a box... I dont get how the 2 relate, can sum1 help me understand

    • @aservantsoftheownerofdeath3952
      @aservantsoftheownerofdeath3952 6 лет назад +1

      shortiespyriadis assalamualaiku/may peace be upon of you, im not a knowledgeable person's here, but there's alot of sheikh/Islamic priest out there, I wish you found you're questions soon as possible as can, keep you're questions for more knowledge about Islam :-) may you have a good day..

  • @Lylyffapk
    @Lylyffapk 2 года назад +1

    MashAllah this make me really so strong in my imaan Assalam Aleikun 🫶🏻🇧🇷

  • @yazir123
    @yazir123 12 лет назад +4

    this was before 9/11 wasn't it

  • @akhdi1
    @akhdi1 10 лет назад +3

    Please ! , if you have a doubt about Islam , at less click on 2nd link on right a above and see by your self . Thank you
    I believe what Quran Allah said : We created you all in different nation to learn from each other an other word to work together as one . Dont you see the unity here what Islam giving . That tell you don't be confused between Islam and Muslims . Islam what Allah send a beautiful NOOR to all humankind . Muslims is you and me we all can make mastik not Islam . Sadaka Allah El H3adeem .

  • @brentbeatty4171
    @brentbeatty4171 3 месяца назад

    Muslim couple gave me some money while I was working at Busy Beaver building centers (Weirton)

  • @solidwolf66
    @solidwolf66 13 лет назад +2

    I met him once :/

  • @abu-shoaib4670
    @abu-shoaib4670 2 года назад +3

    Jesus calls to Allah for help. Christians call on Jesus for help and yet they tell us Jesus couldn’t help himself on the cross 👀

    • @awriterforacause
      @awriterforacause Год назад +1

      Christians believe in the Trinity and claim that this death means that Jesus defeated death and he has 3 natures LoL.
      They have 3 different creeds too and there's a lot about Christians.
      Bible got fabricated, the Gospel of Jesus is hidden, the words are twisted and a lot more, my brother 🤝✨

  • @rubengutierrez5102
    @rubengutierrez5102 2 года назад

    Fables of the ancients where they imitate the infidels of old!

  • @umarverdjio6006
    @umarverdjio6006 6 лет назад

    Friggin SantaCon lol jus despicable it turns up lilbit moar n moar every year smh

  • @Zacky51188
    @Zacky51188 2 года назад

    🎄 🍮 🍪 ❄ 🎁 ☺

  • @Graceamazimg
    @Graceamazimg 5 лет назад

    AMERica islam was here before slavery

  • @JocelynBurrell
    @JocelynBurrell 9 часов назад

    Nothing New three hundred yrs kunta saw this when he was inslaved.

  • @ibrahim5670
    @ibrahim5670 4 года назад


  • @kanyeeast7113
    @kanyeeast7113 7 лет назад

    get ur mind right

  • @plotjr
    @plotjr 13 лет назад +1

    snake do not normally fly, :P

  • @hankenregim1560
    @hankenregim1560 4 года назад

    Islam on demand sentence jew rabbis games mormon node games

  • @OS-ii7po
    @OS-ii7po 3 года назад

    Here are names of Gods throughout history that were said to have been born by a virgin on 25th December.
    An Ethiopian-Sudanese God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 3,000 YEARS before Jesus.
    A Nepal God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 563 YEARS before Jesus.
    An Indian God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 900 YEARS before Jesus.
    An Iranian God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 1,000 YEARS before Jesus.
    A Greek God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 800 YEARS before Jesus.
    A Persian God, born 25th December, by a Virgin- 600 YEARS before Jesus.
    A Greek God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 500 YEARS before Jesus.
    A Babylonian God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 400 YEARS before Jesus.
    A Greek God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 200 YEARS before Jesus.
    A Phoenician God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 200 YEARS before Jesus.
    A Roman God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 300 AD.

  • @1Peace
    @1Peace 3 года назад

    It's so sad that people like this are allowed to give so much misinformation. @ 29:48, A.H. Quick says, " . .and you'll see through Historical writings. . ." Why don't you stop being so deceptive and tell us what these alleged "Historical Writings" are? Yes, when Barnabas first brought Paul to the Apostles they were afraid of him, because when he was still Saul, a Pharisee, he persecuted the Church of JESUS CHRIST. But, upon hearing his conversion testimony, they extended the right hand of fellowship to him.
    "And when James, Cephas (Peter), and John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that was given unto me, they gave to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship; that we should go unto the heathen, and they unto the circumcision." - Galatians 2:9
    In the Apostle Peter's own Epistle, we read that he accepted Paul as a fellow Apostle and considered him his "beloved brother".
    "And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;" - 2Peter 3:15
    So, who will you believe? A.H. Quick or the original sources themselves? Read the Book of Acts in the Bible. You will find it located between the Book of John and the book of Romans. It will tell you the whole and complete story of the Apostle Paul and Barnabas. Only the Bible, not the Quran, not "Historical Writings" tells you the whole and true stories of Abraham, Moses, the Torah, the Gospel and JESUS CHRIST. When you stand before GOD, and HE asks you why you listened to people instead of HIS WORDS, what will your useless excuses be?

  • @tirandaz7612
    @tirandaz7612 Год назад

    Just another preacher. Ho-hum

  • @JocelynBurrell
    @JocelynBurrell 9 часов назад

    Adam and his wife Muslims