I am always transfixed listening to Dr. Hakim. I am not a muslim, however I always listen intently and learn so much. My first bosses and coworkers where muslims from Iran. They were so kind and beautiful to me. There was so much cognitive dissonance for me during the wars in the middle east because it was absolutely 180 degrees from my experience with Muslims.
Christians went through their Dark Ages that included the Crusades, Inquisition, Colonialism and Slave trade. But no one today says these acts were Christian! Don't get caught up in these moments in history when humans do things in reaction to their horrid circumstances. To do so only perpetuates the problem and does not bring us any closer to solving it.
Islam does not DO anything. Islam, like other religions, is simply a set of TEACHINGS. It's up to the people to obey them or transgress against them with their actions. Many Muslims transgress against Islam everyday, but so do many Christians against Christianity and many Jews against Judaism, etc. Stop saying "Islam" does this or that, and start saying "Some Muslims" do this or that. This would be closer to the TRUTH. Again... logic!
That's because Muslims today are in a type of "Dark Age" period where ignorance and hatred is widespread, especially amongst the disenfranchised, destitute and oppressed. I argue this was (and is) a direct effect of colonialism. The most recent example being Afghanistan, where the Russians invaded and destroyed the infrastructure of a healthy society. (Continued below)
More lectures of this speaker are found in our channel, The Call. Our channel uploads the noise reduced and sound quality improved version of the lectures. All are welcome to visit. Please like, share, subscribe, comment, suggest and participate in the good deeds.
Read it cover to cover more than 10 times. You said "it does say in the English translation what I said in an earlier comment". Please provide chapter and verse number so I can see what you are talking about.
Hi brothers and sisters I am a Christian I love everyone I have nothing against Muslims my friends and my son is Muslim .Many Muslim I met are very nice .I use to be a Catholic and I use to celebrate lots of man's holidays I don't celebrate Christmas I don't celebrate Easter or Hollowern or Valentine's day ...None of these holidays are in the bible .I dress Modest .I am not attached to worldly things .I never ate pork ,Saturday is the Sabbath day.I cover my hair when I pray I read only my bible which is the truth ,many Christians are deceived because they don't read their bible .And Also Muslims are deceived because they don't read our bible to see what the true Christians are like .I think my sisters and brothers we should read both the koran and the bible and see if what other people say is the truth .Or if you want to get a better understanding .Don't believe everything you.hear ,their is so much Lord even on the internet. I am not a Church follower or just a Christian who goes to a Church on a Sunday and does everything the world does.I follow only Jesus .Their is only one God and the same God created all humans .Their is only one creator.Their are just to many Religions I feel caused many problems .Their is so much deception all around the world.Even in the churches Catholic churches pedefiles , in christian churches and synogogues their is gay lesbian rabbis and pastors ,Lgbt ;homosexuality. ALL these pastors and priests will go to hell for going against God .God is not for same sex marriage and these pastors they should not be preaching .But you see anyone can open a Church and preach and half of them are not religious they just steal people's money.They prey on the innocent Christians who don't read their bible.The ones who don't have a strong faith. Satinist have a church ...but it is not a place of worshiping god .and satirist church are against God they are evil .They even call satirist wich worship satan a religion ..But please don't confuse Satanist with christianity.. All what these christians do ; won't stop me from following Jesus because I'm not following pastors priests and churches I'm following God's word in the bible and for me Jesus is the truth the way and the life and I'm obedient and I pray directly to God. Catholism has many idols they pray to statues and saints and graven images.They have to ask a priest for forgivbesd of sins and they don't read their bible .,many look up to the pope like hes a god .But than you have very good churches and pastors and rabbis who are good.So we can't base everything that worldly or political Christians or false teachers on in Christianity ..because that is not christianity.We can't make judgements based on a minority .Jesus doesn't teach hate .We can't go into prayer with any anger or bitterness we must ask God for forgivness and that also means to forgive those who wronged us or hurt us in anyway bless those who curse you. I have met many nice Muslims they are not all terrorist . You see even in Islam you have Isis killing beheading ECT but this isn't Islam either .Their is are also gay imams to .Remember .Weather your Christian Muslim or Jewish remember God loves us all.God doesn't delight in the wicked and their is evil everywhere now churches synogogues and mosques .I would suggest you make sure your place of worship has no gay lesbian homosexual or Lgbt pastors or imams . These people will go to hell for leading others away from God.You can't continue to live in a sinful lifestyle and teach others about God .God forgives sins but you cant use this as an excuse and day God loves sinners and let me love live in a lifestyle that doesn't please God. God doesn't not accept homosexual lifestyle and neither should brothers and sisters who follow God. Yes God can forgive bit you must truly be sorry and sin no more .Also adultery and fornication is the same .We cannot judge anyone unless we no that we are clean.The only one who is without sin is God . When we get angry we sin .When we are jealous we sin;when we gossip we have sin.when we hate others we sin when we don't forgive others we sin ,iwe sin when we have pride .We must be humble t's more than a religion .I chose to follow God .Peace sisters and brothers
this speech is so relevant today. shukr Allah for letting us since have access to this... btw I work for a financial institution that is making it mandatory for us to get vaccinated... ya Allah safe us all...Ameen
I hear the question so often,"If Islam preaches religious tolerance, the why are these guys in the middle-East so angry at Christians and Jews?" I think it is a sort of natural collective psychological reaction. While Islam forbids oppressing the people, it has only been since we admitted The People of The Book into our ranks(to some degree) that we have begun to suffer. So religious tolerance and "These guys have caused us nothing but trouble since we let them in", aren't necessarily opposites.
Say, "O disbelievers, I do not worship what you worship. Nor are you worshippers of what I worship. Nor will I be a worshipper of what you worship. Nor will you be worshippers of what I worship. For you is your religion, and for me is my religion." SURAH KAFIROON. THERE IS NO JOINING WITH FALSEHOOD AND TRUTH. LEARN YOUR RELIGION.
The 3 most widely accepted translations of 3:54 say: "And the unbelievers schemed [against Jesus] but God brought their scheming to nought: for God is above all schemers." (Asad) "And (the unbelievers) plotted and planned, and [God] too planned, and the best of planners is Allah." (Yusuf Ali) "And they (the disbelievers) schemed, and [God] schemed (against them): and [God] is the best of schemers. (Picktall) Stop mistranslating and misleading people.
Isnt a mistranslation and even then the concepts and context are all around similar in what it is trying to get at (even though the other is mistranslation).
much respect, brother Hakim! Very informative and i wish good luck to you and your work! May Allah bless us all to see the beginning and end of Ramadan
Oh, one last thing to add to my first response. God being creation is a paradox. To be creation(human) is to be made, but how can God be made? Simply put. This isn't a problem theologically for Islam as Allah isn't like his creation.
46:34 and here we are 1/jun/2019 the president of Sudan Omar al Bashir was strip out of power by the military. It's an outcome of several months of public strike and revolt. At this day Sudan is in a state of koas. The Muslim world is attacked since 1924. و العاقبة للمتقين.
Yes brother. Since our caliphated utmaniyah been dethrone .1924 and Allah will not let this ummah without Amir more than 100years insyaAllah .not is his era .Allah give it to them .but not more than 100 years insyaAllah .
Fighting is in reference to SELF-DEFENSE. Verses about virgins and heaven can be METAPHORICAL to give humans a sense of the pleasures and rewards that cannot be expressed in human terms. Your readings are extremely SUPERFICIAL and lacking INSIGHT.
@sarashitzu Since you are making the accusation against him, the burden of proof falls upon you. Go ahead and provide your proof from AUTHENTIC Islamic texts that validate your claims that Muslims are commanded to enslave then kill and that they're permitted to lie (all without qualification). If you cannot then you are either a deceiver yourself or just plain ignorant. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and call you the latter.
Alhamdulilaah the Imam Shaikh Abdul Hakim Quick Follows the command of the prophet Muhammad ( pbuh) where the muslim was told when we speak to be strait forward truthful. and he is that. on the most timely issues where it come to muslim and the general populace to turn our focuse truthfully and historically on these issues thereby deriveing the correct understanding about muslims and Islam Allahu Akbar!!
because it was no longer in their interest to do so once the Russians were defeated. So if we accept your premise that Muslims are the ones doing most of the killing in modern times (which Palestinians and others would vehemently disagree with) it's due to POLITICAL and/or SOCIO-ECONOMICAL reasons, not RELIGIOUS reasons. This does NOT justify their actions, but it places it in a context that should behoove us to investigate the matter more objectively and intelligently. (Continued below)
A true and wise speech from a very intelligent man, this knowledge is necessary that everyone is knowing the truth! My Respekt ...this is the Spirit of freedom...
for the brother or sister by the name of Avenger you go to compare The Lord of the Worlds to some moon deity Astagfirullah and you qute Quran only lines that you find that have a verse that suits your hypocritical motive and exlude the verses before them that lead up to that line but it is your scroll of deeds after all so put in it what you will So there is no confusion I would like to quote The Noble Quran and clear up any miscoptions on the whole Moon issue Quran proves - "Allah" is NOT a 'moon god': "And from among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Do not bow down (prostrate) to the sun nor to the moon, but only bow down (prostrate) to "Allah" Who created them, if you (really) worship Him." [Noble Quran 41:37] What is the significance of the crescent moon in Islam? The Quran answers this question. Read this verse: "They ask you about the new moons. Say: These are signs to mark fixed periods of time for mankind and for the pilgrimage." [Noble Quran 2:189] The Lord of the Worlds guides whom he will. In Shaa Allah may he lead you as well, I sincerly wish it for you with all my heart. Finally I would like to finish with the verse: "Those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians and Sabians, whoever believes in "Allah" and the Last Day and do righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord. On them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve." [Noble Quran 2:62; also 5:69] May peace of our Lord be upon all of you out there.
Jesus is our Savior he is God in the flesh that came to earth to save us from our sins so he died in our place so we could live eternally with him if we believe and accept Jesus as our Saviour and I have and Jesus rose on the third day after he died on the cross and now he sits on his fathers right side interceding for Us...
not muslim myself.. but i enjoyed watching the upload.. easy to disdain what is being said in the speech if your not islamic.. but really are christian dominated countries a good example of how a state or country should be governed.. seems theres a bigger picture to look at.. than judging religions are what people look like
"u still can be save by Jesus Christ" Don't make me laugh, he can't save me. You think creation can save creation? Never, the Creator is in charge of everything. Creator being human (creation) is preposterous.
Many knowledgable imams and community leaders were killed in the war and subsequent generations were raised in a war-torn area beset by tribal power struggles and lawlessness. The Taliban emerged from these horrible circumstances and stepped in to fill the void. Hence, a DE FATCO governing body was born. And by the way, the CIA reneged on their promise to help rebuild the country (which may have averted a Taliban rise to power) after the war (Continued below)
'so called slave trade' in Mauritania. Come'on brother, that is not willfully blind, that is forcefully blind. while I get your point, that is shameful. you went too far
1. Those aren't questions. Those are captain-obvi-statements. I have no idea what you're trying to seek. 2. Get a Tafsir. 3. Not my job to convert. 4. What's there to answer? 5. What the heck do you mean by which quote do I believe in? Obviously all. Obvious enough as well, you'll get a negative vibe from this answer, given your lack of understanding. 6. No need to make any more enumerated statements, your comments are petty enough. I won't give in to silly squabbles that'll lead nowhere.
It's actually only practiced by Shias. They are around 10% of them. They are a huge minority. Do not conflate the practicing of shia islam with the majority of sunni Islam.
Taqiyya is a practice performed by the Shia Muslims and it is an allowance to deceive others for your own safety. This practice has some benefits, but it is not a practice the majority of the Muslims do.
In the question, we have imaginary omnipotent entity referred to as “god”, which does not have to be actual muslim God. We might call it “Bob”, if you want; what matters for the question is that our imaginary Bob is omnipotent. Then we ask, can Bob create a stone that he will not be able to lift? As long as Bob is omnipotent, he obviously can create it. As soon as he does, however, he loses his omnipotence. There is no logical problem with the question this way. Replace Bob with Jesus.
Uthman compiled the Quran about 20 yrs after Mohammad died. He collected the sayings from the memories of a few people, notes on scrap paper and palm leaves, and stones. Because of this method of collection, we get the confusion in the written version. Remember there is much Abrogation in the Quran. Who knows why this is there. That starts in Surah 2:106. Have any other questions, I'll be glad to help you out.
spätestens bei min 13,39 hat der sheik seine "wahre religion" offenbart, - "seek your help from the lord of the world" - in the final days in the dessert, jeshua was confronted with the "lord of this world", refused anything he offered him, even the common reign of THIS WORLD, because HE SAID !!! - my kingdom is NOT FROM THIS EARTH ! . . . there were days I hoped- we honor the same god - BUT - but this is - obviously - NOT TRUE! (I refuse to give honor to the prince of this world, because I know the lion king of this universe! JESHUA - god in flesh & humanity's best friend! - FOREVER)
ledeReini Engler ,we do not honor the same God. as alrede Abraham(gen11:24 ) has another father as Ibrahim . (aura 6:75) slavory for sex slaves is permitted in islam as Long as slaves are christians. black people are called raisinheads by Muhammed himself. white slaves are normal already written in 1001 night. why do they come to christian countries and do not respect western countries habbits and laws. Mozes never said to kill male slaves and keep the females for sex. the AGENDA is clear. we have to bow down for satan. Jesus will be the only saviour. without Christians and Jews moslims can not survive. without Christians and Jews Muslims can not produce, create, think, Islam is anti civilisation. anti human. No scientist is ever born a muslim. scientific muslims were Jews or Cristians forced to be Muslim.
So if I wear a realistic duck suit and waddle around making duck noises does that make me a duck ? don't be dismissive . Extensive research and analysis is required for you to reach any conclusion about anything . You can't just base the world on assumptions and opinions it's not scientific or logical by any means.
marymoo judy There must be some pretty big duck where you come from! If you were seriously trying to fool anyone by dressing up in a duck suit, waddling and making duck noises expecting anyone to be taken in, seriously, people would think you were an idiot. My comments are based upon extensive research of historical and theological facts!
1. Similarity =/= plagiarism. 2. There's no contradiction in apostasy vs no compulsion rulings. You obviously haven't researched the Islamic side to these inane statements.
Dr zaik naikr and stengthened death penalties in 2005 of iran and everything you are saying is pretty early, as for plagiarism try not to deny it, I mean they even took out the resurrection part and changed it up.
IoD, judging by previous comments of Jews316, I'm speculating that it's not really worth debating him on his claims..he clearly has a mind of few branches, not many..
It wasn't so wonderful living under the Domination of the Ottoman Empire in my homeland of Croatia for 200 years. Ask the Russians who instigated WW1 to overthrow them
RamblingRose forgive us the fighting lessened their hospitality maybe people who didn't have enough knowledge to be hospital اللهم صل علي محمد و سلم his brand faith will resurface inshallah
He's talking about the Jews. Interest ie= money (interest) is code for Jews. Now, these Jews were allowed to prosper under the Muslims in Spain. This is where they got there rise; the Moors, Berbers and Persians should have checked the Jews closely in Spain with suspicion.
Please reiterate it, because I see it not, and I am not blind. If Jesus was God, he could create an unliftable stone because he's omnipotent. But if he did, he can't lift it, because he created it to be unliftable. But not being able to lift it means he's not omnipotent. So was he ever omnipotent? Reconcile this for me.
Rephrasing as much incoherence detected in first response; You have not read any takes from people who deny that he stole from the other books, haven't you?
I'm really glad you know it's coming back. Do you know how happy I was to hear that from you as non Muslim?. But that it will be destroyed again is fallacy. It reemergence has to do with setting things straight. Buahahahaha:)
what is the Islam or Qur'an solution to the gender imbalance problem in China and India. There are way more girls than boys....and therefore there are tens of millions of bachelors doomed to never find a wife, they face impossible demands like they need to possess wealth beyond their means of achievement to be considered at all. Since Islam claims to be the only true religion and blessing to the world I ask Muslims to come forward and show me how Islam can help here!
quran.com/4/3 4:3 An-Nisa And if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphan girls, then marry those that please you of [other] women, two or three or four. But if you fear that you will not be just, then [marry only] one or those your right hand possesses. That is more suitable that you may not incline [to injustice].
Amen brother. Jesus lived a sin free life yet Muslims follow a warlord who raped and murdered people and told his followers to kill the non-Muslims. Compare that to what Jesus said. He told us to share the Gospel with the non-Christians and to treat them as you would want to be treated.
silverbullet2008bb You really are confused by the mainstream narrative. Jesus is a prophet of God, even in Islam. The only two religions that believe in the coming of Jesus are Islam and Christianity. Please do not spread hatred and lies.
Zero Interest?? there is never something for nothing, SOMEBODY PAYS. and what has the Islam world done for hundreds of years, Islamic culture languished.
That is the Godthat we Muslims worship, the Lord of the world , as stated in (Quran 6. 91-92) " And they did not appraise Allah with true appraisal when they said, "Allah did not reveal to a human being anything." Say, "Who revealed the Scripture that Moses brought as light and guidance to the people? You [Jews] make it into pages, disclosing [some of] it and concealing much. And you were taught that which you knew not - neither you nor your fathers." Say, "Allah [revealed it]." Then leave them in their [empty] discourse, amusing themselves. ( 92 ) And this is a Book( Quran) which We have sent down, blessed and confirming what was before it, that you may warn the Mother of Cities and those around it. Those who believe in the Hereafter believe in it, and they are maintaining their prayers. As you must know, we Muslims believe in all prophets includingAbraham, jacob, Moses,Soloman, David John, , Jesus peace be upon them all. However, we dont worship the prophets. we worship Allah, the creator, the owner of all things . I advise you to go and grub a copy of the English translation of the meaning of Quran and read. I guarrantee you, you will not regret it.
I am always transfixed listening to Dr. Hakim. I am not a muslim, however I always listen intently and learn so much. My first bosses and coworkers where muslims from Iran. They were so kind and beautiful to me. There was so much cognitive dissonance for me during the wars in the middle east because it was absolutely 180 degrees from my experience with Muslims.
May god keep blessing you brother.
Christians went through their Dark Ages that included the Crusades, Inquisition, Colonialism and Slave trade. But no one today says these acts were Christian! Don't get caught up in these moments in history when humans do things in reaction to their horrid circumstances. To do so only perpetuates the problem and does not bring us any closer to solving it.
Islam On Demand the crusades were glorious
Islam does not DO anything. Islam, like other religions, is simply a set of TEACHINGS. It's up to the people to obey them or transgress against them with their actions. Many Muslims transgress against Islam everyday, but so do many Christians against Christianity and many Jews against Judaism, etc. Stop saying "Islam" does this or that, and start saying "Some Muslims" do this or that. This would be closer to the TRUTH. Again... logic!
That's because Muslims today are in a type of "Dark Age" period where ignorance and hatred is widespread, especially amongst the disenfranchised, destitute and oppressed. I argue this was (and is) a direct effect of colonialism. The most recent example being Afghanistan, where the Russians invaded and destroyed the infrastructure of a healthy society. (Continued below)
Very good and balanced talk. May you always be blessed with the good in this life and the next, Ameen.
More lectures of this speaker are found in our channel, The Call. Our channel uploads the noise reduced and sound quality improved version of the lectures. All are welcome to visit. Please like, share, subscribe, comment, suggest and participate in the good deeds.
Read it cover to cover more than 10 times. You said "it does say in the English translation what I said in an earlier comment". Please provide chapter and verse number so I can see what you are talking about.
Hi brothers and sisters I am a Christian I love everyone I have nothing against Muslims my friends and my son is Muslim .Many Muslim I met are very nice .I use to be a Catholic and I use to celebrate lots of man's holidays I don't celebrate Christmas I don't celebrate Easter or Hollowern or Valentine's day ...None of these holidays are in the bible .I dress Modest .I am not attached to worldly things .I never ate pork ,Saturday is the Sabbath day.I cover my hair when I pray I read only my bible which is the truth ,many Christians are deceived because they don't read their bible .And Also Muslims are deceived because they don't read our bible to see what the true Christians are like .I think my sisters and brothers we should read both the koran and the bible and see if what other people say is the truth .Or if you want to get a better understanding .Don't believe everything you.hear ,their is so much Lord even on the internet.
I am not a Church follower or just a Christian who goes to a Church on a Sunday and does everything the world does.I follow only Jesus .Their is only one God and the same God created all humans .Their is only one creator.Their are just to many Religions I feel caused many problems .Their is so much deception all around the world.Even in the churches Catholic churches pedefiles , in christian churches and synogogues their is gay lesbian rabbis and pastors ,Lgbt ;homosexuality. ALL these pastors and priests will go to hell for going against God .God is not for same sex marriage and these pastors they should not be preaching .But you see anyone can open a Church and preach and half of them are not religious they just steal people's money.They prey on the innocent Christians who don't read their bible.The ones who don't have a strong faith. Satinist have a church ...but it is not a place of worshiping god .and satirist church are against God they are evil .They even call satirist wich worship satan a religion ..But please don't confuse Satanist with christianity.. All what these christians do ; won't stop me from following Jesus because I'm not following pastors priests and churches I'm following God's word in the bible and for me Jesus is the truth the way and the life and I'm obedient and I pray directly to God. Catholism has many idols they pray to statues and saints and graven images.They have to ask a priest for forgivbesd of sins and they don't read their bible .,many look up to the pope like hes a god .But than you have very good churches and pastors and rabbis who are good.So we can't base everything that worldly or political Christians or false teachers on in Christianity ..because that is not christianity.We can't make judgements based on a minority .Jesus doesn't teach hate .We can't go into prayer with any anger or bitterness we must ask God for forgivness and that also means to forgive those who wronged us or hurt us in anyway bless those who curse you. I have met many nice Muslims they are not all terrorist .
You see even in Islam you have Isis killing beheading ECT but this isn't Islam either .Their is are also gay imams to .Remember .Weather your Christian Muslim or Jewish remember God loves us all.God doesn't delight in the wicked and their is evil everywhere now churches synogogues and mosques .I would suggest you make sure your place of worship has no gay lesbian homosexual or Lgbt pastors or imams . These people will go to hell for leading others away from God.You can't continue to live in a sinful lifestyle and teach others about God .God forgives sins but you cant use this as an excuse and day God loves sinners and let me love live in a lifestyle that doesn't please God.
God doesn't not accept homosexual lifestyle and neither should brothers and sisters who follow God. Yes God can forgive bit you must truly be sorry and sin no more .Also adultery and fornication is the same .We cannot judge anyone unless we no that we are clean.The only one who is without sin is God . When we get angry we sin .When we are jealous we sin;when we gossip we have sin.when we hate others we sin when we don't forgive others we sin ,iwe sin when we have pride .We must be humble t's more than a religion .I chose to follow God .Peace sisters and brothers
bravo. the truth needs be told and thank you for this.
Dear Islam On Demand admins, please consider closing or monitoring the comment section. Jazakum Allah
this speech is so relevant today. shukr Allah for letting us since have access to this... btw I work for a financial institution that is making it mandatory for us to get vaccinated... ya Allah safe us all...Ameen
I like that brother and his lectures!!!!!!
The Sheikh has calmed voice and good at gave a neat lecture. Barakallah Sheikh
I hear the question so often,"If Islam preaches religious tolerance, the why are these guys in the middle-East so angry at Christians and Jews?"
I think it is a sort of natural collective psychological reaction. While Islam forbids oppressing the people, it has only been since we admitted The People of The Book into our ranks(to some degree) that we have begun to suffer. So religious tolerance and "These guys have caused us nothing but trouble since we let them in", aren't necessarily opposites.
Great lecture brother Hakim!!
Allahamdulilah my son name
I love Islam
In Rumors : BELIEVE HALF of what You SEE , NONE of what You HEAR !
Assalam o Alaikum,
First of all, Jazak-Allah.
This healthy lecture is a result of days' research.
It's answer to my some questions.
Again thanks.
who is here 2020. lecture of all time
Yes dear
Say, "O disbelievers,
I do not worship what you worship.
Nor are you worshippers of what I worship.
Nor will I be a worshipper of what you worship.
Nor will you be worshippers of what I worship.
For you is your religion, and for me is my religion."
Allah gives you healthy Abdullah Hakim Quick.
maa Shaa Allah may Allah strengthen your deeds that you are doing. ameen
I love Abdullah Hakim Quick. Masha'Allah may Allah Subhanahu wa ta'Allah grant you Jannah tul Firdous. Ameen
Isa Hamza Ameen ya Rabbi!
The 3 most widely accepted translations of 3:54 say:
"And the unbelievers schemed [against Jesus] but God brought their scheming to nought: for God is above all schemers." (Asad)
"And (the unbelievers) plotted and planned, and [God] too planned, and the best of planners is Allah." (Yusuf Ali)
"And they (the disbelievers) schemed, and [God] schemed (against them): and [God] is the best of schemers. (Picktall)
Stop mistranslating and misleading people.
Can you explain more to me, I am not understanding
Isnt a mistranslation and even then the concepts and context are all around similar in what it is trying to get at (even though the other is mistranslation).
much respect, brother Hakim! Very informative and i wish good luck to you and your work! May Allah bless us all to see the beginning and end of Ramadan
May Allah bless and keep us safe staying positive and prayed up much love 💗 to the believer's kelelah
Oh, one last thing to add to my first response.
God being creation is a paradox. To be creation(human) is to be made, but how can God be made? Simply put. This isn't a problem theologically for Islam as Allah isn't like his creation.
I’m grateful I stumbled upon this brother, May Allah grant him the best of both worlds. MashAllah so much knowledge!
46:34 and here we are 1/jun/2019 the president of Sudan Omar al Bashir was strip out of power by the military. It's an outcome of several months of public strike and revolt. At this day Sudan is in a state of koas. The Muslim world is attacked since 1924.
و العاقبة للمتقين.
Yes brother. Since our caliphated utmaniyah been dethrone .1924 and Allah will not let this ummah without Amir more than 100years insyaAllah .not is his era .Allah give it to them .but not more than 100 years insyaAllah .
I watch this in 2020. I love this speech! Allahumma barik
I'm Christian, but I follow the Biblical dietary laws and I don't eat pork. I appreciate the reminder that you can't trust fast food.
Bro/sis if you want to follow exact teachings of jesus(PBUH) follow Islam.
@@abdulrouf6725 His exact teachings are the bible and jesus of the bible is different than isa.
I agree. Peoples comments in here are really twisted and its actually disturbing. We don't need to see this at all.
Masha Allah perfect Sermon
Fighting is in reference to SELF-DEFENSE. Verses about virgins and heaven can be METAPHORICAL to give humans a sense of the pleasures and rewards that cannot be expressed in human terms. Your readings are extremely SUPERFICIAL and lacking INSIGHT.
What year was it from?
@sarashitzu Since you are making the accusation against him, the burden of proof falls upon you. Go ahead and provide your proof from AUTHENTIC Islamic texts that validate your claims that Muslims are commanded to enslave then kill and that they're permitted to lie (all without qualification). If you cannot then you are either a deceiver yourself or just plain ignorant. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and call you the latter.
Alhamdulilaah the Imam Shaikh Abdul Hakim Quick Follows the command of the prophet Muhammad ( pbuh) where the muslim was told when we speak to be strait forward truthful. and he is that. on the most timely issues where it come to muslim and the general populace to turn our focuse truthfully and historically on these issues thereby deriveing the correct understanding about muslims and Islam
Allahu Akbar!!
want some more?
because it was no longer in their interest to do so once the Russians were defeated. So if we accept your premise that Muslims are the ones doing most of the killing in modern times (which Palestinians and others would vehemently disagree with) it's due to POLITICAL and/or SOCIO-ECONOMICAL reasons, not RELIGIOUS reasons. This does NOT justify their actions, but it places it in a context that should behoove us to investigate the matter more objectively and intelligently. (Continued below)
if u told your self that, what makes u right?
Salam svp comment je peux activer les sous titre en francais de cette vidéo merci
A true and wise speech from a very intelligent man, this knowledge is necessary that everyone is knowing the truth! My Respekt ...this is the Spirit of freedom...
More fool you for believing everything he says without checking. Next you'll be telling me Zakir Naik is a medical doctor.
for the brother or sister by the name of Avenger you go to compare The Lord of the Worlds to some moon deity Astagfirullah and you qute Quran only lines that you find that have a verse that suits your hypocritical motive and exlude the verses before them that lead up to that line but it is your scroll of deeds after all so put in it what you will So there is no confusion I would like to quote The Noble Quran and clear up any miscoptions on the whole Moon issue
Quran proves - "Allah" is NOT a 'moon god':
"And from among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Do not bow down (prostrate) to the sun nor to the moon, but only bow down (prostrate) to "Allah" Who created them, if you (really) worship Him."
[Noble Quran 41:37]
What is the significance of the crescent moon in Islam?
The Quran answers this question. Read this verse:
"They ask you about the new moons. Say: These are signs to mark fixed periods of time for mankind and for the pilgrimage."
[Noble Quran 2:189]
The Lord of the Worlds guides whom he will. In Shaa Allah may he lead you as well, I sincerly wish it for you with all my heart. Finally I would like to finish with the verse:
"Those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians and Sabians, whoever believes in "Allah" and the Last Day and do righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord. On them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve."
[Noble Quran 2:62; also 5:69]
May peace of our Lord be upon all of you out there.
Jesus is our Savior he is God in the flesh that came to earth to save us from our sins so he died in our place so we could live eternally with him if we believe and accept Jesus as our Saviour and I have and Jesus rose on the third day after he died on the cross and now he sits on his fathers right side interceding for Us...
What's your thoughts on the coronavirus & Bill Gates & the New World Order & ID2020 (Microsoft 060606)?
not muslim myself.. but i enjoyed watching the upload.. easy to disdain what is being said in the speech if your not islamic.. but really are christian dominated countries a good example of how a state or country should be governed.. seems theres a bigger picture to look at.. than judging religions are what people look like
"u still can be save by Jesus Christ"
Don't make me laugh, he can't save me. You think creation can save creation? Never, the Creator is in charge of everything. Creator being human (creation) is preposterous.
Still is something an omnipotent being is capable of being although think of it as a vessel.
It went over your head. Peace be with you.
Spanish translate please family
Allah w Akbar
I love you for the sake of Allah masha, may Allah rewards, and protect you from the evil people Amin
Many knowledgable imams and community leaders were killed in the war and subsequent generations were raised in a war-torn area beset by tribal power struggles and lawlessness. The Taliban emerged from these horrible circumstances and stepped in to fill the void. Hence, a DE FATCO governing body was born. And by the way, the CIA reneged on their promise to help rebuild the country (which may have averted a Taliban rise to power) after the war (Continued below)
Wa alaikum as salaam wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakathu
We are there
More accurately, the two messages came from one source .
'so called slave trade' in Mauritania. Come'on brother, that is not willfully blind, that is forcefully blind. while I get your point, that is shameful. you went too far
Amazing lecture brother sheikh, TY and thanks to the channel for posting it as well.
2021 & NOTHING has CHANGED !
We got convid19 and the great reset pushing their plan now. Allah Alam. They plan and plot and Allah plansx certainly, Allah is the best of planner.
when this talk happened actually??
1. Those aren't questions. Those are captain-obvi-statements. I have no idea what you're trying to seek.
2. Get a Tafsir.
3. Not my job to convert.
4. What's there to answer?
5. What the heck do you mean by which quote do I believe in? Obviously all. Obvious enough as well, you'll get a negative vibe from this answer, given your lack of understanding.
6. No need to make any more enumerated statements, your comments are petty enough.
I won't give in to silly squabbles that'll lead nowhere.
Who's copying who. I think you know better.
Asalamualaikom brilliant true information let's work together to show up the world what is power of Islam
We forgive people but we don't have to continue to deal with them. Sometimes distance is a must
@S1C2010 ..I really would like to know your answer, too !!!!
who will come forth and speak for the people held in warehouses accross this land!!
What does TAQIYYA mean?
Eren Yuce that's exactly what the crypto-Jews do
Jay Aeecee sacred deception
Lie to fool people into thinking they are peaceful
It's actually only practiced by Shias. They are around 10% of them. They are a huge minority. Do not conflate the practicing of shia islam with the majority of sunni Islam.
Taqiyya is a practice performed by the Shia Muslims and it is an allowance to deceive others for your own safety. This practice has some benefits, but it is not a practice the majority of the Muslims do.
this fatwa was years ago. i think even its before 2000
Alhumdulillah right now the spies among us you know Laurance of Arabia that has been their code may Allah protect us ameen
what is the dunya?
The worldly life
dunya means "this world"
Lily Katlein worldly
the worldly life versus the hereafter.
In the question, we have imaginary omnipotent entity referred to as “god”, which does not have to be actual muslim God. We might call it “Bob”, if you want; what matters for the question is that our imaginary Bob is omnipotent. Then we ask, can Bob create a stone that he will not be able to lift? As long as Bob is omnipotent, he obviously can create it. As soon as he does, however, he loses his omnipotence. There is no logical problem with the question this way.
Replace Bob with Jesus.
Uthman compiled the Quran about 20 yrs after Mohammad died. He collected the sayings from the memories of a few people, notes on scrap paper and palm leaves, and stones.
Because of this method of collection, we get the confusion in the written version.
Remember there is much Abrogation in the Quran. Who knows why this is there.
That starts in Surah 2:106.
Have any other questions, I'll be glad to help you out.
Ma Shaa Allah
spätestens bei min 13,39 hat der sheik seine "wahre religion" offenbart, - "seek your help from the lord of the world" - in the final days in the dessert, jeshua was confronted with the "lord of this world", refused anything he offered him, even the common reign of THIS WORLD, because HE SAID !!! - my kingdom is NOT FROM THIS EARTH ! . . . there were days I hoped- we honor the same god - BUT - but this is - obviously - NOT TRUE! (I refuse to give honor to the prince of this world, because I know the lion king of this universe! JESHUA - god in flesh & humanity's best friend! - FOREVER)
ledeReini Engler ,we do not honor the same God.
as alrede Abraham(gen11:24 ) has another father as Ibrahim . (aura 6:75)
slavory for sex slaves is permitted in islam as Long as slaves are christians.
black people are called raisinheads by Muhammed himself.
white slaves are normal already written in 1001 night.
why do they come to christian countries and do not respect western countries habbits and laws.
Mozes never said to kill male slaves and keep the females for sex.
the AGENDA is clear.
we have to bow down for satan.
Jesus will be the only saviour.
without Christians and Jews moslims can not survive.
without Christians and Jews Muslims can not produce, create, think,
Islam is anti civilisation.
anti human.
No scientist is ever born a muslim.
scientific muslims were Jews or Cristians forced to be Muslim.
Er sagt "from the Lord of the worlds", nicht "world". Nächstes Mal besser zu hören und keinen Mist hineininterpretieren.
@@tropicalstrings Actually the scientists in islam were never muslim to begin with.
tell this to the one who do not know you.
i enjoyed this sermon very much . nicee
So if I wear a realistic duck suit and waddle around making duck noises does that make me a duck ?
don't be dismissive . Extensive research and analysis is required for you to reach any conclusion about anything . You can't just base the world on assumptions and opinions it's not scientific or logical by any means.
marymoo judy There must be some pretty big duck where you come from!
If you were seriously trying to fool anyone by dressing up in a duck suit, waddling and making duck noises expecting anyone to be taken in, seriously, people would think you were an idiot.
My comments are based upon extensive research of historical and theological facts!
1. Similarity =/= plagiarism.
2. There's no contradiction in apostasy vs no compulsion rulings.
You obviously haven't researched the Islamic side to these inane statements.
Dr zaik naikr and stengthened death penalties in 2005 of iran and everything you are saying is pretty early, as for plagiarism try not to deny it, I mean they even took out the resurrection part and changed it up.
IoD, judging by previous comments of Jews316, I'm speculating that it's not really worth debating him on his claims..he clearly has a mind of few branches, not many..
is the coming khilafah he was talking about going to be the Mahdi?
Masha Allah
All religious people are being persecuited. It is not just islam. What is your goal?
It wasn't so wonderful living under the Domination of the Ottoman Empire in my homeland of Croatia for 200 years. Ask the Russians who instigated WW1 to overthrow them
RamblingRose forgive us the fighting lessened their hospitality maybe people who didn't have enough knowledge to be hospital اللهم صل علي محمد و سلم his brand faith will resurface inshallah
@@yahyamustafa1360 l hope they have a reformation in Islam one day but l doubt it will happen
Ottoman Empire the one that help ur crotia from slavery .of course u dont know it .they dont teach this in ur school brother
@@muhamadfazliehafizie7231 lets not ignore other things of history.
Well done brother.
He did not address the world order adequately. Not convincing
more like islam following all prophets of god including jesus and his true teachings
DO NOT ACCEPT PRESENTS during Kufar unHoly Days , especially for Children! from ANYONE, even our Families !
Allah bless you
He's talking about the Jews. Interest ie= money (interest) is code for Jews. Now, these Jews were allowed to prosper under the Muslims in Spain. This is where they got there rise; the Moors, Berbers and Persians should have checked the Jews closely in Spain with suspicion.
Please reiterate it, because I see it not, and I am not blind.
If Jesus was God, he could create an unliftable stone because he's omnipotent. But if he did, he can't lift it, because he created it to be unliftable. But not being able to lift it means he's not omnipotent. So was he ever omnipotent?
Reconcile this for me.
Can apply to allah as well.
This is a more of an athiest talking point.
Rephrasing as much incoherence detected in first response; You have not read any takes from people who deny that he stole from the other books, haven't you?
I'm really glad you know it's coming back. Do you know how happy I was to hear that from you as non Muslim?. But that it will be destroyed again is fallacy. It reemergence has to do with setting things straight. Buahahahaha:)
Can you rephrase that? What do you mean?
He's speaking truth and I'm not even a Muslim...go figure
6:00 to about 6:23 is very true
How old were the girls?
Would you want me to say that? Stop you're horrible. Islam is against pedophilia. do research before you say something you know nothing of my religion
what is the Islam or Qur'an solution to the gender imbalance problem in China and India. There are way more girls than boys....and therefore there are tens of millions of bachelors doomed to never find a wife, they face impossible demands like they need to possess wealth beyond their means of achievement to be considered at all.
Since Islam claims to be the only true religion and blessing to the world I ask Muslims to come forward and show me how Islam can help here!
4:3 An-Nisa
And if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphan girls, then marry those that please you of [other] women, two or three or four. But if you fear that you will not be just, then [marry only] one or those your right hand possesses. That is more suitable that you may not incline [to injustice].
Jesus is the truth 💗 ✝️
Amen brother. Jesus lived a sin free life yet Muslims follow a warlord who raped and murdered people and told his followers to kill the non-Muslims. Compare that to what Jesus said. He told us to share the Gospel with the non-Christians and to treat them as you would want to be treated.
silverbullet2008bb You really are confused by the mainstream narrative. Jesus is a prophet of God, even in Islam. The only two religions that believe in the coming of Jesus are Islam and Christianity. Please do not spread hatred and lies.
sebbe239 Qiyamah is near.
@@Ball_Chat_FC They are not of hatred nor lies.
But they can be no prophet after jesus after all everything was finished.
JazakAllah ul kheir
Zero Interest?? there is never something for nothing, SOMEBODY PAYS. and what has the Islam world done for hundreds of years, Islamic culture languished.
What are you saying? Can you rephrase it?
Speaking of deception ...... ...... ......
Jesus is my Lord and Allah is a false God my God is the one of Abraham isssac Jacob the only true God✝️
That is the Godthat we Muslims worship, the Lord of the world , as stated in (Quran 6. 91-92) " And they did not appraise Allah with true appraisal when they said, "Allah did not reveal to a human being anything." Say, "Who revealed the Scripture that Moses brought as light and guidance to the people? You [Jews] make it into pages, disclosing [some of] it and concealing much. And you were taught that which you knew not - neither you nor your fathers." Say, "Allah [revealed it]." Then leave them in their [empty] discourse, amusing themselves.
( 92 ) And this is a Book( Quran) which We have sent down, blessed and confirming what was before it, that you may warn the Mother of Cities and those around it. Those who believe in the Hereafter believe in it, and they are maintaining their prayers.
As you must know, we Muslims believe in all prophets includingAbraham, jacob, Moses,Soloman, David John, , Jesus peace be upon them all. However, we dont worship the prophets. we worship Allah, the creator, the owner of all things . I advise you to go and grub a copy of the English translation of the meaning of Quran and read. I guarrantee you, you will not regret it.
Pamela Ratliff Your fake jesus will be the evil Dajjal during the last hour.
@@abdullahalmothnib7480 "you will not regret it"
You mean a disorganized mess of a book that any intelligent person will say it doesnt come from god?
Abraham/Jesus where all Arabs and Black people.
thanks for the link, dude