Thanks for producing and posting this. Knowing that the guidelines outlining proportionality refer to each strategic incursion against an enemy target/s, compared to recent conflicts Israel's proportionality is exceptionally low. Israel's proportionality is between 1 & 3 civilian casualties for each enemy target eliminated or captured. On average in recent conflicts undertaken by the US, their proportionality is between 4 & 9. Keep on fighting the good fight Daniel, I will be keeping an eye on you from The Great White North.
Thanks for producing and posting this. Knowing that the guidelines outlining proportionality refer to each strategic incursion against an enemy target/s, compared to recent conflicts Israel's proportionality is exceptionally low. Israel's proportionality is between 1 & 3 civilian casualties for each enemy target eliminated or captured. On average in recent conflicts undertaken by the US, their proportionality is between 4 & 9. Keep on fighting the good fight Daniel, I will be keeping an eye on you from The Great White North.
Keep up the good work.More and more Irish are waking up and stepping off the RBB brainwash-bandwagon.
How do you mean brainwashing
Israel has killed 7700 kids