I would say the RAIDZx code has been around a lot longer, the DRAID code is pretty new (couple of years?) and probably not very many people are running it in homelab or at scale comparatively. For myself I have a 14x4TB-disk DRAID running on a SAS shelf and for what it does (tertiary backup) it's fine for my uses; and scrub completes in just a few hours. The DRAID code could probably benefit from some optimizing, but you also need to factor in the tool(s) being used to test/benchmark.
I would say the RAIDZx code has been around a lot longer, the DRAID code is pretty new (couple of years?) and probably not very many people are running it in homelab or at scale comparatively. For myself I have a 14x4TB-disk DRAID running on a SAS shelf and for what it does (tertiary backup) it's fine for my uses; and scrub completes in just a few hours. The DRAID code could probably benefit from some optimizing, but you also need to factor in the tool(s) being used to test/benchmark.