Respect you for that. I learned once it was too late. Now I can't even protect myself and People killed by police are 50% mentally challenged and only 4% of crimes are by said mentally challenged people. Statistically speaking most the worlds population doesn't study Psychology which is enough alone to consider them mentally challenged. I'm glad you noticed they're pushing multiple aspects with out any real data to prove it. In fact Depakote was used in the same way USA fights fire ants in Hawaii. They use reverse Psychology which is the dark side of Psychology used to manipulate children into trusting them then they make a narrative to fit so they get $150 for each medical visit that prescribes Drugs that ultimate NEVER DO ANYTHING GOOD. It is in fact to kill us off.
I was a practicing psychiatrist as well but resigned, left the bug money, as I realized my patients didn’t get better on the drugs. Maybe briefly, but always they came back, had to increase dose, change med, or add a med, deal With side effects, weight gain, and the lie that neurotransmitters were to blame. Quack factory. The patients who were happy were on stimulants aka street legal meth.
Knaeben, I never used the manual and never rec pharmaceuticals and never took insurance. I helped a lot of clients with body centered psychotherapy, supplement and diet focused advice, as well as cognitive therapies. I knew this would be what I would do before I graduated with multiple degrees. No one has the need to quite being a psychologist if they don’t want to.
I am shocked that no lawyer has had the balls to file a class action lawsuit against the APA, for decades or gross neglect and fraud. The level of public harm is jarring.
Thomas Szasz had cut-to-the-quick with: " Psychiatry is fraud and force! " He was co-founder of the Citizens Commission of Human Rights International in 1969. Their FL organization has been exposing the red flagging Baker Act there!
Most routine situations that bring people to see a psychologist is simply due to stress. Thats called the human condition perfectly normal most of the time. Prescribing brain chemistry altering chemicals for long term use is reckless and dangerous and destroys families.
I'm a 58 year old autistic adult who was only formaly diagnosed at age 57. I was also subjected to abuse, neglect, violence, abandonment, and generalized family of origin based trauma as a (undiagnosed, unsupported autistic) child. As a result I underwent decades of both psychotheraphy and psychiatric treatment, primarily for the anxiety and depression that resluted from living with undiagnosed, unsupported autism and coming from a hate-filled, violent, unloving home. None of the theraphy worked. It was stressful, expensive, time consuming, and often made matters worse: "Pay some stranger to listen to you as you relive the worst moments of your life and you'll feel better" mass media said. It sounded like BS, but I was out of options and trying to do the right thing as people around me encouraged / pressured me to "get professional help" So I "got professional help".... What a joke. None of them identified my autism, and the nuerodevelopmental hardwired issues that come with it, making life in the neurotypical world painful, disorienting and inherently traumatic. Supporting people stuggling with emotional difficulties starts with accurately assessing the root causes of their difficulties, and addressing them. Standard behavioral and freudian / talk based psychotherphies are quackery. Jungian psychotheraphy / insight oriented therapy is a little better, but not much IME. All are essentially active placebos. Blunt instruments that can do more harm than good. Conventional antidepressant drugs are (arguably) more effective. But they are much sharper, much more dangerous instruments than talk theraphy. They helped me ocassionally for short periods, a year or two at most. They also had side effects that ranged from unpleasant to intollerable, for very limited benefit. They were expensive too. A few things have actually helped me deal with my autisic and family of origin based trauma induced emotional issues: 1) Ketamine infusion theraphy. A single treatment cured me of a decade long suicidal depression/anxiety/psychosis that resulted from autistic burn-out and shut-down after my career as a college professor imploded due to autisic social difficulties. Ketamine was a miracle for me, and it's proven to be the safest, most effective treatment for depression and anxiety ever discovered. If you or anyone you know is suffering from severe anxiety or depression, I urge you to research the treatment. Reserach into it began in the 1990s at Yale, and it now has hundreds of studies confirming it's effectiveness and safety for psychiatric use. Problem is, it requires IV infusion, so most phychitrists won't touch it. It's also off patent, and threatens to actually cure people. This means fewer customers for drug companies and fewer clients and patients for the mental healthcare industry. 2) Proper diagnosis of the underlying pathology. For me, it was autism. Depression and anxiety are rarely idiopathic primary disorders. They are symptoms that manifiest as a result of any number of other conditions and circumstances. These might be as simple as losing a job or relationship to as complex as a neurodevelopmental disorder like autism. Sucessufully treating depression and anxiety therefore varies greatly by individual and circumstance. 3) It was learning to play guitar and sing that ultimately freed me from the social prison of autism. My words don't communicate the humanity I share with everyone else. Just facts. But my music does. I was locked in and shut out before. Now, people listen and understand and connect with me:видео.html What you hear in "How to dissapear completely" is what being autistic feels like folks. It's brutal. When I sing, I'm able to relive the worst moments of my life safely. To feel them fully and to express them in ways that others understand and connecct with. Together, we are healed, and that gives my life and the trauma I've experienced meaning and thus redemption. So one size does not fit all, and various pathologies like ADHD, Autism, BPD, BiPolar OCD, etc, etc, etc do NOT exclude each other, no matter what the DSMs 1,2,3,4,5 say. These can co-exist and synergize misery so awful that it defies describtion or catagorization. THAT is the fundamental conceptual problem underlying all conventional mental health treatments. The premise that there are universal causes and thus universal cures for existential struggles better understood as products of human conciousness and thus more the domain of art, philosophy and religion rather than science at this point in human evolution.
LA-Voodoo; W/all due respect; I'm sorry that u were subjected 2 abuse & bullying thru-out ur life. I'm only 3 yrs younger than u (I'm 55---DOB: 7/20/1967) while I was diagnosed w/Bipolar Disorder & ADHD (then called Manic-Depression & Hyperkinesis) i@ age 4 in 1971; being put on Ritalin back then started my deterioration of my mental health back then. I was on 30+ different psych meds ovr a 40+ yr period b4 becoming psych med-free on 1/1/2017. U r correct; 1 size definitely doesn't fit all. However, please bear in mind that "treatment" is a euphemism 4 medication RE: mental health conditions. In other words; treatment is MANDATORY/REQUIRED (NOT OPTIONAL) RE; mental health conditions but OPTIONAL (NOT MANDATORY/REQUIRED).RE: other health conditions (including insulin as treatment 4 diabetes). I only mention that bc mental health personnel luv equ8ing mental health conditions 2 diabetes. Even more galling; the mental health system considers treatment (read: medication) as MANDATORY/REQUIRED (i.e.: a 1st/only resort; not last). Shit; even insulin's OPTIONAL as treatment 4 diabetes. That's bc of the "chemical imbalance" philosophy (which I don't believe in). When mental health personnel began 2 properly acknowledge, address, & resolves the TRIGGERS (e.g.: abuse, bullying, & harassment committed against some1 by other people) w/o the means 2 "drug" the person who's on the receiving end of those triggers, then mental health treatment can improve. Instead; the manner in how ENVIRONMENTAL IMBALANCES (the ROOT CAUSE of mental health conditions) r viewed as follows: "We don't like ur behavior. There4; we need 2 drug u. DRUG HIM/HER!!!!" Yup; so much easier 2 medic8 than communic8. Then again; it does vary from each individual. If u believe in the "chemical imbalance" philosophy (which it seems like u do bc of Ketamine), more power 2 u. W/that said; best 2 u in seeking optimal health (mentally & otherwise).
@@billybandyk0720 The mental health field is rife with quackery. It's fundamental problem is it's lack of humility and thus aknowledgement of it's limitations. The human brain is poorly understood. The mind it gives rise to even more so. This means that the idea that there's a fixed reality that we should all share is bull$hit. So beware when dealing with mental health providers. Treat them as advisors - not the gods they so often pose as. Warn them at the first hint of arrogance or insensitivity, and terminate treatment if it persists. ...and yea, the whole diabetes / vision analogy is glib marketing propaganda developed by Big Pharma to sell snake oil to the desperate and suffering. Profiting by prolonging human misery. What a bunch of degenerates. I have a close personal freind who's a Harvard educated retired psychiatrist (Medical Doctor) He's a good soul, and credits me with opening his eyes to ketamine infusion theraphy, which he used to treat one of his most difficult to help patients. His patient was an artist disabled by severe refractory major depression. He'd undergone multiple rounds of electroshock treatments and been hospilized off and on for decades. Then, after I shared an article about ketamine for depression with him 10 years ago, he recommended that his patient give it a try. ...and it worked. The artist has been depression free and working for years now, supported by ocassional ketamine booster treatments that he needs less and less often as the years go by. Ketamine infusion theraphy cured my own anxiety and depression in 2018, and put me on the path to self discovery that led to my autism diagnosis. It's a mircle drug that essentially cures depression in 75% of the people who nothing else works for. Yet few know about the treatment. You know why? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ The mental health field doesn't want to cure depression. It's their bread and butter. They want people to reamain chronically anxious and depressed and paying for expensive therapies. Not explicitly or deliberately - but as the necessary consequence of their for-profit business models. There's no reward for curing your patients - except bankruptcy. Keep that in mind the next time you hit your psychologist's couch or fill your psychiatrist's perscription. Their business depends on your continued misery.
Wow. You are very intelligent. Bless you. I'm very sorry that you haven't been surrounded in love in your life. You will be on the other side. I promise. Ketamine saved your life it sounds like. Read my long comment above on how I 💯 cured severe bipolar. ❤️❤️❤️
Suffering does not mean their brain chemistry is "imbalanced" These drugs are not helping people's suffering. They are causing much more damage and suffering when used.
Thank you for saying all this public needs to know how bad the psychotic and depression medicine is I’ve been on psychotic medicine for almost 40 years all kind I thought I needed more because I was so bad off I just kept getting worse and worse and worse never better myself, and slowly took myself off and I’ve been normal ever since
David Lixenberg I should have liked to have also heard what and when psychiatric medicines are appropriate in this psychiatrist's view. Also what effects the various medicines have.
I need to learn how to properly taper off of antipsychotics. I see a lot of methods for antidepressant tapering but not much with antipsychotics. How many years can you take antipsychotics before being completely physiologically dependent on them???
There is a manual by Dr. C. Heather Ashton on how to do this and the Benzodiazpine Information Coalition can be if assistance also YT has clips on those who have and are coming off of this type of med, please don't cold turkey that's not safe as someone's who's been through it. Blessings to you💜
Mess your hormones all up woman very emotional and moody also causes blood clots particularly in the legs. Evil plan. Benefits men tricks women to their harm. Destroying morals and virtue in the name of temporary pleasure. The children suffer from such free pleasure and women are unstable on the hormones controlling their behavior and ruins their relationship and respect with in their relationships. Men: she’s crazy! Women: he only wants sex, he does not love me, bo hoo hoo! Conflict with much confusion and mutual blaming and shaming. Profits for drs cops and courts busy busy busy Those evil magicians, badddd bullies.
I do understand the danger of claiming biological origin of mental distress within our current system, but in my opinion especially in case of distress/reaction e.g. labeled as psychosis or brain injury, they may have many interconnected reasons and some of them will be 'biological', saying this I am entirely against medicating people to make pharmaceutical industry more and more rich and powerful and the sufferers more and more sick and powerless.
How can ya help someone who's been forsed meds 10mg olanzapine medecalised up to 30 mg 20 prn for psychosis for less long term effects any experience please
@@gaiadance Drug induced psychosis and schizophrenia are two different things. Many people experience drug induced psychosis end up being misdiagnosed as schizophrenic, when they're not. These people end up on brain damaging drugs for life that they don't actually need.
Dr Bedi, in therapy speak, what’s the problem, concern or key principles going on with me? No alcohol, drugs, Fox News, addictions or prescriptions. No social capital either.
E W; Psych meds will NVR CURE mental health conditions. As 4 them managing symptoms; that's also disingenuous. After being on 30+ different psych meds (starting w/Ritalin @ age 4 in 1971; I'm 55---DOB: 7/20/1967) b4 becoming psych med-free on 1/1/2017; the cumulative negative side effects compounded my symptoms. Not only that; the TRIGGERS that caused my symptoms were nvr acknowledged, addressed, nor resolved @ all. By "TRIGGERS"; I'm referring 2 abuse, bullying, harassment, mockery, & ridicule that I was subjected 2 by other people. Bc of that, I verbally lashed out @ those abuse rs & bullies (which's natural human instinct, mind u) & get put on psych meds 2 "control" my behavior (provoked by others as a4mentioned). On the surface; it may seem like my "symptoms" maybe "managed" but psych meds robbed me of my ability 2 develop proper coping skills. There4; please reconsider what u said RE: "drugs manage symptoms" bc they don't.
@@billybandyk0720 I'm sure some meds are not effective. I know first hand that some meds are effective. My daughter has bipolar so severe she will have psychotic episodes if unmedicated. She also has mild Tourettes syndrome. She is on medication for both and her symptoms of bipolar have vanished and her Tourettes symptoms are reduced to almost vanishing. This is after many years of being medicated so it's not possible that its a placebo effect at this point. Her mother is on two different meds to manage seizures. Unmedicated, she has more seizures than medicated. Her threshold for seizures being triggered is higher now. The meds allow her to drive and function normally. Before her diagnosis and medications it was too risky for her to drive on the freeway as her seizure triggers were easier to have happen.
@@ethorii Again; w/all due respect. I'm NOT saying that meds r unnecessary, per se.. What I'm saying here is meds DO NOT ADDRESS THE TRIGGERS that primarily cause mental health conditions. Again, while not strictly limited 2 as such; abuse, bullying, & harassment committed against some1 by other people r indeed primarily factors that TRIGGER mental health conditions. The triggers r considered 2 b ENVIRONMENTAL in nature. There4; how do meds work as it pertains 2 those a4mentioned triggers? They don't; it PACIFIES THE REACTIONS (mostly in behavioral form) 2 those triggers (often provoked by other people). Yet the general consensus is "It's not how people treat u; it's how u react 2 it." Well; if others would treat us w/dignity & respect, then there's no need 2 drug what society deems as "misbehavior". Again; sorry if u believe that I attacked ur credibility but I'm just sharing my personal experiences on psych meds.
@@ethorii You are simply saying sedation works to make some less of a expressive person or a problem We are saying sedation is barbaric and there are infinite more ways to improve someone's lives than sedating them The whole mental health system is insane in itself Lets take the medication that has by clear the highest success rate in improving the lives subjectively and objectively, both physically and mentally And ban it Now surgeons now that we have taken away the tools you need to operate effectively, We now want you to conduct all surgery with spoons Is what is going on in the mental health system
Pharmaceuticals will never address the root issue of any illness or disease. They don't want you to completely heal yourself they want you to come back, it's their livelihood, after all.
The reason I had to quit my work as a psychologist is that it's all medieval, and the science was not there. Insurance companies design treatments.
Respect you for that. I learned once it was too late. Now I can't even protect myself and People killed by police are 50% mentally challenged and only 4% of crimes are by said mentally challenged people. Statistically speaking most the worlds population doesn't study Psychology which is enough alone to consider them mentally challenged. I'm glad you noticed they're pushing multiple aspects with out any real data to prove it. In fact Depakote was used in the same way USA fights fire ants in Hawaii. They use reverse Psychology which is the dark side of Psychology used to manipulate children into trusting them then they make a narrative to fit so they get $150 for each medical visit that prescribes Drugs that ultimate NEVER DO ANYTHING GOOD. It is in fact to kill us off.
And the list of chronies in the video they're just exploiting people for cash they don't care about you at all. Welcome to Totalitarianism.
I was a practicing psychiatrist as well but resigned, left the bug money, as I realized my patients didn’t get better on the drugs. Maybe briefly, but always they came back, had to increase dose, change med, or add a med, deal
With side effects, weight gain, and the lie that neurotransmitters were to blame. Quack factory. The patients who were happy were on stimulants aka street legal meth.
Knaeben, I never used the manual and never rec pharmaceuticals and never took insurance. I helped a lot of clients with body centered psychotherapy, supplement and diet focused advice, as well as cognitive therapies. I knew this would be what I would do before I graduated with multiple degrees. No one has the need to quite being a psychologist if they don’t want to.
Psychology isn’t as bad as psychiatry. Psychology is the study of the mind, right? Not the manipulation of it.
This woman is brilliant. She really thinks and takes all in and then looks for truth. Grateful for her.
I am shocked that no lawyer has had the balls to file a class action lawsuit against the APA, for decades or gross neglect and fraud. The level of public harm is jarring.
Thomas Szasz had cut-to-the-quick with: " Psychiatry is fraud and force! " He was co-founder of the Citizens Commission of Human Rights International in 1969. Their FL organization has been exposing the red flagging Baker Act there!
Most routine situations that bring people to see a psychologist is simply due to stress. Thats called the human condition perfectly normal most of the time. Prescribing brain chemistry altering chemicals for long term use is reckless and dangerous and destroys families.
I'm a 58 year old autistic adult who was only formaly diagnosed at age 57. I was also subjected to abuse, neglect, violence, abandonment, and generalized family of origin based trauma as a (undiagnosed, unsupported autistic) child. As a result I underwent decades of both psychotheraphy and psychiatric treatment, primarily for the anxiety and depression that resluted from living with undiagnosed, unsupported autism and coming from a hate-filled, violent, unloving home.
None of the theraphy worked. It was stressful, expensive, time consuming, and often made matters worse:
"Pay some stranger to listen to you as you relive the worst moments of your life and you'll feel better" mass media said.
It sounded like BS, but I was out of options and trying to do the right thing as people around me encouraged / pressured me to "get professional help"
So I "got professional help"....
What a joke. None of them identified my autism, and the nuerodevelopmental hardwired issues that come with it, making life in the neurotypical world painful, disorienting and inherently traumatic.
Supporting people stuggling with emotional difficulties starts with accurately assessing the root causes of their difficulties, and addressing them. Standard behavioral and freudian / talk based psychotherphies are quackery. Jungian psychotheraphy / insight oriented therapy is a little better, but not much IME. All are essentially active placebos. Blunt instruments that can do more harm than good.
Conventional antidepressant drugs are (arguably) more effective. But they are much sharper, much more dangerous instruments than talk theraphy. They helped me ocassionally for short periods, a year or two at most. They also had side effects that ranged from unpleasant to intollerable, for very limited benefit. They were expensive too.
A few things have actually helped me deal with my autisic and family of origin based trauma induced emotional issues:
1) Ketamine infusion theraphy. A single treatment cured me of a decade long suicidal depression/anxiety/psychosis that resulted from autistic burn-out and shut-down after my career as a college professor imploded due to autisic social difficulties. Ketamine was a miracle for me, and it's proven to be the safest, most effective treatment for depression and anxiety ever discovered. If you or anyone you know is suffering from severe anxiety or depression, I urge you to research the treatment. Reserach into it began in the 1990s at Yale, and it now has hundreds of studies confirming it's effectiveness and safety for psychiatric use. Problem is, it requires IV infusion, so most phychitrists won't touch it.
It's also off patent, and threatens to actually cure people. This means fewer customers for drug companies and fewer clients and patients for the mental healthcare industry.
2) Proper diagnosis of the underlying pathology. For me, it was autism. Depression and anxiety are rarely idiopathic primary disorders. They are symptoms that manifiest as a result of any number of other conditions and circumstances. These might be as simple as losing a job or relationship to as complex as a neurodevelopmental disorder like autism. Sucessufully treating depression and anxiety therefore varies greatly by individual and circumstance.
3) It was learning to play guitar and sing that ultimately freed me from the social prison of autism. My words don't communicate the humanity I share with everyone else. Just facts. But my music does. I was locked in and shut out before. Now, people listen and understand and connect with me:видео.html
What you hear in "How to dissapear completely" is what being autistic feels like folks. It's brutal. When I sing, I'm able to relive the worst moments of my life safely. To feel them fully and to express them in ways that others understand and connecct with.
Together, we are healed, and that gives my life and the trauma I've experienced meaning and thus redemption.
So one size does not fit all, and various pathologies like ADHD, Autism, BPD, BiPolar OCD, etc, etc, etc do NOT exclude each other, no matter what the DSMs 1,2,3,4,5 say. These can co-exist and synergize misery so awful that it defies describtion or catagorization.
THAT is the fundamental conceptual problem underlying all conventional mental health treatments. The premise that there are universal causes and thus universal cures for existential struggles better understood as products of human conciousness and thus more the domain of art, philosophy and religion rather than science at this point in human evolution.
LA-Voodoo; W/all due respect; I'm sorry that u were subjected 2 abuse & bullying thru-out ur life. I'm only 3 yrs younger than u (I'm 55---DOB: 7/20/1967) while I was diagnosed w/Bipolar Disorder & ADHD (then called Manic-Depression & Hyperkinesis) i@ age 4 in 1971; being put on Ritalin back then started my deterioration of my mental health back then. I was on 30+ different psych meds ovr a 40+ yr period b4 becoming psych med-free on 1/1/2017. U r correct; 1 size definitely doesn't fit all. However, please bear in mind that "treatment" is a euphemism 4 medication RE: mental health conditions. In other words; treatment is MANDATORY/REQUIRED (NOT OPTIONAL) RE; mental health conditions but OPTIONAL (NOT MANDATORY/REQUIRED).RE: other health conditions (including insulin as treatment 4 diabetes). I only mention that bc mental health personnel luv equ8ing mental health conditions 2 diabetes. Even more galling; the mental health system considers treatment (read: medication) as MANDATORY/REQUIRED (i.e.: a 1st/only resort; not last). Shit; even insulin's OPTIONAL as treatment 4 diabetes. That's bc of the "chemical imbalance" philosophy (which I don't believe in). When mental health personnel began 2 properly acknowledge, address, & resolves the TRIGGERS (e.g.: abuse, bullying, & harassment committed against some1 by other people) w/o the means 2 "drug" the person who's on the receiving end of those triggers, then mental health treatment can improve. Instead; the manner in how ENVIRONMENTAL IMBALANCES (the ROOT CAUSE of mental health conditions) r viewed as follows:
"We don't like ur behavior. There4; we need 2 drug u. DRUG HIM/HER!!!!"
Yup; so much easier 2 medic8 than communic8. Then again; it does vary from each individual. If u believe in the "chemical imbalance" philosophy (which it seems like u do bc of Ketamine), more power 2 u. W/that said; best 2 u in seeking optimal health (mentally & otherwise).
@@billybandyk0720 The mental health field is rife with quackery. It's fundamental problem is it's lack of humility and thus aknowledgement of it's limitations.
The human brain is poorly understood. The mind it gives rise to even more so. This means that the idea that there's a fixed reality that we should all share is bull$hit.
So beware when dealing with mental health providers. Treat them as advisors - not the gods they so often pose as. Warn them at the first hint of arrogance or insensitivity, and terminate treatment if it persists.
...and yea, the whole diabetes / vision analogy is glib marketing propaganda developed by Big Pharma to sell snake oil to the desperate and suffering.
Profiting by prolonging human misery. What a bunch of degenerates. I have a close personal freind who's a Harvard educated retired psychiatrist (Medical Doctor) He's a good soul, and credits me with opening his eyes to ketamine infusion theraphy, which he used to treat one of his most difficult to help patients.
His patient was an artist disabled by severe refractory major depression. He'd undergone multiple rounds of electroshock treatments and been hospilized off and on for decades.
Then, after I shared an article about ketamine for depression with him 10 years ago, he recommended that his patient give it a try.
...and it worked. The artist has been depression free and working for years now, supported by ocassional ketamine booster treatments that he needs less and less often as the years go by.
Ketamine infusion theraphy cured my own anxiety and depression in 2018, and put me on the path to self discovery that led to my autism diagnosis. It's a mircle drug that essentially cures depression in 75% of the people who nothing else works for.
Yet few know about the treatment.
You know why?
The mental health field doesn't want to cure depression. It's their bread and butter. They want people to reamain chronically anxious and depressed and paying for expensive therapies. Not explicitly or deliberately - but as the necessary consequence of their for-profit business models.
There's no reward for curing your patients - except bankruptcy.
Keep that in mind the next time you hit your psychologist's couch or fill your psychiatrist's perscription.
Their business depends on your continued misery.
could u elaborate on your trust in psychiatry now and how it's been changed?
Wow. You are very intelligent. Bless you. I'm very sorry that you haven't been surrounded in love in your life. You will be on the other side. I promise. Ketamine saved your life it sounds like. Read my long comment above on how I 💯 cured severe bipolar. ❤️❤️❤️
Excellent write up!!! I totally agree especially the ways to deal with pathologies. 👍😊
People can only take so much. Those who suffer in silence develop symptoms.
Especially with the abuse of illegal mandates imposed during the PLANDEMIC
Kim Lec; SPOT-ON U R!!!!! However; psych meds compound those symptoms.
Suffering does not mean their brain chemistry is "imbalanced" These drugs are not helping people's suffering. They are causing much more damage and suffering when used.
@@hiya1399 Completely agreed.
Excellent discussion. I remember learning about Thomas Szasz in undergrad. He was right.
I did too!! Wow. After studying Szasz I never went on with my psychology studies at uni!
Very elucidating speech and amazing powerpoints. Thank you for inviting this amazing woman.
Excellent presentation and discussion. This woman is brilliantly telling the truth.
She is a hero.
No she is not.
@@ServicingInternationalKicks Yes; she is. Just bc u disagree w/what she says doesn't justify ur rebuttal.
Skip the first 13:14 minutes
I did to only find more trash.
Thank you for saying all this public needs to know how bad the psychotic and depression medicine is I’ve been on psychotic medicine for almost 40 years all kind I thought I needed more because I was so bad off I just kept getting worse and worse and worse never better myself, and slowly took myself off and I’ve been normal ever since
David Lixenberg
I should have liked to have also heard what and when psychiatric medicines are appropriate in this psychiatrist's view. Also what effects the various medicines have.
Someone said a Stress Leave is like career suicide. Disability pay involves a life time of drugs and you are labeled for life.
Amazing! Thank You! Very much!
I need to learn how to properly taper off of antipsychotics. I see a lot of methods for antidepressant tapering but not much with antipsychotics. How many years can you take antipsychotics before being completely physiologically dependent on them???
There is a manual by Dr. C. Heather Ashton on how to do this and the Benzodiazpine Information Coalition can be if assistance also YT has clips on those who have and are coming off of this type of med, please don't cold turkey that's not safe as someone's who's been through it. Blessings to you💜
@@sandrahbradley1511 thank you so much.
@@JamesHarrison687👍UR welcome
waiting for KarXT. The first anti Psycotic that does not work on D2 Receptor yay no more blockade!
Is it true that oral contraceptives (“birth control pills”) can cause depression?
Mess your hormones all up woman very emotional and moody also causes blood clots particularly in the legs.
Evil plan.
Benefits men tricks women to their harm. Destroying morals and virtue in the name of temporary pleasure.
The children suffer from such free pleasure and women are unstable on the hormones controlling their behavior and ruins their relationship and respect with in their relationships.
Men: she’s crazy!
Women: he only wants sex, he does not love me, bo hoo hoo!
Conflict with much confusion and mutual blaming and shaming.
Profits for drs cops and courts busy busy busy
Those evil magicians, badddd bullies.
It can in some people. It can also cause weight gain, acne, mood swings, depression etc some people don't have any side affects but sadly some do
Women who were put on birth control as teenagers are more likely to have depression as an adult.
I do understand the danger of claiming biological origin of mental distress within our current system, but in my opinion especially in case of distress/reaction e.g. labeled as psychosis or brain injury, they may have many interconnected reasons and some of them will be 'biological', saying this I am entirely against medicating people to make pharmaceutical industry more and more rich and powerful and the sufferers more and more sick and powerless.
How can ya help someone who's been forsed meds 10mg olanzapine medecalised up to 30 mg 20 prn for psychosis for less long term effects any experience please
His psychosis was marijuana induced and hes never had any pharmaceutical drugs before
@@gaiadance Drug induced psychosis and schizophrenia are two different things. Many people experience drug induced psychosis end up being misdiagnosed as schizophrenic, when they're not. These people end up on brain damaging drugs for life that they don't actually need.
@@hiya1399 the Doctors told me drugs are too controll freak the public ,iff they get hands on you.''
The sarco capsule scared them
There needs toe be something to skip the 12 min intro my friend :)
Emotional blunting
If you’d rather be depressed than emotionally blunted, you’re free to not take them.
@@remotefaiththey don't cure your depression anyway, they create chemical imbalance in your brain
Dr Bedi, in therapy speak, what’s the problem, concern or key principles going on with me? No alcohol, drugs, Fox News, addictions or prescriptions. No social capital either.
If you have no choice you are being treated as a slave.
Who says drugs "cure" severe mental health problems? Drugs manage symptoms. The title here is disingenuous.
E W; Psych meds will NVR CURE mental health conditions. As 4 them managing symptoms; that's also disingenuous. After being on 30+ different psych meds (starting w/Ritalin @ age 4 in 1971; I'm 55---DOB: 7/20/1967) b4 becoming psych med-free on 1/1/2017; the cumulative negative side effects compounded my symptoms. Not only that; the TRIGGERS that caused my symptoms were nvr acknowledged, addressed, nor resolved @ all. By "TRIGGERS"; I'm referring 2 abuse, bullying, harassment, mockery, & ridicule that I was subjected 2 by other people. Bc of that, I verbally lashed out @ those abuse rs & bullies (which's natural human instinct, mind u) & get put on psych meds 2 "control" my behavior (provoked by others as a4mentioned). On the surface; it may seem like my "symptoms" maybe "managed" but psych meds robbed me of my ability 2 develop proper coping skills. There4; please reconsider what u said RE: "drugs manage symptoms" bc they don't.
@@billybandyk0720 I'm sure some meds are not effective. I know first hand that some meds are effective. My daughter has bipolar so severe she will have psychotic episodes if unmedicated. She also has mild Tourettes syndrome. She is on medication for both and her symptoms of bipolar have vanished and her Tourettes symptoms are reduced to almost vanishing. This is after many years of being medicated so it's not possible that its a placebo effect at this point.
Her mother is on two different meds to manage seizures. Unmedicated, she has more seizures than medicated. Her threshold for seizures being triggered is higher now. The meds allow her to drive and function normally. Before her diagnosis and medications it was too risky for her to drive on the freeway as her seizure triggers were easier to have happen.
@@ethorii Again; w/all due respect. I'm NOT saying that meds r unnecessary, per se.. What I'm saying here is meds DO NOT ADDRESS THE TRIGGERS that primarily cause mental health conditions. Again, while not strictly limited 2 as such; abuse, bullying, & harassment committed against some1 by other people r indeed primarily factors that TRIGGER mental health conditions. The triggers r considered 2 b ENVIRONMENTAL in nature. There4; how do meds work as it pertains 2 those a4mentioned triggers? They don't; it PACIFIES THE REACTIONS (mostly in behavioral form) 2 those triggers (often provoked by other people). Yet the general consensus is "It's not how people treat u; it's how u react 2 it." Well; if others would treat us w/dignity & respect, then there's no need 2 drug what society deems as "misbehavior". Again; sorry if u believe that I attacked ur credibility but I'm just sharing my personal experiences on psych meds.
@@ethorii You are simply saying sedation works to make some less of a expressive person or a problem
We are saying sedation is barbaric and there are infinite more ways to improve someone's lives than sedating them
The whole mental health system is insane in itself
Lets take the medication that has by clear the highest success rate in improving the lives subjectively and objectively, both physically and mentally
And ban it
Now surgeons now that we have taken away the tools you need to operate effectively, We now want you to conduct all surgery with spoons
Is what is going on in the mental health system
Pharmaceuticals will never address the root issue of any illness or disease. They don't want you to completely heal yourself they want you to come back, it's their livelihood, after all.
Martinez Karen Martin Sharon Garcia Brian