3. A pressure mechanism set for man 4. man’s inability to deal with the boundaries of life alone 5. The separation of masculinity and femininity in order to handle Gods responsibilities 6 the mechanism of selfish desire vs Gods command 7 the conflict btwn caring for others vs developing things. I’m not sure if Singer is deliberately misguiding non Jews or he’s truly ignorant. Although I have a hard time believing a Rabbi would be broadcasting Gods wisdom to non Jews. Thus I think he is deliberately misleading those not of his faith!
@@travisheyoka6333 I reject Singers interpretation. The key question is, how did the serpent have knowledge of what was said between God and Adam? That is the most important piece of that story. The first few major stories in the Torah are the most fundamental existential issues that face mankind. 1.the purpose for man 2. Boundaries set for man 3. A pressure mechanism set for man 4. man’s inability to deal with the boundaries of life alone 5. The separation of masculinity and femininity in order to handle Gods responsibilities 6 the mechanism of selfish desire vs Gods command 7 the conflict btwn caring for others vs developing things. I’m not sure if Singer is deliberately misguiding non Jews or he’s truly ignorant. Although I have a hard time believing a Rabbi would be broadcasting Gods wisdom to non Jews. Thus I think he is deliberately misleading those not of his faith!
Toda raba rabbi for your drash on bereshit 3. My mother of blessed memory was Jewish and grew up in Brooklyn but my late father was from the eastern panhandle of WV in the Shenandoah valley and Potomac highlands regions and that’s where I grew up and we had a lot of snakes and 2 of them the timber rattler and the copperhead was poisonous and though I grew up rural and saw snakes sometimes it always was off putting. I learned Hebrew from my mother and reading the first 3 chapters of bereshit in Torah is my favorite portion of Torah to read. I also enjoy reading the Sefer tehillim in Hebrew and the tehillim that refer back to the creation and that refer back to the exodus and that describe the characteristics of HaShem are my favorite ones. I can read about 50 of the 150 in Hebrew. I wish my Hebrew was more perfect. I went through a Jew for Jesus phase in my mid teens into my mid 20s but through study of the tanakh as well as seeing the misquotes in the nt of the tanakh I began to see the errors of Christianity
For one it’s the misquotes of the Hebrew bible used in the New Testament when it quotes from the poorly translated Septuagint Greek translation of the Hebrew bible like in Matthew where it quotes from Isaiah 7:14 in the Septuagint and it says the virgin will conceive. The Hebrew word translated as parthena in Greek which means virgin in Hebrew the word almah means young woman but it doesn’t necessarily mean virgin. Betulah in Hebrew more specifically means virgin. In the literal Hebrew it’s the young woman has conceived and it’s a prophecy about Isaiah’s wife giving birth and their son being a sign to king achaz. Not to mention also in Matthew there is a quote from Hosea which is applied out of context to Jesus saying out of Egypt I have called my son but back in Hosea it’s talking about the exodus from Egypt. Not to mention what Deuteronomy 24:16 teaches along with a few other verses in the prophets like in Ezekiel 18 where it says a man may not be put to death for the sin of another man. So based off of that how can the messiah who is a man be put to death for sin? Plus the mitzvah against human sacrifice in Torah would apply there too
@@Bible33AD: That we go to Hell for eternity if we don't believe in someone named "Jesus" (who God never mentioned to us!), that a "trinity" exists, that 'Satan' is an evil being who plans to overthrow God and take His Throne for himself, etc., etc.....
It's pointless arguing about the truth of Religion. The truth reveals itself, gradually & differently to each person. What is your truth today may not be your truth tomorrow. Each person's truth is different, but as the bible says, eventually, " You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."
@@jeremyvanbriesies1940 Truth is objective and doesn’t change based upon someone’s perspective, which is subjective. For example, it’s true that gravity exists. That doesn’t change regardless of anyone’s perspective, although someone is free to disbelieve that gravity exists.
@VeliThaDon What makes you think ' religion ' is the truth ...religion is NOT a universal law as gravity is ... Everyone has his truth ...Christians, Muslims, Hindus...all of them
3. A pressure mechanism set for man 4. man’s inability to deal with the boundaries of life alone 5. The separation of masculinity and femininity in order to handle Gods responsibilities 6 the mechanism of selfish desire vs Gods command 7 the conflict btwn caring for others vs developing things. I’m not sure if Singer is deliberately misguiding non Jews or he’s truly ignorant. Although I have a hard time believing a Rabbi would be broadcasting Gods wisdom to non Jews. Thus I think he is deliberately misleading those not of his faith!
Rabbi Singer, imagining your intellect is like envisioning a state-of-the-art supercomputer being used only to run MS Paint and Solitaire. While your contributions to religious discourse are profound, I can’t help but wonder how your brilliance might have revolutionized fields like biology, chemistry, or physics if you had chosen to explore the sciences. By focusing exclusively on 3,000-year-old scriptures, you're missing out on vast areas of human history and knowledge that extend far beyond ancient texts. It seems that humanity might have lost a brilliant scientific mind when life led you down the path of religious scholarship, rather than the pursuit of scientific discovery. That said, I sincerely wish you the best in all your endeavors. While I may feel a sense of disappointment about the path you've taken, it's clear you’re making a meaningful contribution in your own way. The fact that, as an atheist, I still enjoy watching your talks speaks volumes-it shows that your impact transcends our differences, and that, in itself, means something.
@@alexanderduff6018 Perhaps but in the new testament, Jesus calls Satan a dragon. We tend to view the dragon as the western version, but the Chinese dragon lines up with the biblical serpent, and is serpentine in appearance.
There is certainly a lot to be learned by the first story in the Tanakh. However, your explanation is actually adding to Yah's word by how you have taken theatrical licence and I. essence, put your own spin on it. How about asking the question of, how did the snake get into the garden in the first place or why was the tree in the garden to begin with? We know that Yah created us to have freewill therefore, he gave us choice. We are free to choose him or not. We are also free to listen to him or listen to man and follow man-made religion/traditions. Isaiah 8:20.
Lucifer was speaking through the serpent. Lucifer wanted to be like the Most High so he decided to destroy Most High's creation. Lucifer knew/knows how much God loves us.
I've noticed that suddenly parrots are conversing vs parroting. It's like a Mandela Effect. For once, it's a good one. I've of a parrot ordering its favorite stuff through Alexa.
@Frank Frivilous Pity you don't posses the comprehension or aptitude to study Kabbalah. Only the most learned, wise and disciplined are capable of taking on the exercise of studying and understand Kabbalah. And you are none of those, so stop cherry picking quotes you do not understand and peddle your bible thumping some place else.
well of course youre wrong, you wouldnt be a christiqn if you read the 1st 3 books or matthew luke and revelation where jesus reveals hes a blaspheme and lightbringer
3. A pressure mechanism set for man 4. man’s inability to deal with the boundaries of life alone 5. The separation of masculinity and femininity in order to handle Gods responsibilities 6 the mechanism of selfish desire vs Gods command 7 the conflict btwn caring for others vs developing things. I’m not sure if Singer is deliberately misguiding non Jews or he’s truly ignorant. Although I have a hard time believing a Rabbi would be broadcasting Gods wisdom to non Jews. Thus I think he is deliberately misleading those not of his faith!
When God punished the serpent, He never said anything about taking away the serpent’s intelligence or the ability to speak. He just punished the serpent by taking away its legs and cursing it’s seed
It doesn't need to, he implies it. Ur argument could be used for God creating Earth, just because he doesnt add every little detail doesn't mean anything. This isn't a tutorial video this is a way of life and history.
9:30 Lilith is mentioned in various ancient Jewish texts, including the Talmud and the Midrash. According to these texts, Lilith was created as the first woman, but refused to submit to Adam and left the Garden of Eden. If you were to include this, would 2 : 19-20 happen after Lilith? I like how the Rabbi stumbled a little while trying to explain what Adam was doing with the Animals. Nice save there Rabbi, you know we both thinking the same thing. This particular passage was changed, and both new and old testaments are worded differently.
What an excellent derasha! 👍👍 Another interesting point about the snake that connects to this: The Aramaic word for snake is "חויא", obviously very similar to "חוה"/Eve. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and have a Shanah Tovah U'mevorachat! 👍🔯💙👍
After Balaam starts punishing thedonkey for refusing to move, it is miraculously given the power to speak to Balaam (Numbers 22:28), and it complains about Balaam's treatment. At this point, Balaam is allowed to see the angel, who informs him that thedonkey is the only reason the angel didnot kill Balaam.
@@nissimlevy3762 The serpent speaking was Satan. What’s sad is your response to truth: it eludes your understanding. It is not entirely your fault: the sociological construct and promulgation of humanistic relativism regarding existential moral degradation is rampant from media and simplistic ideological demigods. Everything you’re exposed to is a lie. There is no truth, except the “truth” you have been made to believe… and your learned “truth” is not the “truth” that your neighbor knows to be “true”. Seek TRUTH. Know reason without emotion. Moral law is truth. Christ Jesus is The Truth. Seek real knowledge and truth: you will find it in Jesus. You should read Genesis. It is not the only account of creation in scripture, nor is it the oldest writing; it does describe the answers you seek. Genesis, from the start, describes our messiah’s victory over Satan. Does the Christian believe the serpent spoke to Eve? Yes, if he is Christian. He also believes the donkey spoke to Balaam. Nothing is impossible with God. Another disheartening reality, it seems, is many Jews fail to believe the Word of God. The serpent spoke to Eve - is not platformed as metaphorical language, nor was it an applied parable. It is stated as fact, without causation of dissection or interpretation. There is no deceptive directive or literary manipulation; it is a clear statement, but I have witnessed many scholars butcher this text. I believe this to be “sad”: taking God’s Word and altering its meaning to fit your personal narrative.
@@patrickstephens1203 I have read Genesis. Your belief system is a lie. But it's not your fault. You have been brainwashed by the lie of Christinanity.
Rabbi, with respect, comprehend the serpent WAS, an upright walking, talking, intelligent reasoning humanoid creature, created by Ha Shem. Have read, and know, all animals were created , only man was "made" by Ha Shem, WITH A SOUL. 1) Is the Torah silent on the serpent's gender ? 2) Was the garden "test" to find out if Adam would "mix seed" DNA to create a new genetic line he could be the "king" over that Ha Shem stopped ? 3) Did Adam mix seed with a serpent female? 4) Was Eve impregnated by a male serpent? 5) Summarily, was the serpent a rejected female bent on having Adam reject his wife for her ? The Master of the Universe has me thinking and questioning.
In this I have to disagree with Rabbi. From what I understand of the word serpent, the etymology of the word speaks volumes. נָחַשׁ nâchash, naw-khash'; a primitive root; properly, to hiss, i.e. whisper a (magic) spell; generally, to prognosticate:-× certainly, divine, enchanter, (use) ×enchantment, learn by experience, × indeed, diligently observe. The scripture states that there is to be enmity between the seed of the serpent and the seed of Eve. In Gen 1:26 man is given dominion over everything that is on the earth. One cannot have enmity with something that you have dominion over. I have no hostility nor hatred towards chickens. They are simply a source of food. The beast does not have the capacity for enmity. I can eat chicken in front of a chicken and it wil not hate me. The nachash or "serpent" walks, speaks and has intellect AND reproduces, has offspring. This is a being like unto man but not COMPARABLE to him.
+Nathan Sanders The serpent was the Devil. He either materialized as a serpent or puppeted one. Possibly, he had the serpent eat a forbidden fruit before speaking, reinforcing the idea that it was beneficial and gave wisdom. (Revelation 12:9) So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; That Satan was in Eden is shown by: (Ezekiel 28:12) “You were the model of perfection, Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. 13 You were in Eʹden, the garden of God. 14 I assigned you as the anointed covering cherub. You were on the holy mountain of God, and you walked about among fiery stones. 15 You were faultless in your ways from the day you were created Until unrighteousness was found in you. 17 Your heart became haughty because of your beauty. You corrupted your wisdom because of your own glorious splendor. I will throw you down to the earth. (John 8:44) The Devil . . . was a murderer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of the lie. Satan told the first lie when he slandered God to Eve and said she would not die. He thus became a murderer. See here for more info: www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/questions/did-god-create-the-devil/
It was cursed to it's stomach and eat dusk it was a literal serpent, think mythological dragons and dinosaurs vs. Snake, alligator, lizards , eels and so on. Even turtles
Nathan Saunders Exactly! In addition, the nachash has aspects of a serpentine humanoid who practices divination. Adding "nachash" as an adjective, we also see that it means "brazen" and "bright". So now we have a bright and brazen serpentine humanoid who practices divination. OaklandCalifornia Hebrew Genesis 3:14 "...upon your belly shalt you go, and dust shalt you eat all the days of your life..." This is a pronouncement of judgment on hannachash ("the serpent") to be sent to sheol.
+A Different Take, the rest of verse 17 says: "I made a spectacle of you before kings." Before which kings was Satan made spectacle"? I know how badly you want to believe Satan was in Eden, where does Ezekiel say "Satan"? So sad for you. Consider repenting to Hashem and move away from your false religion. Read on to verses 18 and 19, understand the context and let me know with certainty who Ezekiel is talking about. Your quotes to the NT are worthless by the way, not the word of Hashem.
That was the most a unique interpretation of the snake story I've ever heard. I guess accepting the creation story as literal takes one down uncommon interpretive paths. I wonder also how one's doctrine is influenced when scripture is taken literally as in this case.
Most christians interpret the scriptures literally with no understanding , like the two trees are not literal trees they are persons one is christ tree of life and Satan tree of good evil ,like when jesus said i am the bread of life it didnt mean he was a loaf of bread - or i am the Door he is not a literal door
I love it when many here come and say that his interpretation is wrong, insulting him and what not. But the Christian world has accepted as a fact, not an interpretation or mere opinion, that the fruit was an actual apple. The apostle Paul said to examine everything and retain the good things.
Where did you get that opinion? First off. What the piece of fruit actually is ( beyond curiosity) is irrelevant. Some believe it to be allegorical but the authors of genesis believed it was real. Now obviously forbidden fruit or low hanging fruit is a metaphor to describe something that looks good on the surface level but is not a good idea. But the metaphor obviously obtained an origin. The trees were more significant than the fruit, for what each represented, and what allegiance to each tree would bear a certain result.. Or fruit. As for the piece of fruit, it could have been a fig, quince or plum tree for all we know. All fruit trees of the middle east and very old.
I'm actually writing a paper partially on this topic that I will present in December at a conference at Oxford in England. "The serpent beguiled me and I did eat" was a lie told by Eve to cover up the real culprit.... You can tell it was a lie in the interchanges with Leah and Rachel during the mandrake story in Genesis 30 and the story of Jacob and his wives fleeing laban in Genesis 31. Rachel was trying to get pregnant. She was barren. She tried to use the mandrakes her nephew Reuben had in order to get pregnant. They didn't work. When she was leaving her father's village with Jacob, she stole his idols. When Laban caught up with Jacob, and inspects their caravan for his missing idols, he approaches Rachel so he can inspect her bag. Rachel then responds in Genesis 31:35 "Rachel said to her father, "Don't be angry, my lord, that I cannot stand up in your presence; I'm having my period." So he searched but could not find the household gods. If you remember the Mandrake story in the previous chapter you can recall that she wanted the mandrakes (love apple) so she can get pregnant. Now, without saying why she stole the idols, the intuitive reader should be able to deduce that she stole the idols in order to get pregnant and have children. But that is not all. God calls Laban and tells him in a dream, not to say anything "good or evil". He says this twice, signifying its significance. If you pay attention to the use of the mandrakes in the previous chapter and the small idols in this one, one should be able to deduce that that the mandrakes and the idols represent the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Rachel stole her daddy's idols like Eve stole God's fruit. What saved Rachel from Laban is what saved the jews during the exodus and God's fury against the children of Eve... the blood of the Lamb (Rachel's name in hebrew means ewe or lamb and the fact she was on her period is a play on the blood of the lamb scene during the Exodus) You don't really have to look that hard to figure that this interpretation is correct. It should be noted that the same way you spell Eve in hebrew is the same way you spell serpent in old Aramaic. Let me repeat that. Eve's name spelled out in Hebrew is the same spelling for Serpent in Old Aramaic. In other words Eve is the serpent, or she's playing a bitter price for her lie. The serpent itself could be an angel or God speaking thru the animal. In my mind Eve covered for an Angel of light by implicating the serpent. But the whole "the serpent beguiled me I did eat..." thing was a lie. But God knows it was a lie, but he's still using the metaphor (which is a great metaphor by the way) to describe human character traits.
But if God is all knowing and a just God why he had to punish/curse the serpent who, in your opinion, seems to be innocent, and why didn't he punish or curse only Eve and Adam
Thank you for explaining this story rabbi. I would also like to know isn't this something god had planned to let happen? Because Adam and eve's purpose is not to live in Eden forever immortal... correct me if I'm wrong Thanks.
The Book Of Genesis never mentioned how long Adam and Eve would live, when in the Garden Of Eden. Until they ate the forbidden fruit of the tree. God, told Adam and Eve, that if they ate of the forbidden fruit, they would surely die. God didn't say when. But, they would die. They did eventually.
My dog understands if i say come ,go fetch, are you hungry? and sometimes roll over ..in english... Up to this moment i can't understand one word of dog..much more to speak dog.,but ... If i ask him if he is hungry he promptly says ..".yup" If i point to the ceiling and ask what is that? you will not believe it but he says "Roof"....
The snake was Lucifer. Lucifer wanted to be like God and be worshipped. God threw him out of heaven because of this and he was thus on the earth. Lucifer hated mankind because he was told that man was made in the image of God. Therefore man was a little higher than the angels. And originally Lucifer was the highest angel, before he was cast out of heaven. So he was insanely jealous and hated mankind. So what was his real motive....to destroy mankind and their relationship with God. God said "the wages of sin is death". This was the penalty for eating of the tree. Now mankind needed to be reconciled with God because the devil drove a wedge between mankind and God. Whenever man sinned after that he had to make a burnt offering to God to cover their sins. But this was not enough. It only covered the sins, it did not remove them. So God came up with a way to reconcile mankind to himself. He would send his messiah, Jesus into the world to take on the sin of the world...to take on the penalty for each person's sin upon himself. He did this by being crucified on the cross. He is the Son of the Living God. He had the power to give up his life and being God, take it back up again. He died on the cross and 3 days later he rose from the dead and had conquered death forever. Whoever believes in him will have eternal life with the Father in heaven. Praise be to God forever and ever!
And the Bible said Jewsus is Lucifer the bright morning star .. Christianity is basically worshiping Lucifer satan in flesh and known as a luciferian cult.
+Kedar Usman Ibn Ishmaeli So your Allah was a dead idol on the kabaa pagan shrine which your false prophet Muhammad make you muslims believe its a real god who started the biggest curse on this world.
I've seen photos on RUclips of ancient tile wall murals that depict a four legged serpentine creature. It had a serpent's head, very long neck, scaly body, and long tail. I believe that was how the serpent that beguiled Eve looked. All God had to do is to remove it's legs, and you have the serpents of today.
how such a silly story satisfies an inquisitive mind is the greatest mystery of all and to spend so much time on every little detail is exhausting to listen too I will continue watching other videos to try and get a general idea about the page itself peace
Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
@@joshuabean9409: Your inability to understand what the rabbi said, does not make HIM "convoluted" - it makes YOU too willfully ignorant and arrogant to do further research on the subject until you DO understand. Consider that! I understood what he said just fine, and so did others.
@@janishart5128 if I had an "inability" to understand the explanation, what good would research serve to aid my arrogant ignorance? I should add attacks on my person do not defend any argument. I must ask, why assume I am ignorant because I feel his explanation is nonsense?
@@joshuabean9409: YOU are the one who claimed that the rabbi is "convoluted", meaning you can't follow what he's saying - because the REST OF US followed him just fine! THAT'S why I said what I said. Research on how your false, pagan religion started shouldn't present any comprehension problems for you - it would be just a straight forward search. BTW, Rabbi Singer is NEVER "convoluted" - remember that!! He's an extremely learned man, in Judaism, Christianity and Islam (and maybe a few other false religions) and knows those religions FAR better than their own leaders.
This is so slow that I nearly fell asleep… in fact the ‘serpent’ was not an animal .. it was an arc Angel that became jealous because God/Yahweh showed favouritism to Adam over all other creation and so he refused to honour man. When God/Yahweh created a companion for him, the arc Angel assumed that he would have to serve man instead of God. So by making Man fall from grace he believed he would regain Gods favour. He then disguised himself as a serpent to trick Eve because she was created to serve Adam and not God. Since Adam had command over all living thing, he would not have paid any attention to the serpent. So the serpent decided to get to Adam through Eve because she gathered food for both of them. Why Eve wasn’t amazed that the serpent could talk could be because she had no power over living creatures and so did not know… that’s my take🙂
It's amazing that someone who is intelligent and can do a great job logically criticising Christianity can believe in mythical stories like talking snakes and the creation myth. The story is so bad that Yahweh says don't eat from that tree or you will die but the talking serpent says that won't happen and he was right. The Genesis story is wrong, it didn't happen, but can be discussed as an analysis of fiction not fact.
I love Rabbi Tovia and he's a great blessing in my life. However... there are other questions to ask about Gen 3 temptation. For example: why did Adam leave his new-love alone in the garden? Was he having a beer and watching the football game? If Adam was really so lonely - would he not have stayed with her? Another interesting question is "who actually sinned?" According to Gen. 2:16 "...the Lord God commanded the man..." And Eve was not yet created, as such the Lord God's "command" was not made upon her. At least not expressly and not indisputably. In other words, Eve was free to eat the fruit and doing so was not sin. The sin was Adam's, because the Lord God's command was directed to him. Perhaps Adam could raise a product-liability complaint against the Lord God and claim that the woman was defective. But the Lord God's command did not appear to have any exceptions. So, Adam was the sinner even if Eve ate the fruit before him, and regardless of what the serpent said to her. Why blame the snake? Why blame Eve? That's a problem for the Rabbi's religion. BTW Rabbi sir, the Creator does not create useless appendages in his bio-creation. The snake appendages have useful purposes - whether you recognize them or not.
@@SalvagedCowboy I re-considered, and I think Eve had some information, because she referred to "...the fruit of a tree which is in the midst of the garden..." and "...the fruit of the trees of the garden..." Gen 3: 2-3. On the other hand, the serpent seems to have lead Eve by asking her about "...every tree of the garden...." Gen (3). It's also plausible that Eve got instructions from Adam, because the lord god instructed Adam about "...the tree of knowledge of good and evil" per Gen 2: 17. On the other hand, If Adam had instructed Eve about the "tree of knowledge of good and evil" in that case Eve may have referred explicitly to the same tree that Adam referred to. But she didn't. Eve and Satan referred to different trees. So, there's a potential dispute.
Interesting Theory I am a believer of God and I am a strong believer of everything that's in the Bible nothing I agree or disagree I just find your theory interesting and another outlook on why this occurred
Animals do not have language but sounds to communicate. Language was given by God and he has given intellect to learn and interpret which NO ANIMALS can do.
Animas don’t read poetry , they only make basic sounds to communicate. It is not an full sentence type of thing. It is not a language… some can mimic but no dice vocally.
@@FollowerofYeshua126 so what would you do if say dolphins or crows were proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that they have a language? I mean they can remember things for up to many years, from lifelong relationships with each other respectfully and even have a really good memory.
The Serpent is metaphorical for what these days we call the Ego. The voice in the head that talks to us and tempts us. We all have an ego and so we all have our own serpent tempting us out of our garden. Just a thought.
Redžep The first thing is the story is mythical. In other words, it is not a historical fact but it contains truth. The next thing is the serpent is NOT the baddie in the story. In fact, if you carefully examine what the snake says and what God says you'll see it is the snake who is telling the truth and the one who helps the humans and is the hero of the story. I refer you to (Genesis 2:16-17; 3:2). The snake tells them the fruit is NOT poisonous but would give them knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3:4-5). So either God is telling the truth or the snake. But once they ate the fruit they did not die and their eyes were opened as (Genesis 3:7) confirms and God acknowledged that the humans had gotten the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3:22). Plainly it was God who lied and wished to keep the humans in the dark and the snake told the truth so that the humans gained knowledge to think for themselves about good and evil. The question is who does 'God' in this story represent?
@@TMH78 Saying someone is wrong without proof, is futile. I have stated my case based on the correct exegesis of scripture which you can verify by carefully examining the texts cited. Now, instead of generating heat instead of light, please present your rebuttal to the contrary and back it up qualitative data.
@@TMH78 Is English your second language? Let me put it to you very simply so that even a student with limited knowledge of the English language would understand. Your posts reveal a serious lack of theological understanding and a very childlike misunderstanding of what Genesis is all about. With your level of knowledge, you most probably will not understand anything I say, but because you have engaged in this discourse, you might be ready to grow and learn. God creates Adam and Eve and tells them to keep their hands off a specific tree in the garden in which they live (Genesis 2:16-17 ; 3:2). He warns them it is deadly poison: if they eat it, they will die the SAME DAY (Genesis 2:17). Having eaten of the fruit what actually happened? Firstly, they don't die and Adam lived 930 years. Secondly, their eyes are opened (Genesis 3:7). You do err not knowing the scriptures TMH 78. Now go and study prayerfully the Word before engaging in biblical matters the meaning of which you are but dimly aware.
THM 78 God acknowledged that the serpent told the truth. God said, "Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil.” But I see the serpent swallowed up in God.
I love this guy! I've gotten a lot of good information and insight from him. Since I don't recall seeing anything whatsoever along the lines of what he's talking about here, I'm assuming it is his simply his theory, although he speaks of it as if it is fact.
Gen 2 (around verse 18 or so), It is not good that man should be alone so God immediately makes the animals (out of order with Gen 1 where God made the animals before Man), Adam is tasked here with naming them but the scriptures make a point that he couldn't find a helpmate (spouse or mate) among them so God instead makes the women. Nothing he said here was pulled out of thin air, every last bit has scriptural justification. Listen carefully and actually read those sections of scripture. It may surprise you that it says this stuff.
that is great, but what about Genesis 3:15?? It means that serpent is not an animal, unless this chapter is stating a fact that there will be a real enmity between Man and the serpents.
I disagree with your interpretation. God didn't bring all the animals. God formed certain animals in front of Adam. That is why you have birds coming from the water in Genesis 1 and God forming birds ( certain birds) from the ground. I think ( my opinion) God formed all the "clean" animals in front of Adam. Also Satan wanted to hurt the relationship between God and mankind. Not between Man and woman.
Meshack WHAT??? So they weren't in heaven? And even if they weren't in heaven didn't God warn them to be aware of a devious serpent lurking in their midst??? Wouldn't you warn your kids of the dangers of walking alone at night? So your reply raises more questions than answers
Jewish people lies a lot, see how he is struggling to explain n defend their myths..lie lie lie pant on fire..The creator has not chosen any race or tribe to be his or her mouthpiece...
There isn't enough words to explain why G-d does everything he does. I would assume that part of the reason a serpent was in the garden was to be a companion/friend.
Genesis 2:18 God, not Adam said it us not good for nab to be alone, I will make a fitting helper for him.upon seeing everyone Adam, In:2:23 States "this one, AT LAST, is bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh
This is his opinion of why the serpent tempted Eve not a biblical explicit quote. Also why the serpent had this choice to do bad? The serpent had free will?
YOUR beliefs are actually irrelevant! What you SHOULD be asking yourself, is: "What did GOD say to us about this subject?"! PLEASE do some honest research on your false, pagan religion (or lack of religion) and you WILL discover that it absolutely did NOT come from God, Creator of the universe.
@@Biblecomprehension: Your reply is extremely foolish, willfully ignorant, and not well-thought-out! Rabbi Singer's JOB is to STUDY the original Hebrew scriptures as given by GOD, to Moses on Mt. Sinai, therefore you just called GOD a LIAR!! (God forbid!!)
@@janishart5128 , Tell me a crawler that eats dusts. If you can't show me that, i must tell you that where you belong to is fake because i can show you one.
The Lord G-d can speak through anything..... satan had power given to him by G-d and entered the body of the snake and spoke to Eve through it.... the snake itself didn’t speak..... Rabbi.... you talk rubbish....
Did you watch the video? Jews have a different view of Satan than Christians. According to the Jews the serpent was just that, a serpent. Besides that Satan can only do what God allows, such as in the case that God made a bet with Satan that Job would remain faithful no matter what. The serpent whatever you make of him was only doing what God allowed.
The snake was not "Satan". You inject an understanding from later books of the Bible. However, even by the book of Job, "satan" is not the name of a biblical character. It's the noun used to describe someone. "Satan" as a name is a late development. So yes, the writers of Genesis had no knowledge of any satans or a guy named Satan.
Putting some thought into this: If you look at Genesis, the first time the Torah says, "וידבר", "and He spoke" was to Noach (Noah) when G-d commanded him to leave the Teivah (Ark) all the way in Chapter 8, verse 15, up until then the Torah ALWAYS uses the phrase, "ויאמר", " and He said". I think the difference is thus: "and He said" or "anybody said" means any method of 'communication'. Communication can come through gesture, prophesy, any way to convey a message from one person to another, or even from one creature to another. The Nachash (Serpent) didn't speak with words, he communicated with Adom and Chava either through a prophesy like telepathy or more likely with sounds that the Snake would make and yet Adom and Chava were able to understand his language and vise versa. The Sages clearly say the King Solomon understood the languages of the animals and even the trees. Adom and Chava before the Chet (sin) possessed a sublime intellect, likely greater than Shlomo Hamelech. When Hashem communicated with the Prophets, which was with prophesy, the Prophet invariably when relating what G-d said always says, "כה אמר ה", "So says Hashem", with the phrase אמר, not "כה דבר ה", "So spoke with words Hashem". It would appear that Hashem actually spoke 'Words' to people when it was a seminal moment, like the command to come out of the Ark, or especially when giving the Torah to the Jews on Mount Sinai which specifically uses the phrase, "וידבר", " and He spoke (words)". Before the giving of the Torah, Hashem communicated with Moshe (Moses) only though prophesy, ויאמר, but after the giving of the Torah, Hashem spoke words with him very frequently. So bottom line: The Serpent did not speak with words, it communicated with Adom and Chava in another way that was not speech based.
Rabbi, Snakes with legs falling off? C'mon. lol.... I could tell you something about the Serpent. The Serpent was a being. As matter of historical reference and fact, The name is Nin.gish.zidda. Called, "The Serpent of the Good Tree." Nin.Gish.Zidda, was one of two, (Like the angels) that stood at the gates, When Adapa went before AN=Heaven, then found that Adapa had missed out on immortality, and was sent back to the dust, the dirt, the ground= The earth. Eyah or EA or Enki, YAH, Told Adapa, not to eat nor drink from the offering. The serpent is an Androgynous being. Just as the Seraphim are serpents as well. The Burning ones, the Shining ones. We know who these Seraphim are?.. They are ancient Gods of the Levant. Most interesting, isn't it? Thank you for the video. Great insight.
MrJohnboy1965 This has nothing to do with the Occult, nor the insinuations that have been put forth. This is called History. I teach comparative religion, that focuses upon ancient writings and cultures of the ANE. Satan, and all of the other occultic semantics, didn't exist in those times as what is represented within the Christian narrative. Not even the Jewish belief in Judaism give such credence to what you have implied. For your information, What I am speaking of, does not have anything to do with , "New Age", these are ancient text, written long before the Tanakh, or the bible was written for that matter. The reference was for the Rabbi. The Rabbi, I'm sure knows what I am talking about. Scholars, have to know about these things. That is why it is always insightful to know what you're talking about when writing or speaking, so insinuations and accusations of things you do not understand, will not end up looking foolish. You state, I don't understand what I am talking about, because some entity called, "Satan", lead me down some rabbit hole. Do you realize how biased you are? So many, full of bias. By the way, If you want to speak of a Destroyer, which is the prince of the Air, his name is EN.LIL. There is your SATAN. I forgive you. You just lack education in this particular academic. Have a beautiful day.
Enki35Productions, It seems to me that 'Adam' means human being. And a talking serpent and all of that strongly suggest that we are moving in the world of myth, not historical fact. To say Satan did not exist in those ancient times is simply not true. As a case in point, we see Satan being an agent of God in Job.
Arikm7 What historical facts? The serpent in the Genesis story is not Satan and it's not even evil. But Satan found elsewhere in the Bible as cited in the book of Job is not historical too. In fact, many modern Christians do not believe, in the literal existence of Satan, angels and demon possession. They are all myth, not historical fact, so I fully agree. However, myth is a human way of discovering truth through a fanciful tale.
Arikm7 Ok. I got it and we are reading from the same hymn sheet. Even so, the very idea of development from the undifferentiated energy of the Big Bang to the complex sentient life-forms of our planet suggests a purpose, in the development of rational, moral and conscious beings from a primitive mass of insentient energy. Science can be an ally of religion; but the form of that religion will have moved far beyond strict adherence to the pre-scientific beliefs of the world's scriptures.
Evolutionists tell people that a land animal's legs fell off, its nose traveled to the top of its head, grew to a ridiculously enormous for no reason at all and became a whale.
Rabbi, next video request please: Why a person should subscribe to the Rabbinite system vs Karaite. This could would be a useful aid in making a personal decision. Thanks.
Karaite system was first organised for political reasons. Secondly, a common complaint or sinisicm people often have with regards to the rabbi's and oral law, is they have had decided to just create ideas and prohibitions or have added unnecessary stringencies. The simpl truth is that it really isn't to do with their (the rabbi's) opinion, laws have been passed down since Moses, many of which wouldn't make any sense without oral traditions. Even the vowels in the Torah are oral tradition. Without these many traditions, it would be very hard - virtually impossible - to understand or keep certain commandments that are found in the written Torah.
The idea of "Fallen Angels" is an oxymoron. The reason being; Angels are immortal and they do the Will of God and they are ministering spirits. If you believe Angels can sin, then you believe in immortal sinners. There are no immortal sinners in God's Heaven and there will be no immortal sinners in the Kingdom of God, which Christ will restore and hand back to God when the last enemy; sin and death, have been destroyed. The Serpent is personification representng the deceitful human heart; Jeremiah 17:9; Mark 7:21-23; James 1:13-16; Rom 8:7
@@bramleycookingapple No, through Adam's perfection a struggling angel remains, a struggling angel, with no power to influence human society towards evil selfishness, through immature, and disobedient man's correlative base for satanic accusation. This is why Jesus is rightly referred to as the Last Adam. Unlike Adam who was pushed into a messianic role when Eve fell, and threw away his mission, Yahashua did not throw away his mission. If YAHOVAH decides not to intervene in His children's folly, why would anyone assume a human being, albeit a "Messiah" could succeed better than Hashem? When we don't understand Predestination and freewill, many strange impressions develop about YAHOVAH. YAHOVAH is the king of the earth, and Father of spirits, and the ruler according to Psalms 50:10, and God is also the Parent of mankind according to: Deut 32:6 ; Isa 63:16; 64:8 ; Jeremiah 3:4 Jeremiah 3:19 ;31:9 ; Mal 1:6 ; 2:10 ; 2 Sam 7:14 ; 1 Chron 17:13 ; 22:10 ; 28:6 ; Psalm 68:5 ; 89:26, accordingly these titles should have been installed on earth as the Parents Right, and the Kings Right in human society as God recognized the correct level of maturity in man. As the Last Adam, scripture tells us Jesus grew in stature, and at the point where Adam fell, Jesus overcame. This victory is available for all, just as Adam's victory would have been for all of God's lineage. 3. Regarding Freewill: Bible verses emphasizing man's responsibility: (Jn. 3:16) - Those who believe have eternal life (Rom. 5:1) - By justification through faith, peace is produced with God. (Eph. 2:8) - Through faith, you are saved. (You can receive salvation) (Mt. 7:7) - Ask it will be given to you. Seek-you will find. Knock-the door will be opened. (Rev. 3:20) - If you open the door I will come to you. (Mk. 5:34) - Your faith has healed you. (Jn. 9:11) - Washed eyes and could see. (Jas. 5:15) - Prayer of faith can make the sick person well. (Gen. 6:5-6) - God felt repentance, sorrow and grief because of man's evil. (I Sam. 15:11) - God repented and grieved that he made Saul king. (II Sam. 24:16) - God repented for punishing the people too much. (Jnh. 3:10) - God repented of his intention to punish the people because they turned from their evil ways. (Eze. 33:11-15) - God does not want to punish the wicked if they repent and change their evil ways. (Ex. 3:7-8) - God has sympathy for the Israelites and wants to take them from Egypt to Canaan. (Gen. 22:12) - He said, "Don't lay your hand on the boy! Don't do anything to him! For now I know that you are a man who fears God, because you have not withheld your son, your only son, from me." (Jer. 19:5) - And they have built the high places of Baalim, to burn their children with fire for a holocaust to Baalim: which I did not command, nor speak of, neither did it once come into my mind. Did God foresee child sacrifice on the altar of Molech? Did He require Lucifer and Principalities to fall, as part of His plan? God gives us clarification: "You have burned your sons and daughters in the fires of Molech, something I did not command you to do, nor did it enter into my mind". ~ Jeremiah Obviously freewill is important or God wouldn't be emphasizing and highlighting its accomplishment over its failure. God uses the conjunction "If" throughout His Providence to restore mankind. In the beginning of history, God says, Do not eat of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Here, God does not speak idle words. God actually gave our ancestors the opportunity to be successful, and God as a parent wanted this success. YAHOVAH seeth that abundant is the wickedness of man in the earth, and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart only evil all the day; and YAHOVAH repenteth that He hath made man in the earth, and He grieveth Himself -- unto His heart. What does it really mean for a pure Being such as God to grieve? The answer to this question can be attained by asking God. God did not place the spiritual being depicted as a serpent in the garden in order to induce in Adam and Eve spiritual growth. This ancient serpent who is called the devil and Satan, should have assisted in the growth of the original ancestors of mankind, not participated in their demise. No one needs to eat soap before going into a fine French Restaurant in order to appreciate the cuisine. Joy wells up unto eternity.
@@margasa7 I do not mean what I think you are suggesting, There are no such things as fallen Angels of God which are holy. When "angels" mean human messengers such as priests, ministers etc., then since all men have sinned, that means all men are fallen and human angels (messengers) are fallen. The sons of god which married the daughters of men, are all to do with humans. Pre flood from the time of Adam, the human race got more and more sinful, until God caused the Flood to kill them all. Those who were godly, and called "the sons of god" (of which you could be one), became corrupted by their assocation with the ungodly (the daughters of men). Whether by marriage or just association, the godly became corrupted. You only have to think how Solomon married women of other nations and he was corrupted. I like to think by the end of his life, he came to his senses and returned to God.
@@lakevacm Thank you for your long response. I agree with much of what you have said and with all you have quoted, though we will disagree in the interpretation of some of those verses. You say "No, through Adam's perfection a struggling angel remains, a struggling angel, with no power to influence human society towards evil selfishness, through immature, and disobedient man's correlative base for satanic accusation." I know of no struggling Holy Angel of God. It is not God's Holy Angel's responsibility to bring any accusation against humans. It is my understanding as I have tried to explain, Serpent/Devil/Satan are one of the same and are personifications representing human sin and the cause of sin. Jesus tells us that all evil come from within each one of us. There is no other entity, such as God's Holy Angels to accuse for our sin. We are not tempted by a supernatural being. All the evil in the world stems from mens' thinking and actions. Only when reading Serpent/Devil/Satan, should we look for a human connection. that is the cause of the sin.
Eve is of the same DNA as Adam. She would be his twin or a clone. Animals are very capable of communicating with each other as are humans. Language is taught by parents. Babies don't just come out speaking they have to learn it.
The serpent was a go-between, a medium, yes, a "Patsy" for Lucifer, but not female. Lucifer was clever enough not to appear as himself if he didn't need to (adds to the mystery, which also gives a sense of myth). Lucifer was the bejeweled one, not the serpent. By the way, there are no angels of the female gender.
@@truthfound1 God is referred to as a "he" but that doesn't mean that is the case. As for Satan's sexuality, if such a thing exists with angels, you didn't get that from reading scripture 😂
@@truthfound1 They are both "man", reina: Genesis 5 2Male and female He created them, and He blessed them, and He named them man (Adam) on the day they were created.
The problem I have with this interpretation is that although science has discovered that serpents did indeed once of legs, this happened millions of years prior to humans and would not have this ability by the time the human specie arrived. Also, Torah says that the serpent was shrewd, not meaning having human intelligence but being resourceful within its habitat when compared to other animals. This removes the idea that the serpent had the gift of language since the Torah says it would crawl on its belly and eat dust as a curse, not lose its ability to speak. My theory is that divinity allowed the serpent to speak just as the donkey in the time of Baalam spoke when the presence of an angel appeared. Perhaps the non regaining of the serpents legs is what the curse really referred to. One ounce of evidence for this was research conducted on serpents recently to bring back legs in baby snakes, but the limbs only lasted temporarily. Scientists were baffled and still do not know why the process regressed back to lose of the limbs.
Mr tee Repent of what??? My comment clearly stated that divinity was in place not evolution. Although I do not believe it took six days either, nor should Torah be interpreted as such.
Mr tee that's incorrect, I suggest you look up the alternate meanings of the Hebrew word 'Yom' and apply it to the correct context in Gen. 1:1, and Gen. 1:7-9. You'll see that heaven and earth is referring to atmosphere and land which means the actual planet was already there for an unknown period of time. By science, we know this period, 4.5 Billion years.
I think you have it wrong, the Torah is understood by the people that read it in it's original Hebrew, you do know he's Jewish right? Moreover, it's the christians that speculate because they skim through the bible in a convenient language and in most cases don't get it right.
The question I'd ask is not 'why would the snake want Eve to eat the apple', but rather" why would grown, educated adults believe the creation story is a documentary account?
In explaining why God created animals before humans, the Talmud suggests that should man ever become arrogant, he should be told that “even a mosquito preceded you” (Sanhedrin 38a).
Could it be that the serpent was a Naga, a cross between a human and a serpent as created by the Annunki mentioned in the Summarian text? Could it be the the serpent once had wings and legs and ability to speak but, was cursed by God to lose its wings and legs and crawl upon it's belly, eating dust instead of speaking? Is it possible the serpent had the ability of telepathic communication? Or, is it possible that humans could speak the language of the animals? Didn't God make a donkey talk to Balam?
Tonithenightowl no you just have a hard time with the concept of God, once you get that, you realise anything is possible and if it’s impossible then your concept of God is flawed!
Moally I do accept the concept, I have a hard time wrapping my mind around it in a literal sense. On the other hand I have no trouble with what happened on Mt. Sinai. I believe the Hebrews heard G-d speak and their reaction was what one would expect.
Tonithenightowl well the metaphoric is only a way to convey the literal, I concede that more than we understand happened in the garden of Eden, that is where faith and trust in God comes in, were in a 4 dimension world try to understand a probably 11 dimension experience, of course we cannot simply because we have no reference to such a world, so w cannot fully comprehend God, because we are finite and he is infinite. What we do have is the infinite God telling us what we happened and I am more than inclined to believe Him, because He was there! Much love
Rabbi Singer .. I was brought up old Roman Catholic ( Portuguese decent ) I have been on a journey as most of us have been and are and currently a secular humanist atheist , but extremely interested in theology and the reasons why religion cane to be and are why different humans seek and are involved in the different religions around the world . You are one of the teachers that really interest me and I respect your knowledge not only in your religion but in your knowledge in other religions that you speak on . Here’s one of my challenges that I have with your teachings and apologetics that’s you put out . Your response and view that in the end God can do anything he wants and desires , although I understand that if you follow your religion or snd religion , that response could apply to and also with any justification . So if God wishes a snake could talk than presto , he can talk , simple as that . Could that answer not be inserted into any situation ? Any religion ? Any circumstance ? I know and agree with you when I’ve heard you say that when Christians say this if that or that about there beliefs that they are wrong ( generally speaking ) but they could apply your answer of “ If God wanted other to be than it shall be “ to anything as well .. I really hope one day that I could talk to you as I could express myself better than on text . I appreciate you as a orator and exogenous knowledgeable and learned human on these subjects and more , but I really get road blocked by your answers that come out in these ways . Again thank you for your time . Peace
@@RyanMichaelMcCrossan1422 yep. Inquisition is a prime example showcasing how brutal and "spread by sword" christianity was forcing both Jews & Muslims into pagan christian religion. The new forced converts were monitored by the state and highly regulated. If you look at the spanish population today, many will have an arab mixed gene.
We saw the serpent speak, the donkey speak, and the lion speak - this was not a foreign concept. Until after the time of Jacob, no animal had killed a human - that is written in Torah.
what a good man you are Rabbi Tovia, I'm a muslim yet I watch your videos on daily basis.
3. A pressure mechanism set for man 4. man’s inability to deal with the boundaries of life alone 5. The separation of masculinity and femininity in order to handle Gods responsibilities 6 the mechanism of selfish desire vs Gods command 7 the conflict btwn caring for others vs developing things. I’m not sure if Singer is deliberately misguiding non Jews or he’s truly ignorant. Although I have a hard time believing a Rabbi would be broadcasting Gods wisdom to non Jews. Thus I think he is deliberately misleading those not of his faith!
@@lesterdiamonds27can you explain yourself more? What are those 7 things you listed?
@@travisheyoka6333 I reject Singers interpretation. The key question is, how did the serpent have knowledge of what was said between God and Adam? That is the most important piece of that story. The first few major stories in the Torah are the most fundamental existential issues that face mankind. 1.the purpose for man 2. Boundaries set for man
3. A pressure mechanism set for man 4. man’s inability to deal with the boundaries of life alone 5. The separation of masculinity and femininity in order to handle Gods responsibilities 6 the mechanism of selfish desire vs Gods command 7 the conflict btwn caring for others vs developing things. I’m not sure if Singer is deliberately misguiding non Jews or he’s truly ignorant. Although I have a hard time believing a Rabbi would be broadcasting Gods wisdom to non Jews. Thus I think he is deliberately misleading those not of his faith!
I love how he always builds suspense when teaching.
He does ! Like watching a movie!
This man is an excellent speaker! I was captivated the whole time. Very interesting!
Toda raba rabbi for your drash on bereshit 3. My mother of blessed memory was Jewish and grew up in Brooklyn but my late father was from the eastern panhandle of WV in the Shenandoah valley and Potomac highlands regions and that’s where I grew up and we had a lot of snakes and 2 of them the timber rattler and the copperhead was poisonous and though I grew up rural and saw snakes sometimes it always was off putting. I learned Hebrew from my mother and reading the first 3 chapters of bereshit in Torah is my favorite portion of Torah to read. I also enjoy reading the Sefer tehillim in Hebrew and the tehillim that refer back to the creation and that refer back to the exodus and that describe the characteristics of HaShem are my favorite ones. I can read about 50 of the 150 in Hebrew. I wish my Hebrew was more perfect. I went through a Jew for Jesus phase in my mid teens into my mid 20s but through study of the tanakh as well as seeing the misquotes in the nt of the tanakh I began to see the errors of Christianity
Don't forget, your mother was Jewish, and so you are 100% Jewish too - just as Jewish as Moshe Rabbeinu.
Please list errors of Christianity
For one it’s the misquotes of the Hebrew bible used in the New Testament when it quotes from the poorly translated Septuagint Greek translation of the Hebrew bible like in Matthew where it quotes from Isaiah 7:14 in the Septuagint and it says the virgin will conceive. The Hebrew word translated as parthena in Greek which means virgin in Hebrew the word almah means young woman but it doesn’t necessarily mean virgin. Betulah in Hebrew more specifically means virgin. In the literal Hebrew it’s the young woman has conceived and it’s a prophecy about Isaiah’s wife giving birth and their son being a sign to king achaz. Not to mention also in Matthew there is a quote from Hosea which is applied out of context to Jesus saying out of Egypt I have called my son but back in Hosea it’s talking about the exodus from Egypt. Not to mention what Deuteronomy 24:16 teaches along with a few other verses in the prophets like in Ezekiel 18 where it says a man may not be put to death for the sin of another man. So based off of that how can the messiah who is a man be put to death for sin? Plus the mitzvah against human sacrifice in Torah would apply there too
If your mother is Jewish - you are also Jewish.
@@Bible33AD: That we go to Hell for eternity if we don't believe in someone named "Jesus" (who God never mentioned to us!), that a "trinity" exists, that 'Satan' is an evil being who plans to overthrow God and take His Throne for himself, etc., etc.....
The Rabbi is having WAAAAY too much fun telling this story.
It's pointless arguing about the truth of Religion. The truth reveals itself, gradually & differently to each person. What is your truth today may not be your truth tomorrow. Each person's truth is different, but as the bible says, eventually, " You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."
Sounds like you’re describing perspective and not truth.
@@VeliThaDonwhat is the " truth "
@@jeremyvanbriesies1940 Truth is objective and doesn’t change based upon someone’s perspective, which is subjective. For example, it’s true that gravity exists. That doesn’t change regardless of anyone’s perspective, although someone is free to disbelieve that gravity exists.
@VeliThaDon What makes you think ' religion ' is the truth ...religion is NOT a universal law as gravity is ...
Everyone has his truth ...Christians, Muslims, Hindus...all of them
the Serpent said, '' If I can't have him, you can't have him.'' 😂🤣
3. A pressure mechanism set for man 4. man’s inability to deal with the boundaries of life alone 5. The separation of masculinity and femininity in order to handle Gods responsibilities 6 the mechanism of selfish desire vs Gods command 7 the conflict btwn caring for others vs developing things. I’m not sure if Singer is deliberately misguiding non Jews or he’s truly ignorant. Although I have a hard time believing a Rabbi would be broadcasting Gods wisdom to non Jews. Thus I think he is deliberately misleading those not of his faith!
Rabbi Singer, imagining your intellect is like envisioning a state-of-the-art supercomputer being used only to run MS Paint and Solitaire. While your contributions to religious discourse are profound, I can’t help but wonder how your brilliance might have revolutionized fields like biology, chemistry, or physics if you had chosen to explore the sciences. By focusing exclusively on 3,000-year-old scriptures, you're missing out on vast areas of human history and knowledge that extend far beyond ancient texts.
It seems that humanity might have lost a brilliant scientific mind when life led you down the path of religious scholarship, rather than the pursuit of scientific discovery.
That said, I sincerely wish you the best in all your endeavors. While I may feel a sense of disappointment about the path you've taken, it's clear you’re making a meaningful contribution in your own way. The fact that, as an atheist, I still enjoy watching your talks speaks volumes-it shows that your impact transcends our differences, and that, in itself, means something.
But why did God give the power of speech?
Also why no mention of the loss of speech vs mentioning the loss of legs?
Why did the serpent appoach the woman and not the adam when he was being named?
After years of studying evolutionary science...my mind is blown.
Yea I never knew snakes has muscles there where the feet used to be
@@alexanderduff6018 Notice the Chinese dragon, very snake like has legs.
@@hershelfowler6257 makes me wonder if the Chinese knew something we didn’t
@@alexanderduff6018 Perhaps but in the new testament, Jesus calls Satan a dragon. We tend to view the dragon as the western version, but the Chinese dragon lines up with the biblical serpent, and is serpentine in appearance.
There is certainly a lot to be learned by the first story in the Tanakh. However, your explanation is actually adding to Yah's word by how you have taken theatrical licence and I. essence, put your own spin on it.
How about asking the question of, how did the snake get into the garden in the first place or why was the tree in the garden to begin with?
We know that Yah created us to have freewill therefore, he gave us choice. We are free to choose him or not. We are also free to listen to him or listen to man and follow man-made religion/traditions.
Isaiah 8:20.
Lucifer was speaking through the serpent. Lucifer wanted to be like the Most High so he decided to destroy Most High's creation. Lucifer knew/knows how much God loves us.
I have respect for this rabbi ...❤
My parrot speak all the day he even watch movies that he likes!
ROFLOL!!!! Mine does too!!! His name is Echo and he's a loquacious African Grey. See my instagram for pics. :)
your parrot is possessed
I've noticed that suddenly parrots are conversing vs parroting. It's like a Mandela Effect. For once, it's a good one. I've of a parrot ordering its favorite stuff through Alexa.
@Frank Frivilous Pity you don't posses the comprehension or aptitude to study Kabbalah. Only the most learned, wise and disciplined are capable of taking on the exercise of studying and understand Kabbalah. And you are none of those, so stop cherry picking quotes you do not understand and peddle your bible thumping some place else.
@@dyd12345: of great intellect
Did not the snake have a mate? Why would it try to hit on Eve?
I'm a Christian and enjoyed your teaching of Adam and Eve, always thought the serpent was satan, I was wrong. THANK YOU
well of course youre wrong, you wouldnt be a christiqn if you read the 1st 3 books or matthew luke and revelation where jesus reveals hes a blaspheme and lightbringer
Wow..! So thought provoking and delightful to watch and learn from you Rabbi
3. A pressure mechanism set for man 4. man’s inability to deal with the boundaries of life alone 5. The separation of masculinity and femininity in order to handle Gods responsibilities 6 the mechanism of selfish desire vs Gods command 7 the conflict btwn caring for others vs developing things. I’m not sure if Singer is deliberately misguiding non Jews or he’s truly ignorant. Although I have a hard time believing a Rabbi would be broadcasting Gods wisdom to non Jews. Thus I think he is deliberately misleading those not of his faith!
When God punished the serpent, He never said anything about taking away the serpent’s intelligence or the ability to speak. He just punished the serpent by taking away its legs and cursing it’s seed
It doesn't need to, he implies it. Ur argument could be used for God creating Earth, just because he doesnt add every little detail doesn't mean anything. This isn't a tutorial video this is a way of life and history.
Exactly and why would the serpent stop trying to get us to disobey in an effort to prove that man is just a beast
@@Woreless Do you think this inteligent creature still exist ?? Explain, please
9:30 Lilith is mentioned in various ancient Jewish texts, including the Talmud and the Midrash. According to these texts, Lilith was created as the first woman, but refused to submit to Adam and left the Garden of Eden. If you were to include this, would 2 : 19-20 happen after Lilith? I like how the Rabbi stumbled a little while trying to explain what Adam was doing with the Animals. Nice save there Rabbi, you know we both thinking the same thing. This particular passage was changed, and both new and old testaments are worded differently.
I thought nacash meant "shining one"
What an excellent derasha! 👍👍
Another interesting point about the snake that connects to this: The Aramaic word for snake is "חויא", obviously very similar to "חוה"/Eve.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom and have a Shanah Tovah U'mevorachat! 👍🔯💙👍
Close to Arabic: "حية" Hayyah
After Balaam starts punishing thedonkey for refusing to move, it is miraculously given the power to speak to Balaam (Numbers 22:28), and it complains about Balaam's treatment. At this point, Balaam is allowed to see the angel, who informs him that thedonkey is the only reason the angel didnot kill Balaam.
The creation story, including the speaking serpent, is a figurative story. Its meaning is far deeper and more meaningful than if it was literal.
@@Doriesep6622 that's sad
@@nissimlevy3762 The serpent speaking was Satan. What’s sad is your response to truth: it eludes your understanding. It is not entirely your fault: the sociological construct and promulgation of humanistic relativism regarding existential moral degradation is rampant from media and simplistic ideological demigods. Everything you’re exposed to is a lie. There is no truth, except the “truth” you have been made to believe… and your learned “truth” is not the “truth” that your neighbor knows to be “true”. Seek TRUTH. Know reason without emotion. Moral law is truth. Christ Jesus is The Truth. Seek real knowledge and truth: you will find it in Jesus.
You should read Genesis. It is not the only account of creation in scripture, nor is it the oldest writing; it does describe the answers you seek. Genesis, from the start, describes our messiah’s victory over Satan.
Does the Christian believe the serpent spoke to Eve? Yes, if he is Christian. He also believes the donkey spoke to Balaam. Nothing is impossible with God.
Another disheartening reality, it seems, is many Jews fail to believe the Word of God. The serpent spoke to Eve - is not platformed as metaphorical language, nor was it an applied parable. It is stated as fact, without causation of dissection or interpretation. There is no deceptive directive or literary manipulation; it is a clear statement, but I have witnessed many scholars butcher this text. I believe this to be “sad”: taking God’s Word and altering its meaning to fit your personal narrative.
@@patrickstephens1203 I have read Genesis. Your belief system is a lie. But it's not your fault. You have been brainwashed by the lie of Christinanity.
@@nissimlevy3762 I suppose we will both know after death.
@@patrickstephens1203 Correct. There is so much to this encounter that people overlook.
And about quetzalcoatl ? Thé feathered serpent of Mayans?
Was it a serpent only, or did it have humanoid characteristics?
Eve didn't think it was strange that the "serpent" could speak, so maybe they could speak to each other.
Rabbi, with respect, comprehend the serpent WAS, an upright walking, talking, intelligent reasoning humanoid creature, created by Ha Shem. Have read, and know, all animals were created ,
only man was "made" by Ha Shem, WITH A SOUL. 1) Is the Torah silent on the serpent's gender ? 2) Was the garden "test" to find out if Adam would "mix seed" DNA to create a new genetic line he could be the "king" over that Ha Shem stopped ? 3) Did Adam mix seed with a serpent female? 4) Was Eve impregnated by a male serpent? 5) Summarily, was the serpent a rejected female bent on having Adam reject his wife for her ? The Master of the Universe has me thinking and questioning.
In the scriptures the taking away of speech was not apart of the curse
In the scriptures there is no first amendment.
amazing new slant to the story. thank you.
It's not that a serpent spoke, it's that Satan, in the form of a serpent spoke.
Sean Chaney basically we should support the fallen ones against the slave empire. Eat the apples.
Sean Chaney
The serpent was said to be a serpent, not a “rogue angel”
ronald ferguson knowledge of good and evil you’ve got to make a wise choice. The gods are ancestors
Thank you rabbi!
In this I have to disagree with Rabbi. From what I understand of the word serpent, the etymology of the word speaks volumes.
נָחַשׁ nâchash, naw-khash'; a primitive root; properly, to hiss, i.e. whisper a (magic) spell; generally, to prognosticate:-× certainly, divine, enchanter, (use) ×enchantment, learn by experience, × indeed, diligently observe.
The scripture states that there is to be enmity between the seed of the serpent and the seed of Eve. In Gen 1:26 man is given dominion over everything that is on the earth. One cannot have enmity with something that you have dominion over. I have no hostility nor hatred towards chickens. They are simply a source of food. The beast does not have the capacity for enmity. I can eat chicken in front of a chicken and it wil not hate me. The nachash or "serpent" walks, speaks and has intellect AND reproduces, has offspring. This is a being like unto man but not COMPARABLE to him.
+Nathan Sanders The serpent was the Devil. He either materialized as a serpent or puppeted one. Possibly, he had the serpent eat a forbidden fruit before speaking, reinforcing the idea that it was beneficial and gave wisdom.
(Revelation 12:9) So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth;
That Satan was in Eden is shown by:
(Ezekiel 28:12) “You were the model of perfection, Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
13 You were in Eʹden, the garden of God.
14 I assigned you as the anointed covering cherub.
You were on the holy mountain of God, and you walked about among fiery stones.
15 You were faultless in your ways from the day you were created
Until unrighteousness was found in you.
17 Your heart became haughty because of your beauty.
You corrupted your wisdom because of your own glorious splendor.
I will throw you down to the earth.
(John 8:44) The Devil . . . was a murderer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of the lie.
Satan told the first lie when he slandered God to Eve and said she would not die. He thus became a murderer.
See here for more info:
Nathan Saunders very similar to Islamic explanation of what the Jinn are
It was cursed to it's stomach and eat dusk it was a literal serpent, think mythological dragons and dinosaurs vs. Snake, alligator, lizards , eels and so on. Even turtles
Nathan Saunders
Exactly! In addition, the nachash has aspects of a serpentine humanoid who practices divination. Adding "nachash" as an adjective, we also see that it means "brazen" and "bright". So now we have a bright and brazen serpentine humanoid who practices divination.
OaklandCalifornia Hebrew
Genesis 3:14 "...upon your belly shalt you go, and dust shalt you eat all the days of your life..."
This is a pronouncement of judgment on hannachash ("the serpent") to be sent to sheol.
+A Different Take, the rest of verse 17 says: "I made a spectacle of you before kings." Before which kings was Satan made spectacle"? I know how badly you want to believe Satan was in Eden, where does Ezekiel say "Satan"? So sad for you. Consider repenting to Hashem and move away from your false religion. Read on to verses 18 and 19, understand the context and let me know with certainty who Ezekiel is talking about.
Your quotes to the NT are worthless by the way, not the word of Hashem.
This is really good. Its so good to know there are other people that take the Bible literally also.
I always love to read the thoughts of my fellow beings. Maybe one day we get the whole picture?
That was the most a unique interpretation of the snake story I've ever heard. I guess accepting the creation story as literal takes one down uncommon interpretive paths. I wonder also how one's doctrine is influenced when scripture is taken literally as in this case.
Most christians interpret the scriptures literally with no understanding , like the two trees are not literal trees they are persons one is christ tree of life and Satan tree of good evil ,like when jesus said i am the bread of life it didnt mean he was a loaf of bread - or i am the Door he is not a literal door
@@kenhankin5073 jesus has nothing to do with the adam and eve story. He is just a false prophet who lived much later, 2000 years ago
@@kenhankin5073 that's so incorrect. Just as bad as what they believe
I love it when many here come and say that his interpretation is wrong, insulting him and what not. But the Christian world has accepted as a fact, not an interpretation or mere opinion, that the fruit was an actual apple.
The apostle Paul said to examine everything and retain the good things.
Where did you get that opinion?
First off. What the piece of fruit actually is ( beyond curiosity) is irrelevant. Some believe it to be allegorical but the authors of genesis believed it was real.
Now obviously forbidden fruit or low hanging fruit is a metaphor to describe something that looks good on the surface level but is not a good idea.
But the metaphor obviously obtained an origin. The trees were more significant than the fruit, for what each represented, and what allegiance to each tree would bear a certain result.. Or fruit.
As for the piece of fruit, it could have been a fig, quince or plum tree for all we know. All fruit trees of the middle east and very old.
I'm actually writing a paper partially on this topic that I will present in December at a conference at Oxford in England.
"The serpent beguiled me and I did eat" was a lie told by Eve to cover up the real culprit.... You can tell it was a lie in the interchanges with Leah and Rachel during the mandrake story in Genesis 30 and the story of Jacob and his wives fleeing laban in Genesis 31. Rachel was trying to get pregnant. She was barren. She tried to use the mandrakes her nephew Reuben had in order to get pregnant. They didn't work. When she was leaving her father's village with Jacob, she stole his idols. When Laban caught up with Jacob, and inspects their caravan for his missing idols, he approaches Rachel so he can inspect her bag. Rachel then responds in Genesis 31:35 "Rachel said to her father, "Don't be angry, my lord, that I cannot stand up in your presence; I'm having my period." So he searched but could not find the household gods. If you remember the Mandrake story in the previous chapter you can recall that she wanted the mandrakes (love apple) so she can get pregnant. Now, without saying why she stole the idols, the intuitive reader should be able to deduce that she stole the idols in order to get pregnant and have children. But that is not all. God calls Laban and tells him in a dream, not to say anything "good or evil". He says this twice, signifying its significance. If you pay attention to the use of the mandrakes in the previous chapter and the small idols in this one, one should be able to deduce that that the mandrakes and the idols represent the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Rachel stole her daddy's idols like Eve stole God's fruit. What saved Rachel from Laban is what saved the jews during the exodus and God's fury against the children of Eve... the blood of the Lamb (Rachel's name in hebrew means ewe or lamb and the fact she was on her period is a play on the blood of the lamb scene during the Exodus)
You don't really have to look that hard to figure that this interpretation is correct. It should be noted that the same way you spell Eve in hebrew is the same way you spell serpent in old Aramaic. Let me repeat that. Eve's name spelled out in Hebrew is the same spelling for Serpent in Old Aramaic. In other words Eve is the serpent, or she's playing a bitter price for her lie. The serpent itself could be an angel or God speaking thru the animal. In my mind Eve covered for an Angel of light by implicating the serpent. But the whole "the serpent beguiled me I did eat..." thing was a lie. But God knows it was a lie, but he's still using the metaphor (which is a great metaphor by the way) to describe human character traits.
But if God is all knowing and a just God why he had to punish/curse the serpent who, in your opinion, seems to be innocent, and why didn't he punish or curse only Eve and Adam
I like your explanation better.Cudos to you for your hard studies.Good Luck and God Bless
Fantastic, thank God.
Thank you for explaining this story rabbi. I would also like to know isn't this something god had planned to let happen? Because Adam and eve's purpose is not to live in Eden forever immortal... correct me if I'm wrong
It would of been theirs for the taking if they hadnt broke the command
The Book Of Genesis never mentioned how long Adam and Eve would live, when in the Garden Of Eden. Until they ate the forbidden fruit of the tree. God, told Adam and Eve, that if they ate of the forbidden fruit, they would surely die. God didn't say when. But, they would die. They did eventually.
Yes you are right trevor
I have been trying to teach my dog to talk for years now he still has not said a word.
My dog understands if i say come ,go fetch, are you hungry? and sometimes roll over ..in english...
Up to this moment i can't understand one word of dog..much more to speak dog.,but ...
If i ask him if he is hungry he promptly says ..".yup"
If i point to the ceiling and ask what is that? you will not believe it but he says "Roof"....
Thank you so true. God is the creator of all life. Also read Numbers 22:21-29 Balaam’s donkey also spoke
The snake was Lucifer. Lucifer wanted to be like God and be worshipped. God threw him out of heaven because of this and he was thus on the earth. Lucifer hated mankind because he was told that man was made in the image of God. Therefore man was a little higher than the angels. And originally Lucifer was the highest angel, before he was cast out of heaven. So he was insanely jealous and hated mankind. So what was his real motive....to destroy mankind and their relationship with God. God said "the wages of sin is death". This was the penalty for eating of the tree. Now mankind needed to be reconciled with God because the devil drove a wedge between mankind and God. Whenever man sinned after that he had to make a burnt offering to God to cover their sins. But this was not enough. It only covered the sins, it did not remove them. So God came up with a way to reconcile mankind to himself. He would send his messiah, Jesus into the world to take on the sin of the world...to take on the penalty for each person's sin upon himself. He did this by being crucified on the cross. He is the Son of the Living God. He had the power to give up his life and being God, take it back up again. He died on the cross and 3 days later he rose from the dead and had conquered death forever. Whoever believes in him will have eternal life with the Father in heaven. Praise be to God forever and ever!
And the Bible said
Jewsus is Lucifer the bright morning star ..
Christianity is basically worshiping Lucifer satan in flesh and known as a luciferian cult.
Steve King, the Quran has a similar story to yours.
+Kedar Usman Ibn Ishmaeli So your Allah was a dead idol on the kabaa pagan shrine which your false prophet Muhammad make you muslims believe its a real god who started the biggest curse on this world.
@@ALC6501 Lucifer is not the devil and Jesus is not Lucifer. U intentionally twisted it.
Adam and Eve, were they able to talk in Parseltongue, were they both Parselmouth?
That’s not funny actually
Your grammar is killing!
Anger is cruel, and wrath is like a flood, but jealousy is even more dangerous. Proverbs 27:4
I've seen photos on RUclips of ancient tile wall murals that depict a four legged serpentine creature. It had a serpent's head, very long neck, scaly body, and long tail. I believe that was how the serpent that beguiled Eve looked. All God had to do is to remove it's legs, and you have the serpents of today.
how such a silly story satisfies an inquisitive mind is the greatest mystery of all and to spend so much time on every little detail is exhausting to listen too I will continue watching other videos to try and get a general idea about the page itself peace
Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
@@vernivon2856 plagiarism
Wow wow wow 👏
Mind blowing
Thank you!!
Probably the most convoluted explanation I've heard yet. Along the same lines as the 'Serpent seed doctrine'
Jewish fundamentalism perhaps?
This Rabbi is nothing but convoluted.
@@joshuabean9409: Your inability to understand what the rabbi said, does not make HIM "convoluted" - it makes YOU too willfully ignorant and arrogant to do further research on the subject until you DO understand. Consider that! I understood what he said just fine, and so did others.
@@janishart5128 if I had an "inability" to understand the explanation, what good would research serve to aid my arrogant
ignorance? I should add attacks on my person do not defend any argument. I must ask, why assume I am ignorant because I feel his explanation is nonsense?
@@joshuabean9409: YOU are the one who claimed that the rabbi is "convoluted", meaning you can't follow what he's saying - because the REST OF US followed him just fine! THAT'S why I said what I said. Research on how your false, pagan religion started shouldn't present any comprehension problems for you - it would be just a straight forward search. BTW, Rabbi Singer is NEVER "convoluted" - remember that!! He's an extremely learned man, in Judaism, Christianity and Islam (and maybe a few other false religions) and knows those religions FAR better than their own leaders.
This is so slow that I nearly fell asleep… in fact the ‘serpent’ was not an animal .. it was an arc Angel that became jealous because God/Yahweh showed favouritism to Adam over all other creation and so he refused to honour man. When God/Yahweh created a companion for him, the arc Angel assumed that he would have to serve man instead of God. So by making Man fall from grace he believed he would regain Gods favour. He then disguised himself as a serpent to trick Eve because she was created to serve Adam and not God. Since Adam had command over all living thing, he would not have paid any attention to the serpent. So the serpent decided to get to Adam through Eve because she gathered food for both of them. Why Eve wasn’t amazed that the serpent could talk could be because she had no power over living creatures and so did not know… that’s my take🙂
It's amazing that someone who is intelligent and can do a great job logically criticising Christianity can believe in mythical stories like talking snakes and the creation myth. The story is so bad that Yahweh says don't eat from that tree or you will die but the talking serpent says that won't happen and he was right. The Genesis story is wrong, it didn't happen, but can be discussed as an analysis of fiction not fact.
That one was hard to watch. Childhood indoctrination is a very powerful thing.
You stupid.
I love Rabbi Tovia and he's a great blessing in my life. However... there are other questions to ask about Gen 3 temptation. For example: why did Adam leave his new-love alone in the garden? Was he having a beer and watching the football game? If Adam was really so lonely - would he not have stayed with her?
Another interesting question is "who actually sinned?" According to Gen. 2:16 "...the Lord God commanded the man..." And Eve was not yet created, as such the Lord God's "command" was not made upon her. At least not expressly and not indisputably. In other words, Eve was free to eat the fruit and doing so was not sin.
The sin was Adam's, because the Lord God's command was directed to him. Perhaps Adam could raise a product-liability complaint against the Lord God and claim that the woman was defective. But the Lord God's command did not appear to have any exceptions. So, Adam was the sinner even if Eve ate the fruit before him, and regardless of what the serpent said to her.
Why blame the snake? Why blame Eve? That's a problem for the Rabbi's religion.
BTW Rabbi sir, the Creator does not create useless appendages in his bio-creation. The snake appendages have useful purposes - whether you recognize them or not.
@@SalvagedCowboy Thx. I'm re-considering my hypothesis.
@@SalvagedCowboy I re-considered, and I think Eve had some information, because she referred to "...the fruit of a tree which is in the midst of the garden..." and "...the fruit of the trees of the garden..." Gen 3: 2-3.
On the other hand, the serpent seems to have lead Eve by asking her about "...every tree of the garden...." Gen (3).
It's also plausible that Eve got instructions from Adam, because the lord god instructed Adam about "...the tree of knowledge of good and evil" per Gen 2: 17.
On the other hand, If Adam had instructed Eve about the "tree of knowledge of good and evil" in that case Eve may have referred explicitly to the same tree that Adam referred to. But she didn't. Eve and Satan referred to different trees.
So, there's a potential dispute.
Was it an earth made animal or was it an angel?
Like the ones that were called seraphim
It was a GOD-made animal, just like all the other animals on Earth.
Interesting Theory I am a believer of God and I am a strong believer of everything that's in the Bible nothing I agree or disagree I just find your theory interesting and another outlook on why this occurred
Animals communicate my friend. Birds and other animals have a language. You may not speak monkey but they understand each other.
Animals do not have language but sounds to communicate. Language was given by God and he has given intellect to learn and interpret which NO ANIMALS can do.
Lol. Do YOU speak monkey then?
Animas don’t read poetry , they only make basic sounds to communicate. It is not an full sentence type of thing. It is not a language… some can mimic but no dice vocally.
Communication isn't the same thing as language...
@@FollowerofYeshua126 so what would you do if say dolphins or crows were proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that they have a language? I mean they can remember things for up to many years, from lifelong relationships with each other respectfully and even have a really good memory.
It's amazing to me that Singer, for all his knowledge and intelligence, believes that the tales in Genesis are historical.
Geo fromNJ that’s the only thing he can do to make an easy living. Don’t blame him
The Serpent is metaphorical for what these days we call the Ego. The voice in the head that talks to us and tempts us. We all have an ego and so we all have our own serpent tempting us out of our garden. Just a thought.
Redžep The first thing is the story is mythical. In other words, it is not a historical fact but it contains truth. The next thing is the serpent is NOT the baddie in the story. In fact, if you carefully examine what the snake says and what God says you'll see it is the snake who is telling the truth and the one who helps the humans and is the hero of the story. I refer you to (Genesis 2:16-17; 3:2). The snake tells them the fruit is NOT poisonous but would give them knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3:4-5). So either God is telling the truth or the snake. But once they ate the fruit they did not die and their eyes were opened as (Genesis 3:7) confirms and God acknowledged that the humans had gotten the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3:22). Plainly it was God who lied and wished to keep the humans in the dark and the snake told the truth so that the humans gained knowledge to think for themselves about good and evil. The question is who does 'God' in this story represent?
@@TMH78 Saying someone is wrong without proof, is futile. I have stated my case based on the correct exegesis of scripture which you can verify by carefully examining the texts cited. Now, instead of generating heat instead of light, please present your rebuttal to the contrary and back it up qualitative data.
@@TMH78 Is English your second language? Let me put it to you very simply so that even a student with limited knowledge of the English language would understand. Your posts reveal a serious lack of theological understanding and a very childlike misunderstanding of what Genesis is all about. With your level of knowledge, you most probably will not understand anything I say, but because you have engaged in this discourse, you might be ready to grow and learn. God creates Adam and Eve and tells them to keep their hands off a specific tree in the garden in which they live (Genesis 2:16-17 ; 3:2). He warns them it is deadly poison: if they eat it, they will die the SAME DAY (Genesis 2:17). Having eaten of the fruit what actually happened? Firstly, they don't die and Adam lived 930 years. Secondly, their eyes are opened (Genesis 3:7). You do err not knowing the scriptures TMH 78. Now go and study prayerfully the Word before engaging in biblical matters the meaning of which you are but dimly aware.
THM 78 God acknowledged that the serpent told the truth. God said, "Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil.” But I see the serpent swallowed up in God.
Finally someone with some sense.
What's the consensus on Rabbi Manis Friedman's explanation on the Eden story?
I love this guy! I've gotten a lot of good information and insight from him. Since I don't recall seeing anything whatsoever along the lines of what he's talking about here, I'm assuming it is his simply his theory, although he speaks of it as if it is fact.
Pure speculation. Feel free to disregard.
Gen 2 (around verse 18 or so), It is not good that man should be alone so God immediately makes the animals (out of order with Gen 1 where God made the animals before Man), Adam is tasked here with naming them but the scriptures make a point that he couldn't find a helpmate (spouse or mate) among them so God instead makes the women. Nothing he said here was pulled out of thin air, every last bit has scriptural justification. Listen carefully and actually read those sections of scripture. It may surprise you that it says this stuff.
that is great, but what about Genesis 3:15??
It means that serpent is not an animal, unless this chapter is stating a fact that there will be a real enmity between Man and the serpents.
Its allegorical--even early Christians (Origen for example) treated it as such. Philo also understood the allegorical nature of scripture.
I disagree with your interpretation. God didn't bring all the animals. God formed certain animals in front of Adam. That is why you have birds coming from the water in Genesis 1 and God forming birds ( certain birds) from the ground. I think ( my opinion) God formed all the "clean" animals in front of Adam.
Also Satan wanted to hurt the relationship between God and mankind. Not between Man and woman.
Sadik Meah
One, they weren’t in heaven but the Garden of Eden here on the earth.
Two, God created the serpent to be crafty....
So they weren't in heaven?
And even if they weren't in heaven didn't God warn them to be aware of a devious serpent lurking in their midst??? Wouldn't you warn your kids of the dangers of walking alone at night?
So your reply raises more questions than answers
@@sadikmeah4057 Neanderthal, that your answer, plain and simple...
The Neanderthal is quite literally the "Serpent in the Garden"
Jewish people lies a lot, see how he is struggling to explain n defend their myths..lie lie lie pant on fire..The creator has not chosen any race or tribe to be his or her mouthpiece...
There isn't enough words to explain why G-d does everything he does. I would assume that part of the reason a serpent was in the garden was to be a companion/friend.
The real question is why did eve speak with the snake?
No where in the bible or Torah does it say Adam felt alone or lonely
Go read it again.
Genesis 2:18
God, not Adam said it us not good for nab to be alone, I will make a fitting helper for him.upon seeing everyone Adam,
In:2:23 States "this one, AT LAST, is bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh
HaShem said that it was not good for Adam to be alone....
@@trulifrea8073 what is your 'nab'?
Who told you that all animals could not speak at that time? That would explain why Everyone wasn't shocked when the serpent spoke......
This is his opinion of why the serpent tempted Eve not a biblical explicit quote. Also why the serpent had this choice to do bad? The serpent had free will?
The serpent did not have free will. Only man has free will. Not animals, not angels, only man.
I had a conversation with ants yesterday. They speak Aramaic.
It depends. The red ants speak Ning-Ting-Ting. The ones from the South however, speak a dialect with a heavier accent.
Hahaha Gold😂
That serpent of Adam and Eves that walks and talks it still exists on hell. they are deamons who have human like body but face of lizards.
Makes sense. But, I feel something is missing. Where is this creature? Why does god talk about his descendants???...
That's a good story! Even tho it doesn't line up with my beliefs!
That’s because this story is not biblical, no where near the truth...
YOUR beliefs are actually irrelevant! What you SHOULD be asking yourself, is: "What did GOD say to us about this subject?"! PLEASE do some honest research on your false, pagan religion (or lack of religion) and you WILL discover that it absolutely did NOT come from God, Creator of the universe.
@@Biblecomprehension: Your reply is extremely foolish, willfully ignorant, and not well-thought-out! Rabbi Singer's JOB is to STUDY the original Hebrew scriptures as given by GOD, to Moses on Mt. Sinai, therefore you just called GOD a LIAR!! (God forbid!!)
@@janishart5128 , they kept on studying but they never learnt that's why they nailed Him on the cross.
@@janishart5128 ,
Tell me a crawler that eats dusts.
If you can't show me that, i must tell you that where you belong to is fake because i can show you one.
Thank you, that was helpful!
The Lord G-d can speak through anything.....
satan had power given to him by G-d and entered the body of the snake and spoke to Eve through it.... the snake itself didn’t speak.....
Rabbi.... you talk rubbish....
Where do you find that in the Bible? you don't , you're talking out of ignorance.
That's odd, all the rabbi's including this one would disagree. What is your degree in the field?
Did you watch the video? Jews have a different view of Satan than Christians. According to the Jews the serpent was just that, a serpent. Besides that Satan can only do what God allows, such as in the case that God made a bet with Satan that Job would remain faithful no matter what. The serpent whatever you make of him was only doing what God allowed.
The snake was not "Satan". You inject an understanding from later books of the Bible. However, even by the book of Job, "satan" is not the name of a biblical character. It's the noun used to describe someone. "Satan" as a name is a late development. So yes, the writers of Genesis had no knowledge of any satans or a guy named Satan.
Putting some thought into this: If you look at Genesis, the first time the Torah says, "וידבר", "and He spoke" was to Noach (Noah) when G-d commanded him to leave the Teivah (Ark) all the way in Chapter 8, verse 15, up until then the Torah ALWAYS uses the phrase, "ויאמר", " and He said". I think the difference is thus: "and He said" or "anybody said" means any method of 'communication'. Communication can come through gesture, prophesy, any way to convey a message from one person to another, or even from one creature to another. The Nachash (Serpent) didn't speak with words, he communicated with Adom and Chava either through a prophesy like telepathy or more likely with sounds that the Snake would make and yet Adom and Chava were able to understand his language and vise versa. The Sages clearly say the King Solomon understood the languages of the animals and even the trees. Adom and Chava before the Chet (sin) possessed a sublime intellect, likely greater than Shlomo Hamelech. When Hashem communicated with the Prophets, which was with prophesy, the Prophet invariably when relating what G-d said always says, "כה אמר ה", "So says Hashem", with the phrase אמר, not "כה דבר ה", "So spoke with words Hashem". It would appear that Hashem actually spoke 'Words' to people when it was a seminal moment, like the command to come out of the Ark, or especially when giving the Torah to the Jews on Mount Sinai which specifically uses the phrase, "וידבר", " and He spoke (words)". Before the giving of the Torah, Hashem communicated with Moshe (Moses) only though prophesy, ויאמר, but after the giving of the Torah, Hashem spoke words with him very frequently. So bottom line: The Serpent did not speak with words, it communicated with Adom and Chava in another way that was not speech based.
That escalated quickly, from implausible to wild imagination unplugged.
Rabbi, Snakes with legs falling off? C'mon. lol.... I could tell you something about the Serpent. The Serpent was a being. As matter of historical reference and fact, The name is Nin.gish.zidda. Called, "The Serpent of the Good Tree." Nin.Gish.Zidda, was one of two, (Like the angels) that stood at the gates, When Adapa went before AN=Heaven, then found that Adapa had missed out on immortality, and was sent back to the dust, the dirt, the ground= The earth. Eyah or EA or Enki, YAH, Told Adapa, not to eat nor drink from the offering. The serpent is an Androgynous being. Just as the Seraphim are serpents as well. The Burning ones, the Shining ones. We know who these Seraphim are?.. They are ancient Gods of the Levant. Most interesting, isn't it?
Thank you for the video. Great insight.
MrJohnboy1965 This has nothing to do with the Occult, nor the insinuations that have been put forth. This is called History. I teach comparative religion, that focuses upon ancient writings and cultures of the ANE. Satan, and all of the other occultic semantics, didn't exist in those times as what is represented within the Christian narrative. Not even the Jewish belief in Judaism give such credence to what you have implied. For your information, What I am speaking of, does not have anything to do with , "New Age", these are ancient text, written long before the Tanakh, or the bible was written for that matter. The reference was for the Rabbi. The Rabbi, I'm sure knows what I am talking about. Scholars, have to know about these things. That is why it is always insightful to know what you're talking about when writing or speaking, so insinuations and accusations of things you do not understand, will not end up looking foolish. You state, I don't understand what I am talking about, because some entity called, "Satan", lead me down some rabbit hole. Do you realize how biased you are? So many, full of bias. By the way, If you want to speak of a Destroyer, which is the prince of the Air, his name is EN.LIL. There is your SATAN. I forgive you. You just lack education in this particular academic. Have a beautiful day.
Enki35Productions, It seems to me that 'Adam' means human being. And a talking serpent and all of that strongly suggest that we are moving in the world of myth, not historical fact. To say Satan did not exist in those ancient times is simply not true. As a case in point, we see Satan being an agent of God in Job.
Arikm7 What historical facts? The serpent in the Genesis story is not Satan and it's not even evil. But Satan found elsewhere in the Bible as cited in the book of Job is not historical too. In fact, many modern Christians do not believe, in the literal existence of Satan, angels and demon possession. They are all myth, not historical fact, so I fully agree. However, myth is a human way of discovering truth through a fanciful tale.
Arikm7 Ok. I got it and we are reading from the same hymn sheet. Even so, the very idea of development from the undifferentiated energy of the Big Bang to the complex sentient life-forms of our planet suggests a purpose, in the development of rational, moral and conscious beings from a primitive mass of insentient energy. Science can be an ally of religion; but the form of that religion will have moved far beyond strict adherence to the pre-scientific beliefs of the world's scriptures.
Evolutionists tell people that a land animal's legs fell off, its nose traveled to the top of its head, grew to a ridiculously enormous for no reason at all and became a whale.
Rabbi, next video request please: Why a person should subscribe to the Rabbinite system vs Karaite. This could would be a useful aid in making a personal decision. Thanks.
The oral Torah is an integral part of the Torah
Karaite system was first organised for political reasons. Secondly, a common complaint or sinisicm people often have with regards to the rabbi's and oral law, is they have had decided to just create ideas and prohibitions or have added unnecessary stringencies. The simpl truth is that it really isn't to do with their (the rabbi's) opinion, laws have been passed down since Moses, many of which wouldn't make any sense without oral traditions. Even the vowels in the Torah are oral tradition. Without these many traditions, it would be very hard - virtually impossible - to understand or keep certain commandments that are found in the written Torah.
This is incorrect!
is he from italian heritage?
How subtle is a talking snake? This is the symbolic representation of the fallen angel.
The idea of "Fallen Angels" is an oxymoron. The reason being; Angels are immortal and they do the Will of God and they are ministering spirits. If you believe Angels can sin, then you believe in immortal sinners. There are no immortal sinners in God's Heaven and there will be no immortal sinners in the Kingdom of God, which Christ will restore and hand back to God when the last enemy; sin and death, have been destroyed.
The Serpent is personification representng the deceitful human heart; Jeremiah 17:9; Mark 7:21-23; James 1:13-16; Rom 8:7
You mean the bnei helokim that liked the daugjters of men. Rashi says that the serpent wanted to marry Eve.
@@bramleycookingapple No, through Adam's perfection a struggling angel remains, a struggling angel, with no power to influence human society towards evil selfishness, through immature, and disobedient man's correlative base for satanic accusation.
This is why Jesus is rightly referred to as the Last Adam. Unlike Adam who was pushed into a messianic role when Eve fell, and threw away his mission, Yahashua did not throw away his mission.
If YAHOVAH decides not to intervene in His children's folly, why would anyone assume a human being, albeit a "Messiah" could succeed better than Hashem?
When we don't understand Predestination and freewill, many strange impressions develop about YAHOVAH.
YAHOVAH is the king of the earth, and Father of spirits, and the ruler according to Psalms 50:10, and God is also the Parent of mankind according to: Deut 32:6 ; Isa 63:16; 64:8 ; Jeremiah 3:4 Jeremiah 3:19 ;31:9 ; Mal 1:6 ; 2:10 ; 2 Sam 7:14 ; 1 Chron 17:13 ; 22:10 ; 28:6 ; Psalm 68:5 ; 89:26, accordingly these titles should have been installed on earth as the Parents Right, and the Kings Right in human society as God recognized the correct level of maturity in man. As the Last Adam, scripture tells us Jesus grew in stature, and at the point where Adam fell, Jesus overcame. This victory is available for all, just as Adam's victory would have been for all of God's lineage.
3. Regarding Freewill:
Bible verses emphasizing man's responsibility:
(Jn. 3:16) - Those who believe have eternal life
(Rom. 5:1) - By justification through faith, peace is produced with God.
(Eph. 2:8) - Through faith, you are saved. (You can receive salvation)
(Mt. 7:7) - Ask it will be given to you. Seek-you will find. Knock-the door will be opened.
(Rev. 3:20) - If you open the door I will come to you.
(Mk. 5:34) - Your faith has healed you.
(Jn. 9:11) - Washed eyes and could see.
(Jas. 5:15) - Prayer of faith can make the sick person well.
(Gen. 6:5-6) - God felt repentance, sorrow and grief because of man's evil.
(I Sam. 15:11) - God repented and grieved that he made Saul king.
(II Sam. 24:16) - God repented for punishing the people too much.
(Jnh. 3:10) - God repented of his intention to punish the people because they turned from their evil ways.
(Eze. 33:11-15) - God does not want to punish the wicked if they repent and change their evil ways.
(Ex. 3:7-8) - God has sympathy for the Israelites and wants to take them from Egypt to Canaan.
(Gen. 22:12) - He said, "Don't lay your hand on the boy! Don't do anything to him! For now I know that you are a man who fears God, because you have not withheld your son, your only son, from me."
(Jer. 19:5) - And they have built the high places of Baalim, to burn their children with fire for a holocaust to Baalim: which I did not command, nor speak of, neither did it once come into my mind.
Did God foresee child sacrifice on the altar of Molech? Did He require Lucifer and Principalities to fall, as part of His plan? God gives us clarification:
"You have burned your sons and daughters in the fires of Molech, something I did not command you to do, nor did it enter into my mind". ~ Jeremiah
Obviously freewill is important or God wouldn't be emphasizing and highlighting its accomplishment over its failure.
God uses the conjunction "If" throughout His Providence to restore mankind.
In the beginning of history, God says, Do not eat of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Here, God does not speak idle words. God actually gave our ancestors the opportunity to be successful, and God as a parent wanted this success.
YAHOVAH seeth that abundant is the wickedness of man in the earth, and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart only evil all the day; and YAHOVAH repenteth that He hath made man in the earth, and He grieveth Himself -- unto His heart.
What does it really mean for a pure Being such as God to grieve? The answer to this question can be attained by asking God.
God did not place the spiritual being depicted as a serpent in the garden in order to induce in Adam and Eve spiritual growth. This ancient serpent who is called the devil and Satan, should have assisted in the growth of the original ancestors of mankind, not participated in their demise. No one needs to eat soap before going into a fine French Restaurant in order to appreciate the cuisine. Joy wells up unto eternity.
@@margasa7 I do not mean what I think you are suggesting, There are no such things as fallen Angels of God which are holy. When "angels" mean human messengers such as priests, ministers etc., then since all men have sinned, that means all men are fallen and human angels (messengers) are fallen.
The sons of god which married the daughters of men, are all to do with humans. Pre flood from the time of Adam, the human race got more and more sinful, until God caused the Flood to kill them all. Those who were godly, and called "the sons of god" (of which you could be one), became corrupted by their assocation with the ungodly (the daughters of men). Whether by marriage or just association, the godly became corrupted. You only have to think how Solomon married women of other nations and he was corrupted. I like to think by the end of his life, he came to his senses and returned to God.
@@lakevacm Thank you for your long response. I agree with much of what you have said and with all you have quoted, though we will disagree in the interpretation of some of those verses.
You say "No, through Adam's perfection a struggling angel remains, a struggling angel, with no power to influence human society towards evil selfishness, through immature, and disobedient man's correlative base for satanic accusation."
I know of no struggling Holy Angel of God. It is not God's Holy Angel's responsibility to bring any accusation against humans.
It is my understanding as I have tried to explain, Serpent/Devil/Satan are one of the same and are personifications representing human sin and the cause of sin. Jesus tells us that all evil come from within each one of us. There is no other entity, such as God's Holy Angels to accuse for our sin. We are not tempted by a supernatural being. All the evil in the world stems from mens' thinking and actions. Only when reading Serpent/Devil/Satan, should we look for a human connection. that is the cause of the sin.
Eve is of the same DNA as Adam. She would be his twin or a clone. Animals are very capable of communicating with each other as are humans. Language is taught by parents. Babies don't just come out speaking they have to learn it.
I knew the serpent was a female 😂 it only makes sense: "every precious jewel was your covering"
The serpent was a go-between, a medium, yes, a "Patsy" for Lucifer, but not female. Lucifer was clever enough not to appear as himself if he didn't need to (adds to the mystery, which also gives a sense of myth). Lucifer was the bejeweled one, not the serpent. By the way, there are no angels of the female gender.
Dont know about the snake but satan the devil is always refered to as a male.....i think he might of been gay...
@@truthfound1 God is referred to as a "he" but that doesn't mean that is the case. As for Satan's sexuality, if such a thing exists with angels, you didn't get that from reading scripture 😂
@@josephglover4546 the bible says God made man in his image when he spoke of adam ...he didnt say he made woman in his image...
They are both "man", reina:
Genesis 5
2Male and female He created them, and He blessed them, and He named them man (Adam) on the day they were created.
The problem I have with this interpretation is that although science has discovered that serpents did indeed once of legs, this happened millions of years prior to humans and would not have this ability by the time the human specie arrived. Also, Torah says that the serpent was shrewd, not meaning having human intelligence but being resourceful within its habitat when compared to other animals. This removes the idea that the serpent had the gift of language since the Torah says it would crawl on its belly and eat dust as a curse, not lose its ability to speak. My theory is that divinity allowed the serpent to speak just as the donkey in the time of Baalam spoke when the presence of an angel appeared. Perhaps the non regaining of the serpents legs is what the curse really referred to. One ounce of evidence for this was research conducted on serpents recently to bring back legs in baby snakes, but the limbs only lasted temporarily. Scientists were baffled and still do not know why the process regressed back to lose of the limbs.
Repent of Evolution garbage.
Mr tee Repent of what??? My comment clearly stated that divinity was in place not evolution. Although I do not believe it took six days either, nor should Torah be interpreted as such.
It's six days for Creation, Repent.
Mr tee that's incorrect, I suggest you look up the alternate meanings of the Hebrew word 'Yom' and apply it to the correct context in Gen. 1:1, and Gen. 1:7-9. You'll see that heaven and earth is referring to atmosphere and land which means the actual planet was already there for an unknown period of time. By science, we know this period, 4.5 Billion years.
Could this guy speak any slower?
Guess not
*mike mikes:* Put the playback speed on 1-1/2 - then he sounds normal. This happens on some videos for some reason.
I had to speed him up.
Keep in mind that mostly Christians watch this stuff... I'll explain the joke later. 😉
So if the serpent was an animal, does that mean there were male and female serpents and offspring serpents that just died out?
Seems like a lot of speculation but interesting to listen to nonetheless.
Y ahora que debes sentirte mal por escuchar tonteras, puedes ir y hacer algo útil con tu tiempo...
I think you have it wrong, the Torah is understood by the people that read it in it's original Hebrew, you do know he's Jewish right? Moreover, it's the christians that speculate because they skim through the bible in a convenient language and in most cases don't get it right.
The question I'd ask is not 'why would the snake want Eve to eat the apple', but rather" why would grown, educated adults believe the creation story is a documentary account?
Because there's no evidence that it isn't & the fact that serpents today have the muscles for legs is a major factor.
Iv always asked why the Lord why he Created Mosquitoes in the first place!
To feed the bats...
Wah? Mosquitoes were not harmful either but the fall of man made even the mosquitoes to cause diseases to him
In explaining why God created animals before humans, the Talmud suggests that should man ever become arrogant, he should be told that “even a mosquito preceded you” (Sanhedrin 38a).
Could it be that the serpent was a Naga, a cross between a human and a serpent as created by the Annunki mentioned in the Summarian text?
Could it be the the serpent once had wings and legs and ability to speak but, was cursed by God to lose its wings and legs and crawl upon it's belly, eating dust instead of speaking?
Is it possible the serpent had the ability of telepathic communication?
Or, is it possible that humans could speak the language of the animals?
Didn't God make a donkey talk to Balam?
Yes! God can do anything! Think on that very thing as you consider the supposed impossibilities of what you know I believe! :)
What about parrots and monkeys using sign language?
I've heard explanations that the serpent is a reference to Tiamat.
marduk enki enil tiamat el yaweh all found in canaan/greek myths
@@jackjobs1811 Trey The Explainer has a great video on the subject
I once studied some hebrew words abot snake and the word " lilith " came out.
Was the serpent male or female?
it was black
I have a hard time with talking/walking snakes and talking donkeys.
Tonithenightowl no you just have a hard time with the concept of God, once you get that, you realise anything is possible and if it’s impossible then your concept of God is flawed!
nana ahmed, There is the literal and there is the metaphoric. Since I don't live in the ancient world I tend to lean to the metaphoric, that's all.
You have a right to accept or reject!
Moally I do accept the concept, I have a hard time wrapping my mind around it in a literal sense. On the other hand I have no trouble with what happened on Mt. Sinai. I believe the Hebrews heard G-d speak and their reaction was what one would expect.
Tonithenightowl well the metaphoric is only a way to convey the literal, I concede that more than we understand happened in the garden of Eden, that is where faith and trust in God comes in, were in a 4 dimension world try to understand a probably 11 dimension experience, of course we cannot simply because we have no reference to such a world, so w cannot fully comprehend God, because we are finite and he is infinite. What we do have is the infinite God telling us what we happened and I am more than inclined to believe Him, because He was there! Much love
Rabbi Singer ..
I was brought up old Roman Catholic ( Portuguese decent )
I have been on a journey as most of us have been and are and currently a secular humanist atheist , but extremely interested in theology and the reasons why religion cane to be and are why different humans seek and are involved in the different religions around the world .
You are one of the teachers that really interest me and I respect your knowledge not only in your religion but in your knowledge in other religions that you speak on .
Here’s one of my challenges that I have with your teachings and apologetics that’s you put out .
Your response and view that in the end God can do anything he wants and desires , although I understand that if you follow your religion or snd religion , that response could apply to and also with any justification .
So if God wishes a snake could talk than presto , he can talk , simple as that .
Could that answer not be inserted into any situation ? Any religion ? Any circumstance ?
I know and agree with you when I’ve heard you say that when Christians say this if that or that about there beliefs that they are wrong ( generally speaking ) but they could apply your answer of “ If God wanted other to be than it shall be “ to anything as well ..
I really hope one day that I could talk to you as I could express myself better than on text .
I appreciate you as a orator and exogenous knowledgeable and learned human on these subjects and more , but I really get road blocked by your answers that come out in these ways .
Again thank you for your time .
Weren't your recent forefathers Muslims who were forced to accept catholicism
Probably during the inquisition
@@RyanMichaelMcCrossan1422 yep. Inquisition is a prime example showcasing how brutal and "spread by sword" christianity was forcing both Jews & Muslims into pagan christian religion.
The new forced converts were monitored by the state and highly regulated.
If you look at the spanish population today, many will have an arab mixed gene.
Former Christian/Atheist here. I think there was a possibility of ventriloquism with the snake.
Shoot me some of your questions maybe i can help. Do u have discord?😊
We saw the serpent speak, the donkey speak, and the lion speak - this was not a foreign concept. Until after the time of Jacob, no animal had killed a human - that is written in Torah.
I can come up with my own understanding of that story too if he can and everyone else that have done it..lol c'mon ya'll
So true,it's a tough ask to buy it
what about a spider? do you look at one and say its beautiful?