Secrets of Adam and Eve

  • Опубликовано: 27 июл 2024
  • Rabbi Ted Falcon's unique and dynamic understanding of the story we think we know so well, beginning with his first question: Are we really talking about a guy named Adam? Could this be a story of incarnation and individuation? What if it's choice, not punishment?
    Producer, editor & videographer: Ruth Neuwald Falcon

Комментарии • 46

  • @verdevalley1966
    @verdevalley1966 8 лет назад +61

    what verse in gen does it say when he created them -he called them-ADAM-not in my bible

  • @nethy02
    @nethy02 8 лет назад +20

    the 4x2`s don't want you to know truth

  • @zac.t3975
    @zac.t3975 7 лет назад +76

    great video thought provoking as it try to get you to think of that part of the story in a new light as a play/code of creation.I love it

  • @johneleven25
    @johneleven25 5 лет назад +40

    Wonderful and thought provoking. Thank you.

  • @aljoumeyli
    @aljoumeyli 7 лет назад +42

    Read the Torah in semitic instead!

  • @PuresG1ft
    @PuresG1ft 8 лет назад +96

    As an atheist I found this to be a very interesting and thought inspiring analysation/interpretation of the story! thank you for this! __ Is it just me or are the jews (out of the judeochristian religions) the only ones who aren´t so stuck up in their belive system that you can actually have a talk with them even IF they strongly belive? Someone might call me antisemitic for this but it´s an honest (subjective) obversation and question.

    • @PuresG1ft
      @PuresG1ft 8 лет назад +5

      +PuresG1ft lol ... I just read the comments. I guess my self-doubt is the smallest problem in this comment section. Everyone reading this: Head into Religious Insanity! Comment Section Below!

    • @huheeje
      @huheeje 8 лет назад +19

      it's not that they are jews, it's just that they are not christian americans.

  • @tameriandufermeau284
    @tameriandufermeau284 9 лет назад +390

    lmbo! please do more research before you put stuff out there like this. you might be doing more harm than good. you sure are funny though. maybe you should be a comedian. but some of this was just down right disrespectful! " if God had a brain " really did you say that!
    okay let me get back to my worship to God. I have been fasting since 12 a.m.

  • @ChannelAbundantLife
    @ChannelAbundantLife 8 лет назад +335

    Not a holy teaching, it makes fun of God and he calls the story a myth, discounting it etc. thumbs down for sure, why should I listen to this. No respect

  • @learnfromthepast9991
    @learnfromthepast9991 7 лет назад +35

    Atom/Adam both male and female and through the Sun/Son The Most High/The Creator of all things that be gives us everything there is and will be.

  • @josepheperez3183
    @josepheperez3183 7 лет назад +82

    Wow, this is wonderful.!!! One of the best explanation of genesis out there!! Love it!! Subconscious=eve conscious=adam

  • @philsutton1632
    @philsutton1632 7 лет назад +5

    not a meth

  • @patcastlearchers8922
    @patcastlearchers8922 8 лет назад +238

    This is seriously flawed and once again shows the danger of leaving the Church for fantasy fairytales completely man made. No knowledge here for those searching for truth.

  • @johncarinamartin6716
    @johncarinamartin6716 7 лет назад +118

    I don't agree...

  • @luiscarlos-vg6tc
    @luiscarlos-vg6tc 8 лет назад +10

    wow very sorry

  • @olympusrichardson8318
    @olympusrichardson8318 8 лет назад +222

    The bible is very very clear. God first created Adam from the earth. Then he put Adam in charge of the earth. The earth , and all that is in it was Adams to rule.Adam was nameing the animals and noticed that everything had a companion except himself. God said that it it not good for man to be alone.then god caused Adam to go into a deep sleep. Then he took one of Adams ribs and made woman( Genesis CH 3) . we don't need to add to gods word.just pray and ask the holy spirit to assist you and you will be surprised at how gods word will unfold.

  • @philsutton1632
    @philsutton1632 7 лет назад +269

    wow, he is blasphemous in the worst way mixing true with lies.

  • @halalturk882
    @halalturk882 8 лет назад +26

    was lilith the adam's first wife

  • @aziclondone3880
    @aziclondone3880 8 лет назад +57

    Crap analisis....

  • @nickculbertson3502
    @nickculbertson3502 8 лет назад +161

    this video is one big lie

  • @malachi5813
    @malachi5813 9 лет назад +25

    good sermon

  • @cmurimi86
    @cmurimi86 5 лет назад +56

    Absolutely rediculus stuff.

  • @johndavies9589
    @johndavies9589 8 лет назад +13

    'God' is supposed to have created everything while knowing everything that would happen as a result. So he caused all bad things, and we can't have free will as we can't do chose to do anything different from what he knows we're going to do anyway. But while he's not be held responsible for any evil, we're held responsible for our mythical ancestor couple eating a fruit thousands of years ago, which he made them do because when he made them he knew they had no choice but to do it.
    I do not respect that.

    • @rolandgerard6064
      @rolandgerard6064 8 лет назад +12

      Still you have each day the choice to do good or to do bad... and this is your will...

    • @johndavies9589
      @johndavies9589 8 лет назад +5

      If a god already knew everything we are going to do then we would have no choice other than to do what god already knew we are going to do. Therefore however hard we work on making any decision whatever we 'chose' to do, good or bad, would be what we were going to do anyway. If you think rationally you will understand that this would mean we would have no choices and no Free Will.

    • @rolandgerard6064
      @rolandgerard6064 7 лет назад +11

      +John Davies you repeat yourself but we are not programmed Robots. God knows what we are going to do, does not mean you don't decide by yourself. In the contrary, otherwise blessing and curse would not make sense.

    • @rkooyers
      @rkooyers 7 лет назад +7

      God ripped out one of Adam's ribs and shouted *'Abracadabra!'* and the rib turned into a human. Adam then married his own rib and marriage was defined as a man and his own rib. And then the rib couldn't stop talking so Adam went to his man-cave for some peace and quiet, thus creating the first caveman. That's the truth, I swear!

    • @johndavies9589
      @johndavies9589 7 лет назад +1

      Try properly reading what I said and then thinking about it logically.

  • @senghbeh
    @senghbeh 9 лет назад +30

    The oldest body on international record, is that of a black woman who lived in Ethiopia 4 million yrs ago.
    The Adam and Eve story is only 6,000 yrs old.

    • @jamesschneider1748
      @jamesschneider1748 9 лет назад +17

      super Ant WERE YOU THERE?

    • @senghbeh
      @senghbeh 9 лет назад +6

      James Schneider.
      The best teacher of the future is the past! "Know thy self"."

    • @dariusarmijo9617
      @dariusarmijo9617 8 лет назад +13

      If you read the bible caredully you will notice that titbdoes say there were humans on earth before adam and eve, just that God didnt start putting souls in them until angels sinned and were thrown out to earth to live in human bodies. adam and eve really represent the angels who sinned in heaven and were thrown down to earth.
      In the bible after cain kills abel, cain is seperated from his family and recieves a mark to ensure that no one tries to kill him when he goes out into the world to kill him and he finds himself a wife. Cain is seperated from his family and if they were supposed to be the only people on earth then who did he fear would kill him and how did he find himself a wife? By this you know that the bible says that there were already humans on earth.
      In the bible it says that the light will go down adam and eves new son seth. people that are born with souls and are actually smarter than humans without.
      Also if you look at history of technology of humans going back many years you will notice that cor a while humans are using stones for tools and then all of a sudden there is a big spike in the advancement of technology and it just keeps going up. This is how you tell about when human satrted being born with souls.

    • @senghbeh
      @senghbeh 8 лет назад +12

      Here's some sacrilegious information that challenges the Zombie Current Dogma teachings.
      Women can make other men and women.
      Men cannot make babies period.
      Who taught us that God is a man?
      My ancestors taught that all women and men are Gods living the human experience.
      Could it be that the council of Nicea changed certain aspects in the many different bible versions, to support white supremacy?
      I know a couple of you pretend to be smart and feel that people that built mounds( i.e. Pyramids from Africa, said America, Georgia to Mississippi. I know that some of you think that these folks were primitaive savages.
      These same so called people had irrigation systems that ran on nuclear technology far superior to what we have today and these same ancient people had flushing toilets. Why is it that the smithsonian who teaches that Yashua( Jesus)was Annglo smh. Why did the smithsonian forget to tell you this?
      Maybe it's another cover up by the modern day council of Nicea(i.e. Smithsonian). Some people confuse, religion and spirituality. They never quite could figure it out. Maybe because vibrations are too low from eating dead flesh and animals milk?
      These people who change bible indoctrination and view war as big business. Are parasites and destroyers of humanity. Look into the mirror. That's your savior.
      Food for thought

    • @robertosantana3943
      @robertosantana3943 8 лет назад +10

      +Darius Armijo Yes, there are plenty of times when the Bible describes things that could only have happened Before Genesis. There was clearly another time period. One that was destroyed. That's why Genesis 1:2 , in the Hebrew, states that the Earth BECAME formless and empty.
      The English translation says that the Earth WAS CREATED formless. A bad translation.

  • @castlehorde4304
    @castlehorde4304 8 лет назад +26

    You'll note the 'fabled' story (store-HE) of Adam & Eve fails to mention (men-shun) it is MANkind (Adam) who has the adams apple stuck in HIS hairy throat NOT Her Eve.. Surely HE then took of the tree and ate first and then HIS-STORY taught and still teaches to blame HER for HIS sin... What kind of 'loving/positive' God would be so petty and evil and vindictive due to the consumption of a mere apple... HE is NOT the loving God... SHE is.... HE is the Devil in disguise as the loving God (by name of the Lord). We choose a side of the WHOLE with our thoughts, actions, words and beliefs and thus encourage the manifestation of light or darkness, good or evil, male or female unto ourselves and too collectively to the world. BOTH the loving God and the evil Devil are of the same ONE God (2 sides of the same coin) and CANNOT 'both' be HE, one MUST surely be the opposite SHE.... He is (potentially) as much God as She is and but the choice of HE is detrimental, WE chose in ignorance of the fact and the power of our words and actions. HE is globally sold and too readily bought by the ignorant masses as the 'loving' God, The Lord, the Holy Father and is the biggest 'accepted' prevalent lie on the entire globe, thanks to 'regular' religion (that calls HIM thee), television, books and mummy and daddy too play their part in ignorance of their error.... SHE is the 'positive' side of the Whole, the All and Everything (given the name of God by man)... SHE the loving mother, the deliverer of ALL re-birth, the cultivator of the land and the replenisher of the seas and oceans... and is our only TRUE salvation and deliverance from evil.
    El = God = male = hell = negative
    Eve = God = female = heaven = positive
    11 = two sides of the same 1 whole, of All and everything that is & ever shall be
    Eleven - el-eve-n - '11' - el-'n-eve = hell & heaven.
    View the amazon ebook .... The Loving Mother's Words of Wisdom & The Father's Theft.