David Razberry isn't this clear if u win early u scale faster into late. But if you play to slow and don't finish or keep advancing ur teams lead they might outscale u again depending on the team
Olso on 50 minutes into the game where everyone has full builds and lvl 18 your lead is utterly useless, that point it becomes who has the better teamcomp for lategame teamfighting and who has the greater wits in macro. Chances are big the enemy team is better in macro or they wouldn't have been able to stall your snowballing ass until 50m :P
holy shit, if i could go back to my past self i would just tell him 2 things: 1- mute people who even have a chance of being toxic and 2- you really shouldn't eat that pastrami sandwich, it's really bad and it'll make you throw up 10 times afterwards.
Tbomber LoL - My mom forced me to eat Pastrami Sandwiches every single day for lunch even though I told her I hated the nasty taste. I guess she didn't consider taste buds to be a part of reality.
My points? 1. Be confident that your decisions are correct so you aren't pressured by people who don't know what they are talking about. 2. Even though you should do #1, you should be able to explain to yourself why you chose that decision so you can still improve bad ones. 3. Never take unnecessary risks. If a lane is very hard to gank for example, like a Thresh Lucian, just tell your laners to be careful and play safe while you help winning lanes. 4. Always know enemy jungle's location, helps immensely because you can spam ping teammates and save their lives. 5. If you are a scaling comp, don't force fights if you are behind, just farm, don't fight at all. You let them fuck up first. 6. If you scale worse then the enemy, you of course have to force fights. 7. If a laner gets ganked and dies, don't suicide in the 1v2 if the kill isn't guaranteed and won't be worth. For example, last game my Lulu mid got ganked by Kha'Zix and died to him and Ahri. They were both on half hp, and I was hunting Ahri as WW, but I didn't go for it because the kill on Ahri isn't guaranteed because I can get charmed and/or bursted, but my death would be guaranteed. I am only D5 but I'm climbing decently fast right now. But I assume D5 is higher than most people here anyway. Hope you can take something from my experience. Everything clicked when I just started playing less risky and more calculated. No more balls deep crazy risky plays.
Brendan Drummond I have to completely agree. All these points are mandatory for any jungled. I figured them out myself once too and i would surely be higher Elo if someone just told me about them earlier ( I'm just plat) The Single most important thing I think is knowing where the enemy jungles is. If you can't do this you can't play from behind or push ur lead.
tnx man hope I will understand why Iam bronze. can u check my acc? Iam playingon Euw and my name is SkilzMaker. I think I deserve beter than bronze. Cya!
Great video! Me and a few friends have been struggling to get out of the lower elo, to the point where we all made new accounts to start fresh. I shared this video with them, as well as your channel, and we'll be sure to apply these methods and ways of thinking into our play. Keep up the great content!
Reason 11: Bot lane fed 10 kills in the laning phase and allowed the enemy team to snowball out of control while also being tilted af. Reason 11 is the most common reason.
I summarized some of fox's tips from his videos that I watched as a jungler focus on the winning lane and When all the lanes are losing: 1) gank the positive guy 2) avoid who do big mistakes 3) be kind and gank some of the losing lanes 4) focus on late game 5) gank who need a little help when / where to gank 1) if you think you could do something you should do it, just do it ( like if you think you should take the infernal drake). 2) ganking the one who has a cc is better 3) gank the enemy who has no escape General tips: 1) capitalize on an early lead 2) focus on yourself
I think I'll re-watch this tomorrow before I hop into games. I feel stuck in low Gold, and I think the champion pool issue is definitely one I need to improve on. Thanks for learning me some good shit, Foxxy.
I fully agree with point #6. It's so saddening to check lolskill before the match starts, only to see your teammates having played 5-12 games on the champion (while having 200+ ranked wins).
I really wanna thank you foxy I am stuck at silver 3 for a couple of day after climbing really fast from b5 but now I feel way more motivated and I think ur tips should help a lot
I advise everyone to really listen to the tips in this video and to follow them. I was hardstuck silver 1 for 3 weeks, and after watching this and changing my attitude and playstyle I just got into gold V a few minutes ago. I started playing jax top/jungle in all matches as I know him in-and-out and can carry hard with him and that helped me win way more games, I also only focused on myself and completely ignored every other lane. I worked hard and focused every game to make sure I did my best to destroy my opponent, this usually happened in melee matchups, when they trade me lvl 1, but don't know that jax starts e, and they start the laning phase with 25% hp, it must be really demoralising for them. Although my game into gold was extremely stressful my team fed early and flamed each other non stop, was doing my fkin head in. I literally spammed them to just afk farm but they wouldn't listen, their excuse, we're losing because of silvers. Funny thing was I was the only silver on our team and was 4-0 on their jayce with a 50cs lead lol. It eventually got to the stage where I was extremely fed, although it was close, they had our nexus at 20% at one point but we came back. I basically became a raid boss and they couldnt fight me as they only had vayne/ekko/jayce with actually damage, so unless all 3 of them were there then I was free to do what i wanted. Finally, I aced them with the help of my duo kass and we just rushed their nexus and one, it was so stressful but felt fking amazing seeing that silver to gold icon transition animation after the game was over and now I don't really know why I felt like it was a good idea to type out the entire story of the game in this comment but ok lol ;)
fox, i do play jungle a lot and I understand when you say pinging for help and such. but pinging is one thing, getting your team to actually follow your calls in solo queue is a whole different story
I really enjoy ur videos and learn a lot from them he streams are also helpful I probably learn more from you than I learned for every challenger player I have ever watched
A little personal insight on point 3: I feel that people tend to ignore one of the most important ping (the missing ping) because it is used to harass players for a bad play. Since it's usually spammed it gets ignored. Ive also had people say in chat that one ping is not enough to grab their attention. It leads to a sort of paradox. People need more pings to process it during a heated gameplay moment, but ignore it if its spammed, especially if someone has already been spammed for a questionable decision. I see this a lot in silver and gold since people dont like to acknowledge their mistakes.
1. play riven zed yasuo lee vayne and thresh when you get support fill 2. tryhard in bronze 3. get outplayed by annie 4. blame team for your mistakes 5. ignore objectives 6. pretend you're good and only play xXproskinnywhitekidxX champions
Thanks, Fox, I needed this. Just lost 5 games in a row, but only the last was skill based. I feel most of the losses were 3v5 or 4v5 because players just sat under turret flaming in chat, or thought they could 1v4 despite being down 2 levels. Maybe there was something I could've done better, because I can't carry as Nami, and the mute button only does so much.
Reason #11: You don't emphasize living another day over charging into a dangerous situation for a risky kill/play. Holy crap, so I am a guy who's been in Silver for the last few years, mostly cause I don't care about ranked and have maybe 200 games of ranked in the last 4 seasons. And through observations of most of the players I've had the pleasure of playing with, the overwhelming majority of them will essentially commit suicide trying to perform these stupid, low chance of success all in plays during laning phase to try and get early kills. In some cases doing all of that multiple times in the same game, to the point where one might think they are intentionally trying to lose the game. Just don't do stupid shit for kills. You can get fed off cs and fed off your opponent's misplays far easier, and far safer, than just trying to all in every chance you get. Chillax in lane and get some free LP. That's my advice. Well, I guess that and...Reason #12: You don't actually focus and learn how to cs properly. All those creeps spawn the same time every game, missing any is missing free gold that the game is trying to forcibly stuff into your stupid face. STOP WASTING IT, for the love of tits.
hey foxdrop i just want to say that i watch your videos every day. im taking the advice most seriously and thanks to you i really am becoming a better league player, thank you for what you do really. keep up the good work man 💪
You're right, I don't dodge enough, and I care way too much about what my team is doing (or not doing). I find more often that when my teammates do something very badly or don't do something (like have any form of map awareness even after I ping) it tilts me A LOT more than myself playing badly. I also never dodge games
Hey Foxxy. That is a great video and it really helped me since I was too lazy to point my weaknesses out to myself. I will now reflect myself, rather than my teammates, better after every single game. The 10th point got me very interested tho, since I consider myself pretty good in getting a lead in the lane, but absolute garbage, when it comes to pushing that lead. :/ I would love to see a video where you teach us some effective macro play for solo queue. Greetings from Germany and keep up the good work! :)
I want you to make a whole video on how to capitalize those early Leeds. I often find myself 3 or 4 and 0 and struggling how to make the impact I need to win the game in my lanes. I'm jungle maim btw.
Foxy, I have a quick question based on your 4th tip. I am stuck in high silver, and just can't reach gold, and sadly, I am a support main. When I first started playing when friends showed League to me, they kinda forced me unto the role, and I didn't actually mind, I fell in love with the role. I finally starting playing more to the meta such as spell based supports IE. Janna, Lulu, Karma, and have been enjoying it, and have a pretty good win rate, Janna, Lulu, and actually Thresh all have a win rate of at least over 70% with Janna at a 92%. But with this in mind, it is hard for me to understand your 4th tip. With my role, I am dependent on my team doing something in one form or another. I have been branching out more for example Sona, easy to play, and been building things like Lich Bane and Unholy Grail after I build Redemption and follow up with a Locket so I am not to dependent, I can push and get kills on my own between limits. But still, in the same breathe, It is hard for me to just not care about my team, when I am limited to what I can do alone. I have a few champs in Jungle, I have played around and found some I enjoy and can play decently, But its not the same for me like it is with support, I play much better in the support tole and enjoy it much more. IF you have anything to say on this comment, please don't hesitate to do so, or anyone in the comments section for that matter. And yes Foxy, I also use your super secret move, of the godly mute all function, but it sadly doesn't always work :P
A really nice video that pinpoints most common mistakes low elo players do, especially me. Yes I do them, if not all, at least five or six are common in my own play and I try to learn from the mistakes I do in order to better improve myself. The question now resides on how many actually try to contemplate on their mistakes? Perhaps an average of 25-30% of every server, maybe even less. Any of you play on EUNE? No? You should try to play a full season and see what I mean. I have been playing on EUNE since 2014 until I moved to EUW recently, and I can say the latter is haven compared to the first mentioned.
Hey Foxy, one question though I have after watching this. Would you consider dodging as well if per say a teammate bans your champion when you have it hovered in champ select? (before the ban process) I've been having teammates ban my Zac a LOT and come up with stupid excuses of "oh he's meta right now and annoying" or "ur just bad" etc. then if we lose the game they blame/flame me a ton, I don't let it get to me but it really is annoying. Mind you I'm somewhere in the middle of Silver elo. If the other team bans my pick it's fine cause I just shrug it off and play Warwick because I know I can do good as him. Ty if you read this! :D
I have a question about point 6, because I have watched a video from scrapcomputer´s channel (one-trick pony vs jack of all trades). And he mentioned that you get the absolutely biggest learning curve when playing everything and broadening yourself alot. I have played league for quite some time and I haven´t played every single champion yet. Should I still go with my main champions and just play a bunch of ranked games (and climb). Or should I try to play everything in normal and build my knowledge up? Another question I have is if I should practice some mechanical skills. I am a support main, so I never take farm. Since I always get support when I pick it, I never practice my CSing skill (it´s kind of a bad circle since therefore I suck at every role -> wants to play support more etc.) But are there really any benefits for me to improve my csing ability when I main support?
Just be one of those large youtuber channels. Just ignore the hate like ignore your teammates hurting your feelings. Responding to the hate from your teammates is almost literally the same as youtubers making responding to hate videos.
EVERYONE NEEDS TO SEE THIS!!! Reason 6 (my thoughts) Dont you need to pick according to the comp? like for example if there is a tryndamere, syndra, janna, and a cait. I think, "hmm there is no tank and they already have 2 basic attack reliant characters so in that case i would pick amumu" I main Jax but i would not pick jax cause our comp would be crap no tank no win.
Lauta D Start from Blue buff, kill at the jungle camps from that side, then go back, buy the Jungle item and go on Red side then gank one lane. If u get a kill or assisst you can easly go and counter jungle cuz u are strong at 1v1 in early-mid game ;)
Quoting something from a recent Gbay video: "In 160 game, you are bound to lose 60 and win 60 games. What is important is how you play the 40 games". Learn to carry and get carryed, how to play your champ in the best way mid-late game, also learn to shotcall, Example: You get a double kill in botlane as a jungler at 8 minutes, you have to decide if you want to take Drake, or push bot to get the tower, this is something basic but that can win you a game, maybe you are an AD focused champ, where maybe taking the tower fast is easy, maybe you are an AP or a Tank focused champ, and you prefer taking that Fire drake instead of the tower because you know you probably won't be able to make it, maybe you are Mordekaiser and can do both. You decide. Also, I don't share the "Mute all at the start" kind of behiavour, even in low elo there are players that can say something useful, just disable all chat and mute toxic people. Lastly, If you want to play only 1 champ, or only 1 role, be ready to dodge, A LOT, and I'm not talking about when you get autofilled, many times you will have or be aganist a team that totally makes your champ useless. Sticking only to 1-2 champ is fine tho, that is if you don't want to climb higher than gold.
Hi, I'm B2 rn and almost at B1 and I'm just climbing started in like October-November 2016 but I had some friends that already played and learned me things that really helped me when I started and I'm a Draven main and I'm almost always positive at the end of the game and I have okay cs but far from good. I'm playing my best all the time. When I get tilted I take a little break and come maybe 30 min later and it's over with the tilt. Yes, draven maybe isn't the best champion to play for me but I love him and when I really need to I play MF, I can play a little of jg but I only do if I get auto filled and when I get auto filled sup I play Thresh. There is just one BIG problem, I forget minimap. I'm pretty good at warding but I don't use the minimap.
The person who d tell me that mechanics need work to climb in league of legends, thats the same person that thinks this video is nonsense content on youtube.
3:00 or just spam the ? ping only when your teammate make a mistakes or you when they are doing something you don't want then to do. That us what my teammates do.
Idk if you'll see this, but I have a question!! Is this a bad habit? I am primarily a mid laner, and if I do not see my laner for more than 3 seconds (depending on where the minion wave is) instead of following, I ping both top and bot lane and ping MIA instead of following. I ping as early as possible to have my teammates back up and have the roam essentially be useless, but there are many times where no matter how early or much I ping, they don't listen, they die, and they blame me and tell me to follow my lane. Now, if I see them roam to a lane that is going to towerdive, then I follow bc that might go better, but I fear sometimes following the lane can be extremely risky, especially if you don't know where the jungler is... So, is my just pinging MIA instead of following, a bad habit?
no! Never duo in ranked at lower mmr. *YOU* are the only person in your team that matters, if you go into a game as a premade you are already breaking that rule. I've had 13 people try to add me in the last 20 games. Why? because i'm playing better than they are. I don't care about them, why should I? I don't know them. Same as if you want to add someone, chances are it's because they are playing well and you want to be carried. That doesn't make you a better player, just a boosted one.
100% spot on, specially on lower ELOs, people seems to think League is CoD. They will rather do a 4-men chase of a low hp shaco around the jungle, than attacking three naked inhibitors.
#2, so much #2. I couldn't even put a number on the amount of games lost due to teammates not rotating to take objectives, or outright disregarding a finish because they are chasing an S. This is especially tilting when the match is close, or worse yet, you're behind and secure an ace and really can't afford an enemy team respawn and yet your best source of damage is in jungle farming instead of pushing into the nexus
Back when I first got to gold I was dodging easily half of my matches, and winning a vast majority of my games because of it. Dodging doesn't lower your mmr, so it's a good tool to boost it up.
I Think it was a good and useful video, because you are a diamond player and have probably experienced more than us, and telling us what you have and what mistakes people do often.
i been having lots of free time on my hands last few weeks and i decided i may want to start doing ranks i am a support main which probably is not a good thing but i want some personal advice if i should or should not start doing ranks? i know i will get smashed the first 10 games or so i mostly play from rakan to janna to galio support to even aatrox support but i never tried rank and i know i been winning allot games even games that were going bad just we turned it around with a *continue battle to the end philosophy i normally say when i trying encourage my team* but am i really good or just lucky? i do not want to enter rank and ruin someones progression
Could you please make an in depth video about taking early game leads to the late game? It is something I work on but still struggle with and I would like to hear what you have to say. Thanks!
My problem is yes i do have one really bad habit im trying to break which is 90% of my games mid i dominate my opponent, either by starving them sending them back to base multiple times or even killing them, but i put so much attention into it i forget that they have a jungle so this doesnt always end well, my other problem is that my teammates are doing the opposite of what you say and i feel like even though i probably can carry how can i if my team doesnt want to win? silver isnt hard because skill its hard because to many people dont want to learn or play better and i get stuck trying so hard to keep in the game that sometimes it does feel hopeless.
so how can i play aggresive ( number 10 ) even if im ahead in levels and have gold lead, how am i supposed to play aggresive if i play safe control mages? ( asol, ani, tf, xerath, viktor, velkoz )?
lol the not fighting part reminds me of that ranked game where I lagged out in champselect and was forced to play tp tristana on adc xD I went complete 180 on my strat and started splitpushing like no tomorrow and eventually won us the game by getting lots of free towers and inhibs then finished by a tp backdoor on tristana's atk speed steroids :P
What can you do to get your team to stop inting when they give up first blood/a double kill and are at a disadvantage? The thing is... they don't know they're inting... They claim there's nothing they can do as they repeatedly die until their laner snowballs so hard that they can just tower dive them. When I get behind I just start playing hella passive and farm under tower till my jg comes in (I main mid), so I keep my laner to a 1 kill lead at most. They don't seem to get that concept, so by the time I go to roam to them (lvl 6-8 is when I look to) it's already too late?? Any tips?
Another reason for low elo specifically, trying to make smart plays when your team won't listen to you, for example winning a team fight taking tower, inhib if safe too, then going for baron if the revive timers warrant it being the smart play but your team decides to overstay in their base. I have lost many games due to this kind of stuff. Most the time in low elo players don't care what you think is best to do even if it is the right play and you are 10/0/5 and your team is only has enough hp for something like baron. Another example of this is when your team mindlessly pushes mid even when you have already taken inhib and team fights could go either way, instead of the smart play of pushing a side lane to press the advantage until they respond of push mid back too far.
Radic Splitpushing, Farming, Scaling, Eliminating enemy 1 by 1 , taking down baron and dragons, playing safe, building defensive ly omg know that i think about it there's so much we can do. problem is allies cooperation
Death_gun01 Gaming what would you do to shutdown/defend against a 20 for 3 draven at 18 mins ... This legit happened to me in my last game. as I was playing irelia.
My reasons for not climbing 1. Don't ping enough 2. Didn't dodge a game I knew was going to be absolutely horrifying (however, it was a placement, so I wasn't sure) 3. Have an inconsistent early game 4. Don't play enough games What would you consider a good champion pool to focus on in ranked?
This is a noob question but if you dodge a game when everyone pick there champion. Will the game still go and there be a remake and how do you exit the game to dodge?
Good day mate, i would like to know, when i play Solo/Duo and i am currently in B4 (really sad) but for a win i get 12-16LP. But when i play Flexed i get 21-26 LP and i am able to climb faster in Flexed. Why is this?
Muting is great and all but it's not a thing anymore because even if you mute them they can still spam ping you and spam your respawn time everytime you die, which is just as if not more tilting than flame in chat.
If you get tilted by other people easily just /mute all as soon as you get into game. The more you do it, the more you realize that most people don't have anything important to say anyway. Most anything of any importance can be communicated with pings.
hey foxy. i feel like u should show what one tricks for each champ are doing. for example. what is the most common build for say talon mid or maybe diana or akali. also maybe touch on why each champ is good or bad in the current meta. during s5-s6 i climbed to gold with diana each season. recently im feeling like diana is literally uselss if i dont go 10/0 in lane. pls send halp
What if you call top first and someone else calls top after but they don't change lane and you have no other great lanes to play? Do you just get him to switch get the other lane that you are really bad at? Which one
"Sometimes it feels like solo queue is as if you're a guardian, in an oil filled nursery, accompanied by a bunch of toddlers with lighters" I've never laughed so much at something being so true
About reason 6. I've been struggling trying to find a champion pool that I like for the past 5 years. I've hardly ever played the same champ more than twice in a row or over 3 times in my past 20 games unless I try to get them to rank 5.
Dear foxy, i play mainly vayne and have around 120 games, i think with her atm. But what can i do if all my teammates DONT KNOW how vayne works. Like most of them think she is early game and go aggro as possible. Or if everyone on the other team smashes my teammates. For example i had a game where a fizz faced a talon and 15 min in i see that the fizz has died 1 and has 15 FARM. Where talon had 103 Farm and 3 kills since he got ahead really easily. Its just frustrating, cause i know im doing, if not good, then average. And ,yeah, dont try to pronounce my name. Its gonna give ya a headache. Also im not exactly playing just adc, but thats where i feel the most comfortable. I have champs for every role if i need to play them. Good night/morning/afternoon! ( Since i have no idea in what timezone you are in).
I'm here because I was placed in bronze 5 after my provisionals. Don't worry,I got to silver 2 in a day or so of playing,which is my previous all-time-low rank after the first season. My rank on last season was plat 3 and before that season I was in diamond 4 and I was in plat for about 4 years...suppose it took them a while to realize what a massive scrub I am. In all seriousness thou if your provisionals go really badly there's not much you can do to climb. I lost 7/10 of those and it placed me in the absolute lowest rank in the game. You can get bad luck and just lose match after match no matter how well you do and thanks to the ranking system being based on just win/loss rate alone you might just get stuck for a while. All you can really do to climb is pick champions you're really good at to at least never feed and you might want to start jungling,since that's pretty much the only role that can save even the worst players in lane phase and if jungle is your first pick you will NEVER have to play anything else since absolutely nobody wants to be a jungler at lower elo. Eventually you might get a good winning streak and even jump ranks but it really does come down to luck before you're at least in gold. And I say that because half of the players before gold rank are incredibly bad and others are good players who just got placed there and are trying to climb back up to where they were.
Good analysis on the reasons people like me can't climb the ladder IN THE CURRENT LEAGUE OF LEGENDS GAME MENTALITY Now if we kind of look at the 10 reasons why this game global mentality became, little by little, like this and force solo queue players into considering less and less teamplay / communication / good ingame atmosphere.... Then I guess they're mostly the same. Not blaming, it's a good and relevant video. It just sadly points out the reasons why solo queue works this way and not another. Would it be utopian that "You don't care enough about what your allies do and say" becomes one of the reasons you don't climb in League of Legends? "Brain over brawn"
foxxy could you do a video like this one but for a higher elo, like low to mid diamond with the obvious things not said and more focused on the harder stuff like macro play and stuff alike.
just one question... what should i do when i get 4 teammates that dont know the game and each one die 15-20 times ? and btw in silver this is not a rare once every 20 games case, this is actually 90% of my games, i really need any answer from anyone with knowledge.
"I could spend a whole video talking about how to transition an early game lead into the late game advantage"
Please do
I second this.
David Razberry isn't this clear if u win early u scale faster into late. But if you play to slow and don't finish or keep advancing ur teams lead they might outscale u again depending on the team
Scott Kulaga DO IT PLEASE
Olso on 50 minutes into the game where everyone has full builds and lvl 18 your lead is utterly useless, that point it becomes who has the better teamcomp for lategame teamfighting and who has the greater wits in macro. Chances are big the enemy team is better in macro or they wouldn't have been able to stall your snowballing ass until 50m :P
1. You didn't know you could mute people in LoL.
holy shit, if i could go back to my past self i would just tell him 2 things: 1- mute people who even have a chance of being toxic and 2- you really shouldn't eat that pastrami sandwich, it's really bad and it'll make you throw up 10 times afterwards.
Tbomber LoL XDD
Tbomber LoL - My mom forced me to eat Pastrami Sandwiches every single day for lunch even though I told her I hated the nasty taste. I guess she didn't consider taste buds to be a part of reality.
David Razberry lol same
Tbomber LoL blegh
My points?
1. Be confident that your decisions are correct so you aren't pressured by people who don't know what they are talking about.
2. Even though you should do #1, you should be able to explain to yourself why you chose that decision so you can still improve bad ones.
3. Never take unnecessary risks. If a lane is very hard to gank for example, like a Thresh Lucian, just tell your laners to be careful and play safe while you help winning lanes.
4. Always know enemy jungle's location, helps immensely because you can spam ping teammates and save their lives.
5. If you are a scaling comp, don't force fights if you are behind, just farm, don't fight at all. You let them fuck up first.
6. If you scale worse then the enemy, you of course have to force fights.
7. If a laner gets ganked and dies, don't suicide in the 1v2 if the kill isn't guaranteed and won't be worth. For example, last game my Lulu mid got ganked by Kha'Zix and died to him and Ahri. They were both on half hp, and I was hunting Ahri as WW, but I didn't go for it because the kill on Ahri isn't guaranteed because I can get charmed and/or bursted, but my death would be guaranteed.
I am only D5 but I'm climbing decently fast right now. But I assume D5 is higher than most people here anyway. Hope you can take something from my experience. Everything clicked when I just started playing less risky and more calculated. No more balls deep crazy risky plays.
Brendan Drummond Ty and liked
Brendan Drummond I have to completely agree. All these points are mandatory for any jungled. I figured them out myself once too and i would surely be higher Elo if someone just told me about them earlier ( I'm just plat) The Single most important thing I think is knowing where the enemy jungles is. If you can't do this you can't play from behind or push ur lead.
tnx man hope I will understand why Iam bronze. can u check my acc? Iam playingon Euw and my name is SkilzMaker. I think I deserve beter than bronze. Cya!
Play more games with your good champs, Jax, Zed. You have way too many games on too many champs. Focus on a few.
5 reasons why i cant climb:
1. team feeds
2. team wont listen
3. team doesnt coordinate
4. team feeds
5. team is shit
The Cassio in the background footage is a monster
Jp O'Suliivan y dude this cassio was so damn good
“I hope you’re having a fantastic day”.
Most people who search up a video like this aren’t.
But Great video btw
Foxdrop, you said you could spend an entire video in translating a lead to mid/late game... can you please do this?!
Great video! Me and a few friends have been struggling to get out of the lower elo, to the point where we all made new accounts to start fresh. I shared this video with them, as well as your channel, and we'll be sure to apply these methods and ways of thinking into our play. Keep up the great content!
Reason 11: Bot lane fed 10 kills in the laning phase and allowed the enemy team to snowball out of control while also being tilted af.
Reason 11 is the most common reason.
Every game I get inted botlane scores like 5/16 botlanes
I summarized some of fox's tips from his videos that I watched
as a jungler
focus on the winning lane and When all the lanes are losing:
1) gank the positive guy
2) avoid who do big mistakes
3) be kind and gank some of the losing lanes
4) focus on late game
5) gank who need a little help
when / where to gank
1) if you think you could do something you should do it, just do it ( like if you think you should take the infernal drake).
2) ganking the one who has a cc is better
3) gank the enemy who has no escape
General tips:
1) capitalize on an early lead
2) focus on yourself
I think I'll re-watch this tomorrow before I hop into games. I feel stuck in low Gold, and I think the champion pool issue is definitely one I need to improve on. Thanks for learning me some good shit, Foxxy.
Every time I want to start with a new champion, I look for a specific game play video made by you and it helps a lot
I fully agree with point #6. It's so saddening to check lolskill before the match starts, only to see your teammates having played 5-12 games on the champion (while having 200+ ranked wins).
I really wanna thank you foxy I am stuck at silver 3 for a couple of day after climbing really fast from b5 but now I feel way more motivated and I think ur tips should help a lot
Nice list. I'm not having a hard time climbing myself, at least not yet, but I have friends stuck in bronze 1-2 that this describes really well.
I advise everyone to really listen to the tips in this video and to follow them. I was hardstuck silver 1 for 3 weeks, and after watching this and changing my attitude and playstyle I just got into gold V a few minutes ago. I started playing jax top/jungle in all matches as I know him in-and-out and can carry hard with him and that helped me win way more games, I also only focused on myself and completely ignored every other lane. I worked hard and focused every game to make sure I did my best to destroy my opponent, this usually happened in melee matchups, when they trade me lvl 1, but don't know that jax starts e, and they start the laning phase with 25% hp, it must be really demoralising for them. Although my game into gold was extremely stressful my team fed early and flamed each other non stop, was doing my fkin head in. I literally spammed them to just afk farm but they wouldn't listen, their excuse, we're losing because of silvers. Funny thing was I was the only silver on our team and was 4-0 on their jayce with a 50cs lead lol. It eventually got to the stage where I was extremely fed, although it was close, they had our nexus at 20% at one point but we came back. I basically became a raid boss and they couldnt fight me as they only had vayne/ekko/jayce with actually damage, so unless all 3 of them were there then I was free to do what i wanted. Finally, I aced them with the help of my duo kass and we just rushed their nexus and one, it was so stressful but felt fking amazing seeing that silver to gold icon transition animation after the game was over and now I don't really know why I felt like it was a good idea to type out the entire story of the game in this comment but ok lol ;)
@5:28 very true. I usually stick with Yi jungle but if someone else plays Yi in the lane, I would usually go Lee Sin or Fiddlesticks
fox, i do play jungle a lot and I understand when you say pinging for help and such. but pinging is one thing, getting your team to actually follow your calls in solo queue is a whole different story
I really enjoy ur videos and learn a lot from them he streams are also helpful I probably learn more from you than I learned for every challenger player I have ever watched
A little personal insight on point 3: I feel that people tend to ignore one of the most important ping (the missing ping) because it is used to harass players for a bad play. Since it's usually spammed it gets ignored. Ive also had people say in chat that one ping is not enough to grab their attention. It leads to a sort of paradox. People need more pings to process it during a heated gameplay moment, but ignore it if its spammed, especially if someone has already been spammed for a questionable decision. I see this a lot in silver and gold since people dont like to acknowledge their mistakes.
1. /mute all
2. place some wards
3. spam pings
4. duo q
5. one trick a champ
6. play a lot of league
1. play riven zed yasuo lee vayne and thresh when you get support fill
2. tryhard in bronze
3. get outplayed by annie
4. blame team for your mistakes
5. ignore objectives
6. pretend you're good and only play xXproskinnywhitekidxX champions
Part 7 I legit go Yas/zed support but still win hehexd
woops worded that wrong, and when you get filled as support go thresh
A video about translating early advantages to a victory would be fantastic, that seems to be my issue more than anything. Thanks for the vid
Thanks, Fox, I needed this. Just lost 5 games in a row, but only the last was skill based. I feel most of the losses were 3v5 or 4v5 because players just sat under turret flaming in chat, or thought they could 1v4 despite being down 2 levels. Maybe there was something I could've done better, because I can't carry as Nami, and the mute button only does so much.
fox thanks for making this type of videos. You kinda teach me a thing or 2 about objective control, rotations in your vids. keep it up.
Reason #11: You don't emphasize living another day over charging into a dangerous situation for a risky kill/play.
Holy crap, so I am a guy who's been in Silver for the last few years, mostly cause I don't care about ranked and have maybe 200 games of ranked in the last 4 seasons. And through observations of most of the players I've had the pleasure of playing with, the overwhelming majority of them will essentially commit suicide trying to perform these stupid, low chance of success all in plays during laning phase to try and get early kills. In some cases doing all of that multiple times in the same game, to the point where one might think they are intentionally trying to lose the game.
Just don't do stupid shit for kills. You can get fed off cs and fed off your opponent's misplays far easier, and far safer, than just trying to all in every chance you get. Chillax in lane and get some free LP. That's my advice.
Well, I guess that and...Reason #12: You don't actually focus and learn how to cs properly. All those creeps spawn the same time every game, missing any is missing free gold that the game is trying to forcibly stuff into your stupid face. STOP WASTING IT, for the love of tits.
hey foxdrop i just want to say that i watch your videos every day. im taking the advice most seriously and thanks to you i really am becoming a better league player, thank you for what you do really. keep up the good work man 💪
You're right, I don't dodge enough, and I care way too much about what my team is doing (or not doing). I find more often that when my teammates do something very badly or don't do something (like have any form of map awareness even after I ping) it tilts me A LOT more than myself playing badly. I also never dodge games
Ayyyyyyy, foxy. Been a while since I've seen one of these kinds of vids from you, thanks m8 really enjoyed it. :)
Thank you so much for this informational video! I will be sharing this one in every game lobby chat!
loving most of your vids. but i can sense that you put a lot of aford into this one!
its been a great video! hope to see such polished tutorials!
I havent watched this video yet but i was wondering why i cant climb after a huge win streak, Foxdrop you read my toughts, Good job !
1. I'm bad
thanks for being here
Hey Foxxy. That is a great video and it really helped me since I was too lazy to point my weaknesses out to myself. I will now reflect myself, rather than my teammates, better after every single game.
The 10th point got me very interested tho, since I consider myself pretty good in getting a lead in the lane, but absolute garbage, when it comes to pushing that lead. :/
I would love to see a video where you teach us some effective macro play for solo queue.
Greetings from Germany and keep up the good work! :)
I want you to make a whole video on how to capitalize those early Leeds. I often find myself 3 or 4 and 0 and struggling how to make the impact I need to win the game in my lanes. I'm jungle maim btw.
Foxy, I have a quick question based on your 4th tip. I am stuck in high silver, and just can't reach gold, and sadly, I am a support main. When I first started playing when friends showed League to me, they kinda forced me unto the role, and I didn't actually mind, I fell in love with the role. I finally starting playing more to the meta such as spell based supports IE. Janna, Lulu, Karma, and have been enjoying it, and have a pretty good win rate, Janna, Lulu, and actually Thresh all have a win rate of at least over 70% with Janna at a 92%. But with this in mind, it is hard for me to understand your 4th tip. With my role, I am dependent on my team doing something in one form or another. I have been branching out more for example Sona, easy to play, and been building things like Lich Bane and Unholy Grail after I build Redemption and follow up with a Locket so I am not to dependent, I can push and get kills on my own between limits. But still, in the same breathe, It is hard for me to just not care about my team, when I am limited to what I can do alone. I have a few champs in Jungle, I have played around and found some I enjoy and can play decently, But its not the same for me like it is with support, I play much better in the support tole and enjoy it much more. IF you have anything to say on this comment, please don't hesitate to do so, or anyone in the comments section for that matter. And yes Foxy, I also use your super secret move, of the godly mute all function, but it sadly doesn't always work :P
No one ever mentions that some people can't climb because of their shit pc :/
solo Q = who have noob in team = lose
A really nice video that pinpoints most common mistakes low elo players do, especially me. Yes I do them, if not all, at least five or six are common in my own play and I try to learn from the mistakes I do in order to better improve myself. The question now resides on how many actually try to contemplate on their mistakes? Perhaps an average of 25-30% of every server, maybe even less. Any of you play on EUNE? No? You should try to play a full season and see what I mean. I have been playing on EUNE since 2014 until I moved to EUW recently, and I can say the latter is haven compared to the first mentioned.
Hey Foxy, one question though I have after watching this. Would you consider dodging as well if per say a teammate bans your champion when you have it hovered in champ select? (before the ban process) I've been having teammates ban my Zac a LOT and come up with stupid excuses of "oh he's meta right now and annoying" or "ur just bad" etc. then if we lose the game they blame/flame me a ton, I don't let it get to me but it really is annoying. Mind you I'm somewhere in the middle of Silver elo. If the other team bans my pick it's fine cause I just shrug it off and play Warwick because I know I can do good as him. Ty if you read this! :D
Really useful video, thank you for all the advice foxy! :)
Thank you Foxxxy! I Actually needed this
it would be really nice to see a video on "how to capitalise on your early game lead" for all positions in the game. Really liked the video thanks
I have a question about point 6, because I have watched a video from scrapcomputer´s channel (one-trick pony vs jack of all trades). And he mentioned that you get the absolutely biggest learning curve when playing everything and broadening yourself alot. I have played league for quite some time and I haven´t played every single champion yet. Should I still go with my main champions and just play a bunch of ranked games (and climb). Or should I try to play everything in normal and build my knowledge up?
Another question I have is if I should practice some mechanical skills. I am a support main, so I never take farm. Since I always get support when I pick it, I never practice my CSing skill (it´s kind of a bad circle since therefore I suck at every role -> wants to play support more etc.) But are there really any benefits for me to improve my csing ability when I main support?
Just be one of those large youtuber channels. Just ignore the hate like ignore your teammates hurting your feelings. Responding to the hate from your teammates is almost literally the same as youtubers making responding to hate videos.
Pretty accurate, nice video foxy!
EVERYONE NEEDS TO SEE THIS!!! Reason 6 (my thoughts) Dont you need to pick according to the comp? like for example if there is a tryndamere, syndra, janna, and a cait. I think, "hmm there is no tank and they already have 2 basic attack reliant characters so in that case i would pick amumu" I main Jax but i would not pick jax cause our comp would be crap no tank no win.
good video dude , I need a video of how to use Rengar plis because I like that champion but if I use it going jg ,the jungle kill me
you get killed by jungle creeps... lmao
Lauta D get some armor in your runes duddeee
ok but i dont have enought money
Lauta D Start from Blue buff, kill at the jungle camps from that side, then go back, buy the Jungle item and go on Red side then gank one lane. If u get a kill or assisst you can easly go and counter jungle cuz u are strong at 1v1 in early-mid game ;)
Quoting something from a recent Gbay video:
"In 160 game, you are bound to lose 60 and win 60 games. What is important is how you play the 40 games".
Learn to carry and get carryed, how to play your champ in the best way mid-late game, also learn to shotcall, Example:
You get a double kill in botlane as a jungler at 8 minutes, you have to decide if you want to take Drake, or push bot to get the tower, this is something basic but that can win you a game, maybe you are an AD focused champ, where maybe taking the tower fast is easy, maybe you are an AP or a Tank focused champ, and you prefer taking that Fire drake instead of the tower because you know you probably won't be able to make it, maybe you are Mordekaiser and can do both. You decide.
Also, I don't share the "Mute all at the start" kind of behiavour, even in low elo there are players that can say something useful, just disable all chat and mute toxic people.
Lastly, If you want to play only 1 champ, or only 1 role, be ready to dodge, A LOT, and I'm not talking about when you get autofilled, many times you will have or be aganist a team that totally makes your champ useless. Sticking only to 1-2 champ is fine tho, that is if you don't want to climb higher than gold.
Hi, I'm B2 rn and almost at B1 and I'm just climbing started in like October-November 2016 but I had some friends that already played and learned me things that really helped me when I started and I'm a Draven main and I'm almost always positive at the end of the game and I have okay cs but far from good. I'm playing my best all the time. When I get tilted I take a little break and come maybe 30 min later and it's over with the tilt. Yes, draven maybe isn't the best champion to play for me but I love him and when I really need to I play MF, I can play a little of jg but I only do if I get auto filled and when I get auto filled sup I play Thresh. There is just one BIG problem, I forget minimap. I'm pretty good at warding but I don't use the minimap.
i do belive i already knew everything you said. but like 6/10 of my team mates dont. I usually find myself in 3v5 or 2v5 games
Why cannot you climb any higher? Cause you watch too much nonsense content on youtube instead of improving your mechanics and game knowledge.
Bifero thats exacly what i thought too ^^
The person who d tell me that mechanics need work to climb in league of legends, thats the same person that thinks this video is nonsense content on youtube.
Your comment, generic, your attitude, condescending, your ass, roasted.
We*, you are here too =)
Great list. Thank you.
I'm so glad you made a video like this. Thank you. :)
3:00 or just spam the ? ping only when your teammate make a mistakes or you when they are doing something you don't want then to do. That us what my teammates do.
Idk if you'll see this, but I have a question!! Is this a bad habit? I am primarily a mid laner, and if I do not see my laner for more than 3 seconds (depending on where the minion wave is) instead of following, I ping both top and bot lane and ping MIA instead of following. I ping as early as possible to have my teammates back up and have the roam essentially be useless, but there are many times where no matter how early or much I ping, they don't listen, they die, and they blame me and tell me to follow my lane. Now, if I see them roam to a lane that is going to towerdive, then I follow bc that might go better, but I fear sometimes following the lane can be extremely risky, especially if you don't know where the jungler is... So, is my just pinging MIA instead of following, a bad habit?
Is there a trick to get better teammates?
EvolvingReaver3 premades?
Hard with no friends...
EvolvingReaver3 i feel u man :( 😢
no! Never duo in ranked at lower mmr. *YOU* are the only person in your team that matters, if you go into a game as a premade you are already breaking that rule. I've had 13 people try to add me in the last 20 games. Why? because i'm playing better than they are. I don't care about them, why should I? I don't know them.
Same as if you want to add someone, chances are it's because they are playing well and you want to be carried. That doesn't make you a better player, just a boosted one.
fullpocketaggro i usually add ppl that play smart. i had a top laner who was 1 5 but he was a fucking genius.
100% spot on, specially on lower ELOs, people seems to think League is CoD. They will rather do a 4-men chase of a low hp shaco around the jungle, than attacking three naked inhibitors.
#2, so much #2. I couldn't even put a number on the amount of games lost due to teammates not rotating to take objectives, or outright disregarding a finish because they are chasing an S. This is especially tilting when the match is close, or worse yet, you're behind and secure an ace and really can't afford an enemy team respawn and yet your best source of damage is in jungle farming instead of pushing into the nexus
Back when I first got to gold I was dodging easily half of my matches, and winning a vast majority of my games because of it. Dodging doesn't lower your mmr, so it's a good tool to boost it up.
How do you know wich team is good and wich isnt?
I Think it was a good and useful video, because you are a diamond player and have probably experienced more than us, and telling us what you have and what mistakes people do often.
I really enjoy ur videos and learn a lot from them he streams are also helpful
i been having lots of free time on my hands last few weeks and i decided i may want to start doing ranks
i am a support main which probably is not a good thing but i want some personal advice if i should or should not start doing ranks? i know i will get smashed the first 10 games or so i mostly play from rakan to janna to galio support to even aatrox support but i never tried rank and i know i been winning allot games even games that were going bad just we turned it around with a *continue battle to the end philosophy i normally say when i trying encourage my team* but am i really good or just lucky? i do not want to enter rank and ruin someones progression
i should mention i dont even have 1 mastery 7 champion but all my old champs are mastery 5-6 and rakan is my current pick
You're the man, love your videos
Foxxy insulting me, you savage. Keep it flowin. FEELSGOOD
This video was really well made overal. The editing especially
2:50 i would advice to "spam ping" no more than 3-5 times, alot of people get triggered way to fast
Could you please make an in depth video about taking early game leads to the late game? It is something I work on but still struggle with and I would like to hear what you have to say. Thanks!
My problem is yes i do have one really bad habit im trying to break which is 90% of my games mid i dominate my opponent, either by starving them sending them back to base multiple times or even killing them, but i put so much attention into it i forget that they have a jungle so this doesnt always end well, my other problem is that my teammates are doing the opposite of what you say and i feel like even though i probably can carry how can i if my team doesnt want to win? silver isnt hard because skill its hard because to many people dont want to learn or play better and i get stuck trying so hard to keep in the game that sometimes it does feel hopeless.
Tell me something i dont know :(
something i don't know :(
something I don't know :(
Killer Alien something i dont know :'(
something i dont't know :(
Killer Alien something i dont know :(
so how can i play aggresive ( number 10 ) even if im ahead in levels and have gold lead, how am i supposed to play aggresive if i play safe control mages? ( asol, ani, tf, xerath, viktor, velkoz )?
can you tell me wat to buy next cuz i dont buy rp so i play to get money and buy champs wat if the champ i bouat is bad for me or i cabt play it .
mesh0o buy champs that have game winning ults, ammumu, orianna, ashe, kennen
ArsenicBase ty but are there more of champs like this ?
lol the not fighting part reminds me of that ranked game where I lagged out in champselect and was forced to play tp tristana on adc xD I went complete 180 on my strat and started splitpushing like no tomorrow and eventually won us the game by getting lots of free towers and inhibs then finished by a tp backdoor on tristana's atk speed steroids :P
Could you explain advice number 10 to Team vitality please?
What can you do to get your team to stop inting when they give up first blood/a double kill and are at a disadvantage? The thing is... they don't know they're inting... They claim there's nothing they can do as they repeatedly die until their laner snowballs so hard that they can just tower dive them. When I get behind I just start playing hella passive and farm under tower till my jg comes in (I main mid), so I keep my laner to a 1 kill lead at most. They don't seem to get that concept, so by the time I go to roam to them (lvl 6-8 is when I look to) it's already too late?? Any tips?
I main Darius top but he gets banned alot so I want to pick up a champ that's similar to play aka tons of dmg.Any suggesttions? Thanks In advance.
Thug Vader renekton and fiora, great bruisers, tons of damage, I too main Darius
Another reason for low elo specifically, trying to make smart plays when your team won't listen to you, for example winning a team fight taking tower, inhib if safe too, then going for baron if the revive timers warrant it being the smart play but your team decides to overstay in their base.
I have lost many games due to this kind of stuff. Most the time in low elo players don't care what you think is best to do even if it is the right play and you are 10/0/5 and your team is only has enough hp for something like baron.
Another example of this is when your team mindlessly pushes mid even when you have already taken inhib and team fights could go either way, instead of the smart play of pushing a side lane to press the advantage until they respond of push mid back too far.
When you can't climb because you went 20/0 but the enemy adc is 200/0 you clearly somewhere in silver 5
Please explain how I can climb if my bot lane has 20 deaths and the enemy draven has 20 kills at 18 mins
Radic Splitpushing, Farming, Scaling, Eliminating enemy 1 by 1 , taking down baron and dragons, playing safe, building defensive ly omg know that i think about it there's so much we can do. problem is allies cooperation
Death_gun01 Gaming what would you do to shutdown/defend against a 20 for 3 draven at 18 mins ... This legit happened to me in my last game. as I was playing irelia.
Radic dont let them uncontrollable at the first place then
My reasons for not climbing
1. Don't ping enough
2. Didn't dodge a game I knew was going to be absolutely horrifying (however, it was a placement, so I wasn't sure)
3. Have an inconsistent early game
4. Don't play enough games
What would you consider a good champion pool to focus on in ranked?
This is a noob question but if you dodge a game when everyone pick there champion. Will the game still go and there be a remake and how do you exit the game to dodge?
you leave in champ select
Well this was insightful... I recognize my problems are #3, #9 and #10...... now to to work on em somehow.
Good day mate,
i would like to know, when i play Solo/Duo and i am currently in B4 (really sad) but for a win i get 12-16LP. But when i play Flexed i get 21-26 LP and i am able to climb faster in Flexed.
Why is this?
Muting is great and all but it's not a thing anymore because even if you mute them they can still spam ping you and spam your respawn time everytime you die, which is just as if not more tilting than flame in chat.
Seth Huntley mute the pings? Uh
If you get tilted by other people easily just /mute all as soon as you get into game. The more you do it, the more you realize that most people don't have anything important to say anyway. Most anything of any importance can be communicated with pings.
hey foxy. i feel like u should show what one tricks for each champ are doing.
for example. what is the most common build for say talon mid or maybe diana or akali. also maybe touch on why each champ is good or bad in the current meta. during s5-s6 i climbed to gold with diana each season. recently im feeling like diana is literally uselss if i dont go 10/0 in lane.
pls send halp
What if you call top first and someone else calls top after but they don't change lane and you have no other great lanes to play? Do you just get him to switch get the other lane that you are really bad at? Which one
Any tips for support to climb? I already gave up this season trying to climb as support. It's a 1 v 9 with 1 doing no damage
"Sometimes it feels like solo queue is as if you're a guardian, in an oil filled nursery, accompanied by a bunch of toddlers with lighters"
I've never laughed so much at something being so true
Foxy I need help!
I play at least 5 normal games a day, but I can't seem to climb in rank... what should I do?
About reason 6. I've been struggling trying to find a champion pool that I like for the past 5 years. I've hardly ever played the same champ more than twice in a row or over 3 times in my past 20 games unless I try to get them to rank 5.
Dear foxy, i play mainly vayne and have around 120 games, i think with her atm. But what can i do if all my teammates DONT KNOW how vayne works. Like most of them think she is early game and go aggro as possible. Or if everyone on the other team smashes my teammates. For example i had a game where a fizz faced a talon and 15 min in i see that the fizz has died 1 and has 15 FARM. Where talon had 103 Farm and 3 kills since he got ahead really easily. Its just frustrating, cause i know im doing, if not good, then average. And ,yeah, dont try to pronounce my name. Its gonna give ya a headache. Also im not exactly playing just adc, but thats where i feel the most comfortable. I have champs for every role if i need to play them. Good night/morning/afternoon! ( Since i have no idea in what timezone you are in).
Edit: I almost forgot to put my username: Velko Minko.
If i'll dodge that is means that i don t play to learn, i play to win.
I'm here because I was placed in bronze 5 after my provisionals. Don't worry,I got to silver 2 in a day or so of playing,which is my previous all-time-low rank after the first season. My rank on last season was plat 3 and before that season I was in diamond 4 and I was in plat for about 4 years...suppose it took them a while to realize what a massive scrub I am. In all seriousness thou if your provisionals go really badly there's not much you can do to climb. I lost 7/10 of those and it placed me in the absolute lowest rank in the game. You can get bad luck and just lose match after match no matter how well you do and thanks to the ranking system being based on just win/loss rate alone you might just get stuck for a while. All you can really do to climb is pick champions you're really good at to at least never feed and you might want to start jungling,since that's pretty much the only role that can save even the worst players in lane phase and if jungle is your first pick you will NEVER have to play anything else since absolutely nobody wants to be a jungler at lower elo. Eventually you might get a good winning streak and even jump ranks but it really does come down to luck before you're at least in gold. And I say that because half of the players before gold rank are incredibly bad and others are good players who just got placed there and are trying to climb back up to where they were.
Good analysis on the reasons people like me can't climb the ladder IN THE CURRENT LEAGUE OF LEGENDS GAME MENTALITY
Now if we kind of look at the 10 reasons why this game global mentality became, little by little, like this and force solo queue players into considering less and less teamplay / communication / good ingame atmosphere....
Then I guess they're mostly the same.
Not blaming, it's a good and relevant video. It just sadly points out the reasons why solo queue works this way and not another.
Would it be utopian that "You don't care enough about what your allies do and say" becomes one of the reasons you don't climb in League of Legends?
"Brain over brawn"
You should've done 13 reasons .. 13 reasons why... LoL... Imma kms
David Piecko no thats a good joke man, he actually shouldve, thats pretty smartb
welcome to your tape
my biggest weakness is tilting easily, like getting killed once tilts me, I also take things a bit too personally
foxxy could you do a video like this one but for a higher elo, like low to mid diamond with the obvious things not said and more focused on the harder stuff like macro play and stuff alike.
Graves can have a cigar, but we cant have our cigar jokes... oh wait.
Very nice video ! I like it !!!
just one question... what should i do when i get 4 teammates that dont know the game and each one die 15-20 times ? and btw in silver this is not a rare once every 20 games case, this is actually 90% of my games, i really need any answer from anyone with knowledge.
How about, have no time to play hundreds of ranked games ?