It's time to

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • The ravages of marketisation have torn up the higher education sector as we know it and has created a system which is bad for students, staff, universities, and taxpayers alike.
    Students are graduating with a lifetime of debt, spending on staff is at record lows, workload and job insecurity is sky high, and financial inequality across the sector is growing as institutions are forced to battle for student income.
    Our sector has been placed at the centre of a divisive culture war - manifested in cuts to arts and humanities funding, surveillance of staff and a damaging instrumentalisation of education where value is measured solely in terms of graduate earnings.
    It's time to reclaim higher education for the interests of staff and students. We need radical reform based on the following:
    A fair funding model
    - an end to tuition fees in higher education
    secure, long-term funding for all subjects and types of higher education institution
    - fair distribution of students across the sector
    - employers paying more to develop the supply of skilled graduates on which they rely, through a Business Education Tax.
    Professional autonomy and respect for staff
    - fair and equal pay and an end to exploitative working practices
    - collaborative approaches to regulation and quality assurance
    - meaningful representation for staff on decision-making structures.
    Find out more 👉

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