You may also watch my other sermon entitled: "Convictions: An exposition on the pagan origins of Christmas ~ Part 1 (13/06/2021)" by opening the following linkвидео.html You may also explore the following resources that are freely available to all on the internet:
Pastor : I follow your teachings and believe in the work you do. But I think in this matter there is no right or wrong; it’s to do with your faith and personal conviction as guided by the Holy Spirit. If eating meat is sin to you, then don’t eat it! Does celebrating Christmas make one lose salvation? The other day you also said Communion using pure grape juice is the only correct way. Yet rural poor folks don’t have grape juice … so now their communion is incorrect? Nothing wrong with wanting to do things perfectly; but in doing so, surely the Spirit is our guidance? But I digress. Returning to the matter here about Christmas, the Bible in Colossians 2:16 says “Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath.” Romans 14:5-6 also says, “One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. The one who observes the day, observes it in honor of the Lord. The one who eats, eats in honor of the Lord, since he gives thanks to God, while the one who abstains, abstains in honor of the Lord and gives thanks to God.” Therefore, if I choose to honour Christmas Day to celebrating the birth of Christ, I do not condemn those who don’t and neither can anyone condemn those who do. The scripture from Romans is teaching that this is a personal decision. Also in Judges 6:25 to 32, Gideon was instructed by the LORD tear down the altar of the god Baal and in its place, build an altar to the LORD. In the same way, a festival that used to be an altar to worship a pagan god was torn down and in it’s place we commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. Christ didn’t instruct us to celebrate His birth specifically but we celebrate it like the shepherds that watched their flocks, like the Wisemen from the East and like the angelic choir that sang, “Glory in the highest! Peace on Earth and goodwill to all men”. Even stars commemorated his birth! December 25 was not the actual date of birth, but it was a day that we chose to commemorate the birth of Christ after tearing down the altars of the pagan gods that had that day. Finally, panicking about pagan holidays (holy days) is giving ourselves endless attempts to work towards our Salvation as if we can save ourselves. We worship on Sunday, which was the pagan day of worship for the Sun god. But we took that day from that false god and now dedicate it to the worship of the true God. Even those who worship on Saturday it was the day to worship Saturnalia the god you mentioned earlier. Sabbath worship comes with its list of rules as well if we really want to be religious about correct days. Even some of the months of the year are named after pagan gods like Janus, Juno etc. All I’m saying is if I know a pagan god is nothing and that I’m saved by Grace and not through works and religious rights and wrongs, then celebrating Christmas and praying with my family to thank Christ that He came and eating a meal and singing Silent Night… I really don’t worry about laws and rules. Sure, many real churches and even cults like JW are anti Christmas … that’s their choice. But those that do are free from the law to choose a day that was previously dedicated to evil and dedicate it to Christ. Just like Sunday was once dedicated to evil and Christians now dedicate it to Christ. God bless.
You speak out of ignorance. We were given knowledge and faculties by God for a reason. There is a right and wrong regarding everything. Have a look at the fights this so-called holiday (curse) causing in every family, the stress and hardships flight cancellation number of road accidents, and the meaningless things in our tradition that keep us separated from God. Read the NT if you want to see how Jesus handled making right decisions vs. traditions. Ignorant pharisees and teacher of the law that have led people astray for decades are about to be judged. We are not doing anything biblical when we celebrate this burdensome 'holiday' that delivers the most suicides per year and stresses peoples bank accounts. You belong with them.
Thank you Man of GOD,I too when I came to know the truth I dont celebrate all those days..I celebrate CHRIST everyday of my life for saving & healing my life
After listening to the first message I hv decided not celebrate Christmas for the first time in many years. I told my family and my coworkers. I feel very good about my decision thanks for the enlightenment
You are truly a vessel for the most high ,i haven't celebrated Christmas in a while for some reason something felt off about it .I have taught my kids that its not a Christian holiday as they claim it is and they are so used to not celebrating. We need more man of God to preach this message as the world has been deceived with most of the holidays
This is the first Christmas i made up my mind not to celebrate no one told me the holy spirit express the falsity of this day into my spirit.. May God forgives me for duelling on such ignorance for such a long time
Praise man of God. Ever since I got saved I have never been so excited about Christmas for some reason best known by the holy spirit. I'm blessed to keep on learning man of God
I love this man of God he speaks with so much love and compassion.His words never fails on the ground, humble in speech and graceful in ways. God bless you for this generation sir
Here is an area where a lot of Christians need enlightenment. The way Christmas is celebrated in the west tells you without any doubt that there is a force behind it . It's a message to share widely. The path we must walk in get brighter and brighter till dawn .The humble are teachable
I totally believe this message Pastor thanks for confirmation.According to a you tube page Peniel eternal it talks of a spirit which receives celebrations of the Christmas holiday and new year.That spirit also causes accidents on our roads to commemorate this period.So let's instead live for God 🙏
Amen. This is true man of God, and I believe that as the day of his return nears the believers will be separated from many traditions which they have embraced as truth.
Thank you Prophet of Ahayah (God) , for me this is confirmation of what I heard from Sister Kerry-Ann (Phophetes) last month , it was my first time and I must say I was taken aback, but the Holy Spirit has helped me come to terms with revelation. Now Dr Ian you are confirming it, all I can say is glory and honor belongs to him. I find myself to be one of the chosen and so loved by Ahayah.
Now i understand why since I got save ,the spirit would lead me to fast n pray over Christmas, holiday.thanks so much man of God for allowing your self to me used by God
Whether you're loved or hated,I love your teachings for they're enlighting us and not entertaining us,giving pure message keep up good work man of God Ian Ndlovu
I agree with your message 100% Dr. Ndhlovu. I used to get emotional when I tried to reason with pastors about this and they rejected the prophecy. God told me that it's not me they have rejected but Him, because they have been blinded by the master of deceit.
Very greatful for this confirmation. I had come across other workings of other servants of God discouraging participation of this pagan holiday.Sad part is that the church I fellowship and my family members celebrate it,though this year I have bodily stated I don't celebrate it to everyone who has sent me wishes.Now its to teach my children to steer off Christmas celebrations. Truly Gods love for humanity is unfathomable..
Great exposition I love the holidays yet I do celebrate because of children to know and relate with the birth of Christ as Baby Jesus. Kids get to learn alit from the plays, skits, movies and drama about Our Lord that's I connect with this time of the year just for the kids to never forget there's a Saviour who was born for their life
Teach them the word of God n leave the holy spirit to be there teacher,my nine yrs old doesn't celebrate Christmas at all ,how she learn about I can't tell ,but I have taught her to ready,the whole bible like a story book.
Thanks.i fully agree.i decided to spend Christmas in prayer.then this morning sothe Lord sends me a message in a song crying for repentance.then I read this to from you .a confirm this.our Lord forgive us
I am impressed. May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ enlight you more and more. Also, Pastor Sunday worship is catholic day of worship. May one day you preach about it. Sunday worship was done by Constantin on March 7, 321 AD
We thank God Almighty about the message i know the other sermon where you said about it I think it's last year, this time I was worried about the gifts can I take them but I thank God He has used you to talk about gifts as well I'm really revived thank you Dr Ian may God surround you and your church with the hage of Fire
Very true - there is nothing in the Word of God about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Thank you Apostle Ian. The day is commercialised and major in netting in gifts. Better for respective churches to identify own days of appreciating leadership and shower them with gifts. Another hurdle to jump around this time is FAMILY. One mention of what Apostle is teaching and you have divided the home. I now capitalise on my birthday, invite family and tell them this is for me and to thank Jesus Christ for Salvation so there will be no Christmas celebrations in my home. Period. Be blessed Apostle Ian, wife, children and the Church.🙏🏽✊🏼🇿🇦
I'm right there with you I never go to church during Xmas for many years as a pastor since I learnt the demons worshipped Thank you for coming open to church
I stopped last year 2020 by not celebrating Christmas 🌲 ...thank God for this revelation Dr.Ian Ndlovu ...I celebrate Jesus Christ everyday of my life ...thank God 2021 I didn't celebrate ..thank you Jesus Christ ...
AMEN AMEN AMEN!!! Thanks dear Man of GOD ALMIGHTY for Teaching the World, Thanks DEAR LORD and SERVIOR JESUS CHRIST for the Great REVELATION Through the LORD HOLY SPIRIT
Thank you LORD ALMIGHTY for your faithful and kindness through your prophet Ian Indovu. Since 2018, I have been trying to tell people about Christmas thing that it was not Godly thing. It’s demonic day. And that’s the reason why after Christmas we experience a lot of calamity. MAY OUR JESUS CHRIST BE OUR STRENGTH AND OUR HOPE FOREVER.
Very good video! I, however, do not say "Happy Holidays" because where I live this is a phrase used by people who avoid saying Merry Christmas because they think it's associated with Christ or that it is a religious holiday. In other words, non-Christians who want to make it known that they do not believe in Christ. So even though I know that Christ was not born on December 25, I specifically respond back with a Merry Christmas to someone who says Happy Holidays to sort of show were my allegiance is. I don't know if this makes sense. But no trees, Santa or elves madness here, lol. That seems to be what's glorified and also the reason I lost interest in it. There is no glorifying God at all from what I have observed.
We thank God as a Believer of the End Time Message of the Hour! William Marrion Branham. We are well taught and I thank God for our Prophet WMB .Glad you are teaching your people this.
What the servant of God is airing through this media is totally true. We who believe in Jesus should take this message seriously... May God bless you all in Jesus mighty name ....amen
Thank you for sharing this. I was hoping too you had shared on how the Passover/resurrection has been tainted by a pagan title of "Easter." Perhaps you have in another video. I had a discussion with my pastor against it that we should not label the unique death and resurrection of Christ period with the term Easter (associated with a pagan goddess of fertility and celebrated with the easter eggs and bunnies.) but sadly to no avail. All I got was talk from him and members that it was an okay thing. People don't realize "a little leaven ferments the whole lump." Does Jesus approve of such? The Israelites of old made a golden calf while Moses delayed on the mountain and they proceeded to say it was a festival to Jehovah. They were destroyed those who had an attachment to that ceremony.
Ya its true me and my family i dont celebrate it we just stay where we stay we see it as any other day of the week thanks for elaborating it is paganism be blessed pastor ian ndlovu.
Hallelujah and praise to our Lord Yeshua. More grace pastor for teaching the truth. Please can you teach on wearing wedding rings, if it’s biblical or not!. Is there any place in the Bible that we should use wedding ring to symbolise our vows. Thanks and await your response.
I have a question ? I understand the Christmas now, what about the new year celebration ??? Is it the right date for new year too or not ? Is it written in bible to celebrate new year or not ??
Jesus was born and He was on the earth and if not on this day when was it. Every one said is not today when was it then. Can you make us understand. We celebrate Jesus every day in our lives and thank God but there must be a specific day and that date no one tells us.
Since this date is nt revelealed and the bible says if all things tht concern jesus were written there would nt be enough books to put it all.If u hve an interest in the date u can ask God and he can speak to you and tell you.but it would be difficult fr me to accept ur date.just as it would be difficult fr you to accept my date.and the bible the final authority is silent on it.
I also was arguing it that way that there is a day Jesus was born as also He died. But today i have understood yes the day is there. But in the whole of bible aside of reading verses about His birth in a major, there is no more verses teaching about His birth celebrations as like its very well versed about His works and eventual death at Calvary
The actual day is unknown but you study the geography of Israel this season of December is winter, temperature is low and no one can sleep outside spoken in the bible that the shepherds were taking care of the sheep, staying there where they were feeding sheeps for some days yet there were no houses there.
Now i understood that Pastor Ndlovu was once a member of Jehovah's witnesses, His idea of not celebrating Christmas is from there and his humbleness, not pretending to be he's like more superior just because God is using him. Do i say Jehovah's witnesses are perfect in doctrines? No But when it comes to Christmas and humbleness i appreciate.
He is expressing ideas from the Bible not a religious grouping. And humility is also a Biblical virtue. It is a coincidence that both things you associate them with JWs.
Amen. We have not celebrated for a while now. God wants us to be separate from the World. Our savior is Jesus. He's not a little baby. And was not born in winter during a census. No census was held in Winter. We need to drop all the worldly festivities. There is no excuse to follow pagan ways. We either follow God or the a world. We cannot have one foot in each world, and eternity.
Thanks for sharing this truth!!...God has his own holy days which the christian world has generally ignored and called them Jewish (God does not call them Jewish--He called them his days!).
Joy to the world the Lord is come. Christmas is not about the day but the person. It could have been on any date of the month. if we can celebrate the birth of a child so what's wrong with celebrating the birth of Christ? First I celebrate the day a savior came in the world because he came to reconcile us back to the Father and make us one with the Father. That's what we celebrate. Hypocrisy is when a Prophet holds service on a Sunday which is the first day of the week yet according to the bible the sabbath day is on Saturday.
Hi. Thank you for the talk. It is clear that the date of Hesus Christ birth is not known. 25th Dec is a arbitrary date. I was reading the Bible specifically Luke Chapter2. There is a celebration of Jesus Christ birth when Angels told the Sheperds to go to Bethlem. I do agree with you that the origin of Christmad Celebration is pagan. Even today as Medical Doctor in South Africa i am always disappointed to see what happen on Christmas day. We have rapes, stabbing, drunkness to the extrene, motor vehicles accidents to name the few. Actually the majority dishonor the birth of Jesus Christ by their behaviour. Thank you for the presentation
2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when people will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teacher, having itching ears. 4) And the shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables. 2 Thessalonians 11-12 And for this reason Elohim will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie. 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteous
Let me give you a spiritual implication of this. To those saying origins do not matter. You can't say the origin of something is not important. Rather say it has no effect in your belief system. If Jesus Christ Birthday is important then God's birthday is important too. For his son was God revealed in flesh. So if there must be a day which man can relate to concerning Jesus birth what is wrong then with man seeking God's origin so they may relate to it. There is a reason why God refused with the record of the date of Jesus birth because you could not tie God to a beginning neither his death day for he has no end of days. The life of man naturally begins at male and female union, with Christ it wasn't so, he was placed by the Holy Spirit in the womb and no one knows when He did that to marry, even Mary was just told the Holy Spirit will come upon you. Secondly Jesus said I will lay my life down and oick it up hence no end of days. God Himself revealed in flesh. Are you Thomas that you need nails ( figurative) to convict the world and yourself that he existed. Nevertheless in ignorance the word is still preached and things done in his account. Romans 14:5 (c) the messenger NMH
You may also watch my other sermon entitled: "Convictions: An exposition on the pagan origins of Christmas ~ Part 1 (13/06/2021)" by opening the following linkвидео.html
You may also explore the following resources that are freely available to all on the internet:
Pastor :
I follow your teachings and believe in the work you do. But I think in this matter there is no right or wrong; it’s to do with your faith and personal conviction as guided by the Holy Spirit. If eating meat is sin to you, then don’t eat it! Does celebrating Christmas make one lose salvation? The other day you also said Communion using pure grape juice is the only correct way. Yet rural poor folks don’t have grape juice … so now their communion is incorrect? Nothing wrong with wanting to do things perfectly; but in doing so, surely the Spirit is our guidance? But I digress.
Returning to the matter here about Christmas, the Bible in Colossians 2:16 says “Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath.”
Romans 14:5-6 also says, “One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. The one who observes the day, observes it in honor of the Lord. The one who eats, eats in honor of the Lord, since he gives thanks to God, while the one who abstains, abstains in honor of the Lord and gives thanks to God.”
Therefore, if I choose to honour Christmas Day to celebrating the birth of Christ, I do not condemn those who don’t and neither can anyone condemn those who do. The scripture from Romans is teaching that this is a personal decision.
Also in Judges 6:25 to 32, Gideon was instructed by the LORD tear down the altar of the god Baal and in its place, build an altar to the LORD. In the same way, a festival that used to be an altar to worship a pagan god was torn down and in it’s place we commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. Christ didn’t instruct us to celebrate His birth specifically but we celebrate it like the shepherds that watched their flocks, like the Wisemen from the East and like the angelic choir that sang, “Glory in the highest! Peace on Earth and goodwill to all men”. Even stars commemorated his birth! December 25 was not the actual date of birth, but it was a day that we chose to commemorate the birth of Christ after tearing down the altars of the pagan gods that had that day.
Finally, panicking about pagan holidays (holy days) is giving ourselves endless attempts to work towards our Salvation as if we can save ourselves. We worship on Sunday, which was the pagan day of worship for the Sun god. But we took that day from that false god and now dedicate it to the worship of the true God. Even those who worship on Saturday it was the day to worship Saturnalia the god you mentioned earlier. Sabbath worship comes with its list of rules as well if we really want to be religious about correct days. Even some of the months of the year are named after pagan gods like Janus, Juno etc.
All I’m saying is if I know a pagan god is nothing and that I’m saved by Grace and not through works and religious rights and wrongs, then celebrating Christmas and praying with my family to thank Christ that He came and eating a meal and singing Silent Night… I really don’t worry about laws and rules. Sure, many real churches and even cults like JW are anti Christmas … that’s their choice. But those that do are free from the law to choose a day that was previously dedicated to evil and dedicate it to Christ. Just like Sunday was once dedicated to evil and Christians now dedicate it to Christ. God bless.
You speak out of ignorance. We were given knowledge and faculties by God for a reason. There is a right and wrong regarding everything. Have a look at the fights this so-called holiday (curse) causing in every family, the stress and hardships flight cancellation number of road accidents, and the meaningless things in our tradition that keep us separated from God. Read the NT if you want to see how Jesus handled making right decisions vs. traditions. Ignorant pharisees and teacher of the law that have led people astray for decades are about to be judged. We are not doing anything biblical when we celebrate this burdensome 'holiday' that delivers the most suicides per year and stresses peoples bank accounts. You belong with them.
This is my first year of not celebrating Christmas, I feel so blessed
Mee to for no reason I refused to celebrate.
Thank you Man of GOD,I too when I came to know the truth I dont celebrate all those days..I celebrate CHRIST everyday of my life for saving & healing my life
I stopped celebrating christmass last year after my conversion. I thank the Holy spirit for teaching me. Thank you man of God
I subscribe to this type of Gospel. May God, Almighty continue to grant you wisdom. Amen
Ignorance is darkness thank God for these teachings,God's people perish for lack of knowledge.
Amen! There's a bondage associate with Christmas and Jesus came to set us free from bondage. Awesome message!
After listening to the first message I hv decided not celebrate Christmas for the first time in many years. I told my family and my coworkers. I feel very good about my decision thanks for the enlightenment
For many Christians this is a bitter pill to swallow
Atleast I Have seen One who Speaks without fear of Controversy that He May Please God and not Men! Blessed be You Man of God Dr Ian
You are truly a vessel for the most high ,i haven't celebrated Christmas in a while for some reason something felt off about it .I have taught my kids that its not a Christian holiday as they claim it is and they are so used to not celebrating. We need more man of God to preach this message as the world has been deceived with most of the holidays
This is the first Christmas i made up my mind not to celebrate no one told me the holy spirit express the falsity of this day into my spirit..
May God forgives me for duelling on such ignorance for such a long time
Me too is the first time not celebrating it, though my family still not understanding it, surely they'll understand with time, still taking baby steps
This truth needs to be taught in the church body of Christ
Praise man of God. Ever since I got saved I have never been so excited about Christmas for some reason best known by the holy spirit. I'm blessed to keep on learning man of God
I love this man of God he speaks with so much love and compassion.His words never fails on the ground, humble in speech and graceful in ways.
God bless you for this generation sir
Amen Amen Glory to God
Thank you for this word and for the opportunity to comment without restrictions. May you be blessed.
Thank you,,I have no idea why for very many years I find myself lazy to celebrate but now I know.
Thank you man of God. for this wonderful message.i believe God uses you to speak to us..
Here is an area where a lot of Christians need enlightenment. The way Christmas is celebrated in the west tells you without any doubt that there is a force behind it . It's a message to share widely. The path we must walk in get brighter and brighter till dawn .The humble are teachable
Perfectly said!!!
U have said it very well my brother
This is Wisdom! Thank you Lord for this teaching.
I totally believe this message Pastor thanks for confirmation.According to a you tube page Peniel eternal it talks of a spirit which receives celebrations of the Christmas holiday and new year.That spirit also causes accidents on our roads to commemorate this period.So let's instead live for God 🙏
Thank you Pastor for the powerful massage.
Amen! What an eye opener. Thank you man of God!!
Grateful for your courage in speaking the truth.
Amen. This is true man of God, and I believe that as the day of his return nears the believers will be separated from many traditions which they have embraced as truth.
Its true man of God i was telling this to my work mates that it does not show in any of the scriptures. Zambia
Thank you Prophet of Ahayah (God) , for me this is confirmation of what I heard from Sister Kerry-Ann (Phophetes) last month , it was my first time and I must say I was taken aback, but the Holy Spirit has helped me come to terms with revelation. Now Dr Ian you are confirming it, all I can say is glory and honor belongs to him. I find myself to be one of the chosen and so loved by Ahayah.
Now i understand why since I got save ,the spirit would lead me to fast n pray over Christmas, holiday.thanks so much man of God for allowing your self to me used by God
Whether you're loved or hated,I love your teachings for they're enlighting us and not entertaining us,giving pure message keep up good work man of God Ian Ndlovu
I agree with your message 100% Dr. Ndhlovu. I used to get emotional when I tried to reason with pastors about this and they rejected the prophecy. God told me that it's not me they have rejected but Him, because they have been blinded by the master of deceit.
That is true man of God. That knowledge is eye opening. God bless you.
I have been missing this platform, thanks to the man of God
Thank you Pastor for opening my eyes l am so much helped
Continue helping us
Very greatful for this confirmation. I had come across other workings of other servants of God discouraging participation of this pagan holiday.Sad part is that the church I fellowship and my family members celebrate it,though this year I have bodily stated I don't celebrate it to everyone who has sent me wishes.Now its to teach my children to steer off Christmas celebrations. Truly Gods love for humanity is unfathomable..
Great exposition I love the holidays yet I do celebrate because of children to know and relate with the birth of Christ as Baby Jesus. Kids get to learn alit from the plays, skits, movies and drama about Our Lord that's I connect with this time of the year just for the kids to never forget there's a Saviour who was born for their life
But they still need to know the truth, that he was not born on the 25th Dec, it purely a pagan day...
Teach them the word of God n leave the holy spirit to be there teacher,my nine yrs old doesn't celebrate Christmas at all ,how she learn about I can't tell ,but I have taught her to ready,the whole bible like a story book.
God bless you indeed dear Brother.
Thanks.i fully agree.i decided to spend Christmas in prayer.then this morning sothe Lord sends me a message in a song crying for repentance.then I read this to from you .a confirm this.our Lord forgive us
I'm so happy that you shared this Pastor wow.... I was failing to explain it properly to others. A truly blessed message, I'm blessed!
You will know the truth and it will set free, God bless you Pastor.
I am impressed. May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ enlight you more and more. Also, Pastor Sunday worship is catholic day of worship. May one day you preach about it. Sunday worship was done by Constantin on March 7, 321 AD
Am here to learn something and amend my errors
We thank God for granting you the courage to spke the truth man of God... Praise God!
We thank God Almighty about the message i know the other sermon where you said about it I think it's last year, this time I was worried about the gifts can I take them but I thank God He has used you to talk about gifts as well I'm really revived thank you Dr Ian may God surround you and your church with the hage of Fire
I agree with you man of God...
Thank you Dr Ndlovu. God bless you.
Very true - there is nothing in the Word of God about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Thank you Apostle Ian. The day is commercialised and major in netting in gifts. Better for respective churches to identify own days of appreciating leadership and shower them with gifts. Another hurdle to jump around this time is FAMILY. One mention of what Apostle is teaching and you have divided the home. I now capitalise on my birthday, invite family and tell them this is for me and to thank Jesus Christ for Salvation so there will be no Christmas celebrations in my home. Period. Be blessed Apostle Ian, wife, children and the Church.🙏🏽✊🏼🇿🇦
God bless you pastor Ian, am grateful for the message.
I'm right there with you
I never go to church during Xmas for many years as a pastor since I learnt the demons worshipped
Thank you for coming open to church
God bless you Pastor truth shall set us free indeed 🙏💕
I stopped last year 2020 by not celebrating Christmas 🌲 ...thank God for this revelation Dr.Ian Ndlovu ...I celebrate Jesus Christ everyday of my life ...thank God 2021 I didn't celebrate ..thank you Jesus Christ ...
AMEN AMEN AMEN!!! Thanks dear Man of GOD ALMIGHTY for Teaching the World, Thanks DEAR LORD and SERVIOR JESUS CHRIST for the Great REVELATION Through the LORD HOLY SPIRIT
Thank you LORD ALMIGHTY for your faithful and kindness through your prophet Ian Indovu. Since 2018, I have been trying to tell people about Christmas thing that it was not Godly thing. It’s demonic day. And that’s the reason why after Christmas we experience a lot of calamity. MAY OUR JESUS CHRIST BE OUR STRENGTH AND OUR HOPE FOREVER.
May God continue blessing you more and more.
Ithank God out of circumstances ihv not celebrated Christmas for like 10yrs oohh God you're mightier
Thank you servant of God
I wish pastors in my country Uganda can be bold like you but they are all quiet and celebrating along
Watching from Cameron, wisdom is good
Very good video! I, however, do not say "Happy Holidays" because where I live this is a phrase used by people who avoid saying Merry Christmas because they think it's associated with Christ or that it is a religious holiday. In other words, non-Christians who want to make it known that they do not believe in Christ. So even though I know that Christ was not born on December 25, I specifically respond back with a Merry Christmas to someone who says Happy Holidays to sort of show were my allegiance is. I don't know if this makes sense. But no trees, Santa or elves madness here, lol. That seems to be what's glorified and also the reason I lost interest in it. There is no glorifying God at all from what I have observed.
Excellent counselling.
We thank God as a Believer of the End Time Message of the Hour! William Marrion Branham. We are well taught and I thank God for our Prophet WMB .Glad you are teaching your people this.
Amen,we give glory to God.
What the servant of God is airing through this media is totally true. We who believe in Jesus should take this message seriously... May God bless you all in Jesus mighty name ....amen
Thanks for reminding us
I am blessed to see this
Thank you for sharing this. I was hoping too you had shared on how the Passover/resurrection has been tainted by a pagan title of "Easter." Perhaps you have in another video.
I had a discussion with my pastor against it that we should not label the unique death and resurrection of Christ period with the term Easter (associated with a pagan goddess of fertility and celebrated with the easter eggs and bunnies.) but sadly to no avail. All I got was talk from him and members that it was an okay thing.
People don't realize "a little leaven ferments the whole lump." Does Jesus approve of such?
The Israelites of old made a golden calf while Moses delayed on the mountain and they proceeded to say it was a festival to Jehovah. They were destroyed those who had an attachment to that ceremony.
Ya its true me and my family i dont celebrate it we just stay where we stay we see it as any other day of the week thanks for elaborating it is paganism be blessed pastor ian ndlovu.
.....And I have not find any disciples of Jesus, celebrating Christmas. True.
Hallelujah and praise to our Lord Yeshua. More grace pastor for teaching the truth. Please can you teach on wearing wedding rings, if it’s biblical or not!. Is there any place in the Bible that we should use wedding ring to symbolise our vows. Thanks and await your response.
Pastor lan Ndlovu please tell us about the calendar and it's holidays.thankyou
Nowonder I did not celebrate But I kept in private prayers alone.
Dear man of God am one of z followers. Pls may God help u to pray for my son as to 2kings4:1.
Thanks Pastor, for the truth, I fully agree. Greetings from South 🇿🇦
Glory be to God
I have a question ?
I understand the Christmas now, what about the new year celebration ???
Is it the right date for new year too or not ?
Is it written in bible to celebrate new year or not ??
The new year is not the Hebrewic calendar which starts in September Jan 1 is Gregorian calendar year ( Roman calendar )
Jesus was born and He was on the earth and if not on this day when was it. Every one said is not today when was it then. Can you make us understand. We celebrate Jesus every day in our lives and thank God but there must be a specific day and that date no one tells us.
Since this date is nt revelealed and the bible says if all things tht concern jesus were written there would nt be enough books to put it all.If u hve an interest in the date u can ask God and he can speak to you and tell you.but it would be difficult fr me to accept ur date.just as it would be difficult fr you to accept my date.and the bible the final authority is silent on it.
I also was arguing it that way that there is a day Jesus was born as also He died. But today i have understood yes the day is there. But in the whole of bible aside of reading verses about His birth in a major, there is no more verses teaching about His birth celebrations as like its very well versed about His works and eventual death at Calvary
September 9th!
The actual day is unknown but you study the geography of Israel this season of December is winter, temperature is low and no one can sleep outside spoken in the bible that the shepherds were taking care of the sheep, staying there where they were feeding sheeps for some days yet there were no houses there.
Did the Lord ask us to have a celebration of His birthday on a specific day?
Thanks Pastor, for the truth, I fully agree. Greetings from South 🇿🇦.
Now i understood that Pastor Ndlovu was once a member of Jehovah's witnesses,
His idea of not celebrating Christmas is from there and his humbleness, not pretending to be he's like more superior just because God is using him.
Do i say Jehovah's witnesses are perfect in doctrines? No But when it comes to Christmas and humbleness i appreciate.
He was never a Jehovah’s Witnesses. He is from a Baptist church.
He is expressing ideas from the Bible not a religious grouping. And humility is also a Biblical virtue. It is a coincidence that both things you associate them with JWs.
He is a Jesus witness lend by the Holy Spirit to teach the real gospel .
Jehovah what please do not put my Pastor into a cult organization.
Mark 7:8
Abandoning the command of Elohim ,
you keep the tradition of man.
Hosea 4:6
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge
We have not celebrated for a while now.
God wants us to be separate from the World.
Our savior is Jesus. He's not a little baby. And was not born in winter during a census. No census was held in Winter.
We need to drop all the worldly festivities. There is no excuse to follow pagan ways.
We either follow God or the a world.
We cannot have one foot in each world, and eternity.
Thanks for sharing this truth!!...God has his own holy days which the christian world has generally ignored and called them Jewish (God does not call them Jewish--He called them his days!).
Joy to the world the Lord is come. Christmas is not about the day but the person. It could have been on any date of the month. if we can celebrate the birth of a child so what's wrong with celebrating the birth of Christ? First I celebrate the day a savior came in the world because he came to reconcile us back to the Father and make us one with the Father. That's what we celebrate.
Hypocrisy is when a Prophet holds service on a Sunday which is the first day of the week yet according to the bible the sabbath day is on Saturday.
Thanks Pastor, I don't celebrate Christmas
Hi. Thank you for the talk. It is clear that the date of Hesus Christ birth is not known. 25th Dec is a arbitrary date. I was reading the Bible specifically Luke Chapter2. There is a celebration of Jesus Christ birth when Angels told the Sheperds to go to Bethlem. I do agree with you that the origin of Christmad Celebration is pagan. Even today as Medical Doctor in South Africa i am always disappointed to see what happen on Christmas day. We have rapes, stabbing, drunkness to the extrene, motor vehicles accidents to name the few. Actually the majority dishonor the birth of Jesus Christ by their behaviour. Thank you for the presentation
Blessings 🇿🇦
2 Timothy 4:3
For the time will come when people will not endure sound doctrine,
but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teacher, having itching ears.
4) And the shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables.
2 Thessalonians 11-12
And for this reason Elohim will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie.
12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteous
I also don't celebrate Christmas once I read about this revelation
I am so happy I am not the only one who doesn't celebrate these holidays.
And the image of Christmas is santa Claus and not Jesus Christ.
Think it over
They should be fasting
Amen and Amen Christmas its not a celebration day
Eh. I still love Christmas.
people always dissed Jehovah's Witness for not celebrating Christmas
This year l did not celebrate Christmas
Before the earth was formed. Jesus was. He is the rock of ages. He is God. He is ancient of days. That's why there is no birth date.
Preacher don't want to preach about it but those who knows the truth can't celebrate Christmas.
Let me give you a spiritual implication of this. To those saying origins do not matter.
You can't say the origin of something is not important. Rather say it has no effect in your belief system. If Jesus Christ Birthday is important then God's birthday is important too. For his son was God revealed in flesh. So if there must be a day which man can relate to concerning Jesus birth what is wrong then with man seeking God's origin so they may relate to it. There is a reason why God refused with the record of the date of Jesus birth because you could not tie God to a beginning neither his death day for he has no end of days. The life of man naturally begins at male and female union, with Christ it wasn't so, he was placed by the Holy Spirit in the womb and no one knows when He did that to marry, even Mary was just told the Holy Spirit will come upon you. Secondly Jesus said I will lay my life down and oick it up hence no end of days. God Himself revealed in flesh. Are you Thomas that you need nails ( figurative) to convict the world and yourself that he existed. Nevertheless in ignorance the word is still preached and things done in his account. Romans 14:5
(c) the messenger NMH
No wander l dont get too exited on a Christmas day it look like a normal day for me and we've been living a lie all these years chai