You truly deserve the admiration of your fans you share with them your excellent talent entertaining them with your amazing voice you show your 100% performance making your fans enjoy every moments with you .this is not only a fan meeting but also a mini concert. You are a perfectly talented individual with a good and kind heart as well. Thanks to you i will be your forever fan❤
너~무 잘하잖아♡♡♡
You truly deserve the admiration of your fans you share with them your excellent talent entertaining them with your amazing voice you show your 100% performance making your fans enjoy every moments with you .this is not only a fan meeting but also a mini concert. You are a perfectly talented individual with a good and kind heart as well. Thanks to you i will be your forever fan❤
대단하네요.일본 팬미 노래중 가장 잘 불렀던 노래가 아닐까라는 생각이들어요. 준비 많이 해서 보여준 열정과 노력에 박수를 보내고 싶네요.
수현배우님 대단하고 연기천재 못하는게 뭐예요. 너무 감미로운곡이네요.사랑합니다~^^♡
하아 진짜 김수맨 못하는게 뭔지.
어려운 노래지만 선택해서 밴드와 라이브? 가수도 하기힘든 무대를 준비한 울 수현배우에게 박수와 찬사를 ! 그진심은 시간이 갈수록 빛이 날테니!
안그래도 빛나는 용안 헤메코 완벽에 노래까지 완젼 쌉 잡아드심👍 넘나 자랑스런 내 최애 김수현 ❤❤❤
김수현 노래 부르면 설레임 ❤화면 색감 좋으다
김수현 ❤🎉
진짜 짱 멋있어요^^사랑해주고 싶은 남자♡❤❤❤
김수맨 못하는게대체뭐야?증말 너무멋있잖아요 너무 너무❤❤❤
Эмоциональная песня, которая потрясет сердца, уникальное исполнение и его великолепный голос❤❤❤ замечательный
김수맨 뭔데 미쳤는데? 왜케 잘하는거야?🫢🫢
Thank you your sharing.. we are happy to replay his songs while voting for him! I m so addicted to his music
He should have been a singer parallely with an actor. He has his dad's gene of a singer.
맨앞줄에 있는 사람 부럽다~~