Due to copyright, the original nWo theme has been replaced with the nWo 2000 theme in all the videos except WCW Mayhem and WWE All-Stars, so stop asking why the original themes aren't in the videos. If you don't know what copyright is, look it up!
Some of it does, but the legends mostly look awful and look more like jakks toy figures than their actual selves, the 06 versions of classic, nwo of hogan look far better than the 2K14 versions as does Smnackdown vs. Raw 2007's Hogan.
Due to copyright, the original nWo theme has been replaced with the nWo 2000 theme in all the videos except WCW Mayhem and WWE All-Stars, so stop asking why the original themes aren't in the videos.
If you don't know what copyright is, look it up!
I swear WWE 2K14 still looks good 10 years later for what it brought to the table of Wrestling Games.
Some of it does, but the legends mostly look awful and look more like jakks toy figures than their actual selves, the 06 versions of classic, nwo of hogan look far better than the 2K14 versions as does Smnackdown vs. Raw 2007's Hogan.
That sounds more like hulk Hogan's tna theme