Good afternoon sir! I really appreciate this exposition! I'm in my mid forties, I'd enrolled in trainings in Digital Marketing in the past. Precisely in 2019. I've had a struggle to gain mastery, as a beginner aside from my job constraints challenge, from my present job. However, I would to know how best I could train in such a way as to move up the curve, in a proposed career transition.
Regarding the Digital Marketing field, my focus has been on Social Media Marketing. Best regards!
Good afternoon sir! I really appreciate this exposition! I'm in my mid forties, I'd enrolled in trainings in Digital Marketing in the past. Precisely in 2019. I've had a struggle to gain mastery, as a beginner aside from my job constraints challenge, from my present job. However, I would to know how best I could train in such a way as to move up the curve, in a proposed career transition.
That apart, what is life like entering the challenging private sector, at this age life of life cycle? Thank you very much sir!
I work in a public school in Lagos, but I feel the need to press forward. Thank you very much sir!