Thanx to all subscribers and supporters. You often ask where we are from. So we are from Slovakia. We are happy that you like our stuff. This is our satisfaction.
Yeah, me when playin COD 4 MW on veteran. Seriously, it's hell. You peek for one second? Dead. You just threw back a grenade? Here's 5 more. You killed 758 enemy soldiers in this small area with no access? Theres 6969 more respawning!
Lol hit the jackpot with mine. She doesnt mind a garage full of dirtbikes, barn full of cars or bedroom full of airsoft and real steal guns and airsoft and real steel gun accesories lmao
M. Fftgyyhy u ugyugughuuhhhuuhuhhh u hhuhuhhuhuhughhhyuhbhgugguguuyguyggyyguyuhhyguguygggsd🏦🏦🏦🏦🏧🕍🏥🏙🏙🏘🏥🕍🏙🏙🏦🏘🏦🏨🏡🗾🏡🏩🏨🏩📯🎛☏🎤🎛📯☏🎛🎧☏☏🎷💽☏🎧voicjdcjsjxj×2202919 [×(××(@(@[@((!@(@(@(×9+[(1 (×**&@>@>!*!(1 [>!?*!(!>!>
GIMRvLOGS Modal Usaha Bertambah?? Agunan B P K B Kendaraan Proses Pencairan Cepat Tdk Cek BI Rate_0.7%/Bln Bsa T.Over IRVAN 085311900117 Kami hadir dalam pertemuan “ SMART INVESTMENT ? YUK MENGENAL REKSADANA ! “ : Daftar Hadir : 1. Freddy AK 2. Pauline Herawaty K 3. Eddy ayaw 4. Lanny Hamsah 5. Ferry GT 6. Ferry Ferdian 7. Timotius 8. Esther Uria. 9. T T E 10. Lily. 11. Herman Santoso. 12. Sofyan SW. 13. Lia 14. Johny 15. Lely 16. 17. 18. Sore,bpk/ibu,sy YADI dr bank DBS brgkali mau ambil pinjaman (KTA) s/d 200 jt bunga 1,19 flat. Bisa hubungi no ini.Tlp/WA : 082118686699 free Approved! dan Jika ada keluarga Anda yg kena stroke, segera berobat ke Dr. Terawan. Dia praktek di RSPAD pagi hari & sorenya di RS Gading Pluit. Ada beritanya di majalah Tempo, dimana penyanyi Benny Panjaitan berhasil sembuh dr stroke nya. Barusan tadi jam 8 malam, om teman saya yg kena stroke juga berhasil sembuh dr strokenya. Pengobatannya dikenal dgn nama BRAIN WASH. Nama pengobatannya adalah cuci otak yg berbasis radiologi intervensi. Pengerjaannya menggunakan mesin canggih namanya digital traction angiogram. Penyumbatan yg terjadi dipembuluh darah bisa di hilangkan shg pembuluh darah menjadi baik. Om teman saya tadi diambil tindakan hanya 20 menit, dia skrg bisa bicara dgn baik, tangannya sdh tdk kaku & besok sdh keluar RS dgn berjalan spt biasa. Nama dokternya adalah Dr. Terawan Agus Putranto di RSPAD Gatot Subroto. Ybs adalah dokter Subspesialis Radiologi Intervensi. Info di Majalah Tempo edisi No. 4017, tgl 27 Juni - 3 Juli 2011, halaman 86. Klu mau bikin janji no telpnya Dr. Terawan, RSPAD Gatot Subroto, sekertarisnya namanya Pak Yudi.Tlp 021.3840702 - 3441008, prakteknya di Segitiga Senen Raya. Dokter Terawan adalah dokter yg punya alat2 canggih, kanker otak tdk perlu operasi bongkar batok kepala, hanya disuntik lewat nadi di tangan, kemotherapy di dr Terawan juga tdk gosong & rambut tdk rontok....... Pengalaman ortu klien saya yg kanker tulang ekor & sdh divonnis lumpuh seumur hidup oleh dokter2 di RS Dharmais ..... Sekali theraphy di dokter Terawan alhamdulilah bisa jalan normal lagi........ [30/9 20.03] Sudarmono: Copas dari anak gw yg di FK-UI... Mulai hari ini di RSCM mulai dipraktekan penyedotan plug (sumbatan) di vena/saluran darah ke jantung, jd ngga pake ring atau bypass lagi . Semoga teknologi ini membawa kabar gembira.. khususnya bagi mereka yg diditeksi adanya sumbatan tsb. Jantung Koroner Tdk Selalu Harus Pasang Ring atau Operasi. . Sehubungan dgn byknya kasus penyempitan pembuluh darah terutama di jantung yg dirasakan sbg sesak napas atau napas ter-engah2 atau cepat lelah (misalnya naik tangga), bersama ini di informasikan bhw penanganan penyempitan pembuluh darah tsb TIDAK SELALU hrs dilakukan dgn pemasangan ring (Stent) atau bhk operasi by pass. Saat ini penanganan pembuluh darah di jantung yg menyempit dpt dilaku kan dgn cara di infus. Cairan infus yg di import tsb mampu mengikis (membersihkan) plaque (gumpalan2 yg umumnya berupa calsium) pd bagian dlm pembuluh darah yg menghambat aliran darah. Tergantung dr parah atau tdknya penyempitan tsb. Dr. Yahya Kisyanto, yg alamat prakteknya di daerah Cikini, menggunakan dua macam cairan infus. Pengobatan penyempitan pembuluh darah dgn cara di infus ini biayanya sgt terjangkau oleh masyarakat umum & sdh byk pasien yg berhasil ditangani. Sbg Catatan : 1. Dr. Yahya Kisyanto merupakan dokter yg sgt senior di bidang Cardiologist & Internist - sgt sosial & sgt membantu pasien, bhk pasien yg dtg pd hari Minggu pun dilayani. 2. Biaya yg dibebankan juga sgt sosial. Ada 2 - macam cairan infus yg digunakan harganya sekitar Rp 600 ribu & Rp 1,3 juta - per infus - tergantung parahnya penyempitan. Harga ini jauh lbh sosial dibanding dgn klinik Cardiologi lainnya. 3. Jam praktek Dr. Yahya Kiswanto, dr jam 08 pagi spai jam 14 siang & sore jam 18 spai jam 22 atau dgn perjanjian. No telepon yg dpt dihubungi adalah (021) 319 - 25353. Klinik Abdi Medika (Cikini). Informasi ini tdk ada salahnya Anda sebarkan kpd pihak lain utk membantu sesama yg mungkin sdg membutuh kan. Semoga bermanfaat.
so funny. This is just like my house. Guns in the corner, on the table, on the counter. Bullets in the drawers, in the bed, on the floor of the car. Empty shell cases on the floor, dashboard, kids playing with them. Dead and bleeding animals on the table and Goose gumbo with bird shot in it.This was perfict
at.49...the ever present wall-mounted electric water heater. First difference I noticed when I visited family in Greece. BTW and FYI most American water heaters are natural gas burners and sit on the floor and stand about 5ft 6inches.
***** love your channel you earned a subscriber! And a fist bump *gives a fist bump* please make a airsoft vs reality 4...I seen and loved all of them and good work and keep at the hard work!
I play airsoft because I enjoy it and I have high functioning autism, I'll probably never be able to enlist because I get anxiety when speaking but hey I guess I can go down to the recruiters office when I’m 18 and try. You’ll never know why every airsofter plays airsoft but that’s one reason. *smallest violin in the world plays*
Am sorry if a man is this much into Airsoft is better off single. As My self, I normally let my wife know when I deside to go play. As well I keep all my gear in another room.
2:16 she do be striking a pose like she's in a Michaelangelo painting
Oh hi there
“Honey you left your Glock 17 in the laundry again”
Then he be like )
“Oh yeah just need to clean it up after that last one”
I hear that a lot
2:50 In Russia you will Find T-34 Shells
Along with 3 bottles of vodka and 6 7.62 bullets
@@nekuriesantos6283 بناتزلوكتاتنضزغمكغظمغكضهفض
In Area 51 you will find Tomahawk Misslies
Its not Russia but Slovakia, OMG Everyone learn that this channel is Slovakian not Russian
No no no comrade you will find TSAR BOMBAS IN THE SOUP FOR THE MOTHERLAND
1:46 And here you can see Van Gogh with both of his ears still attached...
TheRomanbaer mmm hmmm
I think the lesson here is, your girlfriend puts up with your shit, you should put up with hers
Jacob Kilman Amén
immagine this comment was 5 years ago
Yeah basically
@@JonatasMonte p{to 1 0
0:15 I got that gunвидео.html Сибирь, снег, устройство самопального болотохода.
I have an entire wall of Airsoft stuff in my room
That is my favorite pistol airsoft and real
From the first quality, the M249 SAW is for defense, the launcher is for when the toilet gets clogged.
I'm done XD
Я возможно повторюсь... НО .... Спасибо вам за ваше видео,за ваше творчество.
Thanx to all subscribers and supporters. You often ask where we are from. So we are from Slovakia. We are happy that you like our stuff. This is our satisfaction.
***** Lol Cast is all Czech
Game Smile Nie, všetci sme Slováci. Ale to je zhruba to isté.
***** So in your country are you allowed to own real fire arms?
2:05 I am unconscious
2:09 Fully MW3 alert
Yeah, me when playin COD 4 MW on veteran. Seriously, it's hell. You peek for one second? Dead.
You just threw back a grenade? Here's 5 more. You killed 758 enemy soldiers in this small area with no access? Theres 6969 more respawning!
So true. I have more guns, uniforms & kit in our closet then my wife has clothes. My two daughters help load my magazines on the weekend.
Getting my 6 & 3 year olds into Nerf. "Gateway hobby"
luck family
Loopsrainforest I cannot wait until my 11 month old boy can hold a nerf gun. :)
That moment when some Airsoft dudes think there were real soldiers xD
crxzy.- XD ikrвидео.html Сибирь, снег, устройство самопального болотохода.
Some of them were soldiers once, others are just for fun XD
This was pretty clever, very funny and actually well acted for being amateurs. Well done!
Lol hit the jackpot with mine. She doesnt mind a garage full of dirtbikes, barn full of cars or bedroom full of airsoft and real steal guns and airsoft and real steel gun accesories lmao
I love your channel!!!! Make more videos, very enjoyable and funny. LOVE IT
The best girlfriend for airsofter is a girlfriend who play airsoft
So true its a struggle to find one tho
Nature Spirit true dat
Nature Spirit true
Greenwolf Airsoft it’s not that hard to find one if you convince a girl to play with you
Airsoft is so fun girls need to play more
moc pěknééé,líbí se mi Vaše videa,jen tak dál
I would snap if I found BBS in my food
While I wouldn't snap, I do agree with you, BBs in food, especially when it's hot, is where I'd draw the line.
Looking for who asked
I wouldnt snap I would throw my bf/gf out the window
hold your mouth thats igitt
This dudes hair literally is the exact same as the old school GI Joes with the fuzzy hair
GIMRvLOGS Yes way cool
M. Fftgyyhy u ugyugughuuhhhuuhuhhh u hhuhuhhuhuhughhhyuhbhgugguguuyguyggyyguyuhhyguguygggsd🏦🏦🏦🏦🏧🕍🏥🏙🏙🏘🏥🕍🏙🏙🏦🏘🏦🏨🏡🗾🏡🏩🏨🏩📯🎛☏🎤🎛📯☏🎛🎧☏☏🎷💽☏🎧voicjdcjsjxj×2202919 [×(××(@(@[@((!@(@(@(×9+[(1 (×**&@>@>!*!(1 [>!?*!(!>!>
Modal Usaha Bertambah??
Agunan B P K B Kendaraan
Proses Pencairan Cepat
Tdk Cek BI
Bsa T.Over
085311900117 Kami hadir dalam pertemuan “ SMART INVESTMENT ? YUK MENGENAL REKSADANA ! “ :
Daftar Hadir :
1. Freddy AK
2. Pauline Herawaty K
3. Eddy ayaw
4. Lanny Hamsah
5. Ferry GT
6. Ferry Ferdian
7. Timotius
8. Esther Uria.
9. T T E
10. Lily.
11. Herman Santoso.
12. Sofyan SW.
13. Lia
14. Johny
15. Lely
18. Sore,bpk/ibu,sy YADI dr bank DBS brgkali mau ambil pinjaman (KTA) s/d 200 jt bunga 1,19 flat. Bisa hubungi no ini.Tlp/WA : 082118686699 free Approved! dan Jika ada keluarga Anda yg kena stroke, segera berobat ke Dr. Terawan. Dia praktek di RSPAD pagi hari & sorenya di RS Gading Pluit. Ada beritanya di majalah Tempo, dimana penyanyi Benny Panjaitan berhasil sembuh dr stroke nya. Barusan tadi jam 8 malam, om teman saya yg kena stroke juga berhasil sembuh dr strokenya. Pengobatannya dikenal dgn nama BRAIN WASH. Nama pengobatannya adalah cuci otak yg berbasis radiologi intervensi. Pengerjaannya menggunakan mesin canggih namanya digital traction angiogram. Penyumbatan yg terjadi dipembuluh darah bisa di hilangkan shg pembuluh darah menjadi baik. Om teman saya tadi diambil tindakan hanya 20 menit, dia skrg bisa bicara dgn baik, tangannya sdh tdk kaku & besok sdh keluar RS dgn berjalan spt biasa. Nama dokternya adalah Dr. Terawan Agus Putranto di RSPAD Gatot Subroto. Ybs adalah dokter Subspesialis Radiologi Intervensi. Info di Majalah Tempo edisi No. 4017, tgl 27 Juni - 3 Juli 2011, halaman 86.
Klu mau bikin janji no telpnya Dr. Terawan, RSPAD Gatot Subroto, sekertarisnya namanya Pak Yudi.Tlp 021.3840702 - 3441008, prakteknya di Segitiga Senen Raya.
Dokter Terawan adalah dokter yg punya alat2 canggih, kanker otak tdk perlu operasi bongkar batok kepala, hanya disuntik lewat nadi di tangan, kemotherapy di dr Terawan juga tdk gosong & rambut tdk rontok.......
Pengalaman ortu klien saya yg kanker tulang ekor & sdh divonnis lumpuh seumur hidup oleh dokter2 di RS Dharmais .....
Sekali theraphy di dokter Terawan alhamdulilah bisa jalan normal lagi........
[30/9 20.03] Sudarmono: Copas dari anak gw yg di FK-UI...
Mulai hari ini di RSCM mulai dipraktekan penyedotan plug (sumbatan) di vena/saluran darah ke jantung, jd ngga pake ring atau bypass lagi .
Semoga teknologi ini membawa kabar gembira.. khususnya bagi mereka yg diditeksi adanya sumbatan tsb.
Jantung Koroner Tdk Selalu Harus Pasang Ring atau Operasi. . Sehubungan dgn byknya kasus penyempitan pembuluh darah terutama di jantung yg dirasakan sbg sesak napas atau napas ter-engah2 atau cepat lelah (misalnya naik tangga), bersama ini di informasikan bhw penanganan penyempitan pembuluh darah tsb TIDAK SELALU hrs dilakukan dgn pemasangan ring (Stent) atau bhk operasi by pass.
Saat ini penanganan pembuluh darah di jantung yg menyempit dpt dilaku kan dgn cara di infus. Cairan infus yg di import tsb mampu mengikis (membersihkan) plaque (gumpalan2 yg umumnya berupa calsium) pd bagian dlm pembuluh darah yg menghambat aliran darah. Tergantung dr parah atau tdknya penyempitan tsb.
Dr. Yahya Kisyanto, yg alamat prakteknya di daerah Cikini, menggunakan dua macam cairan infus. Pengobatan penyempitan pembuluh darah dgn cara di infus ini biayanya sgt terjangkau oleh masyarakat umum & sdh byk pasien yg berhasil ditangani.
Sbg Catatan :
1. Dr. Yahya Kisyanto merupakan dokter yg sgt senior di bidang Cardiologist & Internist - sgt sosial & sgt membantu pasien, bhk pasien yg dtg pd hari Minggu pun dilayani.
2. Biaya yg dibebankan juga sgt sosial. Ada 2 - macam cairan infus yg digunakan harganya sekitar Rp 600 ribu & Rp 1,3 juta - per infus - tergantung parahnya penyempitan. Harga ini jauh lbh sosial dibanding dgn klinik Cardiologi lainnya.
3. Jam praktek Dr. Yahya Kiswanto, dr jam 08 pagi spai jam 14 siang & sore jam 18 spai jam 22 atau dgn perjanjian. No telepon yg dpt dihubungi adalah (021) 319 - 25353. Klinik Abdi Medika (Cikini).
Informasi ini tdk ada salahnya Anda sebarkan kpd pihak lain utk membantu sesama yg mungkin sdg membutuh kan. Semoga bermanfaat.
This video is 5 years old and I still love watching it in my free time
Wow this is so true! Every bit of it.....really hit home 😂
Thanks for the laugh.....he enjoyed it too :D
so funny. This is just like my house. Guns in the corner, on the table, on the counter. Bullets in the drawers, in the bed, on the floor of the car. Empty shell cases on the floor, dashboard, kids playing with them. Dead and bleeding animals on the table and Goose gumbo with bird shot in it.This was perfict
Hannah Avery why is that one of the funniest things I've read in a while
Lmao have casings all over my house as well
can kindly imagine that how your house looked like :DDD
Nothing like a rocket launcher to unclog the toilet.
2:10 when you have a nightmare about nazi zombies
Nice one xD
super video
WinsomeTurtle CZ yes I agree
Warpaint get it right.
4:54 FLIP
We love your videos, keep them coming, and happy airsofting ;_0
I love how this pops up in my recommended it’s been years since I watched this
2:50 these BBs are totally bio!
In fact they are so bio that they are in fact are edible!
@CanadaCommunity Org Karen
“I am homeless now”
Best airsoft related video I have ever seen :)) Best lady to share life as a airsofter...or very close :)))
Everybody childhood, like this comment if it was.
Yea man
That lady srsly looked like his mother
at.49...the ever present wall-mounted electric water heater.
First difference I noticed when I visited family in Greece.
BTW and FYI most American water heaters are natural gas burners and sit on the floor and stand about 5ft 6inches.
In my house all of those guns would be real, not air soft.
+Joseph Damiano Boy u tough.
+eduardo bonilla Well, because they act like soldiers and don't sign for the army ? And 22lr are not "real weapons" dude
so edgy omg
I don't think you need weapons just show that face and braggy attitude and you'll be fine.
:D Very great video!!! I love it !
Why the hell are there 2 toilets next to each other..?
There is the toilet and the bidet.
It's more fun taking a dump together. :-)
RodisOne A couple that poops together....
Fabian Deijle One's a sink
Fabian Deijle Cmon man you have never seen a fucking Bidet?
Im not a sub but Grats on the 100,090 subs!
ethan Klahn Thank you!
+ethan Klahn then be a sub
You got yourself a legendary girl
BrinyX I love your vids! They make me laugh!
Why is she still the girlfriend? Stop buying more guns and buy her a ring someday!
Shit up dude
Oh, this is from 2014? Damn how time flies.
Pěkné :D jsme s přítelem oba dva do zbraní.. tak mít zbraně všude v baráku je pro nás euforie :DD
I have the same bed sheet as you guys
She shouldn't be dating someone who takes airsoft this seriously to begin with..
+0AndrewShepherd0 but you know that this is comedy?
Drache832 Yeah I know.
oh my god not this crap again of dont take airsoft too serious
Detective John Kimble it's a hobby, that's like saying video games or football is for virgins
Anthony C Tell me oh wise one. What hobbies can non virgins participate in?
hey Birnyx I love your videos keep it up
That looks more like the most tortured girlfriend
The wife: Combat Vet with two tours, keeps her firearms secured , only wears uniforms for work.
The husband: cringe airsofter
I respect u
pretty much she doesnt mind anything
3:42 this music is so satisfied
Great Ideas, Great Actors Great kamera!
Thank you.
grappig efilmpjes
Epic video i love you vids and channel
Perfect girlfriend for airsofter = 0% chance
This is a precious woman. Worship her!
Nečekal bych že něco takovýho bude z česka
Já taky :0
@@blinmachine2607 bb w a
This is pretty funny but the only problems I have is the BB's managing to get everywhere luckily not in my food tho
I love this its so funny lol
Dobrá práce B-)
This is why alot of people think airsoft is lame
Well, do you?
It is not
2:05 thats just ptsd
Fuck paintball, airsofting for the win
Which really makes me wonder: HOW MANY HOURS OF BLOOPERS?
Do you guys play airsoft with your group or can a random hungarian viewer play a game with you one day?
Some people: You get to choose?
Me: You guys are getting one?!
I live in the woods with big boys, I don't need any woman.
hahha gay
Kapov Meh, Men, Women, they're all the same...
Great job man
Perfect boyfriend for any woman.
-Don't play airsoft.
That's wrong as shit
+Mitchell Meyer You went their bro! 😧
***** Dont worry john, I always enjoy the good back to the future reference.
+Marty Mcfly Not all, there are girls that play airsoft, those are the ones who won't have problems xD
***** Nah, it's cool, tactic, it's just cool xD
Tough asg player life, quarantine. 😊
so many mean comments... Love your videos *****
Kasumi Goto Thank you very much..
***** love your channel you earned a subscriber! And a fist bump *gives a fist bump* please make a airsoft vs reality 4...I seen and loved all of them and good work and keep at the hard work!
Bad Juju Thank you, I am glad you like our work. AvR4 will be released in August. So, be ready. ;-)
really profesional job, ONCE AGAIN CONGRATULATIONS¡¡¡¡
You should join the real army then lol
Shihab Soft they are all too puss but they like some action instead of VG
you should chill out
I understand what you mean but they just want the perks of being like a serviceman but they don't want the ptsd or traumas which is understandable.
I play airsoft because I enjoy it and I have high functioning autism, I'll probably never be able to enlist because I get anxiety when speaking but hey I guess I can go down to the recruiters office when I’m 18 and try. You’ll never know why every airsofter plays airsoft but that’s one reason. *smallest violin in the world plays*
4:54 that Flip
the guy looks like the actor Sean Harris lool, great video keep making em please
Ofcourse a real girlfriend understands how important your hobby is.
6. ---> Hey bb's give an good touch to the soup dude
Lol I am not like that but my GF dose not care if I play airsoft lel
My first ever childhood video to watch
an airsoft gun is not a weapon, its a toy
adam faion no its a toy, it cant kill someone.
+Kaleb Johnson actually it can. Just increase the fps, or, bash peoples' head with em. (≧∇≦)b
+Kaleb Johnson actualy you can kill anyone with anything
+Kaleb Johnson Of course it is.
loop kkj request in qk
2:57 that’s just the airsoft allspice perfect for pre airsoft match soup
This is a highly sarcastic video.
And this is why 99.9% of all airsofters are single
00:01:45 "Does this chest rig make me look fat?"
“Honey you left the grenade in the toilet”
"never look in the mirror before going to war"...
Dobré video
Haha *still cant find a girlfriend regardless*
Me to
I’ve heard this song over a sad thing but now over this it’s like tf
marry her.....
To be a true airsofter you must be one with the BB.
You must sleep with the BB
You must EAT the BB.
Join the real army
She is nice
1:17 Capitan Price???
nah thats lieutenant cost
Am sorry if a man is this much into Airsoft is better off single. As My self, I normally let my wife know when I deside to go play. As well I keep all my gear in another room.
if u have shitty shoes u should clean them even if ur gf does not matter
Idk sounds like youre in luck with this one cuz any other woman would give you an ear full of "I'm gonna fuck you up if you dont clean this" lol
will you marry me?
marry you? OH respawn is over i have to go! XD
1. She does not mind weapons.
These are toys. This is why airsoft disappoints.