The Jesus thing - he was a descendant of King David and therefore had a right to the Jewish throne (according to the narrative, though there’s historical debate about to what extent the Jewish peoples were really united under 1 throne) - so was a threat to Caesar. Rome having dominion over Jerusalem, a Prince with a claim to be King couldn’t be tolerated. Reading between the lines, thats who the historical J-Man was. They even wrote it on his cross, “King of the Jews”, thats what he was killed for. Judas probably didn’t really exist in all likelihood, the name is a later attempt to slight Jewish people (Judas just basically meaning Jewish). Jesus was probably based on someone but one thing we are confident in is that his name wasn’t Jesus. Jesus is a Latin name but Yeshua is a possible equivalent name for him. However, Yeshua was at the time a lady’s name (determined by the -ua suffix, though it later became male). The first recorded use of the name Yeshua was centuries later too so even that is in doubt.
This episode was gorgeous! So funny loved the flow!
Thank you!
Bro this editing is crazy good
The island of misfit toys was a demented film. Absolutely loved it as a kid
The Halloween Tree sounds amazing.
Helen, history, head boy/girls and huge hogs whats not to love 😂😂🥰😂🤣
I thought the same thing about the BUTTER situation lol
That was a cracking episode 😂
More partridge
Definitely more partridge
Love how France was completely sidelined in this discussion despite suffering nearly 2 million deaths in WW1! Another good episode all the same! 😂
Cerebral light entertainment
Calling Rudolph and the island of misfit toys low rent, so rude.
The Jesus thing - he was a descendant of King David and therefore had a right to the Jewish throne (according to the narrative, though there’s historical debate about to what extent the Jewish peoples were really united under 1 throne) - so was a threat to Caesar. Rome having dominion over Jerusalem, a Prince with a claim to be King couldn’t be tolerated. Reading between the lines, thats who the historical J-Man was. They even wrote it on his cross, “King of the Jews”, thats what he was killed for. Judas probably didn’t really exist in all likelihood, the name is a later attempt to slight Jewish people (Judas just basically meaning Jewish). Jesus was probably based on someone but one thing we are confident in is that his name wasn’t Jesus. Jesus is a Latin name but Yeshua is a possible equivalent name for him. However, Yeshua was at the time a lady’s name (determined by the -ua suffix, though it later became male). The first recorded use of the name Yeshua was centuries later too so even that is in doubt.
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