Hola, Laura. Aquí Mario de Hypia, también viviendo en Suiza. Sí, como dices, depende mucho del momento de tu vida en que te encuentres y de la mentalidad con la que veas las cosas. Yo también diría que Suiza no es el país que todo el mundo cree, tanto para bien como para mal, especialmente porque Suiza es referencia en el mundo para muchas cosas que en realidad no son como son (hay problemas económicos y de integración, por ejemplo). Lo importante es aprovechar lo que tienes y puedes hacer, como justo lo planteas.
Hola Mario, pues sí, así es. Cosas buenas y malas las hay en todas partes. De todos los países se suelen idealizar unas cosas y dramatizar otras. Al final lo que cuenta es la experiencia de cada uno porque se pueden tener vivencias muy diferentes en un mismo país. Pero también es verdad que hay que intentar poner de su parte lo máximo posible, es un tema complejo realmente
Hey! I just started following you to learn Catalan. This video is pretty interesting about Switzerland. I agree with you on the hype sometimes on moving to new places and the hype attached.
That’s a brilliant attitude lovely Laura 👍. It seems like you are taking it step by step and not rushing towards a conclusion. That is an excellent approach. And I’m sure the landscape and the wonderful pastries are a big 🇨🇭….. 😎
I like the perspective in this video, but I've also had a different experience. Definitely moving to Catalunya from the US was a huge improvement in my life from the one I was livint before. Changing countries can be a huge improvement, but I totally agree that it doesn't necessarily have to be or should be. I think it's great normalizing that it isn't a panacea, while also still leaving room for the case where it can be a huge improvement
I am glad it worked so great for you :) I've been in Switzerland for 2 months now and I do not regret it at all, but I also don't feel "different". It is nice to have a new life and I like it here, but I am not "a new me" or something like that
I am working on my "Swiss German" first of all, but we will see :D Since Swiss German has so many different dialects, I am trying to learn the local one and at the same time getting used to other dialects :)
@@CouchPolyglot As someone who is a native swiss german dialect speaker I‘m a bit curious what your journey will be with swiss german. Since swiss german dialects don‘t have the same linguistic learning tools as standardized languages. As you saif there are many different dialects within the umbrella term swiss german. So I would guess your strategy is somewhat different from other languages you‘ve learned since there are multiple variations and lecture about it is somewhat limited. Would be nice to ser a detailed video about this that might help foreigners in switzerland to have a guideline to master this in a good way.
THANKS for the update Laura. You seem happy with your move - and that is all that counts. You didn’t move to please others. It was years ago that I lived in Switzerland (for a total of 3 years - in the French-speaking part) - so there have been huge changes of course during that time - but I found the country beautiful with lots to see! - and the small size of the country makes it easy to visit any part in a matter of hours. Enjoy! - and keep us posted! (P.S. - I’m waiting for your thoughts on how standard German differs from Swiss German (and your thoughts on the BEST way for a non-native speaker of standard German to learn to understand and speak some Swiss German. And then, as I understand, there are numerous Swiss German dialects - so how well are you able to understand the Swiss German spoken in different areas of the country? Take care! - :)
Thanks a lot, Ken! Moltes gràcies! :) I will definetly talk about the language, I need to figure out how to put it all in a video that is interesting and not too long hehe
If you never try, you'll never know :) Moving is great, it just does not all work perfectly all the time, but that is normal. I would say it is important to get informed and prepared beforehand and also to know that some things take time and that you need to take action to get what you want (e.g. make new friends)
This video is SO RIGHT. My trip to the USA and Mexico made it pretty clear to me that I would struggle greatly to move to another country. I became quite depressed for a few days because I just hated how everything was different everywhere I looked. At first (in Mexico), I loved it. But then I just wanted to be able to do things that I'd done at home. And home was 3 long plane trips away, so it felt very far. You said "I know this is not the type of content I do" - yeah, but moving to another country is a massive thing when you make LL content. It would be like making videography content and then actually DIRECTING a real movie. It's THE REAL THING. So I get what you mean, and you may see that people don't watch this content as much, but I think it's important to make anyway (and make it more clickbaity if you need to! I know you don't want to, but something like "Why living in Switzerland isn't that great"... which is basically another way of framing exactly what you said in this video.)
Thanks Lamont! I think it is important to show the good and the bad, just like you also did with your latest videos. Travelling is so idealised, but you can get sick, scammed or other bad things can happen. And it doesn't mean the trip was a disaster, it's just not "instagram perfect". Thanks for keeping it real :)
hi, schön, dass es dir in der schweiz gefällt. mich würd sehr interessieren, wie du mit dem schwitzerditsch klarkommst. ist der dialekt in deiner gegend sehr stark? weil ich glaube, dass es da auch unterschiede gibt. gehst du das ein bisschen an, wie eine neue sprache lernen oder reicht es, dass du dich einfach reinhörst? musst du die leute bitten erstmal hochdeutsch zu sprechen, weil es noch zu schwierig zu verstehen ist? solche sachen fänd ich sehr interessant. auch was für einen eindruck du hast, wie schnell du es aufnimmst vlt im vergleich zu italienisch zb. wär cool, wenn du ein video über das thema von diesem ganzen prozess, der da im gange ist machen könntest. interessiert sicher auch andere. vlt magst du ja auch ein bisschen von dem zeigen was du schon gelernt hast. (;
Darüber will ich auf jeden Fall ein Video machen! Es ist ganz anders, wie bei anderen Sprachen. Einerseits natürlich einfach, wegen der Ähnlichkeit zum Deutschen. Aber andererseits, wie du sagst, es gibt so viele Dialekte und das macht es natürlich komplexer. Ein sehr spannendes Thema! :)
Having great days and some not so great days really depends on how you react to events in your life. The "best country in the world" is where you learn to be at peace with yourself and your surroundings. Very few Westerners are moving to shitholes for a host of reasons.
Sure, no one would move to a new country where they think it will be worse. Moving at all is a risk and it is in a way leaving your comfort zone, so you do it hoping it will be for the best. All in all, I am happy with my decision :) I just wanted to be real about the fact that your life does not magically become perfect when you move to a new place. And missing things and people can be hard some days. I know for a fact that I would like to stay in Europe so that I can still visit family and friends often, even if I create a new life in Switzerland :D
@@CouchPolyglot I wish you well in your new home. Those that think that moving to a new place "magically" does anything are the same ones that think that abusing drugs or buying a new Michael Kors purse will "magically" change their lives. Inner peace can be found in Bern or in Washington, D.C.'s Correctional Treatment Facility.
Sì, vero :) Mi piace la Svizzera, ma volevo essere sincera su come ci si sente quando ci si trasferisce in un posto nuovo: non è tutto perfetto, c'è molto stress, si sente la mancanza della famiglia ecc. Ma è anche un'occasione per uscire dalla propria zona di comfort e scoprire cose nuove, è essere avventuroso :D
Hola Laura! Benvinguda a Suïssa! Crec que amb el temps t'agradarà més i més encara que tindràs alguna decepció. Però així és la vida: hi ha moments dels bons i dels dolents. Jo visc aquí des de fa nou anys a la regió del Llac de Constança i m'agrada molt. He llegit que vols aprendre dialectes. Jo no ho he pogut fer-ho o no he sentit tanta curiositat encara que parlo cinc idiomes. Ara estic aprenent el sisè, el català (sóc aragonès). Si mai necessites alguna cosa, encantat de poder ajudar-te.
Moltes gràcies, Clemente! Que bé que aprenguis català :) Doncs moltes gràcies pels consells! Jo almenys vull entendre el dialecte, parlar-lo ja ho veurem hehe
La dernière fois que je suis allé en Suisse. À vélo en passant par Tende et l’Italie. En Suisse vu les montagnes sur le côté!, j’ai tracé tout droit. En Suisse Allemande j’ai trouvé un camping au bord d’une route nationale. Je suis resté 2 h et suis partie à toute vitesse. J’avais l’impression de ne pas être en sécurité! En Suisse française j’ai dormi dans un petit hôtel. Pendant ke repas j’ai entendu comment ils parlaient des français ( main d’œuvre pas cher etc). Bref j’ai pas eu une bonne expérience sauf seule sur ke vélo !
Stupid Idea: if you have a friend and nothing to do this thursday (ascension) I would be up to show you a beatiful hiking path which is easy and could be done even in wet weather near thun ... But then again, meeting random strangers...😅
That is very nice of you, Michael :) I went to Thun recently, it is a great place, I really liked it! We will be going to Germany for the long weekend for the first time after moving to Switzerland hehe Enjoy the holiday!
our brains are probably too instagrammed for realistic expectations? reality can almost never keep up with the filters (iceland being an exception). and "taking yourself with you" is an important point, new world but old you in it... and change happens slowly. so, good is good enough, awesome is not necessary💁♂️
Off topic, now that you mention that, I really want to visit Iceland! It looks so stunning! I like it when people share real experiences and not "what their experiences should be", I try to do it as much as I can :D
it really is different. and the colors are unreal. weather sucks most of the time even in summer and the most touristy spots are literally overrun by now. but still absolutely worth it. and book a highland tour if possible, there are busses and 4x4s. reykjavik and gullfoss aren't the whole island💪
@@CouchPolyglot this is true ) c’est vrai) that it is more difficult to make friends when we are more … mens young. ( c’est plus difficile de se faire des amis quand on est moins…. Plus jeune)
Hi Laura! Love your channel and your journey - can I give a little feedback? Respectfully, though your English is excellent, you've picked up the bad habit of saying 'like' a lot, almost as a 'comma' punctuating your sentences. It must have come from someone who you listen to a lot. If you listen to yourself here on this video, you'll hear how often it occurs, and it distracts a little from the meaning. I mean this with utmost respect, so hopefully I've manged to convey it politely and you don't mind the feedback!
Hi Zanta, that is actually very kind of you to give me such constructive feedback :) I have the same issue with "vale" in Spanish and since many people told me I try to avoid using it that much hehe I will do my best to improve that!
When I hear people who speak without saying things like "like" and "um", it sounds more professional and clear. But, like (yes intentional haha), it also makes it sounds more like a natural conversation to me.
@@CouchPolyglot Ah hello, thank you for your classy, gracious reply! I learnt my presentation skills in the military, and they were very keen on preventing these 'mannerisms' as they call them. As you can imagine, a military officer has to be super-clear with no wasted or unnecessary words, especially over the radio. So, since you're not in command of an army regiment (I don't think?), it's not a life or death issue, just perhaps a 'musical' matter! There's also of course a socio-political impression given by our speech habits, as Joseph here has mentioned in another comment. Because people DO judge and assess us by the way we say things, I'm working very hard at the moment on one of my languages to get to the point where I sound like ME in that language, and not some misleading version of me! Thanks again for your kind reply. :)
Hi Laura!! Well, maybe Switzerland isn't AWSOME, but atleast the flag is a big plus
Chiste muy quemado pero me recordó a eso y cuela muy bien xd
Jajajajaja me encantó 😂😂😂
Hola, Laura. Aquí Mario de Hypia, también viviendo en Suiza. Sí, como dices, depende mucho del momento de tu vida en que te encuentres y de la mentalidad con la que veas las cosas. Yo también diría que Suiza no es el país que todo el mundo cree, tanto para bien como para mal, especialmente porque Suiza es referencia en el mundo para muchas cosas que en realidad no son como son (hay problemas económicos y de integración, por ejemplo). Lo importante es aprovechar lo que tienes y puedes hacer, como justo lo planteas.
Hola Mario, pues sí, así es. Cosas buenas y malas las hay en todas partes. De todos los países se suelen idealizar unas cosas y dramatizar otras. Al final lo que cuenta es la experiencia de cada uno porque se pueden tener vivencias muy diferentes en un mismo país. Pero también es verdad que hay que intentar poner de su parte lo máximo posible, es un tema complejo realmente
Hey! I just started following you to learn Catalan. This video is pretty interesting about Switzerland. I agree with you on the hype sometimes on moving to new places and the hype attached.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this :)
Great. I'm waiting an opportunity to move to Switzerland one day, as well. Good luck
Thanks and good luck to you too! :)
I've missed you out for some time. So what made you move to Switzerland?
I felt like doing something new and an opportunity came up :D
That’s a brilliant attitude lovely Laura 👍. It seems like you are taking it step by step and not rushing towards a conclusion. That is an excellent approach. And I’m sure the landscape and the wonderful pastries are a big 🇨🇭….. 😎
thanks, Ben! Yes, they are a big 🇨🇭 hehehe
What I am interesting i, about Suisse, is the lines of contacts between the differents languages… the border of exchanges
that is indeed interesting :)
I like the perspective in this video, but I've also had a different experience.
Definitely moving to Catalunya from the US was a huge improvement in my life from the one I was livint before. Changing countries can be a huge improvement, but I totally agree that it doesn't necessarily have to be or should be. I think it's great normalizing that it isn't a panacea, while also still leaving room for the case where it can be a huge improvement
I am glad it worked so great for you :)
I've been in Switzerland for 2 months now and I do not regret it at all, but I also don't feel "different". It is nice to have a new life and I like it here, but I am not "a new me" or something like that
Glad to hear life is going well for you in Switzerland! Just curious, will you learn any Rumantsch?
I am working on my "Swiss German" first of all, but we will see :D
Since Swiss German has so many different dialects, I am trying to learn the local one and at the same time getting used to other dialects :)
@@CouchPolyglot As someone who is a native swiss german dialect speaker I‘m a bit curious what your journey will be with swiss german.
Since swiss german dialects don‘t have the same linguistic learning tools as standardized languages.
As you saif there are many different dialects within the umbrella term swiss german.
So I would guess your strategy is somewhat different from other languages you‘ve learned since there are multiple variations and lecture about it is somewhat limited.
Would be nice to ser a detailed video about this that might help foreigners in switzerland to have a guideline to master this in a good way.
THANKS for the update Laura. You seem happy with your move - and that is all that counts. You didn’t move to please others. It was years ago that I lived in Switzerland (for a total of 3 years - in the French-speaking part) - so there have been huge changes of course during that time - but I found the country beautiful with lots to see! - and the small size of the country makes it easy to visit any part in a matter of hours. Enjoy! - and keep us posted! (P.S. - I’m waiting for your thoughts on how standard German differs from Swiss German (and your thoughts on the BEST way for a non-native speaker of standard German to learn to understand and speak some Swiss German. And then, as I understand, there are numerous Swiss German dialects - so how well are you able to understand the Swiss German spoken in different areas of the country? Take care! - :)
Thanks a lot, Ken! Moltes gràcies! :)
I will definetly talk about the language, I need to figure out how to put it all in a video that is interesting and not too long hehe
crazy. ive been considering leaving america for geneva. its a huge change but i'll see.
May I ask if its due to work or personal choice?
@@AironNoriaLong personal choice.
If you never try, you'll never know :)
Moving is great, it just does not all work perfectly all the time, but that is normal. I would say it is important to get informed and prepared beforehand and also to know that some things take time and that you need to take action to get what you want (e.g. make new friends)
This video is SO RIGHT.
My trip to the USA and Mexico made it pretty clear to me that I would struggle greatly to move to another country. I became quite depressed for a few days because I just hated how everything was different everywhere I looked. At first (in Mexico), I loved it. But then I just wanted to be able to do things that I'd done at home. And home was 3 long plane trips away, so it felt very far.
You said "I know this is not the type of content I do" - yeah, but moving to another country is a massive thing when you make LL content. It would be like making videography content and then actually DIRECTING a real movie. It's THE REAL THING. So I get what you mean, and you may see that people don't watch this content as much, but I think it's important to make anyway (and make it more clickbaity if you need to! I know you don't want to, but something like "Why living in Switzerland isn't that great"... which is basically another way of framing exactly what you said in this video.)
Thanks Lamont! I think it is important to show the good and the bad, just like you also did with your latest videos. Travelling is so idealised, but you can get sick, scammed or other bad things can happen. And it doesn't mean the trip was a disaster, it's just not "instagram perfect". Thanks for keeping it real :)
hi, schön, dass es dir in der schweiz gefällt. mich würd sehr interessieren, wie du mit dem schwitzerditsch klarkommst. ist der dialekt in deiner gegend sehr stark? weil ich glaube, dass es da auch unterschiede gibt. gehst du das ein bisschen an, wie eine neue sprache lernen oder reicht es, dass du dich einfach reinhörst? musst du die leute bitten erstmal hochdeutsch zu sprechen, weil es noch zu schwierig zu verstehen ist? solche sachen fänd ich sehr interessant. auch was für einen eindruck du hast, wie schnell du es aufnimmst vlt im vergleich zu italienisch zb. wär cool, wenn du ein video über das thema von diesem ganzen prozess, der da im gange ist machen könntest. interessiert sicher auch andere. vlt magst du ja auch ein bisschen von dem zeigen was du schon gelernt hast. (;
Darüber will ich auf jeden Fall ein Video machen! Es ist ganz anders, wie bei anderen Sprachen. Einerseits natürlich einfach, wegen der Ähnlichkeit zum Deutschen. Aber andererseits, wie du sagst, es gibt so viele Dialekte und das macht es natürlich komplexer. Ein sehr spannendes Thema! :)
@@CouchPolyglot cool!
I love Switzerland ❤❤❤
Having great days and some not so great days really depends on how you react to events in your life. The "best country in the world" is where you learn to be at peace with yourself and your surroundings. Very few Westerners are moving to shitholes for a host of reasons.
Sure, no one would move to a new country where they think it will be worse. Moving at all is a risk and it is in a way leaving your comfort zone, so you do it hoping it will be for the best. All in all, I am happy with my decision :)
I just wanted to be real about the fact that your life does not magically become perfect when you move to a new place. And missing things and people can be hard some days. I know for a fact that I would like to stay in Europe so that I can still visit family and friends often, even if I create a new life in Switzerland :D
@@CouchPolyglot I wish you well in your new home. Those that think that moving to a new place "magically" does anything are the same ones that think that abusing drugs or buying a new Michael Kors purse will "magically" change their lives. Inner peace can be found in Bern or in Washington, D.C.'s Correctional Treatment Facility.
Avere un atteggiamento positivo aiuta nell affrontare le difficoltà
Sì, vero :)
Mi piace la Svizzera, ma volevo essere sincera su come ci si sente quando ci si trasferisce in un posto nuovo: non è tutto perfetto, c'è molto stress, si sente la mancanza della famiglia ecc. Ma è anche un'occasione per uscire dalla propria zona di comfort e scoprire cose nuove, è essere avventuroso :D
Hola Laura! Benvinguda a Suïssa! Crec que amb el temps t'agradarà més i més encara que tindràs alguna decepció. Però així és la vida: hi ha moments dels bons i dels dolents. Jo visc aquí des de fa nou anys a la regió del Llac de Constança i m'agrada molt. He llegit que vols aprendre dialectes. Jo no ho he pogut fer-ho o no he sentit tanta curiositat encara que parlo cinc idiomes. Ara estic aprenent el sisè, el català (sóc aragonès). Si mai necessites alguna cosa, encantat de poder ajudar-te.
Moltes gràcies, Clemente! Que bé que aprenguis català :)
Doncs moltes gràcies pels consells! Jo almenys vull entendre el dialecte, parlar-lo ja ho veurem hehe
You forgot the hand movements in Italian.. 😂 😊
La dernière fois que je suis allé en Suisse. À vélo en passant par Tende et l’Italie. En Suisse vu les montagnes sur le côté!, j’ai tracé tout droit. En Suisse Allemande j’ai trouvé un camping au bord d’une route nationale. Je suis resté 2 h et suis partie à toute vitesse. J’avais l’impression de ne pas être en sécurité! En Suisse française j’ai dormi dans un petit hôtel. Pendant ke repas j’ai entendu comment ils parlaient des français ( main d’œuvre pas cher etc). Bref j’ai pas eu une bonne expérience sauf seule sur ke vélo !
oh non, il faut que tu y retournes, peut-etre tu auras une meilleure experience la deuxième fois :D
@@CouchPolyglot oui mais à vrai dire à cette époque je fuyais la présence humaine 😎
Per dire la veritat, a aquela estona fugia els humans
To say the true, at this time I was running away from human presence
Per dire la vertat a’n aquela temporada fugissiái los umans
Stupid Idea: if you have a friend and nothing to do this thursday (ascension) I would be up to show you a beatiful hiking path which is easy and could be done even in wet weather near thun ... But then again, meeting random strangers...😅
That is very nice of you, Michael :)
I went to Thun recently, it is a great place, I really liked it!
We will be going to Germany for the long weekend for the first time after moving to Switzerland hehe
Enjoy the holiday!
our brains are probably too instagrammed for realistic expectations? reality can almost never keep up with the filters (iceland being an exception). and "taking yourself with you" is an important point, new world but old you in it... and change happens slowly. so, good is good enough, awesome is not necessary💁♂️
Off topic, now that you mention that, I really want to visit Iceland! It looks so stunning!
I like it when people share real experiences and not "what their experiences should be", I try to do it as much as I can :D
it really is different. and the colors are unreal. weather sucks most of the time even in summer and the most touristy spots are literally overrun by now. but still absolutely worth it. and book a highland tour if possible, there are busses and 4x4s. reykjavik and gullfoss aren't the whole island💪
I don’t want to be pessimist but maybe it will be difficult to make friends there .,🎉 I can come with my bicycle 🥴
hehehe I met a couple of people already :)
But it is not as easy as when I was younger :O
@@CouchPolyglot this is true ) c’est vrai) that it is more difficult to make friends when we are more … mens young. ( c’est plus difficile de se faire des amis quand on est moins…. Plus jeune)
@@CouchPolyglot ça ferait bizarre de demander aux voisins euh … you want to play football with me ? I pertant és un necessitat natural
Hi Laura! Love your channel and your journey - can I give a little feedback? Respectfully, though your English is excellent, you've picked up the bad habit of saying 'like' a lot, almost as a 'comma' punctuating your sentences. It must have come from someone who you listen to a lot. If you listen to yourself here on this video, you'll hear how often it occurs, and it distracts a little from the meaning. I mean this with utmost respect, so hopefully I've manged to convey it politely and you don't mind the feedback!
Hi Zanta, that is actually very kind of you to give me such constructive feedback :)
I have the same issue with "vale" in Spanish and since many people told me I try to avoid using it that much hehe
I will do my best to improve that!
When I hear people who speak without saying things like "like" and "um", it sounds more professional and clear. But, like (yes intentional haha), it also makes it sounds more like a natural conversation to me.
@@CouchPolyglot Ah hello, thank you for your classy, gracious reply! I learnt my presentation skills in the military, and they were very keen on preventing these 'mannerisms' as they call them. As you can imagine, a military officer has to be super-clear with no wasted or unnecessary words, especially over the radio. So, since you're not in command of an army regiment (I don't think?), it's not a life or death issue, just perhaps a 'musical' matter! There's also of course a socio-political impression given by our speech habits, as Joseph here has mentioned in another comment. Because people DO judge and assess us by the way we say things, I'm working very hard at the moment on one of my languages to get to the point where I sound like ME in that language, and not some misleading version of me! Thanks again for your kind reply. :)
Another video about Switzerland that says nothing..
Sorry you feel that way, what topics would you be interested about? :)
It is better to be in Suisse than in France because of political direction we are seeing … unfortunately