I've been wanting to know how to remove these capacitors for a while now, on some ewaste boards, I tried the twist and turn approach and found that a few I tended to rip the contacts up. I think however I will go with the FX8804, since I already have a FX888 but that is only if I get a job soon. Thank you.
You can use hot air to remove but I wouldn't advise for installation, you would risk killing the new cap . Soldering them back on by hand is a wiser move
Great video! What soldering iron are you using?
That's all good, but what if there isn't enough space to get in there with those tweezes?
I've been wanting to know how to remove these capacitors for a while now, on some ewaste boards, I tried the twist and turn approach and found that a few I tended to rip the contacts up.
I think however I will go with the FX8804, since I already have a FX888 but that is only if I get a job soon.
Thank you.
What brand of camera are you using on the scope?
Can this be done with hot air station (which temperature/airflow settings?) or the plastic base would melt?
You can use hot air to remove but I wouldn't advise for installation, you would risk killing the new cap . Soldering them back on by hand is a wiser move
what is the exact name and model number of that tool you are using?
Clean Job.