DAY 4! YESSSS! Notice how each inhale provides a deeper expansion, and how each exhale is an opportunity to soften and surrender and relax. Today’s floor-based yoga practice deepens your connection to full body awareness and breath.This is a great practice to bring energy to the body in a non taxing or depleting manner. From the ground up! YOU ARE DOING AWESOME! Listen to your breath and the subtleties of your practice. You got this. Let me know how it goes down below!
This is supporting me so much during a challenging period...I look forward to it every morning. And it's helping to unravel things on many levels. Can't wait to see where this challenge takes me. Thanks a zillion!
Adriene I'm 72 and have been working on my mat with you for a year now. I love the way you can laugh and make a person want to try harder and also let them know certain limitations. I have been doing yoga for years but, this is the first time I am really understanding my body thanks to you. Keep that great smile and education of yoga and how it really helps the soul. Thank you sooooooo much you are an angel in disguise.
This is my message for people who are doing this (or attempting to, that's great too!) while battling mental illness or going through some difficult stuff. We see you, we are here for you and you are awesome ♥ I had a bad day today again. I really wanted to do this session but only made myself to do it at almost 11 pm. I was at the verge of tears through half of the video and at 27th minute, I almost stopped. I had to give myself 5 minute pep talk to finish it. But I did it, I'm proud of myself andI feel so much better! I even laughed at the end at some of Adriene's jokes and just looking at Benji made me feel calm. As it turned out, I really needed to feel someone has my back today :)
I am using my quarantine time to go through the 30-day yoga journeys. I finished "Home" and now I started "True" because I realized the 30-day practices give me tiny goals that I can achieve every day and this makes everything that's happening these days more manageable. Today I was the proudest when you said "oh, we forgot to give this other knee a hug", but I actually had done it by myself intuitively. I also told you out loud I did, which is maybe a sign of a bit too much isolation. :D Thank you for these practices, they brighten up my days!
me too! I'm kinda sad that I'm doing the last one, guess I'll just follow the calendar in December- Adriene's influence is making me be a better human!
That is when I say, "But Adriene I am not flexible." Adriene, "That is not what's important. You connection to the floor is what is important." If more instructors are like you, more people would do yoga. I love your mantras, attitude, and personality.
Very nice practice. Had no idea that the floor stretch at the beginning would be so powerful. Joined my daughter on the mat today... an Oregon and Wyoming yoga session. We both feel uplifted. Thank you Adriene for making this possible! Namaste.
I’ve been trying to create a consistent practice for 4 years. For the past two month, I’ve been waking up at the same time everyday to do these 30 day challenges. I used to tune out Adrienne for years. I’m gonna be honest here, I used to get annoyed with all the support and compassion in her style. I was used to her classes but I was never really listening. After 3 years, I realized it rubbed me the wrong way because I’m so hard on myself. Because I just want to drill and push and “get better”. That straight A student mentality. But as I’ve grown in compassion towards myself, I’m open to receive it from her. ❤
I used to do yoga online with a different instructor about four or five years ago before I found your channel and I can honestly say THIS is what yoga is all about. Not that "hard" or "push" feeling that hurts, but the challenges and surprises along the way through your different practices. I can't wait to see what's in store tomorrow!
Breathing deep into the tummy is a fave. I remember a whole ago having someone describe it to me so I could imagine filling my tummy with fire in the inhale and then pushing it up and out on the exhale and it makes me feel like a dragon superhero... 🐲 🔥
It's funny how I don't remember this practice at all but in a good way. It's like a whole new experience and I loved it. Found some new places to ground down and really got into my breath!
I can't quite explain why, but I was brought to tears at the end of this video. I was overwhelmed with gratitude and appreciation for the guidance and support and, well, I guess I really needed this today (I'm catching up on day 4 on day 5 and just finished day 5, too). Thank you, Adriene, Benji, and all the yogis and yoginis doing this together! Namaste.
A really exhilarating practice! Usually I feel a bit of a failure that I can only open my legs to a 90 degree angle but thanks for making me feel comfortable with being able to do this.
I am here after Center, the 30 Day yoga journey from 2023. I thought I would repeat this gem from 5 years ago and do a 30 Day challenge every month this year ☺
I’m here after center too. I felt called to true for my 2nd 30 day challenge in 2023. That’s an amazing goal and challenge for yourself. I’m hoping to get through all the 30day challenges myself. Cheers to 34 days of yoga so far this year! You are doing great. 😊
Today I felt grounded to the earth, grounded to myself, and grounded to the people in my life. I loved felling all of the rushes of energy during this one. Thank you again for helping me restore, strengthen, and connect.
Wow. This one filled my spirit and released so much negative energy. Definitely had some satisfying cracks/pops in my mid spine during the twists and teared up during my leg hugs. Thanks Adriene!
After 7 months of doing yoga almost every day, I finally managed to come gracefully into a boat pose variation without holding on for dear life! Thanks Adriene
I think I remember the first time I ever seated on wide legs (on yoga, as a child I did that all the time!). My legs were less than 90° apart and my back was collapsed and rounded. Not even thinking about putting my whole hands on the earth! But about 2 years after that first time, I can be comfortable in this shape, spread my legs apart and put my hands and my forearms on the ground, even though I am shaking. I'm still really tight, but it's a pose I love practicing because it has evolved a lot, and realizing all I have improved makes me feel capable and strong. It's awesome!!
Thank you 🙏 This is reassuring for me to read… I am new back to yoga after a many year absence & wide legs & forward folds are all still just NOPE even after a several months of almost daily practice… I guess I have to just wait and work for longer! Do you have any specific tips? I literally cannot forward fold AT ALL w/my legs “wide” … and my wide legs isn’t even 90* 😂 🤦♀
@@KatNicholson Ohh I don't have any tips 🙈 Just keep practicing and believing. In every pose and movement you can find room to train your legs and hips. It's a process, so enjoy it and you'll get better!! 🥰 Thanks for reading my comment ♥️
I think my cat got jealous of Benjie. He wanted to join in. There I was reaching down to my toes with my Beach ball and I hear loud purring. Then I see a little black cat head coming in through my armpit. When I was in the little boat. He got into the boat. Nonetheless, we both had fun.
Annalisa Rose after over a year of YWA, my cats know the theme music and come to join so as not to be out done by Benji 😅. I hope your kitty is still helping you stick to a daily routine 😻😻😻 take care
I have never done yoga before and I have just now started on this series. I'm not very good at a lot of forms and I'm afraid to do something wrong because my forms don't look as nicely and gracefully as yours but I feel already so much better. My mind and body feel a lot calmer after just four days. I'm from Germany and I'll be graduating in a few months and school, exams, future planning is stressing my body so much mentally and physically. I never thought that yoga (even if it isn't performed perfectly because I'm not very good at it, yet) can make such a big difference. I'm looking forward to improving and sticking to yoga! Thank you so so much for teaching me and guiding me. Thank you.
It feels like five minutes rather than thirty. You just make me stop worrying about the time passing, and the practice slowly allows me to find the peace of mind I’ve been longing for for so long. Not yet there, but we’re definitely on the way. Can’t wait for the next day.
When I began today's practice, I had tinnitus, but when I came off of the mat it had gone! All that lovely, beautiful, find what feels good stretching! Thank you Adriene.
'Directional Breath' epiphany!!! ... 20 some odd years of practice and that's the first time I've "heard" it. Thanks.. PS love your blue dog... I so miss my blue dog (gone 3 years) .... But I do have a 7mth old pup who climbs on me and that practice was no exception Friday night done....
This practice is making me realize how much I need to work on my flexibility; particularly my spine .I’ve lost so much. Will it come back? Have I ignored listening to my body for too long? Baby steps. Thanks to Adriene for NOT being a “Look what I can do” yogi.
We're on day 4 and I'm already so in love with TRUE! I'm getting used to practice in the morning and I've noticed I feel so much better during the day if I do! Today's practice was particularly awesome, it felt so supporting (even emotionally)... Thanks Adriene!
Today’s practice was everything I needed to move on from my ex. I such a positive vibe and empowering sensations made me realize how amazing my body is and how amazing I am. Thank you 💗
Thank you for being my teacher, my guide, my shoulder to cry on from afar 🤗 Adriene. So grateful to be guided by a human so wonderful as yourself. I look forward to meeting one day!Thank you, my friend 💛🤗
Loving the new closing song you are using on your videos! I find myself dancing around to it to bring me back into the world after each practice!!! so fun!
Usually in boat pose I'm like I can't do it, I can't do it but today something just clicked and I just worked with the shakes not against them. Feeling fabulous!
God bless you Adriene and God bless Internet for this possibility of doing yoga with you Thank you so much for all the hugs, lots of love in and lots of love out! You definitely made me to a better person!
This one was a bit challenging for me, slow and that wide leg forward fold is hard. I stuck with it and though it wasn't easy, it was a good one. And from 63 views to 672, I know I wasn't alone. Oh how I loove this community. Happy practice everyone!
Same here! I am lucky to be quite flexible, but that wide leg forward fold always seems to be a bit of a bugger. But I stuck with it and I can already see the progress! Good job to you and happy practice!
Here 2 years later :) I've been following Adriene's videos sporadically, but a couple weeks into quarantine I finally comitted to home - that april 2020 vibe :'). Yesterday after doing day 18 I twisted my ankle on a run-walk with the doggo. Woke up this morning and took a look at day 19 and went NOPE - warrior one to warrior three on a bad ankle is just a terrible idea. So, I put 'yoga adriene floor' into the search bar and found this one! I'm so happy I did this, feeling a little less blue a little more alive. Thank you!
Day 4 ✅ It's awesome how everyday I learn new things about myself through this practice. Doing it in real time with others feels even more motivating! I am still struggling with wanting to see the finish but I'm getting better and I feel comfortable with loving the JOURNEY rather than looking forward to the end. Why rush through the journey to reach an end you won't be satisfied with because you rushed there? I hope it makes sense, but yeah: enjoy the journey ❤
Hi Adriene! during the practice today, I had this urge to cry. And the reason was that with this routine I was actually being kind to myself. I felt a sense of selflove, that I have not feel often. Thank you for that, you are such a great inspiration!
Hello from sunny Buenos Aires Adriene!! ☀️☀️ I have been practising with you for a year now and really love your sweet and fun style. You have taught me A LOT! Thank you! Namaste! 🙏🏼
Also in the later gang. Always seem to end the practice with full body goosebumps, I can’t help but smile with the energy shivering all over! Really liked today’s and yesterday’s practice. Thanks again Adriene xx
I missed a day yesterday so was so happy to see the title being 'floor', thinking it would be an easy peasy one and it was but it got me working! It's funny what expectations we bring to the mat, I know no matter what the title I would have enjoyed it even without it being on a consecutive day 😆 When Benji curled up my cat actually stretched his paw up to my TV and touched where Benji was! I dont know if he's starting to recognize Benji now as we see him most days 😂 I wish I could have captured the moment but was in my zen ! Thank you Adrienne and Benji, you're such a big part of life now 😄😇🥰xxx
Injured, so doing a lot of hands free's not ideal, oh how I miss downward dog, but I am grateful for practices like this!! The spine massage is so so good. Thank you, Namaste.
I've never thought that I'd get in to yoga, but after having a bit of a hard time and falling out of love with my body, I'm so glad I found you! I can't explain how great these practices make me feel (shaking limbs and all), and even as a beginner you're so comforting and forgiving! Just finished day four (after starting super late) and am so excited for the rest.
For me fitness was going to gym and getting ripped. Which i did accomplish, but during these pandemic periods i've realized that building muscle is not the only kind of fitness. Loving these yoga sessions.
I love this channel. Adriene is so real! She makes silly jokes and laughs at herself, all while guiding you through these amazing yoga journies. I feel strong and inspired while doing them and go about my day positive and peaceful.
Always nice to realize a stretch can be such a small thing but still feel incredibly useful and restorative. Big stretches are great but a little obvious ("of course this feels like a stretch, I'm doing XYZ"). The little ones sneak up on you in the most lovely ways. Thanks for a great Day Four/Floor!
I’m so glad you are starting with stretches. I think this helps with body awareness. I hurt my knew and ankle a few months ago (I also have arthritis) and in these couple of months without yoga my body has really seized up. Amazing. So I’m glad to have this opportunity to slowing stretch it all out. Thanks, Adrienne. I’ve been doing your videos for years. I also really appreciate that you brought yoga to the community in this way. There are folks out here who are chemically sensitive so they often can’t work, have limited resources, and can’t go out into the world like a normal person. This is a hidden disability. You make yoga accessible. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Omg Adriene! Been doing your videos for about a year now and today held my first boat for 5 breaths! I love how you always say one day you'll surprise yourself and be able to do it. Today was that day! I also like that you said "don't think, just do it" because in the past I would always skip the boats telling myself I can't do it. WOW. Thanks, girl! Loving this TRUE practice, too.
Day 4 is done... Always in the evening after a long day of work. It feels so good! Thank you for your great work. I like your yoga classes so much. Big hugs for you and Benji (?).
I really appreciated this practice Adriene, I can completely see myself doing this one again and again! I have on and off issues with my wrists so it felt great to still challenge myself in a floor based practice, whilst giving my wrists a break. Can't wait for day 6!
Am feeling so relaxed after this one, will bookmark as an evening practice. I haven't been practicing as much lately as I've been running instead but today it really hit me that I *need* yoga too. My body needed those stretches! Also, you and Benji are the cutest pair!!
The minute I pull out the mat, Lonnie is awaiting....I think she believes that her job while I do yoga is to get scratches and take over the Matt during my practice. It was great to see you scratch Benji, for I do the same with Lonnie. She is a 7year old corgi and wakes up every morning with a down dog stretch. This entire practice on the floor Lonnie loved and I will probably replay it when ever her and I need a little fun time. For me, I have followed you for a year or so, and love each practice... almost like we’re good friends. Namaste and thank you!
Wow - you are changing my life. I had a liver transplant due to an autoimmune disease in August and am only now getting back to finding myself with your yoga. Today was challenging - I had to skip the second twist to the right on your back, with knees up as my stomach area was feeling a little sensitive... It's hard to know how far to push yourself, but I am hoping to work on rebuilding my core. If there are any particular videos which could assist people like me who are recovering from transplant surgery and cut up muscles it would be great to find them and then share in the recovery groups on Facebook. You are inspirational. So pleased I found you. Please keep it up. You are changing lives, one breath at a time. x
Bless you, for taking the time to reply! I am not sure if you have heard of Diastasis recti but its where there is a distance created between the right and left rectus abdominis muscles by the stretching of the linea alba, and when you have an operation like I have you get a similar situation. The only real "cure" is to improve your core and rebuild those muscles - my hope is through completing your thirty days and then working my way through your other videos I will be able to target this. If there are any videos you think particularly relevant I can be contacted through email there as I would LOVE to post some of your more pertinent videos to the groups for transplant recipients like myself as I am sure you gentle and approachable take on yoga would suit both those with experience and without. What you are creating is simply so so fantastic. I'm so pleased I found you and what you do. Thank you. x
So many gems in this one! Loved “Take a deep breath...not because it’s yoga, but because this is your life!” Feeling the feels today Adriene! Thank you as always 😘
Loved it! It was just what I needed today. I started True on the first of April coincidentally but am loving that I'm in sync with the month! And with you my friend! Namaste 🙏
Oh lord! Oh all the yogis! Oh Adriene! Today it was one of my strongest feelings of unity after the practice.. as Adriene said ´DEEP bow to the Earth´I felt it in my whole body! And I bowed to the Earth and animals, my guinea pig and every being on this beatiful Earth :) Thank you all!
Notice how each inhale provides a deeper expansion, and how each exhale is an opportunity to soften and surrender and relax.
Today’s floor-based yoga practice deepens your connection to full body awareness and breath.This is a great practice to bring energy to the body in a non taxing or depleting manner.
From the ground up! YOU ARE DOING AWESOME! Listen to your breath and the subtleties of your practice.
You got this. Let me know how it goes down below!
This is supporting me so much during a challenging period...I look forward to it every morning. And it's helping to unravel things on many levels. Can't wait to see where this challenge takes me. Thanks a zillion!
Yesssssss!!!! Thank you Adriene!!! You're are simply awesome!!! :) This was amazing!!! :)
Adriene I'm 72 and have been working on my mat with you for a year now. I love the way you can laugh and make a person want to try harder and also let them know certain limitations. I have been doing yoga for years but, this is the first time I am really understanding my body thanks to you. Keep that great smile and education of yoga and how it really helps the soul. Thank you sooooooo much you are an angel in disguise.
Yoga With A
Nancy Partridge perfect words. I’m living similar situation and this is helping me in different ways.
This is my message for people who are doing this (or attempting to, that's great too!) while battling mental illness or going through some difficult stuff. We see you, we are here for you and you are awesome ♥
I had a bad day today again. I really wanted to do this session but only made myself to do it at almost 11 pm. I was at the verge of tears through half of the video and at 27th minute, I almost stopped. I had to give myself 5 minute pep talk to finish it. But I did it, I'm proud of myself andI feel so much better! I even laughed at the end at some of Adriene's jokes and just looking at Benji made me feel calm. As it turned out, I really needed to feel someone has my back today :)
Clair ☺
Hang in there! Or in this case I guess, ground to the floor there! (Doesn't make sense that way though, lol)
Do you feel better one year of yoga after that?
Thank you ❤
i relate to this, and im so so proud of you for finishing!
I can’t be the only one who was happy when Benji showed up.
I love it when Adriene so kindly bends herself around him or lovingly caresses his head as she moves to a new pose...beautiful, Adriene and Benji
I am using my quarantine time to go through the 30-day yoga journeys. I finished "Home" and now I started "True" because I realized the 30-day practices give me tiny goals that I can achieve every day and this makes everything that's happening these days more manageable. Today I was the proudest when you said "oh, we forgot to give this other knee a hug", but I actually had done it by myself intuitively. I also told you out loud I did, which is maybe a sign of a bit too much isolation. :D Thank you for these practices, they brighten up my days!
me too! I'm kinda sad that I'm doing the last one, guess I'll just follow the calendar in December- Adriene's influence is making me be a better human!
I did Home at the beginning of quarantine. Then Breath. Just finished Dedicate. And now I’m starting True. It’s life changing! 💜
How’re you doing with your practise? 💜💜
That is when I say, "But Adriene I am not flexible." Adriene, "That is not what's important. You connection to the floor is what is important." If more instructors are like you, more people would do yoga. I love your mantras, attitude, and personality.
josuhua fraser Sometimes it feels like she's reading our minds. :) I am a little sore from yesterday, so the fact that today was easy was sooo good.
Totally agree. I am about to do the next video. I am sure it will be great too.
I wish we could clone Adrienne, but I also think she wouldn't be special then. I'm glad I live in a universe and timeline where Adrienne also exists
This series is my new favorite thing.. I wake up and can’t wait to grab my mat and start the day.
Me too. :)
Same!!!! ^_^
Well I have time only at the evening. I have to force myself to do it cause I am so tired but I know it will be worth it and it ALWAYS is!
Me tooooo
Hats off to the team 😊✌️ and a special hats off to the editor who syncs up the namaste with that beat drop on every video 😅
This is like the longest I’ve ever committed to a workout ever. Feels good
me too Steph!!!! It has changed my life.... I did Dedicate ~ 30 day ~ now this Awesome True 30 day. it really is a HUGE part of my life.
Very nice practice. Had no idea that the floor stretch at the beginning would be so powerful. Joined my daughter on the mat today... an Oregon and Wyoming yoga session. We both feel uplifted. Thank you Adriene for making this possible! Namaste.
I’ve been trying to create a consistent practice for 4 years. For the past two month, I’ve been waking up at the same time everyday to do these 30 day challenges.
I used to tune out Adrienne for years. I’m gonna be honest here, I used to get annoyed with all the support and compassion in her style. I was used to her classes but I was never really listening.
After 3 years, I realized it rubbed me the wrong way because I’m so hard on myself. Because I just want to drill and push and “get better”. That straight A student mentality. But as I’ve grown in compassion towards myself, I’m open to receive it from her. ❤
love yourself - life's too short. this one, and the casuality - the way you said this gave me so much emotion... so TRUE (haha) namasté
i love benji so much omg
Really needed this today 💜🙏
I used to do yoga online with a different instructor about four or five years ago before I found your channel and I can honestly say THIS is what yoga is all about. Not that "hard" or "push" feeling that hurts, but the challenges and surprises along the way through your different practices.
I can't wait to see what's in store tomorrow!
thank you for i felt true to myself..experiencing what it is to be alive ❤
Holy smokes, those back massage bridge moves are a game changer. I feel like I just got a new set of shoulders! 😍
Yessssss! Such a great move 😊
so great to be on the mat with you l broke my foot so have been absent for so long. love this XXX
Breathing deep into the tummy is a fave. I remember a whole ago having someone describe it to me so I could imagine filling my tummy with fire in the inhale and then pushing it up and out on the exhale and it makes me feel like a dragon superhero... 🐲 🔥
You may find it useful to learn yoga, I learned many secrets from
It's funny how I don't remember this practice at all but in a good way. It's like a whole new experience and I loved it. Found some new places to ground down and really got into my breath!
I can't quite explain why, but I was brought to tears at the end of this video. I was overwhelmed with gratitude and appreciation for the guidance and support and, well, I guess I really needed this today (I'm catching up on day 4 on day 5 and just finished day 5, too). Thank you, Adriene, Benji, and all the yogis and yoginis doing this together! Namaste.
Namaste to everyone around the world practicing with me :)
A really exhilarating practice! Usually I feel a bit of a failure that I can only open my legs to a 90 degree angle but thanks for making me feel comfortable with being able to do this.
I love following these 30 day playlist and thank you for leaving Benji in, it seems to add more life or something special to the videos :D
I love Benji
I can't even begin to describe how I feel after this one! Magical? Rooted? Favorite one so far! My muscles feel incredible and my mind feels safe. ❤
Heard you say a few times "let the earth support you" and only today did I feel it deeply. Floor work is the bomb.
I am here after Center, the 30 Day yoga journey from 2023. I thought I would repeat this gem from 5 years ago and do a 30 Day challenge every month this year ☺
I’m here after center too. I felt called to true for my 2nd 30 day challenge in 2023.
That’s an amazing goal and challenge for yourself. I’m hoping to get through all the 30day challenges myself.
Cheers to 34 days of yoga so far this year! You are doing great. 😊
@@katrinabohn We've got this!! ❤
Is it just me or does the intro and outro music get you hyped up? So much love today!
YES lol i always do a little dance when it comes on
I am Loving TRUE!!! This is a wonderful body to earth connector and the stretch is perfect!! Thank you, as always. 🙏🥰💖 Happy Arbor Day! 🌴🌲
Today I felt grounded to the earth, grounded to myself, and grounded to the people in my life. I loved felling all of the rushes of energy during this one. Thank you again for helping me restore, strengthen, and connect.
Day 4 round 2 definitely staying True to Myself loving these practices. Your teachings always remind me when to move, soften, connect. Thanks again.
This practice feels like letting in fresh air to some forgotten spaces within 🔥💙
Thank you for this practice. It was just what I needed today and a great way to start my day. ❤
Celebrating my 25th birthday today and I'm starting my day with adriene ❤🖤 God bless
ha-yooO_D happy birthday, fellow yogi! 😊
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! :)
Happy birthday friend! 💕
Happy Birthday!!!!
Wow. This one filled my spirit and released so much negative energy. Definitely had some satisfying cracks/pops in my mid spine during the twists and teared up during my leg hugs. Thanks Adriene!
After 7 months of doing yoga almost every day, I finally managed to come gracefully into a boat pose variation without holding on for dear life! Thanks Adriene
I think I remember the first time I ever seated on wide legs (on yoga, as a child I did that all the time!). My legs were less than 90° apart and my back was collapsed and rounded. Not even thinking about putting my whole hands on the earth! But about 2 years after that first time, I can be comfortable in this shape, spread my legs apart and put my hands and my forearms on the ground, even though I am shaking. I'm still really tight, but it's a pose I love practicing because it has evolved a lot, and realizing all I have improved makes me feel capable and strong. It's awesome!!
Thank you 🙏 This is reassuring for me to read… I am new back to yoga after a many year absence & wide legs & forward folds are all still just NOPE even after a several months of almost daily practice… I guess I have to just wait and work for longer! Do you have any specific tips? I literally cannot forward fold AT ALL w/my legs “wide” … and my wide legs isn’t even 90* 😂 🤦♀
@@KatNicholson Ohh I don't have any tips 🙈 Just keep practicing and believing. In every pose and movement you can find room to train your legs and hips. It's a process, so enjoy it and you'll get better!! 🥰 Thanks for reading my comment ♥️
@@MissChiqui931 thanks for replying Irenitaa!! I guess I will stick with it and check where I’m at in another year or two! 😂 👍
thank you for your encouragement. I am trying to get out of my head of self criticism!
And Benji at the end in the perfect "together" alignment! I just adore him!
I think my cat got jealous of Benjie. He wanted to join in. There I was reaching down to my toes with my Beach ball and I hear loud purring. Then I see a little black cat head coming in through my armpit. When I was in the little boat. He got into the boat. Nonetheless, we both had fun.
Annalisa Rose after over a year of YWA, my cats know the theme music and come to join so as not to be out done by Benji 😅. I hope your kitty is still helping you stick to a daily routine 😻😻😻 take care
When you are so relaxed that you forget there is an end to the video...thank you Adriene 😊
My favourite one so far. I was so zenned out during that twist I didn't even notice Benji show up! 😂
katyhatter haha me too!
I have never done yoga before and I have just now started on this series. I'm not very good at a lot of forms and I'm afraid to do something wrong because my forms don't look as nicely and gracefully as yours but I feel already so much better. My mind and body feel a lot calmer after just four days. I'm from Germany and I'll be graduating in a few months and school, exams, future planning is stressing my body so much mentally and physically. I never thought that yoga (even if it isn't performed perfectly because I'm not very good at it, yet) can make such a big difference. I'm looking forward to improving and sticking to yoga! Thank you so so much for teaching me and guiding me. Thank you.
Love that when I began the practice, there were 7.6k views, and when I finished there were over 11k! Hey Kula!! 👋🏼 Nice practicing with ya!
hey! just wondering what does kula stand for
Erica de Figueiredo With you everywhere you go! :)
Kula literally translates to 'school' in Hawaiian, but i believe Adrienne intends the meaning of community...
Aisling White hey! It’s Sanskrit for community and gatherings of the heart. But I love the school meaning too! Nice to learn that
It feels like five minutes rather than thirty. You just make me stop worrying about the time passing, and the practice slowly allows me to find the peace of mind I’ve been longing for for so long. Not yet there, but we’re definitely on the way. Can’t wait for the next day.
When I began today's practice, I had tinnitus, but when I came off of the mat it had gone! All that lovely, beautiful, find what feels good stretching! Thank you Adriene.
Damn I love this. We spend 30 minutes focusing on our body, spirit and flow and end with bowing to the Earth that allows us to be here at this time.
'Directional Breath' epiphany!!! ... 20 some odd years of practice and that's the first time I've "heard" it. Thanks.. PS love your blue dog... I so miss my blue dog (gone 3 years) .... But I do have a 7mth old pup who climbs on me and that practice was no exception Friday night done....
I love seeing benji in the background he brings me a sense of peace and serenity while I do the yoga.
started this one with a blue mood and anxiety about school but ended this with a grateful heart. i needed this! thank you so much.
This practice is making me realize how much I need to work on my flexibility; particularly my spine .I’ve lost so much. Will it come back? Have I ignored listening to my body for too long? Baby steps. Thanks to Adriene for NOT being a “Look what I can do” yogi.
snap crackle pop! my back loves you for this! thanks Adriene ✌
I, too, was a bowl of Rice Krispies this morning! Good to know others hear those noises...
Day 4 floor 🙂 I enjoyed this one 👍 didn't realize how tight I was🤨 the practice goes by so quickly! Oh well on to day 5🙂 see you on the mat 👍😃✌️
We're on day 4 and I'm already so in love with TRUE! I'm getting used to practice in the morning and I've noticed I feel so much better during the day if I do!
Today's practice was particularly awesome, it felt so supporting (even emotionally)... Thanks Adriene!
I felt so scattered before this video and now it's like my body, my breath and my mind is one calm being. Yoga is amazing.
Facts this was an excellent day. Nice floor work and breathing opposed to the traditional practice.
Today’s practice was everything I needed to move on from my ex. I such a positive vibe and empowering sensations made me realize how amazing my body is and how amazing I am. Thank you 💗
Thank you for being my teacher, my guide, my shoulder to cry on from afar 🤗 Adriene. So grateful to be guided by a human so wonderful as yourself. I look forward to meeting one day!Thank you, my friend 💛🤗
I was so determined to not miss a day that I did this at 1:30am lol! It turns out it was perfect before bed, thank you! Om Shanthi! x x x
I do it every night and it is a really good thing to end the day I think
Nathan Evans I'm doing it at 11:14 PM haha trying to do yoga every day!!!
I did that last night with day 3!! Lol
2 am
Loving the new closing song you are using on your videos! I find myself dancing around to it to bring me back into the world after each practice!!! so fun!
yesss! I usually hate the boat pose but this time it made me laugh, smile and it made the whole video 5/5!
haha my cat really enjoyed this practice today. She found perfect opportunities for lap time and to chew on my hair. I loved it too!
Usually in boat pose I'm like I can't do it, I can't do it but today something just clicked and I just worked with the shakes not against them. Feeling fabulous!
Me too! I actually embraced the shake and started giggling like crazy 😃
same i looked up to the sky laughing!!
God bless you Adriene and God bless Internet for this possibility of doing yoga with you Thank you so much for all the hugs, lots of love in and lots of love out! You definitely made me to a better person!
This one was a bit challenging for me, slow and that wide leg forward fold is hard. I stuck with it and though it wasn't easy, it was a good one. And from 63 views to 672, I know I wasn't alone. Oh how I loove this community. Happy practice everyone!
Same here! I am lucky to be quite flexible, but that wide leg forward fold always seems to be a bit of a bugger. But I stuck with it and I can already see the progress! Good job to you and happy practice!
I have significant lower lumbar stiffness- wide and straight leg forward fold was killer!
Thank you Adriene 🙏 and thank you to the 90 others i shared todays practice with 🙏
Here 2 years later :) I've been following Adriene's videos sporadically, but a couple weeks into quarantine I finally comitted to home - that april 2020 vibe :'). Yesterday after doing day 18 I twisted my ankle on a run-walk with the doggo. Woke up this morning and took a look at day 19 and went NOPE - warrior one to warrior three on a bad ankle is just a terrible idea. So, I put 'yoga adriene floor' into the search bar and found this one! I'm so happy I did this, feeling a little less blue a little more alive. Thank you!
Day 4 ✅
It's awesome how everyday I learn new things about myself through this practice. Doing it in real time with others feels even more motivating!
I am still struggling with wanting to see the finish but I'm getting better and I feel comfortable with loving the JOURNEY rather than looking forward to the end.
Why rush through the journey to reach an end you won't be satisfied with because you rushed there? I hope it makes sense, but yeah: enjoy the journey ❤
Half past midnight Yoga, colour coordinated with Benji, nice touch, looking forward to day 5, Namaste
Hi Adriene! during the practice today, I had this urge to cry. And the reason was that with this routine I was actually being kind to myself. I felt a sense of selflove, that I have not feel often. Thank you for that, you are such a great inspiration!
Every time I do YWA I learn something new. This is my favourite TRUE practice so far.❤️🧘🏽♀️✨
Hello from sunny Buenos Aires Adriene!! ☀️☀️ I have been practising with you for a year now and really love your sweet and fun style. You have taught me A LOT! Thank you! Namaste! 🙏🏼
Also in the later gang. Always seem to end the practice with full body goosebumps, I can’t help but smile with the energy shivering all over! Really liked today’s and yesterday’s practice. Thanks again Adriene xx
Oh, I love Adriene! "It's not always true." Thank you, Miss Mischler! For being SO true!! 👍
DAY 4 DONE! YES! 🧘🏼♀️♥️ Again, from my heart, thank you Adrienne! Namaste.🙏🏽
I'm here again....crying on the yoga mat lol
glad I'm not the only one :)
Amanda Gilbuena lets cry together ajajja
You're not alone my friend, always finding myself crying at the very end of each session. This feeling of pure relief and serenity 💕
I NEVER expect the tears but they come anyway.
I missed a day yesterday so was so happy to see the title being 'floor', thinking it would be an easy peasy one and it was but it got me working! It's funny what expectations we bring to the mat, I know no matter what the title I would have enjoyed it even without it being on a consecutive day 😆
When Benji curled up my cat actually stretched his paw up to my TV and touched where Benji was! I dont know if he's starting to recognize Benji now as we see him most days 😂 I wish I could have captured the moment but was in my zen !
Thank you Adrienne and Benji, you're such a big part of life now 😄😇🥰xxx
Injured, so doing a lot of hands free's not ideal, oh how I miss downward dog, but I am grateful for practices like this!! The spine massage is so so good. Thank you, Namaste.
I'm also injured, so I understand how soul crushing it can feel
The unexpected cry I had towards the end ...such a needed release. Out with the old in with the new!
Absolutely perfect way to start a Friday! Love, love, love.
This is my 4 day and I can go to bed with out doing this. Is so awesome. I can believe I'm doing yoga . Thank you for this
I've never thought that I'd get in to yoga, but after having a bit of a hard time and falling out of love with my body, I'm so glad I found you! I can't explain how great these practices make me feel (shaking limbs and all), and even as a beginner you're so comforting and forgiving! Just finished day four (after starting super late) and am so excited for the rest.
Same! :)
For me fitness was going to gym and getting ripped. Which i did accomplish, but during these pandemic periods i've realized that building muscle is not the only kind of fitness. Loving these yoga sessions.
I love this channel. Adriene is so real! She makes silly jokes and laughs at herself, all while guiding you through these amazing yoga journies. I feel strong and inspired while doing them and go about my day positive and peaceful.
Always nice to realize a stretch can be such a small thing but still feel incredibly useful and restorative. Big stretches are great but a little obvious ("of course this feels like a stretch, I'm doing XYZ"). The little ones sneak up on you in the most lovely ways. Thanks for a great Day Four/Floor!
I’m so glad you are starting with stretches. I think this helps with body awareness. I hurt my knew and ankle a few months ago (I also have arthritis) and in these couple of months without yoga my body has really seized up. Amazing. So I’m glad to have this opportunity to slowing stretch it all out. Thanks, Adrienne. I’ve been doing your videos for years.
I also really appreciate that you brought yoga to the community in this way. There are folks out here who are chemically sensitive so they often can’t work, have limited resources, and can’t go out into the world like a normal person. This is a hidden disability. You make yoga accessible. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Omg Adriene! Been doing your videos for about a year now and today held my first boat for 5 breaths! I love how you always say one day you'll surprise yourself and be able to do it. Today was that day! I also like that you said "don't think, just do it" because in the past I would always skip the boats telling myself I can't do it. WOW. Thanks, girl! Loving this TRUE practice, too.
Cortney Badessa that's so great!!!!
I teared up when I finished! It's been so long since I've loved my body!
Day 4 is done... Always in the evening after a long day of work. It feels so good! Thank you for your great work. I like your yoga classes so much. Big hugs for you and Benji (?).
Simone Mohr samee, but after a long long day of school full of stress nothing is better than this.
I love your sense of humour! It makes these sessions so much funner!
I really appreciated this practice Adriene, I can completely see myself doing this one again and again! I have on and off issues with my wrists so it felt great to still challenge myself in a floor based practice, whilst giving my wrists a break. Can't wait for day 6!
It is such a wonderful journey to be doing this series. Can't believe I am on day 4. Looking forward to the rest. :)
My day was a bit meh but now my mood is lifted! Thank you, Adriene!
i have to confess the best routine for me is the 'rocking and rolling'. I didnt want to stop ;). Thanks again.
Am feeling so relaxed after this one, will bookmark as an evening practice. I haven't been practicing as much lately as I've been running instead but today it really hit me that I *need* yoga too. My body needed those stretches! Also, you and Benji are the cutest pair!!
definitely an evening practice! this did not feel like 30 min at all.
The minute I pull out the mat, Lonnie is awaiting....I think she believes that her job while I do yoga is to get scratches and take over the Matt during my practice. It was great to see you scratch Benji, for I do the same with Lonnie. She is a 7year old corgi and wakes up every morning with a down dog stretch. This entire practice on the floor Lonnie loved and I will probably replay it when ever her and I need a little fun time.
For me, I have followed you for a year or so, and love each practice... almost like we’re good friends.
Namaste and thank you!
Wow - you are changing my life. I had a liver transplant due to an autoimmune disease in August and am only now getting back to finding myself with your yoga. Today was challenging - I had to skip the second twist to the right on your back, with knees up as my stomach area was feeling a little sensitive... It's hard to know how far to push yourself, but I am hoping to work on rebuilding my core. If there are any particular videos which could assist people like me who are recovering from transplant surgery and cut up muscles it would be great to find them and then share in the recovery groups on Facebook. You are inspirational. So pleased I found you. Please keep it up. You are changing lives, one breath at a time. x
Lucinda, YOU are an inspiration to ME! Really! Yoga for surgery recovery is on the list, my friend. Sending you love and light. xo
Bless you, for taking the time to reply! I am not sure if you have heard of Diastasis recti but its where there is a distance created between the right and left rectus abdominis muscles by the stretching of the linea alba, and when you have an operation like I have you get a similar situation. The only real "cure" is to improve your core and rebuild those muscles - my hope is through completing your thirty days and then working my way through your other videos I will be able to target this. If there are any videos you think particularly relevant I can be contacted through email there as I would LOVE to post some of your more pertinent videos to the groups for transplant recipients like myself as I am sure you gentle and approachable take on yoga would suit both those with experience and without. What you are creating is simply so so fantastic. I'm so pleased I found you and what you do. Thank you. x
Lucinda Parker Roberts well done you! And congratulations on your transplant. It sounds like you're recovery is going well xo
On day 4 and these 30 minute sessions feel like less than 5 minutes, I love it!
Thank you Adrienne! I love this waking up every day to yoga....
So many gems in this one! Loved “Take a deep breath...not because it’s yoga, but because this is your life!” Feeling the feels today Adriene! Thank you as always 😘
We were practising at the same time, Did you also like April 4> day four> floor?! Namaste
Loved it! It was just what I needed today. I started True on the first of April coincidentally but am loving that I'm in sync with the month! And with you my friend! Namaste 🙏
This was a cry and release on the floor yoga day for me.
I love this so much, the time goes by so quick!
Day 3 and 4 made for a lovely hour of yoga after a long day of work. Perfect Friday evening!!
Oh lord! Oh all the yogis! Oh Adriene! Today it was one of my strongest feelings of unity after the practice.. as Adriene said ´DEEP bow to the Earth´I felt it in my whole body! And I bowed to the Earth and animals, my guinea pig and every being on this beatiful Earth :) Thank you all!