yep they see but they didn't believe so the day of judgment these people will not in the test so they go to hellfire or paradise because they see this video and denied .. jesus was a prophet moses was a prophet and muhammad was a prophet is just simply
@@agncxrx Anything can be a name. Muhammad is literally “Praised one/Praised” in Arabic. It’s like my parents giving me Strong as a name. You cant say strong cant be a name. You’re confused bcoz you dnt speak nor read arabic. Bcoz if you do. It does make sense. A person can be a moderately praised. Exceptionally praised. Or Universally praised (altogether). So if you said “Strong” cant be a name in the sentence, “Someone strong is coming”. I wld say technically you are right. But it is also plausible and technically correct to say a man named Strong (who is very strong) is what that sentence is referring to. Bcoz Mr Strong is strong, just like the sentence says. None of us can say with concrete conviction that either of our theories is correct. But it’s somewhat funny to me, that humanity always asks for signs and proofs. And the Prophet name can be anything at all from the endless of names and words. And the Hebrew text can be of anything. But nonetheless, out off all the possibilities, the Prophet is named Muhammad in Arabic and the Jewish text read as Muhammad’im in Hebrew. Even tho both are different languages altogether. Both semitic. But different still.
Quran is crystal clear..when you asked is there any confusion in Quran that we didnt understand, i came to realization that i never felt confused or conflicted reading Quran.Thank you for the question, it strengthen my believe and faith even more!
The bible talk about that kind of stuff while the Quran tells men to lower their gaze and yet christians claim the Quran is a copy of their bible lol what a joke @@eyadelzaibak3940
@@AtheistVeganthere is not penalty, apostasy is not punishable by death, the Quran states “there is no compulsion in religion”. One who leaves islam, and does not return to the true faith of monotheism, is destined for hellfire, but sure let us enjoy this short let’s say 70-90 years max of life we get😊
And I bear witness that there is no true god except Allah, alone having no partner with Him, that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger, that 'Isa (Jesus) is His slave and Messenger and he (Jesus) is His Word which He communicated to Maryam (Mary) and His spirit which He sent to her, that Jannah is true and Hell is true.
Your first argument about is the word mentioned Muhammad truly belongs to Prophet Muhammad is not valid coz the name “Muhammad” was never used before or given to anybody in entire world before Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). Another thing you are saying it’s infinitive discussion, yes when sometimes you see the facts you never expected they will surface, your mind and heart refuse to accept that fact. Its very hard to let it go and accept the fact. 😊
You have any authentic source for the first claim you make? I know about Prophet Yahya (John), being the first to be named that but I don't know about this one.
@@Fx_Explains Muhammad never made for name before Prophet Muhammad him self. if not, many historian has deniad that claim. and u can easly find or track every ppl before Prophet Muhammad r had same name sorry for bad englsh
@@mohx2847 Em it is mentioned in The Quran that she is indeed a virgin, so i can say it anywhere without problem, because i know it is the 100% truth. I want to make say the same thing to people but if there is no evidence from the Quran and authentic hadith, then where did it come from? That statement might be a lie and there is an authentic hadith warning about spreading information before it is verified to be true. I wouldn't want to spread false information about our prophet.
There has been millions of Muslim men with the name "Muhammad" or "Ahmad", but the prophet was the first to have that beautiful name. It may have been mentioned elsewhere before but had never been used by any other human being before the holy prophet according to our belief.
The point of recommendations is not to make you squirm, or get a 'gotcha' reaction, the point is to share the truth and make you question any indoctrination against the evidence. If you find Allah only you benefit, not any Muslim making the recommendation amd certainly not Allah. He doesn't need us, our belief, our prayer, or our good deeds. We need him, we benefit from believing in him, we benefit from praying to him, we benefit from performing the good deeds that please him.
أنا عربية أدرس الإسلام تعجبت بشكل إيجابي من دلائل الإسلام وحججه المنطقية والثابته والصريحة،كل شيء له أدلة متعددة بطريقة مدهشة والله ديانة محمية من الخالق لا يوجد فيها شك ولا إرتباك دين واضح وصريح ومنطقي والأهم فيه أدلة لن تجدها في أي دين أو شيء آخر،شيء عظيم أقسم بخالق محمد والمسيح عليهم السلام أتمنى لو تستطيعوا سماع وفهم القرآن بلغته العربية، والله أجمل شيء أحمد الله على هذه النعمة العظيمة، الكلمات ترتيب الكلام كله أمر عظيم،أقسم بخالق السموات والأرض إنه معجزة، لا يوجد في العربية شيء يضاهيه أبدًا،أدعو لي فأنا قريبًا سأكمل حفظ القرآن الحمدلله.
أنا سعيد لأنك تحب المنطق، فهو شيء جميل، ولكن أعتقد أنه حتى المنطق يجب أن يتم تجاوزه في نهاية اليوم. ماذا بقي عندما يتم التخلي عن المنطق والمعتقدات والإيمان.
@@stayspiritual المنطق أو التفكير بعقلانية هو هبة من الله،حتى يميز الإنسان بين الحق والباطل وأنا لا أعظم المنطق أو العقل لأن قد يصف أحدهم شيء بأنه منطقي بالنسبة له وعند شخص آخر ليس منطقي، لهذا نحن في الإسلام أول عمل نقوم به هو إثبات الإسلام هل هو من عند الخالق أم لا؟، ننظر للأدلة ونرى هل الكتاب الذي يقول بأنه كلام الخالق محفوظ بمعنى أنه لم يحرفه أحد؟ وهل هذا الكتاب خالي من التناقض؟ وهكذا نحلل الكتاب نفسه وكذلك النبي محمد نقرأ سيرته هل هو شخص موثوق وصادق؟ وما المعجزات التي قام بها وننظر لحياته ونحن نقول بأن سيرته بحد ذاتها دليل على نبوته وأنه رسول لأن حياته كلها كانت لخالق إبراهيم وجميع الرسل،يدعو الوثنيين لإله واحد ويدافع عن الرسل والأنبياء مثل ما دافع عن المسيح ومريم أمام اليهود وكان يصلي كل ليلة 5ساعات متواصلة والكثير الكثير،فلا الكاذب ولا المجنون ولا المخدوع يفعل الأشياء التي فعلها وقد كتب علمائنا الكثير من الدلائل على أنه رسول فإذا أثبتنا أن القرآن من إله إبراهيم ،ومحمد هو رسول عندها نسلم عقولنا للأوامر الآتية من الله لأنه هو العليم الحكيم،وفي النهاية أريد أن أقول الحق دائمًا واضح ،الخالق لن يرسل لك وحي لا يقبله عقلك ولا قلبك،ومن كان صادقًا يبحث بصدق بدون تحيز ولا عاطفة ويدعو خالق إبراهيم أن يرشده للحق لن يضيعه ولن يضله.
To the dude on the right, with all due respect none of your comments had anything to do with what was actually laid out on the video you are reacting to. I find that....fascinating... very telling to be honest. There's absolutely no problem with analyzing, criticizing, etc, but to go on tangents without ever addressing what the actual subject is at every juncture is odd!
It is surprising for those Christians who deny the message of Prophet Muhammad and they don't want even to believe that he was the last Messenger to mankind.
The Quran was revealed in the Arabic language. This is the original and then translated to clear versions to other languages. If there is something not understood or not clear, then we can return to the original to see the meanings
Some want to cover the truth They don’t want people to know Mohammed peace be upon him is prophet Because to want to follow their desires Only thinking of world life They forget the hereafter
“It is He who has sent down to you, [O Muḥammad], the Book; in it are verses [that are] precise - they are the foundation of the Book - and others unspecific. As for those in whose hearts is deviation [from truth], they will follow that of it which is unspecific, seeking discord and seeking an interpretation [suitable to them]. And no one knows its [true] interpretation except Allāh. But those firm in knowledge say, "We believe in it. All [of it] is from our Lord." And no one will be reminded except those of understanding.” Quran 3:7
The Quran is the word of Allah and the point is that when people make changes they always have a selfish intention that is what has happened in the past put the Quran has not been changed which makes it a perfect word of Allah and has no mistakes and a perfect path to follow if you open your heart you will see
This video clearly says, Jesus hinted a Spirit/Prophet would come after him, the way he described the prophet will speak not of himself but of God and glorify Jesus describes Muhammad, and Muhammad is mentioned by name in the Bible. Point is the Quran is worth exploring and learning diligently…it’s not just a random belief .
I agree with you guys can feel shaking to destruct one's believes ..But ..we to look for the truth ..because our salvation depends on following the truth when we find it
🇨🇦🕋🇨🇦Some people in this life will never have certainty; everything that comes out of their mouths will be doubt or creating doubt, until they are confronted with two certainties: Hell and Death.
وَمَا خَلَقْنَا السَّمَاءَ وَالْأَرْضَ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا بَاطِلًا ۚ ذَٰلِكَ ظَنُّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا ۚ فَوَيْلٌ لِّلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا مِنَ النَّارِ🇨🇦 And We did not create the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them in vain. That is the assumption of those who disbelieve. So woe to those who disbelieve from the Fire.
Hey guys, to answer your question, you can try to deconstruct the Quran, as many other try.. The reason why the bible or science or any other human creation is deconstructable or can be proven to bear mistakes is because alot of it is man made. And humans are not perfect and they make mistakes. However, in the Quran there are no errors, because it is 100% the words of god and not a single letter was changed since it was revealed at the time of prophet mohammed (PBUH). if you want proof of this you can find a video of an athiest history and religion scholar that got paid 2 million euros to prove that the Quran has been changed. And after all his research he was only able to confirm that it has been completely perserved word for word letter for letter. So here you have the Quran completely the same as it was revealed to the prophet, with many scientific, mathematic, and historical miracles that cannot be made by a man proving that it is the 100% the word of God. Then you have other scriptures which changed the words of God, they bear some truth which came from god, and some parts that were made by humans changing the words of god or hiding his revelations. So ofcourse the muslim would want to let you know that you should follow the only book of god left that hasnt been changed thats 100% the word of god. we dont want the non muslims to see this video to see them squirm, we just want you to follow the right path before its too late, before you die and you meet your lord as nonbelievers and you get punished forever in hell in the hereafter You might say that other religions have some truths in them or they help you in this life in some way.. However we tell you that all the truth lies in islam, our religion only contains the truth, while the other religions bear falsehoods which will lead you astray. Like how although the bible originally teaches to only worship 1 god whos the god of everyone and the god of jesus. some verses added by humans tried to make jesus god and now christians are committing idolatry and worshipping beings other than god like jesus, holy spirit and mary the mother of jesus. same with jews who changed their scripture to make it sound like god is on their level of intelligence (Oh god please forgive me for writing that terrible sentence astaghfirullah) but thats what they wrote in their book, that basically god lets the rabbis change his religion however they want.. its absolutely evil because this way they can change gods teachings to any evil teaching they want and say its from god when its not Hindus also worship many beings other than God the point of this huge comment is to say, all other paths are leading you to associate the creations of god in your worship while worship should only be to the only one god that exists that created all of us. If you say you only learn about religions to feel better in this life know that this life is temporary, and the real life is the afterlife when you meet your lord. If God asks you on that day why did you follow other paths even though you knew they were mixed with falsehood when God showed you the only fully perserved religion left and showed you all the signs what will you say? Please, understand the importance of this choice. because either you follow God in the best way you can by following the only remaining perserved religion and go to heaven, or you create or follow any other route thats been made by humans, all of which will lead you astray in this life and to hellfire in the afterlife Please understand the importance of this, check religions, and understand that if a religion has an error then its not from God because God is perfect, while humans are not. I also encourage you to try to find any error in the Quran. once you find out that the Quran is the only book with no error then thats when you understand that this is the only book left that's 100% from God and thus the only right path left to follow May God guide you Peace brothers
Write 1000 lines about Islam but don't say a word about Hinduism if u don't understand it. You don't know anything about hinduism. Ur concept of Hinduism is completely wrong. So don't talk about things you do not know. Neither I m here to understand Islam nor am I here to tell you about hinduism. Just stick to your religion ... But not a word about Hinduism.🤫
Are you telling me... That the name Muhammad in your books is insignificant... Yet the man Muhammad pbuh is the most influential man in history, the last prophet, and the most well documented man in history to the point we know how he used the toilet and brushed his teeth, what his favorite foods were, his daily habits, his endless sayings and wisdoms, his favorite musk, favorite fruit and meat, how he treated his family, friends, subjects. He was supremely successful in every aspect. And his miracle, the Quran, is the only book of its kind, only book memorized in full by millions upon millions, unchanged by a single letter in 1400 years. We don't follow him because he's mentioned in your books. That should be a strong proof for you, it's not needed for us, but it's just further validating. Islam is the biggest, most practiced religion on earth... But Muhammad pbuh mentioned in the old and new testament is insignificant?? Is the truth not plain to you?
7:20 before the prophet (pbuh), the name "Muhammad" didn't exist, no one was named as Muhammad before him, the closest name (in meaning and root of the word) that people used was "Ahmad" . So, a preserved scripture from 2 thousands years before his time mentioning his name while talking about the coming of a prophet/messenger/truth teller, logically, must be talking about him.
Alhamdulillah for Islam Alhamdulillah for Islam Alhamdulillah for Islam Alhamdulillah for Islam Alhamdulillah for Islam Alhamdulillah for Islam Alhamdulillah for Islam Alhamdulillah for Islam Alhamdulillah for Islam Alhamdulillah for Islam Alhamdulillah for Islam Alhamdulillah for Islam Alhamdulillah for Islam Alhamdulillah for Islam Alhamdulillah for Islam Alhamdulillah for Islam Alhamdulillah for Islam
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Being a Muslim since childhood, this did not confuse me, but I was surprised by the scientific miracle, even though they are short verses, but it would not be a coincidence that they are this precise, as I used to see the old and new Quran books identical in letters and words, which was normal, until I saw on the Internet that there are different versions of other holy books. It is not easy to maintain the same writing for 1400 years.
The Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, said : * ( I swear ) By the One in Whose Hand is the life of Muhammad, no one from this nation, whether Jew or Christian, hears of me, then dies without believing in that with which I was sent, he will be one of the inmates of the Hell fire *
My beautiful Islam, My beautiful spirtual satisfaction, my own experience indeed my Islam is truth. Kindly read whole Quran and Hadith!!!! You will get answer of everything!!!Kindly Study😊❤
As a muslim, I wanna confirm that I have never searched for the meaning of a verse and not found it Each and every verse is explained in the deepest way possible and from all perspectives(eg.lingustically,scientifically,historically,geologically,..and ssooo onnn)
If you're a Muslim already, say Alhamdulilah for Islam. You can have been lost, could have still been searching your whole life for the truth but you have it right there. It also means we're accountable for this, we don't have the excuse of 'Islam never reached me or my people'.
"Here's the linguistic reasoning behind it: Arabic is quite distinct from English and Latin-based languages because it constructs words from a three-letter root system combined with templates. Even if you don’t know a word, by analyzing its root and template, you can grasp around 90% of its meaning. Additionally, Arabic is considered one of the most precise languages due to its level of nuance. For example, there are 100 different words for love, each describing a specific level or form of it. As for the Quran, other significant spiritual figures are mentioned, though not by name but by their actions. There’s a strong possibility that Buddha is one of the prophets mentioned in the Quran, though later wrongly worshipped as a god. Furthermore, Islam’s belief system is based on reasoning and proof. As a Muslim, if I believe without being logically convinced by Islam, I cannot claim to have true faith. The definition of faith in Islam is different from that in Christianity.
bro with white tshirt going to be Muslim very soon inshaallah. Compare peace of your heart from your previous life to since you started reacting on Islamic videos
In this period, to appear modern, open-minded, and not a savage, you should sound (uncertain and skeptical) about everything and all beautiful things you have, to not sound foolish, (your gender, values, faith, and morality) (Devil technique) ❤ keep ur good work ❤️
Until now, Muhammad PBUH is the most famous person in the world. It is highly unlikely that the largest religious book in the world would not mention such a great individual.
I know a guy who was defending Christianity but when he found out that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is mentioned in the Bible, he couldn't believe and did a lot of research on that. He asked the priests etc. Later he reverted to islam.
Quran is 1 version and is memorised in the original language arabic ...but the bible we don't have it in the original language becouse Jesus pbuh spoke in aramiac which a lost language
The answer to your question whether my faith has even been shaken by any concept or question? Yes, many times until i started reading the Quran with understanding the meaning of it. The Quran has answered all my questions. The more you read and contemplate, it will give peace and whoever reads the Quran will feel in his heart that this is the infallible truth without losing respect for their own religion. Not because of blind faith, but for using God given intellect. I have never read other religious texts so i don’t get it why there should be any confusion or conflict in understanding and interpretation in God’s commandments. But one has read the Quran to understand why this scripture is the truth, the word of God Almighty.
The verse in the Bible where Jesus himself said, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" is found in the New Testament, specifically in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 27, verse 46. Here is the verse: " And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, 'Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?' that is, 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?'" This is a pivotal moment during the crucifixion of Jesus, where he expresses a profound sense of abandonment while quoting from Psalm 22:1. So, Jesus was reluctant to die for anyone. So, saying Jesus Christ dying for people’s sins is totally absurd when he never wanted to die for anyone!🙂
First Person whose name was Muhammad in history was Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ) . And who Was prophet and Holybook was revealed on him. And it's an Arabic name surprising mentioned in Hebrew book . There is also also description of the upcoming prophet in Hebrew . Where he will be Which Perfectly matches prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ). People mount sela will be happy a prophet will come there . Mount sela is in Medina very close to Prophet Mosque .
As a muslim I have always been curious about the verse in Sura Al-Baqara talking about something that was revealed to two angels in Babylon and taken by the jinns. It's mentionned very briefly in a verse that mostly starts off by clearly Solomon's name in islam, and going against the biblical narrative that he worshipped idols at some point. I think it's usually interpreted as being the origin of magic or sorcery in our world, but I was always fascinated by it. It's a quick menntion but suggests a story that's very unique and different and from anything else in the Quran. Especially since angels and jinns are the center figures of the verse rather than humans, which you don't really see very often in islam. There is also the prophet Dhul Kifl. We know in islam, that there are many unknown prophets, and those in the Quran are only the ones God chose to talk about. But Dhul kifl is only mentionned by name and praised for his patience, nothing else is known about him. Scholars usually identify him as Ezekiel in the bible, but the Quran and the hadiths don't really give us any info. Some scholars even went as far as suggesting that he's the buddha. Ngl, I kinda like that mystery around him, it's very strange that we know more about certain nameless figures in the Quran than we know about him. btw for the idea of finding other religious figures in the Quran, I as a muslim would honestly love it. As I said Dhul kifl is a mystery, maybe he's ezekiel, maybe he's buddha, maybe he's krishna, maybe he's zoroaster, maybe he's simply his own person
surah al hajj verse 46 ... "Do they not walk on earth so that their hearts may understand or their ears may hear? In fact, it is not the eyes that are blind, but what is blind is the heart in the chest"
First point: You need to understand that no one in history before the prophet Muhammad saws was named Muhammad. Second point: the comforter CAN'T be the holy spirit. The holy spirit was already there from when Jesus was baptized, and through out the bible.
Is the Prophet Muhammad the first person named Muhammad in history? As far as the Holy Spirit goes, evangelicals as least believe the Holy Spirit which they consider God, came to reside in man after Jesus ascended into heavy, and when the apostles waited in the upper room.
To deepen your understanding of the issue, these parts are related to this video. Rabbi Mort's proofs of the prophecy of the Prophet Muhammad in the Bibleвидео.html A Christian woman, after searching deeply in the Bible, finds the name of the Prophet Muhammadвидео.html A Muslim shocks a Christian with a prophecy from the Christian book Muhammad Aliвидео.html
Thanks for the interesting reaction. I'd highly recommend having a discussion with another RUclips channel called Muslim Lantern. He has friendly chats with non-Muslims on a daily basis and he's always very polite and well mannered. You guys would definitely find it interesting!
In Bible their is hajj pilgrimage, it's written that Prophet will create Law & Justice & Create Peace & Prophet Muhammad's 10 thousand victorious Companions r also mentioned , just do your research if you want Mercy on day of judgment
لايزالون ينكرون الحقيقه هدايتكم او ضلالكم لن يضر الله شيئا ولكن رحمة بكم ان تلقو مع الشياطين اللذين عصو ربهم في النار يوم يقول الله الم يأتكم نذير ،،قالو بلى
If the Holy Spirit is the “comforter” and Jesus said “if i don’t go he won’t come” !!!! Isn’t the Holy Spirit already there ? Why would something that was always there will come ? It doesn’t make sense
الحمد لله على نعمة الإسلام ❤ May AllaaH SWT Guide you both and try to get a knowledge more about Islaam. AllaaH SWT Guides Whom He Wills. My dad converted to Islaam before he got married, and i'm born Muslimah.. الحمد لله 🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻❤From Singapore 🇸🇬
There are many critics and opponents of Islam who ended up converting to Islam. Do you know why? Because they delved deeply into research because they thought they would prove the falsehood of Islam, but they discovered the truth. There are people who take a very long time to understand the Quran, and this is because of the devil who enters them and plants doubt in their minds and hearts, making them arrogant and clinging to their old ideas, even if they are wrong.
not the eyes are blind but the heart
yep they see but they didn't believe so the day of judgment these people will not in the test so they go to hellfire or paradise because they see this video and denied .. jesus was a prophet moses was a prophet and muhammad was a prophet is just simply
Hard to see with a blind heart
@@agncxrx Anything can be a name. Muhammad is literally “Praised one/Praised” in Arabic. It’s like my parents giving me Strong as a name. You cant say strong cant be a name. You’re confused bcoz you dnt speak nor read arabic. Bcoz if you do. It does make sense. A person can be a moderately praised. Exceptionally praised. Or Universally praised (altogether).
So if you said “Strong” cant be a name in the sentence, “Someone strong is coming”. I wld say technically you are right. But it is also plausible and technically correct to say a man named Strong (who is very strong) is what that sentence is referring to. Bcoz Mr Strong is strong, just like the sentence says.
None of us can say with concrete conviction that either of our theories is correct. But it’s somewhat funny to me, that humanity always asks for signs and proofs. And the Prophet name can be anything at all from the endless of names and words. And the Hebrew text can be of anything. But nonetheless, out off all the possibilities, the Prophet is named Muhammad in Arabic and the Jewish text read as Muhammad’im in Hebrew. Even tho both are different languages altogether. Both semitic. But different still.
Quran is crystal clear..when you asked is there any confusion in Quran that we didnt understand, i came to realization that i never felt confused or conflicted reading Quran.Thank you for the question, it strengthen my believe and faith even more!
I read all bibles and I was shocked about porngraphic statements. I never had issues with Quran. Proud muslim
What's the penalty for giving up the muslim faith?
The bible talk about that kind of stuff while the Quran tells men to lower their gaze and yet christians claim the Quran is a copy of their bible lol what a joke @@eyadelzaibak3940
@@AtheistVeganthere is not penalty, apostasy is not punishable by death, the Quran states “there is no compulsion in religion”. One who leaves islam, and does not return to the true faith of monotheism, is destined for hellfire, but sure let us enjoy this short let’s say 70-90 years max of life we get😊
Our eyes are not blind but our heart is blind to see the truth. May God bless both of you. Aamiin
Allahumma Aameen ya RabulAallameen
My heart cries whenever I hear about Islam, a great religion.😔❤
😊❤I ask God Almighty to guide you to the right path in this world.
مرحبا بك في امة الحبيب محمد صلى الله عليه و سلم ❤
There is no God worthy of worship in truth except Allah and Muhammad is his last and final messenger.
schizophrenic 😂
And I bear witness that there is no true god except Allah, alone having no partner with Him, that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger, that 'Isa (Jesus) is His slave and Messenger and he (Jesus) is His Word which He communicated to Maryam (Mary) and His spirit which He sent to her, that Jannah is true and Hell is true.
@@ab00000de and I confirm that what you spoke is the absolute and pure truth.
@@RUclipsAnonUserI confirm too
And i am with you from the witnesses.
Your first argument about is the word mentioned Muhammad truly belongs to Prophet Muhammad is not valid coz the name “Muhammad” was never used before or given to anybody in entire world before Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).
Another thing you are saying it’s infinitive discussion, yes when sometimes you see the facts you never expected they will surface, your mind and heart refuse to accept that fact. Its very hard to let it go and accept the fact. 😊
You have any authentic source for the first claim you make? I know about Prophet Yahya (John), being the first to be named that but I don't know about this one.
@@Fx_Explains Muhammad never made for name before Prophet Muhammad him self. if not, many historian has deniad that claim. and u can easly find or track every ppl before Prophet Muhammad r had same name
sorry for bad englsh
@@humorpolis5142 is it hadith or Qur'an that confirms it? Or just this logic?
@@Fx_Explainsyou guys like to ask fundamental questions which can be irritating. It's like saying prove that marry was a virgin. 🤦
@@mohx2847 Em it is mentioned in The Quran that she is indeed a virgin, so i can say it anywhere without problem, because i know it is the 100% truth. I want to make say the same thing to people but if there is no evidence from the Quran and authentic hadith, then where did it come from? That statement might be a lie and there is an authentic hadith warning about spreading information before it is verified to be true. I wouldn't want to spread false information about our prophet.
There has been millions of Muslim men with the name "Muhammad" or "Ahmad", but the prophet was the first to have that beautiful name. It may have been mentioned elsewhere before but had never been used by any other human being before the holy prophet according to our belief.
Our eyes not blind but our hearts are blind Quran words
There is none worthy of worship in thruth except ALLAH
In reality there in no Reality except Allah.
Said by a pedo?
محمد ص بشر به في كل الكتب السماوية من زابوروالثوراة والانجيل وكل الكتب قبل ولادته من قرون
@@HamideWardi اي والله🌹
Can you prove there is Allah?
The point of recommendations is not to make you squirm, or get a 'gotcha' reaction, the point is to share the truth and make you question any indoctrination against the evidence. If you find Allah only you benefit, not any Muslim making the recommendation amd certainly not Allah. He doesn't need us, our belief, our prayer, or our good deeds. We need him, we benefit from believing in him, we benefit from praying to him, we benefit from performing the good deeds that please him.
I don’t know why they go to think that people suggest the video to make a micdrop moment..
Some people always denied it. Although they know it's the truth.
أنا عربية أدرس الإسلام تعجبت بشكل إيجابي من دلائل الإسلام وحججه المنطقية والثابته والصريحة،كل شيء له أدلة متعددة بطريقة مدهشة والله ديانة محمية من الخالق لا يوجد فيها شك ولا إرتباك دين واضح وصريح ومنطقي والأهم فيه أدلة لن تجدها في أي دين أو شيء آخر،شيء عظيم أقسم بخالق محمد والمسيح عليهم السلام
أتمنى لو تستطيعوا سماع وفهم القرآن بلغته العربية، والله أجمل شيء أحمد الله
على هذه النعمة العظيمة، الكلمات ترتيب الكلام كله أمر عظيم،أقسم بخالق السموات والأرض إنه معجزة، لا يوجد في العربية شيء يضاهيه أبدًا،أدعو لي فأنا قريبًا سأكمل حفظ القرآن الحمدلله.
أنا سعيد لأنك تحب المنطق، فهو شيء جميل، ولكن أعتقد أنه حتى المنطق يجب أن يتم تجاوزه في نهاية اليوم. ماذا بقي عندما يتم التخلي عن المنطق والمعتقدات والإيمان.
المنطق أو التفكير بعقلانية هو هبة من الله،حتى يميز الإنسان بين الحق والباطل
وأنا لا أعظم المنطق أو العقل لأن قد يصف أحدهم شيء بأنه منطقي بالنسبة له وعند شخص آخر ليس منطقي،
لهذا نحن في الإسلام أول عمل نقوم به هو إثبات الإسلام هل هو من عند الخالق أم لا؟، ننظر للأدلة ونرى هل الكتاب الذي يقول بأنه كلام الخالق محفوظ بمعنى أنه لم يحرفه أحد؟ وهل هذا الكتاب خالي من التناقض؟
وهكذا نحلل الكتاب نفسه وكذلك النبي محمد نقرأ سيرته هل هو شخص موثوق وصادق؟ وما المعجزات التي قام بها وننظر لحياته ونحن نقول بأن سيرته بحد ذاتها دليل على نبوته وأنه رسول لأن حياته كلها كانت لخالق إبراهيم وجميع الرسل،يدعو الوثنيين لإله واحد ويدافع عن الرسل والأنبياء مثل ما دافع عن المسيح ومريم أمام اليهود وكان يصلي كل ليلة 5ساعات متواصلة والكثير الكثير،فلا الكاذب ولا المجنون ولا المخدوع يفعل الأشياء التي فعلها وقد كتب علمائنا الكثير من الدلائل على أنه رسول
فإذا أثبتنا أن القرآن من إله إبراهيم ،ومحمد هو رسول
عندها نسلم عقولنا للأوامر الآتية من الله لأنه هو العليم الحكيم،وفي النهاية أريد أن أقول الحق دائمًا واضح ،الخالق لن يرسل لك وحي لا يقبله عقلك ولا قلبك،ومن كان صادقًا يبحث بصدق بدون تحيز ولا عاطفة ويدعو خالق إبراهيم أن يرشده للحق لن يضيعه ولن يضله.
May Allah bless more and more non - believers with the light of Islam including these two good brothers
7:25 there were no Mohammads before prophet Muhammad.
Even if there were, it doesn't matter as they were not significant enough to be known.
To the dude on the right, with all due respect none of your comments had anything to do with what was actually laid out on the video you are reacting to. I find that....fascinating... very telling to be honest. There's absolutely no problem with analyzing, criticizing, etc, but to go on tangents without ever addressing what the actual subject is at every juncture is odd!
Well said
They aren't really being honest if you in the western world you can understand this 2 people's language of choice.
Whenever I read the quran, I feel closer to God.
Islam is the truth and the way to heaven. Insha Allah, many non - believers accept the truth
It is surprising for those Christians who deny the message of Prophet Muhammad and they don't want even to believe that he was the last Messenger to mankind.
the Quran is clear in message and in verses
The Quran was revealed in the Arabic language. This is the original
and then translated to clear versions to other languages. If there is something not understood or not clear, then we can return to the original to see the meanings
I’m a Muslim, alhamdulellah, there is no doubt about the Quran and its transmission
It’s Arabic, and Arabic is still a life.
We couldn't care less about "mic drop moments", we care about the truth.
Finally islamic video ❤
Islam is true religion, wake up bro. before late. try do sujud and ask for guidance.
@Leftistrightist Allah is god, the powerfull, He has no place and does not experience time. God is not like anything.
Ahmed Deedat was threat for atheists and christains and jews and still is
we have zero doubt and zero condtradition in Quran.The Quran is perfectly preserved.
Indeed their is no confusion in the Quran. Read it everything will make sense and Quran just flows like water.
That jew in the video reverted to islam with his family u can check on youtube
Some want to cover the truth
They don’t want people to know Mohammed peace be upon him is prophet
Because to want to follow their desires
Only thinking of world life
They forget the hereafter
Maybe you always wonder why Muslim love sharing this. It's because Muslim just wanna convey., it's up to you to choose.
When the truth come, everything will be crystal clear, Alhamdulillah I never confused in anything except when my wife angry 💪🏻
Wanna see the Truth? ... Look at the Qur'an
Wanna hear the Truth? ... Listen the Qur'an
Wanna guide to the Truth? ... Guide to the Truth
Wanna see the Truth? ... Look at the Qur'an
Wanna hear the Truth? ... Listen the Qur'an
Wanna guide to the Truth? ... Follow the Qur'an.
“It is He who has sent down to you, [O Muḥammad], the Book; in it are verses [that are] precise - they are the foundation of the Book - and others unspecific. As for those in whose hearts is deviation [from truth], they will follow that of it which is unspecific, seeking discord and seeking an interpretation [suitable to them]. And no one knows its [true] interpretation except Allāh. But those firm in knowledge say, "We believe in it. All [of it] is from our Lord." And no one will be reminded except those of understanding.” Quran 3:7
The Quran is the word of Allah and the point is that when people make changes they always have a selfish intention that is what has happened in the past put the Quran has not been changed which makes it a perfect word of Allah and has no mistakes and a perfect path to follow if you open your heart you will see
This video clearly says,
Jesus hinted a Spirit/Prophet would come after him,
the way he described the prophet will speak not of himself but of God and glorify Jesus describes Muhammad,
and Muhammad is mentioned by name in the Bible.
Point is the Quran is worth exploring and learning diligently…it’s not just a random belief .
𝐀𝐥𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐈𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐦
I agree with you guys can feel shaking to destruct one's believes ..But ..we to look for the truth ..because our salvation depends on following the truth when we find it
Quran is crystal clear! The Quran is revealed in the clear Arabic
The surprising thing is no one ever been called "mohammed" before prophet mohammed. That makes the mentioning of him in song of Solomon very unique.
🇨🇦🕋🇨🇦Some people in this life will never have certainty; everything that comes out of their mouths will be doubt or creating doubt, until they are confronted with two certainties: Hell and Death.
We love the Canadian flags👍, but I think the irony here might be that Hell comes with certainty. 🤔
وَمَا خَلَقْنَا السَّمَاءَ وَالْأَرْضَ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا بَاطِلًا ۚ ذَٰلِكَ ظَنُّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا ۚ فَوَيْلٌ لِّلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا مِنَ النَّارِ🇨🇦
And We did not create the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them in vain. That is the assumption of those who disbelieve. So woe to those who disbelieve from the Fire.
Hey guys, to answer your question, you can try to deconstruct the Quran, as many other try.. The reason why the bible or science or any other human creation is deconstructable or can be proven to bear mistakes is because alot of it is man made. And humans are not perfect and they make mistakes. However, in the Quran there are no errors, because it is 100% the words of god and not a single letter was changed since it was revealed at the time of prophet mohammed (PBUH). if you want proof of this you can find a video of an athiest history and religion scholar that got paid 2 million euros to prove that the Quran has been changed. And after all his research he was only able to confirm that it has been completely perserved word for word letter for letter. So here you have the Quran completely the same as it was revealed to the prophet, with many scientific, mathematic, and historical miracles that cannot be made by a man proving that it is the 100% the word of God. Then you have other scriptures which changed the words of God, they bear some truth which came from god, and some parts that were made by humans changing the words of god or hiding his revelations.
So ofcourse the muslim would want to let you know that you should follow the only book of god left that hasnt been changed thats 100% the word of god. we dont want the non muslims to see this video to see them squirm, we just want you to follow the right path before its too late, before you die and you meet your lord as nonbelievers and you get punished forever in hell in the hereafter
You might say that other religions have some truths in them or they help you in this life in some way.. However we tell you that all the truth lies in islam, our religion only contains the truth, while the other religions bear falsehoods which will lead you astray. Like how although the bible originally teaches to only worship 1 god whos the god of everyone and the god of jesus. some verses added by humans tried to make jesus god and now christians are committing idolatry and worshipping beings other than god like jesus, holy spirit and mary the mother of jesus. same with jews who changed their scripture to make it sound like god is on their level of intelligence (Oh god please forgive me for writing that terrible sentence astaghfirullah) but thats what they wrote in their book, that basically god lets the rabbis change his religion however they want.. its absolutely evil because this way they can change gods teachings to any evil teaching they want and say its from god when its not
Hindus also worship many beings other than God
the point of this huge comment is to say, all other paths are leading you to associate the creations of god in your worship while worship should only be to the only one god that exists that created all of us.
If you say you only learn about religions to feel better in this life know that this life is temporary, and the real life is the afterlife when you meet your lord.
If God asks you on that day why did you follow other paths even though you knew they were mixed with falsehood when God showed you the only fully perserved religion left and showed you all the signs what will you say?
Please, understand the importance of this choice. because either you follow God in the best way you can by following the only remaining perserved religion and go to heaven, or you create or follow any other route thats been made by humans, all of which will lead you astray in this life and to hellfire in the afterlife
Please understand the importance of this, check religions, and understand that if a religion has an error then its not from God because God is perfect, while humans are not. I also encourage you to try to find any error in the Quran. once you find out that the Quran is the only book with no error then thats when you understand that this is the only book left that's 100% from God and thus the only right path left to follow
May God guide you
Peace brothers
Write 1000 lines about Islam but don't say a word about Hinduism if u don't understand it. You don't know anything about hinduism. Ur concept of Hinduism is completely wrong. So don't talk about things you do not know. Neither I m here to understand Islam nor am I here to tell you about hinduism. Just stick to your religion ... But not a word about Hinduism.🤫
The Eyes can see , but our Hearts can Feel, that is the difference.❤
Nobody is forced to believe, without the choice heaven and hell cannot be decreed for anyone.
Quran is the most logical book on planet Earth's standard
Are you telling me... That the name Muhammad in your books is insignificant... Yet the man Muhammad pbuh is the most influential man in history, the last prophet, and the most well documented man in history to the point we know how he used the toilet and brushed his teeth, what his favorite foods were, his daily habits, his endless sayings and wisdoms, his favorite musk, favorite fruit and meat, how he treated his family, friends, subjects. He was supremely successful in every aspect. And his miracle, the Quran, is the only book of its kind, only book memorized in full by millions upon millions, unchanged by a single letter in 1400 years. We don't follow him because he's mentioned in your books. That should be a strong proof for you, it's not needed for us, but it's just further validating. Islam is the biggest, most practiced religion on earth... But Muhammad pbuh mentioned in the old and new testament is insignificant?? Is the truth not plain to you?
7:20 before the prophet (pbuh), the name "Muhammad" didn't exist, no one was named as Muhammad before him, the closest name (in meaning and root of the word) that people used was "Ahmad" . So, a preserved scripture from 2 thousands years before his time mentioning his name while talking about the coming of a prophet/messenger/truth teller, logically, must be talking about him.
for more prophet Muhammad in the Bible check: Muhammad and Madinah in the bible
Alhamdulillah for Islam
Alhamdulillah for Islam
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Alhamdulillah for Islam
Alhamdulillah for Islam
Alhamdulillah for Islam
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Alhamdulillah for Islam
Alhamdulillah for Islam
Alhamdulillah for Islam
Alhamdulillah for Islam
Alhamdulillah for Islam
Alhamdulillah for Islam
Alhamdulillah for Islam
Ya Allah. I only have one wish. Please fulfill the wishes of all insan all humanity in this world. Syukur alhamdulillah. Salam from Malaysia.
May Allah guide you to the truth and may you follow it without arrogance 🕊️
I m an arabic speaker, and in Arabia no one has ever been named Mohammad before the prophet ,he was the first one to be named Mohammad ever.
Being a Muslim since childhood, this did not confuse me, but I was surprised by the scientific miracle, even though they are short verses, but it would not be a coincidence that they are this precise, as I used to see the old and new Quran books identical in letters and words, which was normal, until I saw on the Internet that there are different versions of other holy books. It is not easy to maintain the same writing for 1400 years.
The Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, said :
* ( I swear ) By the One in Whose Hand is the life of Muhammad, no one from
this nation, whether Jew or Christian, hears of me, then dies without believing
in that with which I was sent, he will be one of the inmates of the Hell fire *
Allah challenges the whole of mankind to bring one surah like this just one verse , no one has succeeded
لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله ❤
yeah keep it growing brother in the Abrahamic faith Insya ALLAH Judaism, christianity, Islam Insya Allah there will be peace and respect
I really appreciate your program. May Almighty Allah guide you both and put more blessings in your daawa. I'm a Gambian.
My beautiful Islam, My beautiful spirtual satisfaction, my own experience indeed my Islam is truth. Kindly read whole Quran and Hadith!!!! You will get answer of everything!!!Kindly Study😊❤
Life is a test
Islam is the answer
Take some to read the Quran, the word of a true God
As a muslim, I wanna confirm that I have never searched for the meaning of a verse and not found it
Each and every verse is explained in the deepest way possible and from all perspectives(eg.lingustically,scientifically,historically,geologically,..and ssooo onnn)
If you're a Muslim already, say Alhamdulilah for Islam. You can have been lost, could have still been searching your whole life for the truth but you have it right there. It also means we're accountable for this, we don't have the excuse of 'Islam never reached me or my people'.
"Here's the linguistic reasoning behind it: Arabic is quite distinct from English and Latin-based languages because it constructs words from a three-letter root system combined with templates. Even if you don’t know a word, by analyzing its root and template, you can grasp around 90% of its meaning. Additionally, Arabic is considered one of the most precise languages due to its level of nuance. For example, there are 100 different words for love, each describing a specific level or form of it.
As for the Quran, other significant spiritual figures are mentioned, though not by name but by their actions. There’s a strong possibility that Buddha is one of the prophets mentioned in the Quran, though later wrongly worshipped as a god. Furthermore, Islam’s belief system is based on reasoning and proof. As a Muslim, if I believe without being logically convinced by Islam, I cannot claim to have true faith. The definition of faith in Islam is different from that in Christianity.
Food for the Mind
bro with white tshirt going to be Muslim very soon inshaallah. Compare peace of your heart from your previous life to since you started reacting on Islamic videos
He would never accept islam. Both of them are fooling you for views and subscribers.
@@Shell-_-Abraham that's true
Nice video👍💯.
In this period, to appear modern, open-minded, and not a savage, you should sound (uncertain and skeptical) about everything and all beautiful things you have, to not sound foolish, (your gender, values, faith, and morality) (Devil technique)
❤ keep ur good work ❤️
I think its ok to say I don't know, in world of people saying they do. Either - Or ... each has a cost.
Until now, Muhammad PBUH is the most famous person in the world. It is highly unlikely that the largest religious book in the world would not mention such a great individual.
May allah open your hearts to islam ❤
25:50 yes there's only one version of Quran and they translated its meanings to other languages but the original one in arabic
I love how your faces turned "huh 😯?" When pronouns, spirit for prophet..etc was Deddat-ed on you. 😅
Now I believe indeed eyes are not blinds hearts are blinds
You guys you both are very loyal to your hearts...May Allah guide you both
Muhammad was a new name. Nobody in the history of man was called Muhammad before the Prophet Muhammad was given this name.
I know a guy who was defending Christianity but when he found out that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is mentioned in the Bible, he couldn't believe and did a lot of research on that. He asked the priests etc. Later he reverted to islam.
May Allah (God) guide us all.❤
Quran is 1 version and is memorised in the original language arabic ...but the bible we don't have it in the original language becouse Jesus pbuh spoke in aramiac which a lost language
The answer to your question whether my faith has even been shaken by any concept or question? Yes, many times until i started reading the Quran with understanding the meaning of it.
The Quran has answered all my questions. The more you read and contemplate, it will give peace and whoever reads the Quran will feel in his heart that this is the infallible truth without losing respect for their own religion. Not because of blind faith, but for using God given intellect. I have never read other religious texts so i don’t get it why there should be any confusion or conflict in understanding and interpretation in God’s commandments. But one has read the Quran to understand why this scripture is the truth, the word of God Almighty.
The verse in the Bible where Jesus himself said, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" is found in the New Testament, specifically in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 27, verse 46. Here is the verse: " And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, 'Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?' that is, 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?'" This is a pivotal moment during the crucifixion of Jesus, where he expresses a profound sense of abandonment while quoting from Psalm 22:1. So, Jesus was reluctant to die for anyone. So, saying Jesus Christ dying for people’s sins is totally absurd when he never wanted to die for anyone!🙂
I am Muslim..surprise 😃
Hamdulillah ❤
First Person whose name was Muhammad in history was Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ) .
And who Was prophet and Holybook was revealed on him.
And it's an Arabic name surprising mentioned in Hebrew book .
There is also also description of the upcoming prophet in Hebrew . Where he will be
Which Perfectly matches prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ).
People mount sela will be happy a prophet will come there .
Mount sela is in Medina very close to Prophet Mosque .
Every thing is clear
As a muslim I have always been curious about the verse in Sura Al-Baqara talking about something that was revealed to two angels in Babylon and taken by the jinns. It's mentionned very briefly in a verse that mostly starts off by clearly Solomon's name in islam, and going against the biblical narrative that he worshipped idols at some point.
I think it's usually interpreted as being the origin of magic or sorcery in our world, but I was always fascinated by it. It's a quick menntion but suggests a story that's very unique and different and from anything else in the Quran. Especially since angels and jinns are the center figures of the verse rather than humans, which you don't really see very often in islam.
There is also the prophet Dhul Kifl. We know in islam, that there are many unknown prophets, and those in the Quran are only the ones God chose to talk about. But Dhul kifl is only mentionned by name and praised for his patience, nothing else is known about him. Scholars usually identify him as Ezekiel in the bible, but the Quran and the hadiths don't really give us any info. Some scholars even went as far as suggesting that he's the buddha. Ngl, I kinda like that mystery around him, it's very strange that we know more about certain nameless figures in the Quran than we know about him.
btw for the idea of finding other religious figures in the Quran, I as a muslim would honestly love it. As I said Dhul kifl is a mystery, maybe he's ezekiel, maybe he's buddha, maybe he's krishna, maybe he's zoroaster, maybe he's simply his own person
surah al hajj verse 46 ... "Do they not walk on earth so that their hearts may understand or their ears may hear? In fact, it is not the eyes that are blind, but what is blind is the heart in the chest"
انك لاتهدي من احببت ولكن الله يهدي من يشاء 😢
First point: You need to understand that no one in history before the prophet Muhammad saws was named Muhammad.
Second point: the comforter CAN'T be the holy spirit. The holy spirit was already there from when Jesus was baptized, and through out the bible.
Is the Prophet Muhammad the first person named Muhammad in history?
As far as the Holy Spirit goes, evangelicals as least believe the Holy Spirit which they consider God, came to reside in man after Jesus ascended into heavy, and when the apostles waited in the upper room.
To deepen your understanding of the issue, these parts are related to this video.
Rabbi Mort's proofs of the prophecy of the Prophet Muhammad in the Bibleвидео.html
A Christian woman, after searching deeply in the Bible, finds the name of the Prophet Muhammadвидео.html
A Muslim shocks a Christian with a prophecy from the Christian book Muhammad Aliвидео.html
React to dr zakir naik Mohamed" PBUH"in hindu scripture...
Thanks for the interesting reaction. I'd highly recommend having a discussion with another RUclips channel called Muslim Lantern. He has friendly chats with non-Muslims on a daily basis and he's always very polite and well mannered. You guys would definitely find it interesting!
In Bible their is hajj pilgrimage, it's written that Prophet will create Law & Justice & Create Peace & Prophet Muhammad's 10 thousand victorious Companions r also mentioned , just do your research if you want Mercy on day of judgment
لايزالون ينكرون الحقيقه هدايتكم او ضلالكم لن يضر الله شيئا ولكن رحمة بكم ان تلقو مع الشياطين اللذين عصو ربهم في النار يوم يقول الله الم يأتكم نذير ،،قالو بلى
when you know it makes sense and more logical, you say you get to have faith...
If the Holy Spirit is the “comforter” and Jesus said “if i don’t go he won’t come” !!!! Isn’t the Holy Spirit already there ? Why would something that was always there will come ? It doesn’t make sense
May allah give u both hidayath to come in true religon islam😊
الحمد لله على نعمة الإسلام ❤ May AllaaH SWT Guide you both and try to get a knowledge more about Islaam. AllaaH SWT Guides Whom He Wills. My dad converted to Islaam before he got married, and i'm born Muslimah.. الحمد لله 🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻❤From Singapore 🇸🇬
I'm Muslim ❤❤❤
And say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “˹This is˺ the truth from your Lord. Whoever wills let them believe, and whoever wills let them disbelieve.” - Al kahf 29
If you understand the Holy Quran, your mind will be opened
MashaAllah AllahuAkbar ❤❤❤
There are many critics and opponents of Islam who ended up converting to Islam. Do you know why? Because they delved deeply into research because they thought they would prove the falsehood of Islam, but they discovered the truth. There are people who take a very long time to understand the Quran, and this is because of the devil who enters them and plants doubt in their minds and hearts, making them arrogant and clinging to their old ideas, even if they are wrong.