For future reference So someone got me the wrong allan hex and it screwed up the screw scraping it up. My original hex was conveniently found shortly after so I'm really sad how i could have avoiding it. Where can i get a replacement for that? Its the screw that goes directly above the axel of thw wheel. I am sure i can remove the screw using different methods available but I'm worried i may not be able to replace it. Any ideas? I could maybe send it for repair but i imagine they may require me to put it in the box and it seems inconvenient
Ali Express has all of the stuff. I was concerned about not finding a replacement tyre (easily) and then AE just came to mind and most of it is available for the P100. As I said below, it's all metric measurements, so don't strip anything else!
For sure. My weight is 100kg and my backpack with tools is another 35 Kg. Sometimes I take two backpacks. This scooter could pool up to 200Kg. It's just draining the battery more.
In order to pump the new tire and set it on the rim it’s better to remove nipple and pump air with the high pressure at the car service.
The zip ties was a really smart solution.
1600 Miles * 1.6 = 2560 KM.
But it depends on your driving habits. I drive in sport mode all the time.
Me too. I have the P 65 E
Is the size of the new tire a 10.5×3.0 or 10.5×2.75?
@@Mrbenitouzine Yes, new one little bit smaller 10.5x2.75.
can you provide a link to where you bought your tires from - i need the same tires for my p100s
For future reference
So someone got me the wrong allan hex and it screwed up the screw scraping it up. My original hex was conveniently found shortly after so I'm really sad how i could have avoiding it. Where can i get a replacement for that? Its the screw that goes directly above the axel of thw wheel. I am sure i can remove the screw using different methods available but I'm worried i may not be able to replace it. Any ideas?
I could maybe send it for repair but i imagine they may require me to put it in the box and it seems inconvenient
Ali Express has all of the stuff. I was concerned about not finding a replacement tyre (easily) and then AE just came to mind and most of it is available for the P100. As I said below, it's all metric measurements, so don't strip anything else!
@@jivefool1040 anywhere else? Specifically for the part?
I weigh 115kg. Do you recommend me to buy P100S ?
For sure. My weight is 100kg and my backpack with tools is another 35 Kg. Sometimes I take two backpacks. This scooter could pool up to 200Kg. It's just draining the battery more.
How many kilometers did you have with the old tire?
2500 Km
Does this work for the Segway P65?
Changing the tyre, skips 90% of the process.
Wow no help at all 😭😭