Tennessee Lifetime Achievement Award: Dr. Dennis Geiser

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • For the skills that Dr Geiser has as a veterinarian as a mentor and as a person who who just loves to serve and serve the state of Tennessee he's done very well I feel like he helped me decide what I wanted to be you know as a a new graduate and sort of helped me make that decision and to be into staying in Academia and I'm really glad I did he set a very good example for leadership skills and how to work with the students he's a very good teacher clinical teacher and didactic teacher just a super role model for any new veterinarian in any field of veterinary medicine really
    to go from a clinician to associate Dean is pretty spectacular and that was all due to his hard work it wasn't it wasn't a gift he's got the full gamut of veterinary medicine from working the clinic floor to being an associate Dean that makes decisions associated with the whole university and veterinary medicine and so he has done spectacular job of achieving that
    he has a number of personal achievements which he doesn't really like talking about just because he doesn't like bringing attention to himself but you know Dennis Geiser was one of the most important veterinarians in bringing hyperbaric oxygen therapy to veterinary medicine he's one of the founding members of the veterinary Hyperbaric medicine society and he is is personally responsible for the fact that we have Hyperbaric programs in small animal and in large animal and I think the fact that the organization has decided to recognize him for a lifetime of work is remarkable The more I've worked with Dennis The more I've enjoyed working with Dennis he's a quality person who is always thinking ahead has great ideas looking down the road that's the kind of stuff that real leadership is based on and Dennis has been a leader in this college and a leader in the state in our profession I really appreciate your leadership and your friendship over the years I mean me I came in wet behind the ears as a coming out of Private Practice to start a residency and your guidance during that time and during my subsequent tenure here on faculty and I always will cherish the times that we have had together not only within the professional curriculum or professional field but uh just outside of this University and as just friends you know as dean of this college of veterinary medicine I've been very fortunate to have a great leadership team and a Dennis geyser who's one of the quietest guys I've ever met around a leadership table and you know he's thinking all the time but you have to draw it out of him you have to say Dennis I'd like to know what's on your mind and then he's really willing to share what he has to has to give Dennis I want to thank you for everything that you've done for veterinary medicine for hyperbaric oxygen therapy for leading this college of veterinary medicine and for your commitment to your students you have been a lifeblood of this college and we are fortunate to have had you walk our hallways for 44 years thank you

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  • @Sp33dy_boyy
    @Sp33dy_boyy 5 месяцев назад

    That’s my uncle he is a w