If I had a nickel for every time Genshin showed me something that tramatized me I have 2 nickels that being this and ground hog day like mishon from earlyer in the game …. Holy hell
Xilolen and Tlazolli are heaven and earth when it comes to voice acting. Xilolen actually placed effort in it, while Tlazolli’s voice sounds like a person who tries to replicate emotions, even tho she never had any in her entire life, it was painfull to hear… Especially compaired to her expressions, Tlazolli’s expressions had so much effort, it was clear what she felt, but that voice she got to those expressions just felt like a kick in the balls
Tlazoli one of the most messed up NPC’s ever
@@AmbroseVermillion so i didn’t show my face cam but i do agree … good job Genshin
If I had a nickel for every time Genshin showed me something that tramatized me I have 2 nickels that being this and ground hog day like mishon from earlyer in the game …. Holy hell
Xilolen and Tlazolli are heaven and earth when it comes to voice acting. Xilolen actually placed effort in it, while Tlazolli’s voice sounds like a person who tries to replicate emotions, even tho she never had any in her entire life, it was painfull to hear… Especially compaired to her expressions, Tlazolli’s expressions had so much effort, it was clear what she felt, but that voice she got to those expressions just felt like a kick in the balls
@@___Levi___ agreed
Nahida and Rukkhadevata moment
1:38 She needs a doctor because she's completely nuts
I agree this was tramatizing to record