Are We Forced To Return To Earth or Do We Have Free Will?

  • Опубликовано: 24 июл 2024

Комментарии • 1,7 тыс.

  • @naz0079
    @naz0079 Год назад +153

    While I don't 100% know that we are in a soul trap/prison planet and cannot even prove that this exists as it's a non-physical phenomenon . However, the biggest red flag is most certainly the memory wipe. We come here lifetime after lifetime not aware of where we came from, why we are here, or where we are going, yet in the same breath are told time and time again that this is a "school" or a "learning experience". We can not learn, grow, and evolve if we have no recollection of what to learn, grow, and evolve from. This is where the karma, judgement, sinning comes into play, and we seemingly continue to buy into this lifetime after lifetime due to the what is forced on us while here in the Earth realm.
    There's something about this reality that intuitively doesn't feel right to me, it’s like being thrown into the wilderness without any coordinates on how to navigate or guide. We become “lost souls” and bewildered awareness delinked from Higher levels of our own Consciousness.
    It's like this analogy: You are a spaceman on the Moon. You are receiving information through your eyes and ears from the world immediately around you. You are also receiving information about the wider picture and a greater understanding of your task from what we call 'Mission Control'. When you, the spaceman, are getting a balance of information through your eyes and ears and from the greater perspective of Mission Control, everything is fine and you are operating at full potential. But think what would happen if the link with Mission Control was cut. Suddenly the wider understanding and guidance has gone. Only the 'eyes and ears' information from the world (parents, education, control system, mainstream media etc.) immediately around you is left to guide your thinking and behaviour. Very soon that behaviour and perception would be enormously different from what it would have been had you and Mission Control stayed in powerful contact.
    If our True Self is Infinite Awareness / Consciousness/Brahman and this egoic self is a false sense of self, why does this level of us have to learn lessons? If we are All-Knowing, why do we have to continue to go through trauma after trauma each lifetime to reach a state that we already are in essence? This, to me, sounds like a paradox.
    Perhaps, we need to awaken from our collective amnesiac hypnotic trance and remember who we really are by learning through experiences? To strip away all these perceptual (programmed) onion layers of fear, doubt and disbelief, ignorance, perception (burst the 5 sense limited bubble), to free our minds that have been programmed to cover our true Infinite Awareness? To strip away everything we are not like belief systems and everything imposed on our minds since birth? What if recurring bad experiences can also imprison human perception deeper into density and programmed illusion? Why do we have to suffer to be ‘saved’?
    Endless repeating experiences or incarnations of the same basic perception programming is not going to set souls free, but can reinforce and further empower the very illusions and deceptions that hold humanity in perceptual servitude.

    • @oceansunset6147
      @oceansunset6147 Год назад +1

      I’ve never bought the whole earth is a school idea. To me that is a cop out for for allowing and accepting all the s**t that goes on. I really do not believe that life is supposed to be like this, I believe we are supposed to be living way more beautiful lives here on earth. It’s like the palace was rampaged and took over and over time the generations knew nothing different … they forgot who they were and how life was. Although the Bible is warped and has been altered a lot there are clues in there that show us that something changed here which caused us to live in something I would describe as the underworld. I’d say the Bible is more like a history book. We know now that the true and original teachings are not in there. In many parts of the Bible God is very angry and controlling …. this comes across as very earth bound energy that isn’t written by somebody of love. What the earth is missing is true love. Once we get that back into our lives things will be very different. It’s like love and light only shines through small windows at the moment rather than encompassing us. Something blocked the radiance of life and it’s our job to break down the walls now.

    • @angelavr6523
      @angelavr6523 Год назад +32

      I totally agree with you. I think there is some brainwashing that happens after we cross to trick us into coming back time after time, otherwise what is the point of the memory wipe? It has to be benefiting something or someone but it is certainly not us who are here. If I truly had a choice I find it hard to believe that I would come back to this cesspool for more suffering. Further, if we did come from infinite awareness/all-knowing/divine perfection etc. why do our souls need to learn? Learn what? I agree with you we need to have a collective wake up and say "Hell no, not again, you do it" to whomever we answer to over there. Perhaps this is the service that our generation can carry out to help future hapless souls. No disrespect to Dorothy. She is coming from good intentions.

    • @user-ok4nr5rc9h
      @user-ok4nr5rc9h Год назад +27

      Well put. And I would add that after the Mission Control link is broken you somehow forget there was a Mission Control to begin with.

    • @deniszen1
      @deniszen1 Год назад +19

      Well said! It is even proven that people with multiple traumas can become more violent, get into criminality and so on!

    • @SilverFox2zerozero1
      @SilverFox2zerozero1 Год назад +8

      Excellent questions, I have thought about this myself. I would say that If there is a 'lesson' to be learned, it could be that one must come to realise that language, the very essence of 'spells' and 'transformative affirmations' has limits and can mislead or lead to misrepresentations within the human mind. It may not be adequate to truly answer the question.
      For example, there are words in some languages which express certain concepts which are difficult to reproduce accurately within other language systems. Therefore one must always beware of the internal associations that words and explanations rouse within our personal mental landscape. Think of the power of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and the enchanting, manipulative 'voice'" used by the Bene-Gesserit Sisterhood in Frank Herbet's 'DUNE' (1965). Every time we open our mouths, we are spell-casting.........

  • @cosmicescooters1713
    @cosmicescooters1713 Год назад +160

    Coming to earth once is enough for me! Saying that i have probably lived many lives, but if i ever have an NDE and someone will force me back here i can't say much about our freedom. I have seen and felt enough pain and suffering in one life. How many times do we need to go through many of the same diseases and burn ourselves on the fire again and again to learn. I'm starting to believe this is not a school for our growth, but somehing different.

    • @josephwanjiku6853
      @josephwanjiku6853 Год назад +13

      I have heard this is our last incarnation.

    • @cosmicescooters1713
      @cosmicescooters1713 Год назад +6

      @@josephwanjiku6853 Interesting. Can you please tell me or show me where you heard it?

    • @TomAnderson_81
      @TomAnderson_81 Год назад +8

      While your life may not be as you would like, there are many who live loving lives and are happy. If that is the case, then the notion that this is a trap or that is made absolutely and purely for suffering is null?

    • @cosmicescooters1713
      @cosmicescooters1713 Год назад

      @@TomAnderson_81 I like to think outside the box. From my 20 years of research it seems like we are in some kind of simulated reality and i believe the majority of these UFOs and beings (the greys) and all that are interdimensional. These beings are part of what we call the after life or the between. They handle souls and they seem to be assisting some souls. Many souls, if not all are forced to go here and reincarnation is real. The soul feels anxiety and fear even on the other side just knowing it's going back to this place. It's very possible that we are in some kind of trap. That could be the main reason why it's so much deception and resistance when it comes to this phenomenon/subject. If you go deep into pre-birth experiences, ufology and NDEs you will start to see a connection. But it takes time to connect the dots.

    • @cosmicescooters1713
      @cosmicescooters1713 Год назад

      @@TomAnderson_81 When we look at NDEs they are most often very positive. And people have this idea that we are in a school where we need to level up and grow. Pre-birth experiences is starting to paint a different picture. Souls hate this place and this place has nothing to do with free will. Souls are forced to come here again and again. And with my study of the ufo phenomenon and the greys it's seems to be a clear connection.

  • @LibraVibesSnice80
    @LibraVibesSnice80 Год назад +66

    I had an NDE 3 days after I gave birth to my daughter... (postpartum cardiomyopathy-basically heart failure due to pregnancy) and I'II say the feeling was euphoric but I also still felt conscience and I did not want to leave my new baby girl and I came back ... but I totally remember the feeling; there was a bright light and no pain but I felt like I knew what was happening; and now I have a different outlook on life~ I'm no longer afraid of death but I want to stav here to guide and nurture my daughter and I believe this was because the love I had for her was just so strong ❤️☮️❤️

    • @samirjiries2353
      @samirjiries2353 Год назад +5

      Hope she is doing very well.

    • @LibraVibesSnice80
      @LibraVibesSnice80 Год назад +7

      @@samirjiries2353 she is thriving, we all are ❤️ thank you 🙏🏾

    • @Spike0000
      @Spike0000 Год назад +4

      Thankyou for your testimony...It sounds amazing, and a bit scary at the same time but totally fascinating....

    • @leadnsteel1428
      @leadnsteel1428 Год назад +3

      I would have never agreed to coming here. Also having children is bad karma.

    • @LibraVibesSnice80
      @LibraVibesSnice80 Год назад +1

      @@leadnsteel1428 maybe for you… MY karma is just fine… 💅🏾….. ☮️

  • @ObservantPiratePlus
    @ObservantPiratePlus Год назад +59

    As Sting once said in song: "We are spirits, in the material world." My wife and I definitely do not wish to return to this planet after we pass. It has become too dark a place, and we know and agree upon where we shall be, in the fullness of Time. We are done with this school on Earth.

    • @et1bas751
      @et1bas751 Год назад +2

      This is one of the most beautiful planets in the MEST universe. The other planets are much more harsh & Heloise than this one. Be careful what you wish for.

    • @samirjiries2353
      @samirjiries2353 Год назад

      Why do you say this? Now is the best time to be here?. There are all kind of very interesting things happening. As long as we have food and the basic necessities, we should be ok.

    • @briobarb8525
      @briobarb8525 Год назад +4

      I agree with you and your wife. No thank you to repeat.

    • @EpicRealistTV
      @EpicRealistTV Год назад +1

      @@briobarb8525 Same here!

    • @raphaelyvens3974
      @raphaelyvens3974 Год назад +1

      ​@@et1bas751 it seems like you have1 visited the1 entire univers

  • @mauricioancona9642
    @mauricioancona9642 Год назад +329

    If we are not trapped in here, then why are we not allowed to just leave? I really could use a break from all this back breaking nonsense~

    • @robvanderwell5695
      @robvanderwell5695 Год назад +27

      Hear hear!

    • @robvanderwell5695
      @robvanderwell5695 Год назад +46

      @@bluecrystal3900 : the entirety of creation is.. Creation is an eternal concentration camp for the soul. God should be arrested.

    • @Macdamaxx
      @Macdamaxx Год назад

      I mean you can after you die 😂

    • @WonderlustThing
      @WonderlustThing Год назад

      Jehovah should be arrested. The true god is pure unconditional love. But all of us have been so abused and broken and brainwashed/indoctrinated that we can’t remember the real realm of pure love. We just keep going to heaven and all this 3D 4D bullshit

    • @moonpleiades99
      @moonpleiades99 Год назад +9

      💯 I feel the same way.

  • @drikali
    @drikali Год назад +120

    Thank you. Exactly matched my own thoughts on the subject. I'm so glad I'm not going crazy. I have no one to talk to about my awareness of reality and it's hard to be alone in this.😔

    • @wesleydaniel7379
      @wesleydaniel7379 Год назад +7

      You are not alone you are all-one.
      Let your divine self be your sword and shield. Truthly accept that you are a divine manifestation of source/ God /DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS AND has never been a Powerless Human subject to all the manifestations of separation and Duality You are everything you have been looking For for lifetimes there is no Need to keep looking. IN OTHER WORDS YOU IS SOURCE/GOD/ DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS. And never JOE, MARY OR BETTY you are the void that manifest the one that manifest the many. PEACE.

    • @tias.6675
      @tias.6675 Год назад +5

      I understand. Some people are so brainwashed and deep into the matrix.

    • @TheSanityMachine33
      @TheSanityMachine33 Год назад

      hey there... I did an Analysis video of this video... on my channel, The Sanity Machine.
      Check it out. Cheers! :))

    • @turnfrmsinorhell_jesus
      @turnfrmsinorhell_jesus Год назад +4

      There's is only one true teaching from Jesus who was kicked mocked spat on and died on the cross for our sins sothat we should repent , turn from sins and baptise to enter heaven instead of hell for disobedience. Theres no reincarnation that's the enemy weakening your mind to keep sinning because you are lead to believe you still have many lives left to change your ways , that's a lie!! You have one life to get right with Jesus when you die it's heaven or hell!!! Read bible book John. Repent from false doctrine

    • @kekei7140
      @kekei7140 Год назад +4

      I know exactly how u feel that’s how I feel too.

  • @lloydjones4191
    @lloydjones4191 Год назад +45

    I believe we enter because we want the experience. The thing is, once we commit we have to follow through.

    • @Wamphyri100
      @Wamphyri100 Год назад

      Please look at 444 phrophecy news. Gods word he is warning urgently as many more will die soon.

    • @samirjiries2353
      @samirjiries2353 Год назад

      Nice. May be for sex? Joking.

    • @naz0079
      @naz0079 Год назад +9

      Or maybe tricked and deceived to come here.

    • @lloydjones4191
      @lloydjones4191 Год назад +2

      @@naz0079 Many stories of people who bite off more then they could chew, then wanted to get out of the experience because they were going through the worst of it. But a deals a deal and as far as I could tell everyone who completes this journey called Earth were grateful for it as they had learned to appreciate and master the highs and the lows. Someone once said to trust the journey.

    • @lloydjones4191
      @lloydjones4191 Год назад

      @@samirjiries2353 🙂

  • @miryamrumbaut3505
    @miryamrumbaut3505 Год назад +193

    It’s hard for me to wrap my mind that some of us choose to be born into families where there is extensive and enormous abuse as children. Very easy to say you can choose to not have these experiences as a child suffering these extremes.

    • @VinceMenger
      @VinceMenger Год назад +46

      Exactly. Beware of this guru. There are tons like her out there.

    • @Dakradom
      @Dakradom Год назад +4

      @@VinceMenger she's an archon?

    • @VinceMenger
      @VinceMenger Год назад +14

      @@Dakradom Idk, at least a guru/deceiver .

    • @Dakradom
      @Dakradom Год назад +33

      @@VinceMenger What're we supposed to do? Seems like nobody really knows, and all this speculation just drives the mind insane.

    • @Jinstarro
      @Jinstarro Год назад +41

      Her theories are correct to a certain extent. But there is a big plot hole. If we come from the same source, god. We should be able to exchange the experiences and memories of any form of pain, suffering or violence when we are not here on earth. I for once cannot think of any reason why millions of souls would have to go through almost the exact same experiences to grow, when they could share or create new experiences instead. I find Hans wilhelm explanations way more reasonable and logical, including the law of karmic burdens.

  • @dorothyshelton
    @dorothyshelton  Год назад +189

    Get your free Audio Book download + 30day free trial at: ⇢
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    Are we forced to come to earth as souls again and again by a power that is beyond our control? Your answer to this question does not only influence what might happen to you in the afterlife but also the way you live your life right now.

    • @toto11132
      @toto11132 Год назад +14

      Where’s your evidence for your claim?
      In order for something to be a fact you have to justify your claims with proofs that can be tested and measured.Anything outside what scientists can test in labs it’s just a hypothesis not factual

    • @thebigpicture2032
      @thebigpicture2032 Год назад +13

      @@toto11132 They made a movie about testing this hypothesis - Flatliners I think it was called. So you see the problem with rigorous testing… which leaves anecdotal evidence, of which there is plenty.

    • @miraivas6203
      @miraivas6203 Год назад +1

      @@toto11132 1) Science (not scientism as it mostly is nowadays) will never 'prove' the existence of soul first and foremost because there is no money in it and funding matters. 2) If/when that happens it will be quantum physics (one of the still uncorrupted sciences) that will prove it. Read what Aistein, Bohm and others said about God, universe and consciousness.
      3) Why are you discussing such a topic from the framework of a materialistic paradigm? There are plenty of channels where you can enjoy the "black and white" three-dimensional reality with likeminded people.

    • @Cardioid2035
      @Cardioid2035 Год назад +21

      @@toto11132 There are way too many stories out there of children with verifiable past lives to simply ignore. It’s a massively understudied topic that needs more rigorous scientific research to confirm the ‘why’… but it seems to be a phenomena occurring nonetheless

    • @AlexToussiehChannel
      @AlexToussiehChannel Год назад +2

      You just described the most horrible thing and decided it's "beautiful". "Oh, how beautiful to suffer to experience all this wonderful polarity! Sure justifies Nazism". Ough! 🤮 Yuck!

  • @robertbarnum7541
    @robertbarnum7541 Год назад +30

    The 'hard school' part of the Earth plane is only one aspect of here. When you take half a step back and glance over the horizon a little, the immense, almost overwhelming, beauty of Earth is beyond comprehension, beyond description in words. Even telepathic communication cannot but carry a tiny part of the depth of what is emerging. Rapidly emerging. We are so privileged to contribute whatever special talents we each can bring to this amazing project. Waste not a single lifetime.

  • @paso193
    @paso193 Год назад +22

    Powerful and important human message being shared here. This needs to be seen/heard by millions++ of souls who are now incarnate on classroom Earth! Thank you for posting this! Your Karmic aura and spark is quite bright and positively illuminating! 👏👏👍🙏❤

    • @WonderlustThing
      @WonderlustThing Год назад

      Classroom my ass. This is a prison.

    • @paso193
      @paso193 Год назад +2

      @@WonderlustThing ….. If that’s how you truly see & feel it, mate, that’s probably how it’s been for you and will likely (and unfortunately) continue to be so. You’re making your own stunted and negative hell hole by your bitter & defeated thoughts. Something has a hold on you. Be well.

  • @jaystuart9200
    @jaystuart9200 Год назад +28

    Thank you Dorothy. Your videos always seem to come at the right time. I'm working on breaking out of the mold I made for myself of being trapped, and this just kicked it into high gear. It's amazing how just that idea of being trapped also makes me trap myself in other aspects of my life. Thank you again and I hope you and your family are doing well. Many blessings to you all!

  • @jennifersmykala1108
    @jennifersmykala1108 Год назад +79

    If I had known what was going on here I would not have incarnated again.

    • @LisaAnn777
      @LisaAnn777 Год назад +4

      But this is the most interesting time in human history! I can't wait to see if humans survive the change into the modern world or it all goes to hell, either way it will be fascinating.

    • @jennifersmykala1108
      @jennifersmykala1108 Год назад

      @@LisaAnn777 They are already in hell, they have sold their souls and do not check that the DARK force is behind it.

    • @LisaAnn777
      @LisaAnn777 Год назад +3

      @@jennifersmykala1108 what do you mean by that? You thinks it's a force behind people that's causing these problems and not human nature itself?
      Because I don't think so. I'm sure there's evil things out there but i don't think that's the cause of Earth's problems. Which is why we need to learn to figure it out itself. That's why it's a turning point in history for us, and I cant wait to see how we handle it. Every individual needs to do their best though.

    • @jmonae9999
      @jmonae9999 Год назад +2

      @@LisaAnn777 I agree
      It’s up to us to make it better even if we have to fight to do it, and if you don’t want to do all that it’s okay just spread this type of awareness and spread love. Eventually it’ll help balance this place out (I believe it will) we have control of what is happening here tbh

    • @samirjiries2353
      @samirjiries2353 Год назад


  • @sarahcooke8522
    @sarahcooke8522 Год назад +37

    Thank you Dorothy for your wisdom and clarification on the different layers of perception of the concepts of life, death and reincarnation here as well as the reassuring nature of your message. My understanding is that the Soul or God Spark is beyond all physical manifestations that we might create here in this reality and therefore, once we realise or remember this, we are free! Love your videos ❤️

    • @SamS-em1zv
      @SamS-em1zv Год назад

      (I've sent you a long comment and the computer had to restart. Didn't save it). Is it just me or other people are experiencing it? When I was five years of age I've had an imaginary hero who I've called worm kid and a villain called pig king. I was finger boxing until I was in early twenty's. Five years earlier of being thirty-eight I've met twin flame of mine. Her past husband's surname was Kit and we used to talk about worms and her body was slim. I'm a pig, astrology and "king" formed me into a demanding brat. Mother and father overprotected me and thought it was due to them for making me that way. "King" formed into "Kink" as twin flame's job was a Mistress. Her birth happened to be when I've formed a hero and villain character from the fingers. Not sure how come I haven't realized it when I was with her. Twin flamed passed away from car crash, yet I do feel I could've prevented her from going to a client's car if I wouldn't of foolishly been at parent's house. I've felt ashamed how I've behaved inappropriately to her. When things didn't go the way I've wanted, I'd get nervous. thinking that if I'd stayed at parents for a bit, then we'd forget the situation and I'd tell her to forgive me. Yet knowing her not having home at that time I should've stayed with her!!!!! I'm aware it's not a reason to be that way regardless of mental illness I was having.

    • @sarahcooke8522
      @sarahcooke8522 Год назад

      @@SamS-em1zv I'm sure she would forgive you as I believe we are only love on the 'other side'. I would try and forgive yourself as we are all still in process and still learning whilst we are incarnated here. My heart goes out to you in your grief.

  • @idontlikeevilpeople2114
    @idontlikeevilpeople2114 Год назад +4

    “ Row row row your boat
    Gently down the stream
    Merrily merrily merrily merrily
    Life is but a dream “ ❤

  • @daisyesanchezc
    @daisyesanchezc Год назад +4

    Beautiful 💫💛💫 You are inspirational. Your words provoke calm and happy feelings to my soul 💫💛💫

  • @cortneydaKing
    @cortneydaKing Год назад +3

    I learnt to love myself 1st,. so I can love others. To love is to not judge, beetray, hate,harm or hurt God's people but to give them a better experience with me in general. This also mean to leave those alone, who don't value and respect fully your energy also. Amen

  • @jaimedemelo6905
    @jaimedemelo6905 Год назад +12

    It is great when you find others talking about the very same feelings and conclusions I was to come at the age 61, this time most of practicing rather than sensing it.

  • @leighterry943
    @leighterry943 Год назад +2

    Sorry Dorothy, one last thing, when you said we have created our reality, that is true, but there is a big difference between being a conscious creator and a creator by default, and unless we know that we are consciously creating our reality, or it is even true that we create our reality, then they, those that don’t yet know, understand, or believe that they create their reality, will keep experiencing a reality that does not serve them. The most fundamental principle and the basis for our conscious creating is knowing that we are creators to begin with. 💞🎁It’s so nice to finally see your beautiful, sweet face behind that soothing comforting voice. Thank you again for your beautiful channel and your extraordinary work.💜🙏🕊💞

  • @lmergenti
    @lmergenti Год назад +5

    This magnificent creation we call life and our human experience, is by most account, paradoxical. But that's because our puny minds aren't built to comprehend it. But I believe our hearts are perfectly built to comprehend it, and to experience and feel the love and gratitude behind it all. 71 years on the trail of self-discovery, and that's what I've come up with so far :) Peace, Dorothy, and thank you!

  • @FChuckT
    @FChuckT Год назад +13

    The only point that I had an issue with was at 4:36 I don't believe *most* people create that conciously, or otherwise, without some form of manipulation and oppression. We're surrounded by unspeakable evil, that masquerades as "dust", "bugs", "small pebbles", etc. These shape-shifting entities are truly otherworldly and intend to ensure that we create what you're espousing, to not only ensure their survival, but to also ensure that we never find our higher-selves. Great video and amazing content! Thank you!

    • @annaromanowski5722
      @annaromanowski5722 Год назад +8

      We supposed to have the choice not to believe in evil, devil, demons. So, I can believe they don’t exist but how to explain all the violence, the murders, rape. This is what I struggle with.

    • @FChuckT
      @FChuckT Год назад +3

      @@annaromanowski5722 It believes in us, and just how powerful we can be. That's why they seek to oppress and feed off of what regular folk consider "human nature". God bless and all the best to you. ☺️🙏

    • @samirjiries2353
      @samirjiries2353 Год назад

      I have no clue about what you are talking about. Yes, there are evil in this world, and lots of it, but dust and bugs as evil. All evil I see are done by people like you and me.

    • @FChuckT
      @FChuckT Год назад

      @@samirjiries2353 All of that is because of the entities that do exactly what I described. "Human nature" is not that of evil, death and destruction. The entities call themselves the "Archons". They're fallen and quite powerful inter-dimensional entities. I would suggest researching them and the history behind them. I refuse to call them anything else but entities or ankle biters. They're very real and literally everywhere.

  • @julietye108
    @julietye108 Год назад +6

    Everyone says that but I didn’t chose to come here I remember that I was being chased by something terrifying and I saw a door and ran in to hide and next I know I’m in a womb having to b born. I also remember when I was 2 years old getting such a fright from my father and my two step sisters telling me not to cry and be quiet. Then I had my first panic attack it occurred to me that I was in a dangerous situation and no one would be able to protect me. I wondered who are these awful people and where am I?? I lived with post traumatic stress my whole 67 years. I’ve done so much to get better and I have come a long way. But because my heart was so afraid and beat fast I have had 3 heart attacks and breasts removed from cancer Now I need open heart surgery but I’m not sure i can do it. It’s getting a bit much. Strange thing is as my mind was being enlightened my body reacted. At first I thought my body was trying to cleanse as well but it’s gone too far It’s hard holding the light when I have first surgery on Monday. Beats me why im telling you all this I just wanted to mention how I was chased here lol🤣🤣🤣

  • @luciathefemininewoman
    @luciathefemininewoman Год назад +9

    I was thinking about this all day and the reasons why I'm here on earth. Thanks for making this video.

    • @Wamphyri100
      @Wamphyri100 Год назад

      Please look at 444 phrophecy news. God is crying out with urgent warnings. Also look at 23 minds in hell . God took me downwards to hell for doing reiki healing and new age with his mercy I am still here. Please find Jesus now. Don't be deceived by these videos.

  • @primalplasma
    @primalplasma Год назад +20

    This message has come at the perfect time. I was just thinking about this very subject this week. And you said we come here to forget what we are. It is what I was quiertly suspecting, but you actually said it. And I believe you. You are doing amazing good for those who hear this message. Thank you.

    • @janmed1592
      @janmed1592 Год назад +1

      We come here to rember what we are? Or they put us here to pass a test is going to determine man kind Die or live.

    • @primalplasma
      @primalplasma Год назад

      @@janmed1592 maybe both? You never know.

    • @primalplasma
      @primalplasma Год назад

      I believe that when she says "remeber who we are" it has nothing to do with us being human. So to add to my answer, though I think the species will be fine because the calvary is here, surivival of the species has nothing to do with "realizing who we are" when we are apart from The Absolute. This realization can happen on any planet, in a member of any species who is capable of that level of spirituality and thought. Who knows? The aminals on our planet that we deem inferior in intelligence to ours might have already come to the realization of what they really are! We might be the ones who are lagging in awareness.
      If all humans die tomorrow there is a backup plan. I am confident of this. And it might not involve humans at all, maybe a different species on a different planet. Maybe tentacles are involved. Who knows?

    • @Eunoiawinter
      @Eunoiawinter Год назад +2

      @@janmed1592 why do you need to remember who you are??? Like it’s useless to play all this game
      You know who you are from the start so then why would you come to earth, forget everything and then again remember who you are?! Spirits/souls/etc must be psycho to choose this shxtshow

    • @hqironing2285
      @hqironing2285 8 месяцев назад

      @@Eunoiawinterbut that’s the whole idea. We don’t have anger, violence, jealousy, suicide, torture, assault where we actually come from. And we need to experience all these things to grow and get to elevate to the Hollywood Hills of the spirit world.

  • @jorunnhaaheim7231
    @jorunnhaaheim7231 Год назад +5

    Lovely message, sending my gratitude to you ❤️🌿☀️

  • @Gazz73
    @Gazz73 Год назад +1

    Thank you Dorothy! I was so very ready to hear this! This is life changing for me.

  • @sergeims2006
    @sergeims2006 Год назад +2

    Thanks for your videos Dorothy. I love them. You lost a few videos at one point, I don't know. But I can see you have come back. Great.

  • @scottlopez9822
    @scottlopez9822 Год назад +7

    Extremely well done and presented. You nailed it Dear Sister.

  • @tamstruelove
    @tamstruelove Год назад +6

    I feel so understood ❤ thank you for reminding me of my divinity

  • @HarrySmith-hr2iv
    @HarrySmith-hr2iv Год назад +2

    Some of us can recall 20000+ previous re-incarnations on Planet Earth. Dorothy Shelton speaks silliness.

  • @mlp4apc
    @mlp4apc Год назад +1

    Beautiful video. Very inspiring. Thank you for that. About feeling trapped that comes from the fallen state, then the density of this world makes it feel like we are trapped.

  • @jjmoch
    @jjmoch Год назад +2

    Thank you Dorothy! Appreciate these vital reminders; you communicate with such grace.

  • @ovidiudrobota2182
    @ovidiudrobota2182 Год назад +4

    "Maybe this world is another planet's hell." - Aldous Huxley

  • @fatty3383
    @fatty3383 Год назад +18

    I think it's a big question we all ask ourselves...for all the nice things...there's some really grim things about life on this planet that really makes you question why we come here.

    • @RuznaLogtoi
      @RuznaLogtoi Год назад

      In order for greatness to a hoeve, sacrifices neer to be Made, of not you, Who else Will take The piace, Someone world have to have volunteered. That volente is You,thou,thyself.

    • @hqironing2285
      @hqironing2285 8 месяцев назад

      To experience the bad things. That’s the whole idea. We don’t have anger, fear, jealousy, assault, war, torture and suffering there. That’s literally why we are here.

  • @Beheart888
    @Beheart888 Год назад

    What a beautiful refreshing video. This was so real and I felt this so deeply. Brought tears to my eyes in the purest way I feel more content after watching this thank you for sharing.❤

  • @karphin1
    @karphin1 Год назад +3

    Beautifully put. And reassuring!

  • @CarolineBoyce1
    @CarolineBoyce1 Год назад +2

    I needed to hear this, thank you! 🙏🏽

  • @ArtisticDeb
    @ArtisticDeb Год назад +1

    Thank you, I needed that reminder! What a beautiful soul you are ♥

  • @jamesd7477
    @jamesd7477 Год назад +1

    Thank you for posting this it was well put together and contained very good knowledge. ✌✌

  • @scottguertin261
    @scottguertin261 Год назад +41

    I've come to believe that before birth, we pick the type of life we'll have here on earth. Some want to be rock stars, Royalty, movie stars or any other perceived great life. Others want the hardest life and get numerous tragedies to learn from and experience dire situations. We come back many times until we're bored and have learned all we can. Then we move on to somewhere/something else in our evolution.

    • @nickgermanic8505
      @nickgermanic8505 Год назад +2

      Pretty much dead on.
      You only forgot one or two variables, Daemons in the form of temptations and Karma.

    • @faa1412
      @faa1412 Год назад +3

      Here's what I'm curious about... supposed you now know that we reincarnate, have past lives, believe that genuine psychics can connect with past loved ones or foretell future events or ppl you're meant to be with, we choose our lives, etc; if we accept all of this, then what would be the point of coming back if we've already figured all this stuff out in this life?

    • @TrojansFirst
      @TrojansFirst Год назад +2

      There’s no way to know. Just embrace the mystery and give up the need to know.

    • @TrojansFirst
      @TrojansFirst Год назад +1

      @@faa1412 the best explanation I’ve heard is from this book called Conversations with God part one. It’s available for free on RUclips in audio. Listen to around the 40 minute mark to around the 60 min mark. You will have what I think is the best answer. I don’t want to butcher it with my own recounting if it.

    • @JBS2018
      @JBS2018 Год назад +5

      Im picking the life of Harry Potter for my next incarnation.

  • @lindashelby2246
    @lindashelby2246 Год назад +39

    I ask myself this all the time. I say it must be by force because there is no way I could have asked to come here. Trying to figure out how to never return .

    • @dorothyshelton
      @dorothyshelton  Год назад +18

      if you try to figure out how to never return, you will keep returning. The only way you do not return is if you begin to love being here and to make the most of this earth experience. This is why your soul has chosen this experience in the first place. To be fully grounded while being awake in this illusion. Love is the answer. Always is!

    • @lindashelby2246
      @lindashelby2246 Год назад +18

      @@dorothyshelton that’s the whole problem LOVE. I am A very loving person and these humans just keep hurting me. Family friends strangers. I am completely tired. And still I know I pray to not return…

    • @stardustjazz2935
      @stardustjazz2935 Год назад +7

      @@lindashelby2246 I feel the same but i notice that i have victim mentality so it attracts the people who can sense it and use it against me..I am not sure why would I choose that expirience but i hope that I'll figure it out one day.

    • @WonderlustThing
      @WonderlustThing Год назад

      Damned if you do. Damned if you don’t. They use love and positivity and negativity against us

    • @samirjiries2353
      @samirjiries2353 Год назад

      Oh no. I hope you are wrong.

  • @ieatpoison1
    @ieatpoison1 Год назад +1

    This resonates with my journey thus far. thank you for your energy!

  • @pauljamesmcintosh5766
    @pauljamesmcintosh5766 Год назад +2

    God bless all reading this ❤️. These are my thoughts and how I believe in my existents so please do not feel upset nor offended in what I’m about to write.
    Let’s say that each and every one of us are here on Earth for a leaning proses ! Be it to love? Care?

  • @all4source813
    @all4source813 Год назад +5

    Chistian Sunberg said also the things you`ve said.He said that we are truly brave souls , the most daredevil souls.And yes, earth is the hardest location to go as soul ! Much LOVE to you ALL

  • @cocomu9955
    @cocomu9955 Год назад +3

    We were definitely kidnapped/tricked to come to earth.

  • @Dmarquez369
    @Dmarquez369 Год назад

    You are spot on!!!!!!! Someone posted your video on another platform. I'm happy to have come across your channel!

  • @ItsMia916
    @ItsMia916 Год назад

    Thank you, Dorothy 🙏🏼💕 You’re the first spiritual teacher I’ve encountered who is awakening me to the fact that I have the power to choose what I want to experience and bring into my reality. It changes everything. I always wondered why I can’t remember what came before this life and your explanation has cleared it up for me. Thank you for helping us realize how empowered we are and can choose our own paths and adventures. It’s all so mind-boggling but brings hope and pure love to keep going as we dispel our victim identity. You have a sweet soul and I feel so much comfort through you. ✨✨Thank you!

  • @captainconcord3473
    @captainconcord3473 Год назад +15

    Fascinating! I've read many books related to this subject - and I'm still a novice heh heh. Two of my favorites are the series by Dr. Michael Newton; Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls. They illustrate many aspects of the 'afterlife' (the greater reality), including the wide array of motivations we souls have to participate in this often difficult life (and other, multiple lives).
    To more easily grasp this enormous concept, I like to imagine incarnation as the ultimate virtual reality game. You get totally immersed while you're playing it, and when your session ends (death or enlightenment ha ha!) you wake up to the 'real' world (the greater reality).
    I struggle to understand the concept of multiple (or infinite!) dimensions though. Using the VR game metaphor again, could it be like saving your game before going on a mission or taking a journey somewhere? From that save point, infinite possibilities exist, depending on what happens or how you choose to play it. I sometimes wish I could reload parts of my life and play them differently though. 😃

    • @Wamphyri100
      @Wamphyri100 Год назад

      God took me downwards to hell for doing reiki healing and new age. Please look at 23 mins in hell I pray no one goes there. Jesus is warning that most go there because they never accepted him and you never had a relationship with him. Please don't be deceived by these videos. Look at 444 phrophecy news.

    • @captainconcord3473
      @captainconcord3473 Год назад

      @@Wamphyri100 I realize this reply may have been from a bot doing marketing, but regardless, here's my response.
      Negative NDE's are an area I have read about widely. The spirit realm seems to be very fluid and reactive to a person's psychic state, including fixed beliefs. If you believe the greater reality is one of punishment and hate, there is a greater chance of experiencing it as a direct reaction to your beliefs. Temporarily, not for eternity.
      Every single NDE I have read about ultimately speaks about the Source (God) as being an unimaginable constant power of pure love. Please don't be deceived by institutional religions (any of them). Why would the christian church present a fearful picture of God and enlightened Jeshua (Jesus) as hateful and cruel punishers? Control. Question it and research deeper and wider (including a range of books available about the nature of negative NDE's, including hell-like experiences).
      If you understand that the essential nature of the universal reality is love (and forgiveness), it will be easier to live your life with joy and bravery.

    • @samirjiries2353
      @samirjiries2353 Год назад +1

      LOl. But hey you on to something here.

  • @PhillP3833
    @PhillP3833 Год назад +4

    I absolutely love your content Dorothy - everything you post resonates with me, especially this video. I love your sweet voice as well - there is an angelic sort of aspect to it which intensifies your messages. You mentioned about reading books at the end of this video. What are some of your favorites?

    • @dorothyshelton
      @dorothyshelton  Год назад +3

      Thank you! I love the conversations with God series by Neale Donald Walsh. Really remarkable stuff. Also Dolores Cannon's books and Robert Schwartz's 'Your Souls Plan'. I also love 'Angels in my hair' by Lorna and 'Ana the Grandmother of Jesus'. Also Micheal Singer's book 'the untethered soul'. Just a few of my favourites. What about yours?

    • @PhillP3833
      @PhillP3833 Год назад

      @@dorothyshelton Thank you 🙏

  • @spillustrations
    @spillustrations Год назад +2

    Thank you so much. I needed this boost today and to remember again. I keep forgetting for some reason😅 I am making more time to recreate a better reality for myself, starting with the things I worry or complain about and visualize what I want to happen/unfold for the better. Thank you so very much❤

  • @martinlandry5486
    @martinlandry5486 Год назад +2

    Thank you, it's nice to see you not just the voice. Earth is the planet of Free Will to learn Polarity 🙌🏽. Yes, we are brave and we need to be brave for ourselves (create our reality) while being nice to others and aiming to help the collective.

  • @hkrainman
    @hkrainman Год назад +22

    I was not convinced by the concept of soul trap for many years until a very intellectual person ask the question - Have any Soul taken same time out for 100 or 200 years before they decided to come back on Earth, have you ever find it really strange how we are immediately rush back on Earth again, like something is really rushing and hurrying us. Now, that seems to be the overall reality.

    • @TomAnderson_81
      @TomAnderson_81 Год назад +2

      From past life regressions, some of us are brand new with little to no prior lives, many from other dimensions, other universes, many from many years ago, not immediately returned. So there is evidence to the contrary.

    • @hkrainman
      @hkrainman Год назад +6

      @@TomAnderson_81 I am open mined, but also cautious against implant memories. I heard comments regarding this, but if so, where are the technologies and inventions that come from other universes and dimensions? Most important of all, I cannot understand why we would agree to memory whips that destroy the principle of learning. What is the point for us to burn our hands on the fire, over and over again without remembering?

    • @TomAnderson_81
      @TomAnderson_81 Год назад +2

      What I wrote was to counter the rushing. Not all are rushed.
      The notion of implanted memories is more likely a fearful attempt to explain things. It would probably make more sense to implant memories of amazing and wonderful lives so that one would love to rush back but the past life regression sessions don’t by a majority paint a picture of amazing, great lives without suffering and horrors. They usually portray regular average lives and many of a horrible life with the exception of a close loved one. They many times speak of dying in wars, and diseases and misery although not all the time.
      Technologies do not come back. We only come with Consciousness and/or Quality of Consciousness, or as some may term: Your Heart. The learning (expansion is probably a better word) is for the Heart, the Soul, the Spirit, the Quality of the Conscious Aware Deep “I”. The learning is not An intellectual one. It is a BEing one.
      Wipes are a misinterpretation. We have access to memory but not all know how but through regressions, NDE and OBE, it is possible. Also, would we be able to function and even be able to live while remembering all the horrors, misery and struggles of the past plus the memories of hundreds of spouses and thousands of children that we loved but are now just a memory? Also, the person, ego, character, personality doesn’t come back but only the soul, the essence, the Consciousness so the personality we are today never had a past to wipe.

    • @hkrainman
      @hkrainman Год назад

      @@TomAnderson_81 I am quite familiar with various frames of reference encountered after death, may it be Mohammed, Buddha, or Jesus, depending on the individual's lifelong religious or spiritual background. However, as a cold war vet who has been living in Asia for the last 30 years. I think the problem is most are not talking about the 800-pound gorilla in the room. I am talking about Evil, the true tangible and palpable evil that has been existing and ruled our earth for long as we know, and it's not human. Its primary strategy is lies and deceit. Luring the masses in rather than a straightforward frontal assault. Just look at the last 3 years, and the jabs we are all lining up to with a fictitious sickness. It has to be our choice.
      To be honest, I do take some offense when the comment regarding "Fear" and Negativity" arise. Being "Fearful or negative" and knowing there's is a real enemy out there after your soul is two different matter. It may be AI, reptilian, or whatever entities trap on this earth with us, with probably over a billion IQs, let's not pretend they do not exist, trust me this is a sure way to be defeated in any battle.

    • @deniszen1
      @deniszen1 Год назад +3

      @@TomAnderson_81 I do have memory of 3 to 4 past lives without any regression therapy...
      Last one, I died with all my family as resistants to the nazi monsters in Europe during WW2.
      And my deep feeling is I was forced into that past life as I am in this one.....
      Even I was forced into my actual family to take on their karmas...
      That was confirmed to me from 2 different people in 2021 and in 2022.
      So what is the truth?

  • @Lulu-oi9ue
    @Lulu-oi9ue 9 месяцев назад +6

    It never sat right with me when I listened to lots of NDEs. Common theme is that they felt amazing compared to the physical world, learnt their previous lives, have a life review and then sent back. Most said they were guilted into coming back to supposedly teach people on earth and to grow more. As an ex JW the tactics they use is fear, obligation and guilt to control and this seems to be the case for the entities that communicate with those that have had NDEs. Also a common theme is the love bombing that takes place in this realm then they are sent back to the hell that is earth. I fail to see how that is loving at all. How is it beneficial for growth if we have no consciousness of our previous lives and why would anyone want to chose the suffering we face on earth and repeat this experience again and again.

  • @Evaselfmade
    @Evaselfmade Год назад +2

    Great explanation! We create our realities, whatever you believe is true for you in this realm and the other side

  • @royschmidt675
    @royschmidt675 Год назад +1

    Thank you for sharing your wisdom and encouragement. Peace & Love ❤️🌸🙏

  • @reggaeforeveryone
    @reggaeforeveryone Год назад +10

    Your videos are amazing and always a reassurance of the truth that is who we really are. Thank you Dorothy

    • @christinecreedon4551
      @christinecreedon4551 Год назад +1

      If you think that this spewed nonsense is reassuring then you are in for a rude awakening when you actually are faced with actual reality.

    • @reggaeforeveryone
      @reggaeforeveryone Год назад +1

      @Christine Creedon There is no "actual" reality, we all create our own reality.

    • @x-a-
      @x-a- Год назад +1

      @@reggaeforeveryone so you also created all the negative things right ? R*pes, murders etc ? Illness, disease..

    • @reggaeforeveryone
      @reggaeforeveryone Год назад

      @@x-a- yes

    • @christinecreedon4551
      @christinecreedon4551 Год назад

      @@reggaeforeveryone I used the word Realiity ‘ relatively speaking’ to convey a vital point here. This individual has not one clue about what she is talking about. Just another RUclips Fraud ! That’s why she has so many views. Because the majority of brainwashed by the system Sheep are begging to be hypnotized by the easy Lie, instead of grasping the uncomfortable Nettle of Truth !
      It’s laughable really. The woman is spouting BS that isn’t even her own content. Just repeating the words and theories of other Fraudsters like herself.

  • @noelreddy1670
    @noelreddy1670 Год назад +15

    If this life is a creation by us in order to experience the opposite of love and bliss, or whatever else, dont we then already know what the opposite is in order for us to create it? You cant imagine something you dont know? How else will you create it? My big question though is this: how does one start a mission in an incarnation if one has no idea what the mission is? They call it the veil of forgetting. Really? Its like leaving a human baby in the jungle to see what it does? when it gets mauled by a lion, give it a new body and do it again. Religions that were supposed to guide us only instilled fear so that we could fall into the slave mindset and keep the matrix alive. If we are forced not to remember lessons from previous incarnations, how is this not a trap? Thinking about this with a logical mind drives me insane. I wish I could get answers from the creator (i have asked many times...but nothing)

    • @dado76cro
      @dado76cro Год назад

      In my opinion, NDE looks more like propaganda that once we enter the tunnel and the white light, and yet we don't know the real truth behind all that, because everything can be a trick, like for example the love of "moths next to a strong reflector".

    • @secrecyconcealed
      @secrecyconcealed Год назад +3

      I talk about this very issue In my videos, you are right it makes no sense to not remember your past life but yet think you are here on a mission on some divine purpose. If you remembered your past lives you would have a better understanding of why you are here.

    • @luminouslink777
      @luminouslink777 Год назад +5

      Of course it's a trap. The biggest trap of all. The stories that we choose our experiences are bs. Nobody of sound mind would choose pain and suffering. Believing that we chose them just strengthens the guilt. Same bs like religion, just from another angle, another form of it.

    • @kikishum2570
      @kikishum2570 Год назад +1

      @@secrecyconcealed 100% AGREED. I always asked how did I landed on earth? Who decided for me to be born by a specific couple, who were my dad and my mom? Why I forgot my past life? is it true that I exist before being a human? It's all insane.

    • @lukeaustin4465
      @lukeaustin4465 Год назад +2

      You're starting to understand, please don't be fooled by these RUclipsrs, they themselves are deceived. Reincarnation is a soul trap.

  • @Gustavo-vh8vl
    @Gustavo-vh8vl Год назад +1

    Thank you very much Dorothy, for such un excelente video, It gives a lot of Hope. Greetings

  • @mamazeeto623
    @mamazeeto623 Год назад

    This is so beautiful thank you so much for sharing and guiding its means so much to me 🙏🏼💜

  • @jonv2911
    @jonv2911 Год назад +5

    What you are doing and presenting on your channel is quite remarkable! I’m just another soul trying to remember…. I wonder, my dreams are often about me and other members of my family but in another realm, a parallel universe if you like.. but everything seems so real, like I am watching a film with real events taking place. Am I looking at “myself” in a parallel universe? Thank you 🙏🏻 for being there.❤

    • @dejavu7379
      @dejavu7379 Год назад +1

      Wow Interesting MAYBE im not sure But enjoy PEACE

  • @charlesmiddleton3247
    @charlesmiddleton3247 Год назад +3

    Dorothy, Thank you for this beautiful channel and wisdom... I've always felt as though, I came to earth as an observer. I've never felt like I was a part of this planet or belonging to anyone or anything. As a past RN, veteran and Empath, I feel as though, I have been given this gift of love, empathy, sympathy and nurturing that I've attempted to give to others and nature. You... yourself have this gift. I'm wondering if others of your channel have felt as I do? Namaste.

    • @Wamphyri100
      @Wamphyri100 Год назад +1

      Please look at 444 phrophecy news. God is crying out with urgent warnings.

  • @tc2541
    @tc2541 Год назад

    Great video, happy I stumbled upon you. You have a new subscriber. God bless sis! ❤️🙏🏽

  • @JonnyCrazytrain
    @JonnyCrazytrain Год назад +1

    A beautiful and powerful message. Thank you for sharing.

  • @cbttrainee5961
    @cbttrainee5961 Год назад +5

    I'm done being brave 😔. When do I get to go home 🤔??? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @davidmorris-jones210
    @davidmorris-jones210 Год назад +11

    I think we are Prisoners on this Planet & our memories are erased so we do not know who we really are or any of our incarnations here although some say they do. Our Souls are here either because our behavior was bad or some of us were non conformists. I think Im the latter because I was like this in school particular when there was collective punishment for the whole class because of the behavior of a single individual.

    • @dorothyshelton
      @dorothyshelton  Год назад +5

      If we all understand and knew deeply within our being that we are all one. That we are all God and that nothing can exist outside of God. That God is Love and that We (as individualised facets of God) have created duality/ all these different illusions for the purpose of experience and growth then nothing can ever make you scared again. There is no one or nothing that can harm you because you are God and we all Are.

    • @puddintoot
      @puddintoot Год назад

      I’m still learning and looking outside of the norm that mass of society believes. What the Gnostics taught that we are pure light trapped here by the god of the Bible which is impure light.


      @@dorothyshelton what about the REPTILIANS

    • @dorothyshelton
      @dorothyshelton  Год назад +2

      @@AQUARIASGOLDENAGE reptilians are also God.


      @@dorothyshelton Yes they Are. I know that "All Are One" Dorothy but not ALL have Our best interests

  • @jomead1672
    @jomead1672 Год назад

    I absolutely love your content have most beautiful voice and I think soul also. Thank you for your uplifting content. Please keep doing what you're doing. It's helping me so much 😊😊😊

  • @deeannabratton9991
    @deeannabratton9991 10 месяцев назад

    I just found your channel and I really love your content, looking forward to learning more - thank you!

  • @eluraedae
    @eluraedae Год назад +5

    Has anyone considered we could be trapped here because one being died, traveled every universe and realized there was nothing created out there yet. So it came back to Earth to show others and we have been trapped ever since because we can't raise the vibration to the new standards created by those who have traveled the other non Physical realms. Like creating a gigantic spell to shift the entire reality into the highest dimensional state to achieve contact with the "other beings" we have manifested? Maybe I should've put the question mark in a prior sentence.

  • @RoscoeBrian
    @RoscoeBrian Год назад +9

    I love all your work. Thank you. With this last piece, I find myself questioning why I am working so hard to get back to experiencing the full presence of love when we are also here to experience the contrast. Especially knowing that and when I pass, the vast majority of me already knows love. Would just experiencing the contrast, the earth driven and simple human identity be more productive in our learning process for this life? More productive in the whole purpose of choosing to be here to begin with? This is not what I choose, I choose the loving balance between this physical form and spirit, but perhaps I would be better of immersing myself in more of the grunge, the darkness? Just for the sake of more thoroughly learning about the totality of the human experience. ???

    • @TheGiantsWillWake
      @TheGiantsWillWake Год назад +2

      I don' think it's always necessary for us to 'become' as something, or to enter into the realms of the darkness of others, especially through any participatory experience, to gain a better understanding of it, or to decide what it is that we choose for ourselves as a preference. I also think it's perfectly alright to NOT understand something at all. Ignorance, for its own part, is not a vice. Personally, I've gone far enough into darkness to know I don't ever want to go any further. And I'm alright with that; it is not something I am here to do, or wrestle with directly. My personalized, mid-level demons are quite enough for me, thank you very much. ;)
      We incarnated Human souls don't often get any kind of smooth path in life. And while we do create our own experience, our personal universes also intersect with each other, and Free Will is in play. But, we ALWAYS have the ability to choose how we respond to the events in our lives, and how well we follow our passions, pointing us to the path of our self-intended purpose.

    • @turnfrmsinorhell_jesus
      @turnfrmsinorhell_jesus Год назад +2

      Jesus taught blameless ness , light out shines darkness. He died for our sins so we must repent turn from sins , baptise to enter paradise with him instead of weeping and gnashing of teeth for not obeying. Read bible book John on how to be saved in Jesus

  • @Scratcher25
    @Scratcher25 Год назад +1

    Dorothty, the time has come for me to thank you for everything you do. I love your videos and I love you. This video in particular resonated with me so deeply, I can't than you enough, namaste my sister.

  • @hafunland894
    @hafunland894 Год назад

    That was very beautiful Dorthey and from your sweetheart! Thank you for all your work!

  • @hrhleo135
    @hrhleo135 Год назад +3

    Hi Dorothy wishing you so much love and blessings.
    Thank you for this Wonderful episode in which you bring so much clarity and inspiration to us. You are an ANGEL 😇 God Bless and Protect you 🙏

  • @alcambrola2834
    @alcambrola2834 Год назад +4

    Thanks Dorothy. I'm new here. I'm glad you posted this because this topic is a very popular meme out there now. I won't name the sites, but there are many promoting the "prison planet/soul trap" story. It almost seems like they want to promote fear. Thanks again.

  • @richardprofit6363
    @richardprofit6363 Год назад +10

    I see earth as "spiritual boot camp"..we see the consequences of negative behavior, ignorance, and lack of love, and we have the opportunity to "work out our karma" and grow spiritually..but it can be intense and it's easy to forget this in the moment..I very much like her positive, uplifting way of looking at this- a little better than mine I think (I'm working on that, too)

    • @jamesstaggs4160
      @jamesstaggs4160 Год назад +7

      If we're supposed to learn things from multiple lives then why are our memories erased every time we come here? It's a little bit difficult to learn if you're robbed of your memories and therefore can't recall what you've done wrong in the past. Plus I don't think it would be possible to leave earth with perfectly balanced karma. Look at the way this whole thing is set up and you'll see that whatever created it seems to be a sadist. Every creature here has to take many, many lives in order to keep living. Animals must constantly murder other animals to keep from starving or animals have to spend their lives trying not to be murdered. It didn't have to be that way. It was created that way on purpose. There's example after example of the apparent malevolence of whatever made this place, that's just one that most just over look. Look at the humans who are running the show. They all seem to be psychopaths and sociopaths. I don't buy the idea that evil doesn't actually exist. If someone thinks that they must not have seen any. I also don't think it has to exist for good to exist either. That sounds like a way that evil is trying to justify itself.

    • @XxSEETH3RxX
      @XxSEETH3RxX Год назад +1

      Who is working out anything? The You doesn't need it. The ego thinks it does.

    • @richardprofit6363
      @richardprofit6363 Год назад +1

      @@XxSEETH3RxX takes "work" to overcome the ego-centered outlook and truly REAL-ize what you just said..

  • @robertbartosik9001
    @robertbartosik9001 Год назад +1

    This was beautiful. I may not agree with every point you made, but I respect that. I do agree how we choose to believe in what we want our illusions to be. I think it is great that that we can choose to create meanings and our own realities based of our own experiences that shape us who we are. Most of the time we take that for granted and look past other people's realities to taint it how we look at life and claiming who is righteous or not. Thank you for posting!

  • @existinthenow7443
    @existinthenow7443 Год назад

    Wow. I really like you! I'm so happy I came across your video. And I'm sometimes as jaded as it gets.
    Very intelligent and thought through explanations

  • @tehutirc42
    @tehutirc42 Год назад +3

    Depending on how you live this life, you can get here a higher case, birth, or a lowercase birth, meaning it is like going to school. If you didn’t pass this class you will come back to take the class all over.

    • @mt-bd9wi
      @mt-bd9wi Год назад

      that logic literally makes no sense

  • @FractalSoul1111
    @FractalSoul1111 Год назад +4

    So nice to hear a kindred voice based in truth. With a mass awakening in progress, there are many confusing and muddled messages. People need to use their soul barometers to “feel the truth”. Until we ascend out of the human consciousness, there will continue to be a great deal of confusion until there’s a unified knowing/remembering of what is.

  • @elkan115
    @elkan115 Год назад +1

    What a Great Lesson To Know! Thank you

  • @myleahmarion6348
    @myleahmarion6348 Год назад

    Can feel your vibration through the phone 📱 absolutely beautiful 🤩
    Am excited to join u there!! 😊

  • @winterheat
    @winterheat Год назад +3

    are you sure what we believe, that'd be the reality we create for ourselves? There are tens of thousands of people in Las Vegas gambling, all believe they can make it rich, and most of them became poor

  • @sergeims2006
    @sergeims2006 Год назад +6

    True, but we chose collectively to go through a descension process. We were even modified genetically by ETs to remain in lower vibrational states. Souls are brave because of that. Even though the soul wishes things to go well, there is always free will once incarnated. A lot of lifetimes have had suffering that have not been integrated, i.e. lack of acceptance or suppressed emotions that our stuck in our energetic body. The soul will choose to come back to relive it, clean it up. She needs to purify them to ascend. So nobody forces you, but you are a little forced to come back to clean it up

    • @HEART2HEART-3
      @HEART2HEART-3 Год назад +1

      Your truth is your reality...
      Why wait once we know?
      Just clean up now...

    • @sergeims2006
      @sergeims2006 Год назад +2

      Not easy to clean up. We all are doing it, right now.

    • @lukeaustin4465
      @lukeaustin4465 Год назад

      Just avoid the white light at any cost when you die, so many people are deceived into reincarnating when they die.

    • @SpiritedMB
      @SpiritedMB 9 месяцев назад

      @@sergeims2006 It's a losing game. With the memory wipe, you'll never clean it up. Karma is a deceptive tool to collect loosh.

  • @mikaelekstedt5160
    @mikaelekstedt5160 Год назад

    I love this message❤. It brings me hope. You have a beutiful soothing voice aswell, Dorothy. You chose a beautiful human costume too❤❤

  • @kathrynlivermore5343
    @kathrynlivermore5343 Год назад

    All very true messages loved this; I wished that more people would watch you so they could learn and grow. Thank you, Dorothy.

  • @nomore2723
    @nomore2723 Год назад +2

    it is necessary for us to experience and confront whoever we really are deep down. and that can only be done here on earth in dust . we are here to grow back to perfect love, that's where we come from

    • @kikishum2570
      @kikishum2570 Год назад +2

      @Johan B I totally agreed with you. If we forgot love and where we came from as the life of soul/spirit, then the experiencing of being human on the earth has no value to learn. we can't evaluate/compare with the previous being soul/spirit life experiences since we already forgot.😒

    • @lukeaustin4465
      @lukeaustin4465 Год назад

      You have been fooled, I feel sorry for you. I will avoid the white light at all costs when I die and I will try to find a way out of the soul grid in the sky.

    • @nomore2723
      @nomore2723 Год назад

      @@lukeaustin4465 maybe Are you dark matter ? my light is goodness. and how do you see the light

    • @nomore2723
      @nomore2723 Год назад

      @Johan B true love is tested here. you can not forget it you are part of it . through challenges it will mature

    • @nomore2723
      @nomore2723 Год назад

      @@lukeaustin4465 (and i feel sorry for you) comes from the light, is out of love for the other. that's what love is. how can you avoid that

  • @shoot2killfilms
    @shoot2killfilms Год назад +3

    Thank you for being me these messages so gently and in ways my my human body would finally accept. I came to this conclusion this morning but was confused when it came to choice, I’ve had trouble letting go of people I’m attached to, then I realized the outcome would be the same it would just depend on how I chose to see it, If I’m understanding this , even my twin flame is an illusion that I’ve thought had a separate reality and purpose and choice to make? I saw this play out in 4 scenarios, my choice to see them as an Angel or demon and visa versa for them , if I chose my perspective to see them as my twin flame , an Angel who has been by my side on this journey acknowledging that they are me and I am them , in order for my human mind to comprehend but knowing the truth , that if I completed this mission the outcome shouldn’t matter if they were the devil or the Angel I perceived them as , cos I would be void of attachment and would have reached comfort either way

    • @janmed1592
      @janmed1592 Год назад

      Your body is not human is an animal beast.. ..maybe you are human but is not your body..human are high beings

  • @puckie55
    @puckie55 Год назад

    Thank you very much Dorothy for your wonderful uplifting message. Have a nice day. Greetings from the Netherlands.

  • @Xbehindblueeyesx
    @Xbehindblueeyesx Год назад +4

    It’s hard to say. Maybe we are trapped or maybe we actually choose this. Both scenarios have been “experienced” by people. Both have been written about in ancient times. Both have “evidence”. None of us truly know. Maybe reality is something none of us have even thought of.

    • @felixmoyoedonmi
      @felixmoyoedonmi Год назад +2

      Reality can never be thought of. Thought is simply a system of memories. THOUGHT IS A GAME WE ARE PLAYING!!!!!!!

    • @dorothyshelton
      @dorothyshelton  Год назад +4

      We are all one. If both realities have existed it is because we have chosen to play that game. Eventually we all go back to source after our adventures. You are God and you can never be separate from source. All is but an illusion we are collectively created.

  • @TheSanityMachine33
    @TheSanityMachine33 Год назад +3

    I just did an analysis video of this video... ;))

  • @tyedup8884
    @tyedup8884 Год назад

    Such a loving and encouraging message and delivery.

  • @MarkWagner33
    @MarkWagner33 Год назад +1

    This video really hit home. Thank you Dorothy 💗

  • @Leslie87
    @Leslie87 Год назад +3

    Im reading these comments and wow the “why me” and “who chooses to suffer” or be abused mentality is crazy to me! I was abused physically and sexually… I had stage 4 cancer , I suffered so many hardships while here on earth. But I love being here and I’m also aware that we had to go thru these challenges. We operate on human emotion and our thoughts are limited compared to our higher selves . I would do this all again! All of the suffering I’ve experienced as a human , all the tears and heartbreak, all the sadness. I would do all over again! This has been a beautiful experience and being here is actually a gift . I’ve become so enlightened over the years and I’m grateful for it.

  • @seraphinaisabellable
    @seraphinaisabellable Год назад +3

    You have expressed, very well, exactly how I see it too. Our soul, which is part of the divine has chosen to send its mind to this planet to experience the polarity offered here as a means of growth and expansion. So it creates a body (ego) to do this work. The ego suffers but the soul only learns, and our higher self knew this when choosing and creating a life here. To truly understand, for example, love, we must also experience its opposite….fear. To know light we must experience darkness etc. Like a piece of paper, we cannot experience only one side, the other side comes with it in this dimension of reality.

  • @raymondcassiussananda6852
    @raymondcassiussananda6852 Год назад

    So beautiful - Really Good - Thanks!
    Wishing you and all there, a beautiful life journey.
    Take Care Raymond Cassius Sananda - Denmark🌺🌹🍒

  • @carrier6531
    @carrier6531 Год назад

    Thank you so much Dorothy for this insight, it means so much to hear.

  • @debramercer1138
    @debramercer1138 Год назад +3

    When I was forced to come here, I remember saying to myself that I would make it ok and get through it all with all my strength and Jesus holding my hand.. So, yes, some of us are forced to come here. But it's okay. We ARE great spiritual beings to begin with.

  • @stuart2436
    @stuart2436 Год назад +3

    Only if you believe you are trapped

  • @jolandereneebruijnius2170
    @jolandereneebruijnius2170 Год назад +1

    "All is Well."
    We are the brave ones !!! I always felt that.
    Love you too, Dorothy.

  • @adamhart3694
    @adamhart3694 Год назад

    You have explained all of this so perfectly, omg, you have helped so much with this one video, thank you so much my spirit sis, I love you forever, we are all one 🤗👍💋🌹💖

  • @SIXX2772
    @SIXX2772 Год назад +3

    Law of are if you believe you are trapped.