Are Poor People Jealous of The Rich? | Ya Know

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • My thoughts. What you think?
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Комментарии • 50

  • @Jadaistyping
    @Jadaistyping 8 месяцев назад +55

    Had people calling me rich because I can afford to live alone. I posted pictures from my housewarming party and there were so many negative comments. I live comfortably and within my means. I’m also able to save money and do extra things outside of paying bills. My parents and grandparents set me up in life. I think a lot of people take their anger and jealousy out on the wrong people.

    • @kioflife
      @kioflife  8 месяцев назад +9

      It's a shame people start acting funny when you find success in life; you earned it. Amazing you are doing well for yourself. You will only continue to flourish 🤗❤️

    • @mizzmolly7649
      @mizzmolly7649 8 месяцев назад +2

      You just keep on doing what you're doing and enjoy life. Your parents may have laid the foundation, but you had to do the work.
      Enjoy the fruits of your labor.

    • @Radicalstories92
      @Radicalstories92 8 месяцев назад

      Right.😂I have no children so by default,I can afford an apartment that would be for a family of three or a mother and child.When you work it out,society was not designed for long term singlehood and with savings from not having kids you just end up there and if you are a woman,you go for high end apartments for safety😂...

    • @mizzmolly7649
      @mizzmolly7649 8 месяцев назад

      @@Radicalstories92 Not necessarily true. You just have to make the right moves. You should be investing: 401k, Roth IRA, stocks. That's what affords you the life you want to live.
      Living a single life with no kids should afford you every opportunity to do things most people can't.
      Work smarter, not harder.

    • @Radicalstories92
      @Radicalstories92 8 месяцев назад

      @@mizzmolly7649 💯. You are right.Even able to afford luxuries that people will envy thinking you are wealthy when you just made different choices.

  • @princemaverik
    @princemaverik 8 месяцев назад +29

    For those who claim it is so easy for those “actors to get another job “ some of them are background actors who are just used for extras so no to those who are being inconsiderate. No they cannot find work that easy. A 6 cent check is just disgusting

  • @insightillumination8917
    @insightillumination8917 8 месяцев назад +6

    The whole idea is that people think if they’re struggling you should struggle too even though they are 100% the reason they continuously act dysfunctional

  • @adelia6537
    @adelia6537 8 месяцев назад +9

    i was raised you keep some things to yourself and it's like people forgot???

  • @memeoti6266
    @memeoti6266 8 месяцев назад +14

    Celebrities opening up their lives and sharing/flaunting their wealth, then looking for sympathy for their rich people's problems, will always be met with disdain.
    As for using the platform they have to speak on the atrocity in the world, it's up to them but it's also up to those who celebrate them to take note. 👀🧐

    • @kioflife
      @kioflife  8 месяцев назад +6

      Celebrities are similar to blue-collar workers. Only difference is they just get attention for their work, which is why it seems as if they are "wealthy."" They own nothing. They get recognized for their work while someone who works in diner goes unnoticed. They are pushing the same cow that makes millions and billions off of them. These celebrities are not doing well financially, as some may assume. They still have to pay taxes, pay their agent, PR team, glam squad, family, and live in expensive Cali or New York to be closer to work. If they speak out on political issues they risk being canceled, fired, and/or blackballed by executives. Their job is literally to entertain people, and people invest in entertainment. No one is obligated to talk about things that are uncomfortable to talk about or could risk their finances and image. Their image is how entertainers make money. They are not above anyone or superhuman just because of their profession. Thanks for your comment and perspective ❤️

    • @memeoti6266
      @memeoti6266 8 месяцев назад +3

      @@kioflife That's show-business for you 🤷🏾‍♀️

  • @artlover4997
    @artlover4997 8 месяцев назад +11

    I understand the negative comments rich people get when they display a clear lack of connection to reality, a lack of awareness and inability to be grateful and humble, but what I do not understand is the negativity they get when they simply post a video showing their audience, who follows them because they like their content, a tour of the new apartment they bought where they don't boast or gloat just show people around. They could do the most simplest of things such as an "outfit of the day" video and will receive nothing but comments consisting of people saying "oh wow that outfit costs more than my rent, I'm struggling to pay for my meal". I just don't understand why people feel the need to trauma dump and overshare under every and any video of a rich person. This only fuels the already existing division between people of different social statuses.

    • @kioflife
      @kioflife  8 месяцев назад +4

      Facts. There needs to be a understanding that rich or poor generalizing doesn't allow nuance and perspective. Thanks for watching and commenting ❤️

  • @OliveSaysLove
    @OliveSaysLove 8 месяцев назад +15

    Yes jealousy is absolutely a factor. But standards of living aren't the same as hating on someone's new outfit. We're talking measures of life & death, which will always bring out strong emotions in anyone. I'd invite anyone to live in abject poverty for a year, work yourself to death in multiple low-paying service sector jobs (or worse), no ability to take vacations or ton"treat yourself", then re-evaluate how you feel about the way the (economic) world works. It's truly a jungle out there, and there are lots people bearing incredible hardship despite working their asses off. Don't condone jealousy or jealous actions but I do understand when I see it pop up in people.
    That said, all the glitters is definitely not always gold, things aren't always what they appear to be even when they appear to be going great, and all of us could stand to practice gratitude more. Luxuries aren't rights, life never promises anything to anyone and ANY little comfort is a blessing that is granted to us that we aren't ever *entitled* to. Rich people absolutely have problems too, they also have the constant stress of worrying about losing it all. It takes a different kind of work to maintain all of that and wealth comes with its own set of problems and dangers. Rich or broke, nothing beats the satisfaction of paying all your bills and having money left over lol. We're all just people, dealing with the same people stuff all over the world. There are lazy broke folks and hard working wealthy folks out there plus every other possibility or mixture of those traits and realities. No ones a "better" or "worse" human because of money or lack of money, it's just some folks 💩 in a more expensive toilet.

  • @coppercrown1370
    @coppercrown1370 8 месяцев назад +13

    I'm homeless and I'm not jealous of anyone doesn't matter if you rent own or whatever. I have no need to be jealous of someone. I'll get myself off the streets eventually. I work two jobs. I only make about $400 a month from one and the other i haven't started yet. But it's very hard especially on one income. I'm fortunate enough to have propane sometimes for heat because its in the 30s right now. And a way to cook

    • @kioflife
      @kioflife  8 месяцев назад +2

      Agreed! I don't have a lot of money as I'd like, but I'd never tear down or be jealous of someone with more financial security. I'm hopeful that my financial state will increase and inspired by those who have reached a level of success in their own way.

  • @fernandaoropeza4500
    @fernandaoropeza4500 8 месяцев назад +3

    Celebrities are normal people but u can’t lie they have an influence on so many ppl n can contribute to society in a positive way by spreading awareness

    • @megchippendale529
      @megchippendale529 8 месяцев назад +2

      Yeah but they are only people and then they have to choose a side or an opinion that won’t suit all their fans and next thing they are being abused because they only really know as much about a lot of things like the rest of us. The politicians and experts need to spread the awareness about what’s happening in the world

  • @BigBiteDoughnut
    @BigBiteDoughnut 8 месяцев назад +2

    Jealous they dont have to pay their fair share thats about it...

  • @123GoddessC
    @123GoddessC 8 месяцев назад +2

    Answer:yes absolutely,extreme jealousy

  • @AC-ri2ph
    @AC-ri2ph 8 месяцев назад +5

    Im jewlous of yhe fact that the world isnt fair, more than being jealous of ppl who have it. Im homeless and yhe last thing i want to hear is someone making 70k-100k, and talk about how broke they are when they have a great apt, car, hot water, etc. Yes thats not too much money, but thays life changing for a lot of us even if it just pays for the basics bc of inflation. And ik itd not the fault of the "middle class" or "upper class". Theyre just surviving in thr samw system. But naturally, ppl who have it worst dont want to hear the whining of ppl who have it "better". And im sure theyll say that about me when i get my shit together. And im sorry if youre a rich celebrity and you benefit from said society who is directly or indirectly funding your lifestyle, the bare minimum you can do is donate something or bring awareness to the unfair state of the world. We can all just stop funding your lifestyle today

    • @kioflife
      @kioflife  8 месяцев назад +4

      Understandable. I would like to share more perspective. My last salary was $75k. Now, that might seem like a lot to some, but I could not save my paychecks because life happens. My car was acting funny and I had paid $1k+ for maintenance and service fees, the car final gave our and I was almost done with payments, and I got a new car that had less maintenance issues. I moved from my mother's and had nowhere to stay and got an apartment very quickly. I went on 6 months of medical leave and at the 3rd month only made 60% of my paychecks. I had car insurance that kept rising after each renewal. I dont qualify for Gov assistance, so I'm paying out of pocket for food. I worked from home, so the internet. Then my heat, gas, electricity and phone bill. Most of us are managing to stay afloat, but every month, you have to payout. I feel as if people are generalizing based on the idea of a thriving economy. The economy is not the same. $70k-$100k are still working class people, but it seems like some think they aren't humans that are also in the rat race. There is nuance in each situation, and to write them off is not fair either. If a rich person said "poor people just need to work harder" and they have no sympathy "you are all just lazy and play victim" that would be so arrogant to generalize when everyone's situation is different. We have to look at the problem, not the people that are dealing with the problem. Thanks for your comment and perspective ❤️

  • @hevinamber
    @hevinamber 2 месяца назад +1

    A lot of celebrities live Supernatural lives by getting multimillion-dollar mansions that they don't have money in the bank to pay off in full or keep up property taxes. Also, they need to, especially the blacks, negotiate their contracts better ❤ so I empathize with them but it's hard to feel sorry for them when they live a "fabulous life" and look down on those who don't belong to their Circle 😐

  • @illyktve7307
    @illyktve7307 8 месяцев назад +1

    jealousy is normal.

  • @ninatoawesome8740
    @ninatoawesome8740 8 месяцев назад +8

    The issue is seeing people with nice houses and stuff as someone who is struggling to keep an apartment is really hard and feels unfair. The thought that things should be easier to obtain is always in the back of everyone's mind that is going through that.
    Someone I talked to that is doing better off than myself with like "but you have to work hard for it. Get a second job. Do surveys. Test apps. And save. Take on a new skill. Get a better job.
    He makes it sound so obtainable but without the funds to start any of that it's tough cause 2 jobs doesn't help in my opinion bills and everything are 2 high you need to be making 90000 a year or more to survive and not everyone can get their.
    Whole systems just bonked
    Like Happy for them for doing good but yes the envy is very much there. 😅

    • @ninatoawesome8740
      @ninatoawesome8740 8 месяцев назад +5

      Also do help that every rich person assumes your just being lazy.....or not working hard enough cause we have free time. No one wants every hour of the day to be overwhelmed and overworked.

  • @PhotoJeticPoet
    @PhotoJeticPoet 8 месяцев назад

    You can get the sleeves of the dress to stop falling by pinning the extra fabric under the arms pinch about an inch and pin it down it's not stretch fabric so you should be fine to keep it pinned when you wash it so you dont have to readjust to wear again.

  • @minachoo-ho1362
    @minachoo-ho1362 8 месяцев назад +1

    This may be true. But my whole life the only people that have seriously envied me always were better off financially. Always. Maybe not rich. I think they can't understand anyone poor being praised or loved for personality alone. Something they can't do even with money. This is not always the case. But the jealousy goes both ways.

  • @isabear478
    @isabear478 8 месяцев назад +1

    i don't think people understand that a lot of people have to suffer just so someone can be rich this is not directed at you btw people can't just live by and abide by the rules and build themselves it's not like that anymore no one should have to suffer but to get ahead your playing the game ethics get thrown out at some spot but it depend on if you think a person is okay to do that its not as simple as some is struggling so now they want to struggle but people denying how they got their may have been unethical i don't mean to be the police though

  • @dnyledenial3780
    @dnyledenial3780 8 месяцев назад +1

    yeah why not? and the problem is?

  • @lyssnicole6741
    @lyssnicole6741 8 месяцев назад

    I don’t think this is a revolutionary topic the world has always always been like this it’s natural to feel jealous and defensive over a lifestyle you wish you could have even if you’re simply perceiving it differently than it’s reality

  • @Chocolatechocolate7224
    @Chocolatechocolate7224 8 месяцев назад

    Why be jealous of someone who didn’t ask to be born into a wealthy family. We can’t choose the families we’re born into, so you can’t blame that person. I can understand the envy. I just don’t like to when people invalidate rich peoples problems. Living in a nice house with a pool in the backyard doesn’t mean that someone is happy

  • @priskruger314
    @priskruger314 8 месяцев назад

    There was a man who said we can all end all problems in the world. Instead of getting a more expensive or second item we could give the money to where needed. And he lived his life that way as well. So we are all doing it wrong and the rich even more. Islam has zakat. You give to the poor. But yes it's hard to live such a just and ethical life.

  • @dnyledenial3780
    @dnyledenial3780 8 месяцев назад

    no that’s not important who they are… get other work or go to illegal drugs , what?

  • @tylerthecreatorfan999
    @tylerthecreatorfan999 8 месяцев назад

    hey girl, love your video!!! i js wanted to say that the video kinda froze (?) from 14:26-15:26 , thats all

  • @weekendnomad5038
    @weekendnomad5038 8 месяцев назад

    Eh I don’t care what other people do 🤷🏻‍♀️ or have.. I’ve had it .. I don’t need it anymore. The things that are important to me these days don’t cost money ❤ y’all worried about the wrong things

  • @hydralily1646
    @hydralily1646 8 месяцев назад

    Yes, yes I am.

  • @ninatoawesome8740
    @ninatoawesome8740 8 месяцев назад

    I will say in this economy if i made 100000 id have a savings I do not pay taxes with a 1099 most things are written off id have alot more i currently make 56000 and don't have a penny so idk about that point.

  • @goosewithagibus
    @goosewithagibus 8 месяцев назад +2

    your makeup is 🔥 in this vid

    • @kioflife
      @kioflife  8 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you🤗❤️

  • @yaio2756
    @yaio2756 8 месяцев назад +1

    What a silly girl

    • @kioflife
      @kioflife  8 месяцев назад +3

      How silly 😆

  • @Bereal-yd5gh
    @Bereal-yd5gh 8 месяцев назад +2

    Yes they are jealous and bitter but wont do better for themselves. Once they actually do better they will realize how pathetic and sad they look.