Maybe she is is wrongly sentenced. IF there are NO beneficiaries of the trafficking there is no trafficking. I sill agree with you though. It is disgusting.
It's disgusting how no one she trafficked children to is behind bars, yes. But Ghislaine Maxwell deserves to rot in prison for the rest of her life. Screw her.
This will be drawn out for many years to a continuous delay. Corrupt political leaders involved will never get truly prosecuted and never serve time behind bars.
They'll probably find a way to punish the girls though. We have to pay for EVERYTHING. Friggin rich men. I am so angry at the injustice that continues in this world I can barely breath.
My father was named. I don't know if I should be star struck or humiliated, but I lost my job at the movie theatre because of all of this. Did you know you can Uber Eats popcorn from movie theaters? What a time we live in.
Pedofiles are more hated by prisoners than murderers. I think he was murdered, not a suicide. It happens more than you think. That’s why they say alleged suicide.
@@michaelb43wrong the elites whacked him not some inmate. Two cameras failed and three security guards fell asleep Only deep state connections have that power to walk into a jail like that or reach out and touch someone and have security guards falsely correctional officers and two or three cameras failed come on man
She is keeping her mouth shut. Plus considering what happened to Epstein, she probably has a "Dead Mans Switch" on copies of all the dirt and everyone knows it.
She probably hasn’t named anyone because she’s not ready to be suicided either. 20 years isn’t a life sentence, and she still may possibly be paroled eventually.
@@camoTiaras Not strange at all, the underclass are as just as morally brankupt, just don't have the resources to put their intent into action. Plus some of the stupidist people, and I mean willfully stupid people were those without money. Envy, stupidity, inbreeding and a feral lifestyle.
A wealthy man told me that some 40 yrs ago . He was so right to a point. 200, more people, more like 5 times more than200.. There's a whole world full of predators. They know how far they can go, but some intimidate with fear then again some let them prey on their children.
They are and have been the entire time. Military is in control, trump is your Commander in chief, Biden is an actor. Worldwide operations have been ongoing for a few years now. We will all know the truth in due time.
The not so funny fact is Royal Pervert Andy was entrapped. Willing. But entrapped. Most of Trump's setup's were creepy old rich dudes who thought they deserved to use some kids. Rumors have always swirled there were lots of kids who didn't cooperate after 'usage' who were fed to the fishes. Robert Kraft, Jerry Jones, Cuban, Musk and Dershowitz have to be some of the worst humans on Earth. Cuban selling mavericks to another criminal says everything.
This is really sick that people were allowed to sexually abuse underage girls..People are incarcerated for these same charges and most politicians helped pass strict bills for child molesters or repeat offenders and are guilty of the same
Epstein worked for mossad for israel. Israel gets him to blackmail US government officials, CEO, celebrities, and wealthy individuals. That's how israel owns the US government. Israel blackmailed Congress and the White House
Seeing how Donald Trump has always gotten away with all of his sex crimes (until the most recent trial), many of us continue to doubt that anything at all will be done to punish the high-ranking officials.
Ive been waiting and waiting for these perverts to be exposed. Always hiding and paying their way outta trouble. The entitlement is disgusting ! Justice Justice Justice
You would THINK in this day and age, SOMEONE would have snapped a photo and released it to a web site by NOW. Unless the only people that have looked at the list are also on the list.
Jesus Christ said nothing hidden will not be revealed that's why they are censoring people that's why they lock people down because he's evil people wanted to cover up their tracks and shift The narrative they knew they had lost they knew they had been exposed they knew Trump wasn't going to defend their evil. Picture of this this scripture will come true for these wicked liars 1Why do you boast of evil, O mighty man? The loving devotion of God endures all day long. 2Your tongue devises destruction like a sharpened razor, O worker of deceit. 3You love evil more than good, falsehood more than speaking truth. Selah 4You love every word that devours, O deceitful tongue. 5Surely God will bring you down to everlasting ruin; He will snatch you up and tear you away from your tent; He will uproot you from the land of the living.
Epstein's Island and Lolita Express were not just known, but were featured in some adult magazines, in the 90s. And now, everyone wants to pretend it was some kind of secret. Bill Clinton and Bill Gates were two of the well known clients at the time. The lack of memory and short attention span of the American people is amazing. I can watch history being re-written in real time and so many just ignore their memories and go along with the re-write.
Also, the frequent guest and girls of JE came by yacht and docked off shore. The US government currently doesn't have an interest because Demonicracks are in power.
I remember there was an expose' done by one of the main networks (20/20? Dateline?) on a boy's town in some midwestern state where some of the boys went public how they were being flown to DC for naughty parties with people in Congress. It aired and then... nothing. Radio silence on it. The boys town was shut down, the boys moved, and nobody ever heard about it again. This was in the 80s or 90s if I remember right. Then we get Epstein that had been operating for who knows how long, or, for whom. Because when he got arrested in Florida, the state AG gave him some sweetheart deal and the words "intelligence" got tossed around. And then, radio silence on him and that situation. At least until some of the girls came forward, and then, well, we all know how that's played out. And no where, in any of this, are people who were named actually being investigated with any real intent TO investigate. Even Prince Andrew, when the photo was released? Scotland Yard goes, "we looked into it and found nothing case closed". Righttttttt. You've got a victim, a photo that places the two together, and oh let me guess, you got a call from the palace to drop it.
@@bobblueford He WAS investigated, and arrested, AND got a plea deal. - (NBC News Epstein has been in the news for more than a decade since he pleaded guilty in 2008 to procuring a person under 18 for prostitution and felony solicitation of prostitution, according to his plea agreement on charges brought in Florida. - Epstein is registered as a sex offender in Florida under a non-prosecution agreement he signed with the office of the U.S. attorney for Miami, which was then headed by Alex Acosta, now the U.S. secretary of labor. Do your homework before you post.
His death is still very strange. The cameras didn't work, he wasn't watched. He feared for his life. Who had the ability to silence him? Have the accounts of the guards been checked from illicit money?
I believe everyone on the list should undergo investigation, and if proven guilty of a crime, they should face arrest. As a Democrat, my commitment is to justice, regardless of their political affiliation.
Thomas, could you provide evidence to back up that statement? I am no Epstein defender but that's a strong statement and I would be interested in your information to show that.
There's more names than 200. If the judge is gonna release it, tell them to release it all to the public. You owe the United States, citizens and people around the world. You owe humanity this information. Of this giant trafficking ring.
Trump's crimes have cost the DOJ $billions and billions. If they can squeeze fines and fees in filings and motions to delay then it's ok... As long as they release everything they have before the election.
Blackmail is a major tool for political manipulation. Those useful influencers that are still 'useful' will never be exposed as long as they remain useful.
For the fear of the wealthy who abused them does further damage by them telling their truth. Can not image how some of the young women's lives have been since being tossed aside when they were finished with them.
My father was named. I don't know if I should be star struck or humiliated, but I lost my job at the movie theatre because of all of this. Did you know you can Uber Eats popcorn from movie theaters? What a time we live in.
Many people saw this list back 3 years ago. I’m not sure why seeing this list is a thing. Accountability is what I’m waiting on. Exposure…truth, and confessions.
For what? Who's going to believe her? Where's the evidence? These are just accusations. This isn't news. Once the list is out you will see it's a nothing Burger
I'm sure it was meant to be nearly 180 names if only 150 are released it shows quite a few have paid to have their names removed. This was talked about last week for some reason 177 rings a bell so let's see how many names are left on the list. Personally I think all of the names should be released
@@dh1752 i hope it backfires. People are not stupid the fact that a number was stated for the total amount of people on the list so when they release it with a couple of dozen people missing we will want to know who..? Even more. And they will look even more guilty as they had got their names removed
Maybe the names that have been removed were undercover sting operatives. Whistleblowers,etc. I saw a list a few years back. Yes big names. I remeber Jayz, Beyoncé, colbert. To name a few.
I saw a so called list on Tic tok, I saw Biden but not Trump, and there's Pic with them hanging out at the parties, so if you can have your name removed who's to say there not just added names just to Distract you from all the truth
Everyone who did this abuse deserves prison. Prince andrews deserves prison, anyone who did any of this deserves prison. IT IS ABUSE. PRINCE ANDREW IS A BIG LIER.
My only question is: Where were these precious 15 year old girls parents or guardians? How do you have a 15 year old daughter and not know that she is jet setting across the globe with prominent wealthy men? What time of day or night does a teenage girl escape from home and her parents not know she is gone?
@@conjandysecurityNot at all. Valid question. It doesn't mean the victims are lying or that these crimes didn't take place. But one had to establish the OP's question as well if you want an airtight argument. Shallow binary thinking like yours is not helpful.
@@Iron-Bridge binary thinking? OP is insinuating that the girls involved wanted to be there. Did you not read that? The OP is implying actions like kidnapping and trafficking don't exist. The OP is defending child predators.
@@bobblueford narcssist people like you are a dime a dozen. You think your clever, yet not orginal in thought. You want to start conflict, you just dont realize that you will be the one who ends up mad, and very predictable. People like you act and think in the same manner..full of stupidity
1.8 billion people follow and believe a man who married a 6-year-old girl when he was in his fifties & consummated their marriage when she was 9 is the perfect man to emulate.
There could be four hundred names. But if it doesn’t include people of extreme power, it is rendered useless. It doesn’t matter about the B list. It’s all about who pulls the strings of the world.
maybe its just a public feel good list...and the case closed, we did our jobs and got paid a magic amount, now back to work, 'average joes and janes', what john biggie does do in their time is their business...try the same and see what happens?
@@dh1752 Well, if that happens, whomever frequented these "sleepovers" and is not on the list, become suspect (in my opinion). .. ... Any journalists reading this ?....
I just don't get how a 15year old would fly around the country dining with grown men. I keep tabs of the whereabouts of my children maybe I'm just a strict parent for this day and age.
Here’s where IQ45 gets caught again by teenage victims and witnesses. Google: How many millions of dollars has IQ45 paid to teenage girls who he raped at JE house in NY? And the Criminal and Cheat strikes again.😮
Nothing will be done by Republicans because Republicans never do anything except talk. However, Democrats will persecute any Republican who is on the list. It's all charades.
It never happened in Rotherham, and other parts of England where Paki****** groups groomed them. Some even in their “foster homes”. Why would you think it doesn’t happen elsewhere. The thing here is they are getting higher prices from clients.
Wake up to yourself. Go to any high school in your neighborhood. I'll guarantee that more than 40% already have been, and yet you choose to ignore what is right under your very own nose, in favor of something that's sensationalised on social media. Pull your head in. Quit venting like a keyboard warrior and ACTUALLY GO AND DO SOMETHING FOR ALL THE VICTIMS at your local school. I bet you don't bother. You act SO outraged. But you do eff all to fix the problem. People like you ARE the problem.
Every person involved with him needs to be investigated. Men and women in Hollywood went to his island. Well-known actresses and actors were involved but they will lie and get off. Stay on this case.
@@SmackWaterMack001 Trump banned them from his properties many years ago. What prominent wealthy person hasn't visited one of Trump's many public properties?
@@KennyFisher-io4dmyeah so the girls that Clinton supposedly did this with would have to come forward. Just because they went to the island doesn't mean everyone did the same thing. Common sense seems to be in short supply these days. If you go to a party and there are drugs there, does that mean every single person did drugs? No it just means they were there, and some people did them and others didn't. Same thing with Epstein island. He was a very rich man, and had extravagant parties.
Why does prince Andrew’s get away with this his name should be on the list he should also be jailed a creep with children .. he should pay who can do this it please jail him
Jay Leno described situation with Jeffrey Epstein the best - he said: Jeffrey Epstein is similar to the Christmas decorations and a sheetrock - all three cannot get hung by themselves.
Robert Kraft met Jay Leno at MaraLardo. Elton John took the sauna with Rush Limbaugh. At MaraLardo. Dershowitz brings a miniature camera to blackmail everyone after he participated.
That actually happened, my neighbor was there. He told me that he had to rub sun tan lotion on Donald Trump back, and pull George Santos around in a red flyer wagon!
What about all the films that JE had on the so call clients? We will never know the truth. To many politicians and celebrities that have paid for this to be hushed.
I met Andrew's ex employee in the mid 90s. He told me he wanted to commit suicide after what he'd done for Andrew and other royals. He said the children kept getting younger and younger.
A lot of the big names will be missing from the list because of being allowed to remove their name from it. Even if certain people say that nobody rushed forward to remove their name. The justice system failed by allowing such people to even have that opportunity in the first place.👀 Imo.
Well to be fair..... There were over 170 reported as little as 2 weeks ago and now it's saying 150... And why would they be given a chance to be removed from the list???
The thing is 150 or 170 or 200 names on the list, but how many will face prosecution and goto prison? How many that are rich, famous, politicians or powerful will lose the wealth to pay the victims and face life in prison? How many are his staff that are complicit in what Epstein did that need to also be prosecuted. The public and the victims want justice to be served.
Why do these people have a Choice??? The evidence should prove some are absolutely guilty!! Period!! Names in a flight log or in a book make you look like a suspect! Videos of you having sex with a minor shows you are guilty! What’s going on here?
I more interested in the black books. The flight logs has been out there with Redacted. Only 200 in how many years. Private island with all services and another island attached to Jeffrey that no one is mentioning.
If you had all that ....what's next? Absolutely nothing! As a parent you should keep your eye on your 15 year old and make sure she's not being groomed for a designer bag.
Joe Biden's brother James Biden owns a property on Water Island, about 8 miles from Epstein's island. Biden himself has repeatedly vacationed on St. Croix island, about 30 miles from Epstein's island, several times while Vice-President.
Our country has gone to hell in a hand basket & this soap opera is the least of our worries...
Год назад+11
So who in this legal hierarchy is picking the few names to be made public out of the hundreds? I’m sure enormous amounts of money will protect the rich & powerful.
It’s disgusting how Ghislaine is in prison for trafficking kids, yet no one she trafficked the kids to is.
Maybe she is is wrongly sentenced. IF there are NO beneficiaries of the trafficking there is no trafficking.
I sill agree with you though. It is disgusting.
It's disgusting how no one she trafficked children to is behind bars, yes. But Ghislaine Maxwell deserves to rot in prison for the rest of her life. Screw her.
I agree
@@-First-Lastthat’s not how that works at all.
Exactly 💯
This will be drawn out for many years to a continuous delay. Corrupt political leaders involved will never get truly prosecuted and never serve time behind bars.
I fear your right, if so, you know how corrupt the country is.
So true… “ we have the smoking gun with the Hunter Biden”, bullshit
They'll probably find a way to punish the girls though. We have to pay for EVERYTHING. Friggin rich men. I am so angry at the injustice that continues in this world I can barely breath.
I bet you didn’t watch the video. It clearly said this is a list of people, some prominent, that he knew. It is not Gislane’s black book.
My father was named. I don't know if I should be star struck or humiliated, but I lost my job at the movie theatre because of all of this. Did you know you can Uber Eats popcorn from movie theaters? What a time we live in.
So sick of wealthy and powerful NOT being held to the law like the rest of us 🤬 These people need to be held accountable. That would be novel!!!
Wishful thinking!
Yeah that’ll happen /S
They will unless they truly repent ,get saved . Their punishment will be eternal Hell
Stay in your place PEASANT...
your rules do not apply to us..
They won't be so don't hold your breath.
My prayers are with victims and survivors of Human Trafficking.Amen.
Especially those that never made it off the island 🙏🙏
Victoria, you are, *by no means*, alone. It is disgusting!
@@cheriem432 What the hell is that?
What is *what*? I need a little more background.@@-First-Last
@@cheriem432 Sorry man, it was intended to another user.
The coroner stated he was clearly strangled and not hung by suicide.
New York City’s chief medical examiner said her office stands by its conclusion that Jeffrey Epstein’s cause of death was suicide by hanging.
Pedofiles are more hated by prisoners than murderers. I think he was murdered, not a suicide. It happens more than you think. That’s why they say alleged suicide.
@@michaelb43wrong the elites whacked him not some inmate. Two cameras failed and three security guards fell asleep Only deep state connections have that power to walk into a jail like that or reach out and touch someone and have security guards falsely correctional officers and two or three cameras failed come on man
Dead men tell no tells!
We have Maxwell in jail, but still no names??? My God the cover-up is huge!!
She is keeping her mouth shut. Plus considering what happened to Epstein, she probably has a "Dead Mans Switch" on copies of all the dirt and everyone knows it.
Lots of powerful people on that list. That is why it's been covered up so long.
It would destroy the establishment
She probably hasn’t named anyone because she’s not ready to be suicided either. 20 years isn’t a life sentence, and she still may possibly be paroled eventually.
She knows Israel killed Epstein to keep him quiet. The whole thing was a mossad blackmail operation.
The dirtiest, most morally bankrupt humans are those with too much money!! SICK!!
Nah. The addiction addled underclass can give them a good run for their money!
especially those with OUR MONEY , they stuck in their own pockets .
@@macmachine Strange you should turn this against anyone else. Yup "Strange".
@@camoTiaras Not strange at all, the underclass are as just as morally brankupt, just don't have the resources to put their intent into action. Plus some of the stupidist people, and I mean willfully stupid people were those without money. Envy, stupidity, inbreeding and a feral lifestyle.
A wealthy man told me that some 40 yrs ago . He was so right to a point. 200, more people, more like 5 times more than200.. There's a whole world full of predators. They know how far they can go, but some intimidate with fear then again some let them prey on their children.
Everyone who tried to surpress this information needs to be held accountable.
The fact that Clinton can smile while answering that question says a lot. He's disgusting.
Never trust a guy who said he tried smoking marijuana but didn't inhale!
Biden has the same grin as clinton
@@susansilvey1614so does trump. Let's not forget him. Lol
@@metalmacabre9991TDS much ?
Just like Trump.
Foriegn members of Epsteins clients list should also be published worldwide
They are and have been the entire time. Military is in control, trump is your Commander in chief, Biden is an actor. Worldwide operations have been ongoing for a few years now. We will all know the truth in due time.
They are still useful so they will keep the blackmail running.
@@mikelbrenn111you're seriously flawed mentally.
Half of Congess and state representatives would be listed
May almighty God pass His judgement on these disgusting abusers
Nobody died. Oh yeah, except for Lee Harv, I mean Jeffrey Epstein.
The only mention that the bill Clinton is inherent lipstick but Trump to
Oh trust us it's around the corner but first the new King must come
God tells us to forgive and allow
The truth was on Andrew’s face.
His eye blinking seems to convict.
Yes. Andrew looked like someone peed in his tea :-D
@@bholmes5490 not to mention he's nodding his head "Yes" while his mouth is saying "absolutely, categorically, no."
The not so funny fact is Royal Pervert Andy was entrapped. Willing. But entrapped. Most of Trump's setup's were creepy old rich dudes who thought they deserved to use some kids. Rumors have always swirled there were lots of kids who didn't cooperate after 'usage' who were fed to the fishes. Robert Kraft, Jerry Jones, Cuban, Musk and Dershowitz have to be some of the worst humans on Earth. Cuban selling mavericks to another criminal says everything.
But again he's Prince Andrew ... And he got away with it...
This is really sick that people were allowed to sexually abuse underage girls..People are incarcerated for these same charges and most politicians helped pass strict bills for child molesters or repeat offenders and are guilty of the same
Remember, Politicians do not have to obey the laws they pass!
And how many people living in poverty was on that list? One law for the rich and another for the poor
Epstein worked for mossad for israel. Israel gets him to blackmail US government officials, CEO, celebrities, and wealthy individuals. That's how israel owns the US government. Israel blackmailed Congress and the White House
"got paid 200 dollars" I guess that makes you a whore then doesn't it...
Many names will be missing already!!
Be great to learn the identities of these outstanding public officials.
Most of them will be losing weight, most of their weight loss will be brown, ha ha.
Shit I. Their pants
We already know RFK is one of them.
Yeah the main "outstanding" feature would be in their trousers when faced with an underaged child.
Seeing how Donald Trump has always gotten away with all of his sex crimes (until the most recent trial), many of us continue to doubt that anything at all will be done to punish the high-ranking officials.
Ive been waiting and waiting for these perverts to be exposed. Always hiding and paying their way outta trouble. The entitlement is disgusting ! Justice Justice Justice
2:11 2:11
There won't be any justice
The real client list is the most protected document in the history of man.
It’s no coincidence that no one has been arrested.
You would THINK in this day and age, SOMEONE would have snapped a photo and released it to a web site by NOW.
Unless the only people that have looked at the list are also on the list.
More than the nuclear codes apparently. 🤦🏻♀️🤔
They can't handcuff themselves, judges, CIA officials, government officials..... they are p3d0ph1l3s, but they are not dumb 🤷♂️
@@delsi1204 trump already sold the codes.
Jesus Christ said nothing hidden will not be revealed that's why they are censoring people that's why they lock people down because he's evil people wanted to cover up their tracks and shift The narrative they knew they had lost they knew they had been exposed they knew Trump wasn't going to defend their evil. Picture of this this scripture will come true for these wicked liars
1Why do you boast of evil, O mighty man?
The loving devotion of God endures all day long.
2Your tongue devises destruction
like a sharpened razor,
O worker of deceit.
3You love evil more than good,
falsehood more than speaking truth.
4You love every word that devours,
O deceitful tongue.
5Surely God will bring you down to everlasting ruin;
He will snatch you up and tear you away from your tent;
He will uproot you from the land of the living.
Epstein's Island and Lolita Express were not just known, but were featured in some adult magazines, in the 90s. And now, everyone wants to pretend it was some kind of secret. Bill Clinton and Bill Gates were two of the well known clients at the time. The lack of memory and short attention span of the American people is amazing. I can watch history being re-written in real time and so many just ignore their memories and go along with the re-write.
Also, the frequent guest and girls of JE came by yacht and docked off shore. The US government currently doesn't have an interest because Demonicracks are in power.
I remember there was an expose' done by one of the main networks (20/20? Dateline?) on a boy's town in some midwestern state where some of the boys went public how they were being flown to DC for naughty parties with people in Congress. It aired and then... nothing. Radio silence on it. The boys town was shut down, the boys moved, and nobody ever heard about it again. This was in the 80s or 90s if I remember right.
Then we get Epstein that had been operating for who knows how long, or, for whom. Because when he got arrested in Florida, the state AG gave him some sweetheart deal and the words "intelligence" got tossed around. And then, radio silence on him and that situation. At least until some of the girls came forward, and then, well, we all know how that's played out.
And no where, in any of this, are people who were named actually being investigated with any real intent TO investigate. Even Prince Andrew, when the photo was released? Scotland Yard goes, "we looked into it and found nothing case closed". Righttttttt. You've got a victim, a photo that places the two together, and oh let me guess, you got a call from the palace to drop it.
If it was all known and featured in adult magazines, it would have been investigated people involved would have been prosecuted a long time ago.
He WAS investigated, and arrested, AND got a plea deal.
- (NBC News Epstein has been in the news for more than a decade since he pleaded guilty in 2008 to procuring a person under 18 for prostitution and felony solicitation of prostitution, according to his plea agreement on charges brought in Florida.
- Epstein is registered as a sex offender in Florida under a non-prosecution agreement he signed with the office of the U.S. attorney for Miami, which was then headed by Alex Acosta, now the U.S. secretary of labor.
Do your homework before you post.
His death is still very strange. The cameras didn't work, he wasn't watched. He feared for his life. Who had the ability to silence him? Have the accounts of the guards been checked from illicit money?
Matt Calamari and Bernie Kerik.
He was murdered!
He's probably chilling on a beach somewhere in Tel Aviv.
And he had just survived one previous attack before he died
All planned. Something very weird is going on and evil.
Evil!!! I pray the darkness is exposed. It’s time for corruption to fall.
I believe everyone on the list should undergo investigation, and if proven guilty of a crime, they should face arrest. As a Democrat, my commitment is to justice, regardless of their political affiliation.
As a Democrat, are you saying you are not on the list? Ha!
Unless your a biden right?
Including Dump.
“350 people on the flight list” (back when the story broke the news) the news showed a shot of the flight log
JE was the the most prolific blackmailer in world history.
Wouldn’t that probably be Cheeto Jesus? He has virtually blackmailed the entire Republican Party other than a handful of people.
Just in our lives. History has had much worse
That's what a cabal is. Everyone has dirt on eachother so nobody snitches
Thomas, could you provide evidence to back up that statement? I am no Epstein defender but that's a strong statement and I would be interested in your information to show that.
Whitemailer,not blackmailer😢😢
There's more names than 200. If the judge is gonna release it, tell them to release it all to the public.
You owe the United States, citizens and people around the world. You owe humanity this information.
Of this giant trafficking ring.
Trump's crimes have cost the DOJ $billions and billions. If they can squeeze fines and fees in filings and motions to delay then it's ok... As long as they release everything they have before the election.
Yes. Why are the names being protected? How many judges are on it? Any Supreme Court judges?
They owe you their slaves, nothing!
You owe it to the victims too let's not forget.
They act like it's none of our business
The sad part is all of the men and people protecting them on the list care nothing for the victims and their lives.
We need justice 😡
Justice is an illusion.
Pigs might fly
The victims need justice.
@@johndewey6358 True! .... BUT victims of WHOM ?
Blackmail is a major tool for political manipulation. Those useful influencers that are still 'useful' will never be exposed as long as they remain useful.
That’s exactly what the FBI is known for
Just how do you think Isreal came into existence?
I guess TD Jakes is no longer useful. Wonder when they will turn on Oprah?
Robert Maxwell definite Mossad. His daughter and Epstein obvious Israeli connections. Makes it an Israeli operation perhaps?@@Another-Moe
Why can’t they get all of the victims to tell all of the offenders that they seen!! There was 170 names now it’s only 150?? SICK COVER UP!
177, it's slowly being whittled down. The American government and judicial system is beyond corrupt.
Exactly They said nearly 200 names now it’s 150.
@@Metalholic7of8 the clients list is well over 1,000...but we will never see any of those names.
For the fear of the wealthy who abused them does further damage by them telling their truth. Can not image how some of the young women's lives have been since being tossed aside when they were finished with them.
I would have said f them and released all of their names I wouldn't play their games. Sick.
There is more than 300 names on that list and many paid millions to keep their name out of the media
I would have been more surprised if Bill Clinton’s name wasn’t on the list.
now they need to talk about trump using best bud epstein's intel to blackmail republicans.
And Trump
My father was named. I don't know if I should be star struck or humiliated, but I lost my job at the movie theatre because of all of this. Did you know you can Uber Eats popcorn from movie theaters? What a time we live in.
His involvement with Epstein was prior to Lewinsky. And there's no evidence, and no witnesses, who claimed that he taped minors.
Many people saw this list back 3 years ago. I’m not sure why seeing this list is a thing. Accountability is what I’m waiting on. Exposure…truth, and confessions.
Really!? If you hold your breath you will only die sooner!
Nothing new, they will not expose national leaders or politicians, unless they have a grudge against that particular Elite.
Just more theater. I posted the list to linked in 3 years back.
Just some more BS ratings must be low.
Many have seen it
She didn't offer the list because she didn't want to be found to have committed suicide in her cell.
“Epstein died by hanging” how did she say that without laughing?
I am curious to know if the girl who publicly ousted these nasty child predators is under any type of witness protection 😡
For what? Who's going to believe her? Where's the evidence? These are just accusations. This isn't news. Once the list is out you will see it's a nothing Burger
Last I knew, no. And she was getting threats to keep her mouth shut but wouldn't say anymore on that, like from who/where.
Is she a victim or and actress playing the part of a victim. Ya have to be very careful in what you are presented with by The Swamps Media.
@@mgass1354you're fabricating information. BS.
@@stankygeorgeShe had pictures of herself with the prince and others.
I'm sure it was meant to be nearly 180 names if only 150 are released it shows quite a few have paid to have their names removed. This was talked about last week for some reason 177 rings a bell so let's see how many names are left on the list. Personally I think all of the names should be released
They’re going to scrub the list before they release it 💯
@@dh1752 i hope it backfires. People are not stupid the fact that a number was stated for the total amount of people on the list so when they release it with a couple of dozen people missing we will want to know who..? Even more. And they will look even more guilty as they had got their names removed
Yeah the list is shrinking. For sure.
Maybe the names that have been removed were undercover sting operatives. Whistleblowers,etc. I saw a list a few years back. Yes big names. I remeber Jayz, Beyoncé, colbert. To name a few.
I saw a so called list on Tic tok, I saw Biden but not Trump, and there's Pic with them hanging out at the parties, so if you can have your name removed who's to say there not just added names just to Distract you from all the truth
If none of this happened, why is Maxwell in jail?
Everyone who did this abuse deserves prison. Prince andrews deserves prison, anyone who did any of this deserves prison. IT IS ABUSE. PRINCE ANDREW IS A BIG LIER.
My only question is: Where were these precious 15 year old girls parents or guardians? How do you have a 15 year old daughter and not know that she is jet setting across the globe with prominent wealthy men? What time of day or night does a teenage girl escape from home and her parents not know she is gone?
Wow. You people are sheltered.
Please pull your head from the sand.
It's the victims fault.
@@conjandysecurityNot at all. Valid question. It doesn't mean the victims are lying or that these crimes didn't take place. But one had to establish the OP's question as well if you want an airtight argument.
Shallow binary thinking like yours is not helpful.
It's a known fact.. Virginia's father used to drive her to JE,s house...
@@Iron-Bridge binary thinking? OP is insinuating that the girls involved wanted to be there. Did you not read that? The OP is implying actions like kidnapping and trafficking don't exist. The OP is defending child predators.
They were RUNAWAYS!! Duh
All of them need to be jailed
Jail for being on a list? 🤣😂
Lucky for you they don't jail folks for nutty RUclips comments.
@@bobblueford narcssist people like you are a dime a dozen.
You think your clever, yet not orginal in thought. You want to start conflict, you just dont realize that you will be the one who ends up mad, and very predictable.
People like you act and think in the same manner..full of stupidity
Thank you Ari Goldkind for correcting anyone who calls underage girls "women". I've even heard "minor women".
Wow !!! Someone knows what a Woman is? Outstanding.
@@glassontherocksA woman is a person that you think the state should have absolute control over.
So important to delete ...huh ? Move to Commiefornia. @PNomisnomis
1.8 billion people follow and believe a man who married a 6-year-old girl when he was in his fifties & consummated their marriage when she was 9 is the perfect man to emulate.
All these poor children. People like this don’t understand what hell is like.
Release them now. Why allow time for it to be disrupted?
They’re going to scrub the list before they release it 💯
@@dh1752yep. I am sure for the right price any powerful person can get their named erased. Sad.
Disruption is the point!
They need time to collect more money from those paying to keep their names quiet!
they are covering up and clipping all loose ends so that the names and the cover up is never ever exposed.
I would be in disbelief if the list is released complete and on time.
Even if it was I’m sure the DOJ, FBI will take the list and scratch of most of the names.
They will only realise the one's they want to chuck under the bus.
No Judge is going to release that full list. He would be killed
I can bet a billion dollars. There are a lot more names than two hundred that have been deleted
There could be four hundred names. But if it doesn’t include people of extreme power, it is rendered useless. It doesn’t matter about the B list. It’s all about who pulls the strings of the world.
The fact only a selective portion of the list is being released is quite troubling.
I heard cornpop is on the list. Cornpop was a bad dude.
@@ckobo84 I expect a whitewash.
right! a diversion from the heavy hitters
The list itself is rendered useless no matter who's on it. JE is gone. End of story.
Only the names they want us to see, most Elites will not be publicized.
All the names on that list need to be held accountable for what they have done to those young girls /children very DAMN disgusting, makes me sick 🤢 🤬🤬
And Im sure the lawsuit filed by a young girl against epstein and trump make you upset too, right?
It's not just young girls it's young boys tooa
Agree those people are evil and sadly right now they are not being held accountable for their crimes.
@@Athena_208 no telling how many kids died during this sick shit they was doing we as the people must rise .
One of those girls had the chance to get justice but chose to settle out of court. Not the first time she did what she did for the money.
No names will be revealed! Even if they do get revealed, they’ll claim ignorance.
Very interesting statement about why Maxwell is in jail. I guess it's true, if you sleep with dogs you get fleas.
It doesn't matter WHO is on the list.... NOBODY will get in trouble for being on the list...mark my words !!!!
maybe its just a public feel good list...and the case closed, we did our jobs and got paid a magic amount, now back to work, 'average joes and janes', what john biggie does do in their time is their business...try the same and see what happens?
@@s4lino Put down the crack pipe....
We can only hope.
We need names immediately, we’ve known for years about Clinton it’s the others we need to know
Let's just say that if they're a Democrat they're guilty because this is the type of world they want everyone to live in
Both Clintons are on the List
And also Prince Andrew was already known to be a pedo too
Well this guy was wrong, Trump and Dershowitz both most certainly were named
At this point, WHO can trust media or state powers like investigators an judges or anything else?? Greetings from Brazil.
Greetings from the us
Greetings Brazil, from America.
Good point, it wouldn't suprise me if the list was faked by the perpetrators, to rid themselves of competition.
They’re going to scrub the list before they release it 💯
@@dh1752 Well, if that happens, whomever frequented these "sleepovers" and is not on the list, become suspect (in my opinion).
Any journalists reading this ?....
Why isn't Giselle being made to testify under oath?!
Because she has already been convicted.
@@bobblueford So? She can still testify.
And she would be killed if ahe spilled the beans
Reality is to release the black book you need to be able to run. She's not running anywhere soon.
@@melissapatrone9155 Clintoncided!
I just don't get how a 15year old would fly around the country dining with grown men. I keep tabs of the whereabouts of my children maybe I'm just a strict parent for this day and age.
I heard some of the parents encouraged their children to participate, some kind of kickback.
Most people wouldn't; I wouldn't either and I wasn't a strict parent but there're still lines that shouldn't be crossed.
You are a good parent. Simple as that. ✅️
Thank you for protecting your girl. More parents should take a page out of your book, and pay attention to their children.
Great point ! Where were her parents in all of this ?
And not a damn one of these pedos will ever see a day behind bars, and none of the victims will ever see justice.
If Trump Was on that list, it would’ve been public immediately.
There's photos of him with him man. Everyone is in this list it seems. They are all corrupt on both sides.
As i remember on the first months of Trump mandate, more pedophiles were arrested and sentenced than Obama years.
It would of been public a few years ago if Trump were on it.
But he isn't tho is he?
Hes never been on it, this is yet another attempt to bring Trump down.
@@lancelotlink6545his name is not on the lists, but Bill Clinton’s name is on them many times.
Release the list why all this endless suspense. God when will this people answer for their alleged crime
I think they are trying to adjusting" that list...
NEVER,they have too much clout it would also destabilise what is perceived as polite society?!!!!!!
They are selling internet face time. All news today is geared to maximize exposure time even if it is not to be.
Here’s where IQ45 gets caught again by teenage victims and witnesses. Google: How many millions of dollars has IQ45 paid to teenage girls who he raped at JE house in NY? And the Criminal and Cheat strikes again.😮
And what'll be done about any of these names? NOTHING
Congress is for sale. On the take. BOTH PARTIES. This country's future is bleak.
Shame on you!.that will be the end!!!.
Nothing will be done by Republicans because Republicans never do anything except talk. However, Democrats will persecute any Republican who is on the list. It's all charades.
Deep down, we all know jeffrey did not commit suicide he knew too much and was made to disappear
Andrew can't remember that girl because he slept with so many women. She was a face in a very large crowd.
He denied the picture taken with Virginia, the minor girl he had sex with. He expects us to believe his lies like we're just a bunch of idiots.
We want and are warranted every name associated with him in any way. We know why they haven’t been released and that just makes it worse.
They’re going to scrub the list before they release it 💯
And probably add a few that weren’t even there 🤦🏽♂️
@@dh1752They’re even admitting it’s been scrubbed. Why? It shouldn’t be.
Many global political and religious leaders.
To be made public, to be made public, to be made public. Make them friggin public already.
They all are big boys, let them explain their doings.
They are all millionaires and big boys.
So they are picking who they want us to know about and who they will hide.
As always
People should be protecting children not these creeps...
It never happened in Rotherham, and other parts of England where Paki****** groups groomed them. Some even in their “foster homes”. Why would you think it doesn’t happen elsewhere. The thing here is they are getting higher prices from clients.
Any person that thinks they can defile a young person and get away with it better think again!
😂they do it every day
Willing participants
Why? They get away with it.
Wake up to yourself.
Go to any high school in your neighborhood.
I'll guarantee that more than 40% already have been, and yet you choose to ignore what is right under your very own nose, in favor of something that's sensationalised on social media.
Pull your head in. Quit venting like a keyboard warrior and ACTUALLY GO AND DO SOMETHING FOR ALL THE VICTIMS at your local school.
I bet you don't bother.
You act SO outraged. But you do eff all to fix the problem.
People like you ARE the problem.
The larger issue is the compromising and controlling of powerful people/elected officials through VIDEOTAPED illegal activity.
Every person involved with him needs to be investigated. Men and women in Hollywood went to his island. Well-known actresses and actors were involved but they will lie and get off. Stay on this case.
It’s been whittled quite well. It’s taken 2 years to figure out who can be on the list, who can’t, and who needs to disappear.
No wrong doing by Clinton???? So he went there over 50 times to just have tea and pancakes?
He did not have sex with that woman (women, girls)....
Pancakes are about as likely as Epstein offing himself.
HAS JEFFREY EPSTEIN & Maxwell ever been to Mara -Lago ?
@@SmackWaterMack001 Trump banned them from his properties many years ago. What prominent wealthy person hasn't visited one of Trump's many public properties?
@@SmackWaterMack001 27 times, on record.
This list is old. Revealed by a few top journalists when JE became infamous.
I bet they redact all the famous and powerful people from the list.
Make them all public or none public.
Except Trump because that's the latest game at play!
I would say Trump and Clinton are a given@@dentray
I kind of figured that it'll be 200 years before this mystery is solved
There's no mystery here!
Here's the question: Will we know who really killed JFK or will we know the pervs of Epstein Island first?
Too many famous and powerful people on that list. We all know that it wasn't a suicide.
Of course trump had to off him before he got to court.
@@brianmagee7712b.s. Clinton not Trump 👉🥴
Trump was potus and had the power @@mommamomma3607
How long have they been “teasing” the public with this? Why is this taking so long…too long. Where names on the list can be altered
No justice against the Elites and Oligarchs.
Bill is laughing because he knows he will always be protected
Not true! There is a judgment ahead!
@@KennyFisher-io4dmyeah so the girls that Clinton supposedly did this with would have to come forward. Just because they went to the island doesn't mean everyone did the same thing. Common sense seems to be in short supply these days. If you go to a party and there are drugs there, does that mean every single person did drugs? No it just means they were there, and some people did them and others didn't. Same thing with Epstein island. He was a very rich man, and had extravagant parties.
Why does prince Andrew’s get away with this his name should be on the list he should also be jailed a creep with children .. he should pay who can do this it please jail him
Jay Leno described situation with Jeffrey Epstein the best - he said: Jeffrey Epstein is similar to the Christmas decorations and a sheetrock - all three cannot get hung by themselves.
Robert Kraft met Jay Leno at MaraLardo. Elton John took the sauna with Rush Limbaugh. At MaraLardo. Dershowitz brings a miniature camera to blackmail everyone after he participated.
That actually happened, my neighbor was there. He told me that he had to rub sun tan lotion on Donald Trump back, and pull George Santos around in a red flyer wagon!
Obviously you have proof right ?
I mean otherwise it's fair game to tar your name on here right ?
And you have proof if this ?
If not you probably best deleting your comments 😉
Gosh you have Trump on your mind 24/7. Don't worry he will be your daddy soon enough
What about all the films that JE had on the so call clients? We will never know the truth. To many politicians and celebrities that have paid for this to be hushed.
I hope there is no way to prevent this list from going public
You never get the truth in the United States ever
You never get the truth in the world. 🌎
The thumbnail should be that painting of bill clinton in the blue dress on epstein Island
I met Andrew's ex employee in the mid 90s. He told me he wanted to commit suicide after what he'd done for Andrew and other royals. He said the children kept getting younger and younger.
The thing is its not all Royals or rich people Its your kids Teacher or your Friends husband and the list goes on!
@@dentray it's in every walk of life
Andrew says “I have no recollection…” which by his answer and look on his face he is GUILTY!
I'm willing to bet $100 that by Thursday there'll be an appeals court injunction preventing the release of the names until further notice.
A lot of the big names will be missing from the list because of being allowed to remove their name from it. Even if certain people say that nobody rushed forward to remove their name. The justice system failed by allowing such people to even have that opportunity in the first place.👀 Imo.
Well to be fair..... There were over 170 reported as little as 2 weeks ago and now it's saying 150... And why would they be given a chance to be removed from the list???
MONEY TALKS!@@Jizden_Mipanz
@@Jizden_Mipanz My point exactly.👍
They probably control them too.
I don't always kill myself but when I do I didn't ~ JE
The thing is 150 or 170 or 200 names on the list, but how many will face prosecution and goto prison?
How many that are rich, famous, politicians or powerful will lose the wealth to pay the victims and face life in prison?
How many are his staff that are complicit in what Epstein did that need to also be prosecuted.
The public and the victims want justice to be served.
None .because the criminals are above the law.release the names for the world to see.
I heard that it was 270 names. It kinda sounds like electoral votes. Lol
You will never see Giselle's "Black Book" because she knows she would have to "Commit Suicide " ALSO
You mean Ghislaine, right?
How are we to believe this list hasn’t been edited by now?
It has, people like the pope, presidents,world leaders. Only expose the opposition!
Probably cut down, so bigger targets don't be noticed
It has definitely been cut down. Money talks
Thousands of years later still waiting patiently for justice ⚖️ some people above law🤯
Bill Clinton: ""I never had relations with that woman!"
Why do these people have a Choice??? The evidence should prove some are absolutely guilty!! Period!! Names in a flight log or in a book make you look like a suspect! Videos of you having sex with a minor shows you are guilty! What’s going on here?
I more interested in the black books. The flight logs has been out there with Redacted. Only 200 in how many years. Private island with all services and another island attached to Jeffrey that no one is mentioning.
If you had all that ....what's next? Absolutely nothing! As a parent you should keep your eye on your 15 year old and make sure she's not being groomed for a designer bag.
@@Woodland-Gangsta absolutely!👍 Predators disguise their intentions it's like 2nd nature. Trust your gut and your ears and eyes.
Joe Biden's brother James Biden owns a property on Water Island, about 8 miles from Epstein's island. Biden himself has repeatedly vacationed on St. Croix island, about 30 miles from Epstein's island, several times while Vice-President.
The 'little black book' can be googled.
@@Woodland-Gangsta Or having sex with a 17 year old boyfriend?
Time for polygraph tests, let's see who's lying
The names should have been released immediately. The fact they haven't is suspicious
Yupt, they will only do an adjusted list to just shut people up n distract them
Pay offs are coming.
Our country has gone to hell in a hand basket & this soap opera is the least of our worries...
So who in this legal hierarchy is picking the few names to be made public out of the hundreds?
I’m sure enormous amounts of money will protect the rich & powerful.
2:50 except he didn't commit suicide he was murdered because he knew too much.