My injuries added up to 230% (100% max). Two years and three months in the VA. I'll never forget the doctors and nurses that put up with my sh*t. I was mad at the world. They got me through some dark times. Thanks for helping out my brothers and sisters that served and sacrificed. Cheers.
@@armybeef68 Sadly I'm not surprised. There are good VA facilities and there are bad. Castle Point VA in New York was awesome. The VA in my hometown of Tampa, the James Haley VA was horrible. I had to fight (and won) for access to a phone, internet, and shutting our TV off at midnight. I'm a grown ass man. I'll go to bed when I want to! Ha! Sorry they treated you badly. Thanks for your service and sacrifice. Cheers.
To be honest, the VA screwed me around from almost 20 years... and at this point in my life after 9 years Army/Vietnam 101st Airborne ... I no longer care. Every night before I go to bed I pray God will take me. This isn't life, it's walking death. I moved to Australia in 1979 to become a teacher ... I had to spend thousands on my health care as the public hospitals were hit with COVID and I had to use a private Cancer clinic... after 3 years I still haven't had any response from the VA.... Least We Forget! over 30,000 Veterans live here... seems they forgot!
I waded through the forms and scheduling Dr. and CP appointments for my husband to apply for his disability . He received 100% and the other benefits. I have to state that once he was rated, the VA staff including the support staff have bent over backwards to help him. Everyone I have encountered has demonstrated they care and take pride in supporting veterans in need. I am sorry that others have not had this same experience
Hello, I recently went from 70% to 100% and I was told that the VA did not do such a thing. I was told that by a Veteran rep and the VA person I was seen by regarding my claim for increase. I was blown away! It just goes to show that not everything that you are told turns out to be so. I encourage other Vets to file for any claim they feel that they may be granted, you just never know. Thank you folks for the video and for the great advice and info that you give to us Vets. You are appreciated. Peace.
The VA is known to do that if you don’t get your hundred percent that means they get extra money they all get bonuses for telling vets you can’t get it they’re notorious for it and any of you black veterans out there. The VA is being sued for discrimination I Yale university is so in the VA. you can’t get it they’re notorious for it and any of you black veterans out there. The VA is being sued for discrimination against black veterans Yale University one of the colleges are doing it
My best connection to the VA is. my county Veterans Service Officer.They are up to date on all matters and have direct access to the VA and with permission they have access to our medical records.
Me too took 20 years the first time was 2003 0%,2017 70% and 2023 100% but I got it in the end by myself. Cuz I never met anyone from the DAV who sent me letters saying they were representing me
Wow, I hate to hear that you had such a hard time. I'm happy that you were able to 'drive on' and overcome! It's a battle, is it not? Anyway, I'm wondering if you contacted the DAV to represent you as you must contact them and have them be your P.O.A. for the filing purposes. I was blessed to work with Vets that were Service connected and they gave me so much great advice. I used the DAV three times and each time they did a great job for me. I understand that every situation is different but they were a God send for me! Anyway, congrats on getting the 100% that you earned and best wishes. Rock on!@@knowledgepower3558
@@knowledgepower3558 I hired a law firm (not the one above but equal) after almost 15 years of trial and error getting 100%. The law firm (Iowa) got it for me in 18 months.
If you're 100%, like me, then you're eligible for a military ID that will get you onto any and all US military bases and all Exchanges and Commissaries. You can shop at ALL of them.
This is the most beneficial video I've seen, you ladies have put it into understandable context and it is very well done! Thank you for ALL that you're doing to help Veterans! (3:26pm)
After 29 plus years of DAV help, I signed on with Hill and Ponton. And three years later I received 34 years of retroactive pay at the 100% rate. And although the DAV was great, sometimes the added incentive generated by a for-profit Law Firm is needed.
In Texas, I was told, the last time I got my id card, that any veteran with an honorable discharge can get an id card for on-post privileges (commissary, px, recreational facilities) now.
That’s partially true. DoD recently opened up access to exchanges and commissaries for any DISABLED veterans with honorable discharges. The disabilities must be service-connected. I’d recommend getting the VA ID card with the words “SERVICE CONNECTED” shown on the front.
I live in Virginia, the VA rated me 100%. This is what I got from the state: property tax (house) = 100% tax free. Prorated from the point where I earned the 100% to the present. Car tax was also 100% but was not prorated only from the point of filing.
NC sucks. Just get a small amount off property tax (First 40k tax free, I believe), and no vehicle tax benefits. You would think a state with Ft. Bragg would be more vet friendly.
@@markleuchte1780$40k is a small amount of property tax? What's your total property bill and property value? Utah property tax exemption is capped but the cap is high enough that our residence and vehicles don't even come close.
@@JKRBW $40K off assessed value, essentially saves me $380. House valued $280K for tax purposes, $435K on Zillow. So they only taxed me for $240K. I live in an old farmhouse and own 30 acres of land so not sure how that plays into how they assess the tax value. I just know that my tax went down $380 this time, $2750 to $2350 after I had my 100% VA form approved by the city. And unfortunately, zero help on vehicle tax here.
Am 80/20 an unemployable all everything inclusive however it took 10 years of being homeless to finally to get a thorough diagnosis an a advocate the best thing to do is don’t give up and use DAV as your advocate!! They also helped me with my SSI !! Everything I have is based on 100% disability but am far from unable!!
you forgot to mention you can get your Service-Disabled Veterans Life Insurance premiums waved. I think they changed it to VALife now. you get dental and vision visits every year at the VA hospital which includes frames of choice. a Veterans Pension is available for P&T. there's a few others like Chapter 31 and 35 for dependents.
Good short and brief intro! Great job. fyi: The ambiguous Disabled Veteran lic plate qualification requirements in California have me flustered. Read them. You'll see what I mean. My doctor read them and signed the form because he didn't misunderstand the written requirements and I met them, but then the DMV and the CALVET VSO says I don't meet the requirements because I don't have 100% VA rated disability. But the form and the vehicle code wording says it's "any" of the below listed requirements, not all, and doesn't say 100% VA rated disability is required. Any idea why they don't correct their forms to avoid this conflict of opinion?
I have a similar issue with Colorado but it's regarding Property Tax exemption: CO seems to be the ONLY state that "discriminates" (don't know what else to call it) against/between the 2 categories of veterans rated 100%. Meaning, it DOES allow a partial property tax exemption for 100% Schedular vets, but not "100%" TDIU vets, even if they are (and have been for years) also rated Permanently and Totally (P&T) disabled. Don't know why CO is so "stingy/cheap" re: its max-rated disabled veteran population, as even 100% Schedular vets don't get a full 100% property tax exemption (like they do in many other states, like in TX for one example), just a 50% tax exemption on the first $200K value of their property. And since properties are EXPENSIVE in CO -- especially NOW given the housing market insanity -- that's not really a whole lot of exemption $$-wise when the average house approaches $500K. Yes, I'm thankful those vets get THAT at least, but IMO, CO could do BETTER and be like other states that give a full 100% tax exemption to 100% rated disabled vets. Even though the VA itself sees the 2 categories as identical pay-wise -- and both being 100% disabled -- CO gives a tax break to 100% Schedular vets only, and only a partial "token" (IMO) break at that. There IS a ballot coming up in the CO State Legislature coming up for a vote in November 2024 (introduced by 2 Democrat legislators, not Republican -- not sure why GOP legislators didn't do this themselves) to allow TDIU/P&T vets to get the same (even if only partial) tax exemption, so I hope it passes. However, at least 2 earlier attempts to extend CO state benefits to any other group BUY 100% Schedular veterans have failed. I don't know why CO treats its own disabled vets poorly in that regard (not even a 100% exemption for 100% Schedular vets) but it does. CO makes WAY more money nowadays on marijuana industry taxes and there can't be THAT many TDIU vets to spend SOME of that extra money on. In fairness to CO, I should add that disabled vets there (IIRC, rated 50% or higher) DO get a break on the "Personal Property Tax" (aka: Vehicle Ownership tax) -- which could be huge depending on the cost of the vehicle -- so THAT is a break I'm thankful's just that given HOUSING is getting WAY more expensive in CO -- and consequently, property taxes going only UP now -- it WOULD be nice to get a break on that tax as well...especially for "retired" vets living only on VA Disability and a modest (meaning WAY below national average) SS check as their only 2 incomes. -- BR
@@billredding2000 The VSO's lobby the legislators for some of these benefits. The legislators value our votes and do what they think will help them stay in office. In CA, the governor signed a bill giving disabled lic plate qualification authority to the VSO called, CALVET to expedite and ease the process, but it has done the opposite and caused a divisive "us vs them" disposition. I looked into how other states handle this issue, and you're right, Texas seems like the best State for Veterans.
@@shepatown least Property Tax-wise. And unlike CO, there's no Personal Property/Vehicle Ownership Tax in TX, and THAT helps a lot also. But I miss CO weather-wise (for one thing) -- it's about 30 degrees cooler there in Colorado Springs now than here in West TX that's seen 108F so far! And at night, it MAY "cool down" to 90-92. Doesn't bother me THAT much -- "it's a dry heat" as they say -- but definitely beats 85F/high humidity in Galveston TX, where I've also lived. Still, I PREFER it being a just a tad cooler outside, day AND night! Like Colorado Summers, thank you. ;-) -- BR
@@sunnyandbreezy Who knows home many TDIU vets there are (would be interesting to run the numbers/costs) but as you said TDIU-rated vets are limited to what "extra" money they can make (up to poverty level income monthly or ?-number of $$ in a "protected environment"), so THEY need the property tax break more than the 100% Schedular vets do -- who can make as much extra $$ they want. And as I mentioned, CO is the ONLY state (TMK) that discriminates between 100 Schedular & 100% TDIU/P&T. So yeah, it's ridiculous. And "discriminatory." But really, money-wise (meaning the state losing income) CO isn't even giving their "real 100% vets" that much of a tax it's hard to imagine CO is losing THAT much money, and is so much poorer than the 49 other states it has to be so "frugal." -- BR
100% disabled vet here in Florida. Not sure which other state does but here my kids are eligible for a full scholarship to any public college or university in the state. We also get 0 property tax.
Make an appointment at your closed DEERS rapid ID card. You will need to print out your commissary letter from ebenefits. You will need to bring two forms of ID and your honorable DD214.
@@kayp4601 I could never find my commissary letter at benefits... I called the VA and had the letter emailed to me, or have the letter faxed to the ID place
I went to my local federal building but I had to go online only for an appointment tho. So you might want to start googling your local government agency
I want to make sure that veterans at 100% due to non employment are also available. I have additional issues that would easily put me at the 100%. I need to look into this. I live in Colorado Springs and wondering if I need to go to Denver to get this updated. If anyone knows please comment. Thanks!!
@randy7037 Military Transport Aircraft. Anywhere in the world with a passport. But. Make sure that the aircraft you choose has a return flight. For example. A friend of mine told me they have a scheduled hop that leaves New Jersey , goes to Spain , Germany, Italy and then back to New Jersey . The aircraft is never full so there is little chance you could get bumped off the plane. However.....if you do get bumped. Just wait for the next plane. Getting bumped means a higher rank has PRIORITY. Hope this answers your questions. There is a book with military hops. Where they leave from and where they go. 😊
I have early onset neuropathy in both feet and calves, type 2 diabetes, just diagnosed with Parkinson’s, also sleep apnea. Tinnitus both ears. I am a Ft McClellan veteran, blood poisoning, there’s more but I won’t go into all of that here. I was there 1977 last of the non OSUT troops. It’s been 4+ years I got 10% for plantar fasciitis that’s it. My DAV officer said we were drinking 111 triclorathane from the ammunition plant north of the base.
Apply again using VA Form, 21-0995, supplemental. Some of your conditions fall under the PACT Act. Hurry and file before 8/9/2023. If not ready to defile yet, at least submit an intent to file in order to hold your effective date.
Got a 100% rating under the PACT Act due to prostate cancer. Yet I did not get a permanent rating. I have no prostate + side effects sounds pretty permanent to me!
Around 2009 I was rated 100%. I have gotten great care from the VA. I'm currently having issues with low back, left hip and leg with pain all the time with it worse some times than others. I can hardly walk anymore. Right now I'm stuck between Orthopedics, my primary care doctor who doesn't agree with referring me to a Nero Surgeon to further exam pain in lower back. I do have MRI test scheduled. I have been in pain since end of March 2023. Have done pain clinics and therapy. Feel like I'm getting worse instead of better and nothing is being done right now. Naproxen, Ibuprofen do little and pain cream for the areas of pain. Would I be able to go to the local Emergency Room if the pain is unbearable? We also live one hour from the nearest VA Hospital.
Your symptoms and mine almost mirror each other.Unfortunately we’re at the mercy of C and P “doctors” that may or may not have our best interests.Evidently the VA must have the same protocol for our symptoms.Your description of pain pills and creams and MRI is identical to what I’m going through.I’m going through another C and P in a week to hopefully get to 100%.Good luck to you and hope you have a better new year!
If the VA is to far away or not open you can go to any ER. the catch is you have to let the VA know you used a off site ER. I believe the time frame is 48 hours after ER visit for contacting the VA.
@@lisaripple5963 I finally got help. Given a medication I can take everyday. It has gotten to where does less. I am scheduled for hip surgery. A bit stressed but with daily pain. Days that are unbearable having the surgery will eliminate the bone to bone hip pain. Good people at the VA I go to.
I am 100%. Where do I go for my military IDENTIFICATION? Is this card different from my current VA card which states “Service connected “? Thank you ladies🇺🇸
Hello! A Military ID card, issued by the Department of Defense, grants access to military installations, commissaries, and on-base services. A VA card, issued by the Department of Veterans Affairs, is used specifically for accessing VA healthcare and benefits. To obtain a military ID card, locate a RAPIDS site using the RAPIDS Appointment Scheduler to find the nearest location. It is highly recommended to schedule an appointment to avoid long wait times. Be sure to bring the necessary documentation, such as proof of identity, Social Security Number, and any other relevant documents specific to your situation. Have a great day!
Well they just changed the CHAMP-VA.. I am 100% T&P and had my kids on Champ, but they dropped them because they are elidable for Tricare, even if I did not have them on Tricare. Am I forced to get Tricare now? Everyone pretty much qualifies for tricare. Now I have to pay for them to have insurance when I thought I had that benefit., They sent me a letter dated Sep 2024.
There's a 90 mandated window to see a VA Doc. If the 90 days is exceeded, talk to the VA Community Care folks to get a referral to a private MD. There's an 800 number for VACCN but I don't know it off hand.
I am rated at 80% but being paid at 100% do total disability. All my service-connected injuries add up to more but thisd is what they gave me. How does this help me ? State, New York Fought 9 years to get this rating !
Yes I’m near the Great Lakes naval base. I’ve been wanting to visit the exchange and I should look into this. Who would I ask on base to get more information?
My son is a disabled adult child..His father is 100% disabled and on SSD..I submitted an apportionment and hapless child claim.The veteran was in arrears and not paying,The VA paid the veteran the helpless child benefit.( despite me informing) the veteran had NO contact..He received a lump sum for 13 months and an additional 20 months. He was being paid $5800:a month. All the time I supported our son.. All my claims were denied despite him not paying child support and arrears. Hen has put me In financial ruins,.
VA has to pay the Vet by law however you can go through your state child support office and make a request for payment increase based on his back pay. You have to get it through the child support office.
Hi! VA should automatically give you Special Monthly Compensation if you qualify for it. You do not have to apply. If, however, you believe you qualify for SMC but are not receiving it, you can call your VA regional office or contact an attorney. Check out our blog about special monthly compensation here: Have a great day!
Couldn't get to use a VA Home Loan in the territory of California! I'm living in a 1 BR thankfully and grateful for a roof over my head. However, for over several years, no one wanted to help, screwed me over on loans (40 point FICO drop as a result) and the tax exemption is way too insignificant given the high costs of assessing a property! It just seems to be a lost cause!
@@kayp4601 But NOT if you're TDIU. I got that rating even though I told the Vet attorney I didn't want TDIU but he made more money doing it, and now I'm stuck with its ($64600 a month ain't bad) but I'd make more if I could work. Oh well.
I sure hope that someday, the quality of VA Healthcare is increased multifold by creating higher patient care standards and treatment standards at each and every VA Healthcare Facility. Only an aware and focused US Congress can make this happen.
I have question. I was denied have my sleep apnea secondary to PTSD, which is 60%. I have a combined rating at 80%. So need some help finding out info for that. I also have tennius and some hearing loss. thank you.
@@Hippie-i8g If they take your case, there is a percentage of your award that will be deducted from that award, up to 40% in some cases. BUT....considering it's a lifetime award, ...You get what you pay for, IMHO.
I have a question I take care of a he’s listed as catastrophic disabled Vet the VA keeps denying him physical therapy. He wants to move around but the VA will give him therapy. Why is it? He’s listed at 100% but his total rating is 395%.
If you are a listed caretaker at the VA for this individual there are patient advocates that help if not contact Senator or Congressman office they will get answers quickly
I’m 90%, four years ago (November 2019) I filed an appeal because the VA denied my sleep apnea claim and stated my degenerative disc condition was showing signs of improvement. I also filed an appeal because my TDIU was denied. Two years later (February 2021) an administrative judge approved my TDIU and stated my conditions were Permanent and Total. This month I received notification from the VA stating I have a videoconference hearing with a veterans law judge on August 7, 2023 in reference to the appeal I filed November 2019 (sleep apnea and degenerative disc). My question that nobody can answer is, do I need to attend the videoconference/can they reduce my rating since I’m currently 90%, TDIU and P&T? Thank you.
@@johncalderara9188 I attended the video conference. Found out the VA reduced the rating on my back because I had knee surgery a week and a half before my last C&P exam (2019) and because they couldn’t complete an exam of my left knee, they determined the degenerative disc condition in my back was showing signs of improvement. The judge seemed extremely confused, having to read the statement several times as if she was trying to wrap her head around their reasoning. She also didn’t understand why I was originally only rated at 40% when I was receiving Social Security disability because of my back condition. I thought this conference would only last a half hour at best, it lasted over two hours because she was having problems understanding the VAs reasoning for some of their decisions.
Ones I would still do the conference calls V.E.S schedules, even if you have a solid medical evidence,V.A still needs their own doctors stay active with VA good luck to your brother.
@@shawncoon5283 ...."she was having problems understanding the VAs reasoning for some of their decisions."!! As do we all! Attend all those conferences. If you don't show, it's a default judgement for the VA'.
One Million Dollar Question for you. Can a Vet Rated at 100% P&T with SMC L1/2 with Aid & Attendance still work from home on the phone selling life insurance, granted conditions fluctuate from day to day but can a Veteran work under this rating (Part Time) under these circumstances without loosing his current pay status? As stated there is no way I can work efficiently on a regular basis but writing a few policies a month considered gameful employment? Were can I find the VA rules on this specific circumstance. Thank You
Hi. Can i ask a question? I care 24/7 for my diaabled partner since January 2020 and my partner receives PIP since January 2020. We are both in Universal Credit. I never claimed for Carer'w Allowance due to not knowing about this Benefit. I recently found out and applied. My question is: Can Carer's Allowance be backdated to the day i started her care, January 2020 ? Thank you!
I did. I developed severe lung condition went on oxygen and had a lung collapse I was 100%TP T&P they came back with another 100% T&P plus made me homebound which added additional money plus benefits.
Yes! Even if you are 100% and Unemployable you still want to apply for any additional disabilities or increases. It’s important because when you die your dependents can still receive benefits IF you died from any of your sc disabilities.
I'm at 100% but am not eligible for Champ as I am not 100% and permanent. I believe that veterans that are at 100%, but not permanent, make up the majority of veterans that are at 100% disability.
If you are not P&T but at 100% usually you have a future exame scheduled. It may even be in 2-3 years. Call the VA and ask questions. You can also be re examined for P&T. ALWAYS advocate for yourself and do not wait around for the VA to call you!
@@andrewd2554 I have had exams approximately every 8 months or so since the year I was awarded 100%. I'm 83 years old and my condition is not getting worse nor is it getting better either. I would think at 83 the VA would make me P & T. Jeez.
My husband who was a Vietnam Veteran died last October and was rated 100% service connected on the day he died. They’ve denied me CHAMPVA. I also feel he should be rated total and permanent rather than 100%. How do I go about appealing the rating, and my being denied CHAMPVA? Any information you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
CHAMPVA is a completely separate program with a totally different beneficiary population than TRICARE. While the benefits are similar, the programs are administered separately with differences in claim filing procedures and preauthorization requirements. This program provides coverage to the spouse or widow and to the children of veterans who: - Are rated permanently and totally disabled due to a service-connected condition; or - Were rated permanently and totally disabled due to a service-connected condition at the time of death; or - Died of a service-connected condition; or - Died on active duty and the dependents are not otherwise eligible for DoD’s TRICARE benefits. *Check out our blog on CHAMPVA here:* Have a great day!
I am 60% disabled according to them. But I've been having knee problems for about 6 months now. I've been having long-term problems even with hip. And it is difficult for me to work under my circumstances. Because I had surgery done. I don't think the VA understands the long-term. Because I'm gonna have knee problems for the rest of my life. And it's already difficult as it is because they also said. My daughter, which is a newborn, is not covered until I hit a 100%. I just got out this year and I am struggling. I just need some clarification
Make an appointment at your local VA office to talk to a benefits claims agent. The benefits side not the hospital side. They will help you file for an increase.
Hi.. I am intested in finding someone to help me get an increase from 60% to 100%. Problem is I live full time in Thailand and there isn't anyone to talk to. One guy here my age keeps telling me to seek help. He is 100% and in much better shape than me... Anyway. I am 72 now, I'm not as smart as I used to be, so I'll admit, I could use someone who knows the way around the VA.
Saw CCK advertisement, contacted them and they refused to represent me concerning my VA claims/appeals. When I asked why they would not represent me, no reason was provided other than I was denied representation. I will not be recommending them to anyone. I contacted Wood & Wood with the same information concerning my VA claims/appeals and they said they would like to represent me. By then, I had already contacted the DAV (Disabled American Veterans) organization and they filed appeals with VA on my behalf. So I turned down Wood & Wood's representation. The irony is the DAV representative I spoke with stated they worked with CCK on some of their VA cases. I explained to the DAV representive my experience with CCK and that I wouldn't utilize them nor be recommending them to anyone.
I used the DAV and they helped me. Plus, using DAV, they don't take ANY of your monthly allotments like these law firms will. DAV is a free service organization to us.
Age of children ? Do you have birth certificates? You’re missing something here. Are you total permanent? I think you have to have a total permanent rating on top of 100%
If you are 100% disabled why would you need to show your VA disability card for the commissary or PX- the veteran would have a DoD ID card or CAC to enter an installation, correct?
Thanks a lot! I was wondering where this "free" registration could be. I'm here in CA San Diego with a 100%, and this special state doesn't show up too much appreciation for military like TX or MD. Is it hard to see these privileges here.
You can go to the local VA Hospital to get that one, also if you close to a Military base you can get one that similar to a retirement card commissary stores.
Any rating disabled veteran can present their va health card to gain access to px/commissary and morale welfare and recreation services. That is not a benefit just for 100% veterans, however 100% p&t can present their rating letter to the military base deers office and be issued a military CAC card for the veteran and their dependants that authorizes these benefits and a few more that you can use it for that just the veteran health ID
I am currently rated at 70%. I have pondered requesting an increase in benefits and fear the results may end up at 100%. I am told at 100% I would not be allowed to be employed and if that is true I would not be able to survive with my current bills [high mortgage is the main reason]. Also, I have not seen a doctor in years because it takes at minimum a three-month wait for an appointment which never seems to work out for me [I do have an appointment now 11-2-2023]. To be honest I do not believe in the Veterans Administration. I have not received good care from them. As a cardiac patient I have not seen a cardiologist in over ten years they don't seem to care and schedule this, and there are other areas that go neglected. I guess it works out for some and others not so well. Also, my teeth are terrible but I do not qualify for dental and cannot afford dental.
@@High1ightreel3 Yup, the only way one cannot work with 100% is if TDIU.,as the VA looks at tax returns now to see if work income is listed. I know from experience. I moved to a cheaper state (got out of CAliforniaca ) and it helped.
I'm 100% I got my rating a year ago. I'd just like to figure out how to get the VA to pay me my 16mo. worth of backpay they owe me from when I submitted my intent to file.
My husband is 78 yo... He was drafted at 24 yo into Vietnam war. He's 80 present....he can barely walk. Within this year, he had a cancerous tumor on kidney, which was partially removed... Richard has had 7 so called mini strokes...his mental and physical abilities are declining. His pride tells his VA doc lies...he doesn't bathe, he can't drive, relearning how to write his name...I'm his wife and's too much work for me to get him to bathe. I take care of his nails, feet and hands. There's so much going on here..I'm exhausted as his is wife and caregiver... I need help
100 % combat wounded Vietnam veteran. I have to. beg for a real fricken.dr. at pittsburg. Pa. V a .and don't waste my time.with patient advocates. Who represents the Dr. NOT me.
My husband speaks: I am 89 years old. Drafted into the army between the Korean viet nam wars. I lost my career from being drafted 8 months after graduating from Ohio University and 1 month after being married. Also lost my marriage and 2 children. It took me 20 years to recover and get back into the art career I dreamed of doing all the years of my youth. I have not been eligible for any benefits from VA. I have my own health insurance. I spent over a year in Korea. It was by far the most miserable area in the world 1959 , 1961. Most of my life has been ruined.I guess it is OK that Trump says we are all suckers and losers.
My injuries added up to 230% (100% max). Two years and three months in the VA. I'll never forget the doctors and nurses that put up with my sh*t. I was mad at the world. They got me through some dark times. Thanks for helping out my brothers and sisters that served and sacrificed. Cheers.
@@armybeef68 Sadly I'm not surprised. There are good VA facilities and there are bad. Castle Point VA in New York was awesome. The VA in my hometown of Tampa, the James Haley VA was horrible. I had to fight (and won) for access to a phone, internet, and shutting our TV off at midnight. I'm a grown ass man. I'll go to bed when I want to! Ha! Sorry they treated you badly. Thanks for your service and sacrifice. Cheers.
To be honest, the VA screwed me around from almost 20 years... and at this point in my life after 9 years Army/Vietnam 101st Airborne ... I no longer care.
Every night before I go to bed I pray God will take me. This isn't life, it's walking death. I moved to Australia in 1979 to become a teacher ... I had to spend thousands on my health care as the public hospitals were hit with COVID and I had to use a private Cancer clinic... after 3 years I still haven't had any response from the VA.... Least We Forget! over 30,000 Veterans live here... seems they forgot!
I waded through the forms and scheduling Dr. and CP appointments for my husband to apply for his disability . He received 100% and the other benefits. I have to state that once he was rated, the VA staff including the support staff have bent over backwards to help him. Everyone I have encountered has demonstrated they care and take pride in supporting veterans in need. I am sorry that others have not had this same experience
Are you still in Australia?
Thank you ladies. I never knew that the spouse of a 100% disabled veteran had any benefits at all. You are much appreciated.
Thank you for putting it in simple terms & helping veterans.
We’re proud to empower Veterans with information to help their VA claims. Thanks for tuning in!
Hello, I recently went from 70% to 100% and I was told that the VA did not do such a thing. I was told that by a Veteran rep and the VA person I was seen by regarding my claim for increase. I was blown away! It just goes to show that not everything that you are told turns out to be so. I encourage other Vets to file for any claim they feel that they may be granted, you just never know. Thank you folks for the video and for the great advice and info that you give to us Vets. You are appreciated. Peace.
The VA is known to do that if you don’t get your hundred percent that means they get extra money they all get bonuses for telling vets you can’t get it they’re notorious for it and any of you black veterans out there. The VA is being sued for discrimination I Yale university is so in the VA. you can’t get it they’re notorious for it and any of you black veterans out there. The VA is being sued for discrimination against black veterans Yale University one of the colleges are doing it
My best connection to the VA is. my county Veterans Service Officer.They are up to date on all matters and have direct access to the VA and with permission they have access to our medical records.
Me too took 20 years the first time was 2003 0%,2017 70% and 2023 100% but I got it in the end by myself. Cuz I never met anyone from the DAV who sent me letters saying they were representing me
Wow, I hate to hear that you had such a hard time. I'm happy that you were able to 'drive on' and overcome! It's a battle, is it not? Anyway, I'm wondering if you contacted the DAV to represent you as you must contact them and have them be your P.O.A. for the filing purposes. I was blessed to work with Vets that were Service connected and they gave me so much great advice. I used the DAV three times and each time they did a great job for me. I understand that every situation is different but they were a God send for me! Anyway, congrats on getting the 100% that you earned and best wishes. Rock on!@@knowledgepower3558
@@knowledgepower3558 I hired a law firm (not the one above but equal) after almost 15 years of trial and error getting 100%. The law firm (Iowa) got it for me in 18 months.
Thank you for supporting all veterans
If you're 100%, like me, then you're eligible for a military ID that will get you onto any and all US military bases and all Exchanges and Commissaries. You can shop at ALL of them.
Don't forget the hotels
@@donvaughn5ify: Which hotels offer this ?
@@christinerostrata7460 on base if you ever go to San Diego try to stay at Coronado it's on the beach just lovely
Is there a base right on the beach?
Wow, if so I would love to visit.
@@1a2b3c4. Nas it doesn't get better than that right on the beach kind of hard to book sells out fast
Well organized educational video thank you ladies well done.
Thanks for tuning in! Your feedback is very much appreciated!
Do veterans from Puerto Rico has any chance for a disability orientation through you ladies?
This is the most beneficial video I've seen, you ladies have put it into understandable context and it is very well done! Thank you for ALL that you're doing to help Veterans!
Thank you for tuning in! We’re glad that we’re able provide information that can help our Veterans.
Your web site helped me navigate the va system and made filing my claims much much easier. Within a year I went from 0 to 100 p&t
Hi! Thanks for your kind words! We’re glad that we’re able provide information that can help our Veterans. Have a great day!
Mine took 11 months 😂😂😂
I tell Vets all the time to use you since you got my 100% rating. I think you did a great job with my case and want to help other vets.
After 29 plus years of DAV help, I signed on with Hill and Ponton. And three years later I received 34 years of retroactive pay at the 100% rate. And although the DAV was great, sometimes the added incentive generated by a for-profit Law Firm is needed.
Never went to the DAV other veterans told me they are terrible. CCK got me to 100% P&T with 7 year kickback. They are great!
Thank you for sharing this. I am 100% service connected.
In Texas, I was told, the last time I got my id card, that any veteran with an honorable discharge can get an id card for on-post privileges (commissary, px, recreational facilities) now.
Correct on ebenifits you can print a letter out go to front gate get a te.l pass for base then go to id center to get kne
That’s partially true. DoD recently opened up access to exchanges and commissaries for any DISABLED veterans with honorable discharges. The disabilities must be service-connected. I’d recommend getting the VA ID card with the words “SERVICE CONNECTED” shown on the front.
That is correct. I had an id card that can get me into those places way before I was 100%
You have to have "Service Connected" on your ID card or you wont be using those services.
In Oklahoma, we also get lifetime hunting & fishing licenses.
you also don't have to pay sales tax on vehicles, groceries, or anything else you buy at the store.
@@dave042222 Nice right! The big one for me is the real estate taxes.
Louisiana same applies beginning at 50%. Thanks for sharing this as it’s an incredible piece of mind for all DAs!
I live in Virginia, the VA rated me 100%. This is what I got from the state: property tax (house) = 100% tax free. Prorated from the point where I earned the 100% to the present. Car tax was also 100% but was not prorated only from the point of filing.
Add Texas to that list. Very vet friendly. I had to move outta state to get my 100%. But worth it.
NC sucks. Just get a small amount off property tax (First 40k tax free, I believe), and no vehicle tax benefits. You would think a state with Ft. Bragg would be more vet friendly.
@@markleuchte1780$40k is a small amount of property tax? What's your total property bill and property value?
Utah property tax exemption is capped but the cap is high enough that our residence and vehicles don't even come close.
What is car tax???? I’m permanently 100% VA disabled; I just purchased two new cars… please help me with this one! Ret USAF
@@JKRBW $40K off assessed value, essentially saves me $380. House valued $280K for tax purposes, $435K on Zillow. So they only taxed me for $240K. I live in an old farmhouse and own 30 acres of land so not sure how that plays into how they assess the tax value. I just know that my tax went down $380 this time, $2750 to $2350 after I had my 100% VA form approved by the city. And unfortunately, zero help on vehicle tax here.
Thanks very much for the information. I will definitely look into this. 🇺🇸
Thanks for tuning in! We're always delighted to help our veterans!
Thank you so much for updating us and sharing. May God bless you and your family eternally amen.
Hello! We appreciate your message, thank you for watching with us. We hope the information is helpful! Have a great day
Am 80/20 an unemployable all everything inclusive however it took 10 years of being homeless to finally to get a thorough diagnosis an a advocate the best thing to do is don’t give up and use DAV as your advocate!! They also helped me with my SSI !! Everything I have is based on 100% disability but am far from unable!!
Who was your advocate
@@veliamercado188 DAV
Sorry you had to homeless that long 😞
Thank you for the valuable information
Thank you
for your service.
Very Helpful. CHAMPVA is not well understood by veterans in general. Confusion about being required to use care in a VA facility.
you forgot to mention you can get your Service-Disabled Veterans Life Insurance premiums waved. I think they changed it to VALife now. you get dental and vision visits every year at the VA hospital which includes frames of choice. a Veterans Pension is available for P&T. there's a few others like Chapter 31 and 35 for dependents.
Hello, where can I learn/read up on this? Service-Disabled Veterans Life Insurance premiums waved. Is this insurance through the VA? Thanks Danny
They discontinued it and now have VALife, and does not offer it free to anyone.
Thank you for the information
Thank you so much
And Space A, I think it is called, flying on military hops within the continental US.
Cant go overseas?
@@MBeist-vi7hoyes. With passport.
You don't need to be 100% to be eligible to use military flights.
Great info .
Good short and brief intro! Great job.
fyi: The ambiguous Disabled Veteran lic plate qualification requirements in California have me flustered. Read them. You'll see what I mean. My doctor read them and signed the form because he didn't misunderstand the written requirements and I met them, but then the DMV and the CALVET
VSO says I don't meet the requirements because I don't have 100% VA rated disability. But the form and the vehicle code wording says it's "any" of the
below listed requirements, not all, and doesn't say 100% VA rated disability is required. Any idea why they don't correct their forms to avoid this conflict of opinion?
I have a similar issue with Colorado but it's regarding Property Tax exemption: CO seems to be the ONLY state that "discriminates" (don't know what else to call it) against/between the 2 categories of veterans rated 100%. Meaning, it DOES allow a partial property tax exemption for 100% Schedular vets, but not "100%" TDIU vets, even if they are (and have been for years) also rated Permanently and Totally (P&T) disabled. Don't know why CO is so "stingy/cheap" re: its max-rated disabled veteran population, as even 100% Schedular vets don't get a full 100% property tax exemption (like they do in many other states, like in TX for one example), just a 50% tax exemption on the first $200K value of their property. And since properties are EXPENSIVE in CO -- especially NOW given the housing market insanity -- that's not really a whole lot of exemption $$-wise when the average house approaches $500K.
Yes, I'm thankful those vets get THAT at least, but IMO, CO could do BETTER and be like other states that give a full 100% tax exemption to 100% rated disabled vets. Even though the VA itself sees the 2 categories as identical pay-wise -- and both being 100% disabled -- CO gives a tax break to 100% Schedular vets only, and only a partial "token" (IMO) break at that.
There IS a ballot coming up in the CO State Legislature coming up for a vote in November 2024 (introduced by 2 Democrat legislators, not Republican -- not sure why GOP legislators didn't do this themselves) to allow TDIU/P&T vets to get the same (even if only partial) tax exemption, so I hope it passes. However, at least 2 earlier attempts to extend CO state benefits to any other group BUY 100% Schedular veterans have failed.
I don't know why CO treats its own disabled vets poorly in that regard (not even a 100% exemption for 100% Schedular vets) but it does. CO makes WAY more money nowadays on marijuana industry taxes and there can't be THAT many TDIU vets to spend SOME of that extra money on.
In fairness to CO, I should add that disabled vets there (IIRC, rated 50% or higher) DO get a break on the "Personal Property Tax" (aka: Vehicle Ownership tax) -- which could be huge depending on the cost of the vehicle -- so THAT is a break I'm thankful's just that given HOUSING is getting WAY more expensive in CO -- and consequently, property taxes going only UP now -- it WOULD be nice to get a break on that tax as well...especially for "retired" vets living only on VA Disability and a modest (meaning WAY below national average) SS check as their only 2 incomes.
-- BR
@@billredding2000 The VSO's lobby the legislators for some of these benefits. The legislators value our votes and do what they think will help them stay in office. In CA, the governor signed a bill giving disabled lic plate qualification authority to the VSO called, CALVET to expedite and ease the process, but it has done the opposite and caused a divisive "us vs them" disposition. I looked into how other states handle this issue, and you're right, Texas seems like the best State for Veterans.
@@shepatown least Property Tax-wise. And unlike CO, there's no Personal Property/Vehicle Ownership Tax in TX, and THAT helps a lot also.
But I miss CO weather-wise (for one thing) -- it's about 30 degrees cooler there in Colorado Springs now than here in West TX that's seen 108F so far! And at night, it MAY "cool down" to 90-92. Doesn't bother me THAT much -- "it's a dry heat" as they say -- but definitely beats 85F/high humidity in Galveston TX, where I've also lived. Still, I PREFER it being a just a tad cooler outside, day AND night!
Like Colorado Summers, thank you. ;-)
-- BR
@@sunnyandbreezy Who knows home many TDIU vets there are (would be interesting to run the numbers/costs) but as you said TDIU-rated vets are limited to what "extra" money they can make (up to poverty level income monthly or ?-number of $$ in a "protected environment"), so THEY need the property tax break more than the 100% Schedular vets do -- who can make as much extra $$ they want. And as I mentioned, CO is the ONLY state (TMK) that discriminates between 100 Schedular & 100% TDIU/P&T.
So yeah, it's ridiculous. And "discriminatory."
But really, money-wise (meaning the state losing income) CO isn't even giving their "real 100% vets" that much of a tax it's hard to imagine CO is losing THAT much money, and is so much poorer than the 49 other states it has to be so "frugal."
-- BR
100% disabled vet here in Florida. Not sure which other state does but here my kids are eligible for a full scholarship to any public college or university in the state. We also get 0 property tax.
I’m 100% with PTSD, agent orange just to name a few, I was wondering how would I go about getting an ID to use base commissaries
Make an appointment at your closed DEERS rapid ID card. You will need to print out your commissary letter from ebenefits. You will need to bring two forms of ID and your honorable DD214.
@@kayp4601 I could never find my commissary letter at benefits... I called the VA and had the letter emailed to me, or have the letter faxed to the ID place
I went to my local federal building but I had to go online only for an appointment tho. So you might want to start googling your local government agency
Also if you have dependents they get base privileges as well.
I want to make sure that veterans at 100% due to non employment are also available.
I have additional issues that would easily put me at the 100%. I need to look into this. I live in Colorado Springs and wondering if I need to go to Denver to get this updated. If anyone knows please comment. Thanks!!
Yes file for this asap. There are time limits on how long you have to file.
Imformative and to the point.
We also get Space-A Travel Benefits
Totally wanted or really deserved...
What is space-a-travel benefits?
@@randy7037 Free Military Flights from base to base if space is available
@randy7037 Military Transport Aircraft. Anywhere in the world with a passport. But. Make sure that the aircraft you choose has a return flight. For example. A friend of mine told me they have a scheduled hop that leaves New Jersey , goes to Spain , Germany, Italy and then back to New Jersey . The aircraft is never full so there is little chance you could get bumped off the plane. However.....if you do get bumped. Just wait for the next plane. Getting bumped means a higher rank has PRIORITY. Hope this answers your questions. There is a book with military hops. Where they leave from and where they go. 😊
@@mikeglasgow9618civilian aircraft considered military transport? If not how would I get on a military transport?
I have early onset neuropathy in both feet and calves, type 2 diabetes, just diagnosed with Parkinson’s, also sleep apnea. Tinnitus both ears. I am a Ft McClellan veteran, blood poisoning, there’s more but I won’t go into all of that here. I was there 1977 last of the non OSUT troops. It’s been 4+ years I got 10% for plantar fasciitis that’s it. My DAV officer said we were drinking 111 triclorathane from the ammunition plant north of the base.
Apply again using VA Form, 21-0995, supplemental. Some of your conditions fall under the PACT Act. Hurry and file before 8/9/2023. If not ready to defile yet, at least submit an intent to file in order to hold your effective date.
Damn that is messed up what about the pact act do qualify for those benefits
What does extended care and "more" entail?
Got a 100% rating under the PACT Act due to prostate cancer. Yet I did not get a permanent rating. I have no prostate + side effects sounds pretty permanent to me!
My husband is 87 miss diagnosed by va for 10 years ,now way advanced full adl, i just filed. Hopefully i will not have to challange.
How about the state of Kansas?
Around 2009 I was rated 100%. I have gotten great care from the VA. I'm currently having issues with low back, left hip and leg with pain all the time with it worse some times than others. I can hardly walk anymore. Right now I'm stuck between Orthopedics, my primary care doctor who doesn't agree with referring me to a Nero Surgeon to further exam pain in lower back. I do have MRI test scheduled. I have been in pain since end of March 2023. Have done pain clinics and therapy. Feel like I'm getting worse instead of better and nothing is being done right now. Naproxen, Ibuprofen do little and pain cream for the areas of pain. Would I be able to go to the local Emergency Room if the pain is unbearable? We also live one hour from the nearest VA Hospital.
Your symptoms and mine almost mirror each other.Unfortunately we’re at the mercy of C and P “doctors” that may or may not have our best interests.Evidently the VA must have the same protocol for our symptoms.Your description of pain pills and creams and MRI is identical to what I’m going through.I’m going through another C and P in a week to hopefully get to 100%.Good luck to you and hope you have a better new year!
@@ThomasVorass MRI showed problems with my lower spin. Seems like everything is happening. Referral and scheduling of course is out weeks.
Careful with long term Naproxen use. It WILL damage your kidney!!
If the VA is to far away or not open you can go to any ER. the catch is you have to let the VA know you used a off site ER. I believe the time frame is 48 hours after ER visit for contacting the VA.
@@lisaripple5963 I finally got help. Given a medication I can take everyday. It has gotten to where does less. I am scheduled for hip surgery. A bit stressed but with daily pain. Days that are unbearable having the surgery will eliminate the bone to bone hip pain. Good people at the VA I go to.
An Honorably Discharged Veteran with a Military Star card can not only get on a Military base, but can use it to go to a Commissary, or B.X.!
I am 100%.
Where do I go for my military IDENTIFICATION? Is this card different from my current VA card which states “Service connected “?
Thank you ladies🇺🇸
A Military ID card, issued by the Department of Defense, grants access to military installations, commissaries, and on-base services. A VA card, issued by the Department of Veterans Affairs, is used specifically for accessing VA healthcare and benefits.
To obtain a military ID card, locate a RAPIDS site using the RAPIDS Appointment Scheduler to find the nearest location. It is highly recommended to schedule an appointment to avoid long wait times. Be sure to bring the necessary documentation, such as proof of identity, Social Security Number, and any other relevant documents specific to your situation.
Have a great day!
Well they just changed the CHAMP-VA.. I am 100% T&P and had my kids on Champ, but they dropped them because they are elidable for Tricare, even if I did not have them on Tricare. Am I forced to get Tricare now? Everyone pretty much qualifies for tricare. Now I have to pay for them to have insurance when I thought I had that benefit., They sent me a letter dated Sep 2024.
Can you recommend a good doctor for nexus? Hazardous toxic substances? Arkansas
Ellis Clinic in Oklahoma City
@@enriqueamar1964 Nice. Toxicologist?
I am 100% and it takes forever to get any authorization to get approved to get any medical care.
Assuming you’re talking about care in the community not the VA. If so contact your Primary care find out what
There's a 90 mandated window to see a VA Doc. If the 90 days is exceeded, talk to the VA Community Care folks to get a referral to a private MD. There's an 800 number for VACCN but I don't know it off hand.
Does ChampVA come with Urgent care coverage?
Thank you for the info!
And thank you for tuning in!
Where can we get updated ID cards for 100% disabled veterans to show we can access these 5 benefits?
I'm at 90% and about to look at PACT act..think have until August
I am rated at 80% but being paid at 100% do total disability. All my service-connected injuries add up to more but thisd is what they gave me. How does this help me ? State, New York Fought 9 years to get this rating !
Yes I’m near the Great Lakes naval base. I’ve been wanting to visit the exchange and I should look into this. Who would I ask on base to get more information?
My son is a disabled adult child..His father is 100% disabled and on SSD..I submitted an apportionment and hapless child claim.The veteran was in arrears and not paying,The VA paid the veteran the helpless child benefit.( despite me informing) the veteran had NO contact..He received a lump sum for 13 months and an additional 20 months. He was being paid $5800:a month. All the time I supported our son.. All my claims were denied despite him not paying child support and arrears. Hen has put me In financial ruins,.
VA has to pay the Vet by law however you can go through your state child support office and make a request for payment increase based on his back pay. You have to get it through the child support office.
They forgot about free dental.
Hoe does that work?
Our vitality n virility depends grandly greatly on this
Is there a certain way to apply for the SMC Compensation to get assistance for in home services.
Hi! VA should automatically give you Special Monthly Compensation if you qualify for it. You do not have to apply. If, however, you believe you qualify for SMC but are not receiving it, you can call your VA regional office or contact an attorney. Check out our blog about special monthly compensation here:
Have a great day!
@@CCK_Law thank you
Couldn't get to use a VA Home Loan in the territory of California! I'm living in a 1 BR thankfully and grateful for a roof over my head. However, for over several years, no one wanted to help, screwed me over on loans (40 point FICO drop as a result) and the tax exemption is way too insignificant given the high costs of assessing a property! It just seems to be a lost cause!
If you can choose a veteran friendly state thats inexpensive
do these apply to 90% rating but 100% under UI P and T?
It does
Are there any educational benefits for the veteran and/or spouse/children?
yes, chapter 35, my daughter is on it right now. full time $1,400 a month
Is it possible or advisable for a 100% rating and still work a regular job?
Yes, 100 percent disabled vets can work
@@kayp4601 But NOT if you're TDIU. I got that rating even though I told the Vet attorney I didn't want TDIU but he made more money doing it, and now I'm stuck with its ($64600 a month ain't bad) but I'd make more if I could work. Oh well.
I sure hope that someday, the quality of VA Healthcare is increased multifold by creating higher patient care standards and treatment standards at each and every VA Healthcare Facility. Only an aware and focused US Congress can make this happen.
My husband just made 100% in May. But we just found out he severe sleep apnea. Should we put a claim on that or let it go?
be Grateful an be Thankful for what U Got
Don’t poke the bear.
Put it in!
Don’t poke the bear
Yes, claim it. There are many reasons to make claims outside of "i GoT mY hUnDrEd PeRcEnT aLrEaDy"
What are their children able to get and what happens if the veteran is incarcerated?
How do you go about applying for a military i.d I'm 100%?
I hear that if you are Perm and 100%, that you can be eligible for pension?
No pension. Just paid at the VA 100 percent rate.
@@kayp4601 YUP you're correct. I tried that too.
How do you get the ID card and where due you apply for it. Can this been done online?
We go to our local Armory to get our renewed.
I have question.
I was denied have my sleep apnea secondary to PTSD, which is 60%. I have a combined rating at 80%.
So need some help finding out info for that. I also have tennius and some hearing loss. thank you.
Do you charge for a consultation? Many issues. Thanks.
Hello! If you need assistance with your VA claim appeal, give us call at (888) 559-1385 for a free case evaluation. Have a great day!
@@CCK_Law Thanks!
@@Hippie-i8g If they take your case, there is a percentage of your award that will be deducted from that award, up to 40% in some cases. BUT....considering it's a lifetime award, ...You get what you pay for, IMHO.
I have a question I take care of a he’s listed as catastrophic disabled Vet the VA keeps denying him physical therapy. He wants to move around but the VA will give him therapy. Why is it? He’s listed at 100% but his total rating is 395%.
If you are a listed caretaker at the VA for this individual there are patient advocates that help if not contact Senator or Congressman office they will get answers quickly
@@oldsoldier141 Yup, good call.
I’m 90%, four years ago (November 2019) I filed an appeal because the VA denied my sleep apnea claim and stated my degenerative disc condition was showing signs of improvement. I also filed an appeal because my TDIU was denied. Two years later (February 2021) an administrative judge approved my TDIU and stated my conditions were Permanent and Total.
This month I received notification from the VA stating I have a videoconference hearing with a veterans law judge on August 7, 2023 in reference to the appeal I filed November 2019 (sleep apnea and degenerative disc).
My question that nobody can answer is, do I need to attend the videoconference/can they reduce my rating since I’m currently 90%, TDIU and P&T?
Thank you.
I was reading your case and if it were me I would show up for the video conference. Why chance having a problem
@@johncalderara9188 I attended the video conference. Found out the VA reduced the rating on my back because I had knee surgery a week and a half before my last C&P exam (2019) and because they couldn’t complete an exam of my left knee, they determined the degenerative disc condition in my back was showing signs of improvement.
The judge seemed extremely confused, having to read the statement several times as if she was trying to wrap her head around their reasoning.
She also didn’t understand why I was originally only rated at 40% when I was receiving Social Security disability because of my back condition.
I thought this conference would only last a half hour at best, it lasted over two hours because she was having problems understanding the VAs reasoning for some of their decisions.
Ones I would still do the conference calls V.E.S schedules, even if you have a solid medical evidence,V.A still needs their own doctors stay active with VA good luck to your brother.
@@shawncoon5283 ...."she was having problems understanding the VAs reasoning for some of their decisions."!! As do we all! Attend all those conferences. If you don't show, it's a default judgement for the VA'.
One Million Dollar Question for you. Can a Vet Rated at 100% P&T with SMC L1/2 with Aid & Attendance still work from home on the phone selling life insurance, granted conditions fluctuate from day to day but can a Veteran work under this rating (Part Time) under these circumstances without loosing his current pay status?
As stated there is no way I can work efficiently on a regular basis but writing a few policies a month considered gameful employment?
Were can I find the VA rules on this specific circumstance. Thank You
Just don't tell them, or report on your income tax. The VA DOES look at your tax forms to see if you're "employed" even part time.
What about survivor spouse 100 total disabled service connected veteran doesn't get anything
CHAMPVA, is it true that this is applicable to those who are still entitled to Tricare?
No. Your TriCare is not only better but it will cancel out CHAMPVA.
Hi. Can i ask a question?
I care 24/7 for my diaabled partner since January 2020 and my partner receives PIP since January 2020. We are both in Universal Credit. I never claimed for Carer'w Allowance due to not knowing about this Benefit. I recently found out and applied.
My question is: Can Carer's Allowance be backdated to the day i started her care, January 2020 ? Thank you!
Should I apply for PACT act even though I'm 100% P&T
No, once your 100 percent P and T leave it alone. Don’t poke the bear.
I did. I developed severe lung condition went on oxygen and had a lung collapse
I was 100%TP T&P they came back with another 100% T&P plus made me homebound which added additional money plus benefits.
@@oldsoldier141 that's great me too. I filed for it and SMC/S for Rhinitis and Sinusitis so basically I'm a 160%
@@kayp4601 I did poke the bear 🐻 and I won
Yes! Even if you are 100% and Unemployable you still want to apply for any additional disabilities or increases. It’s important because when you die your dependents can still receive benefits IF you died from any of your sc disabilities.
I'm at 100% but am not eligible for Champ as I am not 100% and permanent. I believe that veterans that are at 100%, but not permanent, make up the majority of veterans that are at 100% disability.
If you are not P&T but at 100% usually you have a future exame scheduled. It may even be in 2-3 years. Call the VA and ask questions. You can also be re examined for P&T. ALWAYS advocate for yourself and do not wait around for the VA to call you!
Most veterans with a 100 percent rating are P and T.
@@andrewd2554 I have had exams approximately every 8 months or so since the year I was awarded 100%. I'm 83 years old and my condition is not getting worse nor is it getting better either. I would think at 83 the VA would make me P & T. Jeez.
My husband who was a Vietnam Veteran died last October and was rated 100% service connected on the day he died. They’ve denied me CHAMPVA. I also feel he should be rated total and permanent rather than 100%. How do I go about appealing the rating, and my being denied CHAMPVA?
Any information you can give me would be greatly appreciated.
Hello! Give us a call at (888) 559-1385 for a free case evaluation, we may be able to help! Have a great day.
just curious with a 100% rating does the Champ VA cover the family like the Tricare family plan?
CHAMPVA is a completely separate program with a totally different beneficiary population than TRICARE. While the benefits are similar, the programs are administered separately with differences in claim filing procedures and preauthorization requirements. This program provides coverage to the spouse or widow and to the children of veterans who:
- Are rated permanently and totally disabled due to a service-connected condition; or
- Were rated permanently and totally disabled due to a service-connected condition at the time of death; or
- Died of a service-connected condition; or
- Died on active duty and the dependents are not otherwise eligible for DoD’s TRICARE benefits.
*Check out our blog on CHAMPVA here:*
Have a great day!
I am 60% disabled according to them. But I've been having knee problems for about 6 months now. I've been having long-term problems even with hip. And it is difficult for me to work under my circumstances. Because I had surgery done. I don't think the VA understands the long-term. Because I'm gonna have knee problems for the rest of my life. And it's already difficult as it is because they also said. My daughter, which is a newborn, is not covered until I hit a 100%.
I just got out this year and I am struggling. I just need some clarification
Make an appointment at your local VA office to talk to a benefits claims agent. The benefits side not the hospital side. They will help you file for an increase.
You forgot one orher benefit. You can access mac flights globally.
Hi.. I am intested in finding someone to help me get an increase from 60% to 100%. Problem is I live full time in Thailand and there isn't anyone to talk to. One guy here my age keeps telling me to seek help. He is 100% and in much better shape than me...
Anyway. I am 72 now, I'm not as smart as I used to be, so I'll admit, I could use someone who knows the way around the VA.
Fly to Guam and talk to the Base Personnel office. The philippines doesn't have clark or cubic anymore but Guam works.
Saw CCK advertisement, contacted them and they refused to represent me concerning my VA claims/appeals. When I asked why they would not represent me, no reason was provided other than I was denied representation.
I will not be recommending them to anyone.
I contacted Wood & Wood with the same information concerning my VA claims/appeals and they said they would like to represent me. By then, I had already contacted the DAV (Disabled American Veterans) organization and they filed appeals with VA on my behalf. So I turned down Wood & Wood's representation.
The irony is the DAV representative I spoke with stated they worked with CCK on some of their VA cases.
I explained to the DAV representive my experience with CCK and that I wouldn't utilize them nor be recommending them to anyone.
I used the DAV and they helped me. Plus, using DAV, they don't take ANY of your monthly allotments like these law firms will. DAV is a free service organization to us.
I have tried to apply for Champus for my children and I get denied everytime, I'm 100% disabled as well.
Need to be 100 percent permanent and total to get Champus for your dependents
Age of children ? Do you have birth certificates? You’re missing something here. Are you total permanent? I think you have to have a total permanent rating on top of 100%
If you are 100% disabled why would you need to show your VA disability card for the commissary or PX- the veteran would have a DoD ID card or CAC to enter an installation, correct?
Need advise f reinstated my widow moneys they stop sending to me N getting talk tono body
What states have free DMV vehicle registration?
I m in Texas, we do
Screw car registration. Illinois has no property taxes for vets rated at 70% or higher. At 50% no car registration for 1 vehicle.
Thanks a lot! I was wondering where this "free" registration could be. I'm here in CA San Diego with a 100%, and this special state doesn't show up too much appreciation for military like TX or MD. Is it hard to see these privileges here.
@@arketypic1984 But who wants to live in the democrat ruled shithole state of Illinois honestly ??
Where can I get my ID card that says 100 percent?
I second that. Im near the Buffalo VA hospitl. Ill check there as well.
You can go to the local VA Hospital to get that one, also if you close to a Military base you can get one that similar to a retirement card commissary stores.
Google Rapids ID and go to the site. Put in your city state and zip and it will show the nearest installations where you can get your ID made.
Closes military installation.
You’re funny, it’s impossible to get an authorization from the VA. So if you have a better way to assist I would greatly appreciate it.
Any rating disabled veteran can present their va health card to gain access to px/commissary and morale welfare and recreation services. That is not a benefit just for 100% veterans, however 100% p&t can present their rating letter to the military base deers office and be issued a military CAC card for the veteran and their dependants that authorizes these benefits and a few more that you can use it for that just the veteran health ID
Dude! why cant i see anything?
I am currently rated at 70%. I have pondered requesting an increase in benefits and fear the results may end up at 100%. I am told at 100% I would not be allowed to be employed and if that is true I would not be able to survive with my current bills [high mortgage is the main reason]. Also, I have not seen a doctor in years because it takes at minimum a three-month wait for an appointment which never seems to work out for me [I do have an appointment now 11-2-2023]. To be honest I do not believe in the Veterans Administration. I have not received good care from them. As a cardiac patient I have not seen a cardiologist in over ten years they don't seem to care and schedule this, and there are other areas that go neglected. I guess it works out for some and others not so well. Also, my teeth are terrible but I do not qualify for dental and cannot afford dental.
That’s a lie. You can be 100% and still work. Im 100% p&t and still work full time so don’t listen to all the bs
@@High1ightreel3 Yup, the only way one cannot work with 100% is if TDIU.,as the VA looks at tax returns now to see if work income is listed. I know from experience. I moved to a cheaper state (got out of CAliforniaca ) and it helped.
I'm 100% I got my rating a year ago. I'd just like to figure out how to get the VA to pay me my 16mo. worth of backpay they owe me from when I submitted my intent to file.
do a higher lever review on the claim,
Going to need to talk with your VBA
My husband is 78 yo... He was drafted at 24 yo into Vietnam war. He's 80 present....he can barely walk. Within this year, he had a cancerous tumor on kidney, which was partially removed... Richard has had 7 so called mini strokes...his mental and physical abilities are declining. His pride tells his VA doc lies...he doesn't bathe, he can't drive, relearning how to write his name...I'm his wife and's too much work for me to get him to bathe. I take care of his nails, feet and hands. There's so much going on here..I'm exhausted as his is wife and caregiver... I need help
The big one...Dental
The spouses co pay is rediculously HIGH!
Whoa Veterans.
Please help me
Hi! Give us a call at (888) 559-1385 for a free case evaluation, we may be able to help. Have a great day!
The ashville n.c.and pittsburg v.a. used me. A combat wounded Vietnam veteran. As nothing more than a fricken.lab rat
Can't get into the Pentagon.
100 % combat wounded Vietnam veteran. I have to. beg for a real fricken.dr. at pittsburg. Pa. V a .and don't waste my time.with patient advocates. Who represents the Dr. NOT me.
My husband speaks: I am 89 years old. Drafted into the army between the Korean viet nam wars. I lost my career from being drafted 8 months after graduating from Ohio University and 1 month after being married. Also lost my marriage and 2 children. It took me 20 years to recover and get back into the art career I dreamed of doing all the years of my youth. I have not been eligible for any benefits from VA. I have my own health insurance. I spent over a year in Korea. It was by far the most miserable area in the world 1959 , 1961. Most of my life has been ruined.I guess it is OK that Trump says we are all suckers and losers.
Left: who you want to breed with. Right: Who you should breed with.
They turn every rock over
Not true on emergency care. Because ive been denied .100% combat wounded