The C5 isn't leather, but PU leather, I've received my pre-order with the wheel / button's and LED's being dead on arrival, 2 weeks in after numerous requests for replacement and quite a few hours 'troubleshooting' the fact it's dead then finally agreed to replace, though that's another month away on top of the 2 weeks + 2 months wait, so all in all 14 weeks, looks / feels great though, but currently a pretty and expensive paperweight. Reason for purchase was the small form factor over the competition. Will update once received a working unit that's expected mid November.
My apoligies. I always have difficulties seeing the difference. To be fair, i have a secretlab deskchair of pu-leather and it does hold update brilliant over time. I hope Cammus used the same quality. Seems a connector is not plugged in correctly on the mobo. Not really good PR for their QC. Oh... Just advice, dont try to open it 🙄 In their defense for SAV, they did have a week of holidays last week. It was on their site. I also have a SAV case running and "Kevin" has handled my case professional so far. I hope your case gets solved soon. Its never fun to have a doa, but it happens. What really is important is how they handle it.
The reason as to why the C5 felt stronger than the CSL DD at the same percentage is because the C5 is most likely stronger. Seen some people say it actually outputs 7Nm at peak, with 5Nm being constant torque
@@SimulatedDrivingResource Recently discovered that the CSL DD 5nm actually outputs 3.5NM Constant torque and the 8NM is 6.8 Holding. A t300 can output 4.5NM Constant(No one seems to be 100% sure on this because TM doesnt measure with NM but even if its 3.9 like others say its still stronger in corners). So is going from a t300 to a 5nm CSL a downgrade? So they are scamming people with boost packs and using NM measures by its peak value.
Could this c5 be better than a TG-T 2? @SimulatedDrivingResource parlo in italiano dato che dovresti essere italiano (credo). Ma questo C5 è ancora consigliabile? Ho provato un T248 e non mi ha dato molte soddisfazioni. Ho provato (per pochissimo perchè non funzionava l'attacco per la pedaliera) un TG-T 2 e sembra essere migliore a livello di sensazioni che restituisce. Potrebbe questo C5 essere migliore di un TG-T 2? resto in attesa dui una risposta. Ciao!
Non sono italiana, ma cerco di fornire sottotitoli e feedback nella lingua materna dei miei spettatori per migliorare la comunicazione. Il TGT dà già una bella sensazione ma rimane una trasmissione a cinghia. Il C5 è a trasmissione diretta, il che significa che fornirà un feedback di forza molto più fluido e levigato. Per questo motivo, è una sensazione superiore verso tutti i passi con trasmissione a cinghia, quindi sì, sensazione molto migliore. Tuttavia, il C5 non può essere utilizzato immediatamente sulla piattaforma PlayStation. Non so se questo è un problema per te.
Had my C5 for 6 months. Had to replace both shifter paddles which was free from a reseller. All in all, its brilliant. No overheating issues for me. I didn't get the pedals as I already have some T3PA pro's, but the wheel (which replaced an owned from 2008 release DFGT) is outstanding. Would reccomend to anyone on a budget. Its far better than the budget Fanatec or Moza. I believe all new C5's have the V2 paddle shifters installed as standard
Glad to hear that. I am not sure all C5 have v2 paddles installed and even how the v2 pedals look like. I will check on this. And I share that recommendation. Fantastic piece of technology for a soft price.
I also chose between them. I chose, I chose... and I chose R 9. The moza does not have acceptable steering wheels, but the base itself is excellent. If camus was sold in my country for $250, I would take it.
The R9 base is certainly a good option that suits a very large part of the drivers out there. Would be nice if they made it just a bit cheaper in my region.
Had my C5 for 3 weeks. The right paddle has already broken, the pedals kept disconnecting so had to swap out the Cammus USB lead and the grub screw in the throttle pedal keeps coming loose so I have to take it apart to deal with it or the pedal does not operate properly. The pin that the grub screw screws down on was a mess which can only have happened prior to assembly. It is such a shame when good things are so badly let down by such trivial and needless issues.
@@SimulatedDrivingResource, yes. I have replacements coming through but I am going to have trouble re-situating the spring underneath as it is magnetically opposed to the dimple it is supposed to sit in !!
Next one to be posted. I can already tell it is again a very impressive piece of hardware. And yes V12 and V12 lite, I sent another mail to them yesterday as I cant seem to buy it from their site.
Just a note. Amazon US has a few PXN V12 Lite with a 10% coupon that takes it down from $519 to $468 when you add it to the cart. Says 3 left. I'm holding.
I like the bigger wheel on the Fanatec, also I have a 24v PS at 20amps, i wonder if it could be used on that Fanatec? Ill look that up on DYI. And I like the looks of the Fanatec pedals. Looks like $130 for the Clutch Pedal, I wonder if Cammus will have a wharehouse in the US? The Fanatec now is $399 on thier website. The motor itself $349. So the Ready to Drive bundle does save a little to start with. (Since it is available now) Ive done flight, but not Racing yet... but just the ability to go to 8nm later sounds like a plan. Then maybe a better wheel and Pedals later. That would be the quickest way to the track. I really want you to get that PXN 12 to add to the picture.
Ehm... I will be honest, I know only basics of electricity so I can't answer that, but 20A is more than double then what the official PSU gives. Will this not roast the motor? In any ways, I am sure there is a YT video of someone knowledgeable out there to help out on this subject. It might be even possible that you don't need to upgrade to 8Nm or more. Everyone has a different sweet spot when it comes to car simulation. You will find out when driving. That is also a big reason why I like the Fanatec concept over the MOZA. The clutch pedal only is around 40€/$. The load cell pedal (this should be your first upgrade, a pedal base with a load cell) is around 140$/€. Indeed, the ready to race bundle is 400$ which is absolute a good price for what you get. Also keep in mind, Fanatec-material has been sold a lot more than any other DD base out there. The second hand market is absolutely good when it comes to upgrading (think of pedals/steering wheel). Cammus has a US warehouse, but no C5 or LP8 yet (you can find it on their site under overseas warehouses). They are more US orientated but are seeing that Europe has value too. I had to pay for my C5 in $ instead of € still 😏 The PXN... I will not comment on it but going on their track-record of more early hardware... it's not the best out there. Then again, I haven't tested it, so I will not comment on their 12 Lite. I will send them a reminder of my interest to test it out 😈
@@SimulatedDrivingResource Thanks Neo, that helps make sense of it all. From St Louis and such a wide diversity of people I didn't notice you had a accent, till the other member mentioned it. I would have thought you where from Chicago. :)
big downsides to the C5 to me are the "fixed wheel". The wheel is D shaped and too small for my liking, and by design it doesn't looks like mods will be a thing for it. What surprises me is how people seem to take sides on the C5 accuracy and feedback, some say CSL DD is better and other prefer C5, so it's hard to make a decision
C5 really is good piece of technology. The difference depends of course on game, settings and what you prefer in ffb. But no matter what you choose, you wont be disappointed.
cammus should really just slap a quick release on that thing. like the form factor is so gimmicky and pointless, no reason that it needs to be THIS small, few inches more depth wouldn't hurt it at all
I agree that the ability to have a removable or more customizable button box with other steering wheel faces would be very welcome. But when it comes to size, you need to keep in mind the available space for some people and portability. I know that "few inches" doesnt seem a lot but in a usecase where you are a student in a very limited studio when it comes to space, or a child of divorced Parents where you need to transport the thing (with seat or without), it really matters.
The C5 isn't leather, but PU leather, I've received my pre-order with the wheel / button's and LED's being dead on arrival, 2 weeks in after numerous requests for replacement and quite a few hours 'troubleshooting' the fact it's dead then finally agreed to replace, though that's another month away on top of the 2 weeks + 2 months wait, so all in all 14 weeks, looks / feels great though, but currently a pretty and expensive paperweight.
Reason for purchase was the small form factor over the competition.
Will update once received a working unit that's expected mid November.
My apoligies. I always have difficulties seeing the difference. To be fair, i have a secretlab deskchair of pu-leather and it does hold update brilliant over time. I hope Cammus used the same quality. Seems a connector is not plugged in correctly on the mobo. Not really good PR for their QC. Oh... Just advice, dont try to open it 🙄 In their defense for SAV, they did have a week of holidays last week. It was on their site. I also have a SAV case running and "Kevin" has handled my case professional so far. I hope your case gets solved soon. Its never fun to have a doa, but it happens. What really is important is how they handle it.
Love my C5. Zero issues after 5 months.
It is an absolutely brilliant piece of innovative hardware.
The reason as to why the C5 felt stronger than the CSL DD at the same percentage is because the C5 is most likely stronger. Seen some people say it actually outputs 7Nm at peak, with 5Nm being constant torque
Absolutely correct
@@SimulatedDrivingResource Recently discovered that the CSL DD 5nm actually outputs 3.5NM Constant torque and the 8NM is 6.8 Holding. A t300 can output 4.5NM Constant(No one seems to be 100% sure on this because TM doesnt measure with NM but even if its 3.9 like others say its still stronger in corners). So is going from a t300 to a 5nm CSL a downgrade?
So they are scamming people with boost packs and using NM measures by its peak value.
More like 9-10. It will rip the wheel out of your hand. it cracked my cheap desk. Love it.
@@bojangler9685 I would like to ask you how you discovered the torque, please. Because I also would like to discover more
Could this c5 be better than a TG-T 2?
@SimulatedDrivingResource parlo in italiano dato che dovresti essere italiano (credo). Ma questo C5 è ancora consigliabile?
Ho provato un T248 e non mi ha dato molte soddisfazioni. Ho provato (per pochissimo perchè non funzionava l'attacco per la pedaliera) un TG-T 2 e sembra essere migliore a livello di sensazioni che restituisce.
Potrebbe questo C5 essere migliore di un TG-T 2?
resto in attesa dui una risposta. Ciao!
Non sono italiana, ma cerco di fornire sottotitoli e feedback nella lingua materna dei miei spettatori per migliorare la comunicazione. Il TGT dà già una bella sensazione ma rimane una trasmissione a cinghia. Il C5 è a trasmissione diretta, il che significa che fornirà un feedback di forza molto più fluido e levigato. Per questo motivo, è una sensazione superiore verso tutti i passi con trasmissione a cinghia, quindi sì, sensazione molto migliore. Tuttavia, il C5 non può essere utilizzato immediatamente sulla piattaforma PlayStation. Non so se questo è un problema per te.
@@SimulatedDrivingResource no no, i'm on pc. Thank You
My cammus is coming! Get it for 341€ and i hope its good. As a beginner i think i make nothing wrong with this payment/ investion.
Its a very sensible choice friend. Enjoy the drive
Had my C5 for 6 months. Had to replace both shifter paddles which was free from a reseller. All in all, its brilliant. No overheating issues for me. I didn't get the pedals as I already have some T3PA pro's, but the wheel (which replaced an owned from 2008 release DFGT) is outstanding. Would reccomend to anyone on a budget. Its far better than the budget Fanatec or Moza. I believe all new C5's have the V2 paddle shifters installed as standard
Glad to hear that. I am not sure all C5 have v2 paddles installed and even how the v2 pedals look like. I will check on this. And I share that recommendation. Fantastic piece of technology for a soft price.
That cammus is a little firecracker
A little ugly but great price
In my language there is a saying going "you can't eat of a pretty plate" but you are right that the design is... special 😏
I also chose between them. I chose, I chose... and I chose R 9. The moza does not have acceptable steering wheels, but the base itself is excellent.
If camus was sold in my country for $250, I would take it.
The R9 base is certainly a good option that suits a very large part of the drivers out there. Would be nice if they made it just a bit cheaper in my region.
I bought it from an official supplier in a store near my house, with a guarantee, for $430. Hehehehehehehe @@SimulatedDrivingResource
Had my C5 for 3 weeks. The right paddle has already broken, the pedals kept disconnecting so had to swap out the Cammus USB lead and the grub screw in the throttle pedal keeps coming loose so I have to take it apart to deal with it or the pedal does not operate properly. The pin that the grub screw screws down on was a mess which can only have happened prior to assembly.
It is such a shame when good things are so badly let down by such trivial and needless issues.
The shifter indeed seems to be a weak point. Its the second time I read that it broke. Were you able to contact Cammus support for this?
@@SimulatedDrivingResource, yes. I have replacements coming through but I am going to have trouble re-situating the spring underneath as it is magnetically opposed to the dimple it is supposed to sit in !!
Great content
It helps if the subject is decent hardware. Thank you for the kind words.
I am interested to see the 8nm cammus review. And then like someone else said the PXN dds. I hear those will come in a 6nm and 10nm option
Next one to be posted. I can already tell it is again a very impressive piece of hardware. And yes V12 and V12 lite, I sent another mail to them yesterday as I cant seem to buy it from their site.
Just a note. Amazon US has a few PXN V12 Lite with a 10% coupon that takes it down from $519 to $468 when you add it to the cart. Says 3 left. I'm holding.
@@jimashby43 570€ on amazon here... a bit too much for me.
I like the bigger wheel on the Fanatec, also I have a 24v PS at 20amps, i wonder if it could be used on that Fanatec? Ill look that up on DYI. And I like the looks of the Fanatec pedals.
Looks like $130 for the Clutch Pedal, I wonder if Cammus will have a wharehouse in the US?
The Fanatec now is $399 on thier website. The motor itself $349. So the Ready to Drive bundle does save a little to start with. (Since it is available now)
Ive done flight, but not Racing yet... but just the ability to go to 8nm later sounds like a plan. Then maybe a better wheel and Pedals later. That would be the quickest way to the track. I really want you to get that PXN 12 to add to the picture.
Ehm... I will be honest, I know only basics of electricity so I can't answer that, but 20A is more than double then what the official PSU gives. Will this not roast the motor? In any ways, I am sure there is a YT video of someone knowledgeable out there to help out on this subject. It might be even possible that you don't need to upgrade to 8Nm or more. Everyone has a different sweet spot when it comes to car simulation. You will find out when driving. That is also a big reason why I like the Fanatec concept over the MOZA. The clutch pedal only is around 40€/$. The load cell pedal (this should be your first upgrade, a pedal base with a load cell) is around 140$/€. Indeed, the ready to race bundle is 400$ which is absolute a good price for what you get. Also keep in mind, Fanatec-material has been sold a lot more than any other DD base out there. The second hand market is absolutely good when it comes to upgrading (think of pedals/steering wheel). Cammus has a US warehouse, but no C5 or LP8 yet (you can find it on their site under overseas warehouses). They are more US orientated but are seeing that Europe has value too. I had to pay for my C5 in $ instead of € still 😏 The PXN... I will not comment on it but going on their track-record of more early hardware... it's not the best out there. Then again, I haven't tested it, so I will not comment on their 12 Lite. I will send them a reminder of my interest to test it out 😈
@@SimulatedDrivingResource Thanks Neo, that helps make sense of it all.
From St Louis and such a wide diversity of people I didn't notice you had a accent, till the other member mentioned it.
I would have thought you where from Chicago.
@@jimashby43 my grammar should have given it away 🤭
the problem with higher amp power supply is that it could burn out 8A fuse what is inside fanatec base
@@TheGabberworld and so we learn something every day. Thanks for sharing!!
big downsides to the C5 to me are the "fixed wheel". The wheel is D shaped and too small for my liking, and by design it doesn't looks like mods will be a thing for it.
What surprises me is how people seem to take sides on the C5 accuracy and feedback, some say CSL DD is better and other prefer C5, so it's hard to make a decision
C5 really is good piece of technology. The difference depends of course on game, settings and what you prefer in ffb. But no matter what you choose, you wont be disappointed.
A larger wheel makes the FF feel weaker a bit, and vice versa, so that can partly explain that the C5 feels stronger.
100% correct
That's not correct.
A larger wheel with more mass does have an impact on performance. If you say it is not correct, I wouldnt mind learning something by you elaborating.
cammus should really just slap a quick release on that thing. like the form factor is so gimmicky and pointless, no reason that it needs to be THIS small, few inches more depth wouldn't hurt it at all
I agree that the ability to have a removable or more customizable button box with other steering wheel faces would be very welcome. But when it comes to size, you need to keep in mind the available space for some people and portability. I know that "few inches" doesnt seem a lot but in a usecase where you are a student in a very limited studio when it comes to space, or a child of divorced Parents where you need to transport the thing (with seat or without), it really matters.
In India the C5 costs 400€ & Csl DD 1400€
The choice is easily made then. Availibility ans logistics stays a weak point of Fanatec
The choice is easily made then. Availibility ans logistics stays a weak point of Fanatec
@@SimulatedDrivingResource indeed, the premium bundle kit is like 1900€ so it’s baffling
"cammus affiliate"
And MOZA affiliate and Fanatec affiliate