Obi Wan has PTSD

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 101

  • @Shay_Mendez
    @Shay_Mendez Год назад +78

    The way Alec Guinness was able to use his own shellshock experiences from World War 2 to portray Obi-Wan was just so damn inspiring, but also incredibly painful to watch. He knew what death looked like. He saw horror, so he was perfect to play a broken older version of Obi-Wan, even if there was no plans whatsoever of a prequel trilogy when Star Wars was originally filmed. That thousand yard stare was just gut-wrenching to see.

    • @TheGoIsWin21
      @TheGoIsWin21 Год назад +9

      I've commented this on a few reactions to this. Anyone with wartime experience is going to have a good well to draw on for the feelings of regret, loss, and pain. Especially in the late 70's, where Alec Guinness is probably very used to innocent curiosity being thrown his way about the horrors of war. Not only does he explicitly know how it feels, but he probably had intimate experience with this conversation

  • @KittenOfDeath77
    @KittenOfDeath77 Год назад +35

    Balance is correct, both the old Republic Jedi and the Sith are extremes, and those extremes caused their individual downfall.
    Alec Guinness was a tremendous actor, and played Obi-Wan perfectly.

    • @DigitalPand3mic
      @DigitalPand3mic Год назад +2

      Not only stood the test of time, but his performance brought depth to a character not seen in any other movie ever.

    • @KittenOfDeath77
      @KittenOfDeath77 Год назад +1

      Exactly. I grew up with Empire and Return in the theaters, and when the prequels came out, despite their issues, they made his role and acting in the original trilogy that much more powerful, and meaningful. He pretty much set the stage for what would be the clone wars.

    • @donferoce5652
      @donferoce5652 Год назад +1

      @@DigitalPand3mic Have you seen any other movie ever? The performance Sir Alec Guinness gives in "Bridge on The River Kwai" is far superior to his performance in Star Wars. (So is the character) Academy Award nominated for best supporting actor as Obi Wan Kenobi in "Star Wars", lost to Jason Robards in "Julia". Academy Award nominated and WON best actor as Colonel Nicholson in "Bridge on The River Kwai", over Marlon Brando
      , Anthony Franciosa, Charles Laughton, and Anthony Quinn.

  • @TheRealMrAndrew
    @TheRealMrAndrew Год назад +56

    That’s the whole conflict about bringing balance to the Force. The Jedi were very unfeeling and totally devoted to their beliefs. The Sith were all about selfishness and bringing about what they wanted, no matter the cost. The balance is doing good but still pursuing one own’s interest like family.

    • @canadianbakin1304
      @canadianbakin1304 Год назад +5

      Luke's restored jedi we're some of the most powerful jedi in generations and he allowed attachment because the sith had that right attachment can be used as a strength but you have to keep it in check

    • @rosshall6475
      @rosshall6475 Год назад +4

      Disney really missed an opportunity to establish a Mara Jade character in their sequel series. They borrowed plenty from Legacy of the Force already.

    • @KittenOfDeath77
      @KittenOfDeath77 Год назад +3

      @@rosshall6475 I absolutely concur. I think the Jaina/Jacen Solo story arc would have been fantastic.

    • @kharilane1340
      @kharilane1340 Год назад

      Everyone gets this wrong because they don't understand the true nature of The Force. The Light-side of The Force is balance. As soon as you start using The Darkside you are unbalancing The Force. Because The Jedi were virtually wiped out and had to stop using The Force on a regular basis, the majority of the beings extensively using The Force were Dark -siders: The Dark Lords Sidious and Vader and their lower tier Dark-side adepts, like The Emperor's Hands and The Inquisitors. When Luke brought Anakin back from the Dark-side and he (Anakin) "destroyed" Darth Sidious, Anakin brought balance back to The Force. He eliminated the most powerful of the ones who were putting The Force out of balance. Darth Sidious was exerting a huge amount of influence on The Force. In the prequels the Jedi called it The Shroud of The Dark side. Sidious had his hand on the balance scale to keep it in The Dark side. With his defeat, his influence was lifted, and the scale went back to balance.

    • @ry4nx
      @ry4nx Год назад +1

      Quigon Jin was what a jedi should be. He saw through all the bs. Count dooku was also a great jedi but he got fed up and left obviously

  • @tonyhiggins3527
    @tonyhiggins3527 Год назад +28

    I have something for you, your fathers lightsaber. He killed 34 younglings with this.

    • @lunardruidcyprian6572
      @lunardruidcyprian6572 Год назад +2

      not counting the young sandpersons in revenge of his mother. 😉

    • @jessea4438
      @jessea4438 6 месяцев назад

      ​@@lunardruidcyprian6572 I could be wrong, but wasn't that the green one? The one that got destroyed?

  • @HandleTakenlol
    @HandleTakenlol 5 месяцев назад +6

    I've heard so many people ponder why he doesn't remember R2. But Obi Wan never did own a droid. R2 was Padme's, then Bail's/Leia's. R4 was owned by the Jedi Order.

    • @rikk319
      @rikk319 3 месяца назад +3

      Obi-wan didn't lie, but he didn't exactly tell the truth, either. "I don't remember ever owning a droid" is technically true, but he could have also said, " old acquaintance of mine, he used to belong to your mother, Luke."

  • @leanlute7507
    @leanlute7507 11 месяцев назад +7

    "Sith and Jedi are the same at the end of the day" . That thing Count Dooku knew it as well

    • @rikk319
      @rikk319 3 месяца назад +1

      I never saw the Sith saving lives, rescuing people, or doing anything beneficial, as the Jedi did. The Jedi are people, so they have flaws, since no one is perfect. This isn't a black and white, bothsiderism thing. The Jedi were flawed and by the time Anakin joined them, were screwed up. But the Sith were straight-out evil. I'd still choose the group where many individuals in the group were beacons of goodness, than the group where selfishness was held up as a virtue, and torture and murder were regular occurrences.

  • @CarrotHawk
    @CarrotHawk Год назад +31

    When I was younger, I thought of only right and wrong, dark or lights getting older you see how the Jedi were no as good as they ought to have been. I never considered until now the fact that Anakin probably felt more a slave to the Jedi as an adult than he did as an actual slave as a child. He has grown stronger, and technically has more freedom than he ever had, yet the main things he wanted deep down he was withheld. He felt trapped and confused, because he thought being a Jedi meant to be strong and to be able to nearly do anything, yet he could not have the love of his life along with it.

    • @jeffridgeway7474
      @jeffridgeway7474 Год назад +5

      Peace is a lie. There is only Passion.
      Through Passion, I gain Strength.
      Through Strength, I gain Power.
      Through Power, I gain Victory.
      Through Victory my chains are Broken.
      The Force shall free me

    • @rikk319
      @rikk319 3 месяца назад +2

      Of course he wasn't trapped. Like his padawan Ahsoka eventually did (out of courage), he could have left the Jedi order and just lived out his life with Padme. Anakin was brave in combat, but he didn't have the courage of his convictions because he was so emotionally stunted due to his life as a slave. Even Count Dooku, a villain, at least had the courage to step away from the Jedi when he no longer agreed with their methods. If Qui-gon had lived he would have taught exactly this to Anakin, as he routinely stood up for his own beliefs when they clashed with the Jedi council.
      Anakin wanted to have his cake and eat it too, by being a Jedi and being married to Padme. He didn't like not being able to get what he wanted--his way. Well, when he got what he thought he wanted--both the promise of power and a way to save Padme from death, he failed again at rejecting Palpatine once it was clear Palpatine DIDN'T help save Padme's life, so all he had left was power--and that didn't do anything to make him happy, because his power came at the cost of being a slave yet again--to Palpatine.

    • @crayonchomper1180
      @crayonchomper1180 2 месяца назад

      Two sides of the same coin, the duality of the force. Ashla and Bogan.

  • @bojax
    @bojax Год назад +25

    The Sith wouldn't have let him have a family either. To my knowledge, there are no Sith families. The emperor only told Anakin what he wanted to hear. The minute he turned to the dark side, he would've figured out some way for Padme to have a tragic "accident".

    • @jrm48220
      @jrm48220 Год назад +9

      Especially since his pain and anger over her death helped fuel his darkside powers.

    • @bojax
      @bojax Год назад +4

      @@jrm48220 Yup exactly! The Jedi aren't perfect. They have their faults, but the Sith are just outright bad.

    • @AristasTheMonsterHunter
      @AristasTheMonsterHunter Год назад +6

      The ancient sith did have families as they considered purity of blood very important. Individual from prestigious sith families had a lot of social advantages in the empire, as well as higher positions of power, regardless of their merits. The sith ideology is all about living as long as possible, one way of doing it is to build a great legacy, wich includes offsping. Even if this is technically no longer canon, is possible to consider that the sith may had stopped having families with institution of the rule of 2: since there could only be a single apprentice, "adopting" someone that was already grown up allowed to dedicate more time and resources to the studying Force and training, without all the investiments that growing up a child normally include.
      Edit: the part about the ancient sith isn't canon anymore, not the one of the rule of 2. I just realized that the way I wrote it made it look the other way around, my bad.

    • @bojax
      @bojax Год назад

      @@AristasTheMonsterHunter Thanks for the info. The rule of two is why I assumed Sith didn't have least in current Star Wars canon.

    • @JJR0694
      @JJR0694 Год назад

      There is literally 3 films about Darth sidious' offspring

  • @DaemoneZ
    @DaemoneZ Год назад +2

    Many people don’t understand the sheer depth of Star Wars. There’s a lot more than what’s just on the surface.

  • @derekstoughton3078
    @derekstoughton3078 Год назад +6

    If you watch the series kanobi you'll see how much he has ptsd sad but interesting watch

  • @DBZ483
    @DBZ483 Год назад +2

    this ptsd edit was a work of art mixing the old and "new" movies together

  • @MikkosFree
    @MikkosFree Год назад +4

    This is why so many people identify with the gray jedi. The empire and the jedi were both authoritarian in nature.

  • @SebasTian58323
    @SebasTian58323 Год назад +3

    I mean, he obviously knows R2D2, but i guess it's technically true that he's never *owned* a droid before. He's worked with and has them assigned to him, but i don't think he's ever owned one that i can remember. He's certainly never owned R2D2, he was the property of Anakin and Padme and i guess he'd have been passed down to Leia

  • @sashi4440
    @sashi4440 Год назад +4

    The world building done by Lucasfilm was very intricate. I've been a fan since the 80s and I'm still learning things about the way things were interconnected to this day through interviews done with people who knew George Lucas.

  • @gmchris3752
    @gmchris3752 Год назад +5

    Based on your reaction here, you'll probably enjoy the Obi Wan series.

  • @peacemaker00
    @peacemaker00 Год назад +3

    Setting aside the silly stuff in it the Obi Wan series did an amazing job of conveying the trauma Obi Wan was living with after the fall of the Republic.

  • @illam9500
    @illam9500 Год назад +1

    Strongly recommend Heroes Fan Productions. They create very good and very emotional videos like this one about star wars.

  • @aruester9182
    @aruester9182 Год назад +1

    You have a Ton of Star Wars material to consume. Clone Wars cartoon. Rebels cartoon. Solo. Mandolorian. Book of Boba. Hell, the 90s ewoke cartoon. Alderan mouse house series. Obi Wan series on D+. The video games have a ton of lore as well.

  • @aguitadeajonjoli4123
    @aguitadeajonjoli4123 Год назад +2

    it would be great to see you react to the extended version. The bonus features on how they did the movie. It’s just absolutely amazing what they did with the resources they had. I think they use a lot of art wich us beautiful

  • @_burningshadow_8010
    @_burningshadow_8010 Год назад +2

    And don't forget that the Jedi were corrupt and largely being controlled by palpatine.
    A lof of these things slowly dripped into the pan, Sidious giving him a Vision about his Wife dying was just the last drop before it overflowed and on top of that there weren't enough people there to help he deal with it, no Ahsoka and Kenobi for example was knocked out during his fight with Dooku. Those are just the last drops though, it started from him being born into slavery, his mother being killed because he wasn't allowed to even visit her. And just the Jedi order being broken, corrupt, no longer following the "true jedi path" and really just failing him time and time again.
    Anakin wasn't wrong at all about the jedi order needing to end or be completely rebuild, of course that doesn't make him destroying the jedi and going to the dark side right, but the problem he had with the jedi was very much real.
    8:07 and that was one of those problems, the jedi order was flawed and strayed from the light side.
    They abolish relationships because *they fear* the problems it might cause, *they fear* emotion, in general.
    Which is obviously bad because like Yoda says himself fear leads to anger, anger to hate and hate to suffering.
    Rather than telling a traumatized child like Anakin to "not feel" "don't have attachments" they should have taught him *how to deal with his feelings in a healthy way* which is what Qui-gonn would have done... if he hadn't died.
    The reason Anakin turned to the Darkside is completely the fault of the flawed Jedi order at the time.
    8:55 well I'm sure George had it in his head though I doubt he had it on paper, it's just that with enough instructions and a good actor we get this result, he acted exactly the way George wanted him to act because George had the full picture in his head. I doubt the Actor knew though.

  • @Nastyn1nja808
    @Nastyn1nja808 Год назад +1

    Aren't they like monks in a Temple. Give up all earthly things? They are trained from a very young age usually

  • @deusconduit2476
    @deusconduit2476 Год назад +1

    Jealousy is only a small cog in the ever greater machine of turning to the dark side. What Yoda was trying to tell Anakin wasn't to become not be jealous, it was to not let his fear of loss overrule his mind and his actions. Fear and Hatred are the two main problems that force users tend to have. It was Anakin's fear of Padme dying that overruled his sense of right and wrong. The facts that the jedi basically didn't trust him and kept holding him back and Palpatine telling him what he wants to hear all day like a snake didn't help either. So when pressed with the option of ending one of the greatest evils in the galaxy and fulfilling the prophecy of the chosen one early versus betraying everything he stands for so he can save the life of someone who lies to his face about how he can teach him how save his wife and wants to use him as a weapon, he chooses the latter.

  • @SighDontWantAHandle
    @SighDontWantAHandle Год назад +1

    The Rebels are the good guys. It's played down in the movies, but they are the only ones fighting for freedom. The Empire is totalitarian and the Jedi is a Theocracy with a velvet fist.

  • @JTByrd386
    @JTByrd386 Год назад +1

    7:37 I think you might have an appreciation for Andor. A series set in the Star Wars universe during the period between the first and second trilogy and done from a less mystical perspective.
    I'm on the fence whether you should see Rogue One (the movie it is a spinoff and prequel of) before or after though.

  • @KingOfGamesss
    @KingOfGamesss Год назад +1

    8:04 Some People are BORN incapable of conceiving think their Lives are Meaningless & Worthless???!

  • @BensSoZen
    @BensSoZen Год назад +1

    They didn't have the movie magic or money in the 1970s to put the early part of the story (the prequels) onscreen.

  • @ProgressiveRoxx
    @ProgressiveRoxx 2 месяца назад

    When Alec Guinness first played this scene, all he had was the script, which stated that Darth Vader was a pupil of Obi-Wan who killed Anakin and brought down the Jedi Order. The guilt he shows in this sene is because of that feeling of responsibility for his student's actions, and shows the genius of Guinness' acting that he displayed something that was not on the page but very human.

  • @Natefilenotfound
    @Natefilenotfound 24 дня назад

    I’ve noticed, he says Darth Vader killed Anakin Skywalker, becauseeeee in Kenobi the show VADER told him in their fight, “You didn’t kill Anakin Skywalker, I did” there for seeding in his head and removing the guilt of thinking he had killed his brother in arms, hence why he told Luke this as well. So glad we got more content in the show I know this is old but wanted to point it out.

  • @rosshall6475
    @rosshall6475 Год назад

    The Original Trilogy and the Prequel Trilogy together are sometimes called The Tragedy of Darth Vader. Obi-Wan is still displaying the arrogance that allowed the order to be destroyed; a certainty that they are right and that the Jedi Code is infallible.

  • @NatalieV0331
    @NatalieV0331 6 месяцев назад

    the ptsd video makes me cry every time

  • @Gomorragh
    @Gomorragh Год назад +4

    you have to remember that episode 4 was actually the first made and George Lucas never intended to release the prequel trilogy or the sequel trilogy

  • @TheBlindGamer369
    @TheBlindGamer369 Год назад

    That's a question about ethics, the Jedi were good, but miss guided. They were focused on war instead of bringing balance to the force, and don't forget the Jedi kidnaped force sensitive kids if there families didn't allow them to be trained in the first place.

  • @speake7777777
    @speake7777777 Год назад

    You should really react to a film, called “Luke’s change.” It will completely recontextualize stuff original trilogy.

  • @rocklinsreactions1807
    @rocklinsreactions1807 Год назад

    The idea of the prequels was to show the folly of the jedi. They were definitely the ones who were at majority fault in anakins fall. But I don't believe they are the bad guys. Palpatine realized there erogance and capitalized on it to take over the galaxy. Remember this is the guy who ordered 2 giant planet destroying weapons built so the galaxy would be so afraid of him that nobody would dare step out of line. The jedis worst traits are not trusting anaking and forbidding attachments to a point anakin felt he had no other choice than to get help from a different source.

  • @nerdacus724
    @nerdacus724 Год назад +2

    Obi-Wan never owned a droid.

  • @Skege1000
    @Skege1000 Год назад

    MedeRecord channel has great Star Wars and other movie related videos. Nice editing of Vader, Ahsoka, Kenobi and few other characters.

  • @BakedImmortal
    @BakedImmortal Год назад

    your right about the light and dark side 2 sides of the same coin the dark side give you death, destruction & chaos but with chaos come progress the light side is life, creation & order but with order comes stagnation both have ups & downs the only difference is who holds the reigns of power

  • @Jonas_æ
    @Jonas_æ Год назад +1

    “Jedi fell long before the Purge. Stifled by tradition. Deafened by our past glories. Blinded by endless war.”
    Taron Malicos put it rather well in Jedi: Fallen Order.
    The order was so dogmatic it didn’t see what was right in front of them. They helped the republic build the Empire in all but name, and did the same in creating Darth Vader.. Palpatine had but to put a name on it and claim the power.

  • @ghostofzanzibar
    @ghostofzanzibar 4 месяца назад

    I'm gonna be that guy and say this. Watto was behind it all. If he let Anakin's mom leave with him and live on Naboo or somewhere safe, none of this would have happened. Also, Anakin lost someone important to him when he needed her the most to balance his emotions around the moment he turned to the dark side. See Clone Wars if you can, amazing series.

  • @spencergrady4575
    @spencergrady4575 Год назад

    For me it still comes down to the actions each faction did.. one protected kids, one killed them.
    The Jedi made irreparable mistakes born of ignorance and pride due to 1,000+ years of peace and prosperity.
    Sith actively sought to destroy, rule, and wreak havoc.

  • @aguitadeajonjoli4123
    @aguitadeajonjoli4123 Год назад

    The thing is what is the end purpose of the movement. One wanted to enslave and destroy and deodorant. Wanted to maintain peace. They both did it through personal sacrifice.

  • @jerrywalters8885
    @jerrywalters8885 Год назад

    Someone did a fan reedit of Obi Wan and Darth Vader fight from first Star Wars movie. Much better and realistic than the first movie actual fight

  • @therealzeus7650
    @therealzeus7650 Год назад +2

    Plagueis is the mentor of Sheev Palpatine/Darth Sidious. Plagueis was so dedicated to the manipulation of midi-chlorians, he inadvertently caused the conception and birth of Anakin Skywalker. meaning he was destined to turn out this way since he was in the womb he had no father btw.

  • @AirAssault7
    @AirAssault7 Год назад

    The Jedi and Sith needed to reseek balance with the force. Hence Anakin was the chosen one for bringing balance to the force.

  • @falconfira
    @falconfira Год назад +1

    I always thought that bringing balance to the force meant the annihilation of all force users.

    • @dissiminator
      @dissiminator Год назад

      At least (them) living without the dogma of organisation / religion and listening only to the voice of the Force, as individuals.

  • @jaernihiltheus7817
    @jaernihiltheus7817 Год назад

    While not every detail about the universe was built, and certain details were shifted around here or there, the broadstrokes were definitely there before filming. Not only are the sith referenced in a cut scene of episode 4 (and again name dropped in various merch throughout the 70s, 80s, and 90s).
    BUT there's even a small scene in episode 4 mentioning how the emperor has now formally dissolved the senate, becoming the sole source of political power in the empire - allowing them to use the death star against the planet of alderaan without any debate or approval.

  • @jordonlongley6576
    @jordonlongley6576 9 месяцев назад

    The jedi are good. Before the clone wars, they were essentially peace keepers, diplomats, and martial artists. For the galactic senate. They use the light side of the force which is associated with positive emotions.
    The sith are bad because their whole philosophy is based on dominance, and the achievement of immortality. They only have two members; master and apprentice. The apprentice is supposed to kill the master to take his spot and then find a new apprentice. Rinse and repeat. Each new Sith Lord being more powerful than the last.

  • @jasonthedave6140
    @jasonthedave6140 Год назад

    Anakin proved the Jedi right. He wanted to protect his family, and was willing to slaughter children, murder his friends, and help overthrow the Republic to do it. This was after he already revenge killed an entire Tusken village. The jedi's problem was extreme arrogance, not their monk lifestyle.

  • @marcusberggren9241
    @marcusberggren9241 Год назад

    The genius of Alec Guinness' acting makes it believable that he was there before the prequels even existed.

  • @drewwar9344
    @drewwar9344 Год назад

    Achieving balance in a force is very difficult. The likelihood of a jedi achieving true balance is very slim The pull to the dark side is very strong Especially when you add in family to the mix Because let me tell you as a father There is nothing I wouldn't do for my family I would burn our world to the ground For There security Regardless If they hated me for my actions

  • @aguitadeajonjoli4123
    @aguitadeajonjoli4123 Год назад

    I believe that George Lucas met with Joseph Campbell the author of the man (hero?) with 1000 faces. I can’t recall the name of the book right now.

  • @Jonas_æ
    @Jonas_æ Год назад

    The moral of the story was not so much that the Jedi were good, and you cannot care about family.
    It was more so a story about the folly of the Jedi. They prided themselves as peace keepers, but their dogmatic views created Darth Vader, and their “peace keeping” in the clone wars paved the way for the Empire.

    • @Jonas_æ
      @Jonas_æ Год назад

      It’s a story and warning about how fragile democracy is. All it takes is for the system to gain enough power and for someone to convince its people they need protection and security.

  • @Sick_Sara
    @Sick_Sara 5 месяцев назад

    To be fair, R2 was never Obi-wan's droid. He never really owned any droids. R2 belonged to Padme/Anakin, and Obi-wan's R4 belonged to the temple. So what he said was true, from a certain point of view.

  • @TheNeojanus1
    @TheNeojanus1 Год назад

    This man would really enjoy episode 8. I did for this reason as well. Because it's true, both groups are the same but on the opposite sides of the coin

    @HULKHOGAN1 3 месяца назад

    Where is the video? I cannot find this original version anymore

  • @meikisaragi1445
    @meikisaragi1445 11 месяцев назад

    What I thought when watching the prequels was, Anakin loves too much which resulted in him being too afraid to get hurt and let go.
    Also, Jedi are balance imo. They're not the "Good" guys, they're the ones who bring "Balance" I guess. And the sith is like the opposite which is "Chaos".
    That's just my thoughts on it anyway, have a great day.

  • @wolfmcqueen9153
    @wolfmcqueen9153 2 месяца назад

    The Sith may be the faction in the right….From a certain point of view

  • @sespark
    @sespark Год назад

    George Lucas talks about how Anakin was a victim in this. However to say that the Jedi were evil for not letting Jedi have a family is far from the truth. Anakin could have left the order. His ambition is what kept him in the order and would ultimately be his undoing.

  • @bryancastaneda_
    @bryancastaneda_ Год назад

    he was seduced by the dark side too bc as palpatine said, you can’t learn how to save people with the force from a Jedi. so this power of the dark side to save someone’s life is what tipped him over

  • @rf4569
    @rf4569 Год назад

    With the Jedi there was a Senate, with the Sith there was an Emperor and troops everywhere. So, I don't doubt that the Jedi were the good guy. They were not perfect, but they were good.

  • @protusmose4469
    @protusmose4469 Год назад

    Now that we're looking at fan-edited content, I would HIGHLY recommend watching "Star Wars SC 38 Reimagined" by FXitinPost. They took Obi Wan and Vader's fight scene in the first movie and updated it with better special effects and fighting, and force use. It's incredibly detailed and ties things the prequels/extended universe. The way Vader fights is way more reflective of his physical strength and limitations, and Obi is much more nimble and uses the force to fight. It's just very well done and entertaining.

  • @scales4442
    @scales4442 Год назад

    After everything he’s been through dude..

  • @LordVader66
    @LordVader66 Год назад

    Palpatine is the Orchestrator of the fall of the Jedi and the Rise of the Sith and Empire to come back to power. So, He is the Bad Guy ultimately.

  • @augustwest9727
    @augustwest9727 Год назад +1

    This is why Darth Vader/Anakin is my favorite character! Anakin messed up, but ultimately he was trying to save the life of his Wife and unborn children. What good Man would not try to save the life of his Family?
    This is why the story is powerful to Men, because we understand the desire to save them, we understand the; "It went to far and spiraled out of control.". We know what it's like to be betrayed.
    This is also one of the many reasons why episodes 7,8 & 9 don't work.

  • @lunardruidcyprian6572
    @lunardruidcyprian6572 Год назад

    I shall do my best to be as breif as possible, though brevity, my lifelong nemesis, share my opinion on Jedi/Sith, and the simplest summary of what I believe to be the only true Cannon. (I am neither enticing nor desiring to debate or argue. *See MrLBoyds Disclaimer* -Copy & Paste-) First the base from which the following opinon is based and validated, anything else is not applicable. True Cannon: The Original, unrealised, not fully novelised, George Lucus conceptualized, Trilogy of Trilogies'. The 3, 3, 3, 9, Hermetic Order Magik Symbolism based, whihc if completed and fully realized by G.L. would make far more sense, and perhaps completed what may have been an attempted modern day ritual manifesting in some perceived outcome that would impact humanity more than the Star Wars saga already has. The minutia and plethora of Relgious, esoteric, historical, and mystical sources utilized by G.L. is far to vast to tangent into, but the IMO, only true cannon is the aforementioned hopes of G.L. failed to be completed. A short retelling of his original vision and basic plot for the 9 films. 4-6 self-explanatory. 1-3, few major deviations form his original plot, many minor. Primarily due to already losing control of vision to powers larger than himself. 7-9, not just simply bastrdized or altered, literally 0% of his original plot and outcome of 7-9 was used, considered, or even casullay mentioned.
    1-6, if you don't get the point, rewatch, try again, you missed something along the journey. 1-9 original plot and outcome (simplistic AF), The underlying carried through sub-main-plot, there is a prophecy of an individual who will beb born who will bring balance to the Force. 1-3 Jedi assume it Anakin, for various reasons. 3-6, assumption is Luke, 7-9 OG, the actual Balance brought to the Force, not an individual rather fraternal male/female twins (runs in families) children of Han Solo and Leia. Despite Solo's opinions on the matter, though not that he tried to hard to prevent, both twins became Jedi. The son then became Sith, the Daughter considered and nearly did so for love of her brother. The love for her brother, actually bringing back form the Dark Side. Something not only believed to be impossible as oncce a Sith becomes a Sith Lord, the taking of life, generally their Master, is irredeemable. The twins then hand in hand forsake both extremes, Jedi and Sith. Embarking on a journey to teach and enlighten the true purpose and power of the Force when balanced, aka the Middle Way. Bringing not only balance to the Force, but the eventual extinction of any desire or probability for either extreme tro exist again. Without the extremes the masses no longer consider the Force to be an ancient hokey pokey religion, rather it is no longer religion at all but the balance saturates life in the cosmos bringing milennia of peace, prosperity, unity, and type of collective consciousness. (Oddly enough, the timing of the films releases nearly coincided with the precursors to the astrological shift to the Age of Aquarius on 01/01/2021-03/20/2021 and the Vedic cycle transiton from economy and science, to the age of emphasis being unity, peace, and collective responsibility for the greater good.)
    In closing, Jedi and Sith are opposing extremes of the same spectrum/frequency/vibration etcetera, another example of the duality that must exist and does throughout everything we know or theroize, (excluding quantum realm). Jedi IMO are more aligned with modern day 'tearer'-ism not so much in action but in flawed misinterpreted and intentionally taught beliefs of Force. Sith more akin to the Military Industrial Complex, willing to use violence and force to attempt to alter, or battle against an idea. The same problem exists, one cannot defeat an idea, belief, or truly held concept with force or violence, no matter the amount or numbers. The only successful way to "win" is through properly communicated re-education of ignorance or misguided and mistaught ideals. Example IRL, a Pakistani 'tearer'-ist replicated the scene where Anakin deletes the young persons in the Jedi school. Not only was he proud of this, and welcomed questioning and the opportunity to 'brag' about his exploits, but he did not comprehend why so many condemned his actions. He believed with great fervor that what he did was a righteous act because those young persons were being raised in homes and communities that were teaching them falsehoods and that if he had not done what he did their souls would be in eternal hellfire. He fully and literally believed he was not only right, but should be praised by others for he knew his maker would reward him in the next life. I'm sorry, but you tell me how violence or force is going to anything but embolden and strengthen his belief in this? Though I can enjoy the Star Wars saga and find the copious amounts of fan-fiction cannon fascinating and some vital if you're seeking answers for obscure and interesting queries amidst the verse, I standby my opinion, and personally doubt, my opinion will change simply because of interesting data not posited and rarely confirmed by G.L.
    I did my best at brevity, and believe me, this is breif for me. Much love and Respect to All. May the Force be with you.
    Stay Safe. Stay Golden. Remember your Divinity. -JBM-
    I have spoken. 😉

  • @Joni_Tarvainen
    @Joni_Tarvainen Год назад

    In the end the deal with the force is to go Grey. Both extremes are bad.
    Where Jedi are religious zealots and hypocrites, Sith are practically Antitheists that wants to subjugate the living force and rise above.
    Jedi should serve force, not Galactic republic, which led to their downfall. Qui-Gon Jinn had the right idea, he served force and force alone.

  • @brandonmonsivais9817
    @brandonmonsivais9817 Год назад +1

    I think that you might’ve missed a very crucial plot point of the prequel’s. And that is that the Jedi had essentially become arrogant and complacent. There is a very cool theory that helps explain it, I feel is cannon. That is that Yodas entire padawan tree, Count Duku, Quigon, Obi, and Anakin all have one flaw, Pride. Yoda thought Duku was an exceptional duelist and doted on him. One of Dukes greatest achievements before he fell to pride was the way he taught Quigon. Quigon pride ness came into fruition when he became adamant that the prophecy spoke of Anakin. And that he was the best suited to teach him, which in all honesty it might’ve been the best choice as Quigon was more of a grey Jed. With out going too much into Obi, we can clearly see that his pride of Anakin blinded him to what he was becoming. The animated Tv show goes further into depth about this. And well Anakin truly believed that he was the chosen one and that what ever choice he would make would lead to balance. And that’s just one padawan tree line. Pride and arrogance truly flourished through the jedi order during the time of the prequels

  • @Benjifan2000
    @Benjifan2000 Год назад +1

    The Jedi Order being destroyed was simply revenge from the Sith when the Jedi massacred the Sith 5000 years earlier they even murdered the Sith women and children, and the Jedi are somehow still considered the good guys.

  • @Marcus-lb6dv
    @Marcus-lb6dv 7 месяцев назад

    You don't have a clue what PTSD is. He's clearly reminiscing on his life.

  • @fiverx2159
    @fiverx2159 Год назад +1

    he doesnt have ptsd he just has exceptionally poor writers

  • @superzilla784
    @superzilla784 5 месяцев назад

    I love how everyone is in agreement that Anakin is dead and there is only Vader. it's true. Anakin would never do any of those horrible things. but Vader would.