That's one of the nicest looking 2000's I've seen. I've had a couple of nice ones myself and one thing I remember is the great receive they have along with that old school cobra audio.
@@tractorman1990 oh I caught it lol, but I responded in case others didn't. I had someone comment awhile back and ask me why the 1000 didn't have ssb lol
@@tractorman1990 oh I caught it lol, but I responded in case others didn't. I had someone comment awhile back and ask me why the 1000 didn't have ssb lol
@ ok lol. I have a 1000 done up and with my thunderbolt 305 I get awesome audio reports. Thanks to you lol. Been thinking about trying some brownings but not sure it’s worth it.
That's one of the nicest looking 2000's I've seen. I've had a couple of nice ones myself and one thing I remember is the great receive they have along with that old school cobra audio.
That's a great looking radio. Who wouldn't love having that, sitting back talking late nights , especially with a good group of guys.
That's a nice one!
super clean radio, very nice !!
As sweet as a piece of divinity candy, WOW!
That is a beauty.
Sweet much better than mine.
😅 feel the same way.
Sweet looking
Looks nice rooster
Man that’s really nice !
All the best to you and the family Rooster
(333) Chopper South Central Kentucky
Whoa and BEHOLD!!!!!!
Wher r you located
I like that
Damn that rig is sweet, they did a great job.
Any of those Illuminati products in yet?
@@SCDHL4-f2l not yet
Okay, thanks @Rooster_Radio I'll check back periodically..
Looks very cool. Oh and a 2000 is just a 1000 with side band and frequency counter 😂😬🥴
@@tractorman1990 wrong.
Cobra 1000 is essentially a 29gtl
Cobra 2000 a 148gtl.
Cobra 1000 will do significantly more PEP or PEAK than a 2000.
@ you didn’t catch my sarcasm lol. I think the way the 1000 and 29 modulate is different too I think it’s a transformer or something.
@@tractorman1990 oh I caught it lol, but I responded in case others didn't.
I had someone comment awhile back and ask me why the 1000 didn't have ssb lol
@@tractorman1990 oh I caught it lol, but I responded in case others didn't.
I had someone comment awhile back and ask me why the 1000 didn't have ssb lol
@ ok lol. I have a 1000 done up and with my thunderbolt 305 I get awesome audio reports. Thanks to you lol. Been thinking about trying some brownings but not sure it’s worth it.
457 WitchDoctor,
1200 radio right there\
Some will disagree, but I think so as well, especially after talking on it. They did a good job
Very nice radio rooster! Like how it is done!
@@miker8379 got some mail from you today
Darth Vader
Never liked them..... but hey ot works
You suck! Bad a- radio.