GAMERS I HAVE RETURNED (I never left ) this video took a LOOONG time to make so I really hope you enjoy it! (please use code Intrests I got bills to pay 😭🙏)
19:20 Not to be rude but Thunderlord VII is obviously way more common than it appears in RNG meter. The odds in the RNG meter are rolled once per book slot generated which means it's actually way more common than you probably think
25:56 "will lightning stike twice and we will get a scroll on the last run of the day?" meanwhile thunderlord VII: "oh they r talking about me i should go there" *thunderlord VII appears" Intrests: chat anyone knows someone who murders people for free?
Man, I really want bomb back. I used to hate it because I didn’t know how to cheese and neither did my party is it would ruin our runs but then I learned how to cheese it and it became fun :( RIP bomb defuse. And rip all the nons that “bombed” their f7s by failing it. (Pun intended)
hello Gamers and welcome back to another hxo Sky Block video this is the golden M profile where I cannot buy weapons armor 0:06 and tools and I have a problem I'm broke I'm literally in the middle of grinding for the garden video as you can tell 0:12 from my inventory but I have such a good opportunity to make coins right now that I have to put that on hold because right 0:19 now there is a combination you cannot say no to we have triple perk pole and 0:24 mythological ritual Diana two of the ways I made a crap ton of money in the past from so for the next 5 days or so 0:32 when these guys are around I'm just going to be hopping on dungeons for like the whole day and then when I eventually get tired I'll do some Diana and this is 0:38 honestly great for me cuz I've been slacking when it comes to dungeons I'm 58% of the way to C 49 but I've barely 0:45 been doing any dungeons ooh trap room I used to absolutely hate doing trap like any other normal human being but after I 0:52 learned how to do the funny I can't get enough of trap room if you're doing dungeons then I highly recommend you do 0:57 this there's actually a way to leave without having to go the normal way let me try like do this or something no I 1:04 don't know how to do this future me here and I took such a 1:12 long time to edit this video that they actually fixed the thing I was trying to do they also changed how ender pearls 1:17 work so you can't use them to cheese trap anymore all without a single mention in the forums by the way I was 1:24 going to show you another way to cheese trap using pearls and be like haha stupid admins didn't actually fix it but 1:30 they did they fixed it you were able to just Pearl on the top of the wall and it would put you in and you could just dig 1:35 through the wall and get the chest but stupid admins fixed it man okay hold on 1:42 let me try some uh interest Tech here can I do 1:48 this well would you look at uh oh okay there we go I thought I 1:54 wouldn't be able to do that uh yeah there we go um would you look at that you can still cheese trap 2:02 good one admins LOL anyways let's get back to the video also you should subscribe and leave a like and uh yeah 2:08 do that do that all right first run is done am I going to roll inside of the dungeon yes I am I'm feeling lucky okay 2:15 I should not have done that GG's there goes like 2 million coins cuz kmets are stupidly expensive nowadays if you're 2:21 wondering about my RNG meter it is currently at 19.8% so pretty much 20% oh 2:27 and also I finally turned on the highlights start mobs I went my entire dungeon playthrough without turning it 2:33 on and I got to say it is a freaking life changer I don't want to die okay oh and by the way they removed the bomb 2:39 diffuse wrist in peace I understand why they removed it but I I like cheesing it 2:46 and pretending like I knew what I was doing I want to practice this new Jump I saw for uh pre device so you just bonso 2:53 here bonso here bonso and then like that oh my God that's so clean I've actually 2:58 gotten so good at pre- device I rarely ever fa it what the Bro has 177,000 ping 3:06 no wonder we couldn't split and we're failing to kill the dragons with that ping bro might still be in the dungeon 3:11 Hub dude I've been playing with farming equipment the whole time to be honest I 3:17 barely noticed the difference but that's so stupid Third Run nothing much I'll take 3:25 it bruh come on and the fourth run is completed 3:30 now RNG w o this is an extremely rare one by one and I just upgraded my Tu 3:37 site to five this is basically like Champion but for Bows Oh there's a whole bunch of mobs 3:44 here hello there oh hello there there's Shadows house in [Music] 3:50 here okay now how the hell do I get out of here I just realized this room doesn't even have secret finder it's 3:56 that rare okay screw clearing I got to find this okay I just picked up an item from here oh I can do that anything here yep 4:05 there's a chest and I think the last one is like right here there's a hole here 4:13 somewhere or maybe oh wait no I found it there we go I'm doing Secrets before 4:18 clearing hell yeah that is five runs that's my dailies this is usually when I 4:24 would stop doing dungeons whenever I do dungeons but today is different I'm going to keep going until I to get tired 4:30 and then it's time for Diana oh for a second I thought there 4:36 was a thunderlord bro I'm up to four of those by the way here is the latest one 4:41 oh need CT [Music] 4:47 okay bro [Music] 4:54 bro no way dude did this guy just roll into a handle how old old is this this 5:00 item is 8 seconds he's not capping he just rerolled into a freaking handle GG's okay hold on I got to I got a roll 5:08 as well I have the bits I can just buy the feathers I don't need to spend any coins on [Music] 5:15 this that's an l 5:20 no no no oh these are all L's 5:26 bro okay okay I'm going to I'm going to go back to dungeons now ooh I got the new variant of this one I said earlier 5:34 they removed bomb diffuse so they had to replace that blocking somehow so they decided to just add another chest for 5:39 this puzzle extremely creative solution uh never mind they did not add another 5:45 chest I said variation because I knew they kept the normal one but I thought they just kept it intact and then they 5:51 have another one where two chests spawn instead of one but I guess I was wrong all right we'll call it a day here that 5:57 should be a full page of run runs I don't know how many hours this is like 4 and 1/2 maybe five not the most optimal 6:05 runs for sure but most of these were pretty decent actually didn't check the loot in every single one so let me just 6:11 quickly check if I dropped the handle and no I did not cuz if I did the meter would be at zero so let's go ahead and 6:17 change that let me buy a whole bunch of kismet feathers okay that's 30 counting 6:22 the ones I used earlier roll nothing oh a Recon here I'll take 6:28 that another we'll take that that an auto recom in this one I guess we'll take that as well kind of sad that a 6:33 normal Recon populator is worth more but it is what it is wait were those shiny wither boots yep too bad they're useless 6:41 nothing there nothing there another recom here we'll take that another here 6:46 these are back to back oh and if you're wondering where I'm getting the coins to claim the chests I still have a billion 6:52 coins in the bank for my golden dragon so I kind of lied when I said I'm broke except not really cuz if I want to take 6:57 full advantage of the pet I need the billing coin of the bank anyhow I think that's enough dungeons for one day so 7:03 let me just get my trusty ancestral spade and my datax and it is time to start doing some 7:11 mythological ritual oh are you kidding me okay all right this party is like 7:18 cracked this is the third Inquisitor already I'm not getting anything but yeah okay 7:23 GG nothing oh my God what the dude what is this RNG I've been in this party for 7:30 like 10 minutes this is the fourth Inquisitor nothing nothing oh I got a bro I got a bro I got 7:38 nothing GG there is another bro why is bro Invisible by the way he's literally invisible eh probably one of my mods 7:45 tweaking but yeah I got nothing 7:52 GG looking for a chimor okay shocking wow I got nothing 8:00 and nothing nothing nothing again I got a 8:08 bro yeah I know I get nothing from mine I get nothing from theirs I get nothing 8:14 from dungeons I'm getting absolutely nothing today nothing I pre-fired it cuz 8:19 I knew I'm not dropping anything nothing oh that's my third bro come on 8:26 this this better be some starting to lose it it's nearly midnight
@@Intrests 8:40 get nothing I got another I'm actually getting kind of Lucky with spawning them please please 8:48 oh please oh let's go I've been add this for like 8:55 an hour and a half actually a little bit closer to 2 hours I got a stack and half of feathers so uh I'm just going to 9:01 scadaddle and call it a day I'm actually pretty tired and uh am I go to 9:08 bed day two is upon us and I am in the dungeon Hub also I literally just woke 9:14 up like 10 minutes ago yesterday I only did one page of dungeon runs so today I'm going for at least a run and a half 9:21 maybe even two runs if time allows so I'll probably be hitting C of 49 today 9:26 seeing how yesterday I ended at 76% so uh yeah enough yapping time to hop on and do some dungeons also also I'm 9:34 probably going to run out of bits today so I'm going to have to start spending actual coins on kissm that's fun you 9:40 know what let me just mentally prepare myself for that and just spend all my bits right now I got 30 feathers which 9:46 is going to be 59 million coins that I'm going to spend uh so that's fun also my 9:53 storage overlay is super buggy today so I'm just going to disable it back to the good old storage we always used to use 9:59 we got another eight feathers in here so that's a total of 38 I might not have to spend coins today after 10:05 [Music] all wait dude no dude I was looking through 10:12 yesterday's runs cuz I realized I didn't claim everything and I had some and I had some profit I just skipped over and 10:19 I find this um okay I'll take that yo it's the northern lights they added it 10:26 to Sky Block that's crazy the server is actually so laggy it's unplayable at 10:32 times wait oh my god dude are you kidding me 10:38 are you kidding this the the dude who dropped handle yesterday just got another are you kidding me dude I 10:44 thought I was RNG carried nah nah this is not real nah this is not 10:49 real oh it's the child hold on can I there are no blocks what about 10:57 here oh my God I'm so smart I'm so smart ah my head hurts ah I'm too 11:04 smart all right there we go that should be cata 49 let's go 19% stat increase 11:13 shees and someone gets a shadow orp GG you know what just because of that let me uh let me have a have a 11:20 roll handle not okay all right how much XP for cat 50 116 million 11:29 all right yeah that's happening mhm yep yep yep all right we're done with dugans for the day let me get my 37 kissm 11:36 feathers probably not going to be enough I have 42 unclaimed chests uh so let's just start gambling I guess let's start 11:43 with this one R roll watch that one be a handle a man can a man can help oh a 11:51 recom all right we'll take that not even from a roll that's just there oh back to back all right I'll take that GG's oh 11:58 Aron from a roll we'll take that that at least pays for a Schism plus a little bit of propit propit yep that's a word 12:04 another eom that's the fourth I'm up to the same number as yesterday's another Auto Rec okay I'll take that that's 12:10 literally the exact same loot as yesterday I'm just missing a star come on man come on please I'm down to my 12:15 last six runs another one are you kidding me okay another recom I'll take that that's five Recs two Auto recom and 12:21 this is the last run of the day it's going to be nothing oh never mind it's it's a recom I'll take that six Recs 12:27 today man Lo key kind of an L how many runs did I do uh that's 8 16 24 28 32 36 12:38 40 42 runs 42 runs I started this with 504 runs I've done 70 runs in the past 12:46 two days I don't think I played this much dungeons like ever let's put this stuff away I'll do some Diana uh maybe 12:52 an hour of Diana maybe oh did they kill it oh GG I didn't get anything nothing GG we're dropping something we have to 13:00 drop something come on I love how I just started doing D I'm already complaining okay we didn't get anything 13:05 gg gg nice camera CH look at my camera look at the camera I'm holding GG nothing GG another round of 13:12 nothing oh I got nothing GG nice is this the Bro do we get the book nine we do 13:18 not get the book no GG 13:23 nothing GG nothing again okay there we go that is a stack and a half of feathers I call it a day here so that's 13:31 a total of three stacks GG's nothing really oh well GG's it is what it 13:41 is day four not day three not because I didn't play during day three but because 13:46 somehow I didn't record anything and to be honest not much happened I just did a couple of runs of Dungeons and a lot of 13:52 Diana I got over two stacks of feathers and another chimira book so now I have over five stacks of feathers and two 14:00 Chimera 1 books and as you can see they're pretty expensive the books are almost 300 million coins and the 14:07 feathers are pretty much 35 million coins so Diana was definitely worth doing it was pretty profitable okay 14:13 enough yapping let's get back to the present time it is a new day and today is going to be dungeons focused 14:18 yesterday I was feeling pretty down so I only did 10 runs it was more of a Diana kind of day but today I'm bouncing back 14:24 I'm going to go for two full pages of dungeons I'm going to be doing this the 14:30 whole day dude no no this did not just happen
I was MEANT to go to bed, but that was the second I saw this :rolling_eyes: anyway, now it's late and I am sleeby, but that was fun nice vid and gg on NOT getting a handle (voiding money is hilarious)
How do you mine like that? I have an efficiency 10 but I have to walk into the block to make it disappear and even then it lags me back and I can't go through it
"Observer Effect in the Double Slit Experiment: The alteration of the behaviour of particles (e.g., electrons) through measurement or observation. Observation of a quantum system inevitably disrupts its state, causing its behaviour to change from wave-like to particle-like in the Double Slit Experiment." 🤓
hey, as someone who made a (shitty) video about how to boompearl trap, i can confirm that using tnt to get out is patched but pearl to go through walls isn't
Will your golden man profile become your main profile? I feel like your last main prof vid was ages ago. Doesn’t really matter for me cause I like gman more but still
Mr. Mr. Dan Goat shown in video! (Hes wrong about tank btw, imo. AOTS is better for agro then you swap to soulwhip. But he has more experience than me so, yeah. Listen to dan! Mr. Mr. Dan goat!)
Most famous thing Intrests is known for.... "HELLO GAMERS! And welcome back to another skyblock video. This is the Goldenman profile! Where I cannot buy weapons, armor and tools!"
GAMERS I HAVE RETURNED (I never left ) this video took a LOOONG time to make so I really hope you enjoy it!
(please use code Intrests I got bills to pay 😭🙏)
Do you even mew bro?
jk but thanks for the awesome vids
Okay bald man
yessir baldie
Also do you even mew bro?
He finally remembered his password 🙏
Do you even mew bro?
nice upload schedule baldtrests
@@Intrests face is below the gap
"I should have a normal upload schedule now" -Intrests
famous last words
@@Intrests fr lol but I believe in you just keep it up anything you do is supported
@@DragonHeart8192-r8t bro ain't ever gonna have a normal upload schedule
@@Intrests fr great vid keep it up man.
Bro leaned his ways from techno,
- randomly goes to cryo sleep not to be seen for long periods of time
- When he uploads makes a banger
19:20 Not to be rude but Thunderlord VII is obviously way more common than it appears in RNG meter. The odds in the RNG meter are rolled once per book slot generated which means it's actually way more common than you probably think
Yep js chill
Interests is like a alcoholic father that lost custody and you can only see every 2 months
0.0000001%! You found a Intrests upload!
as a cata 51 this dungeon gameplay was hard to watch but good vid bro keep it up!
as a cata 61 ur gameplay is probably the same 🙏😭
@@dr-br5xt i get 13second ss 😎
@@SwaxMinecraft yeah we are cooked😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏
Baldy uploaded
Baldy you mean?
@@ESTrashfire13badly uploaded 😂😂😂😂
Haven’t seen him a wwwwwwwhhhhhhhiiiiiiillllllleeeeeee
y-you're alive...?
He’s been streaming all the time
@@radiantpup5867 you must be fun at parties
wow no way you're alive enmie
25:56 "will lightning stike twice and we will get a scroll on the last run of the day?" meanwhile thunderlord VII: "oh they r talking about me i should go there" *thunderlord VII appears" Intrests: chat anyone knows someone who murders people for free?
Man, I really want bomb back.
I used to hate it because I didn’t know how to cheese and neither did my party is it would ruin our runs but then I learned how to cheese it and it became fun :(
RIP bomb defuse. And rip all the nons that “bombed” their f7s by failing it. (Pun intended)
17:53 bro voided basically my networth
he voided 10x my entire worth man
what is the mod he is using at 44:31 for the secret route?
Get farming buddy boy we havent forgotten
hello Gamers and welcome back to another hxo Sky Block video this is the golden M profile where I cannot buy weapons armor
and tools and I have a problem I'm broke I'm literally in the middle of grinding for the garden video as you can tell
from my inventory but I have such a good opportunity to make coins right now that I have to put that on hold because right
now there is a combination you cannot say no to we have triple perk pole and
mythological ritual Diana two of the ways I made a crap ton of money in the past from so for the next 5 days or so
when these guys are around I'm just going to be hopping on dungeons for like the whole day and then when I eventually get tired I'll do some Diana and this is
honestly great for me cuz I've been slacking when it comes to dungeons I'm 58% of the way to C 49 but I've barely
been doing any dungeons ooh trap room I used to absolutely hate doing trap like any other normal human being but after I
learned how to do the funny I can't get enough of trap room if you're doing dungeons then I highly recommend you do
this there's actually a way to leave without having to go the normal way let me try like do this or something no I
don't know how to do this future me here and I took such a
long time to edit this video that they actually fixed the thing I was trying to do they also changed how ender pearls
work so you can't use them to cheese trap anymore all without a single mention in the forums by the way I was
going to show you another way to cheese trap using pearls and be like haha stupid admins didn't actually fix it but
they did they fixed it you were able to just Pearl on the top of the wall and it would put you in and you could just dig
through the wall and get the chest but stupid admins fixed it man okay hold on
let me try some uh interest Tech here can I do
this well would you look at uh oh okay there we go I thought I
wouldn't be able to do that uh yeah there we go um would you look at that you can still cheese trap
good one admins LOL anyways let's get back to the video also you should subscribe and leave a like and uh yeah
do that do that all right first run is done am I going to roll inside of the dungeon yes I am I'm feeling lucky okay
I should not have done that GG's there goes like 2 million coins cuz kmets are stupidly expensive nowadays if you're
wondering about my RNG meter it is currently at 19.8% so pretty much 20% oh
and also I finally turned on the highlights start mobs I went my entire dungeon playthrough without turning it
on and I got to say it is a freaking life changer I don't want to die okay oh and by the way they removed the bomb
diffuse wrist in peace I understand why they removed it but I I like cheesing it
and pretending like I knew what I was doing I want to practice this new Jump I saw for uh pre device so you just bonso
here bonso here bonso and then like that oh my God that's so clean I've actually
gotten so good at pre- device I rarely ever fa it what the Bro has 177,000 ping
no wonder we couldn't split and we're failing to kill the dragons with that ping bro might still be in the dungeon
Hub dude I've been playing with farming equipment the whole time to be honest I
barely noticed the difference but that's so stupid Third Run nothing much I'll take
it bruh come on and the fourth run is completed
now RNG w o this is an extremely rare one by one and I just upgraded my Tu
site to five this is basically like Champion but for Bows Oh there's a whole bunch of mobs
here hello there oh hello there there's Shadows house in [Music]
here okay now how the hell do I get out of here I just realized this room doesn't even have secret finder it's
that rare okay screw clearing I got to find this okay I just picked up an item from here oh I can do that anything here yep
there's a chest and I think the last one is like right here there's a hole here
somewhere or maybe oh wait no I found it there we go I'm doing Secrets before
clearing hell yeah that is five runs that's my dailies this is usually when I
would stop doing dungeons whenever I do dungeons but today is different I'm going to keep going until I to get tired
and then it's time for Diana oh for a second I thought there
was a thunderlord bro I'm up to four of those by the way here is the latest one
oh need CT [Music]
okay bro [Music]
bro no way dude did this guy just roll into a handle how old old is this this
item is 8 seconds he's not capping he just rerolled into a freaking handle GG's okay hold on I got to I got a roll
as well I have the bits I can just buy the feathers I don't need to spend any coins on [Music]
this that's an l
no no no oh these are all L's
bro okay okay I'm going to I'm going to go back to dungeons now ooh I got the new variant of this one I said earlier
they removed bomb diffuse so they had to replace that blocking somehow so they decided to just add another chest for
this puzzle extremely creative solution uh never mind they did not add another
chest I said variation because I knew they kept the normal one but I thought they just kept it intact and then they
have another one where two chests spawn instead of one but I guess I was wrong all right we'll call it a day here that
should be a full page of run runs I don't know how many hours this is like 4 and 1/2 maybe five not the most optimal
runs for sure but most of these were pretty decent actually didn't check the loot in every single one so let me just
quickly check if I dropped the handle and no I did not cuz if I did the meter would be at zero so let's go ahead and
change that let me buy a whole bunch of kismet feathers okay that's 30 counting
the ones I used earlier roll nothing oh a Recon here I'll take
that another we'll take that that an auto recom in this one I guess we'll take that as well kind of sad that a
normal Recon populator is worth more but it is what it is wait were those shiny wither boots yep too bad they're useless
nothing there nothing there another recom here we'll take that another here
these are back to back oh and if you're wondering where I'm getting the coins to claim the chests I still have a billion
coins in the bank for my golden dragon so I kind of lied when I said I'm broke except not really cuz if I want to take
full advantage of the pet I need the billing coin of the bank anyhow I think that's enough dungeons for one day so
let me just get my trusty ancestral spade and my datax and it is time to start doing some
mythological ritual oh are you kidding me okay all right this party is like
cracked this is the third Inquisitor already I'm not getting anything but yeah okay
GG nothing oh my God what the dude what is this RNG I've been in this party for
like 10 minutes this is the fourth Inquisitor nothing nothing oh I got a bro I got a bro I got
nothing GG there is another bro why is bro Invisible by the way he's literally invisible eh probably one of my mods
tweaking but yeah I got nothing
GG looking for a chimor okay shocking wow I got nothing
and nothing nothing nothing again I got a
bro yeah I know I get nothing from mine I get nothing from theirs I get nothing
from dungeons I'm getting absolutely nothing today nothing I pre-fired it cuz
I knew I'm not dropping anything nothing oh that's my third bro come on
this this better be some starting to lose it it's nearly midnight
r u okay
@@Intrests 8:40
get nothing I got another I'm actually getting kind of Lucky with spawning them please please
oh please oh let's go I've been add this for like
an hour and a half actually a little bit closer to 2 hours I got a stack and half of feathers so uh I'm just going to
scadaddle and call it a day I'm actually pretty tired and uh am I go to
bed day two is upon us and I am in the dungeon Hub also I literally just woke
up like 10 minutes ago yesterday I only did one page of dungeon runs so today I'm going for at least a run and a half
maybe even two runs if time allows so I'll probably be hitting C of 49 today
seeing how yesterday I ended at 76% so uh yeah enough yapping time to hop on and do some dungeons also also I'm
probably going to run out of bits today so I'm going to have to start spending actual coins on kissm that's fun you
know what let me just mentally prepare myself for that and just spend all my bits right now I got 30 feathers which
is going to be 59 million coins that I'm going to spend uh so that's fun also my
storage overlay is super buggy today so I'm just going to disable it back to the good old storage we always used to use
we got another eight feathers in here so that's a total of 38 I might not have to spend coins today after
[Music] all wait dude no dude I was looking through
yesterday's runs cuz I realized I didn't claim everything and I had some and I had some profit I just skipped over and
I find this um okay I'll take that yo it's the northern lights they added it
to Sky Block that's crazy the server is actually so laggy it's unplayable at
times wait oh my god dude are you kidding me
are you kidding this the the dude who dropped handle yesterday just got another are you kidding me dude I
thought I was RNG carried nah nah this is not real nah this is not
real oh it's the child hold on can I there are no blocks what about
here oh my God I'm so smart I'm so smart ah my head hurts ah I'm too
smart all right there we go that should be cata 49 let's go 19% stat increase
shees and someone gets a shadow orp GG you know what just because of that let me uh let me have a have a
roll handle not okay all right how much XP for cat 50 116 million
all right yeah that's happening mhm yep yep yep all right we're done with dugans for the day let me get my 37 kissm
feathers probably not going to be enough I have 42 unclaimed chests uh so let's just start gambling I guess let's start
with this one R roll watch that one be a handle a man can a man can help oh a
recom all right we'll take that not even from a roll that's just there oh back to back all right I'll take that GG's oh
Aron from a roll we'll take that that at least pays for a Schism plus a little bit of propit propit yep that's a word
another eom that's the fourth I'm up to the same number as yesterday's another Auto Rec okay I'll take that that's
literally the exact same loot as yesterday I'm just missing a star come on man come on please I'm down to my
last six runs another one are you kidding me okay another recom I'll take that that's five Recs two Auto recom and
this is the last run of the day it's going to be nothing oh never mind it's it's a recom I'll take that six Recs
today man Lo key kind of an L how many runs did I do uh that's 8 16 24 28 32 36
40 42 runs 42 runs I started this with 504 runs I've done 70 runs in the past
two days I don't think I played this much dungeons like ever let's put this stuff away I'll do some Diana uh maybe
an hour of Diana maybe oh did they kill it oh GG I didn't get anything nothing GG we're dropping something we have to
drop something come on I love how I just started doing D I'm already complaining okay we didn't get anything
gg gg nice camera CH look at my camera look at the camera I'm holding GG nothing GG another round of
nothing oh I got nothing GG nice is this the Bro do we get the book nine we do
not get the book no GG
nothing GG nothing again okay there we go that is a stack and a half of feathers I call it a day here so that's
a total of three stacks GG's nothing really oh well GG's it is what it
is day four not day three not because I didn't play during day three but because
somehow I didn't record anything and to be honest not much happened I just did a couple of runs of Dungeons and a lot of
Diana I got over two stacks of feathers and another chimira book so now I have over five stacks of feathers and two
Chimera 1 books and as you can see they're pretty expensive the books are almost 300 million coins and the
feathers are pretty much 35 million coins so Diana was definitely worth doing it was pretty profitable okay
enough yapping let's get back to the present time it is a new day and today is going to be dungeons focused
yesterday I was feeling pretty down so I only did 10 runs it was more of a Diana kind of day but today I'm bouncing back
I'm going to go for two full pages of dungeons I'm going to be doing this the
whole day dude no no this did not just happen
I was MEANT to go to bed, but that was the second I saw this :rolling_eyes:
anyway, now it's late and I am sleeby, but that was fun
nice vid and gg on NOT getting a handle (voiding money is hilarious)
3:36 I have been training for the past 100 years to spell that.
Hey that was me! 😮
my goat
How do you mine like that? I have an efficiency 10 but I have to walk into the block to make it disappear and even then it lags me back and I can't go through it
Bro was searching for the password for us but forgot his main password to youtube and he finally remembers
13:30 that top right page looked kinda familiar at first
Brooo don't mention it he might get banned
proud of you bro ggs on cata 50
W upload schedule
Nice vid, keep up the goog work !
50:13 "the the human society" - Intrests(2024)
Yooooo 55min video ❤❤❤❤
He took his promise back
"I should have a normal upload schedule now"
It’s a good month when intrests uploads
surely its not that bad right? 💀
"What's an upload schedule?" - Intrests since he started his channel
Double slit experiment was Thomas young discovering light was a wave. The one you wanted to say was Schrödinger's Cat
I think he meant Heisenbergs uncertainty principle, where different things happen when you watch vs don’t watch
"Observer Effect in the Double Slit Experiment: The alteration of the behaviour of particles (e.g., electrons) through measurement or observation. Observation of a quantum system inevitably disrupts its state, causing its behaviour to change from wave-like to particle-like in the Double Slit Experiment." 🤓
@@Intrests this is y I subbed:)
Bro finally remembered his yt password
wait. I just realized the phoenix pet at 14:03! when did that happen bald mand
Bros upload is more rare than a handle
his videos are such a rare drop, its not even on f7 meter
@@CrayzGamez1 Ultra rare drop!!! +128277272727272773757547 magic find!
49:30 bro watched too much "rascal does not dream of a bunny girl senpai" 😂😂
Hes back yeees
you can still do the pearl thing if you stand on the other wall and throw it 4 pixels next to the wall you need to pearl into
It’s been a year daddy😔☹️😞
But in all seriousness LETS GOOOO INTRESTS VIDEOOOOO❤️
really nice video bro keep it up
very good upload schedule
your thumbnails look the exact same in every video, i thought this was old
Honey wake up bald man uploaded
Great vid! Watched it after had to restart my profile for the second time long story 😢
The thirty jump scare got me frfr
thats actually a good giveaway that’d would make me play again! love your vids
They did mention the pearl change in patch notes...
hey, as someone who made a (shitty) video about how to boompearl trap, i can confirm that using tnt to get out is patched but pearl to go through walls isn't
I waited so long i didnt knew what to do without Youre Vids while playing…
You know its a good day when Intrests uploads
“I’m broke” bro has more money than me on my 1 year account
Yo fire video bro! Best m7 healer.
bro just came back to us out of the blue 💀. But glad to see ur back to uploading for real this time
INSANE DROP!!!! : intrests video
Bro dissapeared, but came back with an hour long video. I'm happy
new edrag pet when
Best skyblock youtuber finally uploaded again
It’s been 2 months bald man
Nullscapes has been placed at #3 Above Silent clubstep and Under Acheron, making zoink reclaim the "verified the top 3" title.
For slime minions diamond spreading is better then minion expender
Gg on cata 50!
Gg on throwing during derpy -me probably
Will your golden man profile become your main profile? I feel like your last main prof vid was ages ago. Doesn’t really matter for me cause I like gman more but still
yeah pretty much
I forgot i was channel member, Till i saw myself in the endscreen.
Bro remembered his RUclips account login 💀
W video, don’t forget about the handle lol
18:10 IM IN INTERN VID!!111!
13:29 storage sus.
thirtyvirus had more screentime then bro
Mr. Mr. Dan Goat shown in video! (Hes wrong about tank btw, imo. AOTS is better for agro then you swap to soulwhip. But he has more experience than me so, yeah. Listen to dan! Mr. Mr. Dan goat!)
Most famous thing Intrests is known for.... "HELLO GAMERS! And welcome back to another skyblock video. This is the Goldenman profile! Where I cannot buy weapons, armor and tools!"
intrests upload Insane yt recommendation pull
Bros acting like he has a normal upload schedule
you look like the guy from transformers rise of the beasts
Can’t wait for next years video
Its Good Day When Intrests Upload Some Banger
if u jump wile shooting lb sometimes u will jump into your arrows while they fly up and void your db
remember when you made me predev as bers because you couldn’t predev
just scrolling on yt and saw this. Finally bro got profit
I’m on my deathbed watching this after 84 ye… BEEEPPP
rip bro
fr 😔
That is one juicy thumbnail 🔥🥶
ong 🗣️🗣️🔥
I wasn't sure this video would come out before GTA 6
I dropped a scroll yesterday on my 100tg run and thought i was Lucky until i remembered this series
You have encountered a wild bald man. Now way
finally i’ve been waiting
He finally uploaded after 6 and a half centuries
How do you break those blocks locally in the trap room? mine just instant comes back
Do you know thunderlord is rolled more and isn't as rare as you think
Bro finally got out of his coma
thank you for those videos brother
oh, he actually uploaded, didn't expect that.
8:57 this price is criminal
"they call me 007" Great video btw