Truth about Divine Healing: With Dr. Michael Brown

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 93

  • @sergieyes
    @sergieyes 2 года назад +22

    I am a Mere Christian but I also have major challenges in my life. I have epilepsy and dental disease. Please pray for Robb.

    • @ryandawson2877
      @ryandawson2877 2 года назад +5

      Father in Jesus name, we pray for Rob. Thank your father that you have provided healing in your word. Thank you that you took Rob‘s infirmities and bore his sicknesses. Father thank you that you have a heart of love toward him and that your plans for him are good. We take dominion and authority over epilepsy and we command it to go in Jesus name. If there be any afflicting demonic spirit, we commanded to go in Jesus name. Epileptic spirit you remove yourself from robs body in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Father anything going on neurologically that would cause it that needs healing, we thank you forward in Jesus name. Let restoration flow like a muddy river. Father thank you for touching his teeth, his gums, all areas of the mouth in Jesus name. We speak healing and wholeness in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Father thank you that you forgive all our iniquities and heal all our diseases. We believe we receive in Jesus name. Sorry for the typos. I have been blind since birth and I tend to use Siri and she doesn’t always get it right. I guess she needs healing and deliverance as well. Lol

    • @littleboots9800
      @littleboots9800 Год назад +4

      @@ryandawson2877 that was a beautiful prayer Ryan.

    • @chuckw8391
      @chuckw8391 Год назад


    • @sarahsays194
      @sarahsays194 7 месяцев назад

      ​@@ryandawson2877 Amen!

    • @jaymarcum333
      @jaymarcum333 7 месяцев назад +1

      Father I pray for Rob that out of your glorious riches in Christ Jesus you will heal Rob and my daughter of epilepsy completely never to return again and heal his dental problems in Jesus’s name Amen ! There are oral probiotics ( for your teeth )check them out and see what you think .

  • @mranderson191
    @mranderson191 2 года назад +14

    I believe it is God’s perfect will that we be healed and when I pray for someone’s healing and they are not, it is never okay with me. Like Dr. Brown says, I don’t let experiences change what the word says.

    • @ryandawson2877
      @ryandawson2877 2 года назад +2

      Amen… We should not come under condemnation, but neither should we have the devil defeat us without him paying!

    • @mranderson191
      @mranderson191 2 года назад +3

      It is never okay with me either. I know the problem is with us and not God. It is due to lack of understanding or lack of faith.

  • @tannerfrancisco8759
    @tannerfrancisco8759 Год назад +3

    Having a "balanced" approach to divine healing means leaving room for doubt and unbelief.

  • @constitutionalchrisburleso2063
    @constitutionalchrisburleso2063 Год назад +3

    I will serve Him in strength, health and soundness of mind until I fall down at His feet.

  • @jewelespinoza7233
    @jewelespinoza7233 4 года назад +8

    The best realistic, experienced based, knowledgeable teaching I've on this topic! Believe for healing from an attitude of understanding the Father's Love. So good.

  • @ThemCoversMB
    @ThemCoversMB 2 года назад +4

    There's people in my own life who have received healing. I'm believing for my own healing. It's not an easy journey especially when many Christians simply don't believe in it or that God may choose to not heal me. Its too bad the church isn't more in one accord over this. I would have thought when the bible says God would meet our needs that it really meant all of our needs.

    • @ryandawson2877
      @ryandawson2877 2 года назад +1

      I have been blind since birth and I believe what the word says about it. My experience is not the barometer of truth. God‘s word is. I would advise you to get out of any church that is weak on healing. I don’t mean that we should be in church is that cause condemnation for not seeing the manifestation, but I don’t want to be fella shipping on a regular basis with those who are iffy about it if you know what I mean. At least we just won’t talk about it too much. I don’t want that unbelief to get on me! Lol my attitude is this. In the mind of God I was healed 2000 years ago. So that’s how he sees me regardless of what my present experience may happen to be. I just believe God every day to come up in my experience to what is available. We all are called to do that. When we struggle with a certain sin we don’t sit there and say, “… Maybe it’s not God‘s will for me to overcome this sin. After all, the presence of sin won’t be fully eradicated until Jesus comes, so maybe it’s God‘s will that I just send. “No! Even though that is true, we are still called crucify our flesh. I know this is not a perfect analogy, but why does it have to be different in the area of healing and having our needs met? We should treat sin as evil, and we should treat sickness the same way. Thank God we can all grow in the faith more and more without condemnation, but also without this kind of surrender to a reality that is beneath us as believers.

    • @ThemCoversMB
      @ThemCoversMB 2 года назад

      @@ryandawson2877 ill pray for u. Signs and wonders will follow them that believe. So I say why not believe. God bless you.

  • @jonathandavid9720
    @jonathandavid9720 4 года назад +11

    Good coverage of an important topic. I like the positioning/expectation of healing as "Gods best" and the way we should flow. Thats the full and comprehensive scriptural approach to operate in.

    • @chadkincham
      @chadkincham 3 года назад

      Physical healing Is part of the Atonement of Jesus, that’s why the word SOZO is translated as both SAVED and HEALED in the Bible - because the word means to be completely made whole, spiritually, emotionally and physically, NOT just spiritually.
      Romans 10:13 for just one example: whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be SOZO (saved).
      SOZO: (made completely whole - spiritually, emotionally, and physically)
      The Bible shows us healing is available for everyone who has been saved, because of His Atonement.
      1) Healing is the children’s bread; (Matt. 15:22-28)
      2) Jesus already healed us by His stripes (1 Peter 2:24).
      3) Jesus healed everyone who was sick, in fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophesy that He took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses
      Matthew 8:16-17, (refers to Isaiah 53:4-5, the Atonement of Jesus).
      4) The benefits of God is He forgiveness ALL our sins and heals ALL our diseases Psalm 103:3;
      Also, many are the afflictions of the righteous but God delivers them out of THEM ALL,
      Psalm 34:19
      5) Healing is such a part of His atonement that Jesus healed a paralytic by forgiving his sins: “pick up your mat and walk, your sins have been forgiven”. Luke 5:20-25
      Psalm 103:3, Luke 5:20-25, and James 5:13-15 all link physical healing with forgiveness of sin.
      Why? It’s part of salvation - of being made completely whole, spiritually, emotionally, and physically - SOZO - interchangeably translated in the Bible, as ‘saved’, and ‘healed’.
      The Hebrew in Isaiah 53:5 means: by His wounds, bruises, and stripes, we are made completely whole.
      Not partially whole, with just our sins forgiven, but made completely whole.
      One of the ways to be healed is when you thank Him and praise Him that you were already healed of your sickness 2,000 years ago, by Jesus’ stripes, and thus appropriate by faith what Jesus already provided.
      Kenneth Hagin came off his death bed as a teenager, by reading the Bible, and believing Mark 11:23-24, and acting on his faith.
      Another way is in James5:14-16 where we are promised:
      James 5:14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:
      Jas 5:15 And the prayer of faith SHALL save (SOZO) the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
      Jas 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
      And Jesus promised that a sign that will follow those who believe, is their laying hands on the sick, and they will recover, in Mark 16:17-18.

    • @ryandawson2877
      @ryandawson2877 2 года назад +3

      @@chadkincham amen and amen! As a man who has been blind since birth, I am with you totally. We are all growing in faith when it comes to the provisions of God being made manifest in our lives. I have preached, taught and ministered healing for years and I tell people that my experience is not the barometer of truth. God‘s word is. I am not under condemnation because of my experience of blindness, neither do I embrace it as something special in my life from God like some with disabilities seem to do. Just as we use our faith to walk in victory over sin, in the same way, we should be using our faith to walk in healing and health. What’s the difference? Just because we don’t always reach what is available does not mean it’s not there. And if we don’t preach it then people won’t know it’s available. We are all growing and walking out by faith those things that God has for us. What bothers me is when people choose to interpret the word based on their experiences rather than rejoicing that more is available.

  • @shalimarbiddle1545
    @shalimarbiddle1545 4 года назад +14

    Thank you for this 🙏🏻 It brought me some clarity. I had some questions about the relationship between physical healing and the atonement and this helped.

    • @chadkincham
      @chadkincham 3 года назад

      Physical healing Is part of the Atonement of Jesus, that’s why the word SOZO is translated as both SAVED and HEALED in the Bible - because the word means to be completely made whole, spiritually, emotionally and physically, NOT just spiritually.
      Romans 10:13 for just one example: whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be SOZO (saved).
      SOZO: (made completely whole - spiritually, emotionally, and physically)
      The Bible shows us healing is available for everyone who has been saved, because of His Atonement.
      1) Healing is the children’s bread; (Matt. 15:22-28)
      2) Jesus already healed us by His stripes (1 Peter 2:24).
      3) Jesus healed everyone who was sick, in fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophesy that He took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses
      Matthew 8:16-17, (refers to Isaiah 53:4-5, the Atonement of Jesus).
      4) The benefits of God is He forgiveness ALL our sins and heals ALL our diseases Psalm 103:3;
      Also, many are the afflictions of the righteous but God delivers them out of THEM ALL,
      Psalm 34:19
      5) Healing is such a part of His atonement that Jesus healed a paralytic by forgiving his sins: “pick up your mat and walk, your sins have been forgiven”. Luke 5:20-25
      Psalm 103:3, Luke 5:20-25, and James 5:13-15 all link physical healing with forgiveness of sin.
      Why? It’s part of salvation - of being made completely whole, spiritually, emotionally, and physically - SOZO - interchangeably translated in the Bible, as ‘saved’, and ‘healed’.
      The Hebrew in Isaiah 53:5 means: by His wounds, bruises, and stripes, we are made completely whole.
      Not partially whole, with just our sins forgiven, but made completely whole.
      One of the ways to be healed is when you thank Him and praise Him that you were already healed of your sickness 2,000 years ago, by Jesus’ stripes, and thus appropriate by faith what Jesus already provided.
      Kenneth Hagin came off his death bed as a teenager, by reading the Bible, and believing Mark 11:23-24, and acting on his faith.
      Another way is in James5:14-16 where we are promised:
      James 5:14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:
      Jas 5:15 And the prayer of faith SHALL save (SOZO) the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
      Jas 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
      And Jesus promised that a sign that will follow those who believe, is their laying hands on the sick, and they will recover, in Mark 16:17-18.

  • @waynejarvis370
    @waynejarvis370 5 месяцев назад

    So much of what Dr. Brown states I whole heartedly agree with concerning God’s healing. One thing I would not agree with is his take on the Lord’s Prayer concerning “as it is in heaven”. He made a good point that no one dies in heaven physically so how can we relate that to His will on earth be healing, all the time.
    I would contend that Jesus did not take the stripes and die on the cross so we would not physically die on this earth, so neither would I use the Lord’s Prayer for such. But He did die for all of our sins, which also means He promised us healing on the earth for our physical bodies also, therefore His will be done on earth as there is no sick person in heaven.
    The Lord’s Prayer would include our healing on earth, but not that we would never die physically. Again everything we receive from the grace of God concerning salvation is by faith, healing is no different for a believer in Christ. Now, in God’s sovereignty He has given “special” gifts of healings, but not a special gift to live forever physically on earth in this current body. And we must remember in our interpretation here that there is no need of physical healing in heaven, so where is that need, why did He also die for our healing in our bodies! Is it His children’s’ bread?
    Therefore, in His soveriengty a person may be healed in body who is a believer but of little faith, yet it is not the price Jesus paid for. In the Old Testament God healed people. Today as Christians as general rule it takes faith on our part, faith God also provides as we seek Him and His word, and obey Him in it. Yet as a sign and wonder God may heal nonbelievers and believers alike, but as a believer I should “believe” Him.

  • @beresfordforbes
    @beresfordforbes Год назад +1

    Faith comes by hearing from the lord.

  • @kathleennorton6108
    @kathleennorton6108 4 года назад +3

    By The Holy Spirit, in Jesus Name.
    The Holy Spirit comes in response to the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • @Lynn-wf3ys
    @Lynn-wf3ys 4 года назад +8

    this is very helpful.

  • @enocheubank4424
    @enocheubank4424 3 года назад +2

    I needed to hear this many years ago. These things are so true and helpful but it seems to not be preached. Maybe it's just not explained as well. I want so much more in this life for the Glory of God. It's so hard to have so much love for others, see so much power in the Word, desire God's will over sickness and be let down. I want to hear His voice clearly. I don't want to miss anything. Jesus was so tight with the Father. What do we do with this? How do we move forward? I don't want reality to be denied. I want biblical answers. The Tangible, Undeniable, something that can be grasped and held onto for the rest of my life here on earth, Truth. Thank you God. Thank you Dr. Brown. Thank you Remnant Radio.

    • @mranderson191
      @mranderson191 2 года назад +1

      I agree. I want that too.

    • @ryandawson2877
      @ryandawson2877 2 года назад +2

      I think the reason it is not preach the way it should be in so many circles as people get upset when you tell them more is available. Many people especially get upset when you preach and teach faith. A lot of people don’t mind if the gifts of the spirit are manifesting, but I don’t like it when you tell them that there is a level of responsibility on their part. They don’t want you to tell them that it is important to meditate in the word concerning healing whether you need it or not because there will be times when you will. Some people feel like it’s condemnation. It isn’t, because we are all growing in faith and we are all in different places, but if we don’t preach and teach that there is more, we won’t walk in more. Another problem that I see is that certain groups only emphasize one way to be healed, rather than all the ways in the word.

  • @bobbioliver1476
    @bobbioliver1476 4 года назад +8

    Praying is a big part of healing,, without doubt....

  • @michaeltillery2097
    @michaeltillery2097 Год назад +1

    I don’t have family and all I know is friends and but I Stay alone all day using drugs but listening to you all I can and I try to pray as much as I can and I know pray to God only to show him reverence and acknowledging him but I don’t ever say sorry anymore because I say it all day and I know it’s something I need to do I always say whatever judgment I deserve it and his will be done I don’t ask for anything or even say I’m sorry because I’m so torn inside from not having enough faith

    • @backbeatz5201
      @backbeatz5201 Год назад +2

      God has never given up on any of his children. I struggled with drugs for years, alienating my family and friends and I had a hard time repenting, not because sorry was hard, but because I didn’t want to say what I was doing out loud, because it made it feel real. No matter how many times you say sorry to others, don’t give up on true repentance. It freed me. Talk to God honestly, it’s not like he doesn’t already know, but tell him that you want to be freed and ask him for strength to follow through with your repentance. Never stop going to him with all of it. I pray that God frees you, In Jesus name, and that you will have peace about repentance and that he will give you freedom. Keep praying, and don’t give up. God bless!

    • @sarahsays194
      @sarahsays194 7 месяцев назад

      I know this is almost a year old, but I want to say stay strong and fight! You have the creator of the universe who loves you at your back. Not sure where you're at now, but if you're still having trouble keep praying, and consider rehab (try to fund a Christian one if possible), and potentially deliverance. God bless you!

  • @marcovidal7750
    @marcovidal7750 4 года назад +6

    Love Dr. Brown!!!!... Steven Bancarz perhaps in a near future?!?

    • @TheRemnantRadio
      @TheRemnantRadio  4 года назад +3

      M V why yes, yes he is. I was speaking with him just this week via email

    • @marcovidal7750
      @marcovidal7750 4 года назад

      The Remnant Radio awesome bro I’ll be looking forward to it 😉

  • @ObeyJesusOurLord
    @ObeyJesusOurLord 7 месяцев назад

    I believe in divine healing. Having said that, however, Ecclesiastes 3:11 says that He makes all things beautiful in HIS TIME.
    Consequently, God's timing and my timing may be different. Therefore my healing may not manifest when I desire. But we do know that 3 John 2 says that He wants us to be in health.

  • @michaeltillery2097
    @michaeltillery2097 Год назад +1

    Pleas help me dr brown I’m a horrible addict I can’t stop my mind is dark I feel I have demons and I can’t anymore I’m tired and cry all day but I’m being convicted so hard I know God is real and Jesus died for my sins but why can’t it work for me

    • @graemegeorgeharrison2468
      @graemegeorgeharrison2468 Год назад

      Hi Michael I have been an addict and a sinner in life, I have never let love into my heart. I have lost everything I hardly leave the house and everything is dark in my mind. I feel your pain. I hope you find salvation

  • @billmiller9763
    @billmiller9763 4 года назад +1

    Good stuff, I am reminded by Jesus words , when he returns to this world will he find faith?.And all and all its for Gods glory. Even in my problems I Believe he get more glory that he can use a broken vessel liike me , I rest in the knowage HE Loves , He is in control and He has a plan.

    • @ryandawson2877
      @ryandawson2877 2 года назад +1

      Really we need to be using our faith to overcome obstacles. Certainly he can use us all where we are. I have been blind since birth and certainly I believe the Lord can use me in it, but that doesn’t mean that I am brace it is God‘s best. The thing that bothers me about some individuals that have disabilities or whatever seem to resign themselves to the way things are and thinking that it is a blessing from God. Not saying that’s what you meant, but I have noticed that trend with a lot of people. Thank God there is always more available for us to walk in.

  • @katherinelopez4240
    @katherinelopez4240 2 месяца назад

    Praying the way mentioned: "Ask God to heal you according to His will, according to what He said" doesn't really align with then saying to Him "perhaps I will not see it outside of eternity". 😢 I don't really understand how that could be complete belief in the Lord and what He said is available based on His sacrifice, covenants, promises, blessings, and signs to follow His gospel. I feel like the Lord would simply respond to that prayer: "Just believe." 😂 Lord Jesus, please help us.

  • @bobbioliver1476
    @bobbioliver1476 4 года назад +3

    I just found your site, I really like it,, be blessed in Yashua's name...

  • @charlotteroath9904
    @charlotteroath9904 10 месяцев назад +1

    God doesn't heal all on Earth. If he directly tells me someone will be healed, not just my feelings, I think i could pray for healing in true faith knowing he will do it. He does speak that way on rare occasion.
    I have faith he can heal anyone if he chooses to... but that is a separate matter.

  • @williamsebald3912
    @williamsebald3912 6 месяцев назад +2

    So hard to get an honest discussion.
    I have yet to meet a Christian who doesn't believe in praying for healing.
    No one in the world today has the gift of healing. This is biblically different from praying for the sick.
    I am not a cessationist, not even close. Many fake the gift for fame and fortune.

  • @ProclaimeroftheGospelofJesus
    @ProclaimeroftheGospelofJesus 2 года назад +1

    I believe in the prayer of faith rather than people having the healing gift. Imagine the rock star status this would give one person in this day and age if they claimed they had the power the apostles had such as healing at will with a gift to do so.
    James 5:15] And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he has committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. [16] Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
    availeth much does not give just any one person some type of favor to accomplish healing, but it does avail much if you pray according to the riches and glory in Jesus and being in Christ Jesus. Which ultimately is not just one but the whole body.
    love hope and faith is a fervency.
    Intent means much according to the truth.
    God loved us so we love one another... intent being because of God demonstrating His love in Jesus. we know the love we should have for one another.
    Our hope is in God because He is God... again intent matters. many put hope in healing because of the need to be great.
    faith.... our faith in Jesus according to His riches and glory, that we put all hope according to what Jesus accomplished, and this comes by believing God that He did love us and made it known in Jesus' death and resurrection, according to God will ultimately.
    we can avail much with God when we are lined up in the true faith in Jesus with the right intent being in this humble truth with love for one another, yet still know it must be God's will, not ours.
    The problem I have had with many Pentecostals' charismatic gifts, is the idea that God would give one person that power..
    I see this as being problematic for any one person. Even the Apostle Paul said He was given a demon to buffet him, because of the great revelation Paul was given. So that others would not think highly of Paul because of the gift.
    If you do not consider this concerning gifts, I do not believe you are in the faith with your discernment of scripture

    • @jimthigpen333
      @jimthigpen333 2 года назад

      We have the very same Spirit living in us the raised Jesus from the dead. The problem is our unbelief. He is able to do far above all we can ask or think by the Spirit that dwells in us. We are the problem.

  • @ancientflames
    @ancientflames 4 года назад +3

    Do you have any videos on prophecy and how to pray and meditate on prophecy you receive to 1) know if it is true and 2) know what the conditions of said blessing or warning are?

  • @Liminalplace1
    @Liminalplace1 Год назад

    After 2 years it's interestimg.I wonder if Josh realises Dr. Brown teaches the same as Curry Blake. I'd love to hear a friendly debate between Dr.Brown and Sam Storms. I think Dr.Brown position is thoroughly biblical.

  • @jimthigpen333
    @jimthigpen333 2 года назад

    James chapter five is also found in Job thirty three. Open both and read them together. 33:13-30.

  • @voiceone2922
    @voiceone2922 4 года назад +2

    Regarding people who “ prophesy “ another going to be healed. It would be hard to find an example in the New Testament of that. Healing is something that seems to happen through Faith at the point of need without a forecast that it will some day take place. It doesn’t make sense that the Holy Spirit would manifest at a given point for a sick person in one gift (prophesy) and instead just manifest ( healing) to their actual need. I’m guessing it’s the kind of thing someone does when they want to demonstrate some spiritual effect without risk.

    • @susandesantell1379
      @susandesantell1379 3 года назад

      This is interesting, because I actually have a friend who received a (personal) prophetic word in a church service. She felt she was supposed to go over and place her hand on this man’s heart and pray. Super awkward, right? Lol. But she was obedient and did it. The man had a massive heart attack an hour or two after leaving church that day. He lived and is well. But WOW. Only God could’ve known and spoke to her to pray for him. Not sure why the Spirit worked things out in that way/order of events, but it’s what He did. And praise God, the man is alive and well today to tell the story. Moral of the story: our job is obedience and God’s job is results.

    • @voiceone2922
      @voiceone2922 3 года назад +1

      @@susandesantell1379 Good point. This sounds more like a gift of word of knowledge in conjunction with intercession on the mans behalf. Seems like his life may have been in the balance but he was spared death although apparently not “ healed” in the classic sense. But thanks to her obedience with the word spoken to her, he lived.

  • @ruthvansandt9713
    @ruthvansandt9713 4 года назад +2

    ‘Greater works’ In John 14 is explained in John 5 - it is from death to life, post-resurrection salvation and leading others to this reconciliation. Yes miracles and healing are possible, but our faith is in Christ for salvation and contentment whether we are healed or not. In the next age ALL saints will be healed with brand new bodies.

    • @claireashley427
      @claireashley427 4 года назад +1

      Agreed! The greater works we do is spreading the gospel so that by hearing, souls may be saved by Christ!

    • @ryandawson2877
      @ryandawson2877 2 года назад

      That is completely antithetical to the revelation of God‘s word concerning healing. Yes faith for the new birth is obviously included and the most important, but healing goes along with it as well and if you look at other comments on this page you will see numerous scriptures establishing that fact. If you listened to the episode then you should have enough knowledge of the word to go meditate on it concerning healing and become established in the illumination of this truth. Nowhere in the Bible are we instructed to be content whether we are healed or not. In Philippians four, Paul did say that he had learned to be content regardless of circumstances around him, but he was not talking about sickness and disease, four acts 10:38 calls this an oppression of the devil. You might listen to this again. Healings and miracles are not just a little side issue that happened rarely, but rather these are manifestations of the kingdom of God coming into the now. Start believing God for more in your life. If you believe for it you will see it. If you don’t, you probably won’t. But don’t tell us that God wants to save our inside but doesn’t care anything about our outside. God is holistic and he is not one dimensional. Christ has purchased healing for the whole man spirit, soul and body. Yes, when Christ comes there will be no sickness and disease, but that does not mean that we cannot contend for it right here and right now.

    • @ryandawson2877
      @ryandawson2877 2 года назад

      @@claireashley427 Jesus said the works that he did we will do and greater works. So of course, leading people into reconciliation to God through Christ is a greater work, since Christ had not yet gone to Calvary, died, and rose again, however that does not exclude these other things by any stretch. He was not just talking about leading people into the new birth. You might listen to this again and meditate on healing scriptures. Acts 10:38 cause sickness the oppression of the devil. This is true whether directly or indirectly. So why would God want us to be oppressed of the devil until Christ comes? If a new birth and healing go together in the gospels, such as in Luke five, why would healing be seen as some sort of secondary optional extra if God happened to be in the right mood? That is not the tinner of scripture on this issue at all. It is a convenient doctrine for those who do not experience the power of God who choose in some ways to deny it to explain away their lack of experience rather than contending for more. My desire is to encourage you with the fact that there most certainly is more. We do not have to choose between the new birth and healing because God has made both available.

  • @richhuzy6592
    @richhuzy6592 Год назад

    They should study Mathew 17:20. A lot of people seem to not be able to grasp the faith. Maybe it's because they have been told that it's not possible by human teachers.

  • @voiceone2922
    @voiceone2922 4 года назад +4

    My experience with cessationists is that gifts of healing still manifest at times in their own community /bodies. Usually, when it happens to them they just call it “ answered prayer” instead of a miracle and they’re good to go.

    • @Michael-le5ph
      @Michael-le5ph 3 года назад

      No, it doesn't. why are hospital and churches full of sick and dying people if God heals? I guess He must heal His special few and leave the others to suffer and die? You know this does not work. I don't care if you saw it happen one time, show me where it really works .

  • @kathleennorton6108
    @kathleennorton6108 4 года назад +1

    Jesus told Peter that what was it to him if John should tarry until He came again. It didn't mean that John would live until Jesus came back, but it certainly meant that it was possible that he could have. If he had it would have meant that John lived over 2,000 years.

  • @AAAA-vu7fp
    @AAAA-vu7fp 8 месяцев назад +1

    Did anyone seen anyone actually healed or is it that healers pay people to say they are healed.
    How come no one ever heals a person without limbs

  • @muffhead3
    @muffhead3 4 года назад +3

    You should have him back on to talk about Zionism.

    • @TheRemnantRadio
      @TheRemnantRadio  4 года назад +1

      I’ll consider that.

    • @muffhead3
      @muffhead3 4 года назад +2

      @@TheRemnantRadio I mention that because Ive seen his debate against E Michael Jones on antisemitism and it seems relevant now every time I hear him.

  • @hannahrosa5485
    @hannahrosa5485 4 года назад +1

    God's Spirit was in him. He only laid aside his privileges as fully God.

  • @PhilGibson
    @PhilGibson 2 года назад +1

    Such a good video! Are there any books you would recommend on this subject?

  • @mynameis......23
    @mynameis......23 9 месяцев назад +1


  • @stevedavies8703
    @stevedavies8703 2 года назад

    Why is it, we hear so many testimonies of when people come to faith they experience great miracles and blessings, but then they seem to dry up?

    • @rebeccapiamonte
      @rebeccapiamonte 2 года назад

      Religion. It corrupts the unadulterated Gospel.

    • @stevedavies8703
      @stevedavies8703 2 года назад

      @@rebeccapiamonte Religion is not the problem, sin is always at the root! Men start well, but soon fall into sin and loose their blessing! Partly because of the wicked doctrine of inability, they are set to fail! They are told you will never be perfect in this life, you will always commit sin until you enter the pearly gates! The problem is sin will bar you from entry!

  • @JS-qq3vr
    @JS-qq3vr Год назад

    Not receiving your healing may be a warning signal that there may be a problem in one or more of the following reasons (by David Guzik):
    · Not abiding in Jesus (John 15:7).
    · Unbelief (Matthew 17:20-21).
    · Failure to fast (Matthew 17:21).
    · Husband not honoring his wife (1 Peter 3:7).
    · Not asking (James 4:2).
    · Selfish praying (James 4:3).
    · Disobedience (1 John 3:22).
    · Not praying in God’s will (1 John 5:14-15).
    · Unconfessed sin (James 5:16).
    · Cold, passionless prayer (James 5:16-18; 2 Kings 20:5).
    · Prayerlessness or a lack of persistence in prayer (Luke 18:1-7; Psalm 55:17).
    · Sin against others (Matthew 5:23-24).
    · Lack of unity (Matthew 18:19).
    · Not praying in the name of Jesus (John 14:13-14).
    · Pride (James 4:6, 1 Peter 5:5, Proverbs 3:34).
    · Lying and deceitfulness (Psalm 17:1).
    · Lack of Bible reading and Bible teaching (Proverbs 28:9).
    · Trusting in the length or the form of prayer (Matthew 6:7).

  • @armandodeking
    @armandodeking 2 года назад

    Just ordered his authentic fire book 😂 sorry strange fire 😮

  • @davemessenger4764
    @davemessenger4764 Год назад

    Do you believe in global spinning planet?

  • @Lili-Benovent
    @Lili-Benovent 4 года назад

    It's very strange that these comment pages are filled with people imploring and begging Jesus to heal their bodies and cure all their diseases, God must be very ungrateful because these same people have dedicated their lives to him, they've suffered the jibes of Heathens and unbelievers, they have sacrificed what could have been a full life of fun and enjoyment for one of drab boredom, they've accepted guilt, shame, paranoia and unworthiness for Jesus and he repays them by allowing them to suffer illness and disease while people who pay homage to Satan, Moloch and Baal live long, happy, sickness free lives of fun and debauchery. Something's not right here, if Jesus cared for the people who claim he is wonderful the least he could do would be to keep them healthy, If Satan can do it then Jesus should be able to do the same. Maybe he's not as powerful as his followers believe, or perhaps he just doesn't care. If you suffer from a disease or are feeling sick it's time for you to try something different.

  • @AlbertaBetsyVanLife
    @AlbertaBetsyVanLife 4 года назад +2

    Was going to subscribe to but reviewed their videos and found this one. I'm out of here. M. Brown is deceived!

    • @chadkincham
      @chadkincham 3 года назад +1

      How’s he deceived?
      Physical healing Is part of the Atonement of Jesus, that’s why the word SOZO is translated as both SAVED and HEALED in the Bible - because the word means to be completely made whole, spiritually, emotionally and physically, NOT just spiritually.
      Romans 10:13 for just one example: whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be SOZO (saved).
      SOZO: (made completely whole - spiritually, emotionally, and physically)
      The Bible shows us healing is available for everyone who has been saved, because of His Atonement.
      1) Healing is the children’s bread; (Matt. 15:22-28)
      2) Jesus already healed us by His stripes (1 Peter 2:24).
      3) Jesus healed everyone who was sick, in fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophesy that He took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses
      Matthew 8:16-17, (refers to Isaiah 53:4-5, the Atonement of Jesus).
      4) The benefits of God is He forgiveness ALL our sins and heals ALL our diseases Psalm 103:3;
      Also, many are the afflictions of the righteous but God delivers them out of THEM ALL,
      Psalm 34:19
      5) Healing is such a part of His atonement that Jesus healed a paralytic by forgiving his sins: “pick up your mat and walk, your sins have been forgiven”. Luke 5:20-25
      Psalm 103:3, Luke 5:20-25, and James 5:13-15 all link physical healing with forgiveness of sin.
      Why? It’s part of salvation - of being made completely whole, spiritually, emotionally, and physically - SOZO - interchangeably translated in the Bible, as ‘saved’, and ‘healed’.
      The Hebrew in Isaiah 53:5 means: by His wounds, bruises, and stripes, we are made completely whole.
      Not partially whole, with just our sins forgiven, but made completely whole.
      One of the ways to be healed is when you thank Him and praise Him that you were already healed of your sickness 2,000 years ago, by Jesus’ stripes, and thus appropriate by faith what Jesus already provided.
      Kenneth Hagin came off his death bed as a teenager, by reading the Bible, and believing Mark 11:23-24, and acting on his faith.
      Another way is in James5:14-16 where we are promised:
      James 5:14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:
      Jas 5:15 And the prayer of faith SHALL save (SOZO) the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
      Jas 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
      And Jesus promised that a sign that will follow those who believe, is their laying hands on the sick, and they will recover, in Mark 16:17-18.

    • @gerhard3607
      @gerhard3607 3 года назад +4

      Hows he deceived?Isaih 53:5,Psalm 103:2-3,1peter 2;24,Matthew 8;16-17(fulfilling isaih 53)BY HIS STRIPES WE WERE HEALED.Jesus ALREADY paid for it,if you believed it or not,TRUTH stay Truth.If God said it i believe it and that settled it.

  • @stevedavies8703
    @stevedavies8703 2 года назад

    This evil doctrine of original sin! Unless it is rejected the gospel will not succeed! It is an Achilles heel!

  • @yankeegirldownunder1375
    @yankeegirldownunder1375 4 года назад

    Gentiles are NOT THE REMNANT !