A Day in My Life | My Birthday

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 4,1 тыс.

  • @herchannel1355
    @herchannel1355 5 лет назад +527

    She so established now...with her career, family, friends, being loved. Wow....congratulation for u re happy life, jlo.

  • @cindyk4541
    @cindyk4541 5 лет назад +566

    I love seeing the proud look in her eyes when her kids perform. Being a mom is great!

  • @kelliporter3884
    @kelliporter3884 5 лет назад +303

    Oh Jennifer. Happy Birthday. How often you must stop and think, "How is this my life?" Your love for your children and family is so clear in your eyes. May God continue to bless you.

    • @georgekenny6174
      @georgekenny6174 5 лет назад +2

      So true. Despite all the fame and fortune she still is super close with all her family.

  • @maheshreddy2051
    @maheshreddy2051 5 лет назад +380

    She is a rare piece in this universe .. how kind and enjoyable woman she is .. Her attitude is her hot ness ..

  • @OMFGitsLULU
    @OMFGitsLULU 5 лет назад +4429

    I love the fact that she dressed sexy for her birthday bash. But her baby girls are dressed like girls. Nothing flashy. Simple pretty girls. Respect for that.

    • @fae213
      @fae213 5 лет назад +43

      Leah Ingraham the dress wasn’t even that bad

    • @Esalin-tn3ri
      @Esalin-tn3ri 5 лет назад +3

      But she is copying the look from Ariana Grande.

    • @kristenpursell
      @kristenpursell 5 лет назад +51

      Leah Ingraham as i was taught growing up, they are grown ass adults, you do as they say, not as they do lol sucks growing up but now that I’m older I understand it

    • @farah2749
      @farah2749 5 лет назад +129

      @Leah Ingraham Her daughter knows that when she's a kid, she should dress like a kid. But when she's a grown-ass woman like her mother, she can wear whatever the hell she wants.

    • @fae213
      @fae213 5 лет назад +4

      Maya Ervine oh so I should be living for my grandparents huh? Interesting

  • @millamikolenko5956
    @millamikolenko5956 5 лет назад +721

    It’s hard to believe she’s 50...absolutely insanely stunning

  • @judytamoongoddess
    @judytamoongoddess 5 лет назад +1424

    I havent seen a 50 year old woman so full of life, love and hope, shes is the Queen, true inspiration, beautiful inside and out! What a rolemodel.

    • @idkhbu1845
      @idkhbu1845 5 лет назад +16

      @Serial Killer why r u even here?

    • @xgcdarkninja911
      @xgcdarkninja911 5 лет назад +4

      Your mother?

    • @marcie5830
      @marcie5830 5 лет назад +2

      Judyta Maria, Couldn't have said it better!!!!! As much fun as it was to watch, must have been incredible to be there!!!

    • @idkdoyou6650
      @idkdoyou6650 5 лет назад +9

      So what are u supposed to do when you're 50 shrivel up and die your comment is so dumb

    • @idkhbu1845
      @idkhbu1845 5 лет назад +4

      @@_uchris and I'm pretty sure I didn't say he/she can't be here. I'm just genuinely curious about why would anyone be in the comment section being hateful towards someone that they clearly hate? Like is it that hard to stay unbothered and just not be here to begin with?

  • @phoebelee55
    @phoebelee55 5 лет назад +190

    The way she supports and mothers her children is awesome

  • @victoriousangel8911
    @victoriousangel8911 5 лет назад +140

    The thing I loves to see the most is that their children has never been left out of anything. It speaks volume. Happy Birthday to the two most daring couples in NYORK. JLo and ARod.

  • @javierav8930
    @javierav8930 5 лет назад +518

    Jlo hyping her son when he’s performing is the cutest thing

    • @aidakuwait47
      @aidakuwait47 5 лет назад +3

      I was about to say that!!! Adorable!😍😍😍

  • @karenmendoza1888
    @karenmendoza1888 5 лет назад +1192

    JLo may have everything but still stayed humble. You'll see through her eyes how genuinely happy she is. She is blessed in life, thats why she deserved everything she's having right now. Its a rare thing seeing an Icon stay humble and simple and knows how to keep her feet on the ground. Godbless you more my idol! 💕

    • @burnthepalo9416
      @burnthepalo9416 5 лет назад +29

      Humble? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @shaanu7707
      @shaanu7707 5 лет назад +13

      She's nothing BUT humble 😂

    • @geetsingh668
      @geetsingh668 5 лет назад +5

      Dont be fooled by the rocks that she got, she's still Jenny from the block💙

    • @dudaf.7668
      @dudaf.7668 5 лет назад +7

      Say "friend" and not idol. She's a mortal like everybody.

    • @mozziiie
      @mozziiie 4 года назад

      @@geetsingh668 don't be fooled by her songs

  • @DestineyAmerie
    @DestineyAmerie 5 лет назад +60

    Your bond with your children is so beautiful!!

    • @umsiee
      @umsiee 4 года назад +1


  • @Justonevideoplease
    @Justonevideoplease 5 лет назад +354

    Alex is perfect for her!!!! So perfect! They are always laughing and joking and dancing! Wow the best! She found her equal ❤️

    • @michellemckillop2931
      @michellemckillop2931 5 лет назад

      notes and things yes. Both serial cheaters. They truly do deserve each other. Not a compliment btw

    • @virgoqueen8950
      @virgoqueen8950 5 лет назад


    • @virgoqueen8950
      @virgoqueen8950 5 лет назад +1

      @@michellemckillop2931 LOL & SMH ..........IF THEY DID NOT CHEAT ON YOU DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT, IT AIN'T YOUR CIRCUS

  • @TheSmallSpoon519
    @TheSmallSpoon519 5 лет назад +407

    The look on her face I think she found her soul mate. They both great parents and adore one another

    • @gracejames2573
      @gracejames2573 5 лет назад +8

      True, she found her soulmate, God have seen what u have done for others...🙏🏼

  • @daliacarrillo3636
    @daliacarrillo3636 5 лет назад +286

    Wow! She looks like she’s in a good place in life just gorgeous

    • @whenallelsfails21
      @whenallelsfails21 5 лет назад +1

      Yeah when i get 30 birthday speeches "wedding style" right after stepping out my new porche and walking the red carpet to my own party, then i can say ive done something with myself lol.

    • @wanefelicia8779
      @wanefelicia8779 5 лет назад +2

      Money does that boo 🤣

  • @karadizon4299
    @karadizon4299 5 лет назад +235

    I was not a big fan of JLo but recently watching some of her videos, she’s growing on me and I admired her artistic talents when it comes to design, dancing, and singing. How she interact with her family and Alex is very sweet and down to earth. JLo and Alex makes such a compatible couple and wish them the best

    • @avril962
      @avril962 4 года назад +2

      And he is 50 yearls i can't beliebe

    • @tezwill5876
      @tezwill5876 4 года назад

      Welcome to the club.

    • @thinlaybhutia7493
      @thinlaybhutia7493 3 года назад +2

      Your wish didn't came true,even I'm feeling bad,why her relationship don't last long.

  • @honeysuckleesq.3757
    @honeysuckleesq.3757 5 лет назад +302

    Blended families are such hard work. Love seeing the children bonding.

    • @mr.monitor.
      @mr.monitor. 5 лет назад +22

      For being on the middle of all that celebrity and amazing wealth they seem pretty normal and fun.

    • @campbellcampbell1784
      @campbellcampbell1784 5 лет назад +2

      Its easy when you like each orther and you teach and treat each other with love

  • @wilvanou01
    @wilvanou01 5 лет назад +3672

    I love how the children are dressed like children

    • @surleenkaur95
      @surleenkaur95 5 лет назад +22


    • @Itoldyouso15
      @Itoldyouso15 5 лет назад +92

      Yessss unlike Beyoncé's and Kim k' s kids

    • @mywheellife1
      @mywheellife1 5 лет назад +84

      maria phoenix I was thinking the same thing. So modest and actually dressing their age. Jlo is a really great mom you can tell in the reflection of the kids.

    • @_amoopoint_1458
      @_amoopoint_1458 5 лет назад +15

      I was about to comment that, then I saw yours!! Totally true!

    • @rosebiff6031
      @rosebiff6031 5 лет назад +3

      Yes but its burbery 😉😉😉

  • @pizzaandpasta7231
    @pizzaandpasta7231 5 лет назад +872

    I love that their kids are dressed as KIDS and not like 20years old as todays kids actually do
    God bless you and your family❤️

    • @Kukxi
      @Kukxi 5 лет назад

      MC Pizza lover amen to that! 😊

    • @sincerelyeugene6638
      @sincerelyeugene6638 5 лет назад

      "Today's kids actually do." 😒😒😒 Stupid comment.

  • @kaydee5732
    @kaydee5732 8 месяцев назад +8

    I really enjoyed that she posted personal stuff like this when she was with ARod. She doesn’t do that as much anymore now that she’s with Ben. It’s all about promoting her work and selling stuff. It’s a shame cuz I feel like celebrities who go that route have accounts that are less interesting making them have less followers.

  • @mariecampbell4387
    @mariecampbell4387 5 лет назад +125

    I love how much he loves her. That monogramming was boss.

  • @kriparavikumar8925
    @kriparavikumar8925 5 лет назад +181

    Where does she look 50? She is amazing. Happy Birthday to one of the most lovely people in the planet.

  • @susm8308
    @susm8308 5 лет назад +492

    She liveeeeees for her kids❤️❤️ a lovely couple and great parenting💜🙌🏽

  • @toogeeky4u
    @toogeeky4u 5 лет назад +36

    When Emme started to sing, J.Lo’s face lit all the way up! Love this! Happy birthday J.Lo!

  • @simplysandra1729
    @simplysandra1729 5 лет назад +1522

    That moment when your birthday party is so big it looks like a wedding reception 😅

    • @oneofakindlifestyle
      @oneofakindlifestyle 5 лет назад


    • @kisselleenpaulino3715
      @kisselleenpaulino3715 5 лет назад +2

      lol it is kinda small tho. But I like small venues rather that big venues. Party is more fun when you are close with each other 😁

    • @swatibhatt5813
      @swatibhatt5813 4 года назад


    • @melanies8871
      @melanies8871 4 года назад

      Or a party for a King.

  • @ivonnexx4070
    @ivonnexx4070 5 лет назад +113

    She is glowing more than ever!
    You can just feel the love I'm super happy for you girl😘

  • @bellanannette
    @bellanannette 5 лет назад +190

    I Love how down to earth she is. She’s not worried about hair getting messy or makeup. She’s dancing, family, friends.
    So beautiful ❤️

  • @lajoyce8908
    @lajoyce8908 3 года назад +81

    I love the fact Jennifer dont smoke or drink and she knows how to have fun still. So many people can't have fun at a party without a drink.

  • @rosemarievillanueva6140
    @rosemarievillanueva6140 3 года назад +121

    How can a man with such an awesome women even think about betrayal. She would and should of been the only thing that mattered in his life besides the kids. Hope Ben makes her happy.

    • @moochie5
      @moochie5 3 года назад +4

      A serial cheater for life
      Lights camera action..that's always assrod..cameras

    • @relativerust
      @relativerust 3 года назад +5

      The moment I saw that he bought her a car, I knew. Sometimes people make sense on paper but.. just because something makes sense doesn't mean it's right for you. I wouldn't be surprised if she felt a ton of pressure to make things work in that relationship.

    • @B-ch6uk
      @B-ch6uk Год назад +1

      Ben cheated on his wife too. Maybe he'll be faithful to this one.

    • @lupegarzon8986
      @lupegarzon8986 Год назад

      Men only think with only one thing and one thing only They are never sentimental or attached emotionally or mentally it's always just a physical attraction and some men have short attention spans

  • @sarahmaassen4184
    @sarahmaassen4184 5 лет назад +226

    I clicked so fast. I love you jlo. Your amazing happy birthday! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @missrashell1
    @missrashell1 5 лет назад +62

    I just see her as a quality sentimental woman who appreciates loyalty, depth, and work ethic, the most. You can tell she has a dancers ❤️. We can see you light right up JLo, happy birthday sweet lady.

  • @maggiesmama7782
    @maggiesmama7782 4 года назад +26

    I love how much JLo & ARod love each other and how much they love their children. They have created an amazing family & are filled with love & gratitude. 💗💗💗

  • @jefferyjames2022
    @jefferyjames2022 5 лет назад +172

    Never give up on love sometimes it takes trial and error

    • @gracejames2573
      @gracejames2573 5 лет назад +2

      Jlo and cynthia bailey have taught me never to give up on love, it doesn't matter what age, God will send the person u were meant to be with

  • @rebeccamolina3822
    @rebeccamolina3822 5 лет назад +207

    Jlo is in her prime honey! A beautiful birthday party for a beautiful human being. I can feel the love and laughter that was poured out that night! Happy bday queen!

  • @KaterinaGketi
    @KaterinaGketi 5 лет назад +780

    How could be so famous and at the same time so simple....love you JLO

  • @evelyndelacruzibale4635
    @evelyndelacruzibale4635 5 лет назад +63

    He loves her and the children... Happy Birthday!

  • @arianagonzo6972
    @arianagonzo6972 5 лет назад +261

    2- she is such an amazing mother to her kids. Just seeing her cheer them on is amazing
    3- she's so humble and grounded
    5- queen forever

    • @Bj_mc31
      @Bj_mc31 5 лет назад +3

      Ariana Gonzo humble and grounded?!?!?!? AHAHAHA

    • @genesisxo2556
      @genesisxo2556 5 лет назад

      Ariana Gonzo I wish I didn’t age but I’m 23 and already look 50

    • @purpledragonfly4
      @purpledragonfly4 5 лет назад +2

      Freakin great surgeon is why.

    • @genesisxo2556
      @genesisxo2556 5 лет назад

      purpledragonfly4 welpppp true, I hope I find a great surgeon too

    • @poonamsandhu6153
      @poonamsandhu6153 5 лет назад

      Ariana Gonzo u forgot She cannot sing! And fakes it

  • @ofmagica
    @ofmagica 5 лет назад +47

    I loved how Jen gave everyone who performed for her , her full undivided attention❤️❤️

  • @dunjalakcevic7542
    @dunjalakcevic7542 5 лет назад +44

    I love how her kids are included in everything

  • @amandamoreno3173
    @amandamoreno3173 5 лет назад +118

    i love that he says “our children” ❤️

  • @leximathy6188
    @leximathy6188 5 лет назад +74

    He's such an amazing man and your kids are so lovely

  • @libiacepeda
    @libiacepeda 5 лет назад +2222

    i want to look like jlo when i’m 50

    • @Thelifestyleofmarie
      @Thelifestyleofmarie 5 лет назад +139

      I want to look like her now in my 30's 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @minnettesalazar5312
      @minnettesalazar5312 5 лет назад +9

      Marie Right !🤣

    • @babishatomlinson7673
      @babishatomlinson7673 5 лет назад +37

      I don't know a woman right now that doesn't want to look like that J lo is absolutely gorgeous

    • @claudiaaa4268
      @claudiaaa4268 5 лет назад +24

      No doubt it takes a lot of work, and discipline. im not sure i want to put in the work. Lol!

    • @AndySaenz
      @AndySaenz 5 лет назад +16

      Libia Cepeda I would love to know her skin care routine! Her skin is flawless, she’s always glowing.

  • @sahteevasmith5878
    @sahteevasmith5878 5 лет назад +6

    she’s such a supportive mom of her kids! i love it!

  • @ThePinkKiwi1995
    @ThePinkKiwi1995 5 лет назад +155

    I didn't realise I needed to see JLo fangirling and singing along to a musical theatre medley until it happened and now my life is complete

  • @mariiibabyyy16
    @mariiibabyyy16 5 лет назад +523

    The fact that she said she has never had a car like that or driven one for that matter... so rich yet so simple. We loveeeee queen jlo

    • @charliesmovies6520
      @charliesmovies6520 4 года назад

      Queen JLO we love you❤❤❤

    • @bettyekey3781
      @bettyekey3781 4 года назад +1

      yeah, a $146,000 worth of simple, daulin. and she has only driven the car once since he gave the car to her last year, around the block in his damn neighborhood. kinda ridiculous to spend that much money on a car, that has only been driven once in a year and half. And that will probably be all she drives it, knowin her. the woman is spoiled rotten , gets driven around by Arod, chauffeurs, and all them other drivers she's has on her staff. must be nice. No wonder she couldn't find her home in Bel-Air that time she was comin home with Alex, and they were 5 minutes, from her house, and she couldn't remember where her house was, and it took them 98 minutes to get home. that is so ridulous. Most women who drive on a regular basis, would never have that problem because we pay attention to landmarks and obviously know where the hell our damn house is at. She's been living in Bel-Air for a decade now. I mean really. How f '' in stupid is that. Even I am not that bad at driving.

    • @lissandrafreljord7913
      @lissandrafreljord7913 4 года назад

      She gets driven by chauffeurs that's why.

    • @bettyekey3781
      @bettyekey3781 4 года назад

      @@lissandrafreljord7913 You think I don't know that, honey. And guess what? on his podcast interview this year, she told Alex that she had told her uncle, when she was 15 years old, and was old enough to get a drivers license, her uncle asked her if she was ready to get her drivers license and she said "no" I will never need one, because I am gonna always have a driver. Like she knew she would be something special one day. Now how in the world could she possibly know this at such a young age, pray tell, can you answer me that? I mean really. Sounds alittle bit arrogant to me. Just sayin.

    • @bettyekey3781
      @bettyekey3781 4 года назад

      @@lissandrafreljord7913 I guess when people call you "the queen" you get first class treatment like her, huh and can get driven around by chauffeurs, huh? I wouldn't know what that's like, I am lower class, peon level, still a fan of hers, though, not sure why and I doubt if she cares one damn bit about me, really do.And I have worked hard, still workin hard, now even, just not makin the kind of money she makes,obviously, and nobody calls me the queen, they just call me grandma even though I've never been married, no kids, 63 years old. wonderful, huh? It sucks.

  • @tifiayiti937
    @tifiayiti937 5 лет назад +53

    Couldn’t help but to shed tears not because of her birthday but the love and support of family/friends was beautiful to see...

    • @tifiayiti937
      @tifiayiti937 5 лет назад

      The New Paulo Coelho Mwen Byen! Ou?

  • @badgalruth
    @badgalruth 5 лет назад +37

    JLO has always been beautiful to me with a beautiful personality she’s real and genuine you can tell! The kids were so cute!!! Love it!! Beautiful celebration! Happy Birthday JLO!!! ❤️

  • @sarahnushkaya4973
    @sarahnushkaya4973 5 лет назад +14

    Love this woman + love how she is herself with Alex. This is so priceless ❤️

  • @momto4s.84
    @momto4s.84 5 лет назад +121

    Tears in my eyes when her daughter started to sing. I would have dissolved into a puddle! ❤️
    Congrats and birthday wishes! You give hope and love to so many! 💕💕💕

  • @millamikolenko5956
    @millamikolenko5956 5 лет назад +23

    I love how she hugs and thanks each and every person, such a genuine A-list celebrity

  • @salwa1181
    @salwa1181 5 лет назад +122

    It Doesn’t Matter how old you are, You will find True love 💕

  • @4p853
    @4p853 5 лет назад +35

    She looks so happy with this man. I think they look good together

  • @kathybauman6708
    @kathybauman6708 5 лет назад +61

    His & her children resemble each other so much. Darling!! You all r on top of the world. Refreshing!! Continued blessings 🙏

  • @HawaiianMahina
    @HawaiianMahina 5 лет назад +54

    Awesome!! I hope A-Rod and J-Lo have finally found their lifetime love in each other! Blessings to them and their cute blended family 😊

  • @danielledefreitas2021
    @danielledefreitas2021 5 лет назад +44

    I love that they had the kids from World Of Dance perform. That was amazing!

  • @danielleandrade6345
    @danielleandrade6345 5 лет назад +41

    I love how supportive she is when her kids were performing yass Queen

  • @AdoratiaPurdyPR
    @AdoratiaPurdyPR 5 лет назад +153

    So happy to see so many blessings and its not just the "stuff." You can tell the real blessing that she values is that she is surrounded by love. From her honey, her lil coconuts, to her team...all love. Its awesome to see. ❤🙌

  • @JassomJassom-mc2ez
    @JassomJassom-mc2ez 5 лет назад +40

    Jlo all what matters is your having a great time all day love you

  • @rojoy6594
    @rojoy6594 5 лет назад +145

    Cheers to JLo she is forever an icon
    and may we all look like her when we're 50.
    Happy Birthday

    • @luisana20
      @luisana20 5 лет назад +1

      ro joy Amén 🙏

  • @TamaraShawnH
    @TamaraShawnH 4 года назад +13

    I love her even more after seeing her RUclips videos ❤ she's so down to earth and supportive of everyone around her. She's such a beautiful soul❤❤❤❤

  • @abdirisakawes6544
    @abdirisakawes6544 5 лет назад +626

    Hey person scrolling through the comments. You're awesome, have a great day/night ❤

  • @vloggingblonde
    @vloggingblonde 5 лет назад +423

    You are truly the most beautiful woman on this planet!!

    • @romanzolanski2555
      @romanzolanski2555 5 лет назад +8

      no beyoncé is

    • @RottedDollface
      @RottedDollface 5 лет назад +3

      @@romanzolanski2555 to each their own, and that normal. They're both beautiful.

    • @RottedDollface
      @RottedDollface 5 лет назад +1

      She is a gem!!! No one like her....in my opinion 😊🌺

    • @RottedDollface
      @RottedDollface 5 лет назад +1

      Aww gz on your baby boy too!!!🌺🌺🌺

    • @purplesky4763
      @purplesky4763 5 лет назад +6

      Hell no.... beyonce exoesnt come close to jlos beauty and sexiness

  • @mamag1rl
    @mamag1rl 5 лет назад +37

    J. Lo has given me hope that love may still be out there for me after all these years of singleness

  • @mercedesdaye2931
    @mercedesdaye2931 5 лет назад +166

    This is great video. I especially like that the kids are part of the celebration. Very nice!!

    • @shantikz4356
      @shantikz4356 5 лет назад

      Mercedes Daye I knw so humble n simple like mother 😫😫

  • @Goalsold
    @Goalsold 5 лет назад +76

    Such a beautiful family! Jennifer and Alex are truly blessed and so humble and real. Love you guys. 🎉🎊🎈🎁

  • @ryanm2441
    @ryanm2441 5 лет назад +219

    It’s like she’s a queen and everyone is performing for her

  • @mariagudiel
    @mariagudiel 5 лет назад +45

    i love JLo with ARod
    they are perfect to each other

  • @desiderata333
    @desiderata333 8 месяцев назад +6

    Wow Emme is so beautiful. She doesn't realize how amazing she truly is. I am sad JLO and AROD split, because his kids and JLOs kids were SUPER close. I have not seen Emme smile in a very long time. God bless the children.

    • @magaencina2863
      @magaencina2863 8 месяцев назад

      What, Emme smiles ALL THE TIME. She was thrilled when Jennifer and Ben got married in Vegas, and she literally is best friends with Ben's middle child. They are a happy blended family 🎉❤

  • @patreeya2279
    @patreeya2279 5 лет назад +423

    50 is the new 30

  • @np2679
    @np2679 5 лет назад +1080

    They played 50 cent for her 50th birthday present....lol

  • @disneyfangirl7806
    @disneyfangirl7806 5 лет назад +62

    This was a fun party for all ages!
    J-Lo is all class! Happy Birthday!

    • @michellemckillop2931
      @michellemckillop2931 5 лет назад

      Disney fan Girl yes. Sleeping with anyone and everyone in Hollywood. Real class. By the way, you know why Ben affleck broke up with her? Bc she didn’t like him giving big tips. But she lives this lavish lifestyle herself. What a joke!

    • @disneyfangirl7806
      @disneyfangirl7806 5 лет назад

      I don’t know J-Lo personally, so I can’t judge
      I really was commenting on her party. It looked as
      though it was a wonderful time, planned so that
      all ages could celebrate along with her. If what you
      say is true, then you have every right to feel the way
      you do. So glad we are able to watch what we wanna watch and
      close-out videos that are against how we feel and who we are.
      I see you as a person who believes in the right kind of world.
      I can appreciate that.

  • @wallyholloway1037
    @wallyholloway1037 3 года назад +26

    3:18 She says I love you and she is waiting for him to look at her eyes and say I love ❤️ you back at her with a loving face and smile.Look at her face! WOW 😢💔 He is chewing gum like a cow and doesn’t pay attention to her.Now I can tell how unhappy she was in the relationship with this egomaniac and why she transition so fast to Ben.He’s always been the love of her life ❤️❤️❤️ 5:05Jens moms face when ARod is speaking Priceless 😂 I hope the best for her and Ben ❤️❤️❤️

    • @PK-zm8dz
      @PK-zm8dz 3 года назад +9

      I thot i was the only one that noticed he did not say i love you too when she said I love you. Arod was for the camera, their relationship i believe was very different behind the camera. Glad she moved on, she should not have to deal with crap, good for her.

    • @jga8170
      @jga8170 3 года назад +3

      Lol Lupe can’t stand him! 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @angelicafasckth
      @angelicafasckth 3 года назад +2

      yeah i saw that. 🤦

    • @moochie5
      @moochie5 3 года назад +2

      Lupe knew it was always Ben

    • @paulinabarra5315
      @paulinabarra5315 3 года назад

      Con Ben Affleck hacen una hermosa pareja. Pero me preguntó siguen juntos ya que hace 1 mes que nosé sabe de ellos.

  • @TherapeuticCreations
    @TherapeuticCreations 5 лет назад +7

    This made me cry. Such a glamorous yet humble life. Jennifer Lopez you are one of a kind. And those kids...just adorable. A true role model, thank you

  • @wandadenkers1694
    @wandadenkers1694 5 лет назад +19

    Love the way you are Jlo. A great mom, and hard working person. Love your kids and Arod and his kids. 👍😘💖

  • @sarahhendricks214
    @sarahhendricks214 5 лет назад +76

    This woman is a true hustler and deserves everything amazing she’s earned in this life 👏🏼 Happy Birthday JLO 🥳 to 50 more ❤️👑

  • @homitb
    @homitb 4 года назад +51

    I’d take this over a Kardashian party ANYDAY 😂❤️ ... her son seems like such a mommas boy 😍

  • @anasmakeupglam9825
    @anasmakeupglam9825 5 лет назад +4

    In this video all I saw was a happy woman with a BIG ASS SMILE. That makes me know that no matter what you are going tru in a relationship if a man dont appreciate you thir is always another man that will. Happy birthday JLO.

  • @nickt.8507
    @nickt.8507 5 лет назад +66

    I love how she said at 8:42 "I'm so happy" after her kids performed!

  • @DD-hy1nl
    @DD-hy1nl 5 лет назад +89

    Jenny is so beautiful, her new car fits her so perfect! ..50 never looked more beautiful! Happy Birthday Ms. Jenny, many you have many more healthy beautiful birthdays to come.

  • @ajm3821
    @ajm3821 5 месяцев назад +7

    Wow. What 4 short years can do. She had some life back then. She had no idea how good she had it with A ROD- especially now that it’s all gone.

  • @nikkifunk9203
    @nikkifunk9203 5 лет назад +56

    She is beautiful as always and Happy 50th Jennifer!

  • @kevn101
    @kevn101 5 лет назад +47

    The way Arod loves Jlo is what every one wants in a relationship. Damn they're cute together

  • @lissettelebron4862
    @lissettelebron4862 5 лет назад +28

    love how their kids are involved in the show. Just wonderful .

  • @degree5638
    @degree5638 5 лет назад +19

    I love when she says she's never had a car like this. It gives me that realness and humility than even famous singers like her actually can live a normal life and get excited for things like this as it would be anyone else 😍 God blesses you. You and your beautiful family.🎉🎂

  • @melissamalik13
    @melissamalik13 5 лет назад +61

    i love arod and jlo together!!!! that bori and dominican combo is tooo 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @mmcdonald1000
    @mmcdonald1000 5 лет назад +46

    Aww that was so romantic. Im so happy for Jlo. I hope she works out with Alex. He seems like a nice guy for her😀

  • @irinahub33
    @irinahub33 5 лет назад +25

    She deserves all this ! Congratulations to gorgeous talented woman .

  • @b.eunisse4347
    @b.eunisse4347 6 месяцев назад +8

    Jlo with love and respect, take your time to heal, but I just want to say Arod was your best energy match.

  • @wonderwoman8696
    @wonderwoman8696 5 лет назад +138

    I'm so happy you found a man that turely loves you💖❤ i had the same but my love died of a fatal heart attack at the age of 53 years old in front of me and my daughter. So watching so much love between you and Alex it warm my heart❤💖 many blessing on your birthday and God bless all your beautiful children. Thats all a girl ever wants is to be loved unconditionally.

    • @winndelule2302
      @winndelule2302 5 лет назад +4

      Wonder Woman ooh sorry for ur loss🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿

    • @zuzanaliscinskaa
      @zuzanaliscinskaa 5 лет назад +1

      so sorry for your loss...may his soul rest in eternal peace and may the time heal your heart and the pain you must've gone through ❤

    • @basirikashamim8523
      @basirikashamim8523 5 лет назад +1

      May the almighty God comfort you always.

    • @themoofylavender9322
      @themoofylavender9322 5 лет назад +1

      May allah grant him paradise.. but i have To tell you something love ! You are lucky to have found true love.. it's better than meeting the wrong ones or never meeting him believe me :)) keep his memory alive and stay strong honey

  • @coumbaaicha
    @coumbaaicha 5 лет назад +65

    If i didn't know Jlo then someone shows me her photo I'd say she's 35 years old. She's gorgeous. HBD again Queen.

    • @wanefelicia8779
      @wanefelicia8779 5 лет назад

      When the light hits...u can see shes aging 😏👍

    • @coumbaaicha
      @coumbaaicha 5 лет назад

      @Brookie Ok. But im not going to give you the number of her coach because I'm sure you'll not be able to keep up to have her abs and her body.

  • @pp-nm3bk
    @pp-nm3bk 5 лет назад +33

    Happy birthday, you are one of my favorite singers!

  • @MsRaquelD
    @MsRaquelD 3 года назад +34

    And less than 2 years later, she is back with Ben. lol Crazy how the world works.

    • @jlmurray9988
      @jlmurray9988 3 года назад +6

      Ben is the love of her LIFE!!! Hello.

    • @theresajimenez8055
      @theresajimenez8055 2 года назад +2

      @@jlmurray9988 Plus, he cheated on her right?

    • @magaencina2863
      @magaencina2863 8 месяцев назад

      Even tho Ben is the love of her life, she would probably think twice before leaving Arod IF HE HADN'T CHEATED ON HER. In fact, Ben started sending emails to her, the second he heard the cheating rumors. Arod made his own grave 😅.

  • @Chrismontt
    @Chrismontt 5 лет назад +327

    Can believe she is 50 .. damn girl u still are amazing !!!
    (Edit) thanks for the likes, plz don't be so negative everyone can be anything. what would you be doing in your birthday ??

    • @karinaurena7168
      @karinaurena7168 5 лет назад

      I’m 41

    • @Chrismontt
      @Chrismontt 5 лет назад

      @faridah hanum shes not filthy rich !!!

    • @Chrismontt
      @Chrismontt 5 лет назад

      @Blake Lisser lol she gets them for free ... don't you know anything about business ??

    • @patsyhay9592
      @patsyhay9592 5 лет назад

      Be them expensive af surgeons xxx

    • @arnavjoshi6621
      @arnavjoshi6621 5 лет назад

      Christopher Montt she got a goddamn Porsche for her birthday... also, LOOK AT HER HOUSE

  • @maryjane2815
    @maryjane2815 5 лет назад +48

    most of the comments are positive! that shows how much people love her!

  • @MissDrea10131
    @MissDrea10131 5 лет назад +35

    WOW!!! That was amazing- Happy Birthday JLo!!! Wishing you many many more! ARod and you both look so happy together- i pray its 4ever!!

  • @AymeeVanDykeCookiepreneur
    @AymeeVanDykeCookiepreneur 4 года назад +5

    Hard work. Lots of her haters see the glam, but not all of the blood, sweat and tears that go into everything she has created from nothing. She has all my respect. Beautiful lady, from the inside out.

    • @savaniestew6264
      @savaniestew6264 2 года назад +1

      Couldn't have said it any better 👍💯

  • @rafearafikh9476
    @rafearafikh9476 5 лет назад +19

    *I LOVE LOVE LOVE how she hyped all the performers!!!* ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @nikoleplat
    @nikoleplat 5 лет назад +242

    i think everyone is hoping that we find an Arod one day 💫♥️

    • @nikoleplat
      @nikoleplat 5 лет назад

      Jaime Mulero omg thanks!!💕

    • @patin319
      @patin319 5 лет назад +7

      He adores her!

    • @lonigray9146
      @lonigray9146 5 лет назад +3

      He was an ass in the beginning though until he met JLo! Lol

    • @nikoleplat
      @nikoleplat 5 лет назад +7

      Loni Gray as long as he learns from his mistakes.. that’s all that matters

  • @iAmAlexRafael
    @iAmAlexRafael 5 лет назад +84

    I can’t ever get over how PRETTY she is- like wao!!!😍🙌🏼♥️👑🇵🇷🎂

  • @moonriver7625
    @moonriver7625 5 лет назад +6

    I am truly happy for you Jen, you have it all, and I love the fact that you're enjoying every moment of your beautiful life like a kid. That's a talent. I hope I will be as happy as you, and will enjoy it. You're an inspiration❤️