Not only the high prices but only getting a single node cutting cost an arm, leg and whole body. I wouldn't be able to enjoy that little cutting would worry it would die on me and would be sick with anxiety because of the high price I paid for it. 😆😩 I want to enjoy my plants. Can't and will not pay high prices. I will enjoy my collection I already have. 👍🏾
YES, YES, YES!!!! I have not yet paid for a high priced cutting! I actually try to stay away from any cuttings or recently potted cutting. I have had my fair share of loss with them and have learned my lesson. I can only imagine the stress and anxiety that goes it can take forever before you even see any growth of roots or leaves....also I can imagine my horror to see rotting setting in and not being able to save it as I watch it slowly wither that is a PLANT NIGHTMARE! It's gotten to the point I can't afford it any longer as well. I have been very fortunate to be able to get the ones I have and I will appreciate and love them all. I believe we are on the same journey my friend! CHEERS AND HAPPY GROWING!
New subbie here! I guess the bubble popped yesterday because Kroger in Cincinnati, OH has 40 Thai Constellation for sale for $99.00 for a full plant with at least 6 leaves and the leaves are HUGE!!! It was a test run, so now I guess we just wait until Costa Farms releases it everywhere else. Sorry to say, but unless you're in a humidifier environment or have a greenhouse, the Thai Constellation won't thrive in low humidity states. Not hatin', just sayin'! :D
Awe!!! Thx for the shout out!!! Ur so awesome! And your analogy of car vs plant is so true! Prices up here for the rare plants have gone nuts.... gr8 vid! Your 🇨🇦 plant friends :)
Of course you both are my plant buddies and have a great channel with awesome plants! ...and yes the prices are no longer within my's back to reality time for me. This is to prevent me from ending up on the streets begging for plants! LOL! It is a time where we have to shake ourselves into rational thinking because it is getting too absurd!
Loved the video!!! Plant prices are high right now cause of the demand and people willing to pay them!!! I do wonder if and when the pandemic starts to go away if more and more people will get out of the plant hobby. Some people may not be able to keep up with having a lot of plants if they go back to work full time. Right now so many are working from home so they can take care of them right now. Time will tell. Hopefully Costa Farms will keep watching the plant trends and keep sending out plants we all want at prices we can afford!!! And I LOVE Donkey Ears!!! It is definetly one of my favorite Kalonchoes!!! It actually maybe my number 1 favorite!!! I found one in 2019 and since then I always have to have at least one! And what a great price!!! I paid double that for one half that size here in Oklahoma. I just love seeing their babies forming on their leaves. Thanks for the video!!!
Awe thanks so much for watching and for sharing your feedback. I appreciate it...and yes the prices are at an all time high! You have made a lot of good points. I am curious to see what happens as well when we are over the pandemic...will the plantdemic also go away. LOL! I definitely think that there will be more people losing interest which will lead to more people dropping off from collecting. And you are right it is a lot of work to grow plants especially if you are not a true plant lover. There are some of us that are plant lovers for a time...then there are some that are plant lovers for life. I just don't think there is as many plant lovers for life...but we shall see won't we...I got my popcorn in hand...LOL! I am also thankful to Costa Farms for giving us a less pricier option. I do believe that they will continue offering these trendy plants...I know that it has been a major success for them. The Kalanchoe is so adorable...they had a big mama one in a hanging basket with all of the donkey ears cascading from the basket and all the little babies dangling from the leaves...It was an awesome display. I may try to attempt something like that with this one. Thanks so much for watching dear and again for sharing your wonderful feedback. Much love and big hugs to you in Oklahoma!
Your humor and enthusiasm is giving me life today Maria 🙌 ❤ I also foresee the influx of cheaper overseas purchases (Thailand, Indonesia etc) is going to help. It'll satiate some of the overwhelming demand and also keep some of the prices in check I think. I hope 😂🤞
HA HA HA!!! So happy it woke you up!!! IT'S A NEW DAY AND A 2ND CHANCE AND A NEW START! LIVE YO LIFE BABY GURL! Yes and good point! I definitely believe that this record high pricing will be a thing of the past...eventually of course. But it can't continue to keep going this way....people can no longer afford it. I keep wondering who are the people that are paying thousands of dollars for these plants. I don't think that other nurseries are buying them...the risk is just too high. I'm guessing private wealthy collectors and perhaps companies that are intending using the plants for tissue culture. It is just so hard to believe that people are actually willing to pay these type of prices.
I have been loving your videos so much! Couldnt agree and relate with you more on everything lately! And the addiction is so real. I got into plants before the pandemic. Its so frustrating to not be able to get/afford the plants i want. Def. Want to try and trade more this year
Awwwwww thanks so much for sharing such kind feedback with me. I really appreciate that....and yes not only is the struggle real, the struggle is too!!! It is one thing to not be able to afford the plant right then...but you are able to wait until next pay day or save up for it and get it later...but to not be able to get it PERIOD because you can't afford it. That is insane! Some plants are priced high and you can respect the price on it because it is in fact rare and you have never seen it in person. Then there are other plants that were higher priced plants but still affordable at about $50 - $100...and then the price jumps to $300 - $500 in about 6 months. That just blows my mind. To this day I'm still trying to find out what I just doesn't make any sense. Now it's to a point I can not afford it and that's sad. Are you friends with me on instagram?
@@PictureMaria1 yep agree 100 percent! I cant believe i wasnt ! I just followed you i stoppef IG for a while because of the plant fomo. I am getting back on the bandwagon though because i want to find friends locally to try and trade this summer. Love your ig too!
That’s great I’m glad you got back definitely is a good place to find others selling or trading said you got off because of fomo? What is that?
@@TheSweetgurliee HA HA HA! You know I am old skool...LOL! Thanks for clarifying...I was thinking well daaaaang do I need to get off of instagram too....I'm might catch the fomo! HA HA HA!
PlantyMon !!! That Was so funny , i dont throw shade on the plant prices nor do i shame the people buying them. I love them all uncommon and non common but i believe this is the way of things and its even better that everyone that is "able" can buy and they are all accessible. Plants have put a lot of food on many peoples tables and add a revenue stream for people. Like Dog breeds that has never been looked at and shamed i see puppies going for 500 and up and that hasnt changed for awhile. We should all just get along and just love each other and love our plants!
I do honestly believe that some prices are ridiculous especially the plants that are now in the thousands of dollars and have no valid reason to be when they are not rare, they are not hard to grow and they are not hard to come by. I believe that some times the system will take advantage of opportunity just because they can...but as you stated that is just the way things are (people are now selling Lysol Disinfectant Spray for $20 a bottle in my area)...nothing we can really do about that. I just have chosen not buy into it. It is now to the point where people can no longer afford these plants especially during these hard times when if truth be told, we need to also be concerned about the economy, civilization and our livelihood...and that is why I have opted to take a step back. I have always been a lover of all plants as I have hundreds and hundreds of them spread throughout my garden but because of my presence on the social media scene I could not resist the lure of your more popular and higher end plants as well and I have to admit I have taken quite a fancy to a lot of them because of their unique and exquisite qualities. So I am also willing to spend on the higher priced plants, but of course within reason. I won't fall into the trap of buying plants that I can't afford and then having to suffer for it later. Now, I am also on other side of things as well because selling and trading plants helps me to support my addiction and enables me to enjoy my passion (or at least it used to) but even small backyard growers and businesses that sell plants, these insane price markups are making it impossible for us as well. We can no longer afford to buy these overly priced plants to propagate and sell it is effecting many of us within the plant community on both ends of the spectrum. The only ones that are immune have been the bigger nurseries and other major cooperations. So it really isn't to throw is sharing my experience and frustration with the whole thing and it is also giving people that are struggling with the same issue another option. I have had to revamp the way I have been doing things in order to maintain my addiction and still keep a happy home.
We are feeling it in South Afrika too ! For example, I paid R160 ($10.67) for a syngonium frosted heart early 2020, by the end of the year the price had doubled to R320 ($21.34).This is why the classics are a more rewarding, they grow well, affordable and beautiful.
I know it is spreading worldwide....this is what we call a plantdemic! You are right...we should be thankful for our classics that are dependable and will never let us down. I feel ashamed that I've overlooked them but I am going to reconnect with all of them again this year.
Maria, the first rule of Plant Club is you don't tell your spouse about the prices in Plant Club! 🙃🙂 jk. I think you're right about prices though. I think the Thai Constellations are going to be smaller and slightly higher price than people expect when they come out. Also, I suspect that prices will start declining before too long.. At some point there is going to be some "covid plant price fatigue" as well as a lot of people who just kind of fizzle from the hobby gradually. Also, a bunch of people who got into the hobby are now going to have propagations of their own to put on the market for sale or trade (like you mentioned you have. I also have some. I suspect a lot of other people do or will now too...). It think this will ease some issues with tight supply for some plants and help alleviate pent up demand. It will be interesting to see how it all shakes out this year for sure...
Ha ha ha!!! I know right! I should know better! Please don’t revoke my membership!!! 😳😂. I completely agree and you brought about a lot of great points! You basically summed it up in a nut shell. I didn’t think about how many may lose interest when life gets back to the norm and also the fact that many have started to do more propagations. I am so happy that when I first started I had a vision to creat huge mother plants. I took cuttings with the only intention to make a full pot and and raise them to become monsters. So now I have full plants that stand at 4 and 5 ft. tall and for propagation. Thanks for your viewpoint and I too am interested in seeing how this all pans out. PS I would love to connect with you on Instagram. I am under MyTropicalPlantAdventures. Perhaps we can do some trades in the future.
@@PictureMaria1 cool. I'm fairly recent to the Instagram thing but it seems to be growing on me. Im mostly into orchids, but have started going down the other tropical plant rabbit hole (some aroids and bgonias). I subscribed to your channel a long time ago from the orchid days (under a different Google account I think) Just followed you there on IG. I see on there you met some of my peeps from Houston! I'm on IG @bradtheplantdad
It really is a world wide plant even the babies are going high. They are priced at what the bigger plants used to be priced at. SHEEEEEEESH!
Great content as usual. Sometimes I’m still so surprised that plants are still so expensive. With CV-19 still going on and all the job loss I’m surprised that people can still afford them. I’ve got a lot of plants, but I have no “rare” plants they’re all common plants but love them the same. There are a few that I bought on a whim and don’t really care for, but still take care of. There are a couple of the more expensive type plants I’ld like to have but my place is too small to have anything to big. Thanks for the content.
Thank you and I appreciate that! You bring about such a good point. I am absolutely shocked as well. When Covid hit the plant industry took a deep breath and held it. Majority of them thought they would go out of business and some even started doing a mass sale trying to get rid of some of their plants. It was surprising to see that even during these hard times they are at their best. Selling out on majority of their stock and being able to price them at record high prices. I sometimes think that when we hit crisis we have a tendency to always want something to comfort us...and plants are what people have turned to for comfort and peace. I think it is similar to when we have to bunker down for a major storm/hurricane. Everyone goes to the store and ensures that they have all of their necessities. One thing that I have noticed though, almost every time you will find in every cart is an abundance of snack foods and treats better known as "Comfort Food". I believe in a sense that plants have become our "Comfort Plants"...they draw our attention away from this maddening world and offer us a sanctuary and an escape. That's the only way I could make sense of it. I have all sorts of plants in my garden. I am a lover of all plants but especially love the larger growing plants. But I find myself sucked into the frenzy... I have always been selective though only getting the plants that I really want. I don't buy a plant just based only by what I see on instagram or really has to take hold of me. But because of the frenzy, I have to admit it has allowed me to discover more plants that tugged on my heart strings and of course I bought. So regardless, it has played a role in collecting some of these pricier. But I am a lover of all plants. I have Orchids, Bromeliads, Ferns, Succulents, Aroids, Vining Plants, Garden Flowers, Fruiting & Flowering Trees, Herbs...etc... So I just gotta take a step back and refocus...there are so many other plants that are less expensive and just as beautiful. Thanks for watching and HAPPY GROWING!
I never discuss plant prices with my man😂😂 But seriously, these prices are getting out of control. I noticed how quiet everyone's been on FB as soon as Lowe's started selling Costa Farms "rare plant" collection. I'll wait for the bubble to pop. 😂
RIGHT!!! Usually I don't but because of the fact that I was talking more about how I was going to be doing more trades then actual purchases I thought it would be okay. LOL! It's so funny when I take things so seriously when it comes to plants...and he just looks at me like he doesn't get what the big deal is! LOL! I guess it is a "Plant Thing" he will never truly understand will he!? So you mean you could hear a pin drop on FB when Costa released their rare plants! HA HA HA HA! TOO FUNNY! I guess Costa shut everybody up...yes I will be anxiously waiting things out too.
@@PictureMaria1 I'm very lucky in this respect. Usually it's my husband that is urging me to buy. Have you ever seen it ? He says and we drove how many hours for you to see it ? Yes it's coming home ! I still will not overpay though. I will wait until the prices come down !! Thank you to Costa Farms !!! By the way GREAT video content. Way to go getting everyone to talk about how they handle "the ole man" 🍃🥀🍃
the market is definitely getting a bit crazy out there. good thing is that there are alot of collectors who are also making these plants available by propagating. trades are great way to get these nice specimens. I love your videos and all that you do.
That is awesome!!! Good for you! Well since we are on the subject where are you growing from and maybe in the future we can do some trades....and I am just reading the bottom of your one comment...I somehow missed it the first time. Thanks so much for your positive feedback...I often times will ask my hubby to review my video before I post and ask his opinion...but you know he isn’t one of “us”...and I am never sure if he really gets it or not. He always kindly nods, smiles and gives me a thumbs up!!! So when one of my planty peeps gives me feedback I am always happy to receive it.
OH I WOULD SO LOVE THAT!!! Are you on Instagram? I am under MyTropicalPlantAdventures. If you are DM me there and let me know what you have available and I will let you know what I have. Thanks! I look forward to it!
I think the plant you were referring to is the philodendron Caramel marble. It is a striking plant. But the price it going by it's out of this world. However, if you cannot afford it or want to spend so much you may want to buy another plant that shares similar characteristics. I'm talking about the ring of fire. I know it's not the same but you may feel better about your purchase . For a long time I wanted a fur coat. Now I will never wear one even if someone offers to gift to me.
YES, THAT IS IT!!!! SHEEEEEESH LOWEEEEEEEEZE! I don't even want to look at it! LOL! Oh I see...I do have a Ring of it should hold me over for awhile until I can afford the one for $9,500! HA HA HA! I've gotten to a point once I know what they go for...I'm not even interested in looking at it. In all honesty, I love plants but I wouldn't pay that much for it even if I had it to spend like that. Again we are living in hard times in what can be considered a very unstable world and you may need that kind of money in the future to sustain your livelihood. That's what I am talking about when I say within reason and within limits. Spending that kind of money on one plant is what I consider foolish.
This is such a good video...someone had to address the crazy plant price situation!! Also, what is that black plant to your left? I’m always distracted by it’s beauty and now I need one 😂
Thank you...and yes just sharing my experience, frustration and my plan of action for this year in hopes of providing another option for those that are facing the same plant collecting struggle. We will get through this. What do you think about it and how are you dealing with it?
Oh and that plant is a Philodendron Black Cardinal. She is a pretty little thing isn’t she. She is grown from a cutting and is really taking off. I love her. Glad you noticed, she deserves the attention. 🤗😍👍
@@PictureMaria1 I think its absolutely crazy that people will spend tons of money on nodes or “wet sticks” and hope that they sprout. The thing is, even when monstera albo and other rare plants finally become more common and go down in price, there will always be another plant that everyone is after which raises demand and price. All I know is that I won’t spend crazy money unless I get a deal, I’d rather wait for the demand to go down and enjoy the plants I have. I luckily haven’t gotten into collecting rare plants as yet, anyways. I’ve added a bunch to my wishlist (I actually just made a vid) but those are more long term goals. I can’t imagine paying over 200 for something that can die in the blink of an eye! Plus, I need the space and requirements to keep them alive, and my house is already overflowing with all my current plants and orchids. I’ll just try and be patient lol! That black cardinal is amazing and definitely now on my wish list 🌺🌺
I completely agree with all that you said...although the prices that we are seeing now is at an all time high...I don’t think plants being sold for Tens of thousands will last. My personal belief is that this is truly an explosive trend that eventually will fade out. There will always be higher priced plants but I don’t believe to this magnitude. I will be sure to check out your video....and yes that black cardinal is really impressing me! I got it as a small plant grown from cutting and now she is really showing off! ❤️👍❤️👍❤️
@@PictureMaria1 Oh hopefully!! That would really be something to look forward to in the houseplant world 😄 Wow, a tiny cutting to that gorgeous specimen black cardinal? I need Florida weather asap!! 🌺🪴
Love watching your video, Some plants are worth paying for, but not that kind of Philodendron Caramel Marble price, I can't afford. I have Stromanthe Sanguine Triostar She's stunning, I love it.
Thank you for joining me on my adventures and for your feedback. I really appreciate it. I completely agree there are some plants that I feel are worth the price but there are many that are just way overpriced because of the plant trend. I’ve come to terms with it and understand that this is the just the way the market works and is the reason I have opted to change direction on how I will be purchasing plants this year. I just have to be a bit wiser, more selective and more disciplined. ...and yes the Stromanthe is a prime example of a common plant that is as beautiful if not more beautiful than some of your pricier plants.
I definitely agree with buying expensive plant for the sake of just having it Idk maybe there are just some people who do that and those who can afford for for me specially growing plants? It doesn't have to be expensive its just about getting plants that gives your heart a genuine happiness ♥️ Well yes. Buying 9.5k $ is just out of this universe like realllly farrr... Hahha and if that plant dies on me? I might go straight to some rehabilitation and mental counseling 😂
I have been happy with a lot of purchases, even with the higher priced plants. Some of the are exquisite and I can see why they are higher. But now it has simply gotten to the point where you can't even afford it any more. I have gotten into a little bit of trouble overspending and not budgeting so it can effect your way of life if you don't control your urges....and you are right it doesn't have to be expensive at all. There are so many inexpensive plants that can give you the same thrill...some of them are just as pretty if not prettier than some of your pricier plants. So we just have to be wise about it. ...and yes I agree with you...if something ever happened to a plant that I spent $9500 on...I can guarantee you I will never be the same again. LOL!!!
OH NO....NOT IN THE MAIL!!! YIKES!!!! That is probably the absolute worst experience ever in plant be soooooo excited for your package to arrive only to open the box to find that...every time that has happened to me I swear I literally hear my heart shattered in a thousand pieces! It is really gut wrenching! ...the Queen got a double whammy! I am so sorry to hear. Were you able to get your money back or get it replaced? If it makes you feel any better (which I know it won't, but to let you know you are not alone) I also lost my Queen as was devastating...she was a beauty and I paid a pretty penny for her too...eye to eye and heart to heart.
Maria, you already know how I feel about these prices but i will say it again. THEY ARE JUST STUPID. I am one that will not pay a high price for anything. Not even for a Hydrangea. I will just take what I have and propagate to my hearts content. Sooner or later everything will settle down and hopefully go back to normal. If it doesn't, well at least I know that I've had some really cool plants in my lifetime. 🍃🥀🍃
Great outlook. I have backed way up from buying pricier plants. In all honesty I was just getting tapped out. I am being a bit more logical and wiser with my purchases now and using other means to obtain some of the pricier plants that I want. I am also enjoying more varieties of plants and trying out new ones that I've never owned before. I FEEL SO EMPOWERED! LOL!
It is getting so difficult to get those rare plants nowadays and the prices are too high. I do love the triostar plant and they do grow fast. I’m happy your monkeys tail is growing and beautiful too.🌿💐💞😘
Yes, some of these plant prices are now out of my reach. So I will be collecting my plants differently this year really focusing on less expensive plants that are just as beautiful. I had to purchase another monkey tail because the one that I had remember I stepped on it by accident when it fell out of its pot. But the little tip that I saved is also growing with the new ones. Did you know that the International Aroid Show is this weekend. I am planning on going.
@@PictureMaria1 I remembered you told me on how it happened, I’m glad that little tip of monkeys tail grew as well. That’s awesome, I can’t wait to see your videos on the aroid show. I’ve been wanting to go so bad but maybe next time. I hope you find awesome plants and great deal too.💖😘
Sorry you won’t be going this year. I don’t really believe I will be getting too much especially with the prices. I am hoping to find some good deals. I am keeping my fingers crossed. How has everything going with you. Did you bring all of your plants indoors? I am hoping the weather warms up. I am really anxious to get them back out in my garden.
@@PictureMaria1 I only took a few plants in, since I did a bad decision of repotting them in a 20” barrel planter and now I couldn’t drag them inside, too heavy.😂 The reverted monsteras, pink princess and most philodendrons actually are okay these frosty days with plant protector and moving blankets on them. Today, I took them covers out since it will be warmer this week. I don’t want anymore freezing nights. I’m so excited for you at the aroid show, have fun getting the best deal. I can’t wait to see it.😍💓🌿😘
I love plants also but i haven’t spent 3 digits of it i would be only purchasing the highest of 2 digits. It will be cheaper in few years and I am willing to wait and enjoy more full plants than having tons of cuttings that is not giving me joy .
We have seen a number of plant prices and availability change over the last year or two. So other prices and availabilities will change as well. But there will always be new unavailable and expensive plants in the near future. The plant market will always continue to fluctuate. Ten years ago or so a high percentage of these trendy plants were unheard of in this country. Time will tell.
Yes, I do agree and also believe that the prices will fluctuate and of course with the latest and greatest plants on the market prices will also reflect the most valued or trendiest plants. Now as far as us hitting record high prices I don't think that will remain (people just can't afford it)...I believe that will eventually go down. When the hype and the frenzy dies will find only the die hard, trusted and true collectors/growers, will remain. People buy plants because they are beautiful...and then they want lots of them. Until they find that it is actual hard work taking care of plants especially in large numbers. Growing plants can become quite a responsibility and should be considered a lifelong commitment...which many like the thrill but not so much the commitment. I think a lot of people have come to see what it is about, joined the plant club because of its popularity...but will eventually find that the lifestyle and commitment to these plants isn't always as beautiful as the pictures posted on Facebook and Instagram are.
I always advise myself as well but then my mind does the complete opposite! 😳😱😳 LOL! This year though I am changing my plant addictive ways and plan on exercising more’ll be easier I think this year though...I won’t have a choice. I can’t afford them anymore! LOL!
The ppl who purchase $9500. plants should be ppl who are very wealthy, if a regular joe does that, to each his own, but do accept that it can die and you may have to eat ramen noodles waaaaay more often than you would like to, I'll just wait until the philodendron caramel marble, spiritus sancti and monstera obliqua all go for $19.95 !!😁😁
29 degrees in Gainesville tonight 😣 I'm ready for spring!! As for prices what I can't get over is how quickly the prices doubled/tripled... Etc. It was maybe a year to a year and a half ago that I got soooo many goodies. I refuse to participate in these "every plant is $150" business. Insane.
I know!!! Just when I was tempted to bring all of my babies out!! It’s terrible! I am so hoping for warmer weather soon! ...and yes it is unbelievable how quickly and how high the prices jumped. I still can’t get over it. I just wished I had the foresight and had taken advantage of the prices last year. There were so many that I passed up thinking that the prices were too high...if I only knew. Now I can only dream about them...forget about purchasing them! 😭😭😭 But I guess we live and learn. Now we just have grit and bare it and see how this all turns out. I refuse to buy into it as hard feelings, I do understand how the market works and just have to have my own plan of action. I don’t mind spending the money (within reason) for plants that I consider well worth it...but I won’t/can’t get caught up in the plant hype of it all. If you aren’t careful you’ll end up in the poorhouse...literally. 😳😳😳
@@PictureMaria1 exactly! Trades are the way to go for sure. I just scored a variegated domesticum last week locally on a trade! So satisfying to not spent the $$$.
Thanks for letting me know....I believe it could be with the microphone that I use on my camera. Unfortunately I need to use it because it cuts down the sound from the traffic in the background. I will be looking into getting more equipment soon. Thanks for watching and HAPPY GROWING!
What an inspiring message. I really do appreciate the feedback and your very kind words. Thank you for joining me on my plant growing adventures and I am absolutely wishing you the best in yours. Have a plantastic day and HAPPY GROWING!
I also want to mention that i have two thai constellations and can never get them to grow more than two leaves! Ive had them for 2 years! Im gonna be getting rid of them
WOW! ...that is abnormal. Usually when there is that type of stunted growth it is an indication that your have a weak plant...whether it be because of lack of care, insufficient or too much light, root issues, or some form infection or insect infestation. Is it still in juvenile state or is it fully mature? Also where are you keeping it? Outdoors or indoors? I always recommend if things aren't going well for the plant indoors try keeping the plant outdoors if possible to see if it changes anything. I find my plants do 10 times better outdoors than indoors. I am sorry to hear that especially with Monstera Thai Constellation.
@@PictureMaria1 im in buffalo ny so no outdoors for me lol. They are juvenile. Had them in soil first then moved to leca. I may try moving back to soil and see if i can improve them and try your advice in the summer thank you!
Oh okay. How did they do in Leca? I see a lot of people growing their plants in Leca but I just can’t bring myself to try it. My plants grow so well in soil based substrate...I figure if it ain’t broke don’t fix it! Oh I forgot to ask you were these established plants or grown from cuttings and about how big are they?
@@PictureMaria1 i use leca more for hoyas so i think its def my fault my thai is not growing. Leca is good for indoors in my opinion. I imported them from thailand they had a few leaves a few had fenestrations already i think. Had to nurse them back to health back then and it has never stopped. But now it looks like i just have two small juvenile plants once 1 leaf grows the old one will just yellow off and die.
@@PictureMaria1 Found it! I was looking in the description and not the little side bar on the video itself.
So.... As independent business. You should support/Buy with independent sellers? I wish i could Made Friends that sells or want to trade tropical plants where i life u.u
Not sure what your asking....are you saying independent appose to major cooperations? I guess that would really depend on what your objective is as an independent business yourself. In all honesty most smaller businesses will buy from major corporations to get a bigger discount off of the price and thereby getting a bigger profit margin. But of course you would have the choice again it all depends on what your objective is for your company. It's like choosing between going to a smaller nursery that is going to be more expensive appose to going to a big box office store where the same produce is going to be less expensive. It will be a personal choice for every person and every business.
P.S. what state or country do you live? Are there any plant events that happen in your area. I think it is really all about you going out to events and mingling on social media to meet friends around your area. I am always out and about going to different nurseries, events and on instagram & I make myself available to meet planty friends. Many of them have become some of my closest friends.
@@PictureMaria1 Yeeah! Instead of buying from lows or Home Depot buy from local plant sellers. Or Even create a cominity of plant Lovers that trades and/or sells plants.
@@PictureMaria1 i'm from México. And some of the plants that i see that people in the US can get so easy at Walmart or things like Home Depot are rare here in México. I started getting into social media or _buying plants" online in 2021 cuz im scared of buying plants trougth the mail, and i havent, i Buy plants online but with a meet up with the seller, i'm very suspicious of buying plants and then the mail comes and i just dry or mush 😭 is very hot where i live Guadalajara Jalisco
So I wasn’t before!?!? GASP! Well I never!!! LOL! Thanks for watching...and let the truth be told...there are many that won’t speak on this...but I wanted to keep it real! Because the struggle is definitely real! It’s hard “ Keeping Up With The Plantyshians” ! 🤣🤪😂
No, you're very intelligent and wise. But if people dont pay that much, the producer will have to sell with reasonable prices. Don't let them abuse of our love for plant.
Here is the information around Costa Farms. They are not a good company to support and have knowingly exposed workers to COVID-19 and harsh chemicals. Here are their financial contributions: "During the pandemic, Costa farms did not take appropriate measures to follow safety guidelines or regulations to protect their employees. Employees worked in close proximity, sanitizers/disinfectants were not offered to them, lack of support should they test positive and exhibit symptoms, and limited access to restrooms or PPE equipment. Several employees tested positive." "As of recently, there has been several posts about Costa Farms' history of political donations and poor labor conditions during the pandemic. We wanted to take a moment to provide further information on Costa Farms to help inform your purchases. Here is the cliff notes: Over the last 13 years, Costa Farms has donated primarily to Republican candidates and political organizations with problematic agendas (Please refer to the below for further information. One particular candidate they have donated to was GOP Rep. Greg Steube, who has a history of opposing transgender equality. Recently, Rep Steube introduced a federal bill to ban transgender girls and women from participating in school sports..." there is more you can google
Not only the high prices but only getting a single node cutting cost an arm, leg and whole body. I wouldn't be able to enjoy that little cutting would worry it would die on me and would be sick with anxiety because of the high price I paid for it. 😆😩 I want to enjoy my plants. Can't and will not pay high prices. I will enjoy my collection I already have. 👍🏾
YES, YES, YES!!!! I have not yet paid for a high priced cutting! I actually try to stay away from any cuttings or recently potted cutting. I have had my fair share of loss with them and have learned my lesson. I can only imagine the stress and anxiety that goes it can take forever before you even see any growth of roots or leaves....also I can imagine my horror to see rotting setting in and not being able to save it as I watch it slowly wither that is a PLANT NIGHTMARE! It's gotten to the point I can't afford it any longer as well. I have been very fortunate to be able to get the ones I have and I will appreciate and love them all. I believe we are on the same journey my friend! CHEERS AND HAPPY GROWING!
Yessss I m getting tired of this too
Me too!!! We should start a Plant Revolution!!! Whose with me!!!😂😂😂
New subbie here! I guess the bubble popped yesterday because Kroger in Cincinnati, OH has 40 Thai Constellation for sale for $99.00 for a full plant with at least 6 leaves and the leaves are HUGE!!! It was a test run, so now I guess we just wait until Costa Farms releases it everywhere else. Sorry to say, but unless you're in a humidifier environment or have a greenhouse, the Thai Constellation won't thrive in low humidity states. Not hatin', just sayin'! :D
Awe!!! Thx for the shout out!!! Ur so awesome! And your analogy of car vs plant is so true! Prices up here for the rare plants have gone nuts.... gr8 vid! Your 🇨🇦 plant friends :)
Of course you both are my plant buddies and have a great channel with awesome plants! ...and yes the prices are no longer within my's back to reality time for me. This is to prevent me from ending up on the streets begging for plants! LOL! It is a time where we have to shake ourselves into rational thinking because it is getting too absurd!
@@PictureMaria1 “on the streets begging for plants” hahahaha that’s a good one! I’m gonna try that!! Lol
LOL! The struggle is very real!!! 😂🤪😜
Loved the video!!! Plant prices are high right now cause of the demand and people willing to pay them!!! I do wonder if and when the pandemic starts to go away if more and more people will get out of the plant hobby. Some people may not be able to keep up with having a lot of plants if they go back to work full time. Right now so many are working from home so they can take care of them right now. Time will tell. Hopefully Costa Farms will keep watching the plant trends and keep sending out plants we all want at prices we can afford!!!
And I LOVE Donkey Ears!!! It is definetly one of my favorite Kalonchoes!!! It actually maybe my number 1 favorite!!! I found one in 2019 and since then I always have to have at least one! And what a great price!!! I paid double that for one half that size here in Oklahoma. I just love seeing their babies forming on their leaves.
Thanks for the video!!!
Awe thanks so much for watching and for sharing your feedback. I appreciate it...and yes the prices are at an all time high! You have made a lot of good points. I am curious to see what happens as well when we are over the pandemic...will the plantdemic also go away. LOL! I definitely think that there will be more people losing interest which will lead to more people dropping off from collecting. And you are right it is a lot of work to grow plants especially if you are not a true plant lover. There are some of us that are plant lovers for a time...then there are some that are plant lovers for life. I just don't think there is as many plant lovers for life...but we shall see won't we...I got my popcorn in hand...LOL!
I am also thankful to Costa Farms for giving us a less pricier option. I do believe that they will continue offering these trendy plants...I know that it has been a major success for them. The Kalanchoe is so adorable...they had a big mama one in a hanging basket with all of the donkey ears cascading from the basket and all the little babies dangling from the leaves...It was an awesome display. I may try to attempt something like that with this one. Thanks so much for watching dear and again for sharing your wonderful feedback. Much love and big hugs to you in Oklahoma!
Your humor and enthusiasm is giving me life today Maria 🙌 ❤
I also foresee the influx of cheaper overseas purchases (Thailand, Indonesia etc) is going to help. It'll satiate some of the overwhelming demand and also keep some of the prices in check I think. I hope 😂🤞
Yes and good point! I definitely believe that this record high pricing will be a thing of the past...eventually of course. But it can't continue to keep going this way....people can no longer afford it. I keep wondering who are the people that are paying thousands of dollars for these plants. I don't think that other nurseries are buying them...the risk is just too high. I'm guessing private wealthy collectors and perhaps companies that are intending using the plants for tissue culture. It is just so hard to believe that people are actually willing to pay these type of prices.
I have been loving your videos so much! Couldnt agree and relate with you more on everything lately! And the addiction is so real. I got into plants before the pandemic. Its so frustrating to not be able to get/afford the plants i want. Def. Want to try and trade more this year
Awwwwww thanks so much for sharing such kind feedback with me. I really appreciate that....and yes not only is the struggle real, the struggle is too!!! It is one thing to not be able to afford the plant right then...but you are able to wait until next pay day or save up for it and get it later...but to not be able to get it PERIOD because you can't afford it. That is insane! Some plants are priced high and you can respect the price on it because it is in fact rare and you have never seen it in person. Then there are other plants that were higher priced plants but still affordable at about $50 - $100...and then the price jumps to $300 - $500 in about 6 months. That just blows my mind. To this day I'm still trying to find out what I just doesn't make any sense. Now it's to a point I can not afford it and that's sad. Are you friends with me on instagram?
@@PictureMaria1 yep agree 100 percent! I cant believe i wasnt ! I just followed you i stoppef IG for a while because of the plant fomo. I am getting back on the bandwagon though because i want to find friends locally to try and trade this summer. Love your ig too!
That’s great I’m glad you got back definitely is a good place to find others selling or trading said you got off because of fomo? What is that?
@@PictureMaria1 "fear of missing out" lol
@@TheSweetgurliee HA HA HA! You know I am old skool...LOL! Thanks for clarifying...I was thinking well daaaaang do I need to get off of instagram too....I'm might catch the fomo! HA HA HA!
PlantyMon !!! That Was so funny , i dont throw shade on the plant prices nor do i shame the people buying them. I love them all uncommon and non common but i believe this is the way of things and its even better that everyone that is "able" can buy and they are all accessible. Plants have put a lot of food on many peoples tables and add a revenue stream for people. Like Dog breeds that has never been looked at and shamed i see puppies going for 500 and up and that hasnt changed for awhile. We should all just get along and just love each other and love our plants!
I do honestly believe that some prices are ridiculous especially the plants that are now in the thousands of dollars and have no valid reason to be when they are not rare, they are not hard to grow and they are not hard to come by. I believe that some times the system will take advantage of opportunity just because they can...but as you stated that is just the way things are (people are now selling Lysol Disinfectant Spray for $20 a bottle in my area)...nothing we can really do about that. I just have chosen not buy into it.
It is now to the point where people can no longer afford these plants especially during these hard times when if truth be told, we need to also be concerned about the economy, civilization and our livelihood...and that is why I have opted to take a step back. I have always been a lover of all plants as I have hundreds and hundreds of them spread throughout my garden but because of my presence on the social media scene I could not resist the lure of your more popular and higher end plants as well and I have to admit I have taken quite a fancy to a lot of them because of their unique and exquisite qualities. So I am also willing to spend on the higher priced plants, but of course within reason. I won't fall into the trap of buying plants that I can't afford and then having to suffer for it later.
Now, I am also on other side of things as well because selling and trading plants helps me to support my addiction and enables me to enjoy my passion (or at least it used to) but even small backyard growers and businesses that sell plants, these insane price markups are making it impossible for us as well. We can no longer afford to buy these overly priced plants to propagate and sell it is effecting many of us within the plant community on both ends of the spectrum. The only ones that are immune have been the bigger nurseries and other major cooperations. So it really isn't to throw is sharing my experience and frustration with the whole thing and it is also giving people that are struggling with the same issue another option. I have had to revamp the way I have been doing things in order to maintain my addiction and still keep a happy home.
We are feeling it in South Afrika too ! For example, I paid R160 ($10.67) for a syngonium frosted heart early 2020, by the end of the year the price had doubled to R320 ($21.34).This is why the classics are a more rewarding, they grow well, affordable and beautiful.
I know it is spreading worldwide....this is what we call a plantdemic! You are right...we should be thankful for our classics that are dependable and will never let us down. I feel ashamed that I've overlooked them but I am going to reconnect with all of them again this year.
Maria, the first rule of Plant Club is you don't tell your spouse about the prices in Plant Club! 🙃🙂 jk. I think you're right about prices though. I think the Thai Constellations are going to be smaller and slightly higher price than people expect when they come out. Also, I suspect that prices will start declining before too long.. At some point there is going to be some "covid plant price fatigue" as well as a lot of people who just kind of fizzle from the hobby gradually. Also, a bunch of people who got into the hobby are now going to have propagations of their own to put on the market for sale or trade (like you mentioned you have. I also have some. I suspect a lot of other people do or will now too...). It think this will ease some issues with tight supply for some plants and help alleviate pent up demand. It will be interesting to see how it all shakes out this year for sure...
Ha ha ha!!! I know right! I should know better! Please don’t revoke my membership!!! 😳😂. I completely agree and you brought about a lot of great points! You basically summed it up in a nut shell. I didn’t think about how many may lose interest when life gets back to the norm and also the fact that many have started to do more propagations. I am so happy that when I first started I had a vision to creat huge mother plants. I took cuttings with the only intention to make a full pot and and raise them to become monsters. So now I have full plants that stand at 4 and 5 ft. tall and for propagation. Thanks for your viewpoint and I too am interested in seeing how this all pans out.
PS I would love to connect with you on Instagram. I am under MyTropicalPlantAdventures. Perhaps we can do some trades in the future.
@@PictureMaria1 cool. I'm fairly recent to the Instagram thing but it seems to be growing on me. Im mostly into orchids, but have started going down the other tropical plant rabbit hole (some aroids and bgonias). I subscribed to your channel a long time ago from the orchid days (under a different Google account I think) Just followed you there on IG. I see on there you met some of my peeps from Houston! I'm on IG @bradtheplantdad
Same here price are crazy high... Now im on to baby plants than buying mature one sooooo expensive
It really is a world wide plant even the babies are going high. They are priced at what the bigger plants used to be priced at. SHEEEEEEESH!
@@PictureMaria1 we pay for its name not for its beauty hahaha
Great content as usual. Sometimes I’m still so surprised that plants are still so expensive. With CV-19 still going on and all the job loss I’m surprised that people can still afford them. I’ve got a lot of plants, but I have no “rare” plants they’re all common plants but love them the same. There are a few that I bought on a whim and don’t really care for, but still take care of. There are a couple of the more expensive type plants I’ld like to have but my place is too small to have anything to big.
Thanks for the content.
Thank you and I appreciate that! You bring about such a good point. I am absolutely shocked as well. When Covid hit the plant industry took a deep breath and held it. Majority of them thought they would go out of business and some even started doing a mass sale trying to get rid of some of their plants. It was surprising to see that even during these hard times they are at their best. Selling out on majority of their stock and being able to price them at record high prices. I sometimes think that when we hit crisis we have a tendency to always want something to comfort us...and plants are what people have turned to for comfort and peace. I think it is similar to when we have to bunker down for a major storm/hurricane. Everyone goes to the store and ensures that they have all of their necessities. One thing that I have noticed though, almost every time you will find in every cart is an abundance of snack foods and treats better known as "Comfort Food". I believe in a sense that plants have become our "Comfort Plants"...they draw our attention away from this maddening world and offer us a sanctuary and an escape. That's the only way I could make sense of it.
I have all sorts of plants in my garden. I am a lover of all plants but especially love the larger growing plants. But I find myself sucked into the frenzy... I have always been selective though only getting the plants that I really want. I don't buy a plant just based only by what I see on instagram or really has to take hold of me. But because of the frenzy, I have to admit it has allowed me to discover more plants that tugged on my heart strings and of course I bought. So regardless, it has played a role in collecting some of these pricier. But I am a lover of all plants. I have Orchids, Bromeliads, Ferns, Succulents, Aroids, Vining Plants, Garden Flowers, Fruiting & Flowering Trees, Herbs...etc... So I just gotta take a step back and refocus...there are so many other plants that are less expensive and just as beautiful. Thanks for watching and HAPPY GROWING!
I never discuss plant prices with my man😂😂 But seriously, these prices are getting out of control. I noticed how quiet everyone's been on FB as soon as Lowe's started selling Costa Farms "rare plant" collection. I'll wait for the bubble to pop. 😂
RIGHT!!! Usually I don't but because of the fact that I was talking more about how I was going to be doing more trades then actual purchases I thought it would be okay. LOL! It's so funny when I take things so seriously when it comes to plants...and he just looks at me like he doesn't get what the big deal is! LOL! I guess it is a "Plant Thing" he will never truly understand will he!? So you mean you could hear a pin drop on FB when Costa released their rare plants! HA HA HA HA! TOO FUNNY! I guess Costa shut everybody up...yes I will be anxiously waiting things out too.
@@PictureMaria1 I'm very lucky in this respect. Usually it's my husband that is urging me to buy. Have you ever seen it ? He says and we drove how many hours for you to see it ? Yes it's coming home ! I still will not overpay though. I will wait until the prices come down !! Thank you to Costa Farms !!! By the way GREAT video content. Way to go getting everyone to talk about how they handle "the ole man" 🍃🥀🍃
the market is definitely getting a bit crazy out there. good thing is that there are alot of collectors who are also making these plants available by propagating. trades are great way to get these nice specimens. I love your videos and all that you do.
Yes, you are right. I am thankful for other collectors that enable us to expand our collection. I've gotten some of my best plants through trade.
@@PictureMaria1 yes I love it. Also get a chance to meet some amazing people. Just recently got me a plowmanii In a trade and I'm absolutely in love.
That is awesome!!! Good for you! Well since we are on the subject where are you growing from and maybe in the future we can do some trades....and I am just reading the bottom of your one comment...I somehow missed it the first time. Thanks so much for your positive feedback...I often times will ask my hubby to review my video before I post and ask his opinion...but you know he isn’t one of “us”...and I am never sure if he really gets it or not. He always kindly nods, smiles and gives me a thumbs up!!! So when one of my planty peeps gives me feedback I am always happy to receive it.
@@PictureMaria1 would love to do some future trades with you! I am not that far from you I'm in north Georgia.
OH I WOULD SO LOVE THAT!!! Are you on Instagram? I am under MyTropicalPlantAdventures. If you are DM me there and let me know what you have available and I will let you know what I have. Thanks! I look forward to it!
I think the plant you were referring to is the philodendron Caramel marble. It is a striking plant. But the price it going by it's out of this world. However, if you cannot afford it or want to spend so much you may want to buy another plant that shares similar characteristics. I'm talking about the ring of fire. I know it's not the same but you may feel better about your purchase . For a long time I wanted a fur coat. Now I will never wear one even if someone offers to gift to me.
YES, THAT IS IT!!!! SHEEEEEESH LOWEEEEEEEEZE! I don't even want to look at it! LOL! Oh I see...I do have a Ring of it should hold me over for awhile until I can afford the one for $9,500! HA HA HA! I've gotten to a point once I know what they go for...I'm not even interested in looking at it. In all honesty, I love plants but I wouldn't pay that much for it even if I had it to spend like that. Again we are living in hard times in what can be considered a very unstable world and you may need that kind of money in the future to sustain your livelihood. That's what I am talking about when I say within reason and within limits. Spending that kind of money on one plant is what I consider foolish.
This is such a good video...someone had to address the crazy plant price situation!! Also, what is that black plant to your left? I’m always distracted by it’s beauty and now I need one 😂
Thank you...and yes just sharing my experience, frustration and my plan of action for this year in hopes of providing another option for those that are facing the same plant collecting struggle. We will get through this. What do you think about it and how are you dealing with it?
Oh and that plant is a Philodendron Black Cardinal. She is a pretty little thing isn’t she. She is grown from a cutting and is really taking off. I love her. Glad you noticed, she deserves the attention. 🤗😍👍
@@PictureMaria1 I think its absolutely crazy that people will spend tons of money on nodes or “wet sticks” and hope that they sprout. The thing is, even when monstera albo and other rare plants finally become more common and go down in price, there will always be another plant that everyone is after which raises demand and price. All I know is that I won’t spend crazy money unless I get a deal, I’d rather wait for the demand to go down and enjoy the plants I have. I luckily haven’t gotten into collecting rare plants as yet, anyways. I’ve added a bunch to my wishlist (I actually just made a vid) but those are more long term goals. I can’t imagine paying over 200 for something that can die in the blink of an eye! Plus, I need the space and requirements to keep them alive, and my house is already overflowing with all my current plants and orchids. I’ll just try and be patient lol! That black cardinal is amazing and definitely now on my wish list 🌺🌺
I completely agree with all that you said...although the prices that we are seeing now is at an all time high...I don’t think plants being sold for Tens of thousands will last. My personal belief is that this is truly an explosive trend that eventually will fade out. There will always be higher priced plants but I don’t believe to this magnitude. I will be sure to check out your video....and yes that black cardinal is really impressing me! I got it as a small plant grown from cutting and now she is really showing off! ❤️👍❤️👍❤️
@@PictureMaria1 Oh hopefully!! That would really be something to look forward to in the houseplant world 😄 Wow, a tiny cutting to that gorgeous specimen black cardinal? I need Florida weather asap!! 🌺🪴
Great info! What is that great looking plant next to you is it a purple/black phildendron?
Thanks so much for watching and it is a Philodendron Black Cardinal. Happy Growing!
Love watching your video, Some plants are worth paying for, but not that kind of Philodendron Caramel Marble price, I can't afford. I have Stromanthe Sanguine Triostar She's stunning, I love it.
Thank you for joining me on my adventures and for your feedback. I really appreciate it. I completely agree there are some plants that I feel are worth the price but there are many that are just way overpriced because of the plant trend. I’ve come to terms with it and understand that this is the just the way the market works and is the reason I have opted to change direction on how I will be purchasing plants this year. I just have to be a bit wiser, more selective and more disciplined. ...and yes the Stromanthe is a prime example of a common plant that is as beautiful if not more beautiful than some of your pricier plants.
I definitely agree with buying expensive plant for the sake of just having it Idk maybe there are just some people who do that and those who can afford for for me specially growing plants? It doesn't have to be expensive its just about getting plants that gives your heart a genuine happiness ♥️
Well yes. Buying 9.5k $ is just out of this universe like realllly farrr... Hahha and if that plant dies on me? I might go straight to some rehabilitation and mental counseling 😂
I have been happy with a lot of purchases, even with the higher priced plants. Some of the are exquisite and I can see why they are higher. But now it has simply gotten to the point where you can't even afford it any more. I have gotten into a little bit of trouble overspending and not budgeting so it can effect your way of life if you don't control your urges....and you are right it doesn't have to be expensive at all. There are so many inexpensive plants that can give you the same thrill...some of them are just as pretty if not prettier than some of your pricier plants. So we just have to be wise about it. ...and yes I agree with you...if something ever happened to a plant that I spent $9500 on...I can guarantee you I will never be the same again. LOL!!!
Omg Maria this is the one.. and I had a Queen Anthurium that died in the mail 😩 and it wasn’t even 9,000 but it still had a hissy fit
OH NO....NOT IN THE MAIL!!! YIKES!!!! That is probably the absolute worst experience ever in plant be soooooo excited for your package to arrive only to open the box to find that...every time that has happened to me I swear I literally hear my heart shattered in a thousand pieces! It is really gut wrenching! ...the Queen got a double whammy! I am so sorry to hear. Were you able to get your money back or get it replaced? If it makes you feel any better (which I know it won't, but to let you know you are not alone) I also lost my Queen as was devastating...she was a beauty and I paid a pretty penny for her too...eye to eye and heart to heart.
Maria, you already know how I feel about these prices but i will say it again. THEY ARE JUST STUPID. I am one that will not pay a high price for anything. Not even for a Hydrangea. I will just take what I have and propagate to my hearts content. Sooner or later everything will settle down and hopefully go back to normal. If it doesn't, well at least I know that I've had some really cool plants in my lifetime. 🍃🥀🍃
Great outlook. I have backed way up from buying pricier plants. In all honesty I was just getting tapped out. I am being a bit more logical and wiser with my purchases now and using other means to obtain some of the pricier plants that I want. I am also enjoying more varieties of plants and trying out new ones that I've never owned before. I FEEL SO EMPOWERED! LOL!
It is getting so difficult to get those rare plants nowadays and the prices are too high. I do love the triostar plant and they do grow fast. I’m happy your monkeys tail is growing and beautiful too.🌿💐💞😘
Yes, some of these plant prices are now out of my reach. So I will be collecting my plants differently this year really focusing on less expensive plants that are just as beautiful. I had to purchase another monkey tail because the one that I had remember I stepped on it by accident when it fell out of its pot. But the little tip that I saved is also growing with the new ones. Did you know that the International Aroid Show is this weekend. I am planning on going.
@@PictureMaria1 I remembered you told me on how it happened, I’m glad that little tip of monkeys tail grew as well. That’s awesome, I can’t wait to see your videos on the aroid show. I’ve been wanting to go so bad but maybe next time. I hope you find awesome plants and great deal too.💖😘
Sorry you won’t be going this year. I don’t really believe I will be getting too much especially with the prices. I am hoping to find some good deals. I am keeping my fingers crossed. How has everything going with you. Did you bring all of your plants indoors? I am hoping the weather warms up. I am really anxious to get them back out in my garden.
@@PictureMaria1 I only took a few plants in, since I did a bad decision of repotting them in a 20” barrel planter and now I couldn’t drag them inside, too heavy.😂 The reverted monsteras, pink princess and most philodendrons actually are okay these frosty days with plant protector and moving blankets on them. Today, I took them covers out since it will be warmer this week. I don’t want anymore freezing nights. I’m so excited for you at the aroid show, have fun getting the best deal. I can’t wait to see it.😍💓🌿😘
I love plants also but i haven’t spent 3 digits of it i would be only purchasing the highest of 2 digits. It will be cheaper in few years and I am willing to wait and enjoy more full plants than having tons of cuttings that is not giving me joy .
HA HA HA! Good point...I wish I was as disciplined! LOL! Thanks for watching and HAPPY GROWING!
Especially during this time when we were forced to skip Spring last year.
You skipped Spring last year?
@@PictureMaria1 yes you can say I did many places weren't letting you buy garden supplies
OH WOW!!! Where are you at?
@@PictureMaria1 south Texas in the very beginning it wasn't allowed to buy certain things
We have seen a number of plant prices and availability change over the last year or two. So other prices and availabilities will change as well. But there will always be new unavailable and expensive plants in the near future. The plant market will always continue to fluctuate. Ten years ago or so a high percentage of these trendy plants were unheard of in this country. Time will tell.
Yes, I do agree and also believe that the prices will fluctuate and of course with the latest and greatest plants on the market prices will also reflect the most valued or trendiest plants. Now as far as us hitting record high prices I don't think that will remain (people just can't afford it)...I believe that will eventually go down. When the hype and the frenzy dies will find only the die hard, trusted and true collectors/growers, will remain. People buy plants because they are beautiful...and then they want lots of them. Until they find that it is actual hard work taking care of plants especially in large numbers. Growing plants can become quite a responsibility and should be considered a lifelong commitment...which many like the thrill but not so much the commitment. I think a lot of people have come to see what it is about, joined the plant club because of its popularity...but will eventually find that the lifestyle and commitment to these plants isn't always as beautiful as the pictures posted on Facebook and Instagram are.
I always advice my self to learn to wait😁 time will come that plants will drop its price
I always advise myself as well but then my mind does the complete opposite! 😳😱😳 LOL! This year though I am changing my plant addictive ways and plan on exercising more’ll be easier I think this year though...I won’t have a choice. I can’t afford them anymore! LOL!
The ppl who purchase $9500. plants should be ppl who are very wealthy, if a regular joe does that, to each his own, but do accept that it can die and you may have to eat ramen noodles waaaaay more often than you would like to, I'll just wait until the philodendron caramel marble, spiritus sancti and monstera obliqua all go for $19.95 !!😁😁
29 degrees in Gainesville tonight 😣 I'm ready for spring!! As for prices what I can't get over is how quickly the prices doubled/tripled... Etc. It was maybe a year to a year and a half ago that I got soooo many goodies. I refuse to participate in these "every plant is $150" business. Insane.
I know!!! Just when I was tempted to bring all of my babies out!! It’s terrible! I am so hoping for warmer weather soon! ...and yes it is unbelievable how quickly and how high the prices jumped. I still can’t get over it. I just wished I had the foresight and had taken advantage of the prices last year. There were so many that I passed up thinking that the prices were too high...if I only knew. Now I can only dream about them...forget about purchasing them! 😭😭😭 But I guess we live and learn. Now we just have grit and bare it and see how this all turns out. I refuse to buy into it as hard feelings, I do understand how the market works and just have to have my own plan of action. I don’t mind spending the money (within reason) for plants that I consider well worth it...but I won’t/can’t get caught up in the plant hype of it all. If you aren’t careful you’ll end up in the poorhouse...literally. 😳😳😳
@@PictureMaria1 exactly! Trades are the way to go for sure. I just scored a variegated domesticum last week locally on a trade! So satisfying to not spent the $$$.
That is soooooo awesome!!! Don’t forget I am here also if you ever want to do any trades. I will see you tomorrow!!! YAAAAY! WOOOOHOOOOO!
@@hollybeck605 Hi Holly, I'm in McIntosh. Yes I'm ready for Spring as well.
@@diannenaworensky6698 love Mcintosh! That festival in the fall is the best. ♥️
Wife and I shared the earphones watching this video, I got the right earpiece she got the left. There is no voice on the right side.
Thanks for letting me know....I believe it could be with the microphone that I use on my camera. Unfortunately I need to use it because it cuts down the sound from the traffic in the background. I will be looking into getting more equipment soon. Thanks for watching and HAPPY GROWING!
Lol 💜💚
Thanks for watching and HAPPY GROWING!
@@PictureMaria1 You are so funny and i enjoy your content and personality! Keep up the great work💚🎉💐
What an inspiring message. I really do appreciate the feedback and your very kind words. Thank you for joining me on my plant growing adventures and I am absolutely wishing you the best in yours. Have a plantastic day and HAPPY GROWING!
I also want to mention that i have two thai constellations and can never get them to grow more than two leaves! Ive had them for 2 years! Im gonna be getting rid of them
WOW! ...that is abnormal. Usually when there is that type of stunted growth it is an indication that your have a weak plant...whether it be because of lack of care, insufficient or too much light, root issues, or some form infection or insect infestation. Is it still in juvenile state or is it fully mature? Also where are you keeping it? Outdoors or indoors? I always recommend if things aren't going well for the plant indoors try keeping the plant outdoors if possible to see if it changes anything. I find my plants do 10 times better outdoors than indoors. I am sorry to hear that especially with Monstera Thai Constellation.
@@PictureMaria1 im in buffalo ny so no outdoors for me lol. They are juvenile. Had them in soil first then moved to leca. I may try moving back to soil and see if i can improve them and try your advice in the summer thank you!
Oh okay. How did they do in Leca? I see a lot of people growing their plants in Leca but I just can’t bring myself to try it. My plants grow so well in soil based substrate...I figure if it ain’t broke don’t fix it! Oh I forgot to ask you were these established plants or grown from cuttings and about how big are they?
@@PictureMaria1 i use leca more for hoyas so i think its def my fault my thai is not growing. Leca is good for indoors in my opinion. I imported them from thailand they had a few leaves a few had fenestrations already i think. Had to nurse them back to health back then and it has never stopped. But now it looks like i just have two small juvenile plants once 1 leaf grows the old one will just yellow off and die.
Plant Mafia 😆. Going to wake up with a dead rare plant in our beds.
Where can I find Little Rhody Aquascaper youtube channel ?
I thought I put his link in my video. I will find it and post it here.
@@PictureMaria1 Found it!
I was looking in the description and not the little side bar on the video itself.
Awesome!!! I will also try to remember to to start adding it to the description.
So.... As independent business. You should support/Buy with independent sellers? I wish i could Made Friends that sells or want to trade tropical plants where i life u.u
Not sure what your asking....are you saying independent appose to major cooperations? I guess that would really depend on what your objective is as an independent business yourself. In all honesty most smaller businesses will buy from major corporations to get a bigger discount off of the price and thereby getting a bigger profit margin. But of course you would have the choice again it all depends on what your objective is for your company. It's like choosing between going to a smaller nursery that is going to be more expensive appose to going to a big box office store where the same produce is going to be less expensive. It will be a personal choice for every person and every business.
P.S. what state or country do you live? Are there any plant events that happen in your area. I think it is really all about you going out to events and mingling on social media to meet friends around your area. I am always out and about going to different nurseries, events and on instagram & I make myself available to meet planty friends. Many of them have become some of my closest friends.
@@PictureMaria1 Yeeah! Instead of buying from lows or Home Depot buy from local plant sellers. Or Even create a cominity of plant Lovers that trades and/or sells plants.
@@PictureMaria1 i'm from México. And some of the plants that i see that people in the US can get so easy at Walmart or things like Home Depot are rare here in México. I started getting into social media or _buying plants" online in 2021 cuz im scared of buying plants trougth the mail, and i havent, i Buy plants online but with a meet up with the seller, i'm very suspicious of buying plants and then the mail comes and i just dry or mush 😭 is very hot where i live Guadalajara Jalisco
To be honest i dont have time to check insta for plants. I go to the garden stores like lowes home depot.
Now you're talking with intelligence
So I wasn’t before!?!? GASP! Well I never!!! LOL! Thanks for watching...and let the truth be told...there are many that won’t speak on this...but I wanted to keep it real! Because the struggle is definitely real! It’s hard “ Keeping Up With The Plantyshians” ! 🤣🤪😂
No, you're very intelligent and wise. But if people dont pay that much, the producer will have to sell with reasonable prices. Don't let them abuse of our love for plant.
Yes it is at an all time record high! It’s unbelievable!
Here is the information around Costa Farms. They are not a good company to support and have knowingly exposed workers to COVID-19 and harsh chemicals. Here are their financial contributions:
"During the pandemic, Costa farms did not take appropriate measures to follow safety guidelines or regulations to protect their employees. Employees worked in close proximity, sanitizers/disinfectants were not offered to them, lack of support should they test positive and exhibit symptoms, and limited access to restrooms or PPE equipment. Several employees tested positive."
"As of recently, there has been several posts about Costa Farms' history of political donations and poor labor conditions during the pandemic. We wanted to take a moment to provide further information on Costa Farms to help inform your purchases. Here is the cliff notes: Over the last 13 years, Costa Farms has donated primarily to Republican candidates and political organizations with problematic agendas (Please refer to the below for further information. One particular candidate they have donated to was GOP Rep. Greg Steube, who has a history of opposing transgender equality. Recently, Rep Steube introduced a federal bill to ban transgender girls and women from participating in school sports..." there is more you can google
Very interesting information thank you for providing and allowing people to be informed .