Top Ten Games I Wish Came Out When I Was Younger! A Tabletop Toolbox Top 10 from Jeff Knapp!!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 13

  • @canuckchuck8836
    @canuckchuck8836 2 месяца назад

    My friends and family were not really into board games when I was younger. I did play board games with my friends but not very often. We mostly played outside; you know, jumping stuff on bikes before BMX's were a thing, swimming, doing stupid things, pickup baseball, dodging death playing lawn darts...etc. Having said that, I am going to turn the question on its head; there were a bunch of board games I wished I had from that time growing up: Rebound (I still want one today!), MouseTrap looked cool at the time, Dark Tower, Kerplunk, Simon, Othello, Battling Spaceships...or any dexterity-based game from the time I did not have.

  • @soloboardgames
    @soloboardgames Месяц назад

    Good list.

  • @cay6857
    @cay6857 2 месяца назад

    Hi Jeff. I was pretty sure a Star Trek game would be your #1. Yay! Great list. I don’t have 10, but games I would have played as a teenager would be: Lords of Waterdeep, Dominion and just about any of the cooperative games I’ve played (Project Elite, Castle Panic, Star Trek Panic-although haven’t played that yet, Forbidden Desert, etc.) I see you’re at 935. You’re almost there, Jeff!

    • @TabletopToolbox
      @TabletopToolbox  2 месяца назад

      You would've been far more adventurous as a teenager than me!! Dominion and Lords of Waterdeep would not have caught my attention at that age!

    • @cay6857
      @cay6857 2 месяца назад

      @@TabletopToolbox I was a big fan of medieval history, fantasy and D&D…and Star Trek of course 😁

  • @doughaager3882
    @doughaager3882 2 месяца назад +1

    So many shoutouts! I was wondering why my ears were on fire today!

    • @TabletopToolbox
      @TabletopToolbox  2 месяца назад

      Haha I didn't have time to let you know!!

  • @matthewmuller7715
    @matthewmuller7715 2 месяца назад

    Like the list Jeff! Some that I wish were around (or that someone had show me):
    1. Sanctum
    2. Rift Force (maybe battle line/schotten totten)
    3. Kemet
    4. My Father's Work
    5. Project Elite

    • @TabletopToolbox
      @TabletopToolbox  2 месяца назад +1

      I think I need to try Project Elite... Dunno if it's my thing, really, but it sounds like it's a helluva time... :)

    • @matthewmuller7715
      @matthewmuller7715 2 месяца назад

      @@TabletopToolbox it's just a rollicking good time. Best played with extrovert friends. Let everyone know if you do get the opportunity!

  • @MarkRoberts67
    @MarkRoberts67 2 месяца назад

    I wish some easy to learn, but I love to play games were around earlier.
    Star Realms
    Project L
    Then a few more complex

  • @jwspiker
    @jwspiker 2 месяца назад

    i think the GI joe version of the deck building game was better from what I read

    • @TabletopToolbox
      @TabletopToolbox  2 месяца назад

      Actually I played that one, and my response would be "yes and no." The rulebook is better, the card art and such is even better, the gameplay is a bit more varied, but it's a super-random dice-chucker. I played it with a buddy several months ago - maybe even last year - and our very last fight against Cobra came down a dice roll. We were off by one hit, we got one re-roll, I chucked the die into the air, letting it bounce all over the table... Miss. Failed. Was the most disappointing finale to a game I'd ever experienced. But I can see folks enjoying that one, especially for the nostalgia factor as well. I liked GI-Joe and had a good bit of toys, but was bigger into Transformers. Now, if they ever make a game about MASK or Centurions, oh boy!!! :D