Unfortunately that's the only way some people get off your back lol, just let them think they won and they'll immediately feel smug because they're stupid and they don't realize they didn't, but *eventually* it hits them
*Bonus Story:* Hiding an asthmatic's inhaler can result in death, leading to charges of manslaughter or even murder depending on the circumstances. OP's family is lucky her fiancé didn't sue them for endangering his life because he certainly has a case.
A woman I once worked with left work one day, had a major asthma attack, could not reach her inhaler, and she died. She was a nurse - A NURSE! And she died because she couldn’t use her inhaler in time. Absolutely tragic. And these a holes did it as a prank?!?!
@@lynneconklin917 Yeah, I lost a friend to an asthma attack, years ago. I’d never wish that on my worst enemy: the sensation of trying to take a breath, but being unable to get any air into your lungs must be absolutely terrifying.
@@mass4552 They might have a hard time getting a Conviction for Premeditated Murder in a Jury Trial, Attempted Manslaughter and/or Criminal Negligence on the other hand should be a slam dunk for a Prosecutor...and if Tim died from an Asthma attack, it would automatically be raised to Criminally Negligent Homicide (which in the USA carries the same penalty as Murder in the Second Degree)...
I don't think it would be attempted murder because they didn't try to kill him. Like stabbing someone but they live. I think it would be neglect, malice, intent to cause bodily harm. still landing them a hefty prison time but if he died it would be manslaughter at the least
@@tcrpgfan that's what I was thinking, after all one can argue that, by hiding medical treatment from someone with a condition everyone was aware of qualifies as premeditation. so, I'm not sure how this wouldn't be at least 2nd degree murder.
Easily costs $400 to replace all 4 tires. What even is the "manly" way to fix it? One does not simply carry around 4 spares that you can slap on yourself. You have to get the ruined tires off the rim and the new ones on, which... I guess it's possible without specialized equipment, is that the goal here? To see if he has this specific skill and can afford $400 tire replacement and mount and balance them himself without professional tools? Doesn't matter, the father's goal is to keep her from marrying anyone that's not just like him, or get her to marry her cousin, take your pick.
Slashing tires? Ridiculous! He hopefully took all four off one of their vehicles and left without even leaving the flat ones! And taking his inhaler is beyond ridiculous. It blows my mind someone would do this thinking it’s a test.
If the apartment owner refuses to get rid of them, I'd make sure that everyone else in the building is made aware of what both mother and son did so people could get their locks changed and keep their kids away from both of them.
Yeah I really wish I knew how old the boy was that was being creepy watching the neighbor shower; cause I was thinking it was a toddler or something, but then when that was said, I figured he must be older than that which just makes it worse depending on how old he is
If I were the judge, I'd convict the kid but give him a suspended sentence on condition that he never breaks the law again. Maybe the kid is a budding Predator, or maybe he genuinely didn't know any better. Give him a good scare, tell him what he did was unacceptable and never do it again or else. The mom, of course, should have the book thrown at her for not only violating "house rules" but also violating the law on multiple counts.
That bonus story...those weren't men doing "typical men stuff." Those were boys, so scared and threatened by an actual man in their presence that they had to act like unruly children in an attempt to scare him off.
They "only" slashed his tires as a prank, just to see if he'd fix it himself or not. Don't blame him if he decides to fix the issue in a more legal manner, and the issue he's fixing is his future father-in-law's habit of destruction of property and attempted manslaughter. If they wanted to bust his balls and do manliness tests, let the air out of his tire through the nozzle (no harm done and you see his skill), and have him clean the deer carcass himself (see how adept he is with a hunting knife and how squeamish he is with offal).
@@benwagner5089 OP was really lucky if her BF still wanted to continue in that relationship. In his situation, I probably would have bailed out. Having so many mentally ill or crazy people (however you want to call them) in the family would really made me worry about having any children with OP. As we know, mental illnesses are often inherited and passed along families.
@@BunchyPanther42 I donno.... if said kid is 12 to 14 then I'm gonna stick by with what I said. 15 or 16 then yeah...... he needs to be on the list asap.
@@TheDarkLink7 I would still put him on a list but if he is like 12 or 14 he could get off it for good behavior but people living near by should be notified
Bonus Story: I don't think Murder Qualifies as "It's just a Prank Bro", also they're being Hypocritical, usually men don't prank each other to test them and certainly not in the way these jerks did, they're just plain Bullies who try to corrupt others into also becoming Bullies
"It's my child. I can boil it to death if I choose to..." As someone who has had lifeguard training and loves hot tubs and saunas, I know why those rules are in place. Tiny humans boil faster than bigger humans, and it's dangerous for any human to remain in those temps for long (hence the time rules)
@@michellewest4796 Appreciate your kind reply. This was something that my Mother told me about that had happened during her childhood to one of her sisters. It happened before my time, but it does not make it any less awful.
With regards to the last story, what those guys were doing WERE NOT pranks; they were hazing him. Many stories can be found of people dying in situations like that so OP is definitely not the idiot here. She should 100% cut of contact until at least a full honest apology is giving to her SO by her family. After that, maybe bridges can be rebuilt, but until then, STAY AWAY!
I had to stop and restart that story the second I heard 'slashed his tires' as a 'prank' because I thought, 'no way that was a prank. Did i miss something?' And no, her male family members are that stupid as to think that causing hundreds of dollars in damage (even if it's only one tire, depending on tire age it could still result in replacing all of the tires) was a 'harmless' prank. The moment that happened I would have already been going off on them and threatening consequences. I'm surprised OP and Tim let it go on that long, and that Tim even considered going on this trip in the first place. They have had PLENTY of chances already at this point and are too toxic to be allowed in without some SERIOUS reflection and redeeming acts on their part. Side note, brother and cousin have apparently been raised that this is okay, but only the cousin begging to talk seems like he *might* be starting to get that maybe it's not okay. *MIGHT* be willing to listen to that one.
Well, I guess dad won't be walking her down the aisle. What a bunch of reprobate knuckle draggers. Sounds like mom doesn't want to attend the wedding either if she is going to support this idiocy.
Probably won't get one from her dad unless something really rocks his world. This is his world view, and he's also trying to drive men away from his daughter. I hope she follows through on this, cuz uninviting her father means he doesn't get to "give her away" and I imagine that will really sting a macho guy like him.
*FUCK REBUILDING THAT BRIDGE* attemptive murder is nothing to ever rebuild by. hell i consider it a one way to getting them self DROPED OFF THE FACE OF THE PLANET in terms of ever being in a relationship at all.
The second story: Children under 6 can have issues with maintaining their body temperature, as they are not fully developed yet and hot tubs are basically bacterial soup so a toddler's immune system definitely wont be able to handle it.
Having asthma isn't "being soft." They literally could've killed him if he'd had an asthma attack. They sound like awful people, not only for hiding someone's inhaler as a "prank", but for having such toxic thoughts regarding masculinity. Their egos must be so fragile.
God should cut those “people’s” oxygen and see how they like having the closest thing to an asthma attack…! But even God wouldn’t stoop that low, even though entitled toxic pricks DESERVES to be treated with the same “respect” they’ve shown others; NONE.
I have a daughter & granddaughter with asthma. Those “men” need to sit in an ER watching a loved one struggling to breath. What they are doing is bullying.
To the lady who's father and brothers hid her fiance's inhaler: Your dad and brothers sound like truly awful people. Stick by your guns, and your man. It sounds like your male kin could take some character lessons from you and your future husband. Remember, ONE good man by your side trumps any number of jerks on your back.
2nd story: it’s not just a rule, but very dangerous for children to be in a hot tub. They can very quickly suffer from heat-induced illness (heat stroke, hyperthermia etc).
Also, a lot of public hot tubes are kept at just the right temperature to incubate illnesses in, and kids that age are very prone to picking up such infections...
All comments on this, accurate. Kids that age aren't yet physically capable of regulating their body temperature. Any situation like this could quickly spiral out of control. Big yikes.
No joke. My Father got a hot tub. He had a TRIPLE A (an abdominal aortic aneurism) & my Mom had 4 heart attacks. It is recommended that people with any vascular or heart conditions either avoid hot tubs altogether or make sure the temperature is less than 90F. Temperatures above 90F, can & will cause cardiac arrest. Because older people & little kids have less body mass, the same thing can happen to them. I wonder if that Mom was actually trying to kill her kid & then blame the death on the waterpark.
I'm a severe asthmatic. Once, before they had numbered doses, my inhaler ran out of medication. At the pharmacy I started having an asthma attack. The nearest emergency room was about 10 miles away, and by the time I made it there I was in full crisis. I quite literally crawled across the parking lot until a WAITING PATIENT saw me and brought out a wheelchair. I had to write what was going on to the attending physician. I STILL almost died. Hiding an inhaler isn't a prank in my book. Its attempted murder. And that's a hill I'm willing to die on.
Whoa!! You were at a PHARMACY and you had to go to an emergency room to be treated?? I'd have made sure the Pharmacist lost his license for failure to act!
What actually happened was, the attack progressed so fast that even though the pharmacist filled my rescue inhaler pretty quickly, it was too late. I tried using it, but I couldn't get a deep enough breath to get an adequate dose. When I told the ER what was going on, they gave me a shot that felt like being kicked by a mule in the chest, then my lungs burned for what felt like hours. I've had this kind of attack 3 times in spite of maintenance medication. That's why I feel so strongly about this story, asthma is a killer and it can kill quick. Hiding the man's inhaler is a direct threat on his life.
@@lizgawin899 ohhh I love when entitled people meet law enforcement. One of my fav old storoes involves entitled family who were the local sheirifs. So you know they abused their authority to no end. But one day the tried messing with some one in the higher end of government law enforcement. I forget which one but op was enough to get fbi involved and do an investigation.
@@Orsonfoe everybody gangster till law enforcement/fbi shows up. 🤷 i think it was lucky the kid just got slapped, knew some girls in high school that were mean enough to simply beat that brat to death if someone tried that bs with them.
Steve Wilkos, back in the early days, would have called Karen a Belly Rubber, one who condones the activities of a scumbag, or of a future scumbag, in this case. I hope Karen is thrown in prison (with a Chomo vest) and proper intervention happens before the same happens to its son.
"slashing tires"? "hiding inhalers"? LMAO What fun! If it was me, none of their vehicles would ever start again and the medical bills from mild poisonings would bankrupt them....and a fun time would be had by all! Let's party!
"We would have given it back" I could bet money on them trying to see if the fiance can endure the asthma attack and hold it right out of reach like a school bully.
Update on Story 4: "My friend did get his firearm back, and he was not charged with anything under the state's "Stand your ground" laws and due to there being video proof, and has since completely recovered emotionally. The mother was found trying to cross state borders yesterday after an amber alert sounded for the kid she had with her, and he suspects custody issues. He wasn't sure what happened to the kid, though he hopes that the kid is with a more responsible parent. He is indeed pressing charges, and he was told that among other charges, there was "Attempted assault with a deadly weapon", "Disorderly conduct", and "Reckless endangerment of a child". According to my friend, that's all he remembers of the list of charges. He has yet to hear of a trial date in which he will have to attend. I will keep updating you if I hear more." Good to know the kid was saved from his crazy mother, at the very least. I too hope the dad is a much saner, nicer person.
That woman is NOT a Christian or a God fearing worshiper of anything she said that as an excuse for not minding her own business We Christians don’t condone harassment not physical violence to those who we don’t agree with
@@neovagras980 Very, VERY much agreed. That woman is clearly insane, and I hope she gets the help she needs. Though I hope even more that the child winds up in a good home and learns what it actually means to be a Christian.
"secretly slashing" someone's tires for any reason is not a "prank", I can't believe someone would be that ridiculous... You can't be serious... BTW... THEY are the a-holes..
Yeah, what's with that? Apparently the guys are so stupid and unmanly that they don't even know how a tire works. Shoot, I'm a woman that doesn't even DRIVE and even I know that all you have to do is hold the stem inside the valve in and the tire will deflate WITHOUT slashing it. It TAKES longer, but isn't a criminal act that way. It's a nuisance, but not destructive, and therefore DOES count as a prank, not a crime, since all you have to do is reinflate it. As for the inhaler; as someone with asthma, that's just frightening to think of someone doing that. I would have refused to have these clowns at my wedding too, or around my man, or any future children we may have.
That pool should be required to call CPS if they saw something like that happen they have cameras so they're able to validate that she was being negligent.
Hot Tub Story: If I were in OP's place, as I was going up to Karen, I'd have also called my Boss and told him to call the Police and CPS regarding Karen putting her kid UNDER the Hot Water...
#2 Maybe that Karen got tired of having a child and intended to drown him, THEN, sue the place for the death of her baby. Bonus story : Those A-holes literally endangered the live of OP's boy friend by hiding his inhaler. And, before that... Slashing the tires as an «harmless joke» ? The boy friend need to SUE them for that.
And OP needs to BAN them from hers and her fiancé’s lives. FOREVER. Sorry fam, if you think these are pranks, you don’t get to be at my weeding or a part of my life ever again.
Bonus story: OP's family, "Oh, you're such a baby for wanting to breathe!"🙄 Thankfully, SO didn't become anxious and have an asthma attack! When I was in high school, we went somewhere where it was pretty windy. I accidentally locked my inhaler in the van. (Showing how serious asthma is) A guy who'd tease me, but also had asthma, had someone run to get the van driver and stayed with me and somehow got me to calm down and shield my face from the wind so I could slow my breathing down. That gained some time to get the keys to the van and get my inhaler (I was fine afterwards). I don't think the guy teased me after that!
So once again a manager pretends to give an employee a talking to to placate a Karen instead of supporting their employee. Karen’s will keep on doing this stuff if they think that they have the power to get employees in trouble!
It said that manager told Karen they were going to reprimand OP. They should never say things like that, only that they will look into the matter. If an employee has done nothing wrong, there should not be even the appearance of them receiving a reprimand, even if it's just to placate a lying AH.
On the Bonus story, NTA. OP should call the family after the wedding and ask them why they didn't attend, telling them that she just "pranked" them like they did.
I'm just wondering if he was diabetic would they hide his insulin? I've seen what a severe asthma attack can do. What they did could have easily landed him in the hospital or worse.
I'm diabetic. You wouldn't believe how often that some fool tries to tell me that it isn't a real problem, and that I'm being insulting for turning town sugary foods. I'm on Glipizide and insulin, twice a day, if I can find food that I can eat. Low and no sugar added foods are difficult to find and have been for the last couple years. I've had to go up to five days at a time without food, because there was nothing that I could find that I'm supposed to eat. They were limiting many things to a can or two, then telling you to only go shopping once a week. I lost about 30 pounds, but I've also lost a lot of strength as well.
@@sdhproductions8877 Thank you. I try to be polite to those who are ignorant of the facts, but it is the few who get angry that I refuse to eat something, when I've already eaten, or to sample food before it's time to eat. If I don't eat at the right times, my glucose drops to a dangerously low level. They can't understand why I keep a small container of those puffed sugar candies on hand, but I won't gobble down whatever they have. Those candies are 20 calories, just like the much more expensive Glucose tablets and they are peppermint flavored. When your blood sugar drops, you can't wait for your body to digest food, as it continues to drop. It is a battle to try to stay as close to 100 as possible so you have to bee aware of your meals and your activity to keep it stable. My last A1C test was a little under 7.0 which is the target level. My you have a Blessed day. .😀
@@michaelterrell I am the opposite. My body produces too much insulin, resulting in chronic Hypoglycemia. I have to carry glucose tablets most of the time, especially when engaging in strenuous physical activities, as this can cause my blood sugar to drop suddenly. I once had a boss claim it was a fake condition, and refused to allow me to keep a drink and my tablets on me when working, because that was company policy. It went like this for a few months, until the day we got really busy, and I had gone over 5 hours without a break. Despite multiple warnings to my supervisor that my blood sugar was crashing (cold sweats, shakes, nausea), she refused to send me on break, telling me I had to "wait your turn, because everyone is late for their break". 20 minutes later, I was passed out on the floor. The paramedics that revived me gave her a verbal thrashing when they learned about why I had passed out.
@@nispelsm I had to stop taking my insulin and Glipizide most days, when very little food was available. There were several times that I couldn't find anything that I could safely eat for five days in a row, due to there being so many things that make me ill, or that I simply can't digest. I had my blood sugar drop under 70 fairly often over the past to years.
Bonus story. As a nurse I'll tell you it's no joke to hide someone's medication. The op's fiance depends on his inhaler for life and would become very anxious, or close to death without it. Her family is flat out cruel.
@@jamiestrause4559 Not really. You can be religious and still have mental health issues. You can be non-religious and still do the same shit. Don't blame religion for crazy.
Re: bonus story OP's relatives (certainly not "family" in my book) called stealing her fiance's rescue inhaler and hiding it a prank; depending on the severity of his asthma, some regions would have a different name for it: attempted homicide.
@@andreraymond6860 not sure; I believe California, Illinois, and a few others, including some areas outside the US. Basically, what the laws in these places say is, if you know someone has a potentially life-threatening medical condition and you deliberately kept that person's medication from them, you tried to kill them.
Because there’s just no reasoning with them. Like, for real, SHE ACTUALLY BELIEVED ANOTHER PERSON’S HOUSE WAS HERS! That woman needs to be admitted into a bloody mental hospital!
The kid pleasuring himself while watching OP's gf in the shower. This goes WAAAYYY beyond "how did he get the keys". This kid (they don't say the age) has a very serious problem. Exhibitionism (thought it was voyeurism? Sure. But HE WANTED TO GET CAUGHT as evidenced by the noise he was making) is a very serious mental issue, as is voyeurism. Combine these two, and what you get is a kid developing some very bad behaviors at an early age, and those behaviors become patterns, and those patterns have to 'nipped in the bud', so to speak. Boundaries must be made known. People that do these types of things have trouble understanding, much less developing, empathy for others. But here is the catch 22... if he were to be taken to a therapist, they would have to report what he did, and then he would VERY likely be put on the registry till he is young adult, if not for life. He would be ruined. There are kids as young as 6 on that thing. Does his mother cover up his behavior? "Discovering yourself" is normal as a kid. What he was doing goes way beyond societal norms. I really feel bad for the kid. He needs professional help, and probably is not going get it.
Why do I think : "budding serial rapist" as a knee jerk reaction. This era will surely give rise to some good ones from parents who can't be bothered to PARENT. My 4 grown kids are testament to getting what you put in to parenting and their adventures in dating land have been expressions of what happens when you don't!
Bonus story: Nah, you ain't in the wrong, they could have killed your husband What if that happens Is that having fun and challenging each other Is that a test to see if you can revive yourself They are literal idiots, I don't think idiots even cuts it
Yeah, I started wondering if the woman was actually trying to drown the kid for some insurance / lawsuit fraud. I mean, what kind of psycho dunks a toddler's head underwater in a freaking hot tub???
Story 2: Karen could have killed the toddler had she left the toddler underwater for too long. And let's not forget that the water may have been too hot for a toddler to handle without getting hyperthermia.
The bonus story: OP is definitely NTAH. Sorry to say, but these male family members of hers are bullies. They’ve ganged up against her fiancé, so good OP stands up for him. Fluff is right. That stuff isn’t funny. Hiding an inhaler from an asthmatic can be fatal, & tires are expensive to replace. Family can be the worst! I know. As a ‘prank’ my brother in law broke into my car & urinated all over my clean laundry 🧺 folded in the back. Hilarious, right? Disgusting. I mean really, Who does that? I think OP is doing the right thing 100%. After all, she’s going to live with her husband not her Dad, or brother.
Story 4: What was Karen thinking? She would rather have OP's girlfriend naked than dressed as a "harlot"? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't s*x (prostitution being s*x for money) typically done naked, completely defeating Karen's point in trying to cut off her dress? And further, wouldn't that become indecent exposure (to a TWO YEAR OLD no less)?
@@elizabethcox5911 I believe the law calls that "unclean hands". That is, you can't accuse someone of a crime if you are committing that same crime. A very common mistake that r/stupidcriminals make.
Uh. If you look into extensive background research on all the worst serial killers of the world (or psychological profiles of ones who haven't been identified yet), a good majority of them start out exactly like that little creep, first as peeping toms and then escalating to breaking and entering, stealing underwear, voyeurism, all that stuff..... eventually their urges escalate into actually actively hurting people, and then worse. That kid NEEDS to be intervened upon, Asap. 😬
I was literally thinking the same thing...that's a huge red flag. That's not just 'his body is changing' behavior, he entered a stranger's house without permission and started pleasuring himself. That's highly disturbing on several different levels.
@@booksandcrafts-l8m Because the MOTHER took a key under extremely stupid pretenses. Like, for real, what the absolute FUCK was she thinking? CLEARLY she doesn't deserve to be in society for this.
Regarding asthma, this can be life threatening so I think finding articles on deaths caused by asthma, printing them out and tattooing them on this pack of jackholes' foreheads would be the way I'd go. Tattoo someone's forehead while they're asleep? Hey, it's just a prank...don't spoil my fun!
The last story I heard it before. They passed the point of jist being pranks. They could kill Tim and they think it was a prank. "Sorry girl, we accidentally killed your boyfriend, but it was a prank, so all's good." They should think on what they did and then think if they really deserve to be invited.
"Pranks"? Destroying the BF's car tires is malicious vandalism. Daddy should be charged, and made to pay for replacement. These idiots are committing crimes. OP needs to go total no contact with them, after reporting them to the police.
A prank is when the victim isn't intentionally(or seriously) injured, like taping an airhorn to their computer chair, or jumping out of a bush wearing a Freddie Krueger mask or even a flour bomb to the face. These "pranks" are all bordering if not actually criminal
@@bradsmckay There's no "bordering" criminal here. Slashing tires IS criminal. And using things like air horns and masks could give someone a heart or asthma attack or something. "Pranks" are stupid, malicious, and dangerous. Even something one might think innocent or a "joke" like hiding someone's car keys can have calamitous results. The person could lose their job for being late or speed once they find the keys trying not to be late and get into an accident that injures or kills them or someone else. People who think stuff like this is funny are warped.
Uhm, Even if they did think they deserve to be invited, NO FUCKING WAY IN EHLL THEY WOULD BE AFTER WHAT THEY DID! All they fucking deserve is NO CONTACT!
Regarding the first story: a friend of mine worked at a theme park that was themed around building blocks with studs. They had a play area where children could climb around on things, crawl through tunnels, etc. Due to the city health requirements all individuals playing here must where socks - no exceptions. There are signs everywhere stating that socks are required, why they are required and quotes the city ordinance. Inevitably, children won’t wear socks because their Karen parents don’t think they have to, despite the rules and signs everywhere. This happened on a weekly if not almost daily basis. Karen’s would say they didn’t see the signs or that they don’t care. Most people comply, but there is always a few Karen’s who want to talk to managers despite it being a city health ordinance.
@@lostfrog7050 I would suspect it's not so much that they don't read them as it is that they don't think that rules apply to them. They are special and above the rules that everyone else has to follow.
@@nadinesharp9766 the amount of people who come up to the door, which is right next to the hours sign, try to open it, find its locked and then ask if we're open is amazing. You might be right in that fact, but they might also be stupid
Harlot story: The only words that come to mind are: "Judge not. lest ye too be judged." In other words, MYOB, keep your crazy to yourself. Oh, and crazy lady, YOU are not my elder!
I'm amazed about that last daughter's father and brothers. They should have been charged them when they slashed her fiance's tires. They could then explain to a judge who would have explained, in return, that jailing them was also just a prank and telling them that he/she hoped they appreciated his sense of humor.
Asthma killed my mother at 51 years old. Hiding someone's inhaler is NOT a thing to do. Those jerks didn't know or care that by the time they decided he wasn't acting if he had a Asthma attack and really needed that inhaler, it may already be too late to save him. The young lady needs to go fully NO CONTACT with every one of the IDIOT JERKS involved !!!
As an asthmatic, I agree 1000%. I have been hospitalized because the rescue inhaler just wasn't enough, I think I waited too long to use it. The hospital made me stay over night. God, I loved the nebulizer. Wish I could get one for home, for the just in case, but my insurance sucks.
My favorite college professor was killed by a severe asthma attack triggered when she went out of the building into a cold winter day. The shock of going from warm air to cold air was all it took, and she was gone too soon. And as an EMT, I can tell you from treating other patients that an attack can go either way, even if they have their inhalers handy. Asthma is NO FREAKING JOKE!!!!
Trying to potentially kill somebody by hiding life saving medicine is not a manly "prank." This "father" as the ringleader is the one who should really know better. Anyway, not only would such malicious people not be allowed at my wedding, they would not be allowed in my life. Period.
@@vegasrenie My worst asthma attacks come at night. My brain/body often is very oxygen deprived by the time the extreme chest muscle spasms wake me up. I just can't imagine waking up in such distress, only to find my emergency inhaler mysteriously gone. Such a thing could literally result in my demise. While sometimes very sudden, asthma attacks during the day usually happen around other people, or you have the time (limited as it may be) to rush yourself to somebody, or dial 911 on your phone. So, while not pleasant or totally without danger, finding your inhaler missing during the day is not likely to result in death. Mostly its extremely unpleasant, but will get resolved. Like i said in the beginning, night time attacks are a whole other situation and not to be trifled with. Also, they are more likely to happen when traveling as your lungs might encounter new or more potent irritants, allergens, or atmospheric conditions. All this coupled with the fact that your are sleeping in unfamiliar places, so your central nervous system is not as relaxed and is thus, more susceptible to negative stimuli. If this story is true or largely as described, i cannot tell you my depth of disgust and hatred for the "pranksters" in this story. Hey fella's, let me prank this clip of 9mm hollow points into your head with my "party pistol" and lets see if you can be A MAN and take it, har har har.
Bonus Story: The husband-to-be should "prank" them with a sledgehammer to their front doors. See if they can build and hang new doors like "real men" or if they have to wimp out and buy new ones like "mama's boys," or even worse, get them installed, the pathetic little softies.
The water walker trying to harass the swimmer should have been seen by the lifeguard. Knowing there was a confrontation the lifeguard should have been keeping an eye on the situation.
In the bonus story, OP was right to be pissed as was her fiance if he had an asthma attack and needed that inhaler, it could have ended in tears. He might have needed that inhaler. And if he did they show no sign of actually being decent humans beings and probably would have killed them. OP and Tim have every right to be upset at them for that. In story 4, just because someone is older and more religious than you doesn't mean that they need to be respected or listened to. Especially if they are going to resort to something like threatening to cut your clothes off. Kudos to OP's friend for showing restraint and for using his firearm the way they are supposed to be used.
That raging Karen was a short step away from the Pearly Gates, with her ticket stamped "Express DOWN!" How can she possibly think approaching a stranger and threatening him with a knife would end well for her? A person with a knife can move very fast. A CCW holder is well within his legal right to drop her before she gets withing striking distance. He should have dropped her. But yeah, that brings a bunch of legal hassle, even in a firearm rights friendly state.
@@lilac4297 A well armed and trained society is one that has rampant gun violence, and one where you can get shot dead by police just for sleeping in your own home.
I guess I’m lucky since there is an elderly lady at our pool who water walks and she makes me do laps “have you swam? You need to work out!” (and tells me that I had better be taking my vitamins every time)
Story 3: That is one of the Worst Karen and Hellspawn Duos i've ever heard of, who knows if that Karen has stolen from OP or how many times that Demon-Spawn-Pervert could've stolen the Girlfriend's stuff to sniff it, Get rid of them, arrest them, ruin their reputation, anything to keep them away
Oh and I don't think I need to say what "special offenders list" I'm talking about. Made a comment with what list he needs to be got deleted. So yeah..... exchange special with the other S word.
Story 6: That's abuse, and I'm surprised they haven't figured that out, or they do but don’t want to admit it. Tim could have DIED! Also, "bygones be bygones" is a poor excuse
1) question about the kid who broke into the home to j/o at her showering? Could she actually get in trouble because she was naked in front of a minor? You wouldn’t think so, as he broke in!, but sometimes prosecutors and judges are just crazy! (They put that 18 year old boy in jail for months and try to put him on a sex offender list for 25 years because a girl lied to him about being legal, before a sane judge finally threw out the first judge’s ruling which said he didn’t like the hookup culture of the youth today and that’s why he was sending him to jail. Even the girl and her mom both testified the boy did nothing wrong.) 2) a former co-worker’s son 30 year old son died of an asthma attack. The only problem I have with the poster is she should be seriously considering banning her mom from the wedding too, for taking the dad’s side so vociferously. She needs to say, flat out “I didn’t start this pranking tradition but by God I am going to end it now! If I hear of ONE more ‘prank’ ANY of you play on ANYONE, I will NEVER bring any child I ever have around ANY of you. Case closed!”
So the apartment story, similar happened with a relative many decades ago. CPS was called and it turns out the kid actually did not know there was a difference between right and wrong. Parents went through hell and the kid had years of court ordered counseling.
That's the issue, honestly. A lot of people here claim that the kid is probably gonna grow a predator and worse; but if their mother did not set boundaries or explain how things worked, he could've totally believed he was on the right because all the sexual education he's got is from porn. Conservatives always try to blame the porn industry for cases like this one, when in reality is their refusal to address the issue; education people. And thus we end up with people that their only sexual knowledge is through freaking pornhub or similar.
Story 2: Karen would have been arrested for attempted murder of her own child if OP didn't stop her, even if it was unintentionally. The water may have been hot enough to burn the child's skin.
I have asthma so I know this is as similar to asthma as a normal person can get. Get those “stirring” straws that restaurants use (so tiny you can barely see the hole) and have the entire family, anyone who is saying that taking that guy’s inhaler in that last story is “no big deal”, close their mouth around that tiny straw and close their nose and set a timer for 10 minutes. (Asthmatics can make it longer but I don’t think normal people can. My class only did 60 seconds and most were huffing and puffing but we were kids) and if they can’t make it they need to sit down and stfu and apologize sincerely.
I've been listening since I was 3 months pregnant with my son. Which was last year. Your voice over the Xbox would be the only thing that would calm him down from kicking me. Now I'm 7m with my daughter and she's the same way 😊
It’s called unlawful entry and lewd and lascivious behavior! And the kid should have been taken into custody as well! If he’s old enough to do that, he’s old enough to have it on his record. And what happens when he wants more physical contact with some innocent girl? Do everything you can to get him charged, for the sake of his future victims.
What I'd like to know is why the hell the lifeguard didn't boot the ww woman. As someone that has over 35 years experience in the leisure industry, as a lifeguard, swimming teacher, and duty manager. I'd have had that lifeguard on a disciplinary, for not warning the woman to behave, and as a lifeguard I'd give her 1 warning "behave or leave".
With the bonus story if I was OP I would write her family off. Hiding someone's inhaler is not a prank it's actually rather dangerous. And if they can't show respect for OPs future husband then she is better off without them. I applaud her for standing up for her fiance hopefully she doesn't let her mom badger her into letting it go. Love your videos Peace and love to you and your family 💙💚💙💚💙💚
Hey to the one who sent in the bonus story, if you see this please please please understand that you are NTA. Also if you do plan on marry this man please stick by him because your family as already made it clear because you have already stuck by him by taking his side instead of them that'll definitely harass or as they'll call it ,"tease" him, because they called out for their godawful behavior. Don't bend or break on their consequences or this will definitely happen again
Story 4: That Karen is the reason I have pepper GEL, not spray because 1) it’s WAY more concentrated 2) less like to hit yourself 3) can hit up to 12ft away
Last story: People sometimes die from asthma attacks, so your male relatives put your fiance's life in danger. Also, their "pranks" are actually bullying tactics, and are hostile behavior, not friendly behavior. Definitely do not invite these bullies to your wedding. I'd also have security there to deal with them if they try to force their way into the wedding or the reception. If your mother and any other relatives keep giving you a hard time about this decision, then tell them that they are welcome to sit out your wedding and the reception with the bully boys. The only way to stop such unacceptable behavior is to NOT ACCEPT IT! If you put up with it, it will continue. Actions have consequences, sometimes unpleasant ones. It's time someone taught the bully boys this, and also that their behavior is unacceptable. I suggest going low contact with your family for now, and if they keep up the bully boy routine, then go no contact. I'm sorry you are going thru this, and that I've made the recommendations that I did, but the bully boys put your fiance's life at risk on purpose. Put some steel into your spine and stand up to your family. It's about time someone did!
asthma one: maybe the fiance should hide her dad's blood pressure meds or whatever he could die from or just doesn't want to live without and then call him wesk and squishy
OP & her pranking family: I just heard something that applies here. Pranking is harmless if all parties laugh at the outcome. If all parties do not laugh at the outcome it is BULLYING!
At the local rec center in my home town, there was a rule banning kids under 14 from using the hot tub. Well, about a week after I turned 14 we went to the rec center, and I was chilling there with my dad. My younger brother by four years had his feet in the water. A lifeguard came over and told him he couldn’t be there, and he got up in left. Then she turned to me and said, “You too.” I protested, “but I’m fourteen!” She looked at me like “yeah right” and jerked her thumb toward the pool. Now, I’ve always been very petite. When I was fourteen I looked closer to eight. I played Chip in my school’s production of Beauty and the Beast that year, and plenty of people thought I was a kid they got from the elementary school. My dad ended up having to vouch for me, but idk if the life guard actually believed him.
In terms of the Bonus Story, these family members have a nasty case of toxic masculinity and hiding an inhaler could have quite literally killed the fiancee. OP isn't the A-hole, her relatives are just toxic, terrible people.
The idea of using a public hot tub makes me nauseous. I can’t even imagine. I don’t care how many times they clean it or how many chemicals they use. The thought just grosses me out.
that bonus story is not a hill, it's a freaking mine. I'm surprised tim has not taken some revenge already. cut the family off before things grow out of controll, and keep an eye out for "pranking around" that could come from these idiots during the wedding
Bonus story - Tim should've slashed all of their tires when they were all together at a reunion, and hidden their car keys in a cat litter box. And given that her alleged-men relatives tried to kill her fiance, I would say that she has every right to disinclude them from her life. They're the ones who ruined their relationship with her, not the other way around.
Bonus Story: NTA. What they did was not "pranks". It is straight up bullying. And denying someone their medically-necessary medicine is, IMO, assault. Considering the rest of the family thinking bullying and assault are socially acceptable, I support OP to not invite them to the wedding. They should not be rewarded for their atrocious behavior.
Ah yes tattle not tell when the guys in the bonus story basically did attempted murder since they hid something he needs to live he told on them for his health not tattle for they can get in trouble
The only objection I have about OP's behavior was that she hasn't cut contact with her alleged family. When somebody considers damaging somebody's car and taking away important medication a "joke", they have absolutely no business in one's life.
Story 5 reminded me of a situation I was in. I was going to grab lunch at a place outside our local mall, and the parking lot was pretty full. I saw a car pulling out, so I stopped, put on my turn signal, and waited. The car pulled out, I started pulling in, and about half way in, I see a car turn down the lane from the opposite side I came in from. I finish parking, get out of my car, and start walking towards the restaurant when I hear the people in that car start yelling at me for apparently taking their spot. 🙄
5:45 suprisingly, babies can be quite good swimmers. It's an inborn instinct. That said, if the county health department said 'no babies in the hot tub', you listen.
Today is my 28th birthday and as a gift to myself I'm gonna relax listening to karen stories
Happy 28th. 🔥🔥🔥🚀🚀🚀🚀🍕
Happy happy 7th anniversary of your 21st birthday
@@DarkFluff your choice of emojis 😂😂😂
Happy Birthday! May the only Karens in your day be in the stories you hear
Karen: "Don't call me ma'am!"
OP: "Okay then. BITCH, GET OUT!"
Hahaha 🤣
Yes ma'am! I'll never call you ma'am again, ma'am. I'm sorry, ma'am
I'm sorry sir, but you shouldn't dress like that if you expect people to know that you're supposed to be a man!
@@michaelterrell OMG! That is the BEST response
My thought was along the same line, like okay, what do you want me to call you? Hag, idiot, what?
Story 2: It bothered me the supervisor let the Karen think she'd won, because that is just going to reinforce her entitlement.
This really irritated me also.
Unfortunately that's the only way some people get off your back lol, just let them think they won and they'll immediately feel smug because they're stupid and they don't realize they didn't, but *eventually* it hits them
@@saturn4rchive so what, dont let someone who lies and breaks the rules to get away with it
@@adamsmith1306 She didn't get away with it. And what the manager gave her was barely lip service.
*Bonus Story:* Hiding an asthmatic's inhaler can result in death, leading to charges of manslaughter or even murder depending on the circumstances. OP's family is lucky her fiancé didn't sue them for endangering his life because he certainly has a case.
Agreed. And I know it is spiteful for me to say, but they most likely don't know first aid either.
Manslaughter isn't the only thing they can be Charged with...they can also be Charged with Theft of Prescription Medication...
A woman I once worked with left work one day, had a major asthma attack, could not reach her inhaler, and she died. She was a nurse - A NURSE! And she died because she couldn’t use her inhaler in time. Absolutely tragic. And these a holes did it as a prank?!?!
Yes absolutely. That is attempted murder. The cops should have been called. They should all be locked tf up.
@@lynneconklin917 Yeah, I lost a friend to an asthma attack, years ago. I’d never wish that on my worst enemy: the sensation of trying to take a breath, but being unable to get any air into your lungs must be absolutely terrifying.
Bonus Story: Had Tim had an asthma attack, wouldn't OP's "prank" prank legally become attempted murder? An asthma attack could have killed Tim.
It could be considered premeditated because they planned on hiding it. Or criminal negligence causing death.
@@mass4552 They might have a hard time getting a Conviction for Premeditated Murder in a Jury Trial, Attempted Manslaughter and/or Criminal Negligence on the other hand should be a slam dunk for a Prosecutor...and if Tim died from an Asthma attack, it would automatically be raised to Criminally Negligent Homicide (which in the USA carries the same penalty as Murder in the Second Degree)...
I don't think it would be attempted murder because they didn't try to kill him. Like stabbing someone but they live. I think it would be neglect, malice, intent to cause bodily harm. still landing them a hefty prison time
but if he died it would be manslaughter at the least
@@mass4552 Actually, it'd be both.
@@tcrpgfan that's what I was thinking, after all one can argue that, by hiding medical treatment from someone with a condition everyone was aware of qualifies as premeditation. so, I'm not sure how this wouldn't be at least 2nd degree murder.
If Tim had an attack during their 'challenge,' he could have died. Also, slashing tires isn't a prank but a crime.
Yeah. You slash my tires, and I know who you are, you have a nice talk with Mr. Friendly, the policeman. Also Mr. Ahole, my lawyer.
Sounds like they are disgusting misogynists
Easily costs $400 to replace all 4 tires. What even is the "manly" way to fix it? One does not simply carry around 4 spares that you can slap on yourself. You have to get the ruined tires off the rim and the new ones on, which... I guess it's possible without specialized equipment, is that the goal here? To see if he has this specific skill and can afford $400 tire replacement and mount and balance them himself without professional tools? Doesn't matter, the father's goal is to keep her from marrying anyone that's not just like him, or get her to marry her cousin, take your pick.
Slashing tires? Ridiculous! He hopefully took all four off one of their vehicles and left without even leaving the flat ones! And taking his inhaler is beyond ridiculous. It blows my mind someone would do this thinking it’s a test.
She's on a rental agreement? Call the apartment's owner and have her evicted too, just to make sure she won't come back.
If the apartment owner refuses to get rid of them, I'd make sure that everyone else in the building is made aware of what both mother and son did so people could get their locks changed and keep their kids away from both of them.
technically depending on the kids age he could be arrested for trespassing on private property, public indecency, and sexual assault
All I know is the KAREN MOTHER belongs in prison, preferably with Big Bertha. The kid's gonna end up like that too if no intervention ever happens.
Ted Bundy before he started killing women, had the habit of watching women while they were undressing and touching himself.
As a general rule someone's SO is *not* "an amenity," let alone an amenity for a minor.
Yeah I really wish I knew how old the boy was that was being creepy watching the neighbor shower; cause I was thinking it was a toddler or something, but then when that was said, I figured he must be older than that which just makes it worse depending on how old he is
If I were the judge, I'd convict the kid but give him a suspended sentence on condition that he never breaks the law again. Maybe the kid is a budding Predator, or maybe he genuinely didn't know any better. Give him a good scare, tell him what he did was unacceptable and never do it again or else.
The mom, of course, should have the book thrown at her for not only violating "house rules" but also violating the law on multiple counts.
That bonus story...those weren't men doing "typical men stuff." Those were boys, so scared and threatened by an actual man in their presence that they had to act like unruly children in an attempt to scare him off.
They "only" slashed his tires as a prank, just to see if he'd fix it himself or not. Don't blame him if he decides to fix the issue in a more legal manner, and the issue he's fixing is his future father-in-law's habit of destruction of property and attempted manslaughter.
If they wanted to bust his balls and do manliness tests, let the air out of his tire through the nozzle (no harm done and you see his skill), and have him clean the deer carcass himself (see how adept he is with a hunting knife and how squeamish he is with offal).
The couple should have called the cops with the tire slashing.
@@benwagner5089 THIS
@@RebeccaOre and probably nope out of the relationship too.
@@benwagner5089 OP was really lucky if her BF still wanted to continue in that relationship. In his situation, I probably would have bailed out. Having so many mentally ill or crazy people (however you want to call them) in the family would really made me worry about having any children with OP. As we know, mental illnesses are often inherited and passed along families.
The shower story. Kid needs help. Cause that's a future offender list.
The story bout the couple. Props to dude for shower major restraint while CC.
future? breaking and entering with intent of sexual assault is quite current and not future...
Nah, after that incident he deserves to already be on a list
@@BunchyPanther42 I donno.... if said kid is 12 to 14 then I'm gonna stick by with what I said. 15 or 16 then yeah...... he needs to be on the list asap.
@@TheDarkLink7 I would still put him on a list but if he is like 12 or 14 he could get off it for good behavior but people living near by should be notified
@@BunchyPanther42 agreed
Bonus Story: I don't think Murder Qualifies as "It's just a Prank Bro", also they're being Hypocritical, usually men don't prank each other to test them and certainly not in the way these jerks did, they're just plain Bullies who try to corrupt others into also becoming Bullies
Slashing tires is a prank? No, letting the air out is a prank, slashing tires is a crime...
Those people weren't men. They were scared little boys...afraid of a real man showing the women in their lives how respectful real men act.
Challenge those 'Real Men' to play Russian Roulette with six rounds in the pistol. Then be polite and insist that they go first. 😁
@@michaelterrell Good idea!
@@michaelterrell THIS. 100% THIS!!!! You, sir, are absolutely evil and i LOVE it.
"It's my child. I can boil it to death if I choose to..." As someone who has had lifeguard training and loves hot tubs and saunas, I know why those rules are in place. Tiny humans boil faster than bigger humans, and it's dangerous for any human to remain in those temps for long (hence the time rules)
One of my Aunts died as a baby from "scalding water".
@@musicloverme3993 I'm sorry she had to go through that, and sorrier that you were reminded about it.
@@michellewest4796 Appreciate your kind reply. This was something that my Mother told me about that had happened during her childhood to one of her sisters. It happened before my time, but it does not make it any less awful.
With regards to the last story, what those guys were doing WERE NOT pranks; they were hazing him. Many stories can be found of people dying in situations like that so OP is definitely not the idiot here. She should 100% cut of contact until at least a full honest apology is giving to her SO by her family. After that, maybe bridges can be rebuilt, but until then, STAY AWAY!
I had to stop and restart that story the second I heard 'slashed his tires' as a 'prank' because I thought, 'no way that was a prank. Did i miss something?' And no, her male family members are that stupid as to think that causing hundreds of dollars in damage (even if it's only one tire, depending on tire age it could still result in replacing all of the tires) was a 'harmless' prank. The moment that happened I would have already been going off on them and threatening consequences. I'm surprised OP and Tim let it go on that long, and that Tim even considered going on this trip in the first place. They have had PLENTY of chances already at this point and are too toxic to be allowed in without some SERIOUS reflection and redeeming acts on their part.
Side note, brother and cousin have apparently been raised that this is okay, but only the cousin begging to talk seems like he *might* be starting to get that maybe it's not okay. *MIGHT* be willing to listen to that one.
Well, I guess dad won't be walking her down the aisle. What a bunch of reprobate knuckle draggers. Sounds like mom doesn't want to attend the wedding either if she is going to support this idiocy.
And all these "tests" to see "what kind of a man he was" did was show just what of "men" they were: Boys in adult bodies.
Probably won't get one from her dad unless something really rocks his world. This is his world view, and he's also trying to drive men away from his daughter. I hope she follows through on this, cuz uninviting her father means he doesn't get to "give her away" and I imagine that will really sting a macho guy like him.
*FUCK REBUILDING THAT BRIDGE* attemptive murder is nothing to ever rebuild by. hell i consider it a one way to getting them self DROPED OFF THE FACE OF THE PLANET in terms of ever being in a relationship at all.
The second story: Children under 6 can have issues with maintaining their body temperature, as they are not fully developed yet and hot tubs are basically bacterial soup so a toddler's immune system definitely wont be able to handle it.
good soup
I just left a similar comment cause I didn’t see yours. Great minds think alike?
Also, toddlers leak all manner of human juices from most of their body holes.
Also, regardless of the dangers of being a toddler in a hot tub, it's a state law.
Not to mention the drain in the bottom! No one should ever be ‘under water’ in a jacuzzi/hot tub. People have literally been Eviscerated that way.
Having asthma isn't "being soft." They literally could've killed him if he'd had an asthma attack. They sound like awful people, not only for hiding someone's inhaler as a "prank", but for having such toxic thoughts regarding masculinity. Their egos must be so fragile.
There was nothing masculine about those POS.
God should cut those “people’s” oxygen and see how they like having the closest thing to an asthma attack…!
But even God wouldn’t stoop that low, even though entitled toxic pricks DESERVES to be treated with the same “respect” they’ve shown others; NONE.
This! I would be seething.
I have a daughter & granddaughter with asthma. Those “men” need to sit in an ER watching a loved one struggling to breath. What they are doing is bullying.
@@rosaliecale5180 her “family” that “pranks” her boyfriend sounds like sadistic self-absorbed pricks.
Bonus story: No contact with that family until every one of them grows up. She's not the AH, she's the adult.
To the lady who's father and brothers hid her fiance's inhaler: Your dad and brothers sound like truly awful people. Stick by your guns, and your man. It sounds like your male kin could take some character lessons from you and your future husband. Remember, ONE good man by your side trumps any number of jerks on your back.
2nd story: it’s not just a rule, but very dangerous for children to be in a hot tub. They can very quickly suffer from heat-induced illness (heat stroke, hyperthermia etc).
Also, some hottub temperatures can cook a small child alive.
Also, a lot of public hot tubes are kept at just the right temperature to incubate illnesses in, and kids that age are very prone to picking up such infections...
Plus the fact toddlers aren't that consistent on their potty training, either.
All comments on this, accurate. Kids that age aren't yet physically capable of regulating their body temperature. Any situation like this could quickly spiral out of control. Big yikes.
No joke. My Father got a hot tub. He had a TRIPLE A (an abdominal aortic aneurism) & my Mom had 4 heart attacks. It is recommended that people with any vascular or heart conditions either avoid hot tubs altogether or make sure the temperature is less than 90F. Temperatures above 90F, can & will cause cardiac arrest. Because older people & little kids have less body mass, the same thing can happen to them.
I wonder if that Mom was actually trying to kill her kid & then blame the death on the waterpark.
I'm a severe asthmatic. Once, before they had numbered doses, my inhaler ran out of medication. At the pharmacy I started having an asthma attack. The nearest emergency room was about 10 miles away, and by the time I made it there I was in full crisis. I quite literally crawled across the parking lot until a WAITING PATIENT saw me and brought out a wheelchair. I had to write what was going on to the attending physician. I STILL almost died.
Hiding an inhaler isn't a prank in my book. Its attempted murder. And that's a hill I'm willing to die on.
Whoa!! You were at a PHARMACY and you had to go to an emergency room to be treated?? I'd have made sure the Pharmacist lost his license for failure to act!
@@danrossell6375 you do realize that pharmacies can run out of stock right? They may not have had the medicine to treat them.
What actually happened was, the attack progressed so fast that even though the pharmacist filled my rescue inhaler pretty quickly, it was too late. I tried using it, but I couldn't get a deep enough breath to get an adequate dose. When I told the ER what was going on, they gave me a shot that felt like being kicked by a mule in the chest, then my lungs burned for what felt like hours. I've had this kind of attack 3 times in spite of maintenance medication. That's why I feel so strongly about this story, asthma is a killer and it can kill quick. Hiding the man's inhaler is a direct threat on his life.
Story 3: Dude, that's creepy.
And I have no idea how Karen believed that she was in the right.
Karens tend to believe everything revolves around them and everyone is beneath them.
@@jasondyrkacz8270 would have been ironic if the showering GF just HAPPENED to work in law enforcement or CPS. Story 4: cant wait to hear the update.
@@lizgawin899 ohhh I love when entitled people meet law enforcement. One of my fav old storoes involves entitled family who were the local sheirifs. So you know they abused their authority to no end. But one day the tried messing with some one in the higher end of government law enforcement. I forget which one but op was enough to get fbi involved and do an investigation.
@@Orsonfoe everybody gangster till law enforcement/fbi shows up. 🤷 i think it was lucky the kid just got slapped, knew some girls in high school that were mean enough to simply beat that brat to death if someone tried that bs with them.
Steve Wilkos, back in the early days, would have called Karen a Belly Rubber, one who condones the activities of a scumbag, or of a future scumbag, in this case. I hope Karen is thrown in prison (with a Chomo vest) and proper intervention happens before the same happens to its son.
"slashing tires"? "hiding inhalers"? LMAO What fun! If it was me, none of their vehicles would ever start again and the medical bills from mild poisonings would bankrupt them....and a fun time would be had by all! Let's party!
"We would have given it back"
I could bet money on them trying to see if the fiance can endure the asthma attack and hold it right out of reach like a school bully.
Those guys need to be jailed for LIFE for doing all that.
Update on Story 4: "My friend did get his firearm back, and he was not charged with anything under the state's "Stand your ground" laws and due to there being video proof, and has since completely recovered emotionally.
The mother was found trying to cross state borders yesterday after an amber alert sounded for the kid she had with her, and he suspects custody issues.
He wasn't sure what happened to the kid, though he hopes that the kid is with a more responsible parent.
He is indeed pressing charges, and he was told that among other charges, there was "Attempted assault with a deadly weapon", "Disorderly conduct", and "Reckless endangerment of a child". According to my friend, that's all he remembers of the list of charges.
He has yet to hear of a trial date in which he will have to attend.
I will keep updating you if I hear more."
Good to know the kid was saved from his crazy mother, at the very least. I too hope the dad is a much saner, nicer person.
That evil B needs a good long vacay in a quality prison. She needs to be wearing that stylish orange jumpsuit.
That woman is NOT a Christian or a God fearing worshiper of anything she said that as an excuse for not minding her own business
We Christians don’t condone harassment not physical violence to those who we don’t agree with
@@neovagras980 quit lying.
Your death cult creates just as many criminals as all the others.
@@neovagras980 Very, VERY much agreed. That woman is clearly insane, and I hope she gets the help she needs. Though I hope even more that the child winds up in a good home and learns what it actually means to be a Christian.
"secretly slashing" someone's tires for any reason is not a "prank", I can't believe someone would be that ridiculous... You can't be serious... BTW... THEY are the a-holes..
Agree - that's criminal damage
Yeah, what's with that? Apparently the guys are so stupid and unmanly that they don't even know how a tire works. Shoot, I'm a woman that doesn't even DRIVE and even I know that all you have to do is hold the stem inside the valve in and the tire will deflate WITHOUT slashing it. It TAKES longer, but isn't a criminal act that way. It's a nuisance, but not destructive, and therefore DOES count as a prank, not a crime, since all you have to do is reinflate it.
As for the inhaler; as someone with asthma, that's just frightening to think of someone doing that. I would have refused to have these clowns at my wedding too, or around my man, or any future children we may have.
That pool should be required to call CPS if they saw something like that happen they have cameras so they're able to validate that she was being negligent.
I was thinking the same thing too.
Hot Tub Story: If I were in OP's place, as I was going up to Karen, I'd have also called my Boss and told him to call the Police and CPS regarding Karen putting her kid UNDER the Hot Water...
Story 5: I'm most amazed by the fact Karen was actually calm and didn't try to beat up OP while waiting for the cops to arrive.
because they are saving their energy to go super karen once the cops arrive
I bet she thought they'd be on her side.
#2 Maybe that Karen got tired of having a child and intended to drown him, THEN, sue the place for the death of her baby.
Bonus story : Those A-holes literally endangered the live of OP's boy friend by hiding his inhaler. And, before that... Slashing the tires as an «harmless joke» ? The boy friend need to SUE them for that.
And OP needs to BAN them from hers and her fiancé’s lives. FOREVER.
Sorry fam, if you think these are pranks, you don’t get to be at my weeding or a part of my life ever again.
Bonus story: OP's family, "Oh, you're such a baby for wanting to breathe!"🙄 Thankfully, SO didn't become anxious and have an asthma attack!
When I was in high school, we went somewhere where it was pretty windy. I accidentally locked my inhaler in the van. (Showing how serious asthma is) A guy who'd tease me, but also had asthma, had someone run to get the van driver and stayed with me and somehow got me to calm down and shield my face from the wind so I could slow my breathing down. That gained some time to get the keys to the van and get my inhaler (I was fine afterwards). I don't think the guy teased me after that!
So once again a manager pretends to give an employee a talking to to placate a Karen instead of supporting their employee. Karen’s will keep on doing this stuff if they think that they have the power to get employees in trouble!
It said that manager told Karen they were going to reprimand OP. They should never say things like that, only that they will look into the matter. If an employee has done nothing wrong, there should not be even the appearance of them receiving a reprimand, even if it's just to placate a lying AH.
Exactly. It's just training the Karen's that behaving that way gets them what they want.
On the Bonus story, NTA. OP should call the family after the wedding and ask them why they didn't attend, telling them that she just "pranked" them like they did.
And additionally, she should ask for the wedding presents. lol
Too funny! Great idea! "What, why weren't all of you there? It was just a prank..."
No. Invite them, but make sure their slices of wedding cake are full of laxatives. That way they can crap out what little brains they might have.
@@michaelterrell or just skip the laxatives and go straight for rat poison...
@@SonsOfLorgar No,, we have to save that for Karens and crooked politicians! 😆
I'm just wondering if he was diabetic would they hide his insulin? I've seen what a severe asthma attack can do. What they did could have easily landed him in the hospital or worse.
I'm diabetic. You wouldn't believe how often that some fool tries to tell me that it isn't a real problem, and that I'm being insulting for turning town sugary foods. I'm on Glipizide and insulin, twice a day, if I can find food that I can eat. Low and no sugar added foods are difficult to find and have been for the last couple years. I've had to go up to five days at a time without food, because there was nothing that I could find that I'm supposed to eat. They were limiting many things to a can or two, then telling you to only go shopping once a week. I lost about 30 pounds, but I've also lost a lot of strength as well.
@@michaelterrell I'm so sorry you have to go through all that. I'll pray things get better for you.
@@sdhproductions8877 Thank you. I try to be polite to those who are ignorant of the facts, but it is the few who get angry that I refuse to eat something, when I've already eaten, or to sample food before it's time to eat. If I don't eat at the right times, my glucose drops to a dangerously low level. They can't understand why I keep a small container of those puffed sugar candies on hand, but I won't gobble down whatever they have. Those candies are 20 calories, just like the much more expensive Glucose tablets and they are peppermint flavored.
When your blood sugar drops, you can't wait for your body to digest food, as it continues to drop. It is a battle to try to stay as close to 100 as possible so you have to bee aware of your meals and your activity to keep it stable. My last A1C test was a little under 7.0 which is the target level.
My you have a Blessed day. .😀
@@michaelterrell I am the opposite. My body produces too much insulin, resulting in chronic Hypoglycemia. I have to carry glucose tablets most of the time, especially when engaging in strenuous physical activities, as this can cause my blood sugar to drop suddenly.
I once had a boss claim it was a fake condition, and refused to allow me to keep a drink and my tablets on me when working, because that was company policy. It went like this for a few months, until the day we got really busy, and I had gone over 5 hours without a break. Despite multiple warnings to my supervisor that my blood sugar was crashing (cold sweats, shakes, nausea), she refused to send me on break, telling me I had to "wait your turn, because everyone is late for their break". 20 minutes later, I was passed out on the floor. The paramedics that revived me gave her a verbal thrashing when they learned about why I had passed out.
@@nispelsm I had to stop taking my insulin and Glipizide most days, when very little food was available. There were several times that I couldn't find anything that I could safely eat for five days in a row, due to there being so many things that make me ill, or that I simply can't digest.
I had my blood sugar drop under 70 fairly often over the past to years.
Bonus story. As a nurse I'll tell you it's no joke to hide someone's medication. The op's fiance depends on his inhaler for life and would become very anxious, or close to death without it. Her family is flat out cruel.
4th Story: She wasn't ACTing like a crazy person, she probably IS a crazy person
Religious....mental health issues...same thing
@@jamiestrause4559 Not really. You can be religious and still have mental health issues. You can be non-religious and still do the same shit. Don't blame religion for crazy.
Not probably. Just plain is
@@BrokensoulRider Correlation=Causation 99.99999% of the time
Last story, if the fiance ended up having an asthma attack out there and couldn't get to his inhaler because op's family hid it, he could die
"Tell her to cover up???" NO!!! She needs to mind her own business. It is not her place to tell someone she doesn't even know how to dress.
Re: bonus story
OP's relatives (certainly not "family" in my book) called stealing her fiance's rescue inhaler and hiding it a prank; depending on the severity of his asthma, some regions would have a different name for it: attempted homicide.
Alabama, am I right?
@@andreraymond6860 not sure; I believe California, Illinois, and a few others, including some areas outside the US. Basically, what the laws in these places say is, if you know someone has a potentially life-threatening medical condition and you deliberately kept that person's medication from them, you tried to kill them.
If she "thought it was part of the amenities" WHY did she feel the need to STEAL the key??!!!
She didn't steal the key. She took it because it was another amenity to which she was entitled. One cannot argue with Karen logic.
Because there’s just no reasoning with them.
Like, for real, SHE ACTUALLY BELIEVED ANOTHER PERSON’S HOUSE WAS HERS! That woman needs to be admitted into a bloody mental hospital!
@@davidcox3076 One can argue with Karen logic, one just won't get anywhere doing it, LOL!
The kid pleasuring himself while watching OP's gf in the shower. This goes WAAAYYY beyond "how did he get the keys". This kid (they don't say the age) has a very serious problem. Exhibitionism (thought it was voyeurism? Sure. But HE WANTED TO GET CAUGHT as evidenced by the noise he was making) is a very serious mental issue, as is voyeurism. Combine these two, and what you get is a kid developing some very bad behaviors at an early age, and those behaviors become patterns, and those patterns have to 'nipped in the bud', so to speak. Boundaries must be made known. People that do these types of things have trouble understanding, much less developing, empathy for others. But here is the catch 22... if he were to be taken to a therapist, they would have to report what he did, and then he would VERY likely be put on the registry till he is young adult, if not for life. He would be ruined. There are kids as young as 6 on that thing. Does his mother cover up his behavior? "Discovering yourself" is normal as a kid. What he was doing goes way beyond societal norms. I really feel bad for the kid. He needs professional help, and probably is not going get it.
If he did that in the wrong house he could end up with getting shot.
Imagine what would have happened if an ADULT had done that
Why do I think : "budding serial rapist" as a knee jerk reaction. This era will surely give rise to some good ones from parents who can't be bothered to PARENT. My 4 grown kids are testament to getting what you put in to parenting and their adventures in dating land have been expressions of what happens when you don't!
@@khelintriplett9130 my thoughts exactly!
Mother training him to be a future rapist/peeping Tom, apple doesn’t fall far from the tree so good chance either the mom or dad are also rapists
At this point I think I'm a true fan. I search for these daily and this is the second time I've gotten here literally minutes after posting.
The only part of your initiation that is missing is pleading for Stevo to be let out of the basement.
I do that, too. I keep checking and checking if a new one is out yet.
Bonus story: Nah, you ain't in the wrong, they could have killed your husband
What if that happens
Is that having fun and challenging each other
Is that a test to see if you can revive yourself
They are literal idiots, I don't think idiots even cuts it
Sounds like Karen was trying to get rid of her child at the expense of the business.
My thought exactly.
Yeah, I started wondering if the woman was actually trying to drown the kid for some insurance / lawsuit fraud. I mean, what kind of psycho dunks a toddler's head underwater in a freaking hot tub???
And then the cowardly manager let her continue and even reassured her that she’d be protected and rewarded in her effort.
Story 2: Karen could have killed the toddler had she left the toddler underwater for too long. And let's not forget that the water may have been too hot for a toddler to handle without getting hyperthermia.
One might worry that was her intent.
The bonus story:
OP is definitely NTAH. Sorry to say, but these male family members of hers are bullies. They’ve ganged up against her fiancé, so good OP stands up for him. Fluff is right. That stuff isn’t funny. Hiding an inhaler from an asthmatic can be fatal, & tires are expensive to replace.
Family can be the worst! I know. As a ‘prank’ my brother in law broke into my car & urinated all over my clean laundry 🧺 folded in the back. Hilarious, right? Disgusting. I mean really, Who does that?
I think OP is doing the right thing 100%. After all, she’s going to live with her husband not her Dad, or brother.
I hope you got your BiL arrested and pressed charges for vandalism and destruction of property.
Story 4: What was Karen thinking? She would rather have OP's girlfriend naked than dressed as a "harlot"? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't s*x (prostitution being s*x for money) typically done naked, completely defeating Karen's point in trying to cut off her dress? And further, wouldn't that become indecent exposure (to a TWO YEAR OLD no less)?
She was thinking that OP's g/f can rock a dress better than she ever could!
Totally agree. And she wants to call the cops over his gun when she's coming after them with a knife?
@@elizabethcox5911 I believe the law calls that "unclean hands". That is, you can't accuse someone of a crime if you are committing that same crime. A very common mistake that r/stupidcriminals make.
Story 4 : Whenever someone tells you that you're "going to Hell," tell them to save you a seat.
Or, ask them to save a seat for you!
I just tell them there is no hell and they are stupid. seems to shut them up.
Uh. If you look into extensive background research on all the worst serial killers of the world (or psychological profiles of ones who haven't been identified yet), a good majority of them start out exactly like that little creep, first as peeping toms and then escalating to breaking and entering, stealing underwear, voyeurism, all that stuff..... eventually their urges escalate into actually actively hurting people, and then worse. That kid NEEDS to be intervened upon, Asap. 😬
I was literally thinking the same thing...that's a huge red flag. That's not just 'his body is changing' behavior, he entered a stranger's house without permission and started pleasuring himself. That's highly disturbing on several different levels.
@@booksandcrafts-l8m Because the MOTHER took a key under extremely stupid pretenses.
Like, for real, what the absolute FUCK was she thinking?
CLEARLY she doesn't deserve to be in society for this.
Regarding asthma, this can be life threatening so I think finding articles on deaths caused by asthma, printing them out and tattooing them on this pack of jackholes' foreheads would be the way I'd go. Tattoo someone's forehead while they're asleep? Hey, it's just a prank...don't spoil my fun!
Use a nail gun to do the tattoo, since that's just a prank.
Tie them up, wake them up, and use a rusty icepick as a tattoo needle. After all, it's just a prank
The last story I heard it before. They passed the point of jist being pranks. They could kill Tim and they think it was a prank. "Sorry girl, we accidentally killed your boyfriend, but it was a prank, so all's good." They should think on what they did and then think if they really deserve to be invited.
"Pranks"? Destroying the BF's car tires is malicious vandalism. Daddy should be charged, and made to pay for replacement. These idiots are committing crimes. OP needs to go total no contact with them, after reporting them to the police.
A prank is when the victim isn't intentionally(or seriously) injured, like taping an airhorn to their computer chair, or jumping out of a bush wearing a Freddie Krueger mask or even a flour bomb to the face. These "pranks" are all bordering if not actually criminal
@@bradsmckay There's no "bordering" criminal here. Slashing tires IS criminal. And using things like air horns and masks could give someone a heart or asthma attack or something. "Pranks" are stupid, malicious, and dangerous. Even something one might think innocent or a "joke" like hiding someone's car keys can have calamitous results. The person could lose their job for being late or speed once they find the keys trying not to be late and get into an accident that injures or kills them or someone else. People who think stuff like this is funny are warped.
Uhm, Even if they did think they deserve to be invited, NO FUCKING WAY IN EHLL THEY WOULD BE AFTER WHAT THEY DID!
All they fucking deserve is NO CONTACT!
@@jeremydale4548 I think even a police report if possible.
On the first story, I myself am a lifeguard, and if somebody doesn't want to share a lane, we tell them they can either share, or leave.
Regarding the first story: a friend of mine worked at a theme park that was themed around building blocks with studs. They had a play area where children could climb around on things, crawl through tunnels, etc. Due to the city health requirements all individuals playing here must where socks - no exceptions. There are signs everywhere stating that socks are required, why they are required and quotes the city ordinance. Inevitably, children won’t wear socks because their Karen parents don’t think they have to, despite the rules and signs everywhere. This happened on a weekly if not almost daily basis. Karen’s would say they didn’t see the signs or that they don’t care. Most people comply, but there is always a few Karen’s who want to talk to managers despite it being a city health ordinance.
Gross. I hope the karens of the world enjoy ringworm. 🤮
RIP those kids’ feet; at least with socks you have a little defense against those blocks.
As someone who works in customer service, I can confirm that a lot of people don't read signs.
@@lostfrog7050 I would suspect it's not so much that they don't read them as it is that they don't think that rules apply to them. They are special and above the rules that everyone else has to follow.
@@nadinesharp9766 the amount of people who come up to the door, which is right next to the hours sign, try to open it, find its locked and then ask if we're open is amazing. You might be right in that fact, but they might also be stupid
Harlot story: The only words that come to mind are: "Judge not. lest ye too be judged." In other words, MYOB, keep your crazy to yourself. Oh, and crazy lady, YOU are not my elder!
I'm amazed about that last daughter's father and brothers. They should have been charged them when they slashed her fiance's tires. They could then explain to a judge who would have explained, in return, that jailing them was also just a prank and telling them that he/she hoped they appreciated his sense of humor.
Asthma killed my mother at 51 years old. Hiding someone's inhaler is NOT a thing to do. Those jerks didn't know or care that by the time they decided he wasn't acting if he had a Asthma attack and really needed that inhaler, it may already be too late to save him. The young lady needs to go fully NO CONTACT with every one of the IDIOT JERKS involved !!!
As an asthmatic, I agree 1000%. I have been hospitalized because the rescue inhaler just wasn't enough, I think I waited too long to use it. The hospital made me stay over night. God, I loved the nebulizer. Wish I could get one for home, for the just in case, but my insurance sucks.
My favorite college professor was killed by a severe asthma attack triggered when she went out of the building into a cold winter day. The shock of going from warm air to cold air was all it took, and she was gone too soon. And as an EMT, I can tell you from treating other patients that an attack can go either way, even if they have their inhalers handy. Asthma is NO FREAKING JOKE!!!!
That bonus story definitely goes beyond pranking and into hazing. Keep in mind that hazing is NO LONGER ALLOWED in fraternities and schools. NTA
Library story: Exactly what I was thinking, have the cop check the security cameras from the library.
Trying to potentially kill somebody by hiding life saving medicine is not a manly "prank." This "father" as the ringleader is the one who should really know better. Anyway, not only would such malicious people not be allowed at my wedding, they would not be allowed in my life. Period.
“Attempted murder” crossed my mind.
@@vegasrenie My worst asthma attacks come at night. My brain/body often is very oxygen deprived by the time the extreme chest muscle spasms wake me up.
I just can't imagine waking up in such distress, only to find my emergency inhaler mysteriously gone. Such a thing could literally result in my demise.
While sometimes very sudden, asthma attacks during the day usually happen around other people, or you have the time (limited as it may be) to rush yourself to somebody, or dial 911 on your phone. So, while not pleasant or totally without danger, finding your inhaler missing during the day is not likely to result in death. Mostly its extremely unpleasant, but will get resolved.
Like i said in the beginning, night time attacks are a whole other situation and not to be trifled with. Also, they are more likely to happen when traveling as your lungs might encounter new or more potent irritants, allergens, or atmospheric conditions. All this coupled with the fact that your are sleeping in unfamiliar places, so your central nervous system is not as relaxed and is thus, more susceptible to negative stimuli.
If this story is true or largely as described, i cannot tell you my depth of disgust and hatred for the "pranksters" in this story. Hey fella's, let me prank this clip of 9mm hollow points into your head with my "party pistol" and lets see if you can be A MAN and take it, har har har.
Bonus Story: The husband-to-be should "prank" them with a sledgehammer to their front doors. See if they can build and hang new doors like "real men" or if they have to wimp out and buy new ones like "mama's boys," or even worse, get them installed, the pathetic little softies.
Stoops to their level of inadequacy. Handle things like an adult - prosecution for slashing tyres, for a start.
The water walker trying to harass the swimmer should have been seen by the lifeguard. Knowing there was a confrontation the lifeguard should have been keeping an eye on the situation.
In the bonus story, OP was right to be pissed as was her fiance if he had an asthma attack and needed that inhaler, it could have ended in tears. He might have needed that inhaler. And if he did they show no sign of actually being decent humans beings and probably would have killed them. OP and Tim have every right to be upset at them for that.
In story 4, just because someone is older and more religious than you doesn't mean that they need to be respected or listened to. Especially if they are going to resort to something like threatening to cut your clothes off. Kudos to OP's friend for showing restraint and for using his firearm the way they are supposed to be used.
Crazy woman comes at me screaming about how she's God fearing and I'm gonna respond by telling her she's about to MEET God if she keeps going.
That raging Karen was a short step away from the Pearly Gates, with her ticket stamped "Express DOWN!"
How can she possibly think approaching a stranger and threatening him with a knife would end well for her?
A person with a knife can move very fast. A CCW holder is well within his legal right to drop her before she gets withing striking distance. He should have dropped her. But yeah, that brings a bunch of legal hassle, even in a firearm rights friendly state.
And that's why a well armed and trained society is a polite society. Even crazy doesn't want to be shot. Props to the trigger discipline.
@@lilac4297 A well armed and trained society is one that has rampant gun violence, and one where you can get shot dead by police just for sleeping in your own home.
@@adamb89 Bullshit.
@@lilac4297 no, that's you conflating politeness with constant panic.
I guess I’m lucky since there is an elderly lady at our pool who water walks and she makes me do laps “have you swam? You need to work out!” (and tells me that I had better be taking my vitamins every time)
Story 3: That is one of the Worst Karen and Hellspawn Duos i've ever heard of, who knows if that Karen has stolen from OP or how many times that Demon-Spawn-Pervert could've stolen the Girlfriend's stuff to sniff it, Get rid of them, arrest them, ruin their reputation, anything to keep them away
Yeah kid is definitely a creepy. If therapy doesn't help. Then maybe the special offenders list might make Karen wake up.
Oh and I don't think I need to say what "special offenders list" I'm talking about. Made a comment with what list he needs to be got deleted. So yeah..... exchange special with the other S word.
@@TheDarkLink7 Wait, is RUclips seriously censoring "sex"?
@@StealthTheFoxz i donno but when I had put it and refreshed it. It was gone. Deleted gone (I had looked through the comments).
Inhaler: She should have called the cops, stealing medication is a serious crime and can even lead to murder charges if he had had an attack and died
Story 6: That's abuse, and I'm surprised they haven't figured that out, or they do but don’t want to admit it. Tim could have DIED!
Also, "bygones be bygones" is a poor excuse
forgive, don't forget
"Bygones be bygones" or "that's all in the past" Is what abusers say to their victims to continue the cycle of abuse.
No forgiveness required.
@@BeefMeisterSupreme that kind of bullshit shouldn't be forgiven or forgotten, only punished, harshly.
@@SonsOfLorgar It's better to mend old wounds and keep your guard up, then it is to just hold onto the wrongs done.
20 bucks op goes no contact and if op and fiancée have kids - mom will try to see the kid(s) but op wouldn't let her.
1) question about the kid who broke into the home to j/o at her showering? Could she actually get in trouble because she was naked in front of a minor?
You wouldn’t think so, as he broke in!, but sometimes prosecutors and judges are just crazy!
(They put that 18 year old boy in jail for months and try to put him on a sex offender list for 25 years because a girl lied to him about being legal, before a sane judge finally threw out the first judge’s ruling which said he didn’t like the hookup culture of the youth today and that’s why he was sending him to jail. Even the girl and her mom both testified the boy did nothing wrong.)
2) a former co-worker’s son 30 year old son died of an asthma attack.
The only problem I have with the poster is she should be seriously considering banning her mom from the wedding too, for taking the dad’s side so vociferously.
She needs to say, flat out “I didn’t start this pranking tradition but by God I am going to end it now! If I hear of ONE more ‘prank’ ANY of you play on ANYONE, I will NEVER bring any child I ever have around ANY of you. Case closed!”
So the apartment story, similar happened with a relative many decades ago. CPS was called and it turns out the kid actually did not know there was a difference between right and wrong. Parents went through hell and the kid had years of court ordered counseling.
That's the issue, honestly. A lot of people here claim that the kid is probably gonna grow a predator and worse; but if their mother did not set boundaries or explain how things worked, he could've totally believed he was on the right because all the sexual education he's got is from porn.
Conservatives always try to blame the porn industry for cases like this one, when in reality is their refusal to address the issue; education people. And thus we end up with people that their only sexual knowledge is through freaking pornhub or similar.
Story 2: Karen would have been arrested for attempted murder of her own child if OP didn't stop her, even if it was unintentionally. The water may have been hot enough to burn the child's skin.
I have asthma so I know this is as similar to asthma as a normal person can get. Get those “stirring” straws that restaurants use (so tiny you can barely see the hole) and have the entire family, anyone who is saying that taking that guy’s inhaler in that last story is “no big deal”, close their mouth around that tiny straw and close their nose and set a timer for 10 minutes. (Asthmatics can make it longer but I don’t think normal people can. My class only did 60 seconds and most were huffing and puffing but we were kids) and if they can’t make it they need to sit down and stfu and apologize sincerely.
Losing a ahole family is no loss at all ; it's real freedom.
I've been listening since I was 3 months pregnant with my son. Which was last year. Your voice over the Xbox would be the only thing that would calm him down from kicking me. Now I'm 7m with my daughter and she's the same way 😊
OP should say "Ill forgive you if you go to jail for attempted murder"
Then watch them never come.
There was an update to story 4 Karen was arrested and apparently kidnapped the kids as there’s custody issues because she’s dangerous
Gee, I wonder why she was declared dangerous. *said sarcastically*
Karen and her pervert son should have BOTH been thrown in jail!
It’s called unlawful entry and lewd and lascivious behavior! And the kid should have been taken into custody as well! If he’s old enough to do that, he’s old enough to have it on his record. And what happens when he wants more physical contact with some innocent girl? Do everything you can to get him charged, for the sake of his future victims.
@Thomas McDonald ~ donkey punch to the 'jimmy'...
The boss in the second story infuriates me though. Like no. Don't "make it look" like you're punishing your employee. That shit will NEVER stop then
What I'd like to know is why the hell the lifeguard didn't boot the ww woman. As someone that has over 35 years experience in the leisure industry, as a lifeguard, swimming teacher, and duty manager. I'd have had that lifeguard on a disciplinary, for not warning the woman to behave, and as a lifeguard I'd give her 1 warning "behave or leave".
With the bonus story if I was OP I would write her family off. Hiding someone's inhaler is not a prank it's actually rather dangerous. And if they can't show respect for OPs future husband then she is better off without them. I applaud her for standing up for her fiance hopefully she doesn't let her mom badger her into letting it go. Love your videos Peace and love to you and your family 💙💚💙💚💙💚
"People don't need to see her dressed like that!" "Then they can look somewhere else. DUH."
Hey to the one who sent in the bonus story, if you see this please please please understand that you are NTA. Also if you do plan on marry this man please stick by him because your family as already made it clear because you have already stuck by him by taking his side instead of them that'll definitely harass or as they'll call it ,"tease" him, because they called out for their godawful behavior. Don't bend or break on their consequences or this will definitely happen again
That bonus story! Wow, what a bunch of juvenile bullies. I would just tell them "Go to hell, Macho City! Grrrrrrr....
ot just bullies, outright criminals. What they've been doing is ILLEGAL
i've read story 3 on other forum sites before, and i still shake my head at it
Story 4: That Karen is the reason I have pepper GEL, not spray because 1) it’s WAY more concentrated 2) less like to hit yourself 3) can hit up to 12ft away
Last story: People sometimes die from asthma attacks, so your male relatives put your fiance's life in danger. Also, their "pranks" are actually bullying tactics, and are hostile behavior, not friendly behavior. Definitely do not invite these bullies to your wedding. I'd also have security there to deal with them if they try to force their way into the wedding or the reception. If your mother and any other relatives keep giving you a hard time about this decision, then tell them that they are welcome to sit out your wedding and the reception with the bully boys. The only way to stop such unacceptable behavior is to NOT ACCEPT IT! If you put up with it, it will continue. Actions have consequences, sometimes unpleasant ones. It's time someone taught the bully boys this, and also that their behavior is unacceptable. I suggest going low contact with your family for now, and if they keep up the bully boy routine, then go no contact.
I'm sorry you are going thru this, and that I've made the recommendations that I did, but the bully boys put your fiance's life at risk on purpose. Put some steel into your spine and stand up to your family. It's about time someone did!
asthma one: maybe the fiance should hide her dad's blood pressure meds or whatever he could die from or just doesn't want to live without and then call him wesk and squishy
OP & her pranking family: I just heard something that applies here. Pranking is harmless if all parties laugh at the outcome. If all parties do not laugh at the outcome it is BULLYING!
2:15 Correction; It wasn't attempted assault multiple times. It *was* assault, and attempted battery multiple times.
At the local rec center in my home town, there was a rule banning kids under 14 from using the hot tub. Well, about a week after I turned 14 we went to the rec center, and I was chilling there with my dad. My younger brother by four years had his feet in the water.
A lifeguard came over and told him he couldn’t be there, and he got up in left. Then she turned to me and said, “You too.”
I protested, “but I’m fourteen!”
She looked at me like “yeah right” and jerked her thumb toward the pool.
Now, I’ve always been very petite. When I was fourteen I looked closer to eight. I played Chip in my school’s production of Beauty and the Beast that year, and plenty of people thought I was a kid they got from the elementary school.
My dad ended up having to vouch for me, but idk if the life guard actually believed him.
Story 2: With that attitude I think that Karen should get a Ban from the place for not following rules
If someone stole one of my house keys, they would have their knees broken before they could try to break in.
In terms of the Bonus Story, these family members have a nasty case of toxic masculinity and hiding an inhaler could have quite literally killed the fiancee. OP isn't the A-hole, her relatives are just toxic, terrible people.
The idea of using a public hot tub makes me nauseous. I can’t even imagine. I don’t care how many times they clean it or how many chemicals they use. The thought just grosses me out.
that bonus story is not a hill, it's a freaking mine. I'm surprised tim has not taken some revenge already.
cut the family off before things grow out of controll, and keep an eye out for "pranking around" that could come from these idiots during the wedding
Taking someone’s inhaler should be up there with “assault likely to cause great bodily harm or death” also called aggravated assault.
Bonus story - Tim should've slashed all of their tires when they were all together at a reunion, and hidden their car keys in a cat litter box.
And given that her alleged-men relatives tried to kill her fiance, I would say that she has every right to disinclude them from her life. They're the ones who ruined their relationship with her, not the other way around.
Bonus Story: NTA. What they did was not "pranks". It is straight up bullying. And denying someone their medically-necessary medicine is, IMO, assault. Considering the rest of the family thinking bullying and assault are socially acceptable, I support OP to not invite them to the wedding. They should not be rewarded for their atrocious behavior.
Ah yes tattle not tell when the guys in the bonus story basically did attempted murder since they hid something he needs to live he told on them for his health not tattle for they can get in trouble
The only objection I have about OP's behavior was that she hasn't cut contact with her alleged family. When somebody considers damaging somebody's car and taking away important medication a "joke", they have absolutely no business in one's life.
Story 5 reminded me of a situation I was in. I was going to grab lunch at a place outside our local mall, and the parking lot was pretty full. I saw a car pulling out, so I stopped, put on my turn signal, and waited. The car pulled out, I started pulling in, and about half way in, I see a car turn down the lane from the opposite side I came in from. I finish parking, get out of my car, and start walking towards the restaurant when I hear the people in that car start yelling at me for apparently taking their spot. 🙄
5:45 suprisingly, babies can be quite good swimmers. It's an inborn instinct.
That said, if the county health department said 'no babies in the hot tub', you listen.
Bonus story: Slashing tires is not 'just a prank'. It's destruction of property.