Stefan Karl Stefansson - Last public performance in December 2017

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • In December 2017 at Harpa Concert Hall in Iceland Stefan Karl made a guest appearance at the annual Christmas concert of Icelandic singer Björgvin Halldórsson where they sang a duet by Mani Svavarsson (Lazy Town Composer).
    The duet is called Alone For Christmas or Aleinn um Jólin (Icelandic). We have added an UNOFFICIAL translation below the Icelandic lyrics, after each verse just so you get the gist of what they are singing about.
    We the family of Stefan Karl have permission from performer and songwriter to share this video of the recorded performance with Stefan's fans on his RUclips channel.
    Alone for Christmas performed by Björgvin Halldórsson and Stefán Karl Stefansson
    EINN UM JÓLIN - Alone for Christmas
    Máni Svavarsson (music) / Halldór Gunnarsson (Lyrics)
    Veistu hvað sagt er um menn,
    sem oft týna leið?
    þeir sjái á jólunum ljós.
    Do you know what they say of those
    that often loose their way?
    That they see the light at Christmas time.
    Veistu hvað sagt er um þann,
    sem oft stendur einn?
    að hann á einhvern að um jólin.
    Do you know what they say of those
    that often stand alone?
    That they have someone close at Christmas time.
    Enginn mig sér,
    sama er mér,
    þótt hátíð sé inni þá úti ég er.
    Ég vil vera' í friði um jólin.
    Því er ég einn um jólin.
    No one sees me
    I really don't care
    celebration takes place, I am nowhere near
    I want to be left alone at Christmas
    Thats why I'm alone for Christmas
    Ef það er satt
    að svart verði hvítt
    og kalt verði hlýtt
    á jólakvöld.
    Þá getur það gerst
    að þú gætir breyst
    og loks fundið frið um jólin.
    If it is true
    that black becomes white
    and cold becomes warm
    on Christmas Eve
    Then it could be
    that you could change
    and find some peace at Christmas
    Hvað er að mér?
    Kaldur ég er,
    þoli´ekki ljósin og gjafirnar hér.
    Ég vil vera í friði' um jólin.
    Því er ég einn um jólin.
    What is wrong with me
    I'm cold,
    Can't stand the lights or the gifts
    I want to be left alone at Christmas
    Thats why I'm alone for Christmas
    Á torginu ríkir kyrrð og ró.
    Ég horfi á ljósin og nýfallinn snjó.
    þá heyri ég hljóm,
    sem fyllir upp tóm
    um jólin.
    Outside is calm and quiet
    I watch the lights and the new fallen snow
    I hear a sound that fills my soul
    on Christmas
    Þekkir þú boðskapinn þann,
    „þú elska skalt náungann“?
    Allt árið um kring,
    byrjaðu nú - um jólin.
    Do you know the verse,
    “Love your neighbor as yourself“,
    All year around,
    start right away - this Christmas
    Performers/Singers: Björgvin Halldorsson og Stefán Karl Stefansson
    Live version at Björgvin's Christmas guests concert in December 2017. Harpa Concert Hall Reykjavik, Iceland.
    Guitar: Jón Elvar Hafsteinsson og Kristján Grétarsson
    Bass: Eiður Arnarsson
    Píano: Þórir Úlfarsson
    Keyboards: Haraldur Sveinbjörnsson
    Strings: Strengjasveit Jólagesta Björgvins
    Percussion: Pétur Grétarsson
    Organ: Þórir Baldursson

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