Yunchan Lim - RACHMANINOV Piano Concerto No. 3 Remastered

  • Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
  • Yunchan Lim, South Korea, 18
    RACHMANINOV Piano Concerto No. 3 in D Minor, op. 30

Комментарии • 327

  • @ShinySoil
    @ShinySoil 2 года назад +136

    마린알솝 지휘자와 임윤찬 피아니스트의 한국 협연을 간절하게 희망합니다!

  • @영진-q9e
    @영진-q9e 2 года назад +66

    아무리 봐도 ...
    인간이 아닌거 같다..
    예술에 취한다는게 이런기분이네..
    너무나 아름답고.,.
    어떻게하면 이렇게 칠수 있을까..
    진심으로 감탄합니다.

  • @markno95
    @markno95 2 года назад +115

    이 연주를 보면서 처음으로 솔리스트와 오케스트라의 상호작용을 이해할 수 있게 되었습니다. 마린 알솝과 임윤찬이 교묘하게 신호를 주고받으며 연주를 이끌어가는 모습은 가히 환상적입니다. 마지막의 폭발까지 완벽한 서사를 갖춘 명연주. 또 들어도 황홀합니다.

  • @R.breeze
    @R.breeze 2 года назад +191

    세상에 태어나 보고 들은 것들중 최고의 예술입니다.
    처음본지 석달이 지났는데 볼수록 더 경이롭고 아름답습니다.
    신의 조화라고밖에는 표현이 안돼요.보는것만으로도 영광스럽습니다.

  • @gamjassak6695
    @gamjassak6695 2 года назад +138

    다른 연주자들의 라흐 3번 연주를 보면 러시아의 강함 질김 빠름이 강조되어 보이는데 임윤찬의 연주는 왠지 서사적인 모습 어쩌면 헐리웃 ots 같은 느낌이 들었어요 왜일까하고 라흐마니노프 배경을 보니 러시아에서 쫓겨나서 미국에 성공했더군요 이곡이 미국 순회공연을 위해 작곡했다던데 이 작가의 고뇌와 슬픔 외로움속에 환희와 열정이 담겨진 자전적인 곡일거란 생각이드네요 18살짜리가 그걸 표현해냈네요 그 어떤 연주자의 작품으로도 이해 못했는데

    • @경주현-w8e
      @경주현-w8e 2 года назад

      라흐마니노프가 러시아에서 쫒겨난 것이 아니라 1차세계대전과 종전 직후에 러시아제국이 몰락하고 볼셰비키 공산주의혁명의 소용돌이의 극심한 혼란을 피해 러시아를 탈출해서 미국으로 도피한 것이었음. 라흐협주곡2번이 자신의 우울증을 극복하고자 작곡한 것이었다면 라흐협주곡3번은 미국에 들어와 성공을 거둔후 지난날 자신의 실패와 좌절을 돌이켜 보면서 그 모든 것을 극복해내는 자신의 인생역정을 음악에 담아낸 것임. 이 라흐3번은 기교적으로도 어렵고 기승전결을 선 굵게 표현해내기가 쉽지 않아서 일류피아니스트들도 잘해야 본전, 못하면 망신인 그런 협주곡임. 그런데 18세 임윤찬이 그어려운걸 해냈음. 그것도 21세 들어 최고의 연주를 보여주면서.

  • @bluepearl4348
    @bluepearl4348 Год назад +41

    Rachmaninov stood up in a standing ovation....clapped and said, "ENCORE" ~♫

  • @catherinejones9396
    @catherinejones9396 Год назад +68

    Since hearing this some weeks' ago, I have made a point of listening to ten other recordings of the work by ten renowned pianists (Rachmaninoff, Horowitz, Kissin, Nicolai K., the list goes on.) Rachmaninoff was in his 70's but his version I thought brutally amazing. So here I am back with Yunchan Lim and really loving his version-youthful, amazingly controlled to suit his own physical capacity at this age, but abounding with a wonderful musical energy that elicits the full gamut of emotions from his audience. Thank you Yunchan, and the sound here was grand!

  • @normalcynormalcy2338
    @normalcynormalcy2338 Год назад +23

    The movie "Shine" defined my understanding of Rachmaninoff's third piano concerto for a good 20 years. Maddeningly difficult, merciless music composed by a towering man standing at 6.5 feet with a giant handspan to match, and also intent on outdoing himself (Rach 2). Naturally the music was to be over-the-top technical, even torturous, making a point of being simply unplayable to any but the best.
    I'd watch those videos where you have the sheet music on the screen as the piece proceeds and wonder "why so many unnecessary notes that nobody can even hear?"
    I chanced upon Bronfman's rendition with the Vienna Philharmonic about 6~7 years back and that was hands down my favorite for a very long time. Still one of my favorites. By the way Bronfman playing the first movement of Shostakovich's second piano concerto in Fantasia 2000 is really good too. Anyways-
    Then came Yunchan. For the first time, with the help of that video by Ben Laude from Tonebase Piano and a handful of others, I could see clearly (20/20) where Rachmaninoff was going cramming those 30,000 notes into the work.
    And thanks to The Cliburn and this great remastering, now I'm seeing like a Mongolian eagle.
    귀 살살녹는다 ㄷㄷㄷ

  • @caydencarlson1309
    @caydencarlson1309 2 года назад +509

    His left hand's play is really #1. It shows how much he practiced to play it.
    He is beyond a genius!!!

    • @피플클래식
      @피플클래식 2 года назад +84

      Totally agree with you.
      His left hand, not to mention his right hand,
      is exceptionally well-trained and very flexible.

    • @박올리비아-t4x
      @박올리비아-t4x 2 года назад +27

      @@cha_nee919 연습한다고 되진않지요...윤찬이니 남들보다 쉽게 했을듯요...물론 노력은 남들100배+상상이상이겠지만요........

    • @박올리비아-t4x
      @박올리비아-t4x 2 года назад +27

      @@cha_nee919 그간 노력했을 윤찬군이 참으로....눈물이나네요.....ㅜ ㅜ

    • @jeeyoungyoon3507
      @jeeyoungyoon3507 2 года назад +26

      @@박올리비아-t4x 노력 + 천재성 -----> 최고

  • @DavidBadilloMusic
    @DavidBadilloMusic 2 года назад +87

    What a gorgeous cadenza!!

  • @지구촌-l5v
    @지구촌-l5v 2 года назад +21

    저는 아들이 컴으로 볼때나 핸드폰으로 볼때나 광고 없이 쭈욱 볼수있도록 설치를 해줘서 너무너무 행복하게 보고있는데...
    광고가 중간중간 나오나보네요 저는 안나와서 불편함이 없어서 몰랐네요 ㅠ.ㅠ
    [윤찬림이라는 마법의 성]에 갇혀서 11월을 맞으면 5개월째 접어 들가네요
    출근길 & 퇴근길 윤찬림의 음악은 유일한 나의 안식처입니다. 관련영상 많이 보다보니 더 푸욱~~~~ 빠져 살아요 '모든이에게 행복을 주는사람 '
    저는 기립박수받는 모습이 너무 좋아서 풀버전 보는데 풀버전만 이 보는 사이 댓글이 많이 달려서 행복함으로 모든 분께 ' 좋아요' 버튼 다 누르고
    풀버전보러 또 이동합니다. 슝~~@!

  • @Olive117
    @Olive117 2 года назад +54

    여전히.... 어떻게 이렇게 들을때마다 소름이 돋고 눈물이 나오는걸까... 증상이 나아질 기미가 없음... 임윤찬은 정말.... 음악,예술... 그 자체..ㅠㅠ

  • @or-kp7451
    @or-kp7451 2 года назад +38

    선택의 문제가 아니였다. 임윤찬씨가 내 인생에 꽂아 준 라프마니노프를 아무런 저항없이 난 떨리는 마음으로 기꺼이 받아 들였다....!!!!

  • @essie1001
    @essie1001 2 года назад +131

    cadenza에 소리 끊기던 부분 없어져서 너무 좋음... 오케소리도 피아노 소리도 웅웅거리면서 묻혀있던 부분들 다 clear하게 들리네요 다시 한번 감사합니다 반클라이번🙇‍♀️

  • @G0street
    @G0street 2 года назад +78

    20세기, 21세기 최고의 피아니스트 그 이상. 들으면 들을 수록 더욱더 좋아 지고 깊어지는 피아니스는 처음. 피아노 라는 악기가 어떤 것인지 모여주기 위해 태어난 인간

    • @infinitenoonafan
      @infinitenoonafan 2 года назад +12

      모든 연주가 아름답고 자연스럽고 완벽하고.. 그냥 예술 그 자체…

  • @mjk4660
    @mjk4660 2 года назад +149

    들을수록 더 끌리는 명작입니다. 사운드가 보완이 되어 더욱 심취됩니다. 반클라이번 감사합니다. 라흐3번의 최고 버전으로 오래토록 재생되길 바랍니다

  • @bombcat8861
    @bombcat8861 2 года назад +77


  • @hawkkim1974
    @hawkkim1974 2 года назад +71

    Grand ma is conducting. Grand son is playing piano. Sometimes piano follows & supports the orchestra. Some other times piano leads the orchestra. Together they created such a beautiful music and chemistry.

  • @ninehappy8363
    @ninehappy8363 2 года назад +32

    100회 이상 들어도 또 새롭게 들리는 이 음악의 정체는?
    What is the identity of this music that you can hear again even after listening to it over 100 times?

  • @즐거운편지-v5t
    @즐거운편지-v5t 2 года назад +93

    통영 2019윤이상콩쿠르
    우승자이기도 한 윤찬님❤
    작년에 리스트의 초절기교 듣고
    모두 기립했었지요
    거장이 탄생했어요
    라흐도 너무 좋으네요💚💛💜💙

  • @신정숙-u1b
    @신정숙-u1b Год назад +21

    저 몰입과 정열, 음감, 파워! -가슴이 아프고 눈물이 납니다. 60대 후반에 피아노를 다시 생각합니다.

    • @susanashley8974
      @susanashley8974 Год назад +4

      Please do! When I was a teen my piano teacher told me her favorite students were the ‘grandparents’ who came back to study piano again after their children had grown~❤Always remembered her sincere love of teaching those of us who’ve still wanted to learn to play , whether again, or for the first time! Enjoy music at every age~it’s health and psychological benefits a wait you~Whether you meditate or dance to your music! ♥️🎶🎹💙

  • @asg77777
    @asg77777 2 года назад +254

    A recent interview with Yunchan Lim -September 15, 2022
    (whenever I write the link, it's being deleted immediately. So I copied the whole thing)
    There are few comparables for what transpired this past June in Fort Worth, Texas. Music lovers around the world watched in bewilderment as an 18-year-old South Korean pianist set new competition standards, first ripping through Liszt’s Transcendental Etudes, then moving listeners to tears in Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto in D minor (Op. 30). Below is the transcript of our September 2022 e-mail exchange with the phenomenal pianist, Yun-chan Lim.
    EH: At what age did you realize that your musical gifts were perhaps a bit unusual ?
    Lim: I never thought I had musical talent in my life. I started playing the piano at the age of seven, and I'm just a person who loves music so much that I'm trying to make great music.
    EH: Do you believe you played your very best at the Van Cliburn ? Is there much more you could have done in, say, the Transcendental Etudes or the Rachmaninoff Third ?
    Lim: I don't think I was in my best condition at the Cliburn competition. I entered the stage thinking about Carl Sagan's pale blue dot, but I couldn't help being nervous and couldn't show 100% of me. I had to create more universes and there was a possibility, but it didn't come out easily.
    EH: The world would love to know your thoughts on the Rachmaninoff Third Piano Concerto. Whose recording inspired you to play it so magnificently ? Is Rachmaninoff a composer who speaks to you on a personal level ?
    Lim: Rachmaninoff is like Bach. All the voices are singing their own beautiful songs, and they're developed in a really detailed relationship to create highlights. It's one of the most important factors in Rachmaninoff. I've rarely listened to any other playing than Horowitz and Rachmaninoff. I decided that it's right to listen to the most basic recordings.
    EH: On the other hand, is there are composer whose works you cannot fall in love with - or a period of music - that simply does not speak to you ?
    Lim: My teacher said, "The composer is not at fault, the performer is always the problem."
    EH: Stephen Hough, Daniil Trifonov, and Marc-Andre Hamelin are a few of today’s pianists who perform and also compose. Do you spend any time composing ? Is it necessary for a great performer to compose ?
    Lim: Every pianist has to compose. I learned music (composition) at school for two years from Min Jae-jeon, a 2009 winner at the Queen Elizabeth competition, composition category. He told me that a pianist should compose and play his own music. If I can do that, I'll do that.
    EH: After the competition, you told the world, “I made up my mind that I will live my life only for the sake of music, and I decided that I will give up everything for music”. What a beautiful sentiment. What are some of the more meaningful musical moments - recordings, live performances, or personal music-making - that have led you to this decision ?
    Lim: I think the most beautiful moment to taste music is when a musician practices in the practice room. The artist's practice room is a space that creates various universes, and you can see the frustration and joy of making great music through many attempts. This process was not only for my teacher, but also by pianists like Schnabel and Sofronitsky.
    EH: One of the more famous prodigies in America, George Li, told me he was practicing 3-5 hours a day by age 8; as many as 6 hours by age 9; and by his teens, he was doing eight hours whenever possible. How much practicing did you do growing up ? Are you a compulsive practicer, or do you need to be pushed with lessons, concerts, deadlines, etc ?
    Lim: George Li is one of the musicians I respect most, and I have always admired him for learning from my teachers, Russell Sherman and Wha Kyung Byun. I practiced for 4 to 5 hours when I was young, but I practiced for 8 hours since I was 12 years old, and now I do it all day. It could be pressure for the concert. Because there is pressure not to disappoint people who pay to see it.
    EH: People have noticed a breath of freshness, a certain unbridled freedom you attack pieces with. Do you take chances when you are on stage ?
    Lim: I think every pianist can improvise. In fact, Horowitz and Rachmaninoff admired Art Tatum, and the Hungarian musician, Liszt, was also a master of improvisation. If you just do what you've practiced, it causes tension and you lose many possibilities on stage.
    EH: What is your relationship with the audience ? Do you deal with stage fright, or, are you like Arthur Rubinstein, who needed an audience in order to give his very best impression of the music ?
    Lim: Music was born to communicate. I want to share my ideas with the audience and ask them for their opinions, and this is probably one of the most beautiful things in the world.
    EH: You are quickly becoming one of the most talked about musicians in the field. What is one thing listeners probably don’t know about you that you would like for them to know ?
    Lim: Not really, because I'm just a person who makes music, and I'm not much of a person at all.
    EH: You are currently working with Professor Minsoo Sohn at the Korea National University of Arts. What are some of the most helpful ideas he has imparted upon you ? Will you stay with Professor Sohn, or do you have plans to study with others in the future ?
    Lim: I can't tell you my future plan, because I don't know if I'll die tomorrow or seven days later. My teacher’s musical ideas surprise me every time, and Sohn always comes up with new ideas. Sohn values interpretations that people can understand. All ideas are based on good evidence, and my teacher says it's important to bring out the songs deep in my heart into the real world, not to play them like the trends that others play.
    EH: Which pianists - dead or alive - mean the most to you ?
    Lim: There are so many artists in my mind, but Stanislav Neuhaus, Cortot, Schnabel, Horowitz, Rachmaninoff, Yudina, Josef Lhevinne, etc. are most inspiring to me.
    EH: It is the responsibility of the performer to be faithful to the score. Is it possible for a great performer to surpass the vision of the composer ? (I’m thinking of those like Horowitz and Gould, here)
    Lim: In fact, no one knows what a composer wanted. Even the composer himself might have something he wants to fix if he were to come back to life. Every musician should be able to sing his or her own song in a given score. If you look at Horowitz's performances, he adds notes that are not in the score, or sings in a completely different phrase, but it doesn't matter because it persuades many artists.
    EH: Because everybody struggles with something - which Chopin or Liszt Etude is the most difficult for your hand ?
    Lim: I've played all 24 of Chopin's Etudes and op. 25 a lot, but I haven’t played the whole op. 10 on-stage yet. But what I feel is that the Chopin Etude, which has to express characters and the universe for each song, is more difficult.
    EH: Your upcoming program in California includes the astonishing Liszt ‘Dante’ sonata. You said you almost memorized Dante’s book from cover to cover. How long does it take you to learn and memorize a piece like the Rachmaninoff Third Piano Concerto ?
    Lim: I played the Dante sonata in 2020 and read so many times the great man Dante. Maybe not now, but at the time, I remembered enough to say the words of the book without looking at it, and I think it really meant that I was inspired by Dante. It depends on the piece, but in Rachmaninoff's case, it took seven days for each movement to memorize it.
    EH: Korean-pop culture has recently turned into a global phenomenon. Do you listen to pop music yourself ? Are you proud of the growing international success of your country ?
    Lim: I'm very proud of the international success of the music, but at the same time, I haven’t listened to a single thing yet.
    EH: There are some who hold the belief that a pianist from country X cannot truly understand the culture of a composer from country Y ? What are your thoughts on this matter ?
    Lim: Only the stupidest people in the world would have that idea. A great pianist from Japan can understand Rachmaninoff 100%, and a great pianist from India can understand Beethoven. Because this is music. If you try hard enough, you can understand everything about the composer. This is a matter of individual, not race and nationality
    EH: Is there anything about the state of music right now - bad programs, musical ignorance, the way performers sound, lack of inspiration, etc. - that you would like to change ?
    Lim: I do feel that the world is changing one dimensionally. I think there are a lot of people who swear when new things come out, because they live in a one-dimensional world, they don't get 12 dimensions of inspiration. Artists have to try new things every time and think constantly.
    EH: Thank you for taking the time, Yun-chan. And all my very best to you.
    Lim: Thank you!

    • @eunkim3820
      @eunkim3820 2 года назад +54

      The content of the interview is noble.

    • @jackiepike1466
      @jackiepike1466 2 года назад +16

      Thanks for posting this wonderful interview! I disagree with the pianist: the most inspirational are the young ones: Yeol Eum Son, Lucas Debargue, Dmitro Choni, Alexandre Kantorow, Lim Yunchan, Anna Geniushene

    • @형숙최-x9y
      @형숙최-x9y 2 года назад +20

      읽고 또 읽었습니다

    • @Anneyu5752
      @Anneyu5752 2 года назад +30

      윤찬군의 깊이있는 인터뷰 정말 잘 봤어요 그의 생각이 얼마나 성숙하고 확고한지를 느낄수있는 좋은계기가 되었어요 라흐3번 매악장 외우는데 겨우 일주일씩 소요되었다니 정말 놀라왔어요 얼마나 연습을 했기에 …. 윤찬은 대가가 될 모든역량을 갖춘 청년이란걸 인터뷰를 통해 다시금 확인할수 있어 정말 기뻤어요
      끝으로 9월15일 삭제된 인터뷰를 재생시켜주신 A S G 님께 진심으로 무한한 감사를 드립니다

    • @JL-uo5uv
      @JL-uo5uv 2 года назад +21

      @@Anneyu5752 라흐3을 이렇게 해석하고 소화하는 거장은 없습니다 그는 이미 대가입니다

  • @pusanazum
    @pusanazum 2 года назад +21

    임윤찬 피아니스트의 라흐마니노프 피협 2번 연주도 넘흐 듣고싶어요!!!

  • @laurinpoydras91
    @laurinpoydras91 Год назад +52

    I am so happy that someone, somewhere, somehow is keeping the great European classical music heritage alive. Let me add, Jazz heritage alive as well. The people in Korea, Vietnam, China, and Japan--among others, seem to have greater appreciation for so-called 'Western Music' than we in the West do. I'm seeing all of these genius pianists coming out as the platinum level artists and contestants, while our kids are caught up in drug deals, gangs, and other creepy behaviors. Case in point: I teach Georgia, USA, and among the nearly 3K students, only one little girl from Korea could play any instrument at all--the piano. She was at the level of a senior conservatory student at only 11 years old. Our other kids had absolutely, positively, no way, no how interest in anything but fighting over cell phones, hair weaves, fingernail etchings , walking the streets, living on social media sites, and a host of nefarious activities. When I see this young man conquer the piano like an old master, I cannot help but question the direction of Western societies. Until there are some clear and abiding answers, I suppose I shall have to be content with the accomplishments of our Asian brothers and sisters as they seem to have it together in ways we used to boast about. This performance is absolutely amazing!

  • @whitestark272
    @whitestark272 2 года назад +39

    이 연주는 볼때마다 눈물이 난다

  • @PaulPineda29
    @PaulPineda29 2 года назад +79

    I'm speechless ... what a performance

  • @jean-mariedethier5495
    @jean-mariedethier5495 2 года назад +65

    On est en droit de se demander si Lim a reçu, en abondance, les pouvoirs de transcender la "matière" musicale pour en livrer la substance secrète. Il y a chez lui un sens permanent de l'absolu, si par là on désigne un don particulier de rechercher - et de trouver - la source spirituelle des oeuvres. Je pense à beaucoup de magnifiques pianistes qui ont suivi ce chemin au cours d'une longue expérience, mais sans accéder de manière aussi charnelle ET immédiate à la frontière des deux mondes.
    Le mystère LIM , ce n'est pas le concerto somptueux de Rachmaninov qu'il offre à des auditeurs stupéfaits, c'est la musique "telle qu'en elle même" il la découvre, en pleine lumière et en pleine liberté. Au moment où les bruits de la guerre menacent nos consciences, l'apaisement de cette découverte innommable résonne comme un appel à la fraternité des coeurs.

  • @hanajan5339
    @hanajan5339 2 года назад +76

    라흐마니노프를 이리 많이 듣게 되다니, 다 임윤찬님덕분인듯합니다. ㅋㅋㅋ. 사실 라흐마니노프 2번도 처음부터 끝까지 계속 듣긴 지루해서 아무리 잘한다는 분 연주를 봐도 끝까지 안 듣는데, 정말 사람을 끄는 매력자체는 타고났어요. 노력까지 겸비하니 정말 무슨 가요처럼 계속 듣게 되네요. 한국예술종합학교가 설립초기에는 여러 우려의 목소리가 많겠지만 다른 음대보다 실전에서 정말 강한 연주자들을 많이 배출하네요. 개성도 다양하고..기왕이면 옛날처럼 연주자들이 작곡도 좀더 배우게 했음좋겠어요.
    뛰어난 연주자들을 많이 볼수 있어서 콩쿠르 자주 보다가 최근엔 그것도 안 하고 있었는데 우연히 임윤찬씨 연주보고 진심으로 반했어요. 어떤 부분에선 호로비츠보다도 미세한 부분까지 잘 살리더라고요. 특히 오른손으로 왼손파트를 치는데 원곡보다 임팩트있고 더 좋고요. ^^어떤 분은 어떻게 피아노에서 저런 소리가 나올수있냐고 놀라던데..ㅋㅋㅋ

  • @슈마룡
    @슈마룡 2 года назад +40

    윤찬 마법에 걸려서 헤어나오질 못하네~~^^ 매일들어도 듣고싶으니~

  • @MichelleMuck555
    @MichelleMuck555 2 года назад +63

    And so it is we are permitted to dream again!

  • @bi4223
    @bi4223 2 года назад +32

    젊은 연주, 아름답습니다.

  • @donaldtu824
    @donaldtu824 2 года назад +85

    I am forever under your spell, Maestro!

  • @박진영-n2t
    @박진영-n2t 2 года назад +46

    살면서 현장에서 연주를 듣고싶네요. 한번이라도 정말 이렇게까지 클래식에빠질줄 몰랐습니다
    정말 특별해요. 놀라운 재능

  • @stevendaniel8126
    @stevendaniel8126 2 года назад +82

    Having cherished the experience of this performance, I can now die happy..........

  • @yaakovilowitz6416
    @yaakovilowitz6416 2 года назад +24

    The best I ever heard, bar none

    • @RaineriHakkarainen
      @RaineriHakkarainen Год назад

      Come on Yaakov!! This student Yunchan Lim played boring Rach concerto no 3 with colorless cold piano sound! Dimitri Bashkirov her teacher Anastasia Virsaladze teach saying to Bashkirov the most important Lesson is the Love of the beautiful colorful piano sound! This was already in 1930s!! Todays players are colorless cold piano sound players like Zimerman( robot with colorless sound!) Kissin( ice cold piano sound!) Pletnev and student Yunchan Lim! This student Yunchan Lim will be next Zimerman or Kissin and the crazy deaf people claiming they are the greatest! All the colorful piano sound players are gone dead like Emil Gilels Radu Lupu Wilhelm Kempff Artur Rubinstein Vladimir Ashkenazy! This student Yunchan Lim should study next 6 years with a good teacher to get better piano sound! Better structure! Better style! Better more passion and fire! Crazy world we are living the people claiming 18-years old student Yunchan Lim the greatest ever! This is only hype! Long way to go to be greatest like Sviatoslav Richter Maurizio Pollini Grigory Sokolov Radu Lupu Wilhelm Kempff Emil Gilels!

  • @markus7894
    @markus7894 2 года назад +76

    That is not only breathtaking but also shows an enormous great dramatic line across all movements and abundant details! I'm am blown away!

  • @고저스-v7t
    @고저스-v7t 2 года назад +36

    인간의 마음속에 존재하는 위대한 가능성을
    인간에게 보이는 것이다.....에머슨
    윤찬림 같은 피아니스트를 두고 한 명언이군요.

  • @elsatraumerei
    @elsatraumerei 2 года назад +40

    This is crazy crazy good the best and most beautiful teamwork no cap

  • @윤찬포에버
    @윤찬포에버 2 года назад +75

    주말이 기분 좋아지네요!!
    영원을 울리는 윤찬군.사운드까지 좋으니 듣는사람이 더더욱 행복합니다.

  • @이정자-w7p
    @이정자-w7p 2 года назад +119

    연주가 더욱 선명하고 아름답네요.지난 6월의 가슴벅찼던 감동이 생생하게 느껴지네요.자랑스런 윤찬님의 연주 라이브로 보는 날을 소망하며...

  • @stryu3246
    @stryu3246 2 года назад +25

    thanks to the Cliburn, I'm enjoying music merrily ,thank you☺️

  • @inezgraer5482
    @inezgraer5482 2 года назад +59

    I watch this just gives me my mojo when I need it. I have never been so filled with absolute joy and satisfaction than I am listening to this old soul bearing gifts of profound beauty. OTT? Maybe. But hey, this is phenominal.
    Watching all the competitions in Europe I cannot but help notice how warm, friendly and inviting the Cliburn Competition is in comparison. For competitors and audience/subscribers alike.
    I find it quite difficult to get on board with these competitions in the EU....
    The Cliburn was simply rewarding in all facets of the competition and tremendously engaging.
    Thank you again and well done to their President and CEO Jacques Marquis on being awarded this year's Global Impact Award!

  • @지금이순간-l6k
    @지금이순간-l6k 2 года назад +33

    영혼의 아름다움 그저 찬란하다

  • @aspirating4594
    @aspirating4594 2 года назад +62

    클알못인데 임윤찬군의 연주는 계속 찾아듣게되는 마술이 풀리지가않네요. 그의 남다른 터치가 음이 살아있는듯 생동감이 있어 다른분들 연주와 비교해서 계속 들어봐도 결국은 임윤찬군 연주로 되돌이표가 되고맙니다.

  • @victormanuelpadilla1845
    @victormanuelpadilla1845 2 года назад +337

    FELICITACIONES! Para el virtuoso pianista Yuncham Lim por su excelente ejecución de este magnífico y bello concierto del insigne compositor ruso, uno de los más complejos y titánicos de la historia musical en su género. Los legendarios pianistas rusos, tales como Emil Gilels, Sviatoslav Richter, Lazar Berman y otros brillantes pianistas como Arthur Rubinstein, Vladimir Horowitz, etc. "resucitaron" ante tal interpretación efectuada con bravura y bellísima expresión musical. BRAVO! Yuncham. BENDICIONES DESDE MÉXICO!!!

    • @JL-uo5uv
      @JL-uo5uv 2 года назад +11

      He is Yunchan not Yuncham

  • @selvator5678
    @selvator5678 Год назад +8

    In the pre-World War I years of Europe, amidst the social and political upheavals of the time, Crimean-Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninoff's genius did not initially receive the full recognition it deserved in New York, even up until the war's end in 1919. I believe it took pianist Yunchan Lim to truly convey the message Rachmaninoff embedded within his music - a message to humanity that transcended years.
    For too long, brilliant pianists focused on the Rach 3's technical virtuosity, overlooking its soul and deeper meaning. Yunchan, however, provided the key to unlocking the world of inner turmoil Rachmaninoff experienced during his composition. He masterfully revealed how beauty the life and world can be and how easily consumed by the darkness of human ambitions that pave the way conflict and devastation.
    Yunchan's fingertips brought to life the composer's longing and profound remembrance of his homeland, the war frenzy that gripped the people, and the ultimate societal devastation. With his performance, Rachmaninoff's emotions became tangible, visible, and palpable.
    It was a privilege and a joy to witness a young genius and his masterful interpretation of a legendary compposition by another genius. From the depths of our hearts, we extend our gratitude: first to Yunchan Lim (- May Allah always protect him from the evil eye 🧿--) and his family, then to the Korean Society and the State that nurture such talent, a timeless legend for the world stage, and finally to the Cliburn Competition for inspiring and motivating young talents to enrich human civilization.
    We eagerly await and hope that we will find the opportunity to witness Yunchan Lim's artistry Türkiye in our lifetime. 🎶

    • @GentlemanlyOtter
      @GentlemanlyOtter 11 месяцев назад

      Thank you for this very meaningful comment!

  • @minsokkim1108
    @minsokkim1108 2 года назад +53

    So addictive!
    morning & night
    I visit this performance

  • @kittykat-wl9rp
    @kittykat-wl9rp 2 года назад +341

    this remastered version made it feel like June all over again . SO inspiring , he absolutely owns the Rach 3 now . bravo Yunchan Lim 👏🏻👏🏻✨✨

  • @mimiunnie5071
    @mimiunnie5071 2 года назад +184

    This is like a beautiful, heartbreaking dream that I would never want to wake up from...

    • @bupjin1
      @bupjin1 2 года назад +31

      What an artistic response!!!

  • @-sell-
    @-sell- 2 года назад +30

    음질이 확실히 좋아요
    뭉개진달까 그런 소리가 없고 안들리던 음도 들려서 훨씬 다채로운 것 같아요(에어팟 풀 음량으로 감상합니다)
    많은 분들이 음질 개선을 원하셨는데 클라이번측에서 이걸 해주시네요 솔직히 이게 막 당연한건 아니잖아요ㅎㅎ
    몇몇 좋지 않은 댓글이 있는데 해주셨음에 감사히 들어요 우리
    해줘도 난리, 안해줘도 난리인게 좀 보기 그래서요

  • @슈마룡
    @슈마룡 2 года назад +32

    보고 또봐도 감동이 그대로 느껴진다~~

  • @kesookyoon4821
    @kesookyoon4821 2 года назад +52

    들어도 들어도 더욱 빠져 들게 하는 임윤찬씨의 연주, 정말 라흐마니노프의 곡을 제가 이렇게 빠져 들어서 계속 듣게 될 줄은 몰랐습니다. 그 노력과 열정을 통해 이렇게 감동을 주는 연주를 해 주어 너무 감사합니다.
    늘 건승하도록 기도할게요~

  • @wtsteven
    @wtsteven 2 года назад +127

    An absolute ecstatic performance.

  • @2swimmer_gyeongbuautobahn
    @2swimmer_gyeongbuautobahn 2 года назад +40

    젊고 탄력있고 섬세한 라흐 3번이네요. 감사합니다. 감동적이었습니다.

  • @yspark9528
    @yspark9528 2 года назад +95

    영혼을 담은 연주라.. 여전히 소름돋네요.. 우리 윤찬림 언제나 강건하길 기도해요... 브라보♪♬ 그리고 화질과 음향이 너무 좋네요... 반클라이번 재단에 감사합니다^^

  • @ShinySoil
    @ShinySoil 2 года назад +73

    44:21 His bass sound is fabulous....!!!!! There's an electric guitar sound on the piano.

  • @EkLee-xc5tc
    @EkLee-xc5tc Год назад +23

    At last, I get to attend my very first Yunchan's concert in person at Hollywood Bowl. I have been waiting for this day ever since back in March after I bought the ticket at inflated prices. Don't matter!! Especially, he is going to perform Rach 3 . I have been following his concerts everywhere in different parts of the world, but very rarely performed Rach 3 Bingo we will be treated just that along with Lincoln center performance. I have been viewing and listening countless time this piece. Thank you Yunchan you make this 87- year-old man without any classical music training very, very happy, now back to your Rach 3 7th time this morning!
    Stay well , and enjoy your life in your Neck of the wood New England , Fall in that part of the U.S.A. will inspire you.

    • @GentlemanlyOtter
      @GentlemanlyOtter 11 месяцев назад

      Did you see him in Boston performing Rach 3?

  • @chickchirick
    @chickchirick 2 года назад +307

    Никогда не мог представить что гражданин Кореи,будет интерпретировать музыку С.В.Рахманинова лучше большинства европейских и русских пианистов..БРАВО!

  • @sangchoi3532
    @sangchoi3532 2 года назад +36

    34:00 경 이후 두분의 케미가 멋있고 정감있어요. 윤찬군의 손동작은 톡톡튀면서도 멋스런 클리스탈 클리어 사운드를 냅니다. 브라보~♡

  • @idokdokorea
    @idokdokorea 2 года назад +18

    Bravo 👏 Bravo 👏

  • @hyh7006
    @hyh7006 2 года назад +27

    역시 다시 봐도👍👍👍👍👍 완전한 몰입에 이르네👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • @cinebabe
    @cinebabe 2 года назад +50

    어떻게 들어도 너무 아름답습니다

  • @버스터필리
    @버스터필리 2 года назад +44

    43:42 피아노가 호소하고 있다. "건반이 모자라 !!" 피아노의 영혼을 먼지까지 탈탈 털어 끌어낸 연주입니다.

  • @jinpie4312
    @jinpie4312 2 года назад +210

    I don't know how it's possible but the sound is even more brilliant than before! Glad they fixed that one part where the sound cuts out. This must've been what it felt like to be there in person, it was breathtaking!

  • @gentlemen4070
    @gentlemen4070 2 года назад +103

    The most beautiful and breathtaking moment I've ever heard and seen in my wholelife.

  • @bobbiecat7139
    @bobbiecat7139 2 года назад +49

    I do not know why, but I am in love with the UNmastered version. Don't ask me why. It just sounds less "tinny and echoey" to my uneducated ear. I feel the emotion more in the original version than the remastered one. Either is, of course, glorious🙄

  • @waltz01
    @waltz01 2 года назад +30

    영상볼때마다 느끼는건데
    빈자리 너무 아깝다...

    • @JL-uo5uv
      @JL-uo5uv 2 года назад +9

      코로나 확진되서 아쉽게 못갔다는 분이 많네요

  • @thomgeo8073
    @thomgeo8073 2 года назад +24

    GENIUS ❤❤❤

  • @bettycotton4323
    @bettycotton4323 2 года назад +51

    Saddened by the interference of Yunchan Lim's performance by this darkened version of his masterful performance and the constant ad interruptions of his beyond excellent playing of Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No.3. So enjoyed the original version of Cliburn's presentation. Why ruin Lim's presentation with this one? Sound is excellent but thought the original one was also! When something works to the adulation of the audience as the numbers of "Likes" showed, why fix it this way...makes no sense to me! Anyway, you can get back to the original version we all fell in love with?? This is not about the music, sound is excellent, viewing suffers! Sorry, but this is my two cents worth...others may disagree!

  • @wittenedward3657
    @wittenedward3657 2 года назад +93

    Wow. crystal clear sound!

  • @yeaha560
    @yeaha560 2 года назад +12

    매번 들어도 눈물이 난다

  • @jenjennylovya
    @jenjennylovya 2 года назад +24

    멋져요❤ 감명받고 가요!

  • @김나미-s4x
    @김나미-s4x 2 года назад +26

    너무 소리가 아름답네요

  • @fredericchopin7538
    @fredericchopin7538 2 года назад +25


  • @rollercoaster1154
    @rollercoaster1154 2 года назад +38

    차에서 들으니 한음한음 어찌 이렇게 또렷하고 맑은지... 어떻게 집에 왔는지 기억이 안날정도예요~^^👍

    • @Hewau-fj5zz
      @Hewau-fj5zz 2 года назад +9

      Please drive carefully ^^. You might trance into unconsciousness.

  • @idseungmo89
    @idseungmo89 2 года назад +15

    Bravo to those musical adventurers. I have almost no experience to classics. When music ended, I realized it could be irrelevant.

  • @limyou2929
    @limyou2929 2 года назад +33

    리마스터링 버전 감사합니다. 이러니 유료를 고민하게 되지요. 훨씬 고화질에 음질도 그럴거라 생각하니 두근두근 고민고민.
    화면이 어두워 눈이 아파 소리로만 들었는데도 정말 좋습니다 소리에 더욱 집중되고 감동이 배가됩니다.
    임윤찬 피아니스트가 언제 어디서든 행복한 연주자 되시기를 진심으로 응원하겠습니다.

  • @Bellair20
    @Bellair20 2 года назад +53

    이게 말이 돼?!
    매일 듣는데, 오늘 또 눈물이!!!!
    너무 아름다워도 눈물이 난다는 ..
    바로 그 감동의 눈물…
    참고로 저는 6월부터 계속 이러고 있습니다. 😂

  • @gigicreater
    @gigicreater 2 года назад +33

    임윤찬 Rach No.3 항상 내 마음속에 저장~ 😘💾

  • @ganchinho
    @ganchinho 2 года назад +13


  • @b.kwanmin3367
    @b.kwanmin3367 2 года назад +20

    One of the best **ever**

  • @릴뮤션
    @릴뮤션 2 года назад +15

    치는 것이 아닌 몇 백년 전 사람이 되어 연주하는 것이다 !

  • @lamyuns
    @lamyuns 2 года назад +70

    A stirring performance. Pathos, technique and a wonderful connection with Conductor Alsop make this performance video so addictive. Thankful for the remastered version!

  • @josephinejung6353
    @josephinejung6353 2 года назад +23

    보고 또 봐도 참 좋네요!

  • @ssy495
    @ssy495 2 года назад +46

    오케랑 피아노 밸런스 good. 피아노 소리 더 또렸하게 잘 들리네요. 반클라이번 감사합니다

  • @nyaunt1796
    @nyaunt1796 2 года назад +329

    Amazing! This is way better than I expected! Bravo Yunchan bravo Cliburn! Now let me ask you to remaster everything that Yunchan played 🙏🙏🙏

  • @sydneyk3979
    @sydneyk3979 2 года назад +182

    Thank you so much Cliburn! I was so touched by remastered sound! Now I'll be watching this forever!!!

  • @freeandgentletv6403
    @freeandgentletv6403 2 года назад +9

    오늘도 연주 듣습니다.

  • @버스터필리
    @버스터필리 2 года назад +21

    38:56 윤찬의 라흐마니노프 연주를 듣다보면 은하수에 밝은 별들이 똥똥똥 떠 있는 모습이 생각나요. 오마이갓 ^^

  • @오잉-i9s7e
    @오잉-i9s7e 2 года назад +28

    오늘이 토요일이라서 더욱 좋네요~~♡
    여유롭게 듣고 있어요~~💕
    듣고 또 듣고~~
    벌써 3번째 😍😍😍

  • @burningbush01
    @burningbush01 2 года назад +31

    심장이 멎는듯

  • @미가루-l6d
    @미가루-l6d 2 года назад +50

    Hidden sounds and his touchs now unveiled, so exciting again!! I can feel the emotion that he might be wanted further more. But what a great perfomance.

  • @cslee7192
    @cslee7192 2 года назад +45

    Thanks for the noticeable increase in clarity. A new realm of experience well worth savouring again and again. The quietness in between the notes are equally stunning..

  • @Grace_2028mh
    @Grace_2028mh 2 года назад +52

    클라이번 감사합니다🤗 임윤찬 역시 감동 그자체😍😍 건강과 행복을위해 기도합니다

  • @버스터필리
    @버스터필리 2 года назад +38

    음향 리마스터링 미쳤네요. 클라이번 고마워요 !!

  • @채희-b2e
    @채희-b2e 2 года назад +67

    crystal-clear touch and sound~~wow !!!👍👍👍

  • @suzy7417
    @suzy7417 2 года назад +282

    Thank you Cliburn for quality sound. However, it’s a pity that the screen is way too dark and yellow making it hard to see the details. It’s so much more moving watching Yunchan, Marin and the orchestra perform this masterpiece.

    • @davis187
      @davis187 2 года назад +27

      I agree with you.

    • @aug28th8
      @aug28th8 2 года назад +18

      I feel sound is little bit weird, too....just volumn is better. So I don’t know why we need so many versions.. i am confused...😂😂😂

    • @박올리비아-t4x
      @박올리비아-t4x 2 года назад +9

      아름다운 향연입니다

    • @ilheehahn
      @ilheehahn 2 года назад +7

      I love to hear original sounds

  • @marstyracat
    @marstyracat 2 года назад +31


  • @mosaicim3265
    @mosaicim3265 2 года назад +130

    Thanks so much for the Cliburn's remastered version of Yunchan Lim's Rach 3. Using headphone the sounds were perfect!

  • @wspaik2
    @wspaik2 2 года назад +24

    피아노 연주가 너무나 아름답습니다!! 최고의 연주이네요. 감동입니다. ^_^