LifeSword3 from WLL here, if you intend to do logi you're more than welcome to spawn in Cannonsmoke (Red River). We manage the town there and have transformed the parking lot into a container yard. The general idea is that anyone can participate as it is all public and it doesn't matter if you're solo with a flatbed truck or a regiment with a train because there's always something to do. It's also conveniently close to the factories and refinery so it shortens the travel time and there's plenty of cranes to move containers around. Finally, if you're a beginner looking to learn logi, there's always people online there willing to talk and help you so don't be afraid to ask questions !
My advice is to avoid piling too many crates in your private stockpile. You got over 60 crates in your stockpile - send it to the front! They're no use gathering dust.
My preferred LOGI Loop: 1) First I salvage using a Flatbed Filling my “Personal” Refinery for Basic Materials, Explosive Materials, and Heavy Explosive Materials… Later in the War, I need only top-off the EM and HEM as they take so much longer than the BM Refining… 2) I Flatbed the Refined Goods over to Seaport or Storage Depot… I do this to control better what resources I pull for crafting later... 3) I then empty the Mass Production Factory (via Flatbed) of the previous days Products and store them at the Seaport. I Check what Resources I need for the days Mass Production run, Pull them and Flatbed them over to Mass Production Factory…
4) Swap to a Truck and craft until I’m out (or at my Reserve Limit) of BMs stored in the Seaport/Depot… 5) I then swap back to my Flatbed and load up on products to be ferried to a Seaport/Depot nearest the Front I think “needs it the most”... I try to listen to chat and read Map Notes to determine who needs stuff the most… Mouse over target Seaports/Depots and verify supply levels… I do this until my Personal Stockpile is empty or at Reserve Level 6) Back to STEP 1 I try and produce what seems to be in demand from my limited intel (Map notes and Chat) and from what I can see in inventories on the map… If the Storage I'm pulling from is not too busy I will pull from PUBLIC stocks and move them to the front…
Freerk tutorials for how things work from technical side, Robert tutorials for how to apply that knowledge into the game and help the faction the most. You both compliment yourself beautifuly
A couple days ago I decided to learn how to logi (from one of your videos, I think) and had a lot of fun. I spent a good few hours listening to music while doing the loop. I didn't know about back/front being separate, however. Thanks for the video!!
Your next video should be on Battlefield logistics. You can save a ton of logic time by saving equipment from despawning on the battlefield. It's one of the main things I do when I play
This comment probably won’t get noticed, but I wanted to say thank you. I bought foxhole because of your videos and my interest in logi. I spawned in cannon smoke and I started driving one of the small trains (which I found interesting from watching your videos) from the salvage mines back to the refinery, and there were a lot of friendly people there willing to assist me and commend me. Without your videos I would have spent hours figuring out what to do 😂. Cheers.
I try to respond to every comment :) and that’s awesome to hear! Thanks for sharing that! And I love small train salvage runs! So relaxing! Thanks again for sharing that, really appreciate it! Cheers!
@@RobertLovesGamesGot really hooked over the weekend and after 50 hours I have advanced quite a bit haha. The flatbed has been really serving me well, today alone I made roughly ~30k public bmats! Plus around 90 crates of guns and grenades which went right into action defending The Latch ;)
Protip for new players. IF there is an MPF in town, check it they almost always have crates of R1s and Flatbeds. Take it to the seaport/depot and you have a truck. Please don't hammer trucks manually in the backline.
For anyone stuck on what to make, here's what I did to get started: Make a little bit of everything, put it in public in the seaport, and keep an eye on it. If something disappeared then it was wanted, make more. If something sits there, you may have wasted your time by making it, so don't make more. In time you'll get a feel for how much is enough of something just from experience. Basically, don't be afraid to break some eggs.
This is to all new players, returning players, casuals and curious players, when one side is losing consecutive wars, this is not a new phenomenon and actually happens frequently due to a variety of factors and is will iron itself out eventually. All that matters is enjoying your time playing, the relationships you build and the learning experience. I recommend if you’re new to try out something different every war, do logi one war or maybe frontline another, build a facility the war after that or even start a clan with the friends you made along the way. This game is so much more then 2 sides fighting a war- so have fun and make some friends along the way!
Lol Robert looking at that leaderboard made me realize you probably made more crates in your 2 wars with the 27th then I made in 26 wars with them. Ah well, at least I use a lot of those
I do a little of everything to keep things interesting, just over 2000+ hours and I’m still a Lt 😂 my favourite thing to do is frontline building and fighting, currently working on building ships in the backline as that is something new I’m learning.
Nice! Love to hear that! I think playing all kinds of roles is important for enjoying this game. And that sounds like a fun new thing to learn. Thanks for sharing that!
Amazing video planning to spend part of my thirsty Thursday stream learning logi for a bit this helps so much. I feel like I waste shirts ammo and guns so much 😅
That's awesome! Enjoy the relaxing logi time! And don't worry about it each life is only 8 bmats and bmats are easy to make! It's the transporting that takes the real work!
Thank you actually for not including every button press. No disrespect to freek, I know some new players do need it, but even when I was new I was pulling my hair out trying to get to the meat of those super specific guides lol. Also with what you mentioned about 27th, it'd be super interesting if maybe you made some videos highlighting other regiments and "special" systems/things they do idk how to explain it.
I actually enjoy just logging on and loading up the refinery with public Bmats and Emats if I see any full mines on the map. It's a nice brake from satisfactory and the scale I need to think at over there 😅
As a mostly new solo player. I've bin playing medic. partly because I'm still unsure on the aiming system. But I've had interest in logi. This video was very helpful.
Man, I might need to go back someday. I thought I had won Foxhole just like I won EVE before it ... but the lure of "just a couple million supply value more" is strong with this one.
the only tip i have always park you vehicle in designated area, do not simply leave truck or flatbed next to road ,especially at the junction or at the front of factory/mpf. or just use the storage depot to store your vehicle. not always do backlines logi, nowadays with train backlines logi kinda bit easy.
2:52 As a random logi player, in my perspective, i perfer to make gas masks and filters than wrenches and binoculars. Besides, bayonets and AT mines are also in heavy demand in frontline.
I do gas masks and filters more during mid war and late war. I think wrenches, binos, and radios are good basic things to make for new players because you can never go wrong having more of those on a front. And I'm stubborn because I never make bayonets because I hate getting killed by them on the frontline :D Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this!
You can store Crates in a depot or Seaport to save in public or private stockpiles. You can switch the crates into pallets by submitting the crates into the inventory of an individual pallet and hauling the packed pallet in a flatbed (or shipping multiple pallets by ship). By pallet it is more easily accessible by artillery crews, but can be destroyed, and the pallet must be cleared away when they are done firing. Additionally, where you deliver the pallet must have a crane to take it off the flatbed transport.
Depends. If you want to fill a pallet that’s either empty or has 150 shells in it. Or taking the shells to a depot or seaport for storage until further use. You just walk up to the pallet and hit submit all But yes you can also transport them with a normal hauler. Also please don’t put them in relic bases or bunkers as draw time makes it impractical, is more efficient to just bring a new pallet of shells
You need a pellet which can be made from a small assembly pad, then you grab a flatbed truck which is made from a vehicle facility, then you take your empty pallet on your flatbed truck to a large ammo facility and load the pallet either by hand (not recommended) or a small train with flatbed carts attached to it
How can I play the game for 32h now and watch dozen of your videos. But just realized, i have not subscribed. That how focused I am on the content and how foxhole really resonate with me😂
Maybe some day. They are kind of complex and I am honestly still learning about them as well. Best thing to do is find a regiment that focuses on facilities and learn from experts in game. That is also a good way to learn building. I will try and come up with something in the future for a possible facility video!
Hey Robert! I don't know if you've covered it in previous videos, but you should mention the mod(s) you use, including the one that changes the colors for different item types. I've found that it helps me locate and understand items in a menu much better than the default icons.
Thanks for the video! Say you log in to the game, how do you check what logi type is required? How do you learn that there is too many Backliners and not enough mid/frontline deliveries and vice versa?
No problem! To know what logi type is required I would say requires "skill" and having just played for while. Then you start to see what is needed. And you never really know if there are to many or not enough of each type. So you have to do your best to figure it out. Sorry for the late response! DM me on discord if you have any other questions!
Three points: 1) If this video is aimed at new players, you should either mention you've got a mod to colour-code your interface, or disable it. Newbies won't understand why it looks different for them, and it may trip some up, thinking they did something wrong. 2) I respectfully disagree on avoiding the MPF. It would have been preferable if you explained that the MPF is the most efficient way to craft supplies in bulk, which, if they're doing such logi loops for a longer time, they will eventually do anyhow, just less efficiently. May as well explain that the bigger the batch, the cheaper it gets. 3) While solo logi in the backline IS an option, it is much better to do group up. Also, don't just submit to public. Make a reserve stockpile for faster pulling, call it Fastpull or something like that, and put up a signpost with the code.
Robert did a good job balancing the two factions' cultures. Numbers 2 and 3 don't work for the warden side and culture. Why #2 won't work is that MPFs regularly top out at 25/25 and people will try to hunt down individuals running suboptimal queues to get them cancelled, which is unwanted attention for rookies. For #3 there are two problems. One: smaller Warden regiments will simply transfer quickpull stockpiles to their private stockpiles. Two: colonial alts regularly clean out quickpull and public stockpiles of more valuable crates like shirts and 40mm and drive dunnes of them into the seaport waters.
Yo robert I want to get the game but I am worried I would only increase the new player issue with the wardens (I don't want to join the winning side), should I wait or should I just go for it?
Yo! That's awesome to hear! And I wouldn't wait for that reason. If you want DM me on discord and I can set you up with some new clans that can show you the ropes. Or if you want myself or others in my discord can teach you as well! I would not wait just because you are new. We were all new at one time or another :D
Wardens dont have a problem with newer players, we have a problem with lack of experienced players right now. This will normalise in time when people come back from break though: also the earlier you start, the earlier you can get experience and learn
There is certainly a lot to learn at the start but it gets easier over time. Especially if you have someone teach you. It really depends on what you are interested in the most about Foxhole. The combat? The logistics? Feel free to DM me on discord if you have any questions about the game or if you do end up getting it and need help learning the game!
Ha! Same thing happened to me when I first started playing. But I really fell in love with logistics and that's really all I do. Here is the link to the color mod. DM me on discord if you need help setting it up!
Could you give me some examples of what you would like to see from an advanced guide? I could maybe consider making one. Otherwise if you have specific questions I'm happy to answer them on discord if you need help understanding anything!
@ sure! I have rewatched all your logi videos like 3-4 times and I have watched all of Freerk’s logi guide also. I find lots of advice for new people sprinkled in, which is great! But now that I’ve done the pattern for a couple hundred hours I feel like there are some deeper mechanics I don’t really understand that could help a lot. For example, I remember learning that you can make a container at a construction yard and then place it next to the factories so it’s easier to pull crates from the factories. You can dance between the container, the refinery and the factories easier than taking completed crates all the way to the seaport. I use the small gauge trains a lot for a great benefit! It took me a while to realize how to troubleshoot them being out of fuel or the small gauge being out of coal. It’s tough to not get your temporarily abandoned truck stolen by someone with a wrench! But there are strategies! Relock the truck and hide it out of the road, maybe. How come I don’t get commends when I do sea Logistics? I delivered like 4 freighters’ worth of bmats to Farranac and eventually when I complained to someone at the seaport, they couldnt commend me for some reason. Maybe it’s because I just joined the hex? When is it better to use a train vs freighter vs truck vs epic stuff like bowheads and longhooks? I have a degree in economics and I always love seeing overly nerdy breakdowns of that stuff. Like I spent 2 hours on a train to deliver 6 flatbeds’ worth of stuff. I know that a freighter takes like 30-60 min one direction by experience. So there is a threshold when it makes sense to train it vs freighter. Also, how do we account for risk? I got fished while doing sea logi a couple wars ago with the epic ogmaran last stand and I have been traumatized lol. I did not assess the risk properly. Also, driving the ironships is tough! After I learned that I can press spacebar while turning to improve turning rate, it got a lot easier! Also, acting like a tugboat for ironships is a great way to get commends haha. I did it for a week and found that I could use the back of a barge to bump the ironships into the correct direction. I had gas masks and radios; all kinds of fuel. If I saw someone on radar heading to a seaport I had 6 tugboats stationed that I could man using home region teleport. An advanced and specific guide to artillery logistics would be absolutely sick 🤒 How many people are needed for the shells to really flow? How many guns are required at what point in the war? Base remodeling! How many mammons are needed to demo a base you want to change? How to set up a good commend loop? I find putting supplies into a supply depot that’s in a back hex but outside the main area to be commend-profitable. Logi ppl have commends to give!
In factories, refineries, seaports, storage depots, and mass production facilities you will see a little tab that you can click that says personal or public. If you leave it as personal everything can only be used by you. If you set it to public all those resources or supplies will be moved to public so anyone can use them. If that does not make sense feel free to DM me on discord and I can try to explain it better.
After losing 3 refineries in a few days this war I can't even pretend to motivate myself to do anymore logi. The Collies have partisans all the time and we lose so many resources. My personal opinion... I hear my team yelling "push" and never do I hear people say "hold" or "wait for more bmats/builders before we get aggressive." it's just frontal assault over and over till the base is drained faster than logi can supply it. Wardens lead in death count due to this. As well as misleading map pins that tell logi (who are mostly new players) to supply bases which could never be held in the first place. Seriously just back up and hold. We give them fuel to push us when new players bring stuff to a front that shouldn't be used for defending just yet. And I thought that bussing people from a farther back, more stocked up place to the front was a smarter thing, yet I never see busses unless its suicide missions that don't work like I mentioned before. Also, bussing people from the back to the front, can in itself "escort" logi to the front SHOULD that front be ready for DEFENSE, tons of people already geared up jump out of a transporter, and take out the partisan. Everyone just spawns at the action when they could be attacking the rear of the push when they are bussed from outside the action. I'm like a week into this game I thought it was going to be strategy based... lol
Agreed. This war we are constantly pushing but never building up our gains. That is why we are constantly gaining and losing ground in a cycle. I do frontline logi sometimes and started to pretty much ignore logi lists right on the frontlines when there is a base behind frontline that has it's stockpiles almost empty. I saw bunker bases with 500+ shirts and 4k+ bmats fall under slightest pressure, letting all the resources going to waste. But I get it, fighting on frontline and pushing is fun. Digging trenches and building pillboxes not so much. It's detrimental to the war effort, but we also shouldn't forget this is a game meant to be played for fun and satisfaction.
I love being clans too bad there aren’t that many Australian clans logistics is the reason why I love Foxhole X4:foundations and Dyson sphere program these games are pretty much flip-flop behind one time. I’ll be paying Foxhole one time. It will become a rest war but as always glory to Callahan glory to warden Empire and note I believe this video will help so many new players just like how when I was a new player other videos help me so much
I have 99.1% likes on my end. No idea what you might be looking at ha. Yep once players get familiar with factories and how they work then they for sure should check out mpf's. Maybe just don't check them out right away ha!
Not true. A lot of communication and coordination go on in the backline in logistics. It's just more chill and the communication is not constant unless it's a special logistics operation. If you need examples or regiments that do this DM me on discord.
Just scratches a different kind of itch for me honestly. Like when I'm doing logistics in this game I feel like I'm contributing to a real war effort. After playing this game solo player games seem pointless to me. To each their own kind of thing ya know?
I suggest disabling your mods for new player videos. "Looks like this" isn't actually going to look like that for the newbies. Otherwise, lead with a declaration that you are running mods and that's why your screen looks different.
Basically everyone uses mods, some of them are literally required to play the game properly. Instead of showing the flawed gameplay that you get with vanilla, a video explaining how to install mods and which ones to use would be far better
somewhat disagree 1. craft shirts. 2. shirts. 3. shirts 4. more shirts 5. then whatewer xD ...and never craft uniforms ever (way too many of them around always)
@@Ben71246 especially we talking abouth new players here not multi war veterans..thats why i always say newbies No.1 thing is shirts shirts and more shirts. Veterans/regiment pick up what need to do and fill up holes. If you are a new player doing logi and do absolutely nothing just bring shirt/bmats to the front everyone gona love you!
No advice on what do when you disconnect every 45 minutes, losing the items on your person. It bothers me when creators don't even address this stuff, and just leave the noobs to find out for themselves.
I could not disagree more! There's something very satisfying about scrooping the mats, building a tank, equipping it, getting friends together to crew it, and then going up against players who are doing the same. It's a lot of fun! :D
LifeSword3 from WLL here, if you intend to do logi you're more than welcome to spawn in Cannonsmoke (Red River). We manage the town there and have transformed the parking lot into a container yard. The general idea is that anyone can participate as it is all public and it doesn't matter if you're solo with a flatbed truck or a regiment with a train because there's always something to do. It's also conveniently close to the factories and refinery so it shortens the travel time and there's plenty of cranes to move containers around. Finally, if you're a beginner looking to learn logi, there's always people online there willing to talk and help you so don't be afraid to ask questions !
I hope those containers aren't poop boxes.
@@remuluson2904 From my experience, I can say that
respect ✊
Just had one of ur homies teach me the entire backline logi loop, u guys are chill af
You know you're a legit logimen when your enemy damage is barely reaching 3 digits and your friendly damage went past through 5 digits
lol! For real!
I am so ashamed of this. I was a medic first, and then a logistician, and that's how it always works.
My advice is to avoid piling too many crates in your private stockpile. You got over 60 crates in your stockpile - send it to the front! They're no use gathering dust.
Good advice! I would add onto that only make a private stockpile if you know exactly what you are going to do with it.
Agreed. Personally I only use them so I don't have to spend 10 minutes filling a container with public items
Your videos have turned my interest in Foxhole to a borderline obsession... Thank you for this great content!
My preferred LOGI Loop:
1) First I salvage using a Flatbed Filling my “Personal” Refinery for Basic Materials, Explosive Materials, and Heavy Explosive Materials… Later in the War, I need only top-off the EM and HEM as they take so much longer than the BM Refining…
2) I Flatbed the Refined Goods over to Seaport or Storage Depot… I do this to control better what resources I pull for crafting later...
3) I then empty the Mass Production Factory (via Flatbed) of the previous days Products and store them at the Seaport. I Check what Resources I need for the days Mass Production run, Pull them and Flatbed them over to Mass Production Factory…
4) Swap to a Truck and craft until I’m out (or at my Reserve Limit) of BMs stored in the Seaport/Depot…
5) I then swap back to my Flatbed and load up on products to be ferried to a Seaport/Depot nearest the Front I think “needs it the most”... I try to listen to chat and read Map Notes to determine who needs stuff the most… Mouse over target Seaports/Depots and verify supply levels… I do this until my Personal Stockpile is empty or at Reserve Level
6) Back to STEP 1
I try and produce what seems to be in demand from my limited intel (Map notes and Chat) and from what I can see in inventories on the map… If the Storage I'm pulling from is not too busy I will pull from PUBLIC stocks and move them to the front…
Freerk tutorials for how things work from technical side, Robert tutorials for how to apply that knowledge into the game and help the faction the most. You both compliment yourself beautifuly
Thank you! I'm happy to hear that you see it that way that means a lot :D
A couple days ago I decided to learn how to logi (from one of your videos, I think) and had a lot of fun. I spent a good few hours listening to music while doing the loop. I didn't know about back/front being separate, however. Thanks for the video!!
I am an experience logi player with 650+ hours yet I cant stop looking at every single video of you Robert! hahaha
Your next video should be on Battlefield logistics. You can save a ton of logic time by saving equipment from despawning on the battlefield. It's one of the main things I do when I play
That's a good idea! And I do this all the time ha! People call me a loot goblin :D
This comment probably won’t get noticed, but I wanted to say thank you. I bought foxhole because of your videos and my interest in logi. I spawned in cannon smoke and I started driving one of the small trains (which I found interesting from watching your videos) from the salvage mines back to the refinery, and there were a lot of friendly people there willing to assist me and commend me. Without your videos I would have spent hours figuring out what to do 😂. Cheers.
I try to respond to every comment :) and that’s awesome to hear! Thanks for sharing that! And I love small train salvage runs! So relaxing! Thanks again for sharing that, really appreciate it! Cheers!
@@RobertLovesGames You’ve made me an instrument of war!
Having just spent my first five hours in the game hauling crates in the backline, this is a perfectly timed tutorial!
That’s great to hear! And welcome to Foxhole! Feel free to DM on discord any time you have any questions!
@@RobertLovesGamesGot really hooked over the weekend and after 50 hours I have advanced quite a bit haha. The flatbed has been really serving me well, today alone I made roughly ~30k public bmats! Plus around 90 crates of guns and grenades which went right into action defending The Latch ;)
Protip for new players. IF there is an MPF in town, check it they almost always have crates of R1s and Flatbeds. Take it to the seaport/depot and you have a truck. Please don't hammer trucks manually in the backline.
For anyone stuck on what to make, here's what I did to get started: Make a little bit of everything, put it in public in the seaport, and keep an eye on it. If something disappeared then it was wanted, make more. If something sits there, you may have wasted your time by making it, so don't make more.
In time you'll get a feel for how much is enough of something just from experience. Basically, don't be afraid to break some eggs.
This is to all new players, returning players, casuals and curious players, when one side is losing consecutive wars, this is not a new phenomenon and actually happens frequently due to a variety of factors and is will iron itself out eventually. All that matters is enjoying your time playing, the relationships you build and the learning experience. I recommend if you’re new to try out something different every war, do logi one war or maybe frontline another, build a facility the war after that or even start a clan with the friends you made along the way. This game is so much more then 2 sides fighting a war- so have fun and make some friends along the way!
Really useful to see how this all works. Very insightful Rob thanks! 👍
Good to hear! Glad you found it helpful! :D
Lol Robert looking at that leaderboard made me realize you probably made more crates in your 2 wars with the 27th then I made in 26 wars with them. Ah well, at least I use a lot of those
lol! We all have our roles to play :D That's the great thing about Foxhole!
I do a little of everything to keep things interesting, just over 2000+ hours and I’m still a Lt 😂 my favourite thing to do is frontline building and fighting, currently working on building ships in the backline as that is something new I’m learning.
Nice! Love to hear that! I think playing all kinds of roles is important for enjoying this game. And that sounds like a fun new thing to learn. Thanks for sharing that!
Amazing video planning to spend part of my thirsty Thursday stream learning logi for a bit this helps so much. I feel like I waste shirts ammo and guns so much 😅
That's awesome! Enjoy the relaxing logi time! And don't worry about it each life is only 8 bmats and bmats are easy to make! It's the transporting that takes the real work!
Another day , another great video! Thanks robert!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for the support!
Robert coming out with another straight banger
Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed it :D
Thank you actually for not including every button press. No disrespect to freek, I know some new players do need it, but even when I was new I was pulling my hair out trying to get to the meat of those super specific guides lol.
Also with what you mentioned about 27th, it'd be super interesting if maybe you made some videos highlighting other regiments and "special" systems/things they do idk how to explain it.
I actually enjoy just logging on and loading up the refinery with public Bmats and Emats if I see any full mines on the map. It's a nice brake from satisfactory and the scale I need to think at over there 😅
That's awesome! I've had a couple of those sessions as well :D Thanks for sharing that!
@RainbowQueen23 - you mentioned Satisfactory which is one of the few games I will play. Are you satisfied with Foxhole?
As a mostly new solo player. I've bin playing medic. partly because I'm still unsure on the aiming system. But I've had interest in logi. This video was very helpful.
I like these tutorials more then the more in depth ones by freerk
Thank you! I think both kinds of videos have their pros and cons for sure.
Yeah!!! 27th Logi!
Woo! 27th is a great Warden clan to join!
@@RobertLovesGames Amen, brother! :D
oh god the 27th hive mind about to become even larger and more hive-mindy xD
lol! Hope so :D
Man, I might need to go back someday.
I thought I had won Foxhole just like I won EVE before it ... but the lure of "just a couple million supply value more" is strong with this one.
the only tip i have always park you vehicle in designated area, do not simply leave truck or flatbed next to road ,especially at the junction or at the front of factory/mpf. or just use the storage depot to store your vehicle. not always do backlines logi, nowadays with train backlines logi kinda bit easy.
2:52 As a random logi player, in my perspective, i perfer to make gas masks and filters than wrenches and binoculars. Besides, bayonets and AT mines are also in heavy demand in frontline.
I do gas masks and filters more during mid war and late war. I think wrenches, binos, and radios are good basic things to make for new players because you can never go wrong having more of those on a front.
And I'm stubborn because I never make bayonets because I hate getting killed by them on the frontline :D Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this!
The last 20 seconds looked like an ant hive
Some days it's lol
Do i Transport 150mm Crates with normal hauler or How can i Switch them to pallets?
You can store Crates in a depot or Seaport to save in public or private stockpiles.
You can switch the crates into pallets by submitting the crates into the inventory of an individual pallet and hauling the packed pallet in a flatbed (or shipping multiple pallets by ship). By pallet it is more easily accessible by artillery crews, but can be destroyed, and the pallet must be cleared away when they are done firing. Additionally, where you deliver the pallet must have a crane to take it off the flatbed transport.
Depends. If you want to fill a pallet that’s either empty or has 150 shells in it. Or taking the shells to a depot or seaport for storage until further use. You just walk up to the pallet and hit submit all
But yes you can also transport them with a normal hauler.
Also please don’t put them in relic bases or bunkers as draw time makes it impractical, is more efficient to just bring a new pallet of shells
I think most artillery shells which come in pallets come from facilities, as they come out as facilities
Ah ok thank you for your answers
You need a pellet which can be made from a small assembly pad, then you grab a flatbed truck which is made from a vehicle facility, then you take your empty pallet on your flatbed truck to a large ammo facility and load the pallet either by hand (not recommended) or a small train with flatbed carts attached to it
Totally agreed get to know your area it's the same in real life for delivery drivers so that's how I think about it
Exactly! Honestly it's really nice to not have to look at my map every 5 seconds to know where I'm going as well.
How can I play the game for 32h now and watch dozen of your videos. But just realized, i have not subscribed. That how focused I am on the content and how foxhole really resonate with me😂
lol! I love to hear it! No worries about subscribing just glad you are enjoying the game and content :D
Yay! More logi (no sarcasm)❤
Woo! Love doing logi videos :D Means I get to do more logi ha!
What mod/settings are needed to have the menu colors/layout? I see people using these and it looks much better than vanilla
I use this mod right here! DM me on discord if you need help setting it up!
Would you do a tutorial on building facilities? They seem very complex, and tackling them seems a bit daunting.
Maybe some day. They are kind of complex and I am honestly still learning about them as well. Best thing to do is find a regiment that focuses on facilities and learn from experts in game. That is also a good way to learn building. I will try and come up with something in the future for a possible facility video!
Hey Robert! I don't know if you've covered it in previous videos, but you should mention the mod(s) you use, including the one that changes the colors for different item types. I've found that it helps me locate and understand items in a menu much better than the default icons.
I did make this two years agoвидео.html Maybe it's time I made an updated mod video :D
Thanks for the suggestion!
Thanks for the video! Say you log in to the game, how do you check what logi type is required? How do you learn that there is too many Backliners and not enough mid/frontline deliveries and vice versa?
No problem! To know what logi type is required I would say requires "skill" and having just played for while. Then you start to see what is needed. And you never really know if there are to many or not enough of each type. So you have to do your best to figure it out. Sorry for the late response! DM me on discord if you have any other questions!
Three points:
1) If this video is aimed at new players, you should either mention you've got a mod to colour-code your interface, or disable it. Newbies won't understand why it looks different for them, and it may trip some up, thinking they did something wrong.
2) I respectfully disagree on avoiding the MPF. It would have been preferable if you explained that the MPF is the most efficient way to craft supplies in bulk, which, if they're doing such logi loops for a longer time, they will eventually do anyhow, just less efficiently. May as well explain that the bigger the batch, the cheaper it gets.
3) While solo logi in the backline IS an option, it is much better to do group up. Also, don't just submit to public. Make a reserve stockpile for faster pulling, call it Fastpull or something like that, and put up a signpost with the code.
Robert did a good job balancing the two factions' cultures. Numbers 2 and 3 don't work for the warden side and culture. Why #2 won't work is that MPFs regularly top out at 25/25 and people will try to hunt down individuals running suboptimal queues to get them cancelled, which is unwanted attention for rookies. For #3 there are two problems. One: smaller Warden regiments will simply transfer quickpull stockpiles to their private stockpiles. Two: colonial alts regularly clean out quickpull and public stockpiles of more valuable crates like shirts and 40mm and drive dunnes of them into the seaport waters.
8:05 which war is the clip from that looks like a damn nightmare
Think this was actually day one of war 117. The first couple of hours in Foxhole are always crazy like this ha.
Hey so in order to see what a base has/needs do i need to have a radio?
You don’t need a radio to see what a base has. Just hover the base itself. Feel free to DM on discord if you have any other questions!
If i was public scroop runing for the refinery in Scurvyshire, is it midline or frontline logi?
I would personally call that midline logi. I've done something similar in Cinderwick couple wars back.
He said the line " 15 min " !!!
Yo robert I want to get the game but I am worried I would only increase the new player issue with the wardens (I don't want to join the winning side), should I wait or should I just go for it?
Yo! That's awesome to hear! And I wouldn't wait for that reason. If you want DM me on discord and I can set you up with some new clans that can show you the ropes. Or if you want myself or others in my discord can teach you as well! I would not wait just because you are new. We were all new at one time or another :D
Wardens dont have a problem with newer players, we have a problem with lack of experienced players right now. This will normalise in time when people come back from break though: also the earlier you start, the earlier you can get experience and learn
27th love, ma
Love for the 27th!! Great clan to run logi for!
This game looks overwhelming, I seriously wonder if I have the time to learn. How does one have fun as a beginner?
There is certainly a lot to learn at the start but it gets easier over time. Especially if you have someone teach you. It really depends on what you are interested in the most about Foxhole. The combat? The logistics? Feel free to DM me on discord if you have any questions about the game or if you do end up getting it and need help learning the game!
Im new to this game and enjoying it so far just doing logistics since I'm bad at combat.. Why your items have color coding? Are you using mods?
Ha! Same thing happened to me when I first started playing. But I really fell in love with logistics and that's really all I do. Here is the link to the color mod. DM me on discord if you need help setting it up!
Hey Robert do you stream?
I don't currently! My schedule is a bit to busy for that unfortunately.
Please do advanced backline logi guide 🎉!!
Could you give me some examples of what you would like to see from an advanced guide? I could maybe consider making one. Otherwise if you have specific questions I'm happy to answer them on discord if you need help understanding anything!
@ sure! I have rewatched all your logi videos like 3-4 times and I have watched all of Freerk’s logi guide also.
I find lots of advice for new people sprinkled in, which is great! But now that I’ve done the pattern for a couple hundred hours I feel like there are some deeper mechanics I don’t really understand that could help a lot.
For example, I remember learning that you can make a container at a construction yard and then place it next to the factories so it’s easier to pull crates from the factories. You can dance between the container, the refinery and the factories easier than taking completed crates all the way to the seaport.
I use the small gauge trains a lot for a great benefit! It took me a while to realize how to troubleshoot them being out of fuel or the small gauge being out of coal.
It’s tough to not get your temporarily abandoned truck stolen by someone with a wrench! But there are strategies! Relock the truck and hide it out of the road, maybe.
How come I don’t get commends when I do sea Logistics? I delivered like 4 freighters’ worth of bmats to Farranac and eventually when I complained to someone at the seaport, they couldnt commend me for some reason. Maybe it’s because I just joined the hex?
When is it better to use a train vs freighter vs truck vs epic stuff like bowheads and longhooks? I have a degree in economics and I always love seeing overly nerdy breakdowns of that stuff. Like I spent 2 hours on a train to deliver 6 flatbeds’ worth of stuff. I know that a freighter takes like 30-60 min one direction by experience. So there is a threshold when it makes sense to train it vs freighter.
Also, how do we account for risk? I got fished while doing sea logi a couple wars ago with the epic ogmaran last stand and I have been traumatized lol.
I did not assess the risk properly.
Also, driving the ironships is tough!
After I learned that I can press spacebar while turning to improve turning rate, it got a lot easier!
Also, acting like a tugboat for ironships is a great way to get commends haha. I did it for a week and found that I could use the back of a barge to bump the ironships into the correct direction. I had gas masks and radios; all kinds of fuel. If I saw someone on radar heading to a seaport I had 6 tugboats stationed that I could man using home region teleport.
An advanced and specific guide to artillery logistics would be absolutely sick 🤒 How many people are needed for the shells to really flow? How many guns are required at what point in the war?
Base remodeling! How many mammons are needed to demo a base you want to change?
How to set up a good commend loop? I find putting supplies into a supply depot that’s in a back hex but outside the main area to be commend-profitable. Logi ppl have commends to give!
what is personal vs public options?
In factories, refineries, seaports, storage depots, and mass production facilities you will see a little tab that you can click that says personal or public. If you leave it as personal everything can only be used by you. If you set it to public all those resources or supplies will be moved to public so anyone can use them. If that does not make sense feel free to DM me on discord and I can try to explain it better.
Avoid private stockpiles unless you are actively using those supplies or intend a big shipment via shipping containers. Private stockpiles lose wars!
Agreed! Only use them if you have an active plan with what you are doing with them! Don't let supplies go to waste!
rip Charlie
At 8:05 the truck look like ant navigating
After losing 3 refineries in a few days this war I can't even pretend to motivate myself to do anymore logi.
The Collies have partisans all the time and we lose so many resources.
My personal opinion... I hear my team yelling "push" and never do I hear people say "hold" or "wait for more bmats/builders before we get aggressive." it's just frontal assault over and over till the base is drained faster than logi can supply it. Wardens lead in death count due to this. As well as misleading map pins that tell logi (who are mostly new players) to supply bases which could never be held in the first place.
Seriously just back up and hold. We give them fuel to push us when new players bring stuff to a front that shouldn't be used for defending just yet. And I thought that bussing people from a farther back, more stocked up place to the front was a smarter thing, yet I never see busses unless its suicide missions that don't work like I mentioned before. Also, bussing people from the back to the front, can in itself "escort" logi to the front SHOULD that front be ready for DEFENSE, tons of people already geared up jump out of a transporter, and take out the partisan.
Everyone just spawns at the action when they could be attacking the rear of the push when they are bussed from outside the action.
I'm like a week into this game I thought it was going to be strategy based... lol
i fell your pain, then I remember you are warden and it goes away. That said you do have a point. Knowing when to supply is important.
Agreed. This war we are constantly pushing but never building up our gains. That is why we are constantly gaining and losing ground in a cycle. I do frontline logi sometimes and started to pretty much ignore logi lists right on the frontlines when there is a base behind frontline that has it's stockpiles almost empty. I saw bunker bases with 500+ shirts and 4k+ bmats fall under slightest pressure, letting all the resources going to waste.
But I get it, fighting on frontline and pushing is fun. Digging trenches and building pillboxes not so much. It's detrimental to the war effort, but we also shouldn't forget this is a game meant to be played for fun and satisfaction.
Before 1.0 i used to make a container of stuff and drive it to the front next day but kinda lost the will to play after 1.0
I love being clans too bad there aren’t that many Australian clans logistics is the reason why I love Foxhole X4:foundations and Dyson sphere program these games are pretty much flip-flop behind one time. I’ll be paying Foxhole one time. It will become a rest war but as always glory to Callahan glory to warden Empire and note I believe this video will help so many new players just like how when I was a new player other videos help me so much
Why so many dislikes (50%)?
7:00 MPF should be used right after checking out factory, it's just a bigger factory with with 40% discount
I have 99.1% likes on my end. No idea what you might be looking at ha.
Yep once players get familiar with factories and how they work then they for sure should check out mpf's. Maybe just don't check them out right away ha!
@@RobertLovesGames Yeah, for me it shows 1076 likes and 2630 dislikes. Very weird.
Sounds like riveting gameplay
I love it :D
@@RobertLovesGames the annoying thing is, I bet I would too. :D
a shame. It seems the only role you play as a team and talk to each other is as a soldier
Not true. A lot of communication and coordination go on in the backline in logistics. It's just more chill and the communication is not constant unless it's a special logistics operation. If you need examples or regiments that do this DM me on discord.
At this point on war 117 every colonial logi is back line 😭
lol! The logi is spread thin right now on the Colonial side!
LostKirbyDog.png 7:58
How dare you not mention FMAT 😢
Sorry! I haven't played with FMAT in long long time. I think it's time for me to return and play with them once more!
@@RobertLovesGames YES! We would love to have you in war 118!
I haven't played this game and don't get it... I already got a job. Where's the fun in grinding a loop?
Just scratches a different kind of itch for me honestly. Like when I'm doing logistics in this game I feel like I'm contributing to a real war effort. After playing this game solo player games seem pointless to me. To each their own kind of thing ya know?
I suggest disabling your mods for new player videos. "Looks like this" isn't actually going to look like that for the newbies. Otherwise, lead with a declaration that you are running mods and that's why your screen looks different.
Basically everyone uses mods, some of them are literally required to play the game properly. Instead of showing the flawed gameplay that you get with vanilla, a video explaining how to install mods and which ones to use would be far better
somewhat disagree 1. craft shirts. 2. shirts. 3. shirts 4. more shirts 5. then whatewer xD ...and never craft uniforms ever (way too many of them around always)
I would say tanking and medic uniforms are important but otherwise I agree
@@Ben71246 especially we talking abouth new players here not multi war veterans..thats why i always say newbies No.1 thing is shirts shirts and more shirts. Veterans/regiment pick up what need to do and fill up holes. If you are a new player doing logi and do absolutely nothing just bring shirt/bmats to the front everyone gona love you!
500 boomastones
Agreed. So long as shirts and bmats are available in nearby seaports, the front will last.
*24 MPF queues of officer uniform*
No advice on what do when you disconnect every 45 minutes, losing the items on your person. It bothers me when creators don't even address this stuff, and just leave the noobs to find out for themselves.
wow, to start a mmo game with the most boring stuff, it's not very attractive. I wonder how you still have logi players. What is the fun in that?
Something about it I find relaxing. Reason I got the game. To each their own I guess ha
some minds derive pleasure from logistical efficiency
There are more players than you'd think that like logi! It's very satisfying to supply a front with goods
I could not disagree more! There's something very satisfying about scrooping the mats, building a tank, equipping it, getting friends together to crew it, and then going up against players who are doing the same. It's a lot of fun! :D
Bruh, I usually respect other people, but that's just wrong opinion